
Is he right?

Jason and Wyatt lock eyes for just a moment as Katie walks away.

“What’s your problem?” Jason hisses.

“I just stated it.”

“Don’t you trust Katie?”

“Yes.” Wyatt grits his teeth. “It’s you I don’t trust.”

Jason scoffs and spins on his heel, following after Katie.

Wyatt watches them leave and just stares at the door as it closes. He hadn’t wanted to get as upset as he had…but was it always going to be this difficult? Had he been wrong to pursue Katie’s affections at a time like this? It just seemed so awkward with Jason constantly in the mix. Wyatt was impressed with Katie’s sixth sense, but it drove him crazy to think that it was a harmful quality as Jason’s problems continued.

Sighing in frustration, Wyatt trudges to the door to leave for the night.

Jason wants to tell Katie how neat her car looks, and wants to compliment her choice. But the mood seemed to have been broken. He’s silent as he slips into the passenger seat and buckles himself in. Only as they’re pulling out of the parking lot does he speak. “Is he right, Katie? I know I’ve been more of a burden than Reese intended. I don’t want what’s happening to me to cause so many problems, and if Reese knew, he’d probably let you go to another case. I know tonight isn't going to be an easy night either...not with what's been going through my mind all day... and...I don't want to put you through anything you shouldn't have to. ”


*Katie looks from Wyatt to Jason back to Wyatt again. Puting a hand on his arm she looks at him.* "Wyatt I am ok really. I got some fruit, and..." *For a moment Katie cringes at herself for lieing but she feels its a must to stop a fight from going down.* " Got some stuff to help Jason sleep too so She should be ok tonight and I can get some sleep as well." *Katie continues to look at Wyatt.* " I'll be ok I promise Wy." *Katie looks away.* "Now both of you stop throwing your Male egos around and lets go. Standing here isent helping me eather." *KAtie makes her way to the door.*


Wyatt’s jaw tightens just a little in a rare moment when he allows his frustration to show. “Yeah, well, my Dad has hardly seen you all day like I have, and I say you need a break.”

Jason’s eyes narrow slightly at the challenging tone. “You got a problem, Wyatt, just say so.”

“The only problem I have is that Katie hasn’t slept in two days,” Wyatt states flatly. “I’d much prefer if you were out of her hair for a few hours than going back to the hotel now and starting your crap all over again.”

Jason stands up a little straighter, cocking his head, his stare showing surprise and annoyance. “I commend your heroics, but you do realize that Katie has a mind of her own.”

“And a very fine one,” Wyatt counters. “But everyone needs a break, and I say you’re coming with me – alone.”

Jason bristles, both at the tone, and the idea of going to the mall. “Shopping can wait until tomorrow.”

“Then we’ll go just sit somewhere.”

“No. I’m going back to the hotel, and going to bed.”

“So you can just have another bad night and keep Katie up again?” Wyatt frowns. “I thought you’d be more considerate than this.”

Fed up, Jason glares at him. “Don’t make me pull rank on you, Wyatt.”

I would rather

*Katie looks from Wyatt and than to Jason back to Wyatt again. Know if Jason needed new clothing he would have to go to the mall.* "Well I would feel better if I went to. I mean your dad did say I needed to stay with Jason."

Change of plans?

Jason offers half a smile, not wanting to make a big deal out of the flower. It was the only way he knew how to let her know he’d really been sorry. But she certainly didn’t have a reason to be. “Don’t apologize…I deserved it.” He locks eyes with her, allowing his thoughts and emotions to be laid bare. “I feel like crap.” He forces a wry grin. “But what else is new?” He shakes his head. “Naw, my stomach and head have settled down a bit…I’m just tired and want to get this day overwith.” He holds up a filing folder. “Which is coming up fast.”

The rest of the afternoon does go fast, and soon it’s time to leave for the night. Jason makes his way across the main floor to meet Katie at the door, figuring since Hal’s truck is still in the shop, that he’ll be forced to be driven by Katie. He’s proud of her for getting her own car, but it does feel a little funny to be driven around.

As they’re leaving though, Wyatt catches up with them, ready to go as well. “Hey, you two. Listen, Jason, I know you’ve got some running around to do – you mentioned needing to go buy some clothes and such. How about I take you?” He gives Katie a sidelong glance. “And you can wait back at the hotel for us.”

Thank you

*Katie enters Jason's office and smiles.* " Hey J. Thank you for the flower. Its very pritty. I just wanted you to know I am sorry for being strong with my words before. I was just worryed. I dont want anything to happen to you." *Katie searches Jason eyes for a moment.* "How are you feeling?"


Wyatt thoroughly enjoys his time with Katie, disappointed when they have to return to work. “Don’t worry. If Dad says anything, blame me.”
Walking Katie back into TJY, Wyatt returns the hug before watching her go her own way. He sighs deeply, not knowing if he should interfere or not. Perhaps he could have his own backup plan…

Pull out of it Jason…you know you can…your mind is playing tricks on you…it’s not real…. Jason struggles between reality and a vague world of skewed memories. He sits at his desk, staring at his papers, having been caught off guard again by a rampant memory, brought on by a name in one of the files. He scrunches his eyes tight, fighting the memory before it can erupt into a full fledged flashback.
The knock at the door is just what he needs, propelling him back to his office. He looks up quickly. “Yeah, it’s open.”


*Katie smiles and nods.* " How about I show you the car and than we take your Jeep." *Katie heads to the door and outside with Wyatt. Walking over to her new car she smiles and points.* "This is it. Scott really helped alot." *Katie beams as she shows Wyatt the sun roof and every other little gadget it has. After she is done still beaming and full of energy again Katie stands and makes her way with Wyatt to the jeep.* " I am starving." *As the time goes by Katie has a very enjoyable lunch with Wyatt. Joking and teasing eachother, talking about the new car. Everything stay peacful in Katies mind and it feels good. The peace and quiet means Jason was doing well too....Finally after they are finish Katie relized 2 hours have gone by.* "Wy do you relize we have been here for 2 hours." *Katie cant help but laugh. Standing to streach she says.* " I guess we should get back before you father thinks I took a vacation on his time." *Its dosent take them long to get Back to TJY. Before going back in Katie goes to her car and peeks in the window smiling. It was hard to believe she had her own car now. When she is done she heads inside. One in she parts ways with Wyatt gives a small kiss and hug. Heading back to her desk. Once there she see the flower and smile. Katie's heart cant help but melt when she see it. Placing it in the water with the other one Katie heads to Jason's office and knocks on the door.*

Giving In

Wyatt raises his eyebrows, hearing the crash in Jason's office as well. But seeing Katie make no move to go back there, he doesn't make it his concern. Instead, he gets up and slings his arm around Katie, aiming her for the door. "Don't worry about it, alright? I'd rather you be late than not come at all. And I'm dying to see this new set of wheels you got." He gives her a squeeze as they get closer to the door. "But I'm only letting you drive if you promise to stay awake - you're as beautiful as ever, but your eyes aren't lying."

Jason raises his head from his desk, realizing that he'd dozed off. Surprisingly, he'd experienced no ill-effects from sleeping. Perhaps exhaustion did eventually override the nightmares.

Looking down, he realizes that he'd been in he middle of some paperwork that Reese needed that afternoon. He tries to concentrate, but his mind continuously wanders. He keeps thinking about what happened earlier...Katie's words thrown at him...the way he was treating her... it didn't make him feel good.

Sighing, Jason stands to get into his filing cabinet, attempting to clear his mind, but it didn't help much. Guilt was too busily at work in order for him to think of much else. Since all this started, he'd been concerned about being a burden to Katie...it was bad enough that he couldn't have made it through the night without her, and then to have laid upon her the added pressure of his health because of his own stupidity... it wasn't fair. He was being hypocritical, and he knew it. She was right...the flashbacks he'd have to work through...the depression he would have to trudge through...but his health was a responsibility he could handle right now. If he continued to neglect himself, Katie would have even more to pay attention to, and she didn't deserve that.

Jason slams his filing drawer shut in frustration. He didn't like the feeling of having his pride shattered, but right about now it was. He'd been an idiot...again. He still couldn't bring himself to share with anyone but Katie...she was the only friend he really trusted...and he still felt miserable...but if it would make Katie's life easier, he needed to start getting his act together if only in this one small area. Somehow he needed to get through this bout with the past again, but for now...at least he had one thing he could do.

Flopping back down in his chair, he picks up the phone, rolling his eyes that he can't leave and go do this task himself. But Reese wasn't about to let him leave the building alone.
He dials and waits...one rose, delivered to the gate to be taken to Katie's desk, with a simple note. "Sorry."


*As Katie is standing with Wyatt she can hear the comotion in Jason's office and knows his temper has goten the best of him. Normaly she would of run to him. But she wasent giving into his childish behavoure. Katie trys to smile down at Wyatt.* "Ya I do still want to go out. I need to show you my new...." *Katie winces as she hears shattering glass and another bang in Jason's office.* "....car." *Katie lets out a long tired sigh.* "I just need to get away a bit too and who better to be with than you. You know how to make me smile Wy. Sorry I was a bit later than planed." *Katie trys to hold her smile the best she can not leting this set back rune her good mood.*


Jason lifts his head as Katie speaks, the raw tension reflected in his cold stare. Her words hit below the belt, but he had nothing to say. He watches his office door close, the anger inside of him building. He was angry at his situation, angry with what could not be helped, and angry with himself. A paperweight on his desk receives the brunt of a curse as he snatches it up and hurls it through the air. It hits the wall with a loud bang, hard enough to shake the structure and send one of his picture frames to the floor, shattering the glass into a million pieces. Knowing he was wrong, and feeling stupid, Jason groans. He gets up and kneels down next to the frame, carefully picking the picture out from the bits of glass. It was a photo of him, Con and Austin on a fishing trip they'd taken over a year ago. It had been a rare time to get away from work and relax on a weekend.
Jason sinks down further, leaning up against the wall. His mind brought to light memories of that trip. He could say he'd enjoyed his time...even had fun. But had he even been himself then? He recalls all the conversations he'd had with Katie back in Texas, and his admittance that he didn't know who he was...he'd gotten so used to wearing masks that he never had really been truly himself. Then he'd thought he was rediscovering that...he'd made progress. But now...it was all coming back again. He was closing himself off from the world again, out of desperation. He didn't want the others to know about his problems. He didn't want them to know about his flashbacks or how he couldn't sleep at night. It felt so childish...
He had to conquer this...he had to do it on his own.... he had to...

Wyatt's eyes show an element of disappointment, but he gives Katie a smile, laying a hand on her shoulder. "I know. Laura told me. ....you still want to go out?"


*Katie looks at Jason sternly* " Dont start the poor me trip Jason. If you would take care of youself and your sugar you wouldent need a babysitter. Your doing this to yourself. I can understand the flashback, and I can understand being depress, but your sugar is in YOUR hands no one alses. And you try cuz its life, and its what you love to do. I'm going to lunch now. And I will buy you some fruit and cheese to keep here and at the hotel." *Katie turns and leaves Jason's office making her way to Wyatt's. Laying a hand on his shoulder.* " I'm sorry I am late." *Katie eyes reflext she is truly sorry.* " Realy." *Katie smiles.*


Jason allows Katie to help him to his office, not in he mood to create any more of a scene and too tired to care. Sinking down in his office chair, he leans forward on his desk, hiding his face in his arms. "Good ol' Hotshot," he mumbles. "Has to have a babysitter...can't function...can't take care of himself...can't do his job...why do I even try."

Laura heads back to her cubicle, stopping by Wyatt's desk on the way. "You're probably waiting for Katie. She'll be right out. Jason just passed out and we had him in to see Rick."

Wyatt raises his eyebrows. "Is he alright?"

"He will be, if he starts taking care of himself, the idiot." Laura rolls his eyes. "I care too much about him - he's got me worried. But if Rick can get him to straighten up, he'll be fine."

Wyatt watches Laura leave, and lets out a slow sigh. Jason. Again.

Back to the office

*Katie nods at Rick.* "Ya I can." *Katie glances down at her watch. She was ment to be meeting Wyatt right now. Katie hoped he would wait alittle bit longer for her.* "Come on J lets get you back to you office. When I am out I'll get some fruit and my car will just have to wait to see you till after work." *Katie puts Jason's arm around her neck and helps him up slowly.* "Thank you Rick." *Katie and Jason make there way to his office.*


Rick continues to check Jason over, but suddenly Jason's body begins to shake.
"He's going into mild shock." Rick stops what he's doing and tries to lift Jason off the floor. "Katie, Laura, help me get him into my room, now."

It takes some effort for the three of them to get Jason the short ways down the hall and onto the table in Rick's office. Despite a slim frame, Jason's 6'8" height makes it none too easy.

Rick works quickly, preparing several syringes and gives Jason some shots, trying to get him to calm down. "Come on, Hotshot," he speaks quietly, "tell me what's wrong..."

It take several minutes for the shots to take effect, and Jason slowly begins to relax, his breathing slower and deeper. Rick checks his pulse, blood pressure and blood sugar, just trying to figure out what exactly had happened.

Laura stands by, her face pale as she worries about her friend. She'd noticed he hadn't been feeling well, but had just figured with everything going on she wouldn't have felt well either. All she could do was pray he was okay.

Wyatt sits back in his chair and looks at his watch again. Strange...he'd seen Scott...but Katie hadn't come by. Had she changed her mind about lunch?

Jason's eyes flutter open and he squints in the light up at the faces around him. Not knowing where he is, he sits up quickly, putting a hand to his head.

"Whoa, Jase, take it easy." Rick lays a hand on his shoulder. "You're alright. Just take a minute."

Jason blinks and brings Laura, Rick and Katie into focus, finally realizing where he was. "What happened?"

"You passed out." Rick sits on the high table and shines a light in Jason's eyes, having him follow his moving finger. "Good thing Katie found you or else you might have had some permanent damage."

Jason frowns, not understanding.

Rick sighs. "Jason, how long have you been sick like this?"

"I don't know...a few days maybe."

Rick rolls his eyes. "I'm here for a reason you know. Are you that stupid not to come see me before you kill yourself?" He shakes his head, the gentle reprimand hanging on his tone. "Let me guess... You've had severe headaches, nausea, can't keep food down..."

Jason nods lamely, for once not finding enough energy to argue or even pretend he's fine.

"Uh-huh." Rick nods. "If I had readings like these I'd probably feel the same way." He taps his clipboard. "Your blood sugar is way out of whack, your blood pressure is in the danger zone...and have you been taking anything for your headaches?"


"On an empty stomach."

"I guess."

Rick keeps himself from rolling his eyes, but he lets out another sigh. "And you wonder why you get sick? You've got a better brain than that." He stands up to put away some of his supplies, but keeps talking. "How's your emotional state?"

"What?" Jason frowns, unsure how to answer that one.

"Look, it's no secret that losing your house and more isn't the easiest thing in the world. I also know you worry about your mother. I also know that you had to give up your dog." Rick turns around and crosses his arm, having no problems with being this blunt. "Emotions can wreak havoc with one's physical system, Jason. Ulcers can form because of stress and worry. Heightened emotions can cause blood pressure to skyrocket. How long has it been since you've had this much trouble with your sugar?"

Jason shrugs, finding it hard to even argue. "It's been a while."

"The last time I had you in here because of your sugar, you had an excuse - it was five years ago and you didn't know you had a problem. What excuse do you have now?" Rick doesn't let him answer. "You need to relax, Hotshot, before you kill yourself. From here on out, I want you to watch your diet, and for pete's sake, eat some fruit regularly instead of candy all the time. Candy's sometimes a must for emergencies, but you shouldn't be having emergencies that often. And don't tell me you haven't used that cure - right about now your sugar's high enough to last a normal person a week. The problem is that instead of keeping yourself on an even keel, your levels are going like this..." He creates a severe mountain range in the air. "...As far as your blood pressure goes, you just need to settle down those nerves of yours, and I think you'll find your headaches start to go away too." Rick reaches to his counter to grab a small device. "And I want you checking your blood sugar often until you get yourself back into a healthy routine."

"Aw, Rick..."

"Don't 'aw' me," Rick counters sternly. "You do as I say or I'll go over your head and request Reese put you on medical leave. Now you eat better, stop taking meds on an empty stomach, relax that brain of yours, and come back in a week to show me what your sugar levels have been doing." Rick glances Katie's direction. "Think you can make sure he does all that? I don't trust him to do it himself."


*Kneeling down next to Jason still Katie stays calm.* " I'm not sure. I just got back and when I cam in here he was siting there. It looks like he threw up whatever he had eaten. I know he's been having problems with his sugar. He might of let it get to low and than eat to fast. He tryed to stand up when he saw me, and he got dizzy and passed out. Thats all I know." *Katie watches Rich and Jason intently hoping he will be ok.*


Laura is walking down the hall with some papers, and hears Katie’s call. Moving quickly, she opens the bathroom door, her eyes widening. “What happened?” Without waiting for a response, she yells down the hall to Rick who had just disappeared around the corner. “Rick! Get over here, pronto!”

Rick stops in his tracks and jogs in her direction, sensing the urgency. “What is it?”

Laura points.

Rick is quick to enter, and kneels down next to Katie. He checks Jason’s pulse and eyes quickly. “Katie, what happened? How did you find him? How long has he been here?”


*Katie grabs Jason and calls for help. Decieding she needed to take him to the medicle room to get looked at. His sugar must have droped.*

Something wrong

Scott is taken completely off guard by Katie’s hug, and just stares at her as she walks ahead of him into the building. A delighted smile reaches his face and he saunters into the office...though tripping over the doorjam on his way in.

Jason lifts his tired eyes to see Katie. He forces a scoffing laugh. “What? Don’t I look okay?” He leans against the wall, reaching up to try and get himself up off the floor. Making it to his feet though, the room begins to spin. He staggers as everything starts to go dark. Bending over, he tries to shake it off…he had to have simply gotten up too quickly. But his body refuses to pay heed to his will, and lets go.
Passing out, Jason sinks to the floor once again.

Are you ok

*As Katie drives up in front of TJY she parks her new car and jumps out. As Scott exits his Katie runs over to him and Hugs him.* " I LOVE IT. Thank you Scott for coming along." *As Katie bounces along she enters TJY and makes her way to Reese office, Singing as she enters and gingles her keys.* " I need...a parking pass please." *Katie does a spin as she exits and looks around for Wyatt not seeing him she makes her way to the bathroom to freshen up. Oping the door she see Jason on the floor.* " J...what happend are you ok?" *KAtie bends down next to him.*


Wyatt glances at his watch as his stomach growls. He grins to himself, just hoping that Scott hasn’t done anything too idiotic. He hoped Katie would be able to find a car…he could tell it was something that would make her feel good.

Jason eyes Jamie warily, catching the subtle reprimand. He forces a slight laugh. “Yeah…I should probably try to eat some lunch if I can scrounge up something leftover in the break room. Hal said there was an extra sandwich there if I wanted it.” He finishes his piece of taffy, his energy returning somewhat. “Thanks, Jamie. Appreciate it.” He stands up and heads to the break room.
Once there, he finds Hal’s extra sandwich and takes it to his office. He wasn’t all that hungry, but if he didn’t eat something, he’d be having trouble the rest of the day.
Alone again, Jason’s mind wants to wander, but he desperately tries to keep it in check. He can’t have an episode now…he’s made it half the day…he has to make it through the rest. Try as he might, though, images start popping up and he combats the emotions fiercely.
Finished eating, Jason leans back in his chair, trying to shift his mind in another direction. Work. The cases he’s supposed to be working on. The paperwork Reese needs to have done. More Advil…Jason puts a hand to his head, frustrated with his headache. He needed to call Terry to find out how Trooper was working out. He needed to get some responses back to Susanne. He needed to…
Jason is suddenly yanked from his train of thought as his lunch decides not to stay down. With barely enough time, he makes it out of his office and to the bathroom before throwing it up. After several minutes of physical distress, he groans in frustration, sinking to the floor as he tries to recover.

Email to the staff at TJY:

Hey, y’all, shhhh…..don’t let Jason know about this email! Con has been brainstorming and wants to know who all would like to be involved.

We all know Jason lost a lot in the house fire, and obviously most of it can never be replaced. But as an act of friendship from the staff here at TJY, Con thought we could all chip in and try to get Jason something that would help lift his spirits. It’s not much, comparatively speaking, but music is a little-known passion of Jason’s, and along with the fire, he’s lost one of his pastimes, which is playing his guitar and writing music. Con would like to try and buy a new guitar for Jason, if the staff can help.

At this point, Con doesn’t know what kind of guitar Jason would want, or what the best option is. (Katie, I’m going to need you to do some sleuthing for us, if you’re in on this!) But in the meantime, until we get that straightened out, email Con directly to let him know if you’d like to help, and we’ll see if it’s even a possibility.

Remember…don’t let Jason know!


Cindy feels warm and fuzzy all over again as Wes’ lips touch hers, and she smiles up at him. “You’re too good to me, Wes…but thank you.” She watches him leave and sighs in content. Her world back in Nevada had fallen to pieces in her absence. But it just didn’t seem as bad when she had all of this here.



*Katie nods and smiles. She hasent felt this good like she has accoplished something in a long time. Linking arms with Scott in a friendly way Katie heads after the sales man a bounce in her step.*

*Jamie continues to write on some paper.* " You should stop skipping lunch that would help a bit." *Jamie gives Jason a side long glance enough so he knows she has noticed his change in eating.* " ANother good thing is keep hard candy in your pocket so if you need it you have it." *Jamie smiles.*

*Wes smiles and nods* " Good, I dont deal well with regection." *As Wes stands he puts his cup in the sink and walks back over to Cindy planting a small tender kiss on the lips and looks into her eyes. His own eyes dancing.* "I'm so happy I got to meet you Cindy and I can call you mine. You truly are a gift from heaven." *Standing again Wes streches and looks at the time.* " Well I better get to work. If you need anything sweet heart you know where to find me." *As Wes exits he looks back one last time to see Cindy and smiles.*


Scott grins. “She’s a beauty, I’ll give you that.” He looks back and forth between Katie and the car. “I think you two were made for each other.” He leans over and squints at the price. “But…I don’t know…” He gives the salesman a sidelong glance. “I’m pretty sure that you could get a better deal on this model on the other side of town.”

The salesman throws his arms up in the air. “Alright! I give up! You two come inside and I’ll give you a deal you can’t refuse.”

“Really?” Scott throws a wink in Katie’s direction. “I guess this gentleman wants to sell you a car. You better go find out about this incredible offer.”

Jason nods to Jamie, taking the candy gratefully. Starting to feel dizzy, he accepts the chair offered, sitting down shakily. “Thanks.” He bites into the taffy, and takes a deep breath, trying to settle his body down, while attempting to continue his controlled body language. “I didn’t used to have this kind of trouble, but lately my sugar level keeps bottoming out on me.”

“Laura, you’ve got a call.”

Laura picks up her phone. “Hello?” A smile creases her lips. “Hey, bro. To what do I owe this pleasure?” She laughs. “Okay….yeah, I got time… what’s up? ….Uh-huh….I’m not sure, quite honestly… no, he seems alright, but I’m not convinced…. Yeah….it’ll be okay…. Hmm?” Her eyes light up at Con’s idea. “Oh, that would be great! He’d be so surprised…what a good idea. …well how….hmmm…yeah…I’ll have to get Katie or Wyatt in on it so they can find out the details…. Yeah…oh, yes, I definitely think it’s a good idea…”

Cindy looks at Wes gratefully. “Maybe you’re right…I should probably call him tonight and just talk with him about this… Though…” She catches his eye. “No matter what…I haven’t changed my mind about you.”

Hot Wheels

*Katie cant help but giggle as she watches Scott fight with the chair. Scott maybe clumbsy and he may make people worryed, but he was a great guy and no matter what carryed himself well. After a while of looking around and listing to what Scott had to say about the cars Katie thinks. There was 1 car that stood out the honda civic si. Katie nods to Scott. And walks back over to the jet black car.* " I really like this one. I believe this is the one I want." *Katie looks to Scott for aprovil with the make, price, so on.*

*Jamie smiles at Jason and opens her desk draw pulling out some salt water taffy.* "Here ya go will this work? My sister sent it from PA." *Jamie hands the taffy to Jason and relizes how pale his face it.* "Are you ok Hotshot? You dont looks so well." *Jamie pulls out the other chair thats at her desk and points to it.* " Sit for a moment before you pass out."

*Wes smiles as nods.* " I understand where your coming from. But maybe what he really does need now is his mom. I am sure he is worryed and feels like he is losing you. He's been the man who helped you since he was born. Now a new guy is in his life and he probley feel like he is being replaced. Which by no means is what I am trying to do. Or if you dont feel you should go to see him, maybe a phone call to talk or a letter might help." *Wes smiles at Cindy a loving wormth in his eyes. The question he wanted to ask Cindy was tugging at the back of him mind waiting to come out. But this was not the time. Not till he new Jason was ok with it.*

Car Lot

Jason looks up from his desk to simply give a short nod to Katie as she comes and goes. At least he knew she was now going out of the building. He’d have to be extra careful, and not allow anything he did to bring her back before she was ready. He felt bad enough the way it was that she’d have to watch him again tonight.

Scott glances up from his cubicle desk, a grin spreading across his face. “Yo, Kat! You ready?” He grabs his own keys and throws on his jacket. “Lets go get you some wheels! …” His shoelace catches in one of his chair’s casters, tripping him as the chair follows him to the cubicle entrance. “…after I get rid of this set of wheels,” he mutters, hopping on one foot until he can free his shoe. “There. Alright. Yes, lets go.” He leads the way to the exit, holding his head high like he’s big stuff.
Once on the road, Scott taps his steering wheel thoughtfully. “Well, we got Smith’s dealership down on 20th Street, then there’s the Motor Plaza across town, and there’s Pete’s Used Cars…but I like using an acronym for that one, so I think we’ll avoid that.” He grimaces. “Let’s go to the Motor Plaza…they’ve got everything.”
It doesn’t take long for Scott to get them to the dealership, find a salesman and begin to browse. Scott doesn’t let the salesman do much of the talking, already knowing far more than the average customer and telling Katie all about the cars they walk by. Though normally clumsy and nerdy around the office, Scott handles himself like a pro around the salesman, putting him in his place about prices that are too high, or about engines that aren’t really that great.
After they’ve made several turns around the lot and test driven several cars, Scott stops and looks to Katie. “Well, what do you think?”

The salesman interrupts. “Might I suggest…”

“No.” Scott cuts him off, still looking at Katie. “If your baby ain’t here, we can look somewhere else, though there was that one you seemed pretty fond of.”

Jason wipes his face with a towel, finished with his workout on the lower level. At least here he had the resources to keep his body active, distracting his mind for just a little while. Closing his locker though, he realizes that his hands have begun to shakes. Stupid…he’d had no breakfast, and lunchtime had come and gone. Rolling his eyes at himself, he quickly heads back upstairs, his knees starting to grow weak as his body begins to crash. He can feel how his body’s vulnerability affects his mind, as the mental barriers are weakened as well, lending cause to the need of getting sugar fast. His headache he’s had all day intensifies.
He stops at the first desk he comes to, pasting a smile on his face. “Hey, Jamie…” He leans on the cubicle wall. “You don’t happen to have a piece of candy lying around here somewhere, do you?”

Cindy takes Wes’ hand in both of hers, lifting it to rest her cheek against. “I’m not worried about you not waiting for me…I could never be.” She sighs, enjoying the warmth of his hand. “…I’m not sure I should go to Nevada though… I don’t have any place readily available to stay…and I’m not convinced that Jason would really want me around right now. He…he didn’t sound so great when I talked to him last. I mean…I think he’s pretty upset about losing the house, as I am, but…” She lifts her eyes to meet Wes’. “I…I got the feeling he wasn’t so thrilled about us…maybe it’s best if I just give him his space and let him work through things on his own.”


*As Katie is wrapped in Wyatt's arms she looks around the room relizing everyone is looking at them.* " I guess we drew alittle attachen huh." * Katie cant help but laugh.* " I think the only really big thing I need to worry about coming back from is Scott's blunders." *Katie cants help but laugh again as she draws away from Wyatt.* "Well I guess I better get some work done so I can go get my car at lunch." *Katie gives Wyatt a kiss on the cheek and heads to her desk.*

*Wes sits with Cindy and sips his coffee.* " Why dont you go and visit him? I bet it would help reasure you he is ok. And it has been a while you have been without him." *Wes puts his hand on Cindy's* "I'm not going anywere I'll be waiting for you. Always a call away. So if your worryed about that dont be."

*Time flys by pritty fast as Katie looks at the clock on her desk. Its 11:50am and Scott will be looking for her soon. KAtie finishs up what she was typing and save her files. standing she takes the typed up papers and heads to Reese office droping them off to Susane. After leaving Katie stops at Jason's office and knocks on the door entering alittle.* " J, I am going to be heading out now. If you need anything call me ok. I wont be gone long." *Closing the door behind her Katie heads to try and find Scott.*


Jason is grateful that Katie remains quiet about his own position, and only for Wyatt's sake does he interact with a layer designed to keep others from questioning his emotional state.

Once at TJY, he heads to his office without saying much, greeting others with a smile on his way, arousing no suspicion about him at all as he even teases someone good-naturedly. Getting to his office though, the downward spiral starts all over again. Trooper isn't there. Not even bothering to sit down, Jason grabs his phone. "Reese? Where's Trooper?"

"Terry had to come earlier than expected. He went ahead and took him since he was ready."

Jason's heart sinks even lower. "Oh."

"We'll hear from him when he's ready to come back."

"Yeah...thanks..." Jason hangs up. The one last thing he'd had left was no gone. And he hadn't even had a chance to send off Trooper to the other handler. He sinks down into his chair, suddenly feeling very alone. Work lies on his desk...paperwork Reese apparently left for him that morning...but he has no motivation to even look at it. He grabs the Advil instead, downing several pills for his headache. Pausing his racing mind, he thinks for a moment, doing his best to stay on top of things.... Katie was going to look for a car, then meeting Wyatt... Jason had to be okay while she was gone... he couldn't ruin her day again.

Without any warning at all, a long forgotten memory emerges to flash an ugly picture in front of Jason's eyes, sending fear reeling through his mind. He shoots up from his chair, ready to fight the adversary before him


Jason jerks his head towards the door, staring at Susanne, his eyes wide.

Susanne chuckles. "Sorry, Hotshot. Didn't meant to startle you - you must not have heard my knock."

Immediately, Jason blankets himself with the appearance of being relaxed and amused. "No worries. What is it?"

"Just need you to go through these files on a case Reese is on."

"Sure, just leave them here with me." Alone again, Jason lets out a long breath. That had been close.

Wyatt smiles and dares to put his arm around Katie's shoulders to give her squeeze. "You bet. If you survive going to look for a car then you deserve to be taken out for lunch..." He looks up thoughtfully, teasing her. "Of course...I'd want to take you out anyway, but that's beside the point."

Cindy looks up at Wes, giving him a smile. "Morning." She sighs wearily. "I don't know... just trying to sort through my plans I guess. Worried about Jason...I don't know..."

New Day

*Katie cant help but laugh at Wyatt. She had come to love his humor, and his friendlyness. It was somethin she new Jason lacked, and hoped onday he would find it.* "Its ok Wy. No harm done." *Shaking her head alittle as Jason puts up yet another mask and lies about how he really is Katie say nothing. She new from his look he wasent going to hide from her anymore. but was that enough to conker this? Katie trys to smile and grabs her stuff ready to go. Before exiting she takes a servalence of the room to know where every detail is so when she gets back she can tell if someone was in the room or not. They had alread informed housekeeping they only wanted the room cleaned once a week on friedays.*

*The ride to TJY is a bit quiet as Katie glances at Jason in the back seat every once in a while. Katie keeps up conversation with Wyatt about kind of car she's going to be looking at and asks Jason now and then for his imput though he dosent look much like talking. Once they are at TJY Katie lets Jason go off on his own knowing inside TJY he is safe. Turning back to Wyatt she gives him a hug.* "We still going to do lunch after I get back from the car dealership?" *Katie smiles up at Wyatt a small hint of tiredness in them.*

Deliberate Mask

Jason looks at Katie a bit dumbly, not quite awake yet, and still unable to fathom how none of this had bothered her. "Alright..." He watches her leave, then sighs before attempting to stand up and limp to the bathroom to take a shower.

Finally dressed and just finished lacing up his boots, Jason sits on the edge of his bed for a moment to regroup. He had no idea what he was supposed to do now. He couldn't remember what had happened in the night, though he knew it had been rough and at some point he'd finally been able to rest - most likely because of Katie. He hated it that she had to be put through that...he was sure she hadn't slept at all because of him - it was the second night in a row he'd caused her to lose sleep. It wasn't fair to her. But what could he do? He'd already come to the conclusion that there was no way he could stop her. She cared too much to just let him go. The only way he could help her was to get through this problem.

Then what about everyone else? Jason couldn't let Reese find out about this... If he did, Jason would be forced to take medical leave, and that was the last thing he wanted at this point. Wyatt's knowledge that he was struggling was bad enough, though he was pretty sure of Wyatt's silence.

Jason knew what he had needed before...his experience with Adam had taught him a lot, as did what he went through during his kidnapping to overcome his mental battle. He knew that he had needed time out, and had needed to walk back through the memories slowly to face them as scenes that could no longer hurt him.
...But it was different this time. There was more going on than just flashbacks...more circumstances beyond his control that were tearing apart his livelihood... and the combination was deadly. The nightmares were worse - they combined his past and the recent events, involving those around him that he cared for. The flashback he'd experienced yesterday had been different....almost as if it had been driven by his imagination on top of a memory, making it more vivid.
Jason knew the past could not hurt him...he knew that his memories did not have to control him... but what happened when he already knew that and the pattern came back for round two? He recalled Adam's words....he'd said that if Jason were ever to become emotionally distraught, or if any memories that had not been revisited were to be resurrected, that Jason might very well go through a similar experience and have to deal with it again. ...and that's exactly what was happening. But it was different...and he had to find a different way to deal with it, and fast, or it was going to destroy even more than it already had.

Jason stands up and grabs his wallet off the dresser, taking a moment to run his thumb over the words etched into it. He could not hide from Katie. She was one person who not only could see through his masks, but who somehow prevented him from even trying to use one with her. And she was the only one he could trust with his problems.... it was time to accept those facts and give in to them rather than fighting them. He could not let anyone else into this part of his life, lest it be used against him...and it was embarrassing to say the least. He was Hotshot at TJY...and being this vulnerable certainly wasn't living up to that name.

Making his decision, Jason finishes getting ready and exits his room with forced alertness. Until he knew exactly how to deal with this new mental battle, he only had one course to travel.
As he walks into the suite's living room, he sees Katie ready to go and waiting. He opens his mouth to say something, but a knock at the door interrupts him. On guard, he cautiously approaches the door and listens intently, ready for anything. He grips the doorknob and turns it slowly, silently cracking the door just enough to see out. Relieved, he steps back, allowing Wyatt to enter.

Wyatt gives him a wry grin, realizing by the look on his face that he'd caused a bit of concern. "Sorry. I was going to call before I left home, but forgot, and then I was already on my way. Figured I'd give you guys a lift." He throws Katie a smile. "Unfortunately my damsel in distress isn't going to be distressing anymore after today. I'm going to have to find another excuse to see her if I can't keep giving her rides."

Jason forces a grin to his lips, letting go of his true feelings and immediately assuming a completely confident and relaxed role, opposite that of what he's really feeling.

Wyatt turns to him with a look of question. "How are you holding up?"

"I'm fine." Jason shrugs casually. "Just a little bump in the road yesterday. I'm alright now, thanks."

Not being able to see through Jason's expertly positioned mask, Wyatt nods. "Good to hear. Y'all ready to go?"

Jason glances at Katie. As easily and quickly as one might blink, his eyes reveal his exhaustion and mental anguish, proving only to her that he's not alright. His brief look conveys a message he knows will be received - that he may be hiding from Wyatt, but not from her. Unable to voice any of this though, he turns back to Wyatt, immediately falling back into his other role so smoothly and skillfully that no one would ever have noticed the instantaneous change. "Looks like it. Lead the way."



*Katie smiles at Jason.* " Stop saying sorry all the time would ya. You dident do anything wrong. It's what I am here for. Its what friends do." *Katie streches and ruffles Jason's already mess of hair.* " Why dont you hope in the shower than we can head over to work. I have to get as much done as possable before lunch than I am going about geting a new car. We need to ride around in style you know." *Katie exits the room and ehads to the bathroom to freshin up. Moment later Katie is done and finishing puting her clothing into her dresser in her room waiting for Jason to finish up.*

*Groggy Wes makes his way to the mess hall. entering he grabs a cup of coffee and heads to the table Cindy is at. Giving her a kiss on the forhead Wes sits down.* "Morning Butifule. Whats planed for today?"


Jason can feel Katie’s arms around him…can feel her touch against his skin, bringing a comfort only she can give. Her soft voice is soothing as Jason’s mind races with thoughts of everything that’s happened the last few days, along with his past. The tears slowly begin to subside, until his eyes are dry and pure exhaustion has set in.
The sleep assumed is a strange rest, as if an invisible veil keeps the memories and images from invading, if only for a few short hours, allowing his mind to drift freely, empty of horror, safe in protective arms.

Dawn breaks. Small streaks of sunlight find their way around the curtains, casting light into the room. Jason stirs. Ever muscle in his body aches, and he doesn’t even want to move. But as alertness seeps into his consciousness, he begins to realize where his head is lying. Opening his eyes, he knows he’ll never admit that he’s never felt in a more comfortable position. But an element of embarrassment overshadows any relaxation. Jason’s not even sure what happened during the night. He knows he’d had one of the worst nightmares ever, and he vaguely remembers Katie coming to him. But after that it was a blank.
His face reddening just a little, he rights himself, rubbing his face wearily. “Aw, Katie,” he mumbles. Not able to remember everything, he just hoped he hadn’t said or done anything regrettable. At the very least, he’d put Katie in an awful position. He wasn’t even fully dressed. “I’m so sorry.”

Cindy sits in the mess hall with a coffee mug cradled between her hands. She’s one of the first ones up, and finds herself alone. The night had been long. She hadn’t gotten much rest…she’d thought of her son almost all night, and still wasn’t sure why. She’d thought of him…thought of her house being gone…thought of the future. What really was going to happen now?

Little Help

*Katie wraps her arms around Jason and holds him as he crys. Gently she runs his back and his head softly speaking.* " Its going to be ok Jason I promise. I'm here for you.* " Katie continues to rub Jason's back and comfort him.* "Let it out hun. I'm here." *Katie glances out the window and watches the clouds move away from the moon and the light shines in. Gent;y Katie rocks Jason humming to him.*


Jason holds Katie's hand in a cold vice grip, his eyes scrunched tight and wincing as the images fly in his direction. He hears a voice...the voice so soothing...the voice that has drawn him out of so many other nightmares...
Then it feel as if someone has taken a hold of him to yank him from one world into the next. His eyes fly open, his breathing still fast and shallow. He swallows hard, as none of his surroundings want to come into focus. He feels a hand in his and slowly loosens his grip. He's wet and cold, shivering and unable to control his racing heart. Emotionally, all he can feel is pain. He knows he's awake, and gradually realizes where he is and who he is with, but reality still feels just out of reach.
He's finally able to uncurl himself despite his muscle's resistance, and he manages to groggily prop himself up on an elbow, trying to look up and bring Katie's face into focus. He's unsure if it's the dark or poor vision that makes it difficult. Squinting, he makes out her features, and he sees the tears in her eyes.
Emotionally overwhelmed already, realizing her compassion shown through her eyes is like a title wave, roaring in to wipe out any barriers he has. Whether in a weak moment, or torn by his nightmare, Jason's wall crumbles in front of Katie. Like a disappearing fog, the forced expression of control vanishes, leaving his eyes open and vulnerable windows into the pain he's experiencing.
Before he can overcome it, the tears come. He chokes on a sob as the emotions spill forth. Without even thinking, he lets his arm give way, sending his head to rest in Katie's lap, his face buried against her. The tears flow...the emotions surge through him violently enough to make him shake, and he draws closer to Katie for protection, wanting only for the torture to end.

Wake from this dream

*As Jason toss and turns in bed Katie hops up off the floor and onto the edgh of the bed. Gently she puts her hand on Jason's arm.* "J, wake up come on..." *A tear rolls down Katie's face as Jason toss in his sleep. Katie remembers in church the pastor had talked about how God answers everyone who prays. Closing her eyes she says her own silent prayer.* {Dear lord please hellp Jason. Take these dreams from him once again and show him he can over come it. Please calm his sperit so that he will be torchered no more.} *Kaite continues to hold Jason's hand.* "J its ok...I'm here for you Jason. Fight aganst these nightmares, and over come them again. Remember what Adam said please." *Katie felt so lost when Reese asked Katie to be Jason's bodyguard she wondered if he new Jason needed to be saved from himself as well. Katie new being there helped Jason but helping him recoved when he dident want it was another story in itself. Katie watches her friend trying to wake him from his dream.*

Three o'clock

Jason numbly takes the rest of the candy bar and east half of it before putting the rest on the nightstand. He resists her help getting into bed at first, but finally relents, too tired to fight right now. Still shaky, he flops his head down on his pillow, resting on his side to face where Katie sits down. His body feels sick, his mind in torture. Exhaustion drags him in the direction of sleep, but fear keeps his eyes glued to the wall as he fights the memories that are trying to get in the door. But resistance is futile. His eyes slowly, slowly drift shut....

...Jason runs with all his might. His feet pound the sidewalk, but his destination does not near. He can hear footsteps behind him. They are ones he fears...they only walk, but gain on him. Panic shoots through his veins. He dodges down a dark alley and back out onto another street, just to end up back at the house he feared so much. Suddenly Alex is no longer behind him, but coming out of the house with anger in his eyes. "Get inside!" he orders.
Jason turns to flee, but his muscles don't want to work. He can't move. Alex's sinister voice reverberates in his ears. "You can't escape, Jason...I'll always find you..."

"No!" Jason writhes in bed, soaking the sheets with sweat, his pulse racing beyond control and his muscles beginning to tense to the point of shaking. He curls up in a tight ball on the corner of the bed, desperately trying to pull himself out of his dream as his breathing grows shallow and he's in danger of passing out from shock.


"Yep I should of just let you die right?" *Katie shakes her head* "Ya I dont think so J. You can fool everyone alse with your masks but me. I'm not as stupid as I look. Now finish eating this." *Katie hands the rest of the candybar to Jason. Even though Katie cant see Jason's eyes she can see his emotions. His pain, everything he has worked at with Adam was being tossed out the door. Katie wondered if Jason new he was harming himself more than anyone alse could. Standing in a squating postion Katie trys to help Jason up onto the bed.* " Jason you need yous strength. Get some sleep. I know you dont want to cuz of the nightmaires, but I also know you sleep better when I am here." *Katie slides down next to the bed and leans aganst it.* "So her I am. Dont bother arguing with me. It wont do any good so you might as well just do it."


As Katie comes and goes the first time, Jason isn't even sure what's happening. When she comes back, his eyes can just make out a form lowering down next to him with an outstretched hand toward him, the spoken words not quite registering.

Fear still clinging to him, he lashes out to grab Katie's wrist, his fingers in a locked hold, fighting her for just a moment. Bringing her face into focus through the dim nightlight though, he quickly lets go, dazed and confused. Sensing the candy being offered, something in his subconscious finally makes it through to signal himself that he needed it. The form was Katie, and she was helping him not hurting him. Taking a bite, he leans his head back against the bed, totally exhausted. But the sugar takes effect almost immediately, heightening his senses and bringing him further into a state of alertness. He tries to get up but gives up, simply stretching his legs out in front of him and staying beside the bed. A muttered statement slips out under his breath, more depressed than upset. "I told you not to come in here...you shoulda just left me alone." Daring to turn his head, he catches Katie's eye with a stare that is hollow...it lacks the life that was there just days before...there was no hope in his gaze, only a dark hole that was swallowing up his life.

He knows that his actions and words towards her have been less than what a friend should do, but he doesn't want to feel anymore pain....feeling numb is easier...it hurt less.
And yet...his heart cried out for help. He was trying to overcome all of these obstacles that were tumbling in front of him at once, and he was failing.

As he looks at Katie, the nightlight catches his attention and for a brief moment, he's sucked back into a world apart from reality, into that dark room with a small light his only comfort. Shuddering, Jason doesn't want to even admit how severely this problem has returned for even these little things to trigger those horrid memories. Fear and anger creep into his veins as the realization comes to light that it is worse than it was before.

His emotions start to slip. He'd worked hard all day at building up that wall and had succeeded with the final touches only hours before. But nothing affected him like these flashbacks and nightmares. They were like weapons of war that could destroy anything in its path, his heart and mind left vulnerable and open on the battle field. And nothing threatened his own barricade like Katie's presence did.

The raw emotions pool behind Jason's eyes, and he draws his legs up to his chest in an act of nervous security, half of him wanting Katie just to leave him be in his misery and half of him feeling as a child not wanting to be left alone in the dark. The night no longer held comforting rest...it loomed in front of him like a dark cave with unknown dangers lurking inside. If he slept, he would suffer.


*Katie sighs as Jason slams the door in her face. Trying not to let it bother her she heads to her bed to write an email.* {Dear Jade, How has everything been? I'm doing ok. So that guy I told you about Wyatt? Well we started seeing eachother now I think. lol. He's so sweet Jade. I was to bring him out sometime so you guys can meet him. How is everyone doing? I havent hurd from my aunt in so long. Well I better get to bed. Take care Jade. -Katie}

*Katie lays in bed for several hours not being able to sleep. Finally as sleep it knocking at Katie's door she shoots up from Bed JASON. Climbing out of bed she heads to the door. Stoping for a moment she hesatates. Katie new she had a job to do not to mention Jason was her friend she couldent leave him. Opening the door gun drawn she see Jason laying on the ground in the not normal nightmare position. Going over to him Katie tilts his head and looks into his eyes. Than checking his pluse she gets up and walks into her room grabing a candybar. Going back into her room she grabs a candybar. Going back to Jason she sits next to him and put the candybar to his lips.* " Eat this J your sugar is low."

The night

Wyatt gives Katie and encouraging smile. Her wanting him to meet her family made him feel good…wanted. “I’d love to meet your aunt sometime.”
After sitting for just a few minutes in quiet, Wyatt takes the initiative to move on. “If you want to come along, I’m going to go inside and start making some calls about where you two will stay tonight. I know Jason was going to do it, but I don’t want to put any more undo pressure on him.” He rises and offers Katie a hand up. “And might I suggest you packing a few things? You’ll be able to get back here okay, but you might want some extra things with you at the hotel.”

After a couple hours, Jason finally wakes from his foggy state, only to find his headache back. Hearing the others talking though, he rises, from the couch to join them in the kitchen. Laura is cooking supper for all of them, and Wyatt was on the phone.
Leaning on the doorway, Jason crosses his arms casually, listening to figure out that Wyatt is calling a hotel. For a moment he’s a little upset that he didn’t get to do it himself, but then realizes he really doesn’t care. As long as he’s got a bed to sleep in.
Supper doesn’t take long, and Wyatt keeps the conversation lively with banter back and forth with both Laura and Katie. Jason interacts some, though is fairly quiet, barely eating anything as his stomach churns with just the smell, even though he’s always liked Laura’s cooking.

By eight o’clock that night, Wyatt prompts both Katie and Jason to get ready to go. He offers them a lift, explaining which hotel they’re going to and what he set up with them.

The three head back to TJY to drop of Trooper for the night and pick up money for the hotel, then heads across town. A suite is reserved with two rooms and separate baths, sharing a living room area and small kitchenette.
After Wyatt leaves, Jason checks in and makes his way to the second floor with Katie. Entering the suite, he automatically heads to the room on the righthand side, tossing a borrowed bag on the floor with his clothes from Laura’s. He goes to the window to check out the view over the swimming pool, then draws the blinds to avoid any suspect seeing them move about.
Turning around, he sets his hands on his hips and eyes Katie warily. He’s hardly spoken to anyone all evening, but feeling as numb as he does, it doesn’t affect his decisions. He hasn’t even discussed any of this situation with Katie, avoiding it, knowing good and well that Katie can sense he’s not happy about it. “Well…I’m heading to bed. Hear anything suspicious, let me know.”
He heads to his room, but stops, turning once more. “And Katie…” He purses his lips in thought, studying her for just a moment, with his stare. Keeping his mind on track, he reminds himself of the seriousness here and the professionalism. “I can’t hide nightmares from you and I know it. I’m not expecting to have trouble tonight, but if I do, just let me ride it out. If anyone barges in here, it would be worse for both of us to be in that position.” He spins back around and enters his room, shutting his door quietly.

Eleven o’clock. Jason sits wide awake in a chair, staring at the unfamiliar ceiling. He’d tried watching tv for a while, but nothing was of interest. He’d tried counting backwards from three hundred, but he’d made it to 1 twice without drifting to sleep. His mind didn’t seem to want to shut down as it raced behind his newly built walls.
Finally rising, he pulls off his shirt and flops into the soft bed, his jeans still on. If he was going to be any good at work tomorrow, he had to get some sleep.

One o’clock. Jason writhes in bed, desperately trying to pull himself out of his nightmare. He’s running, running….fighting…screaming….there’s police… Austin… his mother… his house on fire…Alex… and even Katie mixed into the vivid scenes, skewed by a torrent of horrific images. His subconscious yells at him to wake up, but it takes what seems like an eternity plus a passing car on the street below with a loud muffler to send him bolt upright in bed. He lets out a cry as pain shoots through his leg from his sudden move.
Not even thinking straight, he rolls himself out of bed, trying to rid his mind of the nightmare. He couldn’t stand it any longer. He couldn’t take this. How much longer must he suffer?
His whole body trembles from shock, the exhausting effects taking hold of his muscles once again. Stumbling to the bathroom he loses what little supper he had before making it back into his bedroom to grab the bottle of Advil for his head. His knee gives out on him and instead of getting to his bed, he sinks to the floor beside it, too weak to get up.

Close to you

*Katie lays her head on Wyatt* " Thank you Wy. You mean alot to me." *Kait was thankful for Wyatt as her heart opened to him.* " I know your not thrilled but thank you for working with me and trying to understand. I promise I will prove my trust to you. And yes Divieded rooms would work well. Maybe I should look into geting a car tomarrow." *Katie thinks for a long moment. Than than looks Wyatt in the eyes.* " When we have time, I'd like you to come out to Texas and meet my Aunt. I bet she would like you." *Katie smiles. Wyatt had helped her calm down. She felt so much better being close to him.*


Wyatt listens thoughtfully. He could sense Katie’s genuine hurt for a friend. And though feeling just a little awkward that it was Jason she was talking about, he couldn’t help but admire her depth of friendship and care.
“I knew when Jason got back here that he’d changed…I could tell he’d been through a lot and was more focused…maybe grown up more, though I hate to use that term.”
He shakes his head sadly. “I wish I could see what you do…I can’t, but I believe you. I wish I knew how to help him.”
Wyatt lets Katie talk again, sensing another serious subject arising. As he hears the news, he can feel his heart sink just a little, but he tries not to let it show. “Well, Katie…you’re the only one who can tell if you’re making the right decision or not… I suppose my own perspective is that you’ve got a job to do. Whether you’re protecting Jason, me or Scott… If…” He hesitates, but says it anyway. “If there are no personal feelings involved, then you just have to learn how to separate job from friendship. It’s possible.”
He glances at her, and reaches over to put an arm around her shoulders. “As far as you and I are concerned…you can’t expect me to be thrilled about this, but where you have to do a job, I have to accept that fact too. We’ll still find time to be together…whenever Jason’s with other people or at TJY, you’ll be free, and….” He cocks his head to see her eyes. “…And I’m just going to have to force myself to trust you.” He offers a little grin. “Take it as a compliment.”
Wyatt gives her a little squeeze. “It’ll all work out…I promise. And…if you want, I’ll even help get things set up for you, however this is going to work with him staying at a hotel for a while. We’ve used the one downtown before…it’s got a suite with divided rooms.” He shrugs, not necessarily liking this topic, but not able to avoid it. “How do you feel about that?”

Jason stretches out on Laura’s couch, feeling the Advil starting to kick in. It wasn’t doing much for his stomach since he hadn’t eaten anything, but it was making him drowsy. Maybe he’d be able to just get a short nap in…

Laura looks down on him thoughtfully as he drifts off. “Where are you, Jason?” she whispers. “Where are you hiding?” She goes back over to the pictures, smiling at Jason’s face. He and Con had always been there for her… but there was a part of Jason she’d never known. They had all been friends…good friends…but a part of Jason had always been kept at a distance. She’d caught a glimpse of it about a week ago… but today…it was gone again.



*Katie looks up as Wyatt sits down. A bit of releaf comes over Katie it was nice having someone there. Leting out a long sigh she looks at the ground.* " Wyatt its a horrable feeling when you know someone is hurting there own selfs. Not phiscly but mentaly. Its Jason. When he was in Texas he was doing so well. He let go of his masks, he changes and when he first got back I saw it. Now Wyatt..." *Katie trys to hold in her tears.* "...He's gone back to his oldself. Puting on masks, hiding. He's not being true to himself." *Katie lets out a long sigh and figures now it the best time to tell Wyatt about what Reese said.* " Before we left TJY you dad asked me to be Jason's bodyguard too. I couldent say no. I just...feel lost. We just started growing more together and I dont want that to fall apart Wy. I enjoy being around you and I dont want to lose it. I know Jason is not going to be very happy about this desition and its going to be rough. Am I doing the right think?"


Laura purses her lips grimly at Katie’s statement, hoping she wasn’t right. When Katie leaves the room a short time later, Laura looks after her with a little bit of worry. What was that all about? She turns back to Jason. “How about you? Hungry?”

“Yeah, but last time I ate today it didn’t end well. Got any Advil though? I got a killer headache.”

“Sure.” Laura goes to the bathroom medicine cabinet, coming back out with the small bottle. She looks at Wyatt. “How about you? …That is, food, not Advil.”

Wyatt grins and shakes his head. “Guess we’re all okay at the moment. Thanks though.” His eyes linger on the sliding doors and finally he excuses himself.

Jason swallows the pills with a glass of water and returns to the living room, finding Laura looking at her wall of photographs. He joins her quietly, staring at all of the memories.

“We had some good times didn’t we?” Laura muses.

“Yeah…” Jason reaches out to finger one of the pictures. “Seems like a lifetime ago.”

“I know it…”

Wyatt slips outside and slowly eases down next to Katie, allowing her space, but making himself available. “Anything I can do for you?”

Taking a step backwords

*Katie thinks for a long moment. weaghing all the outcomes in her head. She had just started up a relationship with Wyatt she wouldent get to see him much but he seems pritty understanding. Than Jason...would would he think. He dident want to do this before what would want him to now. Well since his life was in danger maybe it had changed his outlook a bit. Katie gives a nod to Reese.* " I accept. I understand this is going to be a long hard road. I just hope everyone is pashent. Thank you Reese it means alot you picked me for this." *Katie smiles and stands exiting the office.*

~*~A bit later~*~

*As Laura asks if Jason will be ok her eyes follow him down the hallway.* " No...I dont think he will be." *Katie lets out a long sigh as her heart breaks. Weather Jason relized it or not him forming walls was a way of hurting himself and she could feel it. After Jason comes back out a tear rolls down her face as what she felt was now confermed.* " No thank you Laura I dont have much of an apatite." *Katie stands finding it hard to deal with her own emotions and Jason's too. Walking out the back sliding door to the deck Katie sits down on the steps. Her heart acked so much.*


Wyatt and Jason make their way out to the jeep, avoiding anyone on the main floor lest anyone ask questions. They only stop at Jason’s office briefly to pick up Trooper.

Reese looks up from his desk as Katie enters, and he smiles, offering her a seat. “I just wanted to talk to you about a new assignment I’d like you to accept.” He pauses in thought. “I don’t take death threats lightly, and when one of my men is threatened, I make no bones about getting someone to watch their back.” He leans back in his chair. “To get straight to the point, until we find out who’s after Jason, I want you to be his bodyguard. That means going with him everywhere he goes outside of this building and knowing where he is at all times. It means you probably won’t get on any other cases for a while, unless he’s needed for one, then you’d be a team… Now, I’m not going to force you to do this – I know there’s a history between you two. But I am requesting that you accept this. You’re the best person I’ve got for this job. ….what do you say?”

Not much later…

Laura glances out her window and sees Wyatt’s jeep pulls up. She rises from her seat and meets all three of them at the door. Her face fills with compassion as she sees Jason. “Oh, Jase.” She goes to him to give him a hug. “I’m so sorry. How are you holding up?”

Jason forces half a grin and shrugs. “You know me. I’m always alright.”

Laura smiles and shakes her head. “Listen, after I talked to Wyatt, I got to thinking and I remembered that in one of the closets I still had some of Con’s and your stuff from that time you two were staying over here.” She goes into the living room, coming back with a set of clothes. “I think these are yours.”

Jason can’t help a slight chuckle as he accepts the clothing. “Yeah, these are mine all right. Guess I own two sets of clothes now.”

Laura laughs. “Three. There’s another pair of jeans and another t-shirt in there. I could give you Con’s too since your heights aren’t all that different, but I’m afraid you’d need a belt for the jeans.” She throws him a teasing grin. “I’d say to put some weight on your bones, but I don’t think you could do much to improve on that physique of yours.”

Before getting too red in the face, Jason gives her a light backhanded slap upside the head. “While you go look for the brain you apparently lost, I’m going to use your shower.”

Laura giggles and gestures to the hallway. “Have at it, Hotshot. Towels are where they’ve always been.” She shakes her head and sighs as he disappears down the hall. “Is he going to be okay?”

Jason closes his eyes, just letting the water run over him. It’s the first peaceful moment he’s had since yesterday and yet his mind was still in the middle of a war. He had to fight…he was being backed into a corner and the only thing he knew how to do was battle back. His flashback had caught him off guard, throwing a money wrench into his plan of action, but he didn’t want to back down. Adam’s words come back to him, but he shakes them off. He couldn’t relive the events this time. He didn’t have the energy to put himself through that this time…not with so many other things going on. He had to try to conquer this another way. He had to try his way for once.

Jason slowly dresses and gives himself a long stare in the mirror, his jaw set with determination. Not only did he have to remain focused for himself, but he couldn’t continually be putting Katie through this. Not anymore. From here on out, their being together was required of their job, not a social event…especially with Wyatt in the mix now. Jason had to assume the inner stance he had so long ago… his conscience begged him not to… but in an instant…he lets go. Like a veil, apathy descends upon him to create the firs layer of his invisible mask. Next was a cool hardness, designed to thwart sorrow and grief. And on top was the final touch of an expertly designed layer that could manipulate others into believing what he knew they wanted to see from him.

Walking back into the living room soon after, Jason is walking a little straighter…a little taller. His eyes are bright. He’s wearing a smile at the corners of his mouth.

“Well you certainly look and smell better,” Laura comments.

Jason quirks an eyebrow and cocks his head. “Keep it up and I’ll hide those old clothes of mine under your couch for you to smell all the time.”

Laura laughs. “Anybody hungry? I got stuff in the fridge.”

You's not alone

*Katie stairs back at Jason.* " You know you cant tell me just want I want to hear J. It dosent work with me. I know you better than you think." *Katie smiles.* " I'll be here to help you again I promise. You wont be alone."*Standing with Jason KAtie nods to Wyatt.* " Ok I will go see him now if you can take Jason to the jeep and I will catch up with you guys." *Katie smiles at them both, and gives Wyatt's arm a squeeze. Making her way to Reese office Katie stratens her dress and knocks on the door entering.* "Wyatt said you wanted to see me?"


Wyatt relaxes just as little, trusting Katie that everything is okay. His reflexes beg him to draw near and help, but something holds him back. This is something the two of them have gone through before, and Wyatt doesn’t want to interfere.

Jason takes a deep breath, trying to stabilize himself. He knew Katie was right. By so many things going wrong, and by him allowing himself to dwell on them, he’d left the back door open to the past again. He’d been so focused on other things that he’d forgotten to watch his back. But now the nightmares were here again. He’d conquered them once. Could he a second time?

He finally lifts his head, attempting to compose himself. He wants to tell Katie yes, but he’s not sure what he can do anymore of what he’s even capable of. He takes a swipe at his eyes with the back of his hand, drying them, though he is still pale, his hands still shaking as his body reacts to the sudden shock it experienced.

Swallowing hard, Jason finally turns his head to look at Katie. For just a moment, he allows his eyes to lock with hers. The pain courses through his stare, and he knows she feels it. For but an instant, he regains the connection he’d missed since he’d been gone. But he blinks, quickly breaking it.

He’s not sure he can do this, but he tries to give Katie what she wants to hear. “I’ll be okay, Katie….” He draws in a shaky breath. “I was just caught off guard was all.” He shifts his weight, attempting to stand, and suddenly he sees a hand offered. Looking up, he sees Wyatt.

Wyatt gives him a nod, and in but one look, conveys that nothing seen goes any further, and nothing has changed. He’s simply here to help.

Jason hesitates, but finally accepts the hand up, needing to lean on Wyatt just a bit as his knee buckles on him.

Wyatt stuffs his phone back in his pocket. “Laura’s expecting all three of us…how about we get to her place and have some peace and quiet for a while.” He glances at Katie. “On my way down I saw Dad for just a second and he said he wanted to see you. You can talk to him now or tomorrow when you come in.”

Get through this

*Katie sits down on the ground across from Jason. Her heart broke to see her friend go through this all ove ragain.* " Your geting to depressed J. Thats why. You need to remember what Adam told you Jason. You cant do this to yourself. Your in controll." *Katie lets out a sigh and nods to Wyatt leting him know Jason is ok.* " Now your going to be strong right and get through this insed of moping around right?"*Katie holds her smile.*


Wyatt glances at Katie with a little bit of concern for the fear in her eyes. “Okay…” As he pulls out onto the street, he tries not to allow negativity rule his thoughts. But a part of him begins to realize that spending time with Katie may not be all that easy if Jason continued to have problems. This might be harder than he thought.

He drives quickly to TJY, and isn’t even out of the jeep when Katie takes off. He follows quickly, but paces himself, unsure how to react. How big of an emergency was it? Did Katie sense little things, or just big things? Should he stay out of the way or help? Wyatt loved Katie’s insight and keen sixth sense, but it was just a little confusing.

He follows her at a distance through TJY, seeing her disappear into the elevator. He follows, having to wait several minutes to catch the elevator again and not wanting to take the stairs.

Jason is too dazed to have even heard Katie come into the room, and as she touches his shoulder, he lurches violently, turning with hands raised in defense. His face is pale, his eyes full of a hated fear, his body still trembling – there is no doubt what just happened. Bringing Katie into focus, he lets out his held breath, finally pulling himself completely back into reality. “Aw, Katie.” He pulls himself up to sit cross legged and buries his face in his hands, not wanting her to see his tears. It was happening all over again. “Why? Why now?” He whispers. “I can’t go through this again…I can’t.”

Wyatt pauses in the doorway, unsure what’s happening, but Katie seems calm. He decides to wait, though feeling awkward.

Hero on the move

*As Katie gets into Wyatt Jeep she is content and happy. Katie is about to agree to Wyatt to take her back to Laura's when a suddon feeling comes over her. Its a feeling she has felt before it was Jason...but this feeling had not been felt in a long time. Something had happend to Jason that had to do with the past. A fear corses through Katie.* " Actully can you take me back to TJY? Its Jason. Something is wrong."

*After a short drive they finally make it to TJY, Once the car is stoped Katie jumps out and sprints into the building. Looking around round Katie makes her way to Jason's office not seeing him there Katie feels her panic come on. Seeing Jamie Katie walks over to her.* "Hey Jamie, where is Jason?"

*Jamie looks up at Katie.* "Last time I saw him he was in the break room eating. But about an hour ago I heard gun fire so I am guessing he was practicing. Everything ok?"

*Kaite nods and heads for the elavator making her way to the bottom floor. Seeing Jason on the floor and his gun a ways away afear panic rushes over to him. Could Jason have been that depressed and stupid. Katie runs over to him and places a hand on his sounder.* "Jason..." *Seeing he is ok and not shot Katie relaxed a bit.* "Jason are you ok? what happend?"

Emotional Barrage

Jason’s heart aches as Jamie talks, the melancholy setting in, even though she is speaking with hope. He’d had a unique friendship with Con and Laura…he’d wanted to be with them…they’d worked well together, and he missed those times. But had something been missing? He can’t help but remember when meeting Katie, he’d thought of her as on of his very few real friends…if he felt so strongly about Con and Laura, what was different? He lets his thoughts drift away as Jamie continues.

As Katie is mentioned, Jason’s eyes shoot up to meet Jamie’s, questioning what she’s heard, but he doesn’t ask. He can imagine. Is she right? Did people always get the chance to gain back something lost?

He sits lost in thought as Jamie rises and speaks of his mother. He wasn’t sure if he could talk to her about it or not. Did his mom really need him anymore? Was it really true? He wasn’t sure.

Seeing Jamie leave, he offers half a smile, though his mind is already formulating a strategy to deal with all of this. “Thanks, Jamie…for everything.”

After she’s left, Jason looks up at the clock. He needed to go buy some clothes and food, but didn’t have a ride at the moment, and Reese would have a fit if he went out alone right now. Sighing, he stands up, making up his mind. He heads down the hall and hits the elevator, going to the lower level. It’s quiet and dark. No one is down here today, not even Hal.

Jason flips on the lights, their quiet hum giving an eerie sound to the room. He heads to his locker and retrieves his handgun. He had to get his mind off of these things. He had to spend some of his pent up emotions on something.

He loads up and takes his stand, stretching out his arms, pistol in hand. Firing a shot, he hits the target dead center. Another shot. By eight rounds, the bullseye’s hole is barely bigger than one bullet’s width.

Loading up again, Jason takes aim, the shots echoing through the lower level of TJY. His mind wanders. He resists the emotions. He replays the fire. Another target is down. He thinks about his mother. The gun recoils in his hands. His eyes zero in on the bullseye, taking out another invisible enemy.

Time doesn’t exist as Jason fights to regain control, taking his frustrations out on bullets and targets. He’s not even sure how long he’s been on the range.

All of a sudden, as the shots reverberate in his head, Jason is taken completely off guard. His gun is aimed toward the silhouette of a man, and he’s no longer at TJY. He’s in a dark alley, hiding behind a building. His gun is stretched out to the shadowy form, fear and anger filling his veins. Suddenly the form moves into the dim light. It’s a policeman. Relief sweeps over Jason and he lowers his weapon. But a shot whizzes past his ear, a bullet ripping into the police officer’s chest. He falls. Jason cries out and lurches towards him, but something holds him back. A hand. A strong, brutal hand, digging into his wrists to yank him back behind the building. Tears streaming down his face, Jason turns and looks up to his captor. Alex. He screams.

…Jason’s eyes fly open. His body is shaking uncontrollably, sweat pouring down his neck. He tenses and sits up in fear, taking several moments to realize where he is. His eyes bounce around wildly for a minute. He’s alone. He’s at TJY. His gun is lying several feet away. He has no idea how long he’s been out, or what he’s done between target practice and being on the floor. Fear grips him as he recognizes the flashback and he tries to calm his racing pulse. This couldn’t be happening. “Not again.”

Wyatt draws Katie closer to swing his arm around her shoulders. “I’d love to pick you up again my dear damsel without distress.” He grins as he gets into his jeep. “Where to, melady? Back to Laura’s, right?

Helpful Hint

*Jamie nods as Jason talks.* "Thats life Hotshot and growing up. Growing up dosent mean growing apart though. You, Laura, and Con you guys will always be that Tro even if you dont hang out as much. Your always going to be there for eachother. I am sure its as hard on them as it is for you." *Jamie thinks for a moment before trding on dangerous ground, but decieds she has always been one to speak her mind.* " Just like take that new girl for instince. Katie I think her name is." *Silence lingers in the room for a moment as Jamie searchs Jason's eyes connected with the name.* " I hurd tall tails about why she is here, and what not and I dont believe one of them. After everything is said an done no matter the reson it must of been hard and quite the change for her to leave everything behind. See...everyone goes through the times when they arnt as close with someone as they once were but there is alwas comfort in the fact of knowing that they will be there for you in rough times no matter what, and when time alows you will all hang out and be close once again."*Jamie stands and puts her glass in the sink and rinses it out.* "As for your mom, she will always need you Hotshot. You cant and wont be replaced by anyone. I know its gonna be a hard thing to deal with, but maybe talking to you mom about it might help." *Jamie smiles and starts to head for the door.* " I better get back to work. If you need anything dont hesatate to give a yell." *Jamie exits the room and heads back ro her desk.*

*Kaite slips her hand into Wyatt's as they walk back to his Jeep.* " I did have a nice time thank you for asking. And if you can pick me up next week I would like to come back with you. It was really intresting."


Jason doesn't try leaving the sink until he's sure his stomach is empty, and attempts to clean up after himself, taking Jamie's advice and drinking some water.
Though he doesn't respond immediately, he tries to let Jamie's words sink in, despite his resistance to feeling any more emotional pain. Feeling just a little shaky, he sits back down at the table, thinking for several minutes. "I know Reese's reasoning for wanting someone to watch my back...I guess I've always been the one to do it...it's just different I suppose." He again thinks of Katie, trying not to dwell on it long, lest he put himself through even more than he wants at the moment. "As for my mom...I want her to be happy...and I know she's been lonely..." He shrugs, his eyes glued to the table. His walls are lowered if only for a brief instance, allowing him to speak what he really feels. "I guess ever since I felt old enough, I've tried to take care of her... I was always the man of the house, and since high school I helped out with the house, big decisions or whatever...I just felt...needed." He leans back in his chair, putting his hands on his head as the headache persists. "And now...everything's changing and I have no control over any of it." He forces a slight laugh. "I remember a few years ago...things were hectic here at TJY, but I was happy... Laura, Con and I were the inseparable trio at work and away from work...thing were good at home...Austin and I were getting along... and then things started falling apart. It just got worse when I was sent on the Agency case to Texas... now I'm back around Laura, but Con was the glue... so even our trio isn't the same anymore. Everything is different...everything."

Wyatt smiles down at Katie, enjoying seeing her here with him more than she'd ever know. Enjoyment shown in her own eyes, giving him an even greater hope.
Once the service ends, some people leave, but many stay, busily getting the food ready in the fellowship area down the hall. The smell of home-cooked food wafts through the air, making everyone hungry.
More people welcome Katie like she's a part of the family, several inviting her back the next week.
The time is all too quickly over, and Wyatt is once again walking with Katie, this time back to his jeep. "Thanks for coming with me this morning, Katie. I hope you had a good time."


*Jamie's heart goes out to Jason. It wasent so long ago she went through the same thing as he has. Jamie's life had been torn away, her parent killed, her home burned, her brothers and sister devided up and never seen again.* "Its gonna be ok Hotshot. Drink some water if will help calm your tummy." *Jamie sits down again thinking about the words Jason has said.* " I know it feels like Reese is saying you cant take care of yourself, but thats not really it Jason. Your grandfather has a body guard, Carter has a bodyguard. Its for your protection. Sometimes 2 set of eyes can be better than one. they can see more angles. And as for you mom, I know its herd to see her move on. But its not without you. She still wants you in her life. She loves you more than anything Jason. Your her son. But its not fair for you mom to be lonly right? Everything happens for a reson. God has a plane for everything even if we cant see what."

*As the serman plays on Katie listens intently. The words being spoken move something inside her. Yet there is not much understanding. Katie trys to follow along in Wyatt's bible with him geting lost a few times and asking for help. Katie cereosity starts to grow, wanting to know more Katie is sad when the service ends. Standing Katie starts to try and sing along smiling up at Wyatt.*


With Wyatt's prediction canceled out, hope is restored, and his smile remains. "Good." He shakes his head and looks at her with reassurance. "Don't worry - we have plenty of extra Bibles if you want to follow along. You can borrow mine too if you want."
Within minutes, they pull into the parking lot of a large church. Wyatt gets out and waits to walk with Katie, offering her his arm to proudly walk her inside.
Several men and women greet Wyatt with enthusiasm and handshakes, treating Katie just the same, welcoming her warmly despite being strangers. Wyatt introduces her to several more people as his very good friend, and finally shows her into the sanctuary filled with rows and rows of chairs before a stage.
They find a seat somewhere in the middle, and the service starts with songs of praise lifted up by voices all around. Wyatt starts to sing along with the words on the screen, then pauses to lean down and whisper in Katie's ear. "Now promise me that you'll not make fun of my singing," he teases before straightening again to resume his slightly out-of-tune singing.
It's not long before the sermon begins, all eyes on the friendly minister.

Jason sets his fork back down and sighs, putting his face in his hands. "I'm sorry, Jamie. I just can't handle it right now. I appreciate the thought though." Feeling her hand on his shoulder, he looks up, pursing his lips grimly. "I know... I guess if any of this were my own fault I'd have someone to blame. But as it stands, it's just all crumbling into little pieces all by itself. My home is gone, I've lost everything I owned, my dog is getting taken away from me, any pride I had left for being able to take care of myself has just been ripped out of my grasp by Reese, and my mother is heading down a path that doesn't include me anymore." He forces a short scoffing laugh, not having intended on saying all that, and not wanting any pity. "Depressed? What reason would I have?" He shakes his head. "I know everyone here cares..." His voice trails off as he experiences a sudden lurch to his stomach. Standing quickly, he only has enough time to make it to the sink before throwing up what little food he'd had. "Okay...so maybe breakfast is a bad idea at this point." He leans on the counter as his stomach gives way again, his body rebelling against the strain he's created with his own emotional turmoil.

A new friend?

*Katie shakes her head and smile.* " No, I'd like to stay for it. Reese new I was going out with you today. I can go back after I spend some time with you." *Katie cant help but hold her smiles. She was excited about spending time with Wyatt even if she dident like going to church.* "mmm...I dident have a bible or anything to bring with me. I hope thats ok." *A bit of embarssment shows in Katie's face.*

*Jamie sits down at the table with Jason. Not wanting to have him feel like she is intruding she says.* " Hotshot you dont have to eat it if your not hungry. I know its not my place but, its hard and I understand that. Before I came to TJY my life was in shambles." *Jaime stands and places a hand on Jason's shoulder.* "But thats why we have friends to lean on and put faith in. Dont let yourself get to depressed Hotshot. You have lost of people here who care for you. Remember that."