

*Katie steps out of the bathroom her hair still wet and having a messed up look. Making her way to her desk Kaite stuffs her backpack under it. Siting down Katie kicks her computer on. Reaching over Katie also flips on her raido. Something felt off today even though she had a great night last night and shair something special with Scott. Today just seemed gloomy.*

"Thanks for tuning into 98.9 your morning raido station. We are gonna play a song we havent hurd in a bit. So sit back, grab the one you love and just relax and let the words touch your heart."

*...a soft music plays and Jason's voice sounds.*

I traveled along, Down that dusty road.
Didn’t have nothin’, Bore a heavy load.
Then you came along, You opened my eyes.
Took my hand, Disproved all my lies.

Baby don’t leave me,
Don’t leave my side.
I need you here,
Till the day that I die.

Life ain’t pretty,
And that much....

*In one swift movment Katie turns off the raido but it was to late the damage was done. Katie eyes are wide as the tears find there way to the surfice. No, not now. She couldent break down now. She was trying to get over Jason. She was trying to move on and doing so good. She wanted to start something with Scott, Katie liked him. And now...she she was breaking all over again. Opening her draw she reaches in to grab some tissue to have her hand find one of the dryed out roses Jason has given her. Drawing her hand back holding it for a moment Katie cant take it and her tears come more. Folding her arms on her desk she burys her face in them and just crys trying her best to keep her sobs under controll and quiet. Katie's heart was breaking again, everyting she worked on get up and over Jason had now broke and she was back to step one.*

*Misty makes her way across the main floor heaving for breath. Carson had beat her to work today but it wasent fair. He had a head start. Smiling she makes her way across the floor to Carson's cubicle. Seeing he is on the phone she stops for a moment catching his eye she mouths "Don't worry I'll get you." Grinning and making the rest of the way to the infermary. Entering she smiles at Scott than Rick.*

"So how is our pashent doing this morning?"

*As Wes works he cant get his mind off Cindy. He was certin if something was wrong he would of been contacted by now. Trying to consintrate on his work he makes a mentil not to call her later. He new she had said if it was nothing searous she would walk home seeing as it was so nice out. Wes lets out a sigh a smile spreading on his face. Cindy was so independent, yet very dependent on Wes and he loved it.*


Rick gives a soft chuckle as Katie stumbles over he words, her embarrassment obvious. He just shakes his head and watches her leave, letting her go without stalling her. He wasn’t going to blame anyone for anything – he trusted both her and Scott. But she was in too much of a hurry for him to explain that.

Scott lets out a deep breath, the sound of voices pulling him from his deep sleep. He starts to roll over, but is stopped by the sudden pain, immediately coming fully awake.

Blinking, he looks over to Rick, then to the empty space beside him on the bed. He remembers last night quite well, despite the meds he’d been on. His eyes find Rick’s, questioning whether his friend was going to reprimand him.

Rick cocks his head, folding his arms across his chest. “You look like the cat that ate a canary.”

Scott quirks an eyebrow, the corner of his mouth twitching. “And how would you look?”

“Like a cat that at a canary,” Rick states decidedly. He goes to check Scott over. “Enjoy your evening?”

“What do you think?”

Rick can’t help his grin. “I thought so. Just be careful, will you? I don’t want you back in here over this.”

Scotts swallows hard. “You wouldn’t…”

“Your secret is safe with me.” Rick shines a light in Scott’s eyes. “But let me tell you, it’s gonna spread like wildfire whether I say anything or not, so just be prepared.” He finishes up, and nods with satisfaction. “You’re looking good. Hungry?”

“A bit.”

“Well, in a while here, I’ll see about getting some breakfast in here for you.”

Jason trudges across the main floor, his head feeling as though he’d been hit with a two-by-four. He gives short waves to those who greet him, but for the most part, ignores the smiles. Heading directly to his office, he shuts the door a little hard before sinking into his chair and heaving a sigh. Leaning his head back, he tries to straighten out his thoughts, but they’re all jumbled up. The night had proven to feed his irritation, leaving him with an anger for the position he was in. His fault, Katie’s fault, no one’s fault…he was upset and didn’t know how to deal with it.

Giving in to the work day, he turns on his computer, and searches for some scratch paper. Sifting through what’s on his desk, he finally opens his side drawer. Suddenly, he stops. He hadn’t opened that drawer since he’d been back.

The photo stares back at him as if to taunt him. He might have enjoyed looking at it several days ago, but after yesterday…it just proved to mock him.

Picking it up, he looks at it for just a moment before slipping it under his desk and into the waste basket. The past was over. He and Katie were over. There was no point in hanging on to the memories.

Carson eases down at his desk, getting started with the day. He feels just a little smug for beating Misty here this morning, still grinning to himself, though still a bit out of breath.

Sifting through some files, he sighs deeply. He was on the case about Mick and no one had gotten anywhere. The Agency hadn’t showed their hand yet and he was getting tired of waiting. Picking up the phone, he dials and waits. As a male caller picks up, Carson speaks. “Tommy. I need answers, and I need them now…”

Cindy takes several deep breaths, starting to feel better. She nods to Wes, her voice a bit shaky. “Okay…I’ll come with you.” A little weak kneed from this episode, she accepts Wes’ support back to the bedroom where she throws on some comfy clothes and pulls her hair back at her neck.

It’s a while later that she’s in the ranch yard with Wes after he’s parked the truck. She gives his hand a squeeze. “I’m alright now. You get yourself to the shop and I’ll go see Angel.” In reality, she really did want to go by herself… The nagging thought in the back of her mind persisted, and she wasn’t sure if she should be worried about it or not.

Standing on her tiptoes, she gives her husband a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t work too hard.” Splitting up from him, she heads towards Angel’s office. Breakfast should be over by now, she it was her best bet to find Angel there.

A while later…

Cindy ambles down the path from the ranch, having opted to walk herself home. It was warm out, and she didn’t want to bother Wes to drive her. Her mind was reeling. Her visit with Angel had confirmed her suspicions and she just wasn’t quite sure how to react yet. Angel had promised not to say anything to anyone, and Cindy was grateful for that…she wasn’t sure how she was going to tell Wes. They had talked a little bit about this…but had made no plans. They’d decided to wait a while…neither wishing to actually try and start a family right away. But apparently God had other plans.

Taking a deep breath of the mid-morning air, Cindy continues her route. Was she really prepared for this? Her last experience hadn’t been a good one, but that had been over twenty-one years ago and she’d been alone. Now she had Wes…she had the most wonderful, loving husband in the world, and she knew that no matter what, he’d stay by her side. So why was she worried?

A glowing joy bubbled deep down inside of her. It’s warmth spread with each passing minute as the realization became a reality in her mind. But…how was she going to tell Wes?

“What do you want?” Mick’s eyes blazed with an angry fire. He stood against the concrete wall, his hands to the sides restricted by chains. The basement was dark and damp and a light in his eyes made it impossible to see his adversary.

“Patience, Michael, patience.” The man’s voice was soft and snake-like, ignoring the anger Mick was displaying.

“You’ve kept me long enough,” Mick spits out. “I deserve to know why you’ve taken me.”

The man tsks, shaking his head. “I bet you’re pretty anxious to get back, aren’t you? You just got a marriage license…I can only imagine the plans you and your special someone must have.”

Mick’s hands ball into fists as he puts more pressure on the chains, even though it will do no good. The voice continues to taunt him.

“You realize if you don’t cooperate, your fiancĂ© may never get to see you again…or we might take the other route…you have two children, don’t you?”

“You leave them out of this!” Mick barks. “Touch a hair on their heads and you’ll pay!”

“Temper, temper…Come now…we both know that anger will solve nothing. You just cooperate and nothing bad will happen. It really is quite simple. Once we have what we want, you’ll be free to go.”

“Why me?”

“Because you’re one of the most valuable your little gang has. Value for value…it’s how we work. They’ll do anything to get you back and that’s what we’re betting on.”


*Katie stirs in her sleep as dreams go in and out of her mind. Some of Jason and some of Scott, Con, and her Aunt were thrown in there somewhere too. Katie grip tightens around Scott once during the night as she keep sleeping peacefuly.*

*Nate watches as Laura walks to her door. Watching Nate makes sure she makes it in ok and pulls out of the driveway a smile on his face. Tonight had been perfect.*

*As Wyatt pulls up to the curb to her house Aerith lets out a sigh. Turning to Wyatt she smiles.*

"Thanks again Wyatt. I had alot of fun too."

*Geting out of the car Aerith makes her way to the door. Opening it Aerith turns and waves only to turn again at the sound of her grandmother yelling. Steping in Aerith shuts out the world behind her and the happness she felt was snuffed out for now till Wyatt and her would meet again.*

*Jamie smiles at Con giving him a hug and kiss goodnight.*

"Dinner at my parents place would be great Maybe. Thank you again Con. For just...being you."


*Katie's eyes fly open as Rick shakes her and hears his voice. Looking around the room for a moment Katie trys to get her bearings. Was she in the infermary. Looking at the sleeping form next to her Katie remembers what happend the night before. She had been so comfortable with Scott she fell asleep next to him all night. Turning her head to Rick her cheeks turn red. As she slids off the bed.*

"I...ummm...we...we just had dinner, and I guess...it...got kind of late....and....dont be upset with Scott it was my idea."

*Katie grabs her purse and bag heading out of the infermary totally embarssed Rick had seen them. Heading to the bathroom Kate takes a shower and gets ready for the day.*

*Wes sits up in bed with a start hearing Cindy throwing up in the bathroom. Throwing his blanket off oh him he moves swiftly to the bathroom puting a hand on Cindys back and rubbing is softly. Kneeling down next to her, and just rubs her back untill she stops throwing up for the moment.*

"I'll take you to see Angel when I got into work. If you will come that it. You have been sick for a while now. You might need some meds to take care of your cold or if its a flu."

*Wes stands helping Cindy up as well geting her ready for the day to go see Angel.*

Getting up

Rick makes his way across the main floor, muttering to himself about the folder he'd forgotten to take home with him tonight. It was late, but he hadn't been able to sleep, and wanted to go over some of the analysis reports Misty had prepared. While he was here, he might as well check on Scott too. He'd noticed Katie's car in the parking lot though, and knew that he would already have been alerted if anything was wrong.

Entering the infirmary, Rick stops short at the scene. The television was still on but quiet, there were dishes on the counter, a dog bowl on the floor, playing cards in a pile at the foot of the bed. Apparently Scott had been well entertained tonight.

Looking at Katie and Scott's sleeping forms, Rick almost opens his mouth to wake them. This was completely unacceptable. But he stops himself, his softness coming through. He'd been there once. And there could not be a more innocent scene than this - of that, Rick was confident. He knew both Katie and Scott too well to even think otherwise.

Moving quietly, he picks up the playing cards and puts them away, moves the television back against the wall out of the way and picks up the dog dish. Finding an old blanket in the corner closet, he folds it up and puts it on the floor before gently removing Domino from the bed, placing her on her own bed for the night. Noiselessly, Rick takes Scott's blanket that had been shoved to the end of the bed, and pulls it up over both sleeping individuals.

He had questions about the relationship he was witnessing, but there had been enough clues that he need not ask. The picture painted was one he knew was true, and though not knowing details, he was not one to judge. The faces he saw here were too peaceful. God was sending His blessings.

Still moving quietly, Rick gathers the file he needs and makes his exit, turning out the light on his way.

Laura simply smiles her reply to Nate, unable to think of any words to say. She tightens her fingers around his for the walk back up the beach, and simply relishes in the memory of what had transpired only moments before. Right now...in this instant...she was happy.

Arriving back at her home, she hesitates just a moment before getting out of Nate's car. Turning to him, she leans over to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, Nate, for....for everything." True gratefulness shines in her eyes. "For this evening...for waiting for me...for helping me."

Giving his hand a squeeze, she aims for the door handle. "I can walk myself in," she adds gently, her smile remaining.

Heading up the walk and inside, she felt as if she was floating on air. Shutting the door behind her, she scoops up an anxious Henry, giggling as she buries her face in his fur. "Don't be mad at me," she chides, convincing him to purr with a scratch behind his ears. "I was having the time of my life."

Con gives Jamie's shoulder a squeeze, grinning ruefully as he sees how well she can read him. "Being your full-time protector is one of the things I enjoy the most."

Steering Jamie to the passenger side, he opens the door for her to let her in, then gets around behind the steering wheel to take her home.

Arriving back at her house, he throws her a smile. "I'll probably have to work late tomorrow, which leaves supper out, but the next night, let's do dinner at your folks' place. We haven't given your mother something to gawk at in a while." He chuckles, throwing Jamie a wink.

Wyatt smiles at Aerith. "Sure we can do this again sometime." In the back of his mind, he hoped they could...he hoped he wouldn't be behind bars instead. But he had to have faith...and he would live now as if everything at TJY would turn out okay. "I had a lot of fun."

Taking Aerith back home, Wyatt almost hates to drop her off. He knew she wasn't happy with her grandmother, and just wished he could help her out somehow. But he wouldn't know how, nor was it her place.

"Well you take care of yourself, and I'll be around."

Morning seems to come all too early. For some it was a refreshment, for others it was the dismal reminder that a new day must start.

Jason sits on the couch and laces up his boots, the scowl on his face reflecting the way he felt. Last night's practice had been a disaster, and the night had only proved to amplify all of his moods, forming them into one big ball of irritation that could be set off by the slightest thing.

Carson comes back into the apartment, returning from his run with Misty, breathing heavily. Going for a glass of water, her pauses by Jason. "Morning."


Carson raises an eyebrow. "Somebody get up on the wrong side of bed this morning?"

Jason throws him a glare. "I don't have a bed."

"Mattress then." All Carson receives is Jason's back as the door is slammed shut. So much for that.

Rick slowly opens the infirmary door, cautiously glancing around before turning on the lights. He was not surprised to see Katie and Scott still together. It looked as though neither had moved all night. But he knew that at this hour if he didn't wake them, it would be their luck to have someone walk in on them they wouldn't want.

Moving to Katie, Rick gives her shoulder a gentle pat. "Hey...Katie, hun... you might want to be getting up."

Cindy opens her eyes slowly, noting that dim sunlight was streaming into the window through the blinds. It was morning, but she didn't feel like rising. She was curled up next to Wes with his arm resting around her and she didn't want to move. But a sudden lurch to her stomach warns her that if she doesn't, she was going to get sick right here.

Moving quickly, she scoots out from under Wes' arm, throwing off her blanket and stumbling into the adjoining bathroom to lean over the toilet. Why was she getting sick again? Certainly a flu bug wouldn't have hung on this long. And she'd felt fine last night...

Kneeling on the floor, a thought suddenly lodges itself into her mind, and her eyes widen. No...it couldn't be...could it? She calculates in her mind, and a chill runs down her spine. Surely it wasn't...

Another round of throwing up ceases her thought process for a moment. But now she's sure of one thing...she would be seeing Angel today.

Night coming to an end

* Katie's eyes starts to grow heavy as she hears the music from the ending of the movie. The song that was playing was soft and added to Katies drowsyness. Tilting her head ever so slightly Katie smiles down at Domino and than up at Scott. Watching him sleep for a moment Katie smiles and lays her head back down on Scott shoulder. Slowly her eyes drift closed. She only wanted to sleep alittle bit before she made her drive home. Just an hour or two would be fine. Soon Katie is fast asleep as time slips by just leting the 3 sleep comfortable, and contently.*

*Nate keeps his hold on Laura as she rests her head on his shoulder. One hand rubbing her back and the other running through her hair softly as he rests is head on her and looks out at the water. He had found his peace, He has found Laura, and she had found him. God gave Nate his second chanse and this time he wouldent mess it up.

After standing on the beach for a few moments later Nate glances at his watch. He dident want this night to end but new they both had to be up early in the morning. Slowly drawing away but still keeping his arms around Laura he smiles down at her his eyes sparkling.*

"Well I better get you home before Henry had my head for keeping you out to late."

*Nate cant help but laugh at his silly little joke.*

"In all honesty I wouldent mind staying in this moment forever, but I know life moves on. As long as your there I'm willing to look forward tomarrow. And is tomarrow ever going to come early."

*Nate smile widens as she lets go of Laura and takes her hand in his. There fingers wraped around eahother. Nate walks with Laura back to the car. This night had been more than Nate had exspected and he loved every moment of it.*

*Jamie's hands come up to Con's arms as a smile forms. Con dident need to say anything and she new what he was thinking. She new it probley was hard on him to see his sister break away and be her own person. Jamie dident have any other siblings of her own so she dident know what it was like. But she could guess it really was hard.*

"You will always be her protecter Con. Even though she is leaning to someone alse. She know she can find protection in you and when she needs it, she will come."

*Jamie turns her head and smiles up at Con.*

"I know its not the same but you can be my protector full time if you want."

*Jamie turns her head to Con's arm and gives it alittle kiss. Jamie new she dident have to tell him to be her protector he already was. From even when they first met Con had always looked out for Jamie. Jamie was content and happy. Life was turning out just fine after all.*

*Aerith looks at her watch seeing the late time it was. Leting out a sigh she stands with Wyatt.*

"Wow I dident relize how later it was. Time flys when your having fun. I have to be nice and early again tomarrow for work. So I guess your right and we should head out."

*As Aerith walks with Wyatt a smile never leaves her face. It was nice to get out with Wyatt and it was nice to meet some new people. Aeirth couldent remember the last time she had this much fun. She hoped this wouldent be the only time and there would be more to come.*

"Thank you Wyatt for the wonderful night. I had a great time and would like to do it again sometime if you ever want. Its always nice to get away and just let your mind free."


A slight smile remains on Scott's face and he lets Katie settle in next to him, one arm still around her shoulders. Stretching out his legs, he leans his head back into his pillows, opting to just let the moment go without ruining it by talking any more. The movie would suffice...the card game is forgotten.

Domino's head pops up a the foot of the bed and she looks at her master and Katie as if asking if they're finished yet.

Scott chuckles and just gives a little gesture with his hand to let her know it's alright. Her ears flop back with pleasure and she hops up onto the bed, crawling up between Scott's legs to find a nice warm place to curl up, resting her head on his knee.

The movie plays on...the only noise through the quiet infirmary. As the credits begin to roll, Scott's form is still and peaceful, his breathing quiet, signaling that despite his desire to stay awake, he couldn't fight the drugs any longer.

Laura sinks into Nate's arms as he returns for a second kiss. Timidly at first she accepts it, then gradually returns it until she is completely lost in the moment, giving back to him equal passion.

As Con and Jamie make their way back to his car, his eyes drift over the parking lot, then down to the beach. He catches sight of two figures. Though he can't see them well from this distance, he knows who they are. He watches for a moment, not because he wants to invade their privacy or pick up the habit of staring...but because his little sister that he'd raised on his own since she was seven...she was that young woman out there right now.

Cocking his head, his mind is flooded with memories. His sister was finding a new protector now...someone else to take care of her and be there for her. Con was so very proud of her, and his love for his sister would always remain. But he couldn't deny the small bit of melancholy that seeped into his heart. It was good seeing her happy...and Nate was a good man. It was just...different. It would be different switching roles.

Turning away from the scene, he continues the route to his car, with his arm draped over Jamie's shoulders.

Laura wouldn't care if the night lasted forever and if she never had to withdraw from Nate's arms. There was something about this night...something about this beach. But though time may stand still in the heart, it is forever turning, never allowing as much bliss as one would desire.

Finally and slowly, Laura pulls her lips from Nate's, shifting her head to rest on his shoulder, remaining safely tucked away in his grasp. She finally felt free...she could finally trust.

"Well..." Wyatt sighs, not liking the late time his watch shows as he and Aerith sit at the outside table. The crowd was dwindling, the night getting chillier. "I suppose I better get you on home."

Top of the World

*Katie jumps as Scott does feeling horrible they he felt pain for a moment. Katie shifts her weight for a moment trying to take the pressure off Scott. Kate smiles back at Scott.*

“Don’t worry you will be better soon and I am sure there will be more kiss for you to enjoy as well.”

*As Scott runs his finger down Katie’s face she closes her eyes for a moment taking in Scott’s warmth and comfort. It was like a blanket shielding her from everything ales, Blocking out the pain and sorrow. Slowly making it disappear.

This feeling Katie felt was differnt, she was seeing and feeling Scott's emotions, but not in a connection way like she had with Jason but in a way that was unexplainable. His touch send chills trough her body only to be followed up with the warmth of knowing he was there.

Shifting her weight again Katie lifts herself off Scotts lap and positions herself next to him as she just fits on the edge. Gently she drapes her arm over his chest keeping away from the area he was cut open and leans her head on his shoulder. Letting out a sigh Katie turns her attention to the movie though it someplace far away in her mind.*

*Nate cant help the beaming smile that has made its way across his face. The feeling of having Laura open her heart to him was enough to make any man crumble. He felt like he was on top of the world. Nate replies slowly as his heart seems to sing seeing the look of acceptance in Laura’s eyes.*

“Not when I have something are wonderful as you in my presence.”

*Leaning into Laura again Nate lips touch hers once more. His arms wrapped around her. Nate had waiting a while for this moment, and if he had to he would wait all over again. For this moment, this moment was worth it. The sweet taste of her kiss, making Nate only want to stand there longer. Not wanting to give up this perfect moment that made him head over heels. The moon the witness to what happend there tonight.*


Scott is surprised by Katie's sudden impulsiveness, but allows it freely. Whether it was the actual pain killers he was on or just Katie's presence that gave him this feeling he'd never had before, he didn't know...but at this moment in time, he didn't care.

Her remark of not depriving him brings a grin to his face. He accepts her back again, melting at her touch, at the sweet taste of her kiss. His fingers run gently through her hair as the exchange is prolonged, neither in a hurry to let it end.

Scott takes a breath and shifts his weight to wrap his arm around Katie tighter. But it was the wrong move. Feeling as though someone just stabbed him with a knife in the ribs, he cringes, quickly pulling away from Katie, keeping his hands on her shoulders. His face reddening a little, he can't help a short laugh. "I guess I can't handle this quiet yet," he admits ruefully.

Raising his hand to run a finger down the side of Katie's face, his eyes prove his actions are his own and not those of the drugs. His voice is quiet. "Pretty frustrating, if you ask me."

Laura enjoys her walk with Nate, letting the wind comb her hair, not caring about what time it is. As Nate stops and faces her, she can feel her own cheeks grow warm. She recognized that look in his eye...she knew his intentions.

Her mind suddenly reeled, telling her to back away, but she resists.

As Nate draws closer, she's pulled to him and feels his lips against hers. Her pulse races at his gentle passion, her eyes closing.

Logic grips her tightly, threatening to pull her away from this moment. But she hangs on. She wants this.

The soft kiss ends and Laura looks up into Nate's eyes. She felt safe. She did not fear him. She was done running.

Seeing his stare, she knows his questions...his longings. Ever so slowly, she reaches up to put her arms around his neck, her hands trembling just a little. Pulling herself closer, she stands on her tip toes. "Nate Driers," she whispers. "You just don't give up, do you?" Her eyes signal it's okay...the tell him that she wouldn't run away if he continued.

The Katie Drug

There is a time to speak up, and a time to be silent. A time to read and a time to write. A time to learn and a time to teach. A time to listen and a time to be heard. A time to lose and a time to gain. And for all of these things the time is now.

*Katie cant help but smile back at Scott. Seeing as he dident mind the kiss one bit or the fact she was in his lap Katie keeps her arms around Scott. A dusson wave of peace drifting over her. A calming of her heart, and that light there was that light again. Her sadness was ther still but it ws subduedm words whispering it was going to be ok. Katie searches deep in Scotts eyes almost geting lost. As his comment is hurd Katie cant help but get alittle laugh and grin.*

"I'm like a drug thats makes you feel good. I can be The Katie Drug from no one."
*Thinking for a moment Katie smile grows. What had gotten into her she dident know, but tonight she dident care what she was saying though in the morning she would probley be royle embarssed.*

"So...does that mean you want more of this drug. Cuz I would hate to deprive you of something that made you feel good."

*Drawing closer again Katie looks into Scotts eyes untill her lips meet his one more. Her one arm on his back and the other at the side of his face. Geting lost in the moment, Geting lost in the warmth that Scott gave off. Feeling Safe, and protected Katie lost track of everythiung but him.*

*Aerith smiles at Laura and Nate giving alittle nod of hello. Looking back at Jamie she smiles.*

" Your parents are wonderful Jamie your so lucky to have them."

*Jamie smiles at Aerith genunely.*

"I love them to death. Though they tend to get themself in trouble."

*Jamie glances at Wyatt and smerks signaling she new more than she let on.*

*Nate smiles down at Laura finishing off his own ice cream.*

"We sure can. I told you, you could have whatever you wanted to night even if its a walk on the beach."

*Nate smiles and waves good night to the other not knowing if they would see them again tonight or not. Slowly with Laura's arm still linked around him they walk down twords the beach. The was was alittle rough tonight but the sound of the rolling waves sounded nice. As Nate walks with Laura he trys to keep the conversation light. Talking about work, and how things are home were going.

Nate turns to look at Laura taking her hands she smiles walking backwards to see her face.*

"Your so pretty Laura. Dont ever let anyone tell you differntly. Your a wonderful woman."

*The moonlight reflects off Laura's face Nate smile increases. Nate stops making Laura stop as well. Bringing a gentil hand to her face Nate heart beats faster. He was daring to take a lep once again only once again hoping this time it would be returned. Nate draws his face closer to Laura gently pressing his lips to her. Wraping his free arm around her offering her the protection feeling. Drawing away after a moment Nate looking into Laura's eyes, seemingly to ask if it was ok to continue or if he should back away.*


Scott plays along with Katie, staying awake and being pretty lucid for the most part, though every once in a while coming up with a comment that was off the wall or downright silly.

As the last hand is shown and Katie has to relent to one more kiss, Scott is not expecting anything different than the peck on the cheek as he’s been receiving.

Katie’s paused motion catches him off guard, and he immediately senses something different. As her lips brush up against his skin, his pulse quickens, but he doesn’t resist. Her hand to his face sends warmth throughout, and he can feel her moving closer, knowing good and well what her aim is.

As she slides closer and into his lap, drawing him closer, he stares into her eyes for the brief moment before her lips come to his. It’s an instant of sweet passion and he’s drawn into it, his breath taken away. Everything else seems to fade away, and he finds himself returning the kiss with equal emotion, his hands finding their way to Katie’s back.

Her withdrawing leaves him for but a moment wanting more, and he searches her eyes, taken aback by her sudden move, and questioning if it were real or simply a byproduct of the heat of the moment. He finds sincerity.

Loosening her hold on her, though allowing her to remain on his lap, he regains his breath, absorbing the feeling she’d left him with. Her apology goes ignored. He didn’t need her to tell him she was sorry. He certainly wasn’t.

He corner of his mouth upturns in genuine, though slightly doped-up grin. “And I thought them drugs made me feel good.”

Con shoot Jamie a withering look at her comment of little kids. “I heard that.”

As Nate and Laura approach, Con and Laura lock eyes for just a moment, Laura giving him a brief nod. Con offers her a small smile, seeing that she is okay tonight.

Wyatt continues with the introductions. “Hey guys. I was just introducing my friend Aerith here. She’s fairly new in town – forgot to mention she’s working at Mom and Pop’s now though, so I’m sure you’ll be seeing more of her.” For Aerith’s sake, he gestures to the newcomers. “This is Nate, and Laura – she’s Con’s sister. Oh, and I forgot, Jamie is Herb and Mabel’s daughter.”

He gives Jamie a sidelong glance. “Speaking of which, your parents were quite the, um…hosts today. You’ll have to ask them about it.” He throws a wink in Aerith’s direction.

As the chit chat continues, the small group wanders a bit, eating their ice cream. Laura finishes hers up, and links her arm through Nate’s. “Hey…I know it’s dark, but can we take a walk down on the beach?”

Trent takes in Rosetta’s words thoughtfully, letting them sink in slowly. It had been so long since he’d tried to figure out just who he was…ten years behind bars had taught him he was nobody worth anything. Years with the Agency taught him he was worthless. Being on the run he hadn’t had time to think twice about it. But now…there was change in the wind…he could feel it. Who was he anymore? Did he really have anything to offer?

As BJ comes running up, Trent gives a little smile. The child was cute and obviously adored Rosetta. He looks up at her as she leaves and gives a little nod. “Thanks…for everything.”

Royal Flush

*Katie's face goes solom as she holds up her cards moving them around in her hand. Katie trys to keep ger poker face up looking over her cards everyone in a while at Scott. As Scott lays down his first hand Katie lays down hers with a sigh.*

"3 of a kind. Guess that means I kiss you first huh?"

*Katie's cheeks turn a slight shade of red as she leans over gives a kiss to Scott's cheek. As she draws away Katie gets a whip of Scott light cologne that is good and tingles her sences. As Katie sits back she stairs into Scott's eyes finally breaking the stair. Shuffling the cards again Katie deals. Playing about 3 or 4 more rounds they go back and forth one kissing the other cheek. Mosty of the time Scott wins and Katie ends up kissing him not that she minded.*

"Ok Scott one more hand and this is for the all time championchip of Kissing Poker. I hope your ready to lose."

*Leting Scott deal this time Katie once again holds up her cards studing every movie that is made. Finally this time is up Katie lays down her cards.*

"Full house."

*Scott lays his own hand down.*

"Royal flush."

*Leting out a heavy sigh Katie gets a smerk on her face.*

"I guess your the winner and get the last kiss huh."

*Katie unfolds her legs and leans in to kiss Scott on the cheek once again. As Kaite goes to kiss him on the cheek she stops lowering her head to his shoulder she takes a breath geting the smell of Scott cologne once again. As she draws away bringing her head back up her lips gently brush Scott neck taking her hand she turns his head twords her as her heart races, and all time stop. Pressing her lips to Scott she kiss him passently wraping her arms around him and drawing him closer. The kiss lingers for several moments till finally Katie pulls away feeling a bit of shock in herself that she just kissed Scott like that and dident know how he felt about it himself. Thinking maybe she steped over the line, In a horse breathless whisper Kaite speaks.*

"I'm sorry."


Scott sighs with content as Katie takes the dishes away. “Mm, thanks, Katie. That was the best meal I’ve had in ages.”

As Katie returns with the deck of cards and the first words are out of her mouth, Scott almost chokes on his yawn, his eyebrows shooting up. Katie predicts his reaction though, and he shuts his mouth, trying to register just exactly what it was that she was suggesting.

“First off…” He squints and points a finger at her. “I’d like to know how you knew I like to play poker. And second…” He pauses, thinking for a moment or two. “I forgot what my second point was. It had something to do with kissing I think…” Something tells him that he should be starting to get embarrassed over something, but feeling just a weebit high from the drugs, he simply shrugs. “Sure, why not. I wouldn’t recommend letting Domino play though. Not only does she cheat, but receiving a kiss from her isn’t all that pleasant. You, on the other hand…”

Scott lets his statement drift off, having just enough sense to let it stop there. Cringing just a little at his movement, he pulls himself up straighter, throwing off his blanket to sit cross legged. He picks up his cards, shuffling them around in his hand. Furrowing his brow, he tries to think clearly enough to play wisely, though it’s quite the task. Finally he has to reveal his hand, and throws his cards down face-up. “Full house.”

Little kids

*As Con messup Jamies hair she throws him an annoyed look that breaks out into a grin of enjoyment. Stratening her hair she resumes eating her ice cream till Wyatt and Aerith come over to them. Giving a friendly smile she holds out her hand to Aerith.*

"Hey Wyatt. Its nice to meet you Aerith. I hope Wyatt is treating you good."

*Jamie cant help but laugh sticking her toung out to Wyatt.

Aerith smiles jack at Jamie taking her hand shaking it fermly.*

"Thank you. Its nice meeting you both as well. Wyatt's been doing pretty good at showing around when he is not running out on me."

*Aerith throws a wink of playing at Wyatt.

As Wyatt and Con go at it with eachother for the moment Jamie steps closer to and laughs.*

"Dont worry after you hang out with everyone for a while you'll get use to this. Little kids traped in a mans body."

*After Nate pays for Laura and his own frozen treats they head back outside making there way over to the group. Nate gives a wave.*

"Hey guys. Fancy meeting you all here. This must be the hott spot."

*Nates eyes shift around the group and land on Aerith. Giving a friendly smiles.*

*Rosetta keeps her smile held though she felt bad for her brother. He was trying so hard and really did feel bad about the past.*

"You should be yourself Trent and find would your good at. Than you will have the talent of your own. Dont try and be like me just try and be like you. I know there is good inside ya and you have alot to offer the world. ou just need to take the time to find it."

*BJ runs over to Rosetta as his friend disapears into one of the bunks for the night.*

"Rosey, tan you wead me a book befwor bed pwease?"

*Rosetta looks down at BJ and smiles ruffling his hair*

"I sure can after you take a both though."

*BJ face lights up.*

"Wifh lots of bubbles?"

*Rosetta stands taking BJ's small hand.*

"Sure with lost of bubbles."

*Rosetta turns back to her brother before disapearing back inside.*

"I'll be back out in alittle bit, but if you go to bed before that I will see you tomarrow and sleep well."

*Rosetta disapears into the messhall with BJ.*

*Katie finishs off the last bit of chicken and glances over at Scott taking note his plate was cleaned too. Hoping off the bed Katie takes the plates and puts them on the counte.*

"I'll take care of those later when I got to get out dessert."

*Grabing one of the movies from her bag she pops it in the tv for background noise than takes the deck of cards out. For some reson tonight Katie felt, alittle hyper and she wasent sure why.
Hoping back up on the bed a grin cross Katie's face. Turning twords Scott she cross her legs and starts to deal the cards.*

"So I am sure you have hurd of strip poker before..."

*Katie stops for a moment.*

"Calm down killed i wasent sugjest playing that just the rules are the same minus the striping part. I am sugjesting we play kiss poker. Everytime one of us loses a hand we have to kiss the other person and yes it can be on the cheek. Wanna play?"

Big heart

Con sucks on his own ice cream cone and laughs at Jamie. He reaches over to give her head a vigorous rub with his hand to create heat, messing up her hair in the process.

Wandering to find a seat somewhere, but in no hurry, Con notices his sister and Nate inside ordering. Noting the smile on Laura’s face, he returns the wave without hesitation.

Laura can’t help a little laugh. “I guess this is the spot to go, isn’t it?” she asks Nate. Pointing out the window, she sees past her brother. “There’s Wyatt too… ooh, and look, he’s got a girl with him. After we order we should go out and say hi to everybody."

Wyatt’s smile broadens. “They make great rootbeer floats here.” He cocks his head in thought. “Come to think of it, I haven’t had one of those in quiet a while. I think that sounds like a fine idea.”

Going ahead and ordering to receive their floats first, once they have them in hand, Wyatt leads the way over to where Con and Jamie are still standing.

“Hey, guys.”

Con doesn’t turn around right away, not having heard him. Feeling a hand to his arm though, he almost jumps and looks to down to the side. Seeing Wyatt, he smiles. “Well, Wyatt. Hi there.”

Wyatt grins. “Con, Jamie. Small world, eh?” He chuckles, then gestures to Aerith. “I’d like you both to meet Aerith. She’s new in town and…I guess I’m showing her the sights.”

Con glances to Aerith, still smiling, and offers a strong handshake. “Nice to meet you, Aerith. I hope Wyatt hasn’t told you too many stories about friends of his…” He leans down a little, lowering his voice. “If he says anything bad about me, don’t believe him.” Receiving a swat to the arm from Wyatt, he straightens with a laugh. “What was that for?”

“Being ornery,” Wyatt retorts good naturedly.

Scott’s eyes widen at the spread Katie brings in, and pulls himself further up in bed so he can be sitting up straight. “My word…you went all out, didn’t you?” A smile creeps across his face as he receives supper. “You’re not going to hear me complain though…not with food that smells as good as this!”

Taking a bite of the chicken, he nods. “Mmm…and it tastes good too. Just give me time to eat it, that hole in my mouth screams at me every time I try to chew.” He rolls his eyes. “I’m ignoring it though, so if you hear it, pay no heed.”

He nudges Katie with his foot that’s under the blanket. “I’ll stay awake as long as you keep me that way.” He grins, his tongue just a little looser than normal. “If I start to drift off, just slap me and you’ll have my full attention again.”

Trent lifts his eyebrows a little at the story of BJ. The little boy looked so much like Mick, Trent wouldn’t have been surprised had the story been different…yet he also know that his sister wasn’t yet married and had her own set of standards that would most likely have not led to that occurrence.

“You’ve got just a big a heart as you always did, Rosetta…” He gives a sorry laugh. “I was always jealous of that heart…so many times I tried to be like you…never could live up to it though.”