
Night visitor

Jason nods thoughtfully. "Yeah, I still gotta get you that lighter rifle I promised you ages ago. Remind me in a few days again and we'll go get it." He sighs deely and looks a the clock. "Well, I think I'm gonna take a shower then head to the mess hall so everyone at least knows I'm alive." He swings his legs over the side of the bed, biting back a wince. "I'll catch ya in a bit."

Clint stands a little straighter, feeling good that he's shared with Rosetta. He's on the right track with his past mistakes, he's doing well with Wes, and he's making the right choices now. Maybe things really were looking up.
His face reddens slightly at the mention of the winter social. "Um...I haven't asked her yet," he admits. "I'm planning to though." He gives her a sheepish grin, then turns to leave. "Thanks, Rosetta. I better get back out to helping Wes."

Before everyone knows, it evening is upon the ranch once again. The gang gathers in the mess hall for supper, the mood fairly light. Clint is able to muster up the guts to join Rosetta in telling the others about his and Wendy’s finding, and it’s decided to sleep on it before taking any action.

Jason joins in for the evening meal, though avoids Con and his grandfather, purposely sitting at another table. Con won’t meet his gaze, and he makes a point of tossing Austin a look that could kill. Jason doesn’t allow the tension to affect anything else though, and tries to enjoy the company around him.

The next few days seem to go quickly, despite the mundane routines assumed around the ranch. Jade snatches up any free opportunities to be with Jason, while he continues to be sociable, but withdrawing to the privacy of his bunk often, not letting on about any plans.

It’s three o’clock in the morning. Everything is set. Jason throws on a pair of jeans, laces up his boots and dons his black leather jacket. He feels for Pete’s keys in his pocket to ensure they’re there, and he grabs his wallet to stuff in his back pocket. He takes one last look at himself in his mirror, standing tall. He’s dressed to kill and he knows it. If he’s going to make an impression, it’s going to be a good one…it was his only chance.

Slowly he heads out of his bunk, letting his door shut quietly behind him, and he hobbles down the steps with his crutches. He’s supposed to go to therapy tomorrow…but it will just have to wait.
He makes his way down the driveway, but something in his gut stops him, and he pauses. He knows that he’s making a decision some will thing is rash. He knows that he will be in big trouble with Austin, despite the note he left on his door. He’s going through with it anyway, as a last ditch effort.
But…for once…he weighs the choices of going alone, or with company. And for once…he feels the want of a friend. He’s usually a loner…but the thought of company is strangely appealing, and if there’s anyone he’d want along, it was her.

Turning around, he aims for Katie’s bunk. Finally making it up the short steps, he raps his knuckles on the door, glancing over his shoulder to ensure no one is watching. “Katie?” he calls quietly.


*Katie's smile slowly fades. A sadness and pain in her heart. Trying not to let it show Katie laughs.* "Thats ok I probley wont go anyways." *Katie giggles as she puts her smile back on.* "Ya I was doing alittle bit of shooting. Trying to clear my mind from everything with my Dad. I figured I could of use the practice anyways."

*Rosetta takes the paper and nods at Clint.* "Thank you for coming to me with this Clint. You did the right thing." *Rosetta hands the paper back to Clint.* "Lets let everyone know about this at dinner ok." *Rosetta smiles proud that Clint came to her.* " So are you gonna take Wendy to the Winter Social in town? I bet she would like it."

Too late

Clint jumps in surprise as Rosetta comes up behind him. “Oh, sheesh.” He rolls his eyes at himself. “You’d think I would have heard you coming.” He follows Rosetta inside and shifts his weight awkwardly. “Listen, um…there’s something I should have told you a long time ago… I was going to tell you a few weeks ago, but everything got crazy, so I didn’t. I think maybe Luke and Angel know a little bit, but Wendy and I didn’t share it with anyone.” He reaches into his back pocket and retrieves a couple folded printouts. “Wendy and I found information on a woman named Trace. We questioned her resemblance to Luke, and we saw that she was involved with Casey at one time. After hearing Austin a few weeks ago, I wondered if maybe Trace was one of the people that Casey wouldn’t talk about. At any rate…we found where she currently resides with her husband, and there is contact information.” Clint swallows hard, knowing that keeping secrets never went over well in this group. “I…we thought maybe we’d find something ourselves and be helpful, but…I guess maybe we should have shared this sooner.”

Jason grins as Katie comes into his bunk. He shrugs off her thanks for the flowers, uninterested in making a big deal out of it.
As Katie asks him to the winter social, his eyes widen. Not even thinking, he lets a chuckle escape, proving he’s oblivious to Katie’s seriousness. “Well, if ya would have come five minutes sooner, you might have had a chance. But Jade beat you to it.” He shakes his head in amusement, not catching on to Katie’s subtle embarrassment, and not believing that any of this is that big of a deal. “So what have you been up to today? I heard some shots - target practice?”


*Wes nods at Clint.* "It takes time." *Feeling Clint is uncomfortable talking about Jim he lets the conversation change.* "Ok try tighting that over there....ok now change those to wires. Ok let see if this thing will work now."

*Rosetta comes up behind Clint on the porch with a bunch of mail in her hand.* "I guess it would help if I was in there to answer the door huh?" *Rosetta cant help but smile at Clint. Opening the door She smiles.* "Come on in."

*Firing off the last round in her gun a paper blows past Katies feet. Puting her guns sadtl on and than returning it to her holdster she runs after the paper. A smile comes to her face as she reads. It would be fun to go with Jason and get them both and about for a bit. Stuffing the paper into her pocket Katie heads for Jason's bunk. As she draws closer she see Jade heading out. Katie nods at Jade as she goes up the steps on a mission. Katie knocks on the door as it swings open. Looking in she see Jason siting up on bed. Katie steps in.* "Hey J. I'm happy to see your up and eating something. I was gonna ask if you wanted anything. Oh thank you for the flowers. I love them. You sure do know how to make a girl smile dont you." *Katie smiles at Jason. Siting down she pulls the paper out of her pocket.* "Hey J I was gonna ask...I found this out in the clearing and its for a winter social, and I was wondering if maybe you would like to go with me. I dont normaly go to this kind of stuff but I thought it would be nice for us to get out of the ranch for a bit and have some fun." *Katie's face turns alittle red as she askes Jason being alittle embarssed.*


Clint concentrates on the job he's doing, but takes to heart what his uncle is saying. "Thanks, Wes...I appreciate all your help." He mulls over what was said about him looking like Jim, and he pauses, wrench in hand, for just a moment. "Jim and I had a good talk the other day...I guess maybe we're mending the bridge that almost got burned." He shrugs. "Maybe one of these days he and I will have a better relationship."
Not comfortable with talking about it further right now, he turns back to the motor. "Now...let's get this sucker running..."

Jade gives Wendy a knowing grin as they talk about Clint, but she doesn't tease. Looking to the kitchen, she nods. "Oh yeah, thanks. I'll see you a bit later." She goes to the kitchen, and a few minutes later, she and Mick head outside for a walk.

Morning becomes afternoon, and the day progresses slowly.

Taking a break, Clint heads to Rosetta's office and knocks on the door. "Rosetta?"

A tennis ball flies through the air, ricochets off the wall and back into Jason's hand. He tosses it again, aiming at nothing, and catching it, just to throw it back. He's been awake for an hour, sitting up on his bed, his mind reeling. His mind has wandered back to TJY, Austin, an his suspension. Con's words come back to him, "Don't fight it. Let it go." But how could he let it go? How could he just sit back and take it? Yes, he'd made mistakes, and yes, the charges were all true. But he'd had his reasons...there were explanations. Did he not have a right to defend himself?
He throws the ball with force, and it stings his palm as it bounces back to him. He'd tried calling Reese a while ago, and had been given the runaround by another secretary. It was obvious that Reese was not going to take his calls, avoiding the whole issue, which just made Jason all the madder.
As the tennis ball's banging noise against the wall drones on, a hard determination forms in Jason's mind. He may have made some mistakes, but this treatment was unfair. But if Reese wasn't going to talk to him, there was only one option left.
He catches the ball one last time, his gaze fixed on the blank wall. Maybe it wasn't the wisest decision, and it was certainly wasn't something he could tell anyone else about. But it was his only chance.
His mind begins to formulate a plan, calculating all the variables, and all the scenarios that might occur. The end result would either be very good or very bad. But either way, he couldn't just sit here and do nothing.
Jason throws the ball one last time, his mind made up. Now all he needed was a couple opportune times to get things in place so he would not be hindered.

A knock at the door startles him, and he stops throwing the ball again. "Yeah, come on in."

Jade timidly opens the door and steps inside. "Hey...I wasn't sure if you were awake or not. No one saw you at lunch, so we assumed you were still sleeping."

Jason grins, shoving his plans to the back of his mind. "Yeah, I just woke up a while ago."

"I brought you something to eat if you wanted it..." Jade holds out a paper plate with a sandwich and some fruit. "Your mom said you get low blood sugar if you don't eat."

Jason chuckles. "She was right, and I am a bit hungry."

"Good." Jade comes and sits on the edge of the bed, handing Jason the food. "How are you feeling?"

Jason takes as bit of the sandwich and nods. "Alright until the pain meds wear off. But I feel better than everyone's treating me." He throws her a wry grin. "Not that I mind the attention."

Jade blushes slightly.

"Nah, really I feel pretty good." Jason shrugs. "I know everyone who saw me at death's door might expect me to be in worse shape, but I think sleeping for three weeks did me good."

Jade looks at his face with sympathy. "Does that hurt?"

"What, this?" Jason gestures to his fresh scar. "Not much. The doctor said I could see a plastic surgeon if I wanted, but I figure it's just part of me now...it's a good reminder of my mortality every time I look in the mirror."

Jade cocks her head. "I think it gives you character."

A grin makes its way across Jason's face again as he takes another bite of his sandwich. "Let's just hope none of my ventures give me any more character, okay?"

Jade laughs. "Alright." She pauses, her eyes lighting up. "Oh, I wanted to tell you...I've gotten out a bit lately, and I saw that there's a winter social event in town in about two weeks. Sparky said that the church is involved too, so it's a good clean event. They have food, games, dancing... that sort of thing..." She looks at him with question.

Jason lifts an eyebrow, pausing his chewing. "And..."

"Well..." Jade's face reddens slightly. "I thought maybe you'd like to go. I know everyone's worried about security and everything, but Sparky and Mel are going...I don't know about any of the others yet, but it's not like it's out in the boonies where something can go wrong."

Jason swallows and thinks for just a moment, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "And do I look like someone who could join in the festivities?"

Jade rolls her eyes. "It's a social event. Who cares if you can't get up and dance? I certainly wouldn't. Besides, it would be fun to get out and meet some other people... get our minds off everything that's been going on, if only for a couple hours." She grins at him. "So...what do you say?"

Jason wonders if the decision he'd made just a short while ago would affect these plans. But if everything went his way, it wouldn't. And Jade's invitation did have a certain appeal. Her enthusiasm to do something like that with him made him feel good in a way that was new to him. He concentrates on his food again, slyly allowing the silence to create tension.

Jade looks at him expectantly, the heat rising to her cheeks. "If you don't want to that's okay, I..." Jason's teasing glance makes her face grow even redder. "You turkey."

Jason laughs. "And I thought you cared. Now you're calling me names."

"Well I wouldn't if you'd just give me an answer!" Jade slaps his arm teasingly.

Jason shakes his head, still laughing. "Alright, I won't torture you. Yes, I'll go."

"Yay!" Jade smiles broadly. "Good. Now, I'm going to leave you in peace. If you need anything, call up at the mess hall."

I'm glad

*As Katie steps out of Jason's bunk she looks back. He is sound asleep already. Katie smiles and whispers.*"Rest well." *Making her way off the porch she feels her gun that she had forgoten was in her pocket. Deciding to do some target practice she heads for her bunk to get more bullets. Upon entering she see the flowers on her bed. Before reading the note she knows who they are from. Siting down on the bed Katie picks up the flowers with a smile and a small blush to her face. Reading the note she speaks aloud.* "What would I do without you J." *Standing she puts the flowers into the water, and grabs her bullits. Before leaving she runs her hands over the flower pettles and smiles. Jason made her feel good, he made her feel warm and fuzzy inside. Leaving the bunk she makes her way to the clearing and the makeshift target. Keeping in the back of her mind to thank Jason when he wakes up.*

*Wendy smiles at Clint's name.* "Ya, Clint is a great guy. He's sweet, handsum, smart." *Wendy blushes a bit as she talks about Clint relizing she is geting carryed away. Looking up she can see Mick disapear into the kitchen.* "Hey it looks like you can have your time with your dad not he just disapeared into the kitchen." *Wendy grins at Jade.* "We can talk more later."

*Wes whipes his hands off on a rag.* "See your geting the hang of it. Its not that hard just alot of stuff to remember." *Wes looks at Clint for a moment.* " You looks more and more like Jim everyday. I'm might proude of you Clint. You new you did something wrong and your trying to correct it. Thats alot more than some people try and do. Your doing the right thing." *Wes gives a small grin.*

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*As Sam turns and looks back at the house a dark figure enters it. Yelling to BJ she says.* "BJ..come on its time to go."

*BJ looks up from the sand box.* "Awww...Sham do I have to?"

*Sam looks to BJ.* "YES...come on let go."

*BJ stands and brushs the sand off himself. Bending down he takes the little shovel he had and hands it to the little girl he was playing with.* "Here you do. You can have." *Smiling at the little girl he runs after Sam.*

*Taking BJ's hand Sam makes her way for the house again. After entering she looks into the livinf room and see Stan siting at the table.*

*BJ makes a funny face at Stan.*

"BJ I want you to run upstairs and play. I will call you down for lunch soon ok." *Sam asks BJ.*

"Otay" *BJ reply. and makes his way up the steps.*

*After BJ is up stairs Sam makes her way into the kitchen and sits down at the table.* "What are you doing here Stan?"

*Stan looks at Sam a very solem look on his face.* " You know your not to take that brat out of the house."

*Sam looks at Stan fire burning in her eyes.* "He has a name you know. And yes I know I am not saposto but he is a little boy. He need space to run around, and play with kids his own age. Just because the Agency made a mistake with him dosent mean he should be kept cages like an animel."

*Stan looks at Sam. He can tell something is differnt. Changed about her.* "And what if someone saw him and reconize who he was?"

"Stan no one is going to be all the way out here who knows him ok." *Sam states.*

*Standing and heading for the door Stan says in a scoffing tone.* "Ya well we will see what the boss has to say about this. He's not going to be to happy Sam. If I were you I'd watch your step."

"Is that a thret Stan?"

"No Sam, that a promise." *With that Stan walk out of the house and gets into his car driving off.*

*For a long moment Sam sits at the table. A new fear running through her. She hoped the boss would understand and not be as upset as Stan was. She had her orders to keep BJ inside but she couldent do that to him. BJ was very smart for his age. He excelled at the school work she did with him at the house. Passing with flying colors. Sam felt sad knowing that BJ would never be a normel kid. So much in his life was not normal. It hurt to think of this poor boy not understanding what was going on around him.*

A note

Jason gives Katie a solemn grin. “Eh, I’ve settled on knowing I’ll probably never meet my dad. But it’s okay. I’ve moved passed that.”
He sighs deeply, feeling a yawn coming on. His mind insists that Katie can stay, but his body insists he needs the rest. “I suppose some sleep would probably do me good.” He closes his eyes wearily, as Katie gets up, only now realizing just how tired he is. “Thanks for everything, Katie…” His voice trails off as she starts to leave, the sleep much stronger than he’d anticipated, as it pulls him out of reality, forcing his body to rest.

…Waiting on Katie’s bed is a neatly wrapped bouquet of a dozen roses. A note simply reads, “I heard you saved my life. Can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done. Grateful to have you as a friend. – Jason

Jade smiles, looking up from the book she’s been reading. “Yeah, I’m doing pretty well, thanks.” She sighs a little. “Not quite what I’d imagined with my dad being gone the last few weeks, but I understand the need for it. I suppose I’ll get my time with him when I need to.” She grins and nods to the door. “So…you and Clint seem to be pretty close…”

Mick enters the mess hall through the front door, but seeing Jade involved in a conversation with Wendy, he heads to the kitchen for some iced tea.