

*Misty accepts Carson's hand up and runs her other through her hair to get the sand out. As Carson takes her hands she smiles.*

"Ya well, exspect at one day after we get home to spend it being sick. Jet lag is a pain."

*Misty and Carson make there way up the path. Misty leads the way as they walk a bit away from the first cafe and make there way to another to have some lunch. At lunch Misty informs and teaches Carson about many of the triditions.*

"You have to have some Tea and Scones before you meal. Its just what you do."
*Time...how time pass. We forget about the hours and before we know it they are gone. Time pass when your having fun and time pass when your intisapating something.

Time passes quickly for Carson and Misty the next 2 days were filled with new sights and sounds. Misty even baught some camras to take pictures. New memories. Misty takes Carson to see many sights in 2 days:

*Misty was in aww over seeing the tall clock again. Though she had seen it before it was even better this time with Carson.*

Amusment Park in Blackpool on the waterfront

*Misty hadent been to this amusment park before but everyone in she class said it was one of the best. Having it as a first time experince with Carson was the best of it all. Misty wished the night would have lasted for ever.*

Canterbury Cathedral

*The Cathedral stood so tall, and was build to perfection. Misty and Carson both agreed it was one of the most amazing things they ever saw.*

Newcastle Academy
*Misty even enjoyed showing Carson around her school. It was big with 3 floors. But not your tipicle. You could tell this one was very high class.*

Misty's House
*Finally on the last of the two days Carson and Misty found there way back to Misty's naborhood. She loved her little house and would miss it. She wanted Carson to see it at least once. Walking into the kitchen Misty stands at the stove and starts to make some lunch.*
"Grilled chicken and cheese sandwichs coming up."
*Misty smiles at she cooks at the stove.*
"I hurd sometime twords evening tonight there is a fair going on at the water front in town. I was thinking it might be fun if we went. Unless I have totally pooped you out the last 2 days draging you around."
*The next two days at TJY seem to past fast as well for Katie. After Scott had given her the new set of wheels and showed her around time they seemed to be spending more time together. Hanging out, going to Lunch. Katie never would of know that when Scott wasent bumbaling around, and breaking things he was quite the person to talk to. Katie even had a few things in comman with him. Its funny where and who you can make friends with when your least exspecting it.
As Katie at at the breakroom table across from Scott her mind kept wondering. In a few hours Katie would be heading over to the prison to see Jason again. Its had been more than 2 months since she saw him last. Katie got his letters offten and felt him inside her all the time. They both show a sence of emptyness that slowly eat away at her. Katie could only hope Jason seeing her would restore his hope again. How she missed Jason and wished he would be home sooner than she new he would. As Katie looks to the clock she finishs off her drink and stands throwing it away. Giving alittle strech she gives alittle wave to Scott.*
"Well its time for me to go meet Lockheart. I am guessing I'll only be gone for an hour again though I wish the time was longer than that. Depending on how the viset goes it depending if you will see me again today or not. If you dont I'll give ya a call to let you know. I've got to try and get a hold of Kyle too and see if the bands wants to hang out too. So much to do so little time. But thanks to you Scotty my boy I dont have to depend on everyone alse for rides. Better get going."
*Katie exits the breakroom and heads out of TJY making her way to her car. She was able to drive it now without to much fear. Though she couldent help but always glance in her rerview mirror. Finally the time pass and Katie pulls up aloneside Lockheart's car. Jumping out of the car Katie grabs her cane and smiles at Lockheart.*
"Afternoon Lockheart."
*Lockheart smiles at Katie and gives her a small hug than looks to her car.*
"Wow...nice car. Is that the one you got for your birthday?"
*Katie beams as she runs her hand along the hood of the car.*
"Its sure is. Its the same make as my old one. It wirded me out before but I'm ok with it now. It was really sweet of Scott. He new how much I loved my orginal."
*Lockheart links her arm with Katie's as they make there way to the door of the prison.*
"You have some might good friends Katie. Its not every day someone gets a car like that handed to them."
*Katie cant help but laugh at the thought of what Lockheart was clearly implying.*
"I'm sure Scott would do it for anyone. He's a good guy. Strange when you friend meet him, but once ya get to know him he's a ryat."
*Doing introsuctions at the desk is the normal now and soon they are shown to the same familure room as the one before. Lockheart once again waits outside as Katie heads in. Looking around the room there are a few other inmates with there familys, wifes, girlfriends. Being directed where to sit Katie see Jason is not there yet. Siting down she holds her hands in her laps and waits excited to see Jason.*


A sly grin creases Carson’s mouth as Misty removes his hat and runs her hand through his hair. His eyes close for just a moment, enjoying her touch.

He returns her kiss and studies her as she withdraws. Her question makes him think for just a moment. “Nope…I don’t think you’d told me that yet…” He squints at her. “How about you tell me again?”

Leaning down, its his turn to initiate a kiss, letting it linger on her lips as he holds himself over her. Drawing back just a little, he moves to give her another light kiss to her forehead before rolling back and standing to his feet. He reaches down to give Misty a hand up, and brushes the sand off of himself.

Slapping his cap on her head, he slips her hand into his and nods to the path up from the beach. “Alright. I’ve got five days before my plane leaves, so we better get to sightseeing and getting your stuff taken care of. I’m at a hotel somewhere around here, I forgot the name, but how about we sightsee somewhere to eat first? My stomach’s all confused with this time change.”

Scott smiles and gives a little nod. “You’re welcome. And just give me ten minutes to fix whatever Susanne did to her computer.” He shakes his head as he walks away. “Don’t make me decide where to eat – I’ll choose Mom and Pop’s every time. Pick a place ya like, and that’s where we’re going.” He chuckles. “Pick it across town and your introduction to your car will last longer.”

A new friend?

*As Misty looks up at Carson her grin increases as she stairs back up into Carson's captavating eyes. As the water drips from Carson's hat hit Misty in the forhead she cant help but giggle more reaching her hand up she pulls off his hat to runs a hand through his slightly wet hair.*

"Well thats good, I would hate to do this to a dead man."

*Misty strains her neck up kissing Carson on the lips for a moment drawing her head away again resting it in the warm said to stair up at Carson as the sun reflected off him giving him a soft glow.*

"Did I tell you already how happy I am to see you."

*Once again the things in Misty's life changed so fast, but this time it was a goodfelling that brang joy.*

*Kaite smiles at Scott and his comment. She cant help but giggle. Scott certinly had a good sence of humor.*

"Ok...It will be our little secret. I'm pritty much ready whenever your done with your work just let me know. You be thinking of somewhere to eat too. I cant decied I am to hungry."

*Katie sticks her toung out alittle bit and giggles once again siting down at her desk to continue her paper work. Than looks up again at Scott.*

"Thank you...again Scott it means alot."

Don't tell

Seeing life in Misty again brought hope to Carson that maybe…maybe someday they could regain what they’d had, and perhaps even more. He knew he’d have to work at it to gain back her trust completely…but he could tell that she was willing to let him try.

He keeps his eyes on her as she crouches by the water, watching her movements, reading into her words. He starts to respond to her offer to show him around, when all of a sudden he’s splashed with water.

He blinks but doesn’t move as the water runs down his face and drips off the brim of his hat. Thinking for a moment, his eyes narrow and he looks at Misty out of the corner of his eye. “You just can’t get enough of those consequences, can you?”

Without even hesitating, Carson leans to the side and sweeps his arm to the back of her ankles, knocking her off balance so she falls backward. In one movement, he’s looking down at her, one hand beside each shoulder, his fingers sunk into the sand. Water drips from his hat onto her forehead, and he stares into those never-ending eyes. “Any bloke that has forgotten your adventures would have to be considered dead, and I’m certainly feeling anything but dead.”

Scott’s grin remains pasted on his face, showing he’s happy and relieved that Katie had not turned down the gift. “Consider it a belated birthday present or something.” He shrugs. “And I know how it is to be without a set of wheels.”

Studying her face for just a moment, a look of understanding passes through Scott’s eyes. “I’d love to introduce you two.” He chuckles. “And I’d also love to get behind the wheel again, so you’re on. But you keep the keys.” He pushes her hand back towards her. “I’ll be the one borrowing them when we leave.”

He turns to go, but then stops, spinning back around, a silly look on his face. “If I’da known this would provide me a chance to go out with you, I woulda done it sooner.” He tosses her a wink to show he’s kidding. “Just don’t tell Jason – he’d beat me to a pulp.”

Unexspected look out!

*Misty stairs back at Carson a sassy grin making itself present on her face and the brigt light glowing in her eyes. Yes...the present, the future it looked bright. Long and hard but everything would be ok.*

" I think....."

*Misty leans back on her ams again her face going solom for only a moment but her eyes still smiling. Looking at Carson she closes her one eye just alittle blocking the sun.*

"...I'll be able to face tomarrow, and look twords the future as Misty Miller now that I know I wont be facing it alone. Thank you Carson."

*Misty starts to stand in a squating position once again leting the water run over her hand and through her fingers. her face still solom deep in thought.*

" Its going to take me a few days to finish things up here. Need to put my house up for sale, and see about geting transfered back into the school in Nevada. I've been doing good this samester so I dont see a problem. Your more than welcome to stick around Carson so we can go back together. I can show you the sites, the food...why I love it here. Unless in the last two months you have become soft, and forgot how fun my adventurs can be."

*Cuping her hand Misty throws a big spash of water at Carson as a smile finally breaks forth on her face. Her eyes shown, and burned brighter before. Laughter rings through the air drifting back to the small Cafe.*

*Frankie stands leaning on the railing of the cafe watching Sage and the man who had come to see her. A smile cross Frankie's face as he hears her laughter ring through out the beach. Standing he lets out a sigh and tucks his hands in his pockets. His job was done. Sage had someone new to watch over her now. The one who was ment to. Turning Frankie walks out of the cafe and gets into his car. Taking the picture of Sage he tucks it in his wallet. He was confadent she was going to be ok now. Frankie had the good memories and Misty...would always be Sage to him for thats who he new her as.*

*Katie looks up at Scott aproches and smiles.*

"Hey Scott."

*As Scott cuts Katie off she listens to him at first wondering why he was telling her about the his favores. As soon as she see the keys land on her desk she understand what Scott was hinting at. Taking her hand she runs them over the keys for a moment. She new the shape of the key, and the make names writen on them. Looking up at Scott Katie eyes are big and round. A tiny bit of fear. She hadent driven since the accident. She wasent sure if she was scaired or not, she wa sstill in shock by Scott wanting to give her the car.*

"Scott....I dont, I couldent...wow. I couldent take this from you, without giving you something for it. Why dont you drive it? I...mean...thank you..but..."

*Katie looks down at the keys again. Works could not express her feeling, She was happy to have a car again, just like her old one non the less. The car she was over joyed to have her pride and joy. Fear, the what ifs, but would could one live there life in fear. Confustion Scott would give her a car. She dident talk to him much and out of the blue he gave her a car.
A small smile cross Katie's face as she looks up at Scott again and can see the look that said he wouldent say no. Staning Katie takes Scott in a friendly embrass.*

"Thank you."

*Katie draws away and looks at the keys in her hand again. Her first time in the car would be hard Katie. *

"Hey Scott...do ya think maybe...you could drive for me the first time around while I ride, just to warm up to the car."

*Katie wasent sure how to put it without just coming out and saying it. But Scott was smarter than he looked and Katie hoped he would understand what she was geting at. Katie holds the keys out to Scott.*

"Maybe we can grab a bit to eat than I can drive home?"

Are you?

Carson eases down next to Misty in the sand, folding his legs up Indian-style. He listens quietly…he’d had times in his life where he thought he was going to die…he could relate…he knew it wasn’t fun to think about.

The information that he was the one thing Misty hung onto stirs a strange feeling within him…he knew Misty cared about him…had fallen in love with him…but there was a deepness there he didn’t yet understand.

Mention of the Agency brings a muttered curse to the surface. Carson had been afraid of that…it just went to prove how heartless the Agency really was, and made him all the more glad he was out of it.

As Carson hears the tears in Misty’s voice, he reaches over to put an arm around her shoulders. He couldn’t remember ever needing to comfort anyone, and it felt just a little awkward…but he didn’t want to withdraw from Misty…not now.

He sighs deeply as she concludes, trying to process the information…trying to decide how he should be feeling. He was so angry with the Agency, he could taste it. He wasn’t mad at Misty though…he understood now…he wasn’t sure he would have done differently. Half the time she hadn’t remembered, and half the time she was trying to protect herself and those she cared for.

Carson gives Misty’s shoulders a gentle squeeze. “I’ve never experienced as great a pain as I did when I thought you’d died because of me,” he mentions quietly. “And I still carry with me the guilt because though you didn’t die, you experienced horrors that no one should have to go through.”

He swallows hard, grasping for control over his emotions. “You don’t have to make up for anything, Misty. The only thing you did was what you felt was right, and…you can’t regret that.”

Carson allows a long pause, contemplating the present…the future. “What happens now? Are you going to stay in hiding?” He turns his head to look her in the eye. “Or are you going to go back with me and face this thing to end it once and for all?”

A hard determination settles into his eyes. “Hiding only gives the Agency just what they wanted, and I’ll be hanged if I let them be satisfied with their dirty work.”

Scott ambles across the floor, jingling something in his pocket.

“Hey, Scott, can you help me over here?” Susanne calls from her office, holding up some cords that look like they shouldn’t have been pulled from something.

Scott throws her an annoyed but amused smirk. “Hang on. I’ll be there in a minute.” He continues his route to Katie’s cubicle where he leans on the wall, looking down at her. “Hero! Good to see ya today.” He grins at her and pushes his glasses up further on his nose.

“Listen, I, um…I got a buddy in town who owed me for some tech jobs I did for him a while back, and…I decided to cash in. Just so happens he works at that car lot over at the east end of town.” Scott cocks his head a little and shrugs. “I did a bit of haggling and ended up with these.” He reaches into his pocket and tosses a set of keys onto Katie’s desk.

“She’s got about 3,000 miles on her so she’s just broke in. Engine’s great and purrs like a kitten. I checked everything out, and all she needs now is a driver and someone to give her a name.”

My Story

*Misty listens to Carson talk about the time between leavin TJY and when he returned. The gap there in time was slowly being filled as Carson talked. When Carson pauses for a moment Misty turns her gaze out to the water the waves making tiny pools in front of her. Memories of how she arrived to england pladed her mind.*

"Your right Carson I dont want to know the details. In the last 2 months we both have done stuff we arnt happy about. Maybe some are worse than other, but mistakes all the same. We made desistions, and payed the price."

*Misty goes silent again as she continues to listen to Carson. As she releaze how he felt about what happend and his pain. Misty dident blame him for being angry. Slowly Misty eases down to the ground running her hand through the clear water for a moment. It felt good running over her skin, though it still braught a sence of fear. Easing away Misty takes off her sandles and sits in the sand sticking her feet out in the water themself. Slowly Misty starts to spreak again after Carson askes his questions. It was his right to know.*

"Its hard facing your own death. You leave one area thinking your gonna start over, and before you know it someone is whispering your about to die, playing out how and why. Than is happens...you life pass before you eyes. So many things you wanted to do before you died, so many people you wished you could hug again. Its so scary. Just think about it strikes fear in my heart."

*Misty stops talking for a moment closing her eyes. Replying everything in her mind. It was a long hard road, one Misty tryed to put behind her and now she had to reply it over for Carson. Leting out a sigh Misty keeps her eyes closed smelling the warm air.*

"I spend a month in a hospetil here recovering from my injarys. I had a few broken bones, got some bad scars on my back from burns, and alot of other injorys. I also lost my memorie from the trama. Even though my memorie was lost there was one thing that braught me comfort. Your face."

*Misty opens her eyes and turns her head to look at Carson.*

"...Your face was in my dreams, and when I closed my eyes it was there. This was the only thing I could go by for your name."

*Misty holds up her arm to reveal her wrist with the braclet.*

"Even in losing my memorie my heart wouldent let me forget you. Anyways....a month later when an officer was talking to me again about the crash everything came back to me. Like a title wave it all hit me. Who I was, TJY, The Agency, Who you were, and the crash."

*Misty takes a deep breath in again remembering like it was yesterday. With memoris comes pain, but with pain comes growing glancing around the beach Misty takes in the peacefulness and though it hurt being able to shair this all with someone was light a weaght being lifted. Misty keeps her eyes out on the harizon.*

"It was the Agenct that took my plane down. I remember it will. The seat next to me was empty till we were up in the air. A guy named Mathus..He was an Agency goons...occupied that seat after we had taken off. He smelled of whisky and smoke so bad it made my gut rench and I can still smell it. I remember at one point he leaned over to me really close and told me he new who I was. He said The Agency new I was involved with you. Out dear friend...."

*Misty rolls her eyes and cringes as she speaks the name.*

"....Ashlyn told them that much. I guess she really does hate me. So The Agency did what they do best as payback to someone. They hit them where it hurts the most. Even the Agency has people willing to be Kamikazes. The screaming on the plane, the tears, the little kids....."

*Misty sucks in a breath as a few tears fall from her eyes.*

"...I blacked out and when I came to I was on the beach spiting up water and people were running twords me. When I started remembering, i started to understand what would happen if the Agency new I was still alive. I though it was just best if I stayed dead. For my safty and so the Angecny would try and do anything to you or my family to draw me out. I dident have much in Nevada anyways, so i changd my name and ehre I am."

*Misty keeps looks out as the tiny boats going by, the small row boat with 2 people in it laughing.*

"..Not a day when by I dident think of my family or you Carson. I missed you all terribaly, but I thought I was doing what was rigt and good foreveryone. I was so lost and confused at that time, I just wanted to be left alone and try to find happyness somewhere though it never came."

*Once again Misty turns her head to Carson trying to open her heart and findint it hard to find the words put pushing on anyways.*

"I'm so sorry for the pain I caused Carson. If there is anyway I can make it up please let me know. I will regret what I have done always."

*Katie splits off from Laura as they enter TJY. Today she was feeling ok so decieded to come into work. Making way to her desk Katie pulls out a can of soda, and starts moving through papers on her desk, and seeing what needs to be done.*

Two days

Misty’s hand on Carson’s face sends warmth throughout, a feeling that had been left void for too long. The tear wiped away, so does dread flee. Sorrow would remain…the dull ache of yesterday’s mistakes and wrong doings would continue to be a solid reminder for the future. But for now…in this moment…they were overcome by the sheer relief of Misty’s forgiveness and acceptance.

Carson lets Misty take his hand, and he stands up with her, allowing her to lead him through the growing crowd, and down the narrow path to the beach. The sun shone warm, a contrast to the cool air blowing in off the water that crashed onto the sandy shore.

Carson’s grip tightens around Misty’s hand, not knowing all that had happened to her, but sensing this wasn’t easy. He stops and turns just to look out on the water, the wind to their faces. He wanted answers…he wanted explanations…he wanted to know why what had happened had happened like it had… But he also wanted Misty to know the truth about himself before she laid everything out.

“Misty…” His words are once again wrought with a new tone that demonstrated a mixture of hurt, shame, sorrow and timidity. A tone that was not common to Carson until recently. “I…in case anyone says anything, I just…I want you to know that when I left for Australia, I didn’t live a lifestyle that was good. When I heard your plane went down I just lost it completely and went down every wrong path just trying to find something to erase the pain because I knew it had all been my fault. I was still the bad guy and…I did things I’m not proud of…I don’t think you want to know the details.”

He pauses, still looking at the water. “I finally picked myself back up, and then about a week and a half ago I went back to TJY. Then we got a newspaper about that poison breakout over here, and we knew it was you on the front page. That’s how I found you…”

Carson drops his gaze a little bit to the side, searching Misty’s face without turning his head. “I won’t lie to you…I was a bit mad…I couldn’t believe that you were actually alive, but what was more, I couldn’t believe you hadn’t let anyone know. I didn’t expect you to try and let me know, but at least your family…”

He allows another pause, now waiting to receive what Misty had to say. “Why, Misty? Why the new name? Why the hiding?”

Got wind that in a couple days we got that window. I usually don’t know when visitors can come, so it’s nice having a heads up this time. You should get this letter the day after I send it, so by the time you’re reading this, I can say “see you tomorrow.” I imagine Lockheart knows of it. Looking forward to it, Katie.
I haven’t seen that rainbow yet, but I’m still keeping my eye out.
Heard JetStream on the radio again the other day – sounds like they’re doing well. Kyle’s a great lead.
See you soon.


*As Carson returns Misty's hug she melts in his arm. Those arms that braught her comfort, and drove her fears away still did. Misty felt happy, the feeling of joy filling her like non other. She had been mad at Carson but that now was gone. Misty though she wouldent never have that second chanse with Carson but now here he was with her. Nothing alse matter to Misty but this moment. From Carson's embrace Misty could truly tell he did care and the mistakes he made were just that.

Misty smiled at Carson her eyes though stricken with tear were lit up. The tears were no longer tears of sorrow but tears of joy. The empty place in her heart had been filled once again by the only person she new capable of touching her heart.

Bringing her hand to the side of Carson face Misty slowly runs it along is cheek maping over every curve.*

"How could I not forgive you. I smiled at so many people for more than a billion times in the last months; but nothing compaired to when I first saw you, my heart took over and smiled for the first time that day. Your all my heart wants and it wouldent let you be replaced nor would I want it to."

*Misty only spoke the truth she new. Trying to open her heart hurt but it was something she had to do. Carson did hold they key even if he dident see it. He always did. Misty slowly whips away Carson tear than ran down his face.*

"I'll stick with you through thick and thin Carson. Can you forgive me for making you think I was dead. If I new it would of put you through what it did I wouldent have let it drag out."

*Misty looks around the now busy Cafe. It was feeling a bit stuffy and she dident want Carson to feel awkward let along herself. They had much to talk about but this was not the place. Looking out to the beach once again Misty stands holding her hand out to Carson as she smiles.*

"Come on lets get out of here and go for a walk on the beach. I guess I'll need to tall you about the last few months but this is not the place. It nice out there today. I havent been able to walk out there since the crash. Water makes me panic. But I'd like to over come it and I'd like my first time to be with you Carson."

I don't know how

The words that Misty speaks dig down deep, touching the untouchable parts of Carson’s heart. Fearful to look back at her, he keeps his gaze to the water. His chest feels as though it might burst, if he keeps everything inside any longer. But Misty’s words were true…he didn’t know how to let it out.

He could feel his one last chance slipping through his fingers, and dreaded seeing Misty walk away. But suddenly, that fear is gone in an instant.

As Misty sinks onto his lap, he gives a start, not having expected it. He withdraws his feet from the other chair to sit up straighter, and his arms immediately wrap around Misty in a hold that never wanted to let go.

He presses her to his chest, burying his face in her hair. “I’m so sorry,” he whispers. “I was wrong…and when I thought I’d lost you for good, my whole world stopped spinning.”

Feeling Misty’s tears soak through his shirt bring out Carson’s own pain, driving his uncontrolled emotions to the surface in the form of his own tears that he kept from spilling over.

He simply holds Misty for several minutes, the noise around them fading as if they were the only two people in the world.

Any anger Carson had felt was gone…with such relief…with such elation to be holding Misty again, there was no room for it.

Finally, Carson takes Misty’s shoulders to push her back just a little. His hand brushes the hair from her face, and wipes the tears from her cheek. “Can you forgive a bloke for being a fool?” he asks quietly. He searches her eyes, trying to find the key to unlocking her soul once more. Sorrow fills his gaze. “I don’t know how to love, Misty…I thought I did, and I was wrong… but I want to learn...” He swallows hard as an unwanted tear finally escapes. “Can you find it in your heart to stick around long enough to show me how?”

Locked Heart

*Misty's own gaze goes out to the water. It seemed calm today and the air was warm for once as well. Carson had braught a bit of sunshine with him, lite the way for Misty to find her way home. Part of her now wanted to hug and hold him, and yet the other part still wanted to dispise him. Turning her gaze away from the water she looks down at the take there the quote she wrote was. ".....But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.” Misty wanted to stop suffering. She wanted the pain to end and to be happy again. She new the desition she had to and wanted to make. For the sake of Carson and her both.*

“I try to talk to you, but I don't know what to say. I am afraid you don't want me to say anything. So I don't. But inside of me there are words waiting to come out. And tell you how I feel. Like how I miss you. And how I love you despite my broken heart. And how I need you in my life. And especially how much I want you with me. But those words may forever stay in my heart-locked inside not knowing the right way to bring them out. Sometimes I wonder if there are words locked inside you too. Waiting to come out but not sure how. Can we get to the point where are hearts will know again the words our mouts should say. Can out hearts mend eachother. Do you still hold the key to once again unlock my heart!"

*Misty's gaze drifts back to Carson. She couldent deny it, though the hurt, through the suffering Carson was still important to her. The path of mending would be long and hard, and Carson would have to work hard himself to prove so manything. But knowing you had something to work for. Knowing your heart could sore again. Being with the would you cared for that you could lean to would makes the hard road to travil alittle bit easyer.

Finally a small smile breaks on Misty's face as she plops down in Carson's lap throwing her arms around him in a strong embracing leting her emotions and tears flow free that for the last two months were bottled up. She had alot of explaining to do, but for the moment she just wanted to hold the only one she longed for.*


Misty’s eyes light a fire deep down inside Carson that had been snuffed out for so long. He gazes at her, the future hanging in the balance.

Her cold words are like a hit below the belt, and hurt just as much, threatening to put out the fire again. Carson almost winces as the pain comes back to him. She did blame him…and he deserved every bit of it. In a sense, he really had been responsible for her death. Thought not a physical death, it was apparent that he’d killed her emotionally, and that thought tore at his heart. For a moment, anger is forgotten. His gaze drops to the table.

He’d been through this in his mind a million times before…but thinking of it now, while seeing Misty’s here…it drove the pain home.

As she lifts his cap a little, he looks back up at her, staring into her eyes. Something in them didn’t match her tone, but he could not tell what it was. He could only be grateful she hadn’t screamed bloody murder when he’d grabbed her. But there was a coldness there… there was the warning that this meeting may be but a fleeting interaction to send them both back to opposite ends of the world again.

Slowly, Carson releases his grasp on her wrist, letting her go, and fixing his gaze out over the water instead, to hide the emotions building behind his eyes. “Well, if you ever see that woman again, tell her to look up her boyfriend on the other side…because he died two months ago when he realized he had her blood on his hands.”

Wrong person

*As Misty heads by her normal table and the man siting there grabs her wrist she lets out a jump not knowing who it was at first. A million through running through her mind. Finally hearing the voice her blood runs cold as everything starts to spin. Finally seeing the eyes of the one her her longed for Misty's words are caught in her throt for a moment. Carson, he was there in front of her. How did he find her? How did he know? Misty face stays perfectly still no smile forming on it though she wanted to so badly. The one thing she couldent hide was her eyes, and she new it. Just seeing Carson sparked something inside of her. Just by his touch, just by seeing him siting there.*

"You must have the wrong person Mr. I think the woman your looking for did die a while back. From what I hurd she died the moment she found out her boyfriends was cheating on her, and skiped town not even saying goodbye. Causing her to really believe he dident care anymore and was gone for good."

*Mitsy's voice is steady and flat, as her emotions inside dont match up. Remembering the past hurt, but seeing Carson there felt good. Misty had dreamed almost every night of seeing Carson again but than she had to wake and face he really wasent there and wansent coming for her. But now infront of her was Carson. Was she dreaming again or was the really real. Was her mind playing tricks on her once again. Reaching out with her other hand Misty lifts Carson's hat alittle higher to see his face. To stair into his eyes she longed to see. Feeling a twinge of pain he looks away trying not to show her tears that wanted to come. Misty dident know how to feel.*


Alec lifts his eyebrows as he sees pictures of Sage. He’d seen this woman before. That was interesting. This case was deeper than he thought.

Taking in all he can, he jots down some notes. He laughs at Frankie’s question. “Ha, no…just need this for a friend. It’s all good.” Closing his notepad, he nods with satisfaction. “You’ve been more than helpful, Frankie. Thanks.”

It had been four days…would Misty continue the pattern that Alec said she had? Carson hoped so.

He weaves between some tables until he spots the one he was looking for. Glad it’s unoccupied, he approaches it, seeing the engraving. This was the one.

Glancing around, Carson notes he’s early for lunchtime as hardly anyone is around yet. But that was fine by him…it gave him a chance to collect his thoughts before things progressed.

Sitting down, he props his feet up on the empty chair on the other side of the table. He drew just a little bit of attention, being dressed more casually then those in this area. His white muscle shirt was tucked into a pair of faded jeans, under an open red flannel shirt with rolled up sleeves. His baseball cap was pulled down low, hiding half his face. He could just see the entrance out of the corner of his eye.

Running a finger along the engraving, Carson’s mind wanders. What was he going to say? How would Misty respond? Would she hate him? He couldn’t blame her if she did. He had so many questions for her…would she give him enough time to ask them?

His apprehensiveness grows as he waits. He glances at his watch. More people were coming. It would be any time now. He keeps his focus on the table, his peripheral vision keeping track of everybody coming and going.

Suddenly his heart skips a beat. It takes all his power not to turn his head. He knew that face. It was her.

Carson’s pulse quickens, and he grits his teeth. The confused emotions still existed. Half of him wanted to get up and throw his arms around Misty, and half of him wanted to bawl her out. But he does neither. Instead, he just sits...waits...

Seeing Misty draw closer, Carson knows she’s looking for her table, but he remains motionless. She disappears from his line of sight, but he can hear her walk…he knows that step. As she approaches, he knows she’ll pass on by go to the next table, and calculates his timing.

Just as her figure comes into view, he reaches out, grabbing her by the wrist to stop her. His thumb runs along her bracelet, and he speaks without looking up. “Strange…wearing the name of someone deceived into thinking she was dead.” He shakes his head and tsks, finally raising his face to stare up at Misty from under the brim of his cap. “Now why would she do something like that?”


*Frankie a tall 6foot 7inch man enters a nearby park in England. Scaning the park he looks around for Alec who was meeting him. Carrying folders and papers with him his eyes finally rest on Alec. Walking over to the table he sets everything down.*

"Its been a while Alec..."

*Frankie keeps up light chitchat for a few moments seeing how Alec was doing. It had been sometime since he saw him. Two days after Alec had called him Frankie got as much info as he could. Finalling opening a folder Frankie pushes it twords Alec.*

"I got pictures and all the information I could on Sage Fair. However its only goes back 2 months ago. Anything before that it like she dident exsist. "

*Frankie flips some more pictures over showing ones of when Sage was in the hospetal, cuts, burns, breaks.*

"It seems Sage was in a pretty bad accident lost her memorie for a month. Finally she regained it remember what happend....there is a blank on that I couldent get the reports from the police or anything on that. Sage seems like a pritty normal woman. She goes to school here in England at the privet acadimy. Every day about 12 she goes to the small Cafe called Barlugar down in Newcastle. She mostly studys there by herself. She always gets the same table right by the waterfront. On the table she sits at is a quoet she ingraved into it."Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.” I dont know if that means anything to you. Sage pritty much keeps to herself. No one ever see her hang out with anyone."

*Frankie looks down at his notes for a moment gathering a bit more information. Pulling out a news paper she hands it to Alec.*

"Few days ago she saved a whole group of people life who were poisoned with a strange poison non of the docs ever saw before. I think it was the mixture of venum and some other stuff. Sage dident hesatat in jumping right in and making up and antidote. Everyone is claming she is a hero now.

Lets see...oh yes her address 149 Langer Rd. Newcastle. She lives by herself. She shops at the locale supermarket once a week. Oh ya I talked to a few people in her class and they say she is pretty spunky for being a lonler. Some of the guys have tryed to prasure her and she blows them off. She wairs a braclet on her write with a guys name so alot of people think she has a secret boyfriend no one knows about. Whoever her boyfriend is though is one lucky guy. She's a real doll. So...thats about all the information I have on her. What do you need this all for anyways Alec? This chick wrong you or somthing?"

Not this time

Carson swallows hard and watches Nate walk away, the words of advice ringing in his ears. Slowly he reaches up and slips his necklace over his head, holding the treasured locket in his palm. Flipping it open with his thumb, he looks at the picture of Misty...she was younger then than he'd known her...but those eyes...that smile...they were the same.

Closing the locket again, Carson wonders if Nate were right...did he have a second chance here? Did he want to take that risk? Misty could really hate his guts...but...she did still have the bracelet on.

Letting the chain fall back over his head, and tucking the locket under his shirt, Carson goes for his phone, dialing the number that was jotted on a sticky note. "Yeah, Alec...Carson Banks...need a favor... First flight out of here to England. I want to know everything you can find out about Sage Fair. Shouldn't be hard - she was on the front page of the paper this morning. I want to know where she lives and what she does. I'll be right on your heels."

Reese looks at Nate, stunned. Wyatt stands next to him, just as shocked. "I can't believe it...but...too many things add up for it not to be her."

Reese shakes his head. "Wow...I just...wow..."

Suddenly the door opens without anyone knocking. Carson stops in his tracks, looking at the three men. A hard determination has set in on his face and he focuses on Reese. "Requesting a leave of absence to fly to England." His eyes drift to Nate. "You're right. I'm not going to let this slip through my fingers...not this time."


*Nate sighs and stands straght. His own confustion corsing though him. Looking at Carson he can see his own confustion. Nate trys to rashinlize in his mind Why this would happen. He himself was so upset, yet very happy at the same time.*

"I cant even start to think why she did this Carson. If she was trying to get back at you or not. Many why's play in this that can only be answered for one person. But the best thing I can say is. You cant change the past though Carson, but you can write what happens next in your story, and change the future. It looks as though your world might brighten again. Misty dosent know your back, she dosent know your reaction. Maybe she still thinks you dont care."

*Nate takes a few steps to the side and gives Carson a strong pat to the shoulder.*

"Don't let your second change slip though your fingers. Don't let her slip through your finger. Maybe this all happend for a reson, so you would find your way back here. I am sure she has a good explanation. If you still care for the woman who fliped your world upside down than dont give up and show her you do. and if you need help I'll be with you every step of the way."

*Nate starts to walk twords Reese office.*

"I need to let Reese know. I cant keep this from him.*

How to feel?

Carson can't even think of an intelligent response as his mind begins to reel. The room starts to spin, and he's overwhelmed with questions and possibilities. If this were true...if this picture was real..

"She...must have had a reason?" He gropes for an explanation.

A churning in his heart brings unexpected tears to his eyes. He blinks as they sting, and stares at nothing, trying to comprehend what this all meant.

Misty was alive.

Two months of enduring pain like no other…two months of toting around that sickening guilt…two months of agonizing over what could have been. And she was alive.

Confusion bombards Carson’s mind. How he could feel the joy and anger at the same time, he didn’t know. Misty wasn’t stupid. She would have known everyone would think her dead. And Carson had tortured himself, taking the blame for something had hadn’t even happened. He’d put himself through heck and for what? All the pain all the anguish, all the horrifying nightmares of what he’d caused…and it had all been a lie.

Feeling foolish wasn’t the half of it. He felt stupid, he felt played, he felt like the dang fool he was.

And yet…struggling against anger, a light shines somewhere in the darkness. Misty was alive. He couldn’t deny the sheer elation that news brought on. The thought of a second chance…the thought of seeing her again was enough to make his pulse quicken. For the last two months he’d wanted so badly to hold her in his arms again that he could taste it…and now there was a real chance that could happen.

But…Carson’s heart sinks a little. Misty had apparently been purposeful in her move. Could he blame her? If he’d been in her shoes, would he have done differently? If he’d been betrayed by someone he loved and had felt that lost, would he have passed up the opportunity to start again as someone else? And if he’d made such a great effort to separate himself from his old life, would he want someone from the past invading the new life?

Anger. Joy. Indecision. All three surrounded Carson’s heart, creating a swirling abyss of confusion. He felt a million things at once, yet still didn’t know how to feel.

As the shock settles into his veins, he sits…staring into nothingness.

"If she ever wanted to get back at me," he comments quietly, "she did a good job of it."

I dont know

*Nate leans aganst the wall to the cubicle as he feels his own knees go weak. If that was Misty why would she stay away and make everyone think she was dead. Why would she go about her life making everyone think she was dead. Nate turns his attachen back to Carson, than the picture, than Carson again.*

"I'm about as shocked as you are Carson. I have no idea. I attended the service for Misty, to us all she was passed on. I couldent even start to think why she would do this? I'm about as lost for words as you are."


Carson looks up in surprise at Nate’s hasty entrance, and it takes him a moment to focus on the newspaper. He blinks, his eyes widening, and he snatches the newspaper from Nate’s hand to take a closer look.

He quickly reads the words, his eyes going back to the picture. That face…those eyes… He spots her wrist. It couldn’t be. …There was no way. It just wasn’t possible.

But Carson couldn’t deny it.

He looks back up at Nate, his face paling slightly, and he finds it hard to find his voice. “I don’t know who Sage Fair is, but this is Misty.” He holds up the paper, pointing to the picture. “I gave her that bracelet.”

He searches Nate’s face, a million questions surging through his mind. “What’s going on?”