
Hearts Torn

For those who see Phinox's return, there is some amount of relief. Though everyone wanted to see Katie back, they were glad to see Phinox had returned, and with a prisoner as well. The Agency would know now that he had double-crossed them... but that was proof, as far as TJY was concerned, that he really was on their side.

Gage can feel himself hit the floor in the interrogation room and he would have groaned, if it was possible. His eyes roam his surroundings. He felt totally disoriented. Where was he? What was happening? What had Phinox done? His mouth felt like cotton, and he can finally work up enough moisture to lick his dry lips. But even that took some doing. While the sedative was starting to wear off, it was still strong enough that it was going to be hard to shake.

Reese looks up and stands quickly. His eyes show the relief he feels. He nods to Phinox. "Good work... and thank you."

He picks up the phone on his desk. "Rick? We got a prisoner in interrogation two. Need you to take a look at him, make sure he's okay, but take someone with you in case he tries to pull something. He's got the sedative in him though, so you should be fine."

"Interrogation two? I thought we had a guy in there."

"The station came and picked up Reiker half an hour ago."

"Alright. I'll go."

"Thanks." Reese hangs up again, and sighs deeply. "Okay, Phinox. I want a full report now, in the meeting room. We'll get everyone together so we know what's happening, and we can figure out the next stage of the game. I want you to -"


He stops and turns to the phone where Carson's voice was coming through. Something was wrong. "Yes?"

Carson tries not to yawn, and rubs his tired eyes. Movement catches his attention, and he looks back towards the door, seeing Phinox enter with Gage slung over his shoulder. Carson was extremely glad to see him... through it all, he'd feared Phinox would double-cross them instead of the Agency... but it looked like he'd come through.

Turning back to the monitor, Carson suddenly sees Katie moving. Snapping to attention, he leans in closer. She was saying something... talking to the camera. He stares at the monitor, his eyes searching for something more. Never had he wanted audio so much. Then Katie's head goes limp. "No... Katie..." Carson's fingers reach out to touch the screen. His pulse quickens and he turns to the second computer monitor, madly hitting keys as his mind races. For the last three hours, they'd been set up to record the camera footage. He needed to play back what had just happened. What had Katie been saying? To whom? And why? And now, was she still okay?

His eyes glance back to the main screen and he leans in even closer. He was too intent right now to call anyone else in. He had to find out what had just happened first. Katie was still breathing... slowly, but he could just make out her short breaths. No one else was around... Rod wasn't in sight.

Looking to the secondary monitor, Carson is finally able to rewind the footage to watch it again, paying closer attention to Katie's short speech. He plays it back... and plays it back again. His pencil scribbles on his notepad, the words that he was making out. One by one, he is able to read what she is saying. It was a dim and fuzzy picture, but Carson had to be trained in this at some point during his stay with the Agency. It didn't come naturally, but watching the footage over and over, lipreading was possible.

And then, sitting back, he stares at the notepad in his hand, his eyes glued to the words he was reading. "Oh, Katie..."

The wall he was trying so hard to maintain, started to crumble. He reads the words to him... she had thought of him. And hope had been lost. Tears spring into his eyes and he desperately tries to hold them back. If given the choice, he would do anything right now, to take Katie's place. They had come so far... she was just a reach away... but were they too late? He wouldn't be able to stand sitting here just to watch her die. This... this was a torture he'd never experienced before.

Taking a deep breath to compose himself, he reaches for the phone. Win or lose... the others needed to know. Katie had wanted to say these words to the people she cared about... Carson couldn't deny her that.



"I need you to come here, please."

"We need to have a meeting with Phinox. Can this wait?"

"No..." Carson's voice is strained. "It's about Katie..."

...Seeing the footage, then the interpretation, Reese can only stare at the monitor. The emotions drew his jaw muscles tight, and he tries not to believe they had lost. Katie might have thanked him for her chance here... but if they lost her, he would never forgive himself. "Is this all?" he asks hoarsely.

Carson nods. "That's all. And... I've checked my notes... she hasn't been given any shots in quite a while..."

Reese's eyes widen and he looks to Phinox, then back. "But Jason is still... that means..."

Carson doesn't even want to nod, but he has to. Mustering up all the strength he has left, he takes a deep breath, swallowing all of his emotions. His eyes take on their cold gaze once more, a shield against the pain he was feeling inside. "She's dying, Reese."

Reese tries to maintain his composure. "The others need to see this."


"And then..." Reese turns to Phinox. "We need to act as quickly as possible. Which means questioning Gage as soon as he can talk, then going over our game plan like I wanted to. I will allow fifteen minutes for the others to see this. Then we have to move or Katie's not going to make it."

He looks back to Carson. "Call the others. But not Scott... he's not strong enough yet to hear this. And... wait on Jason."

"I can send him the footage directly to his office." If it were Carson, he knew he'd want to be alone when he saw this.

Reese nods. "Do it. I'll call Ryder."

Within five, the agents to whom Katie had spoken, were gathered. Ryder had never made it so fast to TJY, still unaware of what was really happening, but coming at Reese's dire request. Everyone stands around the cubicle, waiting. Carson looks up at them without saying anything.

He reaches for the secondary monitor and hits play once more. While the footage rolls, he hands out the copies he'd made of what he had written down.

Ryder glances at the paper, seeing his name, then looks to the screen. Suddenly, he realizes what's really going on. These were Katie's last words. His breath sticks in his throat, and all he can do is stare. He felt numb all over. This couldn't be happening. Katie was one of the few real friends he'd ever had... how could he lose her so soon? What other friends here did he really have if she were gone?

Con blinks, a stray tear running down the side of his face. He doesn't bother wiping it away. He wasn't the only one here with emotions that were spilling over. Oh, Kat... Don't give up... please... we need you. She had become another little sister... and thinking of losing her hurt like no other. Since meeting her back at the ranch in Texas, he'd made it part of his purpose, in the back of his mind, to help protect her. And now... this couldn't be it... it just couldn't be. God, please... please help us find and rescue her in time.

Laura's hand trembles as she reads the words Carson had written, her other hand gripping Nate's so tightly, she was afraid she might hurt him. A laugh mixes in with a sob at Katie's final words to her. But she couldn't watch the screen any more. Turning, she buries her face against Nate's chest, just letting the silent tears flow. Without even trying, Katie had become such a big part of her life... she was more than a roommate... she was a friend.

Wyatt would have laughed, had he not known that these words could very well be the last he ever received from Katie. In an instant, his mind is filled with pictures of the past. He remembers the day Katie arrived, and how she had lit up the room just by being there. He remembered his old feelings for her. She had brought a new element to TJY... and she had been a good friend. And now, even when she was in her last hour, she thought of him and his future. His eyes fill and he backs away from the others.

Tears stream from Jay's eyes, though no sounds are uttered. Reese warned him that he might not want to see this, and now he knew why. But he had to, and he had to accept it. Stepping forward, he extends his hand to run his fingers along the computer screen. His fingers shake. Katie... oh, Katie, his daughter... what was going to happen? Turning around, he has to leave the scene.

Carson watches the faces around him, his heart feeling as though it were being ripped into pieces. He had faced so many things... he had watched people die... had had killed people. He had seen those who mourned and felt nothing. But today... His body was so tired, and his mind exhausted. He had been given the simplest of tasks on this case, yet the hardest of all.

Turning around, he picks up the phone. He had to keep going... he had to. "Jason?"


Carson cringes inwardly. Jason was so tired as well. "I, um... I've got some footage and text I'm sending your way."

"Of what?"

Carson hesitates. "It's Katie."

"But what-"

"Brace yourself, mate."

Jason sits at his computer and hangs up the phone, hesitant to wake up his computer. He didn't
know what Carson was talking about... and he was afraid. Reaching out, he flips on his screen.

Derek stands near the cubicle and sees Carson sending the information to Jason. He was so new here... but his heart hurt nonetheless. He thinks of his family... of his wife. He loved them so very much, and he could not imagine seeing one of them tortured or dying. Glancing around at the others, he slowly retreats.

Jason's eyes remain glued to his computer. The scene didn't shock him after having seen Katie like this before. But when she looks up into the camera and he can see her eyes, his emotions start to churn. He doesn't want to read the text that Carson sent him either, but he knows he has to. "J, I love you!"

I love you, too.

Jason feels the sobs coming, but he chokes on them, gasping for a breath.
Don't do this, Katie... don't give up... you can't give up. I can't go on without you.
The salt make his eyes burn, but he keeps himself from blinking until the screen goes black. Only then does he close his eyes and let the tears run. Leaning forward, he puts his elbows on his knees, burying his face in his hands. He couldn't even pray, as his heart had never been so distraught. How could these people be so cruel? How could they let this woman die... this woman with a heart bigger than anyone else's that Jason had ever known? How could he survive without the one who made him feel whole?

A hand on his shoulder makes him jump and he turns quickly, his eyes already red and swollen. Seeing the man whose touch was so warm, his gaze fills with confusion and question.

Derek tightens his grip, trying to transfer as much comfort to his son as he could. "You love her... don't you?"

Jason's lip trembles and he nods. "Yeah." He sniffs, the tears still flowing. "She's the best friend I ever had and... and I can't even talk to her... or even say goodbye."

"You won't have to." Derek eases closer to sit on the edge of Jason's desk. "We're going to get her out. That's why Jay and I are here. To help bring her home."

Jason searches his father's eyes, the anger having been replaced by the bottomless sorrow he felt in this moment. "Not everything works out the way we want."

Derek lets out a long sigh. "I know... oh how I know that." Retracting his hand, he just studies his son's face for the longest moment. "I'm so proud of you. You're an Elite agent... you're one of the best... you're a singer... you've got talents and a gift, even if we can't understand it... and I see a love in your eyes that I know what it feels like, because I've felt it before."

Tears form in Derek's own eyes. "And if I were in your position, I would have crumbled a long time ago."

Jason looks down, waiting, then finally back up again, several more tears rolling down his face. "This can't be the end... it just can't be."

"Keep believing that. We have to in order to win. She's a fighter, Jason... she'll make it."

"But she's already given up. She's already barely alive."

"We still have time. Don't give up yet. You can't."

Reese watches those around him, his heart sinking even further. They were like family here... and they were losing one of their own. It wasn't as easy as just cutting their losses. One loss affected everyone. He turns to Phinox once again.

"We need to meet with as many people who can think straight. We don't have much time left. I'm assuming you're going to be contacted again. The Agency still wants Derek and Jay. I want to know why you weren't able to bring Katie back, and perhaps we can get someone working on Gage right away. Maybe Nate. But we can't just sit around doing nothing... not anymore."

Hal unlocks the door for Rick, and he enters cautiously. Seeing the young man on the floor, he sighs. "Well, look who the cat dragged in."

Gage hears a voice and slowly turns his head. It was a much harder task than he would have thought. "Wrmmei?"

"Might as well not even try," Rick suggests, kneeling down and shining a pen light in Gage's eyes. "It'll be a while yet before your tongue is going to work again." Pocketing the light, he reaches down to examine the welt on the back of Gage's head, but it didn't appear to be anything severe. "Hal, help me get him into that chair, will you?"

With a bit of effort, the two agents get Gage into the chair and Rick reties his hands behind his back and to the chair so if he had the strength, he'd have to take the seat with him. Gage's head hangs, locks of his sweaty hair sticking to the side of his face.

Rick shakes his head. "Better get used to it, bub. They're not gonna have any mercy on you once they start in on the questions. If I were you, I'd give them what they want."

Prepping a needle, he rolls up Gage's sleeve. Seeing remnants of many previous injections, he sighs. "Carson was right about you. But you're not gonna get high from this. Hopefully it'll just speed up the process of getting you back to normal so you can talk."

Gage winces a little as the needle pricks his skin, but he can't fight. All he can do is remain at the mercy of these people.

A soft knock comes to the infirmary door. Carson never knocked. But tonight, he did. Entering slowly, his shoulders are low, his eyes red and tired. His walk is slow. Seeing Hope, he gives her a little nod, but moves on, headed for Misty's desk. Approaching quietly, he reaches down to pull her up out of her chair and wraps his arms around her, burying his face in her soft hair. At this hour, it was him who needed the comfort of the embrace.

Just holding her tightly for several moments, he knows what he has to do next and hates it. But he'd been asked to do it. It seemed he was always the one chosen for these kinds of things. He knew why... it was because he had the hardest heart, and knew how to stay in control. Maybe there really was a use for him here. But it didn't mean that it didn't start to hurt eventually.

Pulling away, Carson tucks a strand of Misty's hair behind her ear and gives her a kiss, more gently than normal. He says nothing though. All he'd wanted was to see her again and to know that he still had her by his side.

Backing up, he lets her go and finally turns to go to the bed. Easing down on the edge, he looks at Hope, then at Scott. "I'm sorry," he says quietly. "But we got a message from Katie... and we think Scott should know."

At the sound of his voice, Scott opens one of his eyes groggily. "Carson?"

"Yeah, mate, it's me." Carson gives Scott's leg a pat. "How are you holding up?"

Scott closes his eyes again. "Is it time?"

"No... not yet." Carson feels sick. He couldn't do this... not and know that he would be interrogating Scott in a matter of hours. Standing again, he hands the scribbled note to Hope instead. It had the line for Scott written on it. "From Katie," he explains. He knew Hope was smart enough to figure out that this was more than just a simple note... this was perhaps the last message Scott would ever receive from her. Carson's eyes beg Hope to give this to Scott when she felt he was ready. "I have to go watch the monitor again."

Turning to leave, Carson doesn't want to stay any longer. Never had he wanted to get out of this place so badly. But he still had a job. He still had a mission.

Scott furrows his brow, confused that Carson had just left again. He opens his one eye and looks to Hope and the paper. "What... what is that?"

A sad message

Finally getting to TJY Phinox knows he is behind one time but his phone call was confermation that he was on his way and had gotten out with Gage.

Getting out of the truck Phinox takes a quick glance at Gage knowing he was still awake, though not able to really move.

Going over to the passanger side Phinox opens the door and takes Gage throwing him over his shoulder once more. Entering TJY Phinox goes right for the intaragation room depositing Gage inside. He new it would be a little bit before he could even bother talking with him.

Exiting he locks the door behind him and heads to Reese office and gives a tap to the door before entering.

"He's in the intaragation room. It will take a little for the drugs to wair off though. Rick might wanna check him out, he hit his head good."

Leaning her head up with what little strength she had left Kaite looks in the direction she had seen Rod standing. That must be where the camera was. Thought not sure Katie looks up knowing that Jason or someone close to him would be watching. She couldnt comunicate with the people she loved so much but she didnt have to. Eyes could say a million words and lips to be read. Mouthing she manages to make out a few things.

Katie could feel the pain coursing through her body, a pain like no other that made her own face wince and show how much it hurt. She new it had been a while since the last shot have been given to her and she new it was wairing off now. She had to try before the time was up. Katie had to get her message out.

" Aunt Rosetta, I love you, thank you for showing me the world. Please dont take the balme for this because I certinly dont blame you."

Though Katie's eyes held no fear a tear rolled down her face. Her body hurt, but had gone numb at the same time. Her mind was quiet to tired to even try and get through to Jason anymore.

"My time, will be up soon and though it hurts I will never be gone from your memories. Thats what will always matter."

Giving a smile Katie trys her best to stay contouse as the pain corses though her body.

"Hey Ryder Mi Kasai, Su Kasai learn the meaning. Take care of everyone Bro. Laura just say yes to him. Nate treat her right. Thanks Reese for the second chanse. Scott, dare to dream and get out in the world again. Carson, its fun to throw sparks, I know your probley the one who has been watching me thanks for staying close. Wyatt, will there ever be little Wyatt's? J, I love you!"

Not behing able to hold her head up anymore it finally drops as her body goes limp. The pain, it had stoped, the pain was gone as Katie's breath was soft, shallow, and longer pauses between each.


Laura nestles her head into Nate, giving a sigh of content as his hand rakes through her hair. She could sit here forever and not care. The beating of his heart starts to lull her to sleep.

Gage has never felt stranger. His eyes open, he seems to know maybe the reality going on around him, but can't get any of his muscles to work. Thrown into a strange vehicle, he just slumps to the side. His vision was kind of blurry, and nothing wants to register in his brain. It's almost as though he's on a high, but there's no bliss. It wasn't a good feeling. It wasn't a bad feeling. It was just.... there. Was he dreaming?

By the time the begin to near TJY, Gage's eyes are moving. Things still didn't seem quite right, and something in his gut made him afraid. He still couldn't move, though now he could feel the ropes around his wrists and they hurt. He tries to say something, but his vocal cords seem to be locked. He can't even lift his head. All he can do is stare out the window, wondering what is happening.

Getting Phinox's call, Reese heads to Carson to inform him what's happening. They could only hope that Phinox would arrive back here safely. No one knew what had happened - no details. Had there been someone else there? They knew Katie was still there, so it was obvious that Phinox hadn't been able to get her out in the first phase of their plan. All they could do was wait for more information.