

*Pulling into the parking lot with Jason Misty lets out a sigh and stands still for a moment herself. Slipping back into the roll she once was herself. As they walk into the bar and Jason slings his arm around her she leans into him a bit scaning the bar as the walk to the counter. Taking her beer she takes a sip but a very small one. She dident mind the tast she just hated drinking it period. As Razor makes his way over to Jason Misty instintly picks up there was something about this guy Jason dident like. Gathering from the conversation she new why.

As Jason leans into her and tells her about Razor she leans in alittle bit herself adding to the affect.*

"Good to know."

*Returning to her beer and taking a small sip Misty keeps her eye out for Nate herself and glances at Jason out of the courner of her eye. Seeing Jason was a bit tense she knows she better be safe than sorry so he dident blow his cover. Leaning closer to him Misty puts and arm around his shoulder and neck leaning quite close to him and whispering.*

"Calm down there killer."

*As Nate gets out of his car he runs a hand though his hair and tips his head back puting drops in his eyes making them look bloodshot. Giving a stumble as he walks her enters the bar a cheese smile on his face. Making his way to the bar where he see Jason and Misty, he pumps into tables, and people.*

"Oh sorry, excuse me....Hey how you doin?"

*As Nate draws closer to the bar he sits down next to Misty ordering a beer. Though its quite obveus he's probley already had one to many. Giving a side long glance to Misty he smiles.*

"Hey there Hottshtuff."

*Misty turns her head to Nate and rolls her eyes ignorning him.

Geting alittle close to her Nate squints his words a bit slyered.*

"I shaid Hi, *hickup* what are you to gos, to talk to mes?"

*Nate throws his arm around Misty's shoulder.

Misty looks at Nate again lets out a disgusted breath and takes Nate's arm throwing it off her.*

"Maybe I am to good for you, or maybe I just dont deal with scum like yourself."

*Nate gives Misty a drunken gine placing a hand around her and on her side.*

"Maybe you just dont knowsh what a man is because something tellsh me I bet your boyfriendsh is scummer than me."

"Ya you can let go of me NOW."

"Ah come on doll fash I just wanna have alittle bit of fun."

*Nate puts his arm around Misty again, the look behind his eyes only someone who new him could see he was aplogizing over and over again to Misty.*

*As Angelica answers her phone and hears Mike's voice she cant help but smile. Her voice portraying the smile even though no one an see her. Angelica could feel herself shaking though she was happy. Steping outside her box was hard but she new she had to. Forcing herself to speak the words she wanted to. She couldent let happyness pass her by again.*

"Yes Mike, I will. Though on Sunday I go have to go back. I have my stuff I need to get, and I need to do a few things back at my ferm. Than I will be back. Though at times I will need to go back to Cali for cases. But I will be here working at the Elite. If thats ok still. Guess I should look for an appartment too."

*Katie smiles up at Ty as he asks his request from her. She new this was hard for Ty, and she dident want him to feel akwarnd. Giving a nod to the other chair in her cubicle.*

"I can do one better for you Ty. I'm going to help you read it yourself."

*Katie gives a smile to Ty and sits close to him holding the card. Sounding out the words and helping him. Showing him some rules to remember about reading and spelling. Katie does her best and camends Ty forever words she says right and always tells him he is doing well with the ones he dosent get quite right only yo offer more helpful hints, never once making him feel anyless or degraded. At one point Katie stops for a second closing her eyes as she feels Jason's emotions rise and he gets nervoce. Katie whispers.*

"Stay clam Jason stay calm its ok."

*Opening her eyes again she blushes alittle not sure if Scott new what she was doing or not but draws more attachen to his card helping him more till finally he can read it.*


Brent squints a little at Charlotte over his glass as he takes a sip. She really did want to see him again. It was odd…he’d never let pure chance take over like he had with her… he’d never thrown caution into the wind like he had with her… and he wanted to see her again too.

“It’s a deal.” He sets his glass down with a nod. “No wallowing for the next two days unless it’s with you… I mean, instead of with you. Call you first.” The humor in his eye increases with his purposeful tongue twisting. “I don’t know what it is about you Charlotte Lockheart, but you’ve certainly caught my attention.”

Shaking his head, he weaves for the waiter, asking for the bill. Whether he wanted it to or not, this time had to end one way or another.

Jason is just heading onto the main floor when he spots Misty. A grin creases his lips as he approaches and nods. “Perfect.”

Giving his watch a glance he nods. “Alright. I guess we can scoot on out of here.” He looks to Nate. “Give us just a bit to settle in, then come on and join us.” He turns to leave, but stops once more. “And take it easy with those steel fists of yours, will ya?”

Gesturing with his head for Misty to follow him, he aims for the exit.

Mounting his motorcycle, Jason can feel Misty settle in behind him, and revs the engine. Tilting his head he calls back to her. “Hang on.”

The ride is smooth and Jason takes a few extra turns through the town so as not to head directly from TJY, but approach the targeted bar from the opposite end. Pulling up in front, there is a row of other bikes before the lot full of cars. Neon signs in the windows advertised their drinks, and the bass of the loud music could be heard from outside.

Getting off the bike, Jason pockets his keys and nods to the door, taking a deep breath as if pulling on a new mask. “Show time.”

Making sure Misty is with him, he leads the way to the door and inside. Smoke fills the room, laughter and shouting add to the rock music playing, forcing people to talk even louder to be heard by each other. The sound of breaking glass indicates a rowdy bunch, but no one seems to care.

Jason slings an arm around Misty’s shoulders and saunters up to the bar, giving an arrogant nod to the bartender to set them up with a couple of beers.

Sliding onto a stool, Jason studies the room from the corner of his eye, trying to decipher faces and match them to those within the police files he had. Sipping on his beer bottle, he keeps himself from grimacing. He never had had a taste for beer, but would drink just enough to make his presence realistic.

He and Misty exchange few words, blending in with the crowed and ignoring the rowdiness.

“Ace? Is that you?!”

Jason bristles slightly and turns to see a large rough looking man with his own beer. “Well if it isn’t Razor.”

The man gives a cocky grin. “I see you haven’t lost your memory.”

“Nor my distaste for scum.”

Razor laughs and gives Jason a slap to the shoulder, only to receive an annoyed glance. “Where you been since you got out?”

“Around.” Jason isn’t so sure he likes running into someone he new from prison, but he had to play this out now. Hopefully Misty would put two and two together. “What did you get out on? Good behavior?”

“Ha!” Razor takes a swig of beer. “Let’s just say it pays to know the right people. I…”

“Razor, get over here!”

He turns to see a group in the corner yelling at him to come back. “The mob summons.”

“Whatever you do, don’t get yourself caught again.”

“Now that is something I don’t intend to do.” Razor salutes Jason with his beer bottle before turning and heading back to his noisy friends.

Jason turns his attention back to the bar, giving Misty a sidelong glance to convey he wasn’t happy about that. Leaning over, to viewers it would appear he was kissing her, but instead he was whispering to her. “Whatever you do, don’t get caught by him.”

Straightening, it’s back to his beer and keeping a close eye out, now looking for Nate. His emotions start to flux as he’s bombarded with sudden memories of prison that Razor’s appearance brought on, but he tries to push them aside and concentrate on his mission.

Reese prepares to leave for the night, stuffing the rest of his papers in his folder, shutting his desk drawer, going through his phone messages again, and quitting his computer programs. Just as he’s ready to shut down the computer all together, he decides to check his email one more time.

1 Unread Message

Setting back in, he opens his inbox to see an email from Angelica. Quirking an eyebrow, he reads. Her message catches him just a little bit by surprise. Was she saying she wanted to stay? Obviously she’d gotten his note.

Thinking for a few moments, Reese picks up the phone before he can talk himself out of it. Waiting for Angelica to answer the other end, he takes a deep breath. Without even identifying himself first, he speaks. “The Elite needs you here, and dadgum, I want you here. I may not have a third swing in me, so if I’m gonna strike out, tell me now, but I’m asking. Angelica Lockheart, will you stay on in Nevada?”

Ty steps onto the floor and glances around, seeing that most everyone is gone for the night. But Katie’s light is still on.

He was here early tonight, but he’d hoped to catch her still here. Making his way to her desk, he hesitates, then knocks. “Hey, Katie…” He clears his throat awkwardly. “Um…I was wondering if you had a minute.”

He pulls his birthday card, still in the envelope out of his back pocket again. “I, um…got this in the mail…and…I think it’s from Jim, or, my dad…and mom. But…” His face starts to redden. Most of the people here knew he couldn’t read, and Katie had offered to help him at one time, but after letting it drop for so long, the embarrassment had returned.

“…I can’t read it.” He swallows hard. “Would you…would you read it for me?”

The card: Happy 21st Birthday! Inside: Don't forget to spend a little time for you on your day!
Hand written: Hoping you have a wonderful birthday. We think of you often and can’t wait to see you again. Clint has been dying to take a motorcycle road trip – he might wind up in Nevada, so keep your eye out.
Love you bunches. Happy birthday, Ty.
Mom, Dad, Clint, Rosalynn

Ask Me

*Katie cant help but grin and let out a chuckle as Jason stumbles around with his words. Katie thought it was quiet funny that for the first time in her life she threw Jason himself for a loop and got him flustered. Listening to what he had to saw about the brawl Katie gives a slight nod of understandment.*

"Yeah, I planed on staying late tonight anyways so I can that for ya."

*Katie gives a small smile.*

"Hey, Thanks for informing me too so I dident tweek out."

*Charlotte grins again something she couldent help but do.*

"Saterday it is than if you promise me one thing. The next to days you feel like wallowing than you'll call me. Because if you blow me off just to wallow I'll kick your butt. If you can do that than I can try and manage to keep myself out of trouble. I dont know how well it will work. but I'll try."

*Charlotte new if she had a reason she would able able to keep herself out of trouble and seeing Bret again and keeping the promise to him was a good enough reason for her. Charlotte wanted to see him as much as she could before she went back home. Life just wouldnet be the same without a friend to flip coins with.*

*Answering the door Angelica is saprised by the lady handing her flowers. Slowly closing the door she puts her face in them and takes in the freshness of them. Setting them down on the table and smiling Aneglica reads the card. A smile spreads across her lips. In so many words Reese was asking her to say. Puting the flowers into some water she heads over to her computer and starts to type a message. She had wanted to stay the first time around and had talked to her associetit about it. Jake had told her to follow her heart and if she wanted to stay in Nevada than he would take over her office in Cali and when they needed her she could come out. The practice would still be hers but she would live alsewair. Angelica had toyed with the idea but she wanted to make sure still hessatent. She was now willing to try something new Mike gave her that but was she ready to let go?*

To: Mike Reese
From: Angelica Lockheart
Subj: Ask

Charlotte and I will me leaving on Sunday but I really dont
want to go. Ask me to stay Mike!

-Angelica Lockheart

P.S. Thank you for the flowers.

*Hesatating for a moment the words of her grandmother entered her mind and Angelica smile sending the message on its way.*

*As Misty finishes up the last bit of her work she looks up at the clock. It was 6:30. That would give her enough time to get home, wash up and get dressed. Grabing her bag she shuts down her computer and heads out.*

...a while later...

*As Misty re-enters TJY she looks down at her watch again. It was now 8:15. She was right on time. Her hair was still damp, part of it throw up on the top of her head while the rest hung down. A few strands hung out the front as long side bangs that curled around her face nicly. Misty had on a bit more makeup on than normal as well. For clothing She wore a red half cut tank top and over it a black short leather bike jacket. Also she had a black pare of tight jeans on with a chain belt that went around her waist. She also had a pare of black boots on. To top it off she also had 3 chans around her wrist as a braclet.

Misty starts to make her way across the floor to Jason's office passing Nate.*

"Well you certinly look that part."

*Misty rolls her eyes.*

"And to think I use to always dress like this. Now I just find it uncomfortable."


Jason's eyebrows shoot up at Katie's statement, heat rising into his face. "What is it with you women today?"

He shakes his head. "I'm going undercover tonight, alright?" He quirks an eyebrow. "But hey, if I get this kind of attention, maybe I ought to consider changing my style."

Realizing what he'd just said, his face reddens even more. He clears his throat awkwardly, waiting for Katie to turn back around. "Um...I..." Looking down, he can't help but give a little laugh. "Okay, so my train of thought just went right out the window." His eyes remain on the floor until he regains some composure. "Alright, there it is. Okay."

He finally looks back up at her, deliberately staying focused. "I'm trying to get invited to a place the cops can't find, and in order to do that, I'm going undercover and Nate and I are going to draw a bit of attention to me with a friendly brawl."

Jason pauses, hoping Katie catches his drift. "We're going to take it easy on each other, but I wanted to let you know what was going on, so if you all of a sudden thought I was getting attacked or something, that I was fine. Of course..." He thinks for a moment. "I guess...if I'm not really scared you might not think I was in trouble anyway....or something..."

Giving a little sigh, he shakes his head. "That's all. And I thought if you were going to be working late or anything, just keep your radar up in case something really does go down and we need backup. You'd know it before Misty could even call anyone."

Ty looks around the corner, spying Jason at Katie's cubicle. His card was still in his hand, clutched tightly. He waits a few moments, but it looks like the two are deep in conversation, so he turns back around to leave. He'd come back later.

Bret can't help a smile at Charlotte, and finally digs into his own food. "Well...tomorrow I get to go and see if I still have a job. Then Friday I have the funeral to go to. But Saturday..." He sits seeming to be deep in thought. "You might be in luck there - that is, if you can keep yourself out of trouble for two days."

A maid knocks on Lockheart's hotel room door and waits for an answer. As Angelica comes, the maid smiles and hands her the bouquet of flowers. "These are for you. Have a nice day." Nodding, she turns and leaves.

The bouquet smells of fresh spring, and a note is attached:

Maybe the second time is the charm for me. I think you missed these the first time around. Thanks for all your hard work for TJY and others. I see your passion to help people and admire that.
Don't forget we've still got an office open down here... I'm a terrible hint-dropper. Call if you change your mind.
-Mike R.

Dang Jason

*Katie smiles back at Scott about to say something but he gets out of the car to fast. Leting out alittle sigh Katie gets out of the car next and heads inside with Scott her arm linked with him. Coming to where they both would part for now Katie stops Scott and gives him a kiss.*

"I love you too Scotty."

*Finally breaking off and heading to her own desk.*

*Misty nods to Jason. A spark in her eyes. She might like working in the infermary better, but she would pass up going out and working as well.*

"Alright, I think I can handle that. Alright I'll finish up what I have to do around here than head home, get changed and I'll be back about 8."

*After Jason leaves Misty goes back to her work making sure she can get it done in time.*

*Hearing Jason's voice Katie looks up at him fast and smiles.*

"Hang on one sec..."

*Than quickly looks back down as she type but suddonly stops. Slowly she turns her head looking back up at Jason a smile crossing her lips as her mind intakes Jason. She couldent help it he looked extra good right now.*

"Ok...so you wernt dressed like that this morning. I think while I was at lunch I missed something but dange Jason you look good."

*Shaking her head she turns back to her computer finishing up her typing and than. Once she is done she turns back to Jason still shocked to see him dressed like he is.*

"Ok, what do you need help help with?"

*Charlotte continues to grin at Bret.*

"I guess you right. I look forward to it."

*Taking another bit of her food Charlotte toss a wink at Bret from across the table.*

Help needed

Scott asks Mabel for a box for the leftover pizza so they can warm it up any time back at work, and once the food is paid for, he heads with Katie back to TJY.

Not much is said - the ride is quiet. Once parked, Scott hesitates before getting out, his keys jingling in his hands. Looking over to Katie he just studies her for a moment, the wheels in his mind turning. So much had been said...so much had gone unsaid...and so much unspoken didn't need to be.

But questions linger. He didn't want to ask himself these tough questions, but they were there...in his heart of hearts, they were there. Was this just a little bump in the road? Was it more? Was this the beginnings of a downward spiral that would lead to even greater separation? Or would it make them stronger? Was Katie saying no now a reflection of what she might say in the future if he were to ever grow in his own seriousness about their relationship? Or was this just a circumstance that would be overcome? The future was so vague.

Reaching over, Scott brushes Katie's cheek with his hand, a small smile creasing his mouth. "You know I love you." Leaning closer to her, he plants a tender kiss on her lips, then turns to exit the car before more can be said.

Making sure she follows, he opens the door for her into TJY and goes in with her to try and finish out the day.

Bret looks up at Charlotte's statement about his ex being silly, a look passing through his eyes that indicates maybe he didn't put all the blame on Maria. He lets it slide though, and just listens to her continue.

"Sunday, huh?" He grins. "A lot of fate can happen between now and then."

Jason gives a light chuckle at Misty and shakes his head. "Well lets just not tell Carson then," he teases. "Actually, Reese has me on a case, and I need to hang out in a not-so-great part of town for a while tonight, get in a brawl with Nate and hope someone invites me to a street fight."

He shrugs as if it's just a daily occurrence. "Nothing too exciting." A faint grin tweaks his mouth. "I need someone there to back me up but won't raise suspicion, so if you'd be so kind as to pretend for a while you and I are together, that might pull us through quite smoothly."

He cocks his head. "And yeah...you'll need to change. Just pretend you're dating a back alley, top dog street fighter. I think you know what I mean."

Glancing down the hall, he sees Scott walk by, then turns back to Misty. "I'm leaving here a little before nine and taking my bike, so if you got a jacket, bring it along. I gotta go talk to Katie, so I'll be in my office if you want a more in-depth briefing on this."

Turning, he jogs down the hall and looks to the cubicles where Katie is just returning. Strolling over to her desk, he leans in the cubicle doorway. "Hey...I need your help tonight if you're up to it."

Where? When and Why?

*Katie can see and feel the disapointment in Scott's voice and eyes no matter how he trys not to show it. It just about breaks Katie's heart to see Scott like this. Reaching out Katie puts her hand on top of Scott's and smiles.*

"I can come and see you as well. That way I can see Domino too. And ya never no maybe after a month God will give me a kick in the butt and send me that way."

*Katie looks down at her plate as her Pizza sits there half eaten. Suddanly she wasent hungry anymore. Katie hated that she had dispointed someone and hoped Scott would be ok.*

"Alright I'm ready whenever you are."

*Charlotte gives alittle shake of her head at Bret's apologize.*

"There's no need to apologize. You did what I wanted to do. But for what its worth I forgive you."

*Charlotte cant help but grin. Hearing a new name she hasent before she can only guess it was Bret's wife. He dident talk about her offten and by the look in his eye she new why.*

"I wouldnt say its a downfall, only a weekness. We all have them unfortunitly. Personaly and forgive me for saying this I still think you ex wife is pretty silly to let a few problems get in the way of someone so sweet and hunky as yourself. Sometimes ya have to take the bad with the good."

*Charlotte's eyes twinkle as there food arrives. Everything smelled so good, Charlotte's stomach turned as it was calling to the food. Taking a bit Charlotte continues to hold her grin. After a few more moment of silence she puts her for down to reply to Bret.*

"I guess this might be. It's kind of sad when you think about it. When I got back to Cali I am going to have no one to bug."

*Charlotte's grin grows alittle bit. She did really mean she was gonna miss Bret. She spend countless amout of time with him and going back it was going to just feel strange not seeing him.*

"We are leaving Sunday. So you have alittle time left."

* As Misty hears Jason's voice she dosent look up at first.*

"I could always use a n......"

*As Misty finally looks up at Jason she cant help but let a grin slip on her lips.*

"...ight out. Carson would beat you to a palp if he saw you looking like that and asking me out you know."

*Misty couldent help but give alittle laugh. Jason looks good today. Not his normal, extra good.*

"I'd like to get out tonight. Where we headed? When? Why and should I change?"


Scott listens to Katie, still chewing and swallowing his pizza. His eyes show a hope...an anticipation...that slowly fades as her answer comes. He lowers his gaze and leans back in his seat, letting his half-eaten slice of pizza wait on his plate.

After the silence has gotten tense enough, Scott looks up to Katie again, giving her half a smile. "It was a long shot." It's obvious that he's doing his ultimate best not to let any disappointment show. "I guess I probably thought that's what you'd say, but it was worth the try."

His smile recedes for a moment before being forced to return as he picks up his pizza again. "Who am I to ever go up against what God has told you? If there's ever been a good reason for doing or not doing something, it's that."

Even though the words are convincing him that the right choice has been made, it's obvious that it's just a little hard for him to finish his food. "I'm...glad you're not giving up on us though." He nods and takes a sip of his soda. "And it won't be all that bad..." The assurance in his voice is lacking, despite his strong efforts. "We can call each other and email, and if you're here, I might try to commute on the weekends if I can afford it. Then we can be together for a day or two every week." He nods with decision and finishes the slice of pizza.

"Alright, well...I guess as soon as you're done here we can skidaddle on back to work before Reese has our hides for taking a long lunch break when there's so much to do."

Bret sits across from Charlotte in the little Greek restaurant as they wait for their food. He gives a sigh, finding it just a tad bit hard to relax after the day they'd already had. "I...guess I want to apologize again..." He breaks the silence. "Just when that guy started accusing me like that...I got to thinking about Brandon...and his family...and I don't know..." His eyes remain glued to the table. "Guess I just lost it."

He forces a short laugh. "Maria always said that was my downfall. Maybe she was right."

Lifting his glass of water, he takes a sip, his mind still wandering. Looking up a Charlotte, he cocks his head. "So...I guess this might be the last adventure fate has with us. When do you and your sister pull out of here?"

After Jason is finished with Nate, he goes back to work for a while, then heads out for a late lunch, taking longer than normal. When he returns, it's obvious as to why. He wasn't planning on going home before heading to the bar tonight. He was just going to work late, then leave straight from here.

A chain hangs down from his jeans beltloop to connect to his back pocket wallet. The jeans he had were worn, a hole starting in the left knee. Motorcycle gloves covered half his hands to leave his fingers free, his black boots helping him with the desired look. His white tee was tucked in under an open camouflage jacket with the sleeves rolled up. To top it off, a black bandanna was folded and wrapped across his forehead as a headband, his hair spiking just above it. He hadn't shaved since yesterday, and his five o'clock shadow finished off the rough appearance.

"Wooee." Laura calls out to him with a whistle as he passes. "Where are you headed?!"

Jason turns around and throws her a wry grin. "To fight with your boyfriend." Leaving her hanging, he aims for the infirmary. Heading down the hall, he stops at the open door and looks in to Misty's desk. "Hey, Misty...Short notice, but how would you like to get out of the office for a while tonight?"


*Charlotte cant help but grin at Bret turning back to her sister and waving.*

"I guess thats your answer. I'll be back at the hotel sooner or later."

*Angelica rolls her eyes geting into her car and drives away.

Charlotte lets out a laugh as her sister speeds down the road.*

"I love picking on her its so funny. Now food...do you have any good Greek restronts in this part?

*Charlotte gets into Brets ready to start the rest of a stress free day.*

*Nate nods thinking about what he had to do in the mean time and than nods to Jason.*

"9 at Kelley's I'll be there."

*Nate returns back to his work to see what he can get done in such a short amount of time.*

*Katie sits acorss from Scott she cant help but giggle watching him fight with his pizza. The afternoon had gone well and lunch with Scott even better. It was always nice to just chat with him about anything.

Katie lets out a sigh as Scott asks the question she hoped maybe wouldent come. Though in the back of her mind no matter what she new it would. Taking a sip of her water Katie finally looks up at Scott.*
"I have...."
*Katie's own eyes refelcted a hint of sadness.*
"I pryed about it because I wasent sure what to do. Both things I wanted, to go and to stay. In eather place I have much to lose. So I prayed this mornng and asked God to show me where He wanted me. As much as I want to go with you Scott, I cant. I believe my calling is right here for now..."
*Katie looks down at her plate for a moment.*
"..I know your probley disapointed and I am sorry for that Scott. This is a great oppertunity for you. I am so happy and so proud of you."
*Katie looks back up at Scott again.*
"I know its going to be hard with the miles, but I'd like to still be your girl Scott. I want our relationship to continue to grow and than when I feel God says its ok for me to go I will. I want to still work on us because I am not ready to let you go."
*Katie searches Scott's eyes trying to read his emotions. Silence falls over the table as neather speak.*


Bret nods to Angelica and returns the handshake. “I appreciate everything.”

Turning to Charlotte he quirks an eyebrow. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a quarter and is ready to toss, but then stops and shakes his head. “I don’t think I’m leaving this one up to fate.” He grins at her. “I better get in all I can before you take off again. You name the place.”

“Mm, pizza sounds like a fantastic idea.” Scot starts to straighten the papers on Trish’s desk. At Katie’s question, he rolls his eyes. “I was doing great until this.” He rubs his wrist gingerly. “Otherwise not to bad I guess. Just…another morning.”

Jason nods. “Kelley’s across town. I’ll got at it myself tonight and see what happens. If I’m lucky enough to get spotted then invited, I’ll see about Misty going with me from there.”

He nods decisively. “How about nine o’clock tonight. I’ll probably just work late and leave from here – take my bike. Then you can show up shortly after.”

…Scott takes a bite of pizza, the cheese stretching out long as he tries to bite it off. Grinning, he’s finally successful.

Mom and Pop’s is fairly quiet today with a few customers scattered about. Conversation between Scott and Katie had been kept light for the most part as they enjoyed each other’s company and the food.

But as the meal progressed, there was just as slight tension that rose as well. Finally, Scott asks what he knows they’re both thinking about. “So…have you thought any more about Arizona?”

At first

*Once outside Angelica nods to Bret and exstends her hand.*

"Your welcome Bret. It was nice to meet you. In a week or two you will get a bill in the mail from my office. I'm very inexspensive, and you can pay it when you can its no rush."

*Truning to Charlotte she gives a node and a questioning look.*

"Are you coming back to the hotel with me or?"

*Charlotte looks to Angelica and than back to Bret than to her sister.*

"I'm not sure yet."

*Smiling at Bret Charlotte questions.*

"Would you care to go for victory lunch or should I go back to the hotel with Ang?"

*Charlotte gives a grin and a wink to Bret.*

*Katie bends down and starts to help Scott pick up some papers. She new the question he asked her last night was weaghing heavy on his mind still. Katie also new she owed it to him to let him know her desition. Though she couldent help be nervose she believed this is what God wanted.*

"I'd like to do lunch. Maybe we can do pizza today."

*Katie smiles at Scott as she continues to help him pick up the mess that had been made.*

"So other than this mess..how are you today?"

*Nate smerks at Jason finding humor in the whole thing.*

"I dont know if I cant let you win at first but I can certinly put on a good show, than let you win."

*Listening to more of what Jason had to say Nate throws in here and there what he thinks could be added that should be done and what not.*

"Ya Misty would be good. You wouldent have to worry about her being out in that crowd alone thats for sure. Ya tonight sounds good. What bar and a time."

Old fashioned

Bret sinks back down into his chair, knowing he’d been foolish and feeling stupid for it, though still angry at the situation.

Feeling the touch to his leg, he sees Charlotte withdraw her hand, reveling the coin. He quirks an eyebrow, somehow a slight sense of humor entering in. He obeys Angelica and remains quiet, biting his tongue from further outbursts.

Listening to Charlotte speak, Bret has to admit he’s impressed. She held herself well in the courtroom with the same confidence she showed otherwise. The flirtatious spark wasn’t here, but the fire was, and it grabbed his attention. His eyes shift to the judge, watching for reactions.

As Charlotte concludes, the judge spends what seems like an eternity, contemplating the case.

“You’re Honor…”

The judge holds up his hand to cut off the prosecutor. “I’ve heard enough.” Shifting through some papers and reviewing more evidence, he finally looks at the lawyers present, and at Bret. “Many times, in cases of accidents, someone is to blame. Whether it was due to negligence or stupidity.”

He pauses, shaking his head. “In this case we’ve got three different sides. We’ve got an individual being blamed, a company being blamed, and an office that threw out an accusation before they could be blamed.” He shakes his head again. “This has been handled backward from the beginning – it’s obvious that the surveyor’s office jumped the gun because they knew they should be the guilty party.”

Thinking for several more moments he finally nods. “This was a tragic accident where someone died. But as Miss Lockheart pointed out – there was slim chance that those caves could have been discovered. As such, I can’t see that Titan Inc. can be blamed either. For that matter, if discovery of the caves were impossible before a cave-in, then how can the surveyors even be blamed?”

The judge gives a sigh. “My ruling is for the best interests of all involved, and I hope that this does not happen again. In the future I hope to never have such a tangled and backward case on my desk again. This case is dismissed.”

…Bret takes his eyes off the ground to look up at both Angelica and Charlotte as they reach the vehicles parked out front. “Thank you…both… I apologize for my outburst. I couldn’t have gotten away with this without you two.”

Scott gives a little groan, his face red from embarrassment. Taking Katie’s hand, he picks himself up off the floor. “Yeah, handsome alright… I made a handsome mess, that’s for sure.”

He bends over to start picking up some of the papers, and retrieves the phone to put it back. Pausing, he tilts his head, tossing Katie a smile. “And good morning to you too. I was going to come see if you wanted to do lunch today.” The tone of his voice indicates that he wants to talk to her, and he knows that the subject on his mind would be obvious. He didn’t want to pressure her, but she’d said a day and he wasn’t about to neglect asking her again.

Jason grins a little at Nate’s enthusiasm. “I thought you might like this. The only drawback is that I have to win.”

His eyes show the humor that he isn’t releasing. “I’m on a case to take down an underground racket of street fighting. Local cops have been unsuccessful in finding them and taking them down. I figure to go in the old fashioned way.”

Moving around to the cubicle opening, he leans on the wall, explaining what he’d already planned out in his mind. “They’ve already got some names of some rough guys that frequent a bar downtown. The cops are pretty sure they’re involved in the racket. What I’d like to do is give them a nice show. I’ll head down, spend some time there, then you show up. We get in a nice brawl and I show off enough to catch someone’s eye. Throw a few comments around and see if it’ll get me an invitation to a real fight. After that, I’m in. I figure having a partner would be good for this, and I’m thinking about Misty. She knows the rough side of things, and would be better cover than a second man.”

Jason pauses, trying to think if he left anything out. “So…what are you plans for tonight?”


*Lockheart trys to calm Bret down at the argument only to finally stand once the judge talks to her giving a nod to him.*

"Yes your Honor if you would forgive Mr. Parker. He just got work his dear friend passed and has not had the right amount of time to greave so I blame his out burst on that. It wont happen agan you Honor."

*Siting down Angelica leans into Bret and keeps her voice on the low.*

"Bret you need to stay calm and quiet this isent going to help anything. Let me do my job. I know its hard to hear all this information but you have to remain calm."

*As Charlotte sits next To Bret she move forward in her seat for just a moment. Reaching her hand out she touches Bret's leg. Moving her hand away a coin is revealed face up. Pushing her chair back Charlotte stands.*

"Your Honnor I have some information and a statment of my own I would like to bring up..."

*The prosicuter stands himself as Charlotte nears the judge.*

"...She cant do that your Honner not in the middle of the trial he can not change lawyers."

*Charlotte looks at the prosicuter her confadent her face no flinching revealing what he said.*

"Your Honnor, Mr. Parker is not changing lawyers. I have apart of this case and have been helping Miss. Lockheart out. I am in this as much as anyone. There is no rule saying you cant have more than one Lawyer as long as such is stated before the hearing."

*Charlotte draws silent for a moment wating for another reply from the judge. See a nod of his head Charlotte continues taking a few papers from the table.*

" Your Honnor Mr. Parker had no ill will when he started out here. There was no neglagence involved. As people had been researching these under ground caves now since they have been discoveder. Its been shown in reports that the earth is several feel deep between the air pockets and the surfice. Even with the best Escavators Titan Inc. could offord they probley never would of discovered these cave. The weaght of the dozers, and all the people walking is that caused this to happen...Also your Ho...."

*Charlotte is cute off as the prosicuter trys to talk over her. Not paying any attachen to him Charlotte raises her voice to speak over him.*

"ALSO your Honnor, Mr. Parker has been with Titan Inc. for over six years and this is the first misshap. On top of that I have a copy here your Honnor..."

*Charlotte hands the judge a paper.*

"..a document signed by Titan Inc. and Mr. Parker saying that the team he choose to do the excavation was an ok one and they did there own background check on the company. So there in front of you in black and white Titan Inc. gave there ok."

*Charlotte regroups and takes a few steps back.*

"From where I stand and the information that I just gave you it look to me that Titan Inc. knows they made a mistake, was it Mr. Parker's mistake no. It was Titan Inc. for not really doing a background check and now people are hurt, an innocent boy has passed away and Titan Inc. knows if they dont blame someone alse they have alot of bills to pay."

*Returning back to her seat Charlotte looks at the judge again.*

"That is all your Honnor."

*Siting down Charlotte smiles at Bret and than at Angelica.

Angelica smiles at her sister listing to everything she had to say. Very shocked and proude of what she just did.*

*As Katie see the chair go flying out of Trish's cubicle and hears a loud crash she cant help but cring knowing exacly where Scott is. Giving a shake of her head she retreaves the chair and pushes back into Trish's cubicle. Seeing Scott still laying on the floor Katie stands over top of him smiling down and offers him her hand.*

"Well good morning to you too Handsome."

*Nate looks up at Jason a smile forming on his face.*

"A bar fight huh?"

*Nate thinks for a moment.*

"Sounds dangerous!"

*Nate stops and thinks again.*

"A change to get out of the office."

*Once more he stops and thinks about all the other times he went on tasts with Jason. Good or bad they always had fun.*

"Count me in. What do we have?"


Jason watches Katie leave and makes sure she’s out on the main floor again before shutting his door. Leaning back against it, he takes a deep breath, forcing himself to remain calm and not dwell too much on what had just happened. It was funny how something they had lived with everyday for so long had suddenly become awkward.

Shaking his head, he goes back to his desk and tries to concentrate on work, picking up where he’d left off. It doesn’t take him long to remember the plan he’d been formulating, and he heads out, aiming for Nate’s desk.

“Nate…” Jason pauses at the cubicle, a few papers in hand. “How would you like to get in a bar brawl with me?”

Scott plugs the last thing in under Trish’s desk and backs out on all fours. Standing, he brushes off his jeans, satisfied that everything was in place for when she came back from making copies.

Turning around too quickly, he catches himself on the computer chair that was closer than he thought. Tripping on one of the casters, he falls forward, somehow winding up cockeyed on his stomach in the seat. His force, however is enough to shoot the chair out the cubicle opening.

Legs flying, somehow one of Scott’s feet catches the phone cord hanging off the desk. With a desperate wail, he’s first shot out the door, then yanked off the chair and onto the floor by his foot.

The chair goes flying, upending and clattering on the floor. Scott sprawls on his face, his foot still tangled, and when he rolls over, the phone finally gives, coming crashing down. It’s own movement from the desk catches a stack of paperwork that follows suit.

Before “Ohhh crap!” is out of Scott’s mouth, papers are everywhere and he sits…in the middle…on the floor…just staring at the mess he’d just created.

Bret nods at Angelica, not quite as confident as she was about this whole thing, but following her lead.

It takes longer than he would have liked to get inside, to the right room, and finally getting called up.

The judge is dry and without much emotion, going through the routines, reading off the facts of the case, then allowing the prosecution to begin with their accusation.

Bret sits in between Angelica and Charlotte, his leg bouncing nervously. He hated it in here. It was a big room, but he still felt claustrophobic. He just wanted to get this thing over with.

Listening to the prosecution attorney, his blood begins to boil.

“…who obviously neglected to choose a company with credentials matching the needs of Titan Inc. It is evident that Mr. Parker was negligent, and as a result of that negligence, one man may never walk again, and another is dead. I do not see how one can may assume he is guiltless…”

As the accusation drones on, Bret’s jaw tightens. His mind reels. He was in a courthouse he dreaded to begin with. He was grieving over the loss of a friend. He was facing the possibility of being out of a job. It was hot and humid in here. He was trying not to think about the past. And here he was, taking in these absurd accusations. They might as well be saying that it was premeditated murder. The thought alone that Bret could be responsible for Brandon’s death was enough to make him sick.

“…instead of checking other reputable surveying offices, Mr. Parker...”

“That’s not true!” Bret is on his feet, his voice raised before he even realizes what he’s doing. “You know dang well that I checked other sources and I found the lowest bid! How can you think that you can get away with this garbage?!”

The judges gavel bangs, echoing loudly in the room, but the argument has already started. The prosecutor’s voice matches Bret’s, both shouting at one another, their words mixing to something not even understandable to listeners. Bret is seething, his face red from anger, feeling the overwhelming urge to punch someone…something…anything.

“Order!” the judge shouts. He takes advantage of the slight pause. “Miss Lockheart, control your client! I will not have this in my courtroom, do you understand me? Either set him down and keep him still, or I will have him escorted out!