

"Ohh, you're too sweet." Shirley smiles her thanks to Karla's compliment. "It's just a bit of eggs and cheese."

"And love," Kip adds.

Shirley gives his arm a swat and looks to Karla. "He likes making me feel good so I'll make him those peanut butter cookies he likes. Never did figure out how he can eat so many and still stay so skinny."

Kip's grin widens. "I think it's called metabolism."

"Well, you keep on going for ten-mile runs, you're gonna eat me out of a kitchen." She gives his hair a loving ruffle before turning back to Karla. "I'll get Rin some water."

As she leaves, Kip takes another bite and chuckles at Karla's question. "Other than getting myself in trouble? Most of my free time is used to play bass guitar. I was in a band, Righteous Bullet, for a while, and now we're forming a new one with the guy out there, Kyle, as lead singer. Erik and Twila are in on it too, and a couple other guys." He shrugs, making light of it. "Otherwise, I keep myself busy with handiwork around here to earn my keep." Another, smaller grin emerges. "This is actually Erik's family's place. They took me in when..." Though his grin remains, a shadow passes through his eyes. "...well, when I needed a place to stay."

He takes a sip of fruit juice then scrapes the last bit of breakfast from his plate. "Sometimes I get out for a night on the town, but only when I'm daring enough to face Erik when I get back." He shrugs again. "My life in a nutshell. I should write a book." A laugh escapes. "People could use their copies as doorjams or something."

Leaning back in his chair, Kip cocks his head. "Now that I've bored you out of your mind, what about you? Last time I looked, this 'getting to know you' thing went both ways."

"I think I could go for that." Leo waits for Ryan to finish wrapping her wrist before leaning over and giving her lips a light kiss. "Thanks for helping me get back on my feet. I think I'm gonna miss spending so much time over here."

Jason has his eyes on his task, but a smile spreads on his face. Turning around, he looks down at Katie, just letting his gaze fall into hers for several moments.

No... I'm not ready. For the first time, I don't want to go. I've been without you so much lately, that to think it might happen again... I don't know if I could take it.

He reaches out with a gentle hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, his eyes still on hers.

I love you, Katie Pent, more every day.

Giving a sigh, one corner of his mouth upturns a little more. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be, Hero. Let's nab these bad guys."

They had another half hour before heading out. Then they'd land in Texas and settle in a hotel for one night, making contact with Mick. Then they'd wait for Reese's direction with where to head after he'd received more information from the police. It could be the next day they'd head out, or the next week. It all depended on what intel they'd be fed.

Jade's head turns to follow Dan as he walks a short ways away into the barn. He sees the look he tosses her, and she smiles her response. This wasn't much fun. But... it was nice they could still communicate without needing to talk. It would get old pretty quickly though... and after thinking about it all day, she felt ready to talk to her father about it again. She needed to give him an answer... but she wasn't willing to leave because of Dan, and she wasn't willing to just throw away her newfound friendship in order to stay. There had to be a compromise... right?

Gunner looks at the clock. Most people had left TJY for the night. It was getting late. Past the time JT said supper would be on. Gunner sighs. His stomach didn't feel very good, but maybe that's because he hadn't eaten all day.

Thinking for a few minutes longer, he gets to his feet. He was being silly. He'd missed Bree all day... and even if he felt odd about that morning, he just needed to let it go. Surely she had... right? Maybe it was his fault... maybe he needed to apologize or... something. Bree hadn't acted like she minded it, sitting with him... like... that.

He shakes his head as his spine tingles a little. Okay. He'd go. On his way across town though, he does get distracted by a little shop on Main street before continuing his route...

Arriving at the house, he rings the doorbell and shifts his weight a little nervously, the small bundle under his arm.

JT looks up from a bite of spaghetti and glances to Bree as he hears the doorbell. They'd only been at the table for a few minutes after working together on the meal. It had been a nice relaxing time after a long day, and JT had thought Gunner wouldn't show up. "Hmm... maybe that's our friend." Going to the door and opening it, he smiles. "Hey, Gunner."

"Hey, um... I'm late."

"No one's ever late around here." JT steps back to let him inside. Studying Gunner for a moment with expert eyes, he takes a guess. "Haven't eaten much lately, have you?"

Gunner was surprised at JT's skill and just shrugs. "Wasn't hungry, I guess."

"Well, come on in. Bree and I haven't finished yet, but there's enough here to feed an army anyway."

Gunner gives a little nod and wanders behind him to the kitchen table. JT goes to the counter to grab a plate and starts to dish out another helping of spaghetti from the pot.

Gunner ambles closer to Bree, giving her a crooked grin. "Hey." He wasn't really sure what to say. This whole day had seemed topsy-turvy, and he didn't know what was supposed to happen next, especially when his stomach does a little flipflop. Clearing his throat, he then remembers the object under his arm. "Oh, um, I saw this today and I don't know..." He shrugs. "It made me think of you so..." He sets the little white teddy bear down in front of her. It had big brown eyes and was dressed in purple scrubs like a nurse. Its shirt said, "You're a beary special friend!" Gunner looks at Bree's face for her reaction, hoping that if anything needed to be fixed, that this would help... that if an apology was needed, that this would do.

JT glances over his shoulder, keeping a smile to himself. He takes his time getting the food.


Sniffing the womans hand cautiously Rin can smell the small remainder of food from whatever meal she was making. Giving in a playful lick and moving his front paws as his large tail wacked the floor to show he was happy.

Giving a small laugh at her dog and taking a bit of the food Karla was surprised on how good the meal tasted. Flashing a grin at Kip and than a look twords the cook Shirley.

"The meal is amazing, thank you so much. As for Rin, he could go a week without water and be ok. But getting him some water would be very nice of you. Thank you!"

Turning back to Kip and taking another bit of the food Karla savers the tast. It was nothing like she had, had before but it was so good, and after the last few days of eating nothing but ramen noodles this was heaven.

"So, what do you like doing in your free time? If we are going to be friends and not strangers anymore I need to know what you like."

Giving another grin Karla's eyes twinkled. It was nice having someone who talk with and get to know. Kip had made it so easy as well, and formed around her shyness.

Giving a chuckle about being the body guard Ryan shakes her head a little. It made her feel good to know Leo would stand up for her even if he new it would end bad though she would never ask him to do so.

"Mmmm...If you come with me we can go watch the race. My car is far from ready to race again, so maybe watching a race will give me the motivation to race again."

Though she didnt say it Ryan did miss racing and couldn't want to get back on the track. Knowing Leo was there to cheer her on was always nice too.

"How about we grab something to eat together and than head over? I'll leave Eli a note in case he comes back early."

Giving a big smile Ryan was happy Leo was there with her and talked her into going with him. Reaching to the table for the ace bandage Ryan wraps her wrist tightly making sure it was well supported.

Looking up and seeing Jade sitting outside Dan couldnt help the small ping that hit his heart. He'd liked becoming friends with Jade and talking to her. He liked having her work along side him so he had someone to chat with. But not it was like being caged away, being able to look out but it being to far to touch.

Bringing the horse around the ring one more time to pass Jade Dan looks at her giving a smile and a wink. He couldn't talk to Jade for fear of Mick getting upset but maybe that was his silent hello to her. Leading the horse into the barn Dan throws a look over his shoulder one last time before disappearing inside to get the next horse.

Mmm....yes I believe we did. But you know how it goes, on the road again.

Adjusting the bag on her shoulder Katie makes her way down the hallway. She was picked along with Jason, and Wyatt in the search for Dylan. Mick thought it was the Agency but the others could only hope not. Katie new what it was like to be under them and it was thought. Even if they didnt kill Dylan they wouldn't make it easy.

Everything the room where Jason was Katie lets her warm emotions flow even though she was worried about her cousin. Coming up behind Jason she nudges him just a little.

"The three stooges, I like it. Ready?"

Getting Axel's voice mail Misty puts her papers down as her voice held a little bit of excitement. It had been longer than planned but she was finally calling Axel back.

"Heya Ax, its Misty. Sorry I didnt call sooner its been crazy. Anyways I got your blood tests back and your cleared. Everything is ok to continue with the research. So when your free in the next say or two I'd like to do the mini surgery to take a peace of your nerve from your wrist. Give me a call back when you have time."

Hanging up the phone Misty leans back in her chair for a long moment as her lets out a small sigh. Things had been moving on with her research well and she was pleased. but what was to come next would be the real test in if this would work or not and Misty couldn't be more excited.

Lil' Cowboy

Gunner hears his phone ringing this time, but seeing it was Bree, for some reason he didn't answer it. He wasn't sure why. Maybe it was because he knew he really didn't have a reason not to meet her today.

Listening to the voicemail, he feels a little worse. It was odd Bree didn't want to go either... she sounded like she was having a rough day. And he'd turned down having floats with her.

He sighs and slips his phone into his pocket, trying to get more work done. It's only ten minutes later that once again, he has a call. This time he answers it though, and tells JT he's not sure if he'll be over for supper or not.

Kip grins at Karla, pleased to see that she was asking about prayer before eating. It was a nice change to make a friend who did that. He knew he didn't always pick the best friends... but he had such a hard time fitting in, that he often took what he could get. "Yeah, sure."

Bowing his head, he thanks God for the food, then pauses before going on. "And thank you for strangers along the road."

Ending his prayer, he still has a little grin on his face as he takes a bite of his breakfast. "Mmm.... Shirley!"

The older woman near the stove turns around in surprise. "What? What's the matter?"

Kip laughs. "Did I ever tell you that you're a good cook?"

Shirley gives him a little smirk. "Almost every day." Her eyes had a sparkle to them that a fun grandma might have. "But that's okay, I don't get tired of it." Chuckling, she wipes her hands on her apron and wanders closer. "Who are your new friends?"

"This is Karla... and Rin."

"Nice to meet you, Karla." Shirley gives a warm smile, then stretches out a hand for Rin to sniff. "I could get him some water if he needs it," she offers.

Leo gives Ryan's fingers a little squeeze. The look on his face was gentle and understanding. Though she didn't say so, he knew she must be a little nervous to go back. He was too. He still looked like he'd been run over by a truck, and Roth's handiwork would have a longer impression on his mind than his looks. "Well... we could always just go and watch tonight." He shrugs. "Say hi to some people and see what's up."

He gives her a rueful grin. "Not that I'll be much good as a bodyguard, but I can try. Miles said he might go down too and hang out for a while though."

Jade rubs some oil into the saddle, folding the cloth and continuing the gentle cleaning and oiling. The sunshine felt warm today, despite a cool breeze. She'd chosen to bring the saddle outside to work on it today instead of staying cooped up in the tack room. There was a reason she'd chosen to set up out behind the barn though. Looking up every now and again, she would steal glances at Dan exercising some of the horses. The only thing better would be riding with him, but she'd take his advice for now and play things cool.

It was funny... she barely knew him... had really not been here all that long to spend time with him... yet seeing him and talking to him was the highlight of her day. The awkwardness she usually felt about new friends just didn't exist. It was like she and Dan... clicked. She'd had guy friends before, and a few boyfriends, including Jason. But even then, all had seemed almost like she had to really try hard to make a go of it - like it was one-sided. It just wasn't like that with Dan. It was just... easy. Her nerves had caused her to flirt with him in the beginning, but now... she didn't act silly with him like she'd done with other guys. She didn't feel the same nervousness around him, or the need to impress him as she had with guys like Jason. She just felt like... herself. It was a nice, warm feeling and she liked it.

Glancing up again, she smiles as Dan passes by near the fence.

Jason throws a few things into one of his bags and scans the rack of firearms before choosing his pistol. He'd just gotten back from lunch, and was preparing to head out later in the afternoon.

Didn't we just leave Texas?

He grins a little, knowing Katie and Wyatt would probably be joining him soon.

The three stooges take off again. I just hope Mick isn't right about thinking it's the Agency.

Scott looks at his computer screen and grins at the picture of BJ that he'd caught on his short stay at the ranch. The boy was outside grinning from ear to ear, his cowboy hat pulled down so far that he had to crane his neck to look up and see the camera.

Scott pulls up an email and types a quick message:
Subject: Lil' Cowboy
Thought you might like having this.
Attaching the picture and clicking 'send' the email was off to Rosetta.