

Giving a small nod and a smile Bree looks back up at the stars as they twinkled in the night sky. Seeing there hand prints mapped in the sky again it made her stomach do flip flops once more as she gave a small chuckle.

"Cat..I like it very fitting."

Drawing silent again as if thinking Bree finally speaks again.

"I have two pets, Skippy my Tarantula and than there is Darwin my rat. They are actully to very interesting pets. Maybe sometime I could meet Cat?!"

Having BJ return out to her his checker bored in hand Rosetta smiles at the young boy. He was so special to her, and she was thankful for him laughing as his shirt was put on backwards.

"Come here you. Lets fit this shirt the right way."

"Mom wheres dad?"

Taking BJ's shirt off and than putting it back on him Rosetta gives the tip of his nose a kiss smile.

"He's getting changed into some clean cloths. He'll be out shortly. Now go set up your game while I put dinner on the table."

Moving around the table again while BJ was in the living room Rosetta braught everything to the table getting ready for dinner.

Coming back to the table BJ climbs into his chair and fold his little hands in front of him. Waiting to say prayers.

Looking at her son and giving a nod Rosetta smiles.

"You can say the prayers tonight ok?"

"I cant mom, I have to wait for Dad to come out!"

"We can say our prayers and when we comes out we can pray again."

BJ gives a little shake of his head looking at his mom his eyes telling her he would be stubborn on this one.

"We have to wait for Dad."

"Ok. We can."

BJ stands from his chair again giving a smile at Rosetta. He was growing so fast she could hardly keep track anymore.

"I'll go see if he is ready."

Disapearing down the hall BJ comes to the bedroom and pokes his head in.


Coming into the room all the way he see Mick on the edge of the bed and goes to him. Struggling for just a moment to get on the bed he finally does and scoots close to Mick pitting his tiny hand on his back and patting it.

"Dinner is ready and we cant pwray with out you! Are you Otak?

Drawing the blood from Axel Misty is very gentil doing her best to get the vein first shot and does. Pulling out a little bit of her paperwork Misty puts it in front of Axel talks as she drew his blood.

"Well before we do anything I wanna run a few tests on you blood, see your blood type, make sure you health in all other aspects before even attempting anything. Than, I would like to do a small surgary on your hand and take out a bit of your nerve. Around your thump you have a little extra nerve tissue and I would be taking that."

Drawing silent for a moment Misty changes out the tubes of blood starting to fill another. Studying Axel for a moment before continuing.

"I will than test the nerve tissue to see if I can get it to regrow a little, or at least give some signs it will. I've been working on differnt proteens, and a neurtransmitter as well to see if I can stimulate the nerve once again."

Finishing with the second vial of blood Misty takes a peace of gause and a bandage putting it over where she had drawn the blood. Placing both vials into the cooler till she was ready to use them.

"Going aganst what most Dr's will tell you nerves never die. They simply enter a state of hibernation that they cant wake from. So what out goal is, is to get the nerves to synapses with the target."

Looking at Axel Misty didn't think she was making a lick of sense to him with all her medical terms but it was kind of fun to talk to someone about it anyways.


Mick manages a small smile and kisses Rosetta's forehead lightly. "Thank you. ...You two go ahead and eat... I don't want to make you wait."

Turning, he makes his way down the hall to the bedroom a bit slower than usual. Finding some clean clothes, he's ready to hit the shower. It doesn't take him long to clean up, shave, and get into clean clothes. Though his eyes were still tired, he looked more like himself.

Back in the bedroom, he's ready to join Rosetta and BJ, but instead, he sinks down on the edge of the bed. Leaning forward, he puts his face in his hands, too overcome to go on right now. There was just way too much he was feeling. He knew he felt sick because he'd had nothing to eat in over twenty-four hours, but the longer he was here, the clearer his mind got, and the clearer his mind got, the more crowded his emotions. He had to get up, go eat, play with BJ and talk with Rosetta... He had to get up... His legs just didn't want to carry him.

Gunner grins. "TV dinners aren't so bad once you get used to them... and ordering take out at least lets you get to know the drivers."

Finishing up his sandwich, he lies on his back for a while before wanting the fruit. Hearing Bree's question, he hesitates. "Um... I call her Cat."

He looks up at the moon, rolling his eyes at himself. "I couldn't come up with a good name so... ever since she showed up outside my door, she's been Cat."


Racing down the hall again BJ went to try off and get his PJs on but stops on his way back to his room with the towel to take the time to whip up the water mess he had made before his bear little butt in the air as he cleaned up the mess. Standing up again as if remembering his close where not on. Running off into his room again BJ goes to his closet and searchs for some.

Once BJ is gone Rosetta continues to hold Mick. She loved him to much to be mad at him for to long over one slip up. It happend to the best of them and if it was her she would want a second chanse too.

"I know you are. We will talk more about it later ok?"

Pulling away from Mick and just looking at him in the eye Rosetta smiles a chuckle escaping her lips.

"Your place is already set at the table. It always will be, now go take you shower so we can eat."

Bree cant help but chuckle as she leans back on the blanket looking up at the sky. Another night was going by and it was filled with a laughter and joy she had never experienced before. Gunner made her feel differnt, a good differnt she though, he almost made her feel normal.

"I am going to guess you eat a lot of tv dinners if you think a normal turkey sandwich tastes amazing. I cant wait till you get to eat something more than this, Your never going to want to go home again."

Closing her eyes and being silent for a long moment one might think Bree had fallen asleep but she wasnt. The air washed over her the soft sounds of a busy city below seemed so far away. How relaxing, how comfortable she felt. Finally opening her eyes again Bree turns her head to look at Gunner.

"You have a cat? Whats her name?"

Well yeah

Mick's eyes roam Rosetta's as she turns from the stove. His own were bloodshot and tired, but an apology that couldn't be voiced was mirrored in them. Had she thought he wouldn't return? He'd wondered if he was even welcome.

He opens his mouth to respond, when BJ came running into the room, water flying. Mick is almost knocked off balance and he has to take his hands out of his pockets to brace himself on the doorway. All at once, he remembered yelling at the child last night... and his heart broke.

His hand runs through BJ's wet hair for a moment before he's surprised by Rosetta's embrace. He wanted to say so much, but the words just got stuck. So instead, he wraps his arms around her and holds her tight. "I'm sorry," is all his can whisper.

Knowing that BJ couldn't go ignored, Mick finally lets go of Rosetta and looks down at the boy. "Hey, Kiddo." His voice was a bit raspy, but he tries to smile for BJ's sake. "I... think you're missing something."

He quirks an eyebrow, with a stern but gentle look. "I think... it's your clothes." He scratches BJ's head lovingly. "Go dry off and put something on before supper, okay? I'll still be here when you come back." He urges the child back down the hall. "Go on... And bring your checkers board when you come back," he calls after him.

Turning back to Rosetta, he pulls her into another hug, burying his face in her hair. "I need to clean up," he mentions quietly. "But keep a place at dinner for me?"

Gunner's eyebrows raise as he takes a bite of his sandwich. "Well, yeah." His answer comes without hesitation, as if he's surprised at Bree's questioning whether he'd want to see her, even though he'd basically asked her the same thing.

He blinks, maybe surprised at his own speed in answering her. "I mean.... yes." A muffled chuckle comes out through his chewing. "I don't have anybody else to look at the stars with... except my cat... but she gets distracted easily and doesn't like hearing about Orion or Saturn fifty times."

His eyes twinkle in the moonlight as his grin remains. "Besides... a vampire doesn't make friends too easily, so he's gotta hold on to the ones he's got." He pauses, glancing down at his sandwich. "Especially... when they make food as good as this."


Taking a bit of her sandwich after dishing everything out onto the paper plates Bree enjoys the taste for a long moment. She hadnt relized how little she even eat all day until taking that first bit of her food and her tummy gave an angry growl.

"I didn't realize how hungry I was."

Placing her plate down and taking a sip of water Bree thinks for a long moment about Gunner's question. She'd had made a comment about making Gunner a hot meal without even thinking that maybe he didnt want to even see her after this. It was strange to have said that let alone even feel close enough to someone to just make a comment like that.

Looking up at Gunner again the courners of Bree's mouth twitch a little bit the flopping in her tummy continuing.

"Well...I just though we would. I mean I would like to, that is if you would too!"

Walking into the bedroom Alice was still in awww once again. The room was so nice looking and it was now where Alice would live. Looking back to Erik Alice shakes her head.

"I think I've just stepped into a fairytale. I dont have many cloths so I wont take up much space."

Looking to Kyle and giveing a big smile Alice squeezes his hand a little. She was so excited and couldnt wait for his band to take off. Her eyes twinkled.

"I dont think there is anything else I could ask for at this point. Thank you Erik."

Standing at the stove Rosetta mixes the stew she was making. The table was set for three and BJ was in the tub washing up for the night. Rosetta hadnt seen Mick all day. Wes had told her he want for a ride but other that that she hadnt heard anything. Not turning around Rosetta yells into the bathroom.

"Are you a prune in there yet?"

Holding his hand in front of his face BJ looks at the wrinkles in his skin before looking up again.

"I'm not a prune Mom, I'm a boy."

Giving a laugh and shaking her head Rosetta loved the boys innocents.

"Well dinner is almost done, so your pruny little boy butt needs to hurry up before I eat it..."

Turning around Rosetta gives a jump as her words trail off not exspecting Mick to be standing there. For a moment standing in shock Rosetta didnt know what to say. Everything came rushing to her and where to start first was not certain.

"Mick...you came back.."

Rosetta wanted to say more but the words wouldn't come. Stepping forward Rosetta starts to go to him but a naked body from the hallway catches her eye as BJ stands looking at Mick before getting a big toothy grin.


And the heart of a child holds no anger, only love flows through there veins. For what they were scared about yesterday would not be the same as today.

Throwing his wet arms around Mick's leg BJ hugs him tight not letting go. It would seem the boy had forgotten about what happend last night. Looking up at Mick the boys smiles again as he dripped water all over.

"See Mom, I told you dad would be home for dinner if we waited."

Smiling back at the young boy and than back up at Mick love reflecting for both of them in her eyes. Walking closer to Mick Rosetta pulls him into a hug wrapping her arms around him. Leaning her head into his should.Oh how she had missed him.

Plush surroundings

Gunner lowers himself onto the blanket to sit cross-legged as Bree presents the food. "Mm... looks good." Anything other than the food here was great, and whenever Bree brought something, it always seemed even better.

Looking down a moment, he glances back up to her as she comments about a hot meal. "Does... that mean I still get to see you after this?"

Erik gains a smile at Alice's response. "Good. And if you two ever have any questions about what you see or hear about Kip, or anybody else for that matter - just come to me and ask. We're an open family and we don't have secrets."

He goes to open the door. "Now come on in... we got some time to kill before Twila gets back with the movie."

Erik shows them both inside, leading them down the hall and up two grand staircases. Down a plush hallway, he opens a door on the right that was to a very spacious bedroom. It was well-kept, even though it was obvious that it was not used on day-to-day basis. The decor spoke of a woman's touch - elegant, with flower print curtains on the window that overlooked the same garden that had been visible from the sun room.

Erik smiles at Alice. "Welcome to your room. You can put your things wherever you like, and use any drawers or closet space. There's a phone by the bed, and there's an outlet by the desk if you want to plug in your computer. We got wireless internet, so you should be set."

He thumbs next door. "Next one over is where Twila usually sacks out when she's over here, so if you holler in the night, she'll be there. And...." He nods a ways further down the hall. "Kyle's gonna be down here next to Kip. Need anything before supper?"

Mick slowly untacks Remington, cools him down and lets him loose in the back pasture. The day had slipped by and now the sun was starting to set. Most of the chores were already done. So far, he'd been lucky enough not to run into anybody in the barn since he'd returned from his ride.

Eventually, he makes his way to the main house. He had a limp tonight - his bad knee was acting up after a bad night and an all-day ride. He was tired, hungry, sore and miserable. He needed to shave, and he needed a shower.

Getting to the house, he steps up on the porch, but hesitates. He's tempted to knock. This was his house too... but he didn't know what had happened the night before, and he could only guess it wasn't good. He reaches for his head, forgetting he didn't have his hat on like he always did. He didn't know what had happened to it.

Sighing, he finally opens the door and steps inside. It was warm, and smelled of Rosetta's cooking. She must have decided to have supper away from the dining hall tonight. Standing in the entryway, he could hear BJ down the hall in the bathtub, half singing, half talking to his bath toys. It was a happy scene... except for him.

Turning to the kitchen, he sees Rosetta preparing supper. He didn't even know how to approach her. He was so ashamed of himself, he didn't know what to do. Tucking his hands in his pocket, he just leans against the doorway, watching her. He wasn't even sure that she wouldn't tell him to get out.