

Gunner's eyes narrow slightly and he looks back to Hope. A terrible battle was raging within him. He knew exactly what she was doing, and therefore he wanted to retaliate. Yet another piece of him wanted the help that she was offering. He wanted to jump... he didn't want to jump.

Even though he didn't show it, he really did like Hope. She was nice and even though he said he couldn't trust her, a part of him did. He knew who she was and what she was about, and he knew that she would never deceive him. But this... today... he didn't know what he wanted more: to live or to die.

"I've put people through worse," he responds. "I've killed people, remember?" He studies the ravine again. "Maybe if I go today, it'll be an even trade."

While Gunner talks, Con takes the cue from Hope and ever so slowly walks with her, swinging wide to get around to the other side.

Gunner moves a little closer to the edge and a small rock tumbles down, pulled by gravity. He grins again. "Can't be that bad, right? Better than wasting half my life searching for something that doesn't exist. Better than living, knowing I'm the one that killed my own past." He makes another small move, and for several moments, silence rules. But it gives Con just enough time.

Gunner feels the large hand on his shoulder and he swallows hard without turning around. "Don't let me fall, Con," he whispers.

Con doesn't hear, but he takes the opportunity of calm to slip an arm around Gunner's chest and gently pull him back, helping him over the guardrail again. Con's pulse is racing and he looks to Hope for help again. "C'mon, Gunner..." he prompts quietly. "Let's go."

Gunner's feet drag and he stops in front of Hope, not willing to look her in the eye. "I guess Reese was right... not only did I waste my time, but I'm to weak to accept the truth when I finally find it."

Con's heart aches for his friend, and he only wished there was something he could do. But the only thing they could do now was head to Northside where hopefully, Gunner could get the help he needed.

Jason takes in Katie's kiss, feeling as if it were a breath of fresh air to his lungs. His emotions surge through him, free and finally released. It was peace, it was love, it was gratefulness.

Wrapping his arms tighter around her, he draws her even closer, letting the kiss linger. Leaning back until his head is on the mattress, he lets Katie lean on his chest, embracing her with the feelings he had been keeping from her.

Thanks for being you, too.

His eyes closed, his fingers raked through her soft hair.

Can we just stay in this moment forever?

He would if he could. It was these moments that he had learned should be cherished.

No one else

Looking across the bridge at Gunner Hope's heart thumps. She would of hoped Gunner was smarter than that but her own heart raced anyways. Fear is what she held right now, for a coworker, a human being and a friend. Though she was scaired Hope stayed as calm as she could.

"Gunner, I wont turn around and I wont leave. You think you cant trust me, well than I know I am doing my job right. I care, and thats why I am here and I do what I wanna do."

Walking across the road slowly Hope starts and than stops again not turning around but motioning for Gunner to follow.

"If you jump Gunner I will have to see something I really dont want too. Something that will haunt me for the rest of my life. I dont think you really want to put me through that do you?"

Hope takes a quick glance to Con hoping to relay her message to him. She wanted to try and get Gunner to back up on his own but if it didnt work she wanted Con close to grab him.

Entering the room and being pulled into Jason's lap Katie can feel the emotions increase being pulled from Jason and feeding her. Only making what she felt herself stronger as she nuzzled her face into his neck for a moment.

I miss you a lot too J. Thank you for the gift you have given back to me. If you even need a little break again, just ask me.

Receiving the kiss from Jason and the the flower the smile on Katie's face grew even more as her emotions seemed to overflow.

Thank you J for always just being you, and no one else.

Bringing the flower to her noise Katie gives it a sniff enjoying the sweet smell. Than lowering the flower Katie looks deep into the eyes she always got lost in. Finally leaning in her lips touch his with enough emotions to match with how much she really did miss him. Her one arm finding his back and the other his head.

Not scared

Reese's jaw tightens a little. He knew what Hope meant, and it wasn't good. "You know... some of my agents have been through a lot... look at Jason... Katie... Scott... we got Agency guys on our hands with problems... but this... I just don't know what to do anymore. Pretty soon I'm gonna be the one needing to talk to you."

He manages a wry grin for Hope. Heaving a deep sigh, he leans over the cubicle wall to pick up the phone. "Hey, Con? Yeah... at Gunner's cubicle now please."

Con is quick to join them, his eyes full of question. "What is it?"

"I need you to find Gunner and..." Reese looks to Hope for reassurance. "...and take him to the Northside Hospital."

"Northside?" Con isn't sure he heard correctly. "Isn't that-"

"Yeah." Reese nods. "And take Hope with you, please."

"Where is he?"

"I don't know. He took off just a couple minutes ago."

Con lifts an eyebrow. "How do I find him?"

"You're the tracker."

Con sighs. "Alright." He turns to Hope. "Sounds like I might need you. Come on, we'll take my truck."

It takes an hour, but together, they're finally able to track down Gunner. When they do, it only proves Reese's worry was not an overreaction. Con pulls his truck over onto the shoulder of the road, staring out across the bridge. "We better get over to him." He gives Hope a sidelong glance. "I don't know if he'll listen to me."

Gunner didn't know how long he'd been there, but the more he thought and the more he let his mind absorb his guilt, the longer he stayed. But now he was on the outside of the guardrail, looking down into the ravine. He had never before felt so empty.


He rolls his eyes as he hears Con's voice. Turning his head, he rolls his eyes again, seeing Hope. "Just in time for the show, guys." He stares back down again. "One, two, three go."

Con's heart skips a beat. "Gunner stop."

A grin forms on Gunner's lips. "If anybody should be scared, it should be me, and I'm not, so... you might wanna just get back to the office and file some paperwork or something. Oh yeah and, my job's opening so if there's any hotshots down at the station who want a job, they can have at it."

Con swallows hard, scared for his friend. He lowers his voice. "Hope... I don't know what to do."

Jeff nods to Katie. "I'm okay. I'll still be here when you get back."

Jason is waiting in the bunk, still sitting on the edge of the bed when Katie comes.
It's open, come on in.
Smiling at her, he gestures for her to come closer and pulls her onto her lap.
I've missed you, ya know that?
He plants a quick kiss on her lips.
Reaching to the nightstand, he pulls out a long-stemmed red rose. He hands it to her, still holding her on his lap.
Thanks for still being here... being patient with me.


Watching Gunner go again Hope couldn't help but feel defeated herself. She had failed to help Gunner when he needed it, and she felt at lost on what to do.

"Sometimes, in some cases a deeper action needs to be take to keep someone safe. Maybe with Gunner this is one of those times."

Hope turns and looks to Reese the worry in her eyes. She did care, and she only wished Gunner would be ok.

"He might need more help than I can offer, and it will be a long hard road but if he is somewhere safe and can get better its worth it."

Giving a stretch as she stood from the bed where she had been slumpt over Katie gets a full force of emotions. It wasnt like a blast, but there were alot and it was like water on thirst lips. How she had missed this feeling and it was so good to feel close to the one she loved again.

Morning J! Good to feel you again.

A smile forms on Katie's lips not even realizing it was there at first that it was there, but this feeling inside, She felt renewed, almost different as God's will fell into place.

Ok, I'll be right over. Give me about 10 min.

Looking down at Jeff Katie gives a smile as she leans in to give him a soft kiss.

"I am going to go see Jason quick this morning. Rick said he was going to be over in a few moments so you wont be alone for long. I promise I will be back soon too. ok?"

Walking away

Gunner's shoulders drop and he looks at Hope with an expression of disbelief. "I can't trust anybody, can I? So I get a little crazy and wander the streets in the rain, and all of a sudden I need more help. Great."

Turning around, he steps back into his cubicle to grab his keys and turn back around, glaring at Reese. "Give me back my gun."

Reese stands firm, feeling a little braver with Hope on his side. "No."

"Give it back!"

"No, Gunner."

"Fine. You know what? I quit. This isn't worth it anymore." Gunner spins on his heel to stalk to the exit. "Bridges make less of a mess anyway," he mutters.

Reese watches Gunner walk away, feeling helpless. He glances to Hope. "Do I just let him go? Last night I was with him an hour and he never said a word. He was just... sitting there. I finally just took his gun and left. Figured he'd be alright once I got a hold on that but..." He shakes his head, clearly scared by Gunners behavior. "...I'm worried about him."

Gunner burns rubber as he speeds from the parking lot. He didn't like feeling this way: out of control. He never lost his temper, and he'd just had a shouting match. It didn't feel good. Worse, he didn't like the deeper feeling he had... the one that he'd buried twelve years ago.

Heading across town, he hits the quieter side, bypassing the little shop where he frequented for floats. This time, he went further, passing by the intersection of the accident, and continuing on to the bridge outside of town. It was a long one, stretching over more rocks than water. Pulling off to the side, he gets out if his car, wandering slowly on foot until he was in the middle of the bridge. He stops and stares down over the guardrail, his thoughts wandering places they never should have been.

Jason rolls over in bed and finally opens his eyes. Yawning, he stretches. He felt... good after sleeping in. But something else felt different too. It almost takes him a minute before he realizes what it is. He felt... emotions again... a lot of them. A gentle smile creases his lips. It was strange, running on pure emotion again.
Morning, Hero.
He glances to his nightstand as he sits up and pulls on his jeans.
If you got a minute, stop by...I've got something for ya.

For your own good.

Entering TJY Hope gives a yawn. Her might had been a full one and sleep had not come easy. She hadnt heard anything about Gunner that not and though that was good it made her worried as well.

Rubbing her eyes Hope looks up quickly as she hears the loud voices and see Gunner and Reese. What on earth was going on and what was with the shouting.

Hope didnt have to wait long for the answer to her question as she hears her name and she drew closer to Gunner and Reese. Just looking back and forth between both men Hope felt stuck though she new she had to do what was right.

"Gunner, your not ok. I am doing this, we are doing this because we care. Take some time off, go on a trip, get some fresh air but don't bury yourself deeper."

Hope lets out a long sigh as she glances at Reese.

"If you cant do this for yourself your going to be worse off and someone else is gonna have to do it for you."


Reese's mind is foggy from already been in bed several hours, but he manages to clear his head enough to understand what Hope was saying. He would find out later why Gunner had been at her house in the first place.

"Alright... I'll have someone check on him. Thanks, Hope."

Hanging up, he sighs and rolls out of bed. He was awake now. He might as well be the one to go find out where Gunner was. His agent could be a pain sometimes, but the last thing Reese wanted was to see him hurt.

Jeff still smiles a little, his eyes still closed. "You look like both of us... You've got Pent the eyes but you've got your mother's smile."

Feeling more at peace now than when he'd awoken so suddenly, he squeezes Katie's hand. "Tomorrow... ask me more tomorrow."

The moon makes its way across the sky, and slowly, slowly the light of dawn begins to outshine the stars. Morning had come.

Jeff stirs and opens his eyes. Looking around the room, he sees Katie and tries to remember all that had happened. He felt like he'd been run over by a train. Every muscle hurt, even his toes. It was painful just to turn his head. But something was different. He didn't feel so... sick. He was just incredibly sore... and thirsty.

His voice is hoarse as if he's had a horrible cold. "Morning, sunshine."

"I don't need a leave of absence!" Gunner throws up his hands, ignoring the stares from others on the main floor. He stood outside his cubicle, involved in a heated argument with Reese. "I'm fine!"

"You're not fine! I told you to take a break. Go home, Gunner. You need time off."

"I do not!" Gunner's eyes were bloodshot, proving he had had no sleep the night before. But he had come to work anyway. "And give me back my gun."

"No." Reese shakes his head stubbornly. "As of now, you're on mandatory leave of absence. If you won't take care of yourself, somebody has to."

"I don't need you trying to babysit me!" Gunner spots Hope just coming in to work and his stomach churns, remembering the evening before. He'd been foolish. "Hope! Tell Reese I'm fine so I can work!"

"You're not fine, Gunner!" Reese raises his voice to match. "You sitting at home in the dark with a loaded gun in your hand is not fine!" He'd spent an hour in silence at Gunner's last night before being able to leave, taking his agent's handgun with him.

"I was cleaning it!"

"In the dark?! I'm not stupid! Don't do this to yourself."

Gunner's eyes narrow, showing an unusual display of anger, a contradiction to his normally cool disposition. "Maybe if you hadn't come you wouldn't have to put up with me anymore."

"Don't talk like that," Reese retorts. "You're just going through a hard time is all."

"I'm fine!" Gunner repeats again. He looks over to Hope once more. "Please tell him I'm fine!"

late call

"I still want to help you Gunner, because I know what your going through is not easy...I.."

Hope's words trail off as she see that Gunner was leaving. There was nothing she could do and she couldnt force him to stay.

Once he was gone though she went to her desk and pulls out Reese number before punching it into her phone and waiting. She felt bad calling so late but it was for a good reason. Hearing the groggy voice on the other end Hope cringes knowing she woke up him.

"Reese, its Hope. I am sorry to call so late but..well Gunner just left here. He's not in good shape right now and I think someone needs to look after him."

Hope takes in a deep breath before she continues. She new she was talking fast but there really was no time to wast.

"I just think it would be best for someone to look out for him right now. I am not sure how because I didnt get a chanse to ask but he found out that he was the cause for his parents death. I think he said something about an argument. He's just not good right now. I tryed to get him to stay here but he wouldnt and he just left."


Gunner pauses a moment and finally looks to Hope's eyes. "Why do I feel like I'm being treated like a little kid?" He knew that wasn't her intent and that he was overly sensitive, but he felt it anyway.

He shakes his head a little and stands up, his clothes creaking from the soaked state they were still in. "I shoudln't... I mean... I should just... go."

Turning around, he aims for the door. His jacket riding up as he turns, his sidearm is revealed.

"Forget it, Hope... you were right... so was Reese. I've been a fool. It's time I admitted it."


Giving a little jump herself from Gunner's sudden movement Hope eyes him not being able but feel bad for him. This hard to be hard, and so many things were running through his mind, it worried her to let him alone.

Bending down next to Gunner Hope trys to smile a little as she takes his hands and stops them from whipping.

"Gunner, its ok it was an accident. Come, sit down, you don't have to be in a hurry to go. Its actully nice to have some company."

Hope new it was late but if she could keep Gunner around for a little while longer at least to calm him down a little.

Still holding Jeff's hand Katie listens intently about the woman she would call mother but never would get to meet.

"She sounded wonderful. Do I look like her? or more like you?"

Katie lets out a sigh knowing she was asking so many questions. She should let Jeff rest he needed it.

"I wish I could have known her. Maybe Dad, when your feeling better you could tell me more."