

Giving a smile to Reese Angelica nods. Since they had gotten back from Cali things had been differnt with them. It wasnt a bad differnt, it was almost like a whole new world had opened up and the air that once had been stall and always the same was now new and fresh.

"I wont be gone long, maybe a day or two and thats about it. You know my cell number so if you need me for anything just call and as it stands TJY might be able to come in play but lets keep that as a last resort."

Stepping a little closer to Reese Angelica smile and places her hand on his shoulder. Looking down into his eyes her own give a small sparkle. Things were so differnt now, yet so much alike.

"Maybe when I get back we can do dinner or something nice."

Giving Reese a small squeeze Angelica turns and heads out of the room going to find Hal and get things set up before heading to meet the judge.

Katie cant help but laugh as she shakes her head. About to yell something else she stops for a moment and decides it was probably best not to before looking back to Scott as she sat next to him.

Giving him a gentile pat on the shoulder Katie smiles. She was proud of Scott. That he was here, that he was trying.

"That sounds good to me. Your doing good Scotty, your doing a good job and I am not more than steps away watching."

"Scott..Well I'll be I wasn't expecting to see you here."

Standing in a idle just a little Hope looks down at Scott as she smiles.

Her light green shirt moved a little in the breeze as it braught out the color in her eyes, and her jeans a little on the baggy side but still fit nicely where they needed too. This was deffinly differnt from what she normaly wair in the office. She was more casuel and layed back now. Tucking a small strand of hair behind her ear.

She had heard about this consert by an add she saw in the paper and for once she decied maybe she would come and try it out for a change of pase.

Seeing Scott as she found her own sceat was a nice saprise and made her feel good inside to see him out about about.

"Its good to see you here. How are you today?"

Giving another smile she ment her question to Scott and she did want to know how he was today more than just the normal how are you feeling. This time the question was deeper than his emotions but was to know how he was in an all.

Looking at Hope and than Scott Katie smiles. She new what Scott had told her about Hope but she had never actully seen her before even though something told her this lady was ok. But she wasnt about to just up and leave Scott untill she new for sure.

Lesson Learned

Carson hears his phone ring out in the other room, but he doesn't go for it right away. Instead, he stays seated on his bed, staring at the note in his hand. He'd just found it on the pillow. He hadn't looked over the room before leaving that morning.

He lets out a sigh. The short note was hand-written in sprawling letters, proving the twelve-year-old needed to improve her penmanship. But it didn't matter.

Thank you for letting me stay with you.
I hope I can see you again.
Love, Mac

Carson bites his lip and fights tears that want to well in his eyes. Standing quickly, he lets the note fall to his nightstand, and he goes out to the other room, not wanting to think about any of this. It was too much... it was just too much.

Grabbing his phone, he checks his voicemail. Hearing he needs to stay out of trouble, he scoffs and hangs up. Of course he did. He always needed to stay out of trouble. But for some reason, he always got into it anyway.

Giving a growl of frustration, Carson swipes his keys from the counter and heads out again. He couldn't just sit around here with his own thoughts until Dani got home. He'd go crazy if he did.

Reese looks up quickly, unable to help a smile when he sees Angelica. Hearing her request, he leans back in his chair, cocking his head. "As if I could say no to doing you a favor."

His eyes have just a slightly sly glint to them before he shakes his head. "Get what you need. Have Hal make the arrangements at the airport for you. I trust if you're helping Carson, that means he hasn't gotten himself into too much trouble. Though it seems the guy just can't help it."

Reese sighs. "If TJY needs to get involved, let me know. Otherwise, I trust whatever it is, you can handle it. Just phone here so we know when you'll be back in the office."

Axel turns to Jess, grateful for her presence. Giving a light chuckle, he puts his arm around her to bring her close and kiss the top of her head. "I'm glad too." He looks around and takes a deep breath, nodding. "I'm glad too," he repeats. "Come on. We can sit down by Jen and keep her company at the sound board."

Hearing Katie's whistle and holler, Ryder comes skidding to a stop in the doorway. "Oh, sorry. Were were just um..."

"Well go on, tell her," Rocky prompts, coming up behind him.

"Um..." Ryder fishes lamely. "We were... discussing..."

"He was trying to demonstrate the art of taking down a crocodile," Rocky finishes. Though he rolls his eyes, the humor is evident.

Though Scott keeps his eyes down, he nods a little to acknowledge Kate's presence. "I'm... hanging in there."

He pauses his work on the camera and turns his head to her. "Kinda hard, ya know. But... I'm okay right now."

It was easier now to admit it when he didn't feel a hundred percent comfortable or confident. He had realized that to say he wasn't totally at ease was not admitting weakness, but on the contrary, it was helping him stay within the situation by exposing the fear so others could help him. It had been a humbling lesson to learn, but it was one that stuck with him, and one that no longer brought along any embarrassment.

"I think once people start coming... I'll just stay up near the front." He gives Katie a wry grin. "If I can't see everyone behind me, it won't seem quite so bad."