

Staying with Scott as long as she can Katie never leaves his side, till finally she has to as he goes in to get the bullet taken out.

Keeping her arms around Jason all Katie can do it wait as her friend is taken away and her own pain inside was great. Why did this have to happen again to Scott? What had he done to deserve this?

The time seems to drag on and no new about Scott comes. The worry inside Katie growing.

No news is good news right?

Katie stands about to go ask one of the nurses if they have hurd anything when she sees a Dr. come out letting her and Jason know they can come into see Scott.

Slowly making her way down the hall Katies comes to Scott's room and enters a smile on her face though this whole thing was sad. Sitting down next to him Katie continues to smile.

"Hey Scotty, I'm glad your ok!"

Only silence returns to her from Scott.

He's not talking I dont know if thats a good thing or not.

Making her way down the halls quickly Hope stops at the front desk. She new she must be a sigh with her hair down, her sweat pants on and baggy hoodie. It was not the nomale for her to see a pashent like this but she had been in a rush to get here. She didnt want to wast time to get dressed properly.

"I'm looking for Scott Johnson please."

Receving a look from the receptionist rolles her eyes.

"I am Hope Garrison Scott's therapist. So you can eather believe me, and tell me where to find my pashent, or you can hold me up here making sure I am telling the truth while doing more damage to him than already has been done."

Hope holds an annoyed look on her face. Rick had said it was important and Scott would need her. She didnt want to take any chanses in waiting to long to see him.

"Third floor, room 306 on the left."

The nurise nods to the elevator before turning back to her computer.

"Thank you!"

Hope turns twords the elevator and walks quickly wasting no time at all. Finally reaching Scott's room she knocks on the door quietly before entering. Seeing the other two people with him Hope can guess who Katie is by her looks, and know that must be Jason with her.

Giving a nod to them she decieds to skip the fomal introductions for now knowing there was not really the time for it. Going close to Scott Hopes smiles down at him and gently lays her hand on his arm to let him know she was there.

"I have to say, your looking better than me right now. How are you feeling all in all?"

Making her way down the hall to the holding cell Misty carrys some items she knows Rick will need along with more towles.

She had finished making Angel as comfortable as she could and now it was time to move on to someone alse who needed help.

Entering Misty's eyes widen just a little as she sees the yong man laying on the table. He didnt look that old what on earth had happend.

"Rick here is some gaws and more towles. What happend?"

No response

Feeling Katie's touch and hearing her voice, Scott starts to calm down. He shifts his head, having a hard time seeing her on his blind side. The look in his eye is hurt, confusion and fear. But it was a strange kind of fear... one that was deeper... more personal. "I'm sorry," he whispers, another tear running down his face.

Jason continues with Katie, trying to get him out to the truck.
I don't understand what he's apologizing for, but you're doing the trick... keep it up, he's calming down.

Into the truck, and into the back seat, Scott lies down. Up until now, he hadn't even felt the pain from his wound, but now it burned like nothing else. He bites his lip, trying to numb out the pain, but it didn't work too well.

Jason drives as quickly but carefully as possible, knowing that every time he hit a bump, Scott felt it to the max.

The hospital was lit up in the dark, few people coming and going at this hour. It was a blessing, as Jason and Katie are able to get Scott inside without many hassles. By now, Scott is getting lethargic, and doesn't quite know what's happening, but doesn't fight. As weak as he was to begin with, the loss of blood was not helping matters.

It seems an eternity before Scott is in a room, sewed up and in bed. Hooked up to several different things, an IV gives him nutrients that he'd been missing from lack of eating. A monitor beeps, keeping track of his pulse, though he was not in critical condition.

A doctor comes to tell Jason and Katie that they can see Scott now, and Jason leads the way, giving Katie's hand a squeeze. He knew that while Scott and Katie had no romance between them now, they were still very close, and this probably pained Katie.

Entering the small room, Jason approaches the bed with Katie. "Hey, Scott," he greets quietly. "How ya doing, buddy?"

Scott eyes him and Katie, but doesn't respond. His gaze turns back to the ceiling.

No matter what was said by either Jason or Katie, or no matter the questions, no response came.

"Here, help me." Rick drags the unconscious body into the holding cell.

Reese clears off the table in one sweep, objects clattering to the floor. "You need more help than me."

"Misty's with Angel." Rick gets the young man up on the table, checking his vitals once more. "She'll come if she has time. Otherwise, you're it."


"Get me some water and towels."


Enter Scott's house Katie's eye widen slightly as she eyes the two bodys on the ground and the blood what was everywhere. Glancing around the room quickly she walks out and around the other rooms in the house making sure there was no more saprises or people left lerking around.

Poor Scott, He must have been tired of being pushed around and faught back. Cant say I feel sorry for the thugs.

Coming back into the room with the others Katie hurrys and makes her way over to Jason and Scott. Seeing Domino's lifless body slide from Scott's lap Katie has to hold back tears of her own.


Gently laying a hand on Scott shoulder Katie keeps her voice soft as she brings her other under Scott to try and help stand him up.

"Scotty, its ok its Katie. Everything is gonna be alright, we need to take you to a hospetil though so we can get you fixed up alright."

Katie continues to try and help Jason being as gentle as she can and keeping her voice soft with Scott. They need to keep him calm and get him out of here as fast as they could before be bleed to death.

Getting away

Rick keeps up a fast pace to the exit. "I don't know," he answers Katie. "Scott called, he wouldn't say what was wrong and just hung up on me. But I don't like... I don't like it one bit. I knew I should have had someone watch the house his first night out."

Getting to the parking lot, Rick waves to Jason's truck. "Let's take two vehicles in case we need to split up. I'll lead."

Sliding in behind the steering wheel of his truck, Jason waits for Katie, automatically knowing that she'd ride with him.

I hope he's okay too... I have a bad feeling about this.

The ride to Scott's only takes a few minutes, but it might as well have been hours. Arriving, all three get out and quickly go to the door, no one missing the fact that there was a strange vehicle parked on the street.

Entering the house, Rick skids to a halt, his eyes wide. Jason almost plows right into him.

Rick blinks. "Oh my word," he breathes. "What happened..." Two unfamiliar bodies lay on the floor. Blood was everywhere. And Scott was in the corner. "Oh no."

Rick moves fast and kneels down next to Scott. "Scott...." He tries to see Scott's face, "Scott, we're here.... what happened? Are you..." His voice trails off as he realizes the motionless black and white bundle on Scott's lap. "Scott..." he speaks more quietly. "Tell us what happened."

Scott slowly lifts his head, his eyes bloodshot and wet with tears. His arms tighten around Domino. "They came..." His voice wavers. "They wanted to... but.. I couldn't.."

Rick suddenly sees the blood seeping through Scott's own shirt. "You're hurt." On closer look, he sees the bullet wound. "We have to take care of you... Scott... Scott, are you listening?"

Jason wanders to the bigger man on the floor, and doesn't need to bother checking him. A bullet to the head had killed him instantly. He moves to the next, seeing that it had been a shot to the side of the chest that had taken this one down. Checking his pulse, Jason's eyes widen. "Rick, this one's still alive."

Rick moves from Scott for a moment, trying to figure out what to do. "Aw great." He looks to Katie, then Jason, then back to Scott. "Okay. I'm going to call Reese and we're going to clean this mess up. I want you two to take Scott to the hospital. We've had enough commotion in our own infirmary, and I think it best for Scott to be in a different environment."

Jason nods his obedience and goes to help Scott up. It's more difficult than he'd think, but Scott has little energy to fight back. "Come on, Scott... you're going to be alright."

"No..." As Scott is pulled to his feet, Domino's body slides back onto the floor. More tears sting Scott's eyes. "No... I don't want to go." He tries to plant his feet, but Jason is too strong.

Jason tries to get Scott away from the scene without hurting him further, knowing that in Scott's condition, a bullet wound, no matter how small, could be fatal.

Katie, I need your help here... see if you can calm him down so we can get him to the hospital.

As the two make their way out, Rick grabs his phone and dials. But it's not Reese he dials first. He gets the answering machine, but hopes and prays someone will hear it. "Hope, it's Rick Johnston. Something happened with Scott... he was attacked in his home and got shot. He's being taken to the hospital and... I think he might need you."

Hanging up, he then dials Reese.


Pulling over to the side of the road Jess gives a rub to her eyes. She had been driving for hours and she was getting tired.

Sleeping on the side of the road wasnt the best think in the word to do but she hadnt seen any motals to stop at insted so this would just have to do.

Locking the doors to the car Jess puts the seat back and closes her eyes. Just a few hours sleep was all she needed. Even if it wasnt a deep sleep something was better than nothing.

Hearing Rick's voice call her Katie looks up from her desk. Than receving Jason emotional message Katie is on her feet with in moment and grabbing her jacket sprinting up ro Jason and Rick as they head out of the infermary.

"Whats wrong? Whats happend?"

Katie continue to talk with Jason and Rick not sure what was going on but being able to hear in there voices whatever happend was not small.

I hope he is ok!


Con hesitates before getting out of the car, looking at Nate suspiciously. But he didn't have much of a choice now but to trust him. "Alright... I'll call you if something turns up."

Getting out of the car, he leans his head back down. "And Nate... when I talk to Laura again... I'll try to get her to talk to you."

Straightening, he closes the door and waits to see Nate drive away, before heading into TJY. This whole thing was one big nightmare.

Rocky stands in the little room, having come to see Jess, but finding only a note. Reading it, a bit of pride wells up in him. She was doing a brave thing, venturing out on her own. Even so, he was still worried about her. He goes for his phone and is about to dial, but then stops. No... she didn't need a babysitter. She would call if she needed something... at least he hoped she would.

He switches numbers and calls Carson and Dani's instead, leaving Carson a message to let him know what was happening.

Scott's eyes rise to meet Hope's for a moment. He didn't know why she was thanking him, and all of a sudden there was an odd tone to her voice. He couldn't quite put his finger on it though, so he says nothing. She was the one that asked the questions, not him.

"Yeah... okay." He aims for the door, turning once. "Maybe... maybe next time I'll bring Domino in with me. I think she enjoyed your company."

Giving a little nod, he exits the office, heading outside to Rick's waiting vehicle.

As the day goes on, no news doesn't seem to be good news. Those charged with the unthinkable were still on the loose. And those searching them grew ever more frustrated. But as night neared, purpose had to be laid aside for just a few hours until dawn brought a new opportunity to bring justice.

Ryder switches the tv channel, searching for something to watch. His stomach growls. But he doesn't get up. It wasn't his place... and he felt funny about just helping himself.

Henry stretches and yawns, curling and twisting onto his back, almost falling off Ryder's lap. Ryder absentmindedly runs his fingers through the cat's soft fur. Ever since the little standoff earlier in the day, Henry had stuck to him like glue.

Ryder glances at the clock. It felt a little odd... Laura had never shown up... and neither had Katie. But perhaps they were working late.

Scott settles down on the couch, a warm plate of food in hand. He sets it on his lap and stares at the empty wall in front of him. He used to have his entertainment center there with his television. Now it was just bare.

Looking down at the food Susanne had sent with him, he sighs. It smelled good. His senses told him that it would taste good. But he just didn’t feel hungry. He would try at least a little, though.

As he eats, Domino plays happily in another corner. She tosses her toy around, watching it roll, then pounces on it and carries it around as her trophy. After a while of play, she finally settles down to give the squeaky rubber a good chew, bathing it in drool.

The house is quiet. Too quiet. It bothers Scott a little, and he wishes he would have borrowed someone’s CD player at least, to create some sound. It was going to be a long night…

The evening has grown dark and Scott’s half-eaten supper sits on the small end table getting cold. He’s curled up on the couch, half asleep, not really tired, but not awake enough to want to get up and do anything. Domino is in her own little bed, resting, though her eyes remain open.

Suddenly though, her head shoots up and she looks towards the door, a low growl escaping. Scott opens his eyes, a wave of fear hitting him. He doesn’t move, but just listens. His ears can pick up nothing, but Domino continues to growl.

Scott can feel his insides start to knot up. He was in a very vulnerable position here, all alone. Was there really something out there, or was it just his imagination? Was Domino hearing something out on the street, or on his porch?

A slight scuffing sound makes his whole body tense. Domino gets up out of her bed and walks halfway to the door, her hair standing on end. Her ears start to go back, her growl getting louder.

Scott swallows hard, afraid to even move. A rattling of the doorknob just serves to make his pulse race. His mind moves almost too fast to even think. He had no other way out. No… wait, he had a back door. He had no way to call for help. No, Rick sent a cell phone home with him.

Frozen with fear, the door being kicked in is such a shock that he’s on his feet in a flash, starting to tremble. He pales as he sees two thugs with guns drawn enter the house.

“Don’t move!” Jaxon’s voice booms, threatening with an outstretched handgun.

Unable to even ask who they are or what they want, Scott backs up against the wall, quaking in fear. Domino, however, is protecting her territory, and she lunges at the large man’s ankle.

“Hey, get off of me, mutt!” Jaxon looks down, his younger partner, who is quick to take over covering Scott.

“Move and you’re dead,” Alec threatens, cocking his pistol.

Scott flinches, his eye wide with terror. The Agency never came back to the same place twice… until now. “Don’t… don’t take me… please.”

Alec laughs and nudges his fellow thug. “Erica was right. This one really is nuts. Look at him.”

“I would, ‘cept I’m too busy with this dang dog.” Jaxon shakes his foot around, trying to rid himself of Domino, who had hold of his pantleg.

Alec can only grin. “Wait ‘til the boss hears a runt of a dog got the best of you.” He looks back to Scott. “Have a seat, Mr. Johnson. We’d like to talk to you.

Scott shakes his head. Images flash through his mind of being interrogated. He’d been beaten. Threatened. Put down. Tortured. “No… not again,” he begs.

Alec’s eyes narrow. “You can beg your fool head off, but it won’t make a bit of difference. You sit down now, or I’ll pull this trigger.”

Scott’s body trembles with the fear of what was to come. Slowly, he slides to the floor, his eyes filling with tears. It was happening again. All over again. He was going to go through everything all over again. And there was nothing he could do about it. He was helpless. He couldn’t stop them. He would have to endure the torture again. Pulling his knees up to his chest, he rocks slightly, praying that this was a horrid nightmare. But he knew it wasn’t.

He hears the laughing at his pitiful state. He hears the jeering and mockery from the two men, as their words reverberate in his head, muddling together until he can’t even understand them anymore. It didn’t matter.

At some point Domino decides it’s more important to console her master than fight, and nuzzles up next to Scott, brought into his arms.

Scott can feel the light kicks and the careless, taunting smacks to his head, but ignores them, pulling tighter and tighter into himself and into a world that was dark and drawn far from the unwanted reality around him.

“He’s not going to talk,” Jaxon sneers as he paces the floor. “This is pointless. Why can’t we just take him in?”

“Because all the boss wanted was to scare a bit and get answers.” Alec rolls his eyes. He looks back to Scott, squatting down in front of him. “One more time. What have you told them about the Agency, Scott?” He runs the barrel of his pistol under Scott’s chin to lift his face. “Nice eye… you want another one to match?”

Scott cowers, remaining silent as he trembles.

“Oh come on.” Jaxon growls, holstering his gun. “Enough is enough. Get that stupid dog out of the way and let’s get down to business.” Reaching down with his hands before Scott can react, he yanks Domino from his grasp.

The next instant is one that seems to last forever. Scott’s gaze shoots upward as his dog is taken roughly from him. As if watching a bad slow-motion movie, he sees Domino thrown across the room. She ricochets off the wall with a yelp, then drops hard to the floor in a heap.


Scott’s eyes are wide, his pulse pounding in his head. The two thugs say something to him, but he doesn’t hear. All he can focus on is the lifeless form of his little friend who had been tossed aside like a rag doll.

And suddenly… something snaps. The fear within him is overtaken by a wave of sheer anger, released by the scene before him.

In an instant, he’s on his feet. Chaos ensues. Jaxon is knocked to the side. Shouts order Scott to sit back down, but they’re not obeyed. Alec interferes. A shot rings out. And another. And finally a third...

Scott stands, breathing heavily as his eyes roam the room. Beads of sweat trickle down the sides of his face. Blood runs from a cut in his lip, and flows from a bullet-grazed wound in his side. But it goes unfelt. All his eyes can see are the bodies on the floor.

His fingers wrap around the gun in his hand, and his attention is diverted to stare down at the deadly weapon. Looking back at the damage done, he lets the pistol slip from his hand. It falls to the floor with a dull thud. And just as dull is Scott’s gaze.

Wiping his lip, he goes for the cell phone. His shaking fingers make it difficult to dial, but he finds the number. Rick was still at work.


“Scott? What’s wrong?”

“I… It… they came and… I couldn’t… I mean…”

“Scott, slow down. What happened?”

Scott’s voice wavers as tears fill his eyes. “I didn’t want to… I… I just… please come.” He hangs up, unable to even explain what had happened, and too confused and unnerved to try.

Taking several steps across the living room, he ignores to two motionless thugs, and stares down at one of his best friends. Dropping to his knees, he gently pulls Domino into his lap. Curling over, he lets the tears fall, ignoring the ringing phone.

“Come on, Scott, pick it back up…” Rick pulls on his jacket while trying to call Scott back, but not getting any answer. Giving up, he quickly exits the infirmary to jog down the hall. “Jase!” he calls loudly, pounding on Jason’s office door, for once glad that someone had stayed late. “With me. Pronto.”

Jason’s feet slide off his desk and he’s up in an instant, on Rick’s heels. “What’s going on?”

“Don’t know. Scott called. Something’s wrong.” Rick reaches the main floor where some have already gone home for the day. “Katie!”

Jason looks down the line of cubicles.

It’s Scott. Don’t know what’s wrong. We’re on it.


Coming up empty handed didnt help Nate's mood at all and he hated having someone else in his car when he felt like this. It was a feeling he didnt like and almost the feeling of being helpless. If he couldnt have protected Laura from this, how would he ever portect her if they got married. Maybe it was a good idea she hadnt said yes.

Making his way back to TJY Nate pulls into the parking lot and up to the door but dosnt shut off the car or get out.

"Go a head and check in Con if you hear anything call me."

Nate didnt feel like going in, and he didnt feel like seeing the faces. He just wanted to keep going.

Looking to Con Nate shakes his head as his eyes were tired and held no feeling at the moment.

"I'm not going to do anything stupid if thats what you think. I just..want to be alone."

The extra room in the inmarty lays quiet as the bed is neatly made and the items Jess had there were now gone. On the night stand layed a not gently places with great care for someone to read.

"Some might be saprised to see this room is now empty, to be honest I am even saprised to find this room empty but it is. I have left for Wisconsin in order to find myself again and to find my rainbow.

I'm scaired out of my mind to do this, but its something I feel I must. I need to learn I can do things on my own again and will be ok. Not to mention maybe getting out of town while Peter is still out there will be good.

Thank you for your kindness everyone, Rick, Reese...ooh and Carson I promise I will call when I get to my destination I'll call.


Giving a smile to Scott Hope was truly flattered with his comment.

"Thank you Scott."

Thumbing the pictures again Hope can feel a ping she felt before inside her heart again. She was truly going to miss Scott when he no longer needed to see her. The thought of maybe seeing him outside of work was one the creeped up in Hope's mind but she new it was unlikly. Scott would soon return to his old life and his friends, He was a good looking man Hope had no doubt he wouldnt fit right back in.

"I'll see you again soon Scott."

More than photogenic

Con shakes his head miserably at Nate's question. "He's on the same mission as we are... but for a different guy."

The search to the warehouse proves to lead them no where. Frustrated, they try several more locations, but come up empty-handed.

By now, Con is extremely frustrated, but his anger has cooled at least for a little while. "We might as well touch base back at TJY," he suggests. "Maybe someone has heard something else."

Ryder gives Katie a little wave, watching her leave for the day. The house is very quiet. It felt odd. He wanders to the kitchen where he finds the breakfast Katie had mentioned. Going to the fridge to look for something to drink, he's staring inside, when movement catches his eye.

Straightening, he spies Henry. The cat's tail puffs out, and he lays his ears back, giving a low growl.

"Oh, shut up," Ryder returns. "You might have startled me once, but you think a little feline is gonna scare me away from your kitchen?"

Henry hisses in response.

Dropping to all fours, Ryder stares the cat in the eye, giving his own authoritative hiss. Henry jumps back, startled, growling again. When Ryder returns a mimicked growl, Henry cocks his head a little, his tail getting a bit smaller. He sniffs the air and takes a cautious step forward. As the silent battle continues, he takes a couple more steps until his nose is touching Ryder's curiously.

"That's what I thought," Ryder muses. He reaches around to scoop Henry up in his arms and carry him around the kitchen as he gets his breakfast together. "You and me better get along, 'cause we're stuck with each other for the day."

Turning around at Hope's question, it was unusual for the color to seep into Scott's face, but it did. He hesitates. "Um... well..." He stuffs his hands back in his pockets and shrugs. "I guess... black and white just wouldn't do justice for someone as..." His voice trails off, his face growing even warmer. "...photogenic as you are." It wasn't what he'd been thinking, but it would have to do.