
Let me tome

*Misty cant help but laugh. It had been a long time since she went for a jog but she new it would feel good.

Misty keeps up with Carson pretty well at times feeling like her legs were on fire but dident care and pushed herself to go more anyways. There was no way she was going to slow down before Carson did.*

"So this is what you do now to keep yourself out of trouble eh? How....exciting?"

*For along moment Nate watches Jason thinking about what he had said. Something tuged at his heart, Nate new when to be quiet and maybe this was one of those times but something wouldent let him.*

"I dont think you should be so quick to give up the life you have for a new one Jason. You have alot more than you know. And alot of things people with they could have you do. Dont be so fast to throw away what is in front of you. Life is to short to wish for a new one, and to disguard something when time gets rough."

*Nate gives a nod.*

"yes you have more in this life than you know. That you worked so hard for and it still waiting. Its not to late. Its never to late to set things right when your ready."

*Nate turns back to his paper satisfied with his words and ready to get back to work.*

*Katie keeps the smile on her face though she is worryed about Scott. Something like this could really mess a person up.*

"Well Domino got out. She came and got me woke me out of a dead sleep and braught me to you place. I found you called Rick, Rick got Nate came over and here we are the end."

*Katie cant help but laughs alittle trying to lighten te mood.

All of a suddon Domino jumps up and off the bed going over to the door turning in circles. Katie turns her head to Domino and than back to Scott.*

"I guess when you got to go you got to go huh."

*Standing shakes her head and grabs Domino's leash clicking it to her collar.*

"I'll be right back. Dont go running away now."

*Katie steps out onto the main floor her eyes catching the back of Jason as he walks away from Nate. Katie stops and just watches Jason for a long moment leting out a heavy sigh.*

*Rosetta leans her head up and returns Mick's kiss. This seemed almost to perfect already it had taken a while to get where Rosetta wanted to be but now she was there and the wait was worth it.*

"Ok, tell Jerry I said hi and I will be calling about more hay before the week is out. Drive safe. Saw on the news there are alot of trees and stuff down from that bad storm we had last night."

*Rosetta holds her smile her eyes filled with light and joy.

For a long moment BJ watches Rosetta and Mick. Puting his cup of juice down her jumps up from his chair and waddles over to Mick throwing his arms around Mick's leg.*

"Tan I tome and help too Mick? I'm swong just wike you."

*BJ had now entered the stage where he liked to imatat what Mick did and even Rosetta from time. He always liked to help around the kitchen, and doing chorse though he wasent alowd in the barn alone yet. But If Rosetta or Mick was out with him you could find BJ close behind sneaking a carrot or apple to one of the horses.*

*Wes fiddles around with one of the cars in the shop. After tighting a bolt he life his head alittle.*

"Ok Clint hit it."

*Listing to the sound the engin was making Wes tells Clint to turn it off again. As a puff of black smokes rolls out. Leting out a heavy sigh.*

"I dont know what is wrong with this thing. I've check the sparkplugs, the fanbelt, raideator, and everything is fine and changed. I am to frustrated to keep working on it now. I need a break. Be my guest if you wanna give it a once over I have to talk with Wendy fast about puting in the order for this week. We are running dangersly low on Oil and gas for the tractors."

*Wes makes his way to what was once his little apartment but now made into an office. The ine wall had been knocked out and a new one put in that looked out into the shop. A small desk, sat aganst the one end with a computer on top. There were now filing cabnits and shelfs that lined the walls. Right ouside the door was another long counter that had a cashregister on top and more paper work. Inside the small office Wendy sat deeping in through looking for a few things. It wasent long after Cindy and Wes got married an idea was thrown at him about Wendy and Wes ran with it know Clint just wanted en excuse to spend more time with her even if he dident just come out and say it. Entering the small office Wes leans up aganst the wall talking with Wendy.*


Carson slows to a walk as he’s joined by Misty, a smile breaking his serious stare. “Well next time you start out at the other end of town and see how long it takes you to get here.”

He grabs Misty around the shoulders to yank her close, planting a kiss on her forehead. “You think I’m so slow, then you shouldn’t have any trouble keeping up with me, should you?”

Carson starts off jogging backward as he throws her a sly grin, then turns around, heading down the sidewalk at a steady pace.

Jason stops in the hall, just a little surprised that Nate would approach him. Everyone had been on edge around him since he got back, and especially after what he’d done to Scott.

He searches Nate’s eyes for a moment, but finally accepts the handshake. “Unless you can give me a new life I don’t think you can do much, but thanks for the offer.”

Jason wants to lighten up, he wants to be happy again, he wants to smile, but he just can’t seem to pull himself out of the pit he’s been buried in. He gives a grim nod. “I’ll see you later, Nate.”

Turning, he keeps up his route to his office.

Scott manages to quirk an eyebrow at Katie as he looks up at her. “I don’t think I can answer that without getting myself depressed.” He swallows hard as his jaw throbs. “So let’s just say I’m not feeling so hot at the moment.”

He takes a glance around the room again. “So how’d I end up here anyway. All I remember is…” He furrows his brow. “A couple guys….and….” The images flash through his mind as he replays the event. The feeling of terror returns, and he suddenly blinks to break the momentum of the pictures. “And then I vaguely remember you and Rick coming in.”

Mick downs his cup of coffee and fishes his keys out of his pocket. Going to the kitchen, he sets his mug in the sink and heads back out. Finding Rosetta at the table with BJ, he slings an arm around her and leans down around her shoulder to give her a kiss. “I’m heading to Jerry’s place with the trailer to pick up those barrels of corn. I’ll be back in a couple hours.”

Luke eases back down on his bed after succeeding in getting his jeans on, but stops wearily. He rubs his legs, but they’re numb this morning. He must have slept crooked in the night, and his damaged nerves in his back must be pinched again. Usually that meant several days of barely being able to walk…and he’d promised Angel a picnic today.

Attempting to stand again, Luke sits right back down again as a pain like an electrical shock shoots down the back of his legs. Frustrated, he groans and flops back down on his back, his feet still on the floor. Putting his hands to his face, he just waits, not knowing if he’d be able to loosen up enough to get up or not. He’d been off the pain killers with Angel’s help for a long time now, he’d been doing alright without any meds, and things had been looking good. But it seemed every time he took a step forward, a step backward was just around the bend.

Cindy hums along with the radio as she takes a stack of plates out of a box and reaches up to put them in the new cupboards. Pausing for the umpteenth time, she looks around the kitchen, a smile on her lips. It would take a while to get things on the walls, or fill the nooks and crannies, but it was her and Wes’ house, and that in itself was something that excited her just as much now as it had when she’d seen it the first time. The house was full of love.

Turning back to her work, Cindy takes the few glasses out of the box one by one, hoping to have everything for the kitchen put away by lunchtime so she could have something special cooked for Wes when he came back from the shop.


*MIsty stands on the porch of her apt building watching for Carson. Seeing him stay to come into view Misty jumps down the steps zipping up her hoody and walks down the sidewalk to greet him as he draws closer.*

"What took you so long slow poke? ONly been waiting since...."

*Misty looks at her watch.*


*Nate see Jason walk past and sighs. Jason hadent talked to him since her got back but Nate dident exacly go out of his way to talk to Jason eather wanted to let him lay low for now. Tired of the silence Nate follows after Jason.*


*Taking long strides and walks up next to him he offers a smile and a hand.*

"Its good to have you back. If you need anything let me know."

*Katie slowly opens her eyes as she sits up in the chair she had fallen asleep in. Staying silent for a long moment Katie watches Domino and Scott interact. A small smile plays at her lips. It was like a father playing with his little child. How cute they looked. As Scott turns his attacen to Katie she stands her smile only growing. Walking over next to him she gives Domino a gentil pat on the head and runs her hand softly on Scott arm a comforting gesture*

"How ya feeling Hun?"

On the mend

Feeling Katie's hand, Scott grips her fingers lightly, relaxing a little at her touch and at seeing his dog was alright.

Closing his eye again, just a hint of a grin tweaks the corner of his mouth. "I don't know...about you...but...I'm getting kinda...tired....of you seeing...me this way."

Satisfied that Scott is alive, Domino starts to squirm, asking to be put down again. She trots to the hall to retrieve her toy and comes back lying down beside the bed on the cool tile floor. Heaving a sigh, she rests her head next to her toy, seeming to fall asleep, but her ears still twitch with alertness at every sound.

Scott continues to try and make sense of what was going on, but finally Rick gives him something so he'll sleep, and he drifts off.

Reese is already in bed, and props himself up on an elbow as Nate talks. "What? Oh, come on..." The disgust is evident in his voice. "Just sit tight until morning, I guess. I'm assuming Scott isn't in much shape to talk. I'd like to know from him what exactly happened before we try sorting it out. I'm also going to alert Sheriff Brown so he knows what's going on. I hate making too many moves behind his back at this point. Just...do what you think is best...don't have anyone stay at his house. Just make sure it's locked up. Usually Agency goons don't come back, but I don't want anyone else getting hurt." He sighs. "Poor Scott - he's never even been out on a case, let alone been attacked, and now he's been beaten to a pulp twice in the same week.... I guess if Rick's there, he's in safe hands. It's your choice if you want to stay there or go home."

The night is long. Rick retrieves a cot and sets it up for Katie, knowing that she'll be staying. Scott wakes up several times, restless and complaining of pain, to which Rick continues to doctor him. By six in the morning, Scott has stopped losing consciousness and has slept several hours straight, showing signs of rest. Rick has concluded that no serious damage has occurred, though he prepares to insist that Scott remain at TJY and in bed for at least two days to recover. He's managed to get much of the swelling in Scott's face down, and though black and blue, Scott is at least looking as though he's on his way to mending.

Rick sits in the break room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and slowly sipping his coffee. Leaning back in his chair for a moment, he closes his eyes and stifles a yawn. When Misty came in, he would probably let her take over keeping an eye on Scott for today while he went home and at least stole a couple hours worth of sleep.

Scott manages to pry both his eyes open and stares up at the infirmary ceiling. He felt as though he'd been sleeping for a week, even though his body still told him he'd been run over by a train. Gingerly testing out which muscles he could move without hurting too much, he turns his head to look around pulling his blanket halfway down to free up his arms.

Domino lifts her head at the sound of movement and gets up from her spot on the floor. Looking up at the bed, she jumps to put both paws up on the edge, finally able to get a glimpse of her master. Seeing him looking back at her, she starts to wiggle with excitement, her ears falling back as she begs for attention.

Scott gives a tired grin and lets his hand fall over to scratch her head. "They let you stay, hmm?" His words are whispered and slightly slurred from not annunciating due to the pain of moving his mouth, but he ignores it.

Domino licks his hand and sets her head down on the bed, looking at him with pleading eyes.

"Alright, come on," he invites.

The dog doesn't have to be asked twice and gets down on all fours, just to jump again, this time joining Scott on the bed to curl up next to him, seeming to know she shouldn't be too rambunctious as she settles right down.

Scott shifts his gaze, spotting Katie, and a small smile escapes.

Jason trudges slowly into TJY, not even sure why he's there today. Maybe only because he didn't want to be left alone with his thoughts. Maybe because in a roundabout way he was trying to make up for the impression he'd given everyone that he had changed into a malicious attacker. Whatever the reason, he found himself walking across the floor, though still avoiding eye contact with others.


He looks up to see Reese waving him into his office. Heading there and shutting the door behind him, Jason waits for a reprimand for two days prior, which hadn't received yet.

Reese stands by his desk, looking at Jason with some amount of sympathy, some amount of disappointment, and some amount of bewilderment. "How are you feeling, Jase?"

Jason's eyes fall to the floor. "Not so hot."

"Did you hear what happened last night?"

Jason's gaze shoots up. "No...what?"

"Scott's house was ransacked...he got roughed up pretty good." Reese cocks his head. "With this little rivalry going on, you don't happen to know anything about that?"

A sudden anger hits Jason that Reese would think that, but in all reality, he knows he deserves the question. "No, I don't," he answers evenly.

"Good." Reese nods with satisfaction. "You feel up to some investigative work?"

"I'm not sure you want me on the street," Jason replies with slight irritation. "I'm not sure you want me here at all."

"Jason..." Reese looks at him with gentle sternness. "I want you here no matter how long it takes to readjust. I just want to provide the niches available until you find yours again."

Jason swallows hard, finding it difficult to retain his anger against his boss. "Alright. I'm on call, but you better leave me as last choice for a while."

"I can do that." Reese nods, going to sit down, signaling the end of their discussion. Jason starts to leave, but he stops him. "And Jason...I know I don't have to tell you this, but...stay away from Scott for a while, okay?"

Jason looks back at him for a moment without responding, then leaves, heading to his own office. On his way he sees Nate...he hasn't even talked to him since he returned, but wouldn't even know what to say. Opting to avoid discussion yet again, he doesn't stop, but continues his route.

Carson jogs down the familiar sidewalk, aiming for Misty's place. He's ready to pound on the window again...he doesn't know why he started doing that, but it was fun to tease Misty, and getting a reaction from her did provide some interesting topics of discussion. He did hope one of these days though, she'd join him on his morning routine, and kept his eyes open for her as he neared the house.

Right here

*As Katie hears Scott whisper alittle Katie jumps up from the chair and hurrys to his side.*

"Shh...Scott dont try and talk right now just rest. Your safe now."

*Katie takes Scott's hand gently in her and than turns her head as she hears Domino whimper. Leting go of Scott's hand Katie bends down and scoops Domino up So she can see Scott.*

"Domino is right here Scott she is ok. Luck for you, you have her. She came right over to my house and woke me up to come and get you."

*Katie trys not to show her worry on her face as she smiles down at Scott.*

"Looks like I get to take care of you alittle more now. Not that I mind much."

*Still holding Domino in one arm Katie takes Scott's hand with her other.*

"Just rest Scott."

*Nate makes his way over to his desk and sits down pulling out his cell phone.*

"Hey Reese. Its Nate. Listen Katie went over to Scotts tonight and his house was ransaked. He was beat up pretty bad. We are back at TJY now and Rick is going over Scott. He's in pretty bad shape. My guess is it was the Agency hands down."

*Nate absintmindedly taps his finger on his desk as he talks.*


Rick remains grim as he checks on Scott, listening to Katie. He looks over the gash on Scott's head and shines a light in his eyes. "Looks like he got a nasty bump to his head which is probably what's causing his unconsciousness." He pokes and prods a little bit more. "I don't like the looks of this - he was already beat up pretty good and it seems he got knocked around quite a bit all over again." He sighs deeply and tries to think.

"We can't stay here. I need to get him bandaged up and checked over completely. I think he's damaged that wrist of his worse too. We need to get him over to TJY, and clear out of here. It's not safe."

Rick looks up to Nate. "I don't like moving him before I know he's not hurt anywhere else, but we have to. Help me get him out to my car." He glances to Katie. "You follow in yours, and take the dog. Once we're there, I'll need your help. We'll figure out what to do with this house later on when it's safer and when Scott can tell us more about what happened."

With just a bit of effort, Nate and Rick are able to get Scott's light frame up and gently taken to the car.

Domino whines and paces in circles as she watches her master being taken away. She barks a little and looks back to Katie, then back outside, confused. Turning around, she runs to the corner of the living room and dives under a pile of papers and messed-up magazines. She emerges with her favorite chew toy and races out of the house after Rick and Nate.

Getting Scott in the back seat, Rick spots Domino and catches her before she gets in the car. "Oh, no you don't." He reaches down and scoops her up, receiving a bit of a growl, her teeth still around her toy. Rick hands her off to Katie. "Here, I don't want her bouncing around on Scott."

...It takes but a few minutes to get to TJY. The building is quiet. Reese has gone home already, and only Ty and Hal are somewhere cleaning. Rick and Nate get Scott into the infirmary and lay him down on the bed. "Nate, get on the phone and call Reese and let him know what's going on. Katie, help me out here."

After following everyone inside, Domino drops her chew toy in the hall and stands back in the infirmary, watching, listening, whining a little at her master that is still not moving.

Rick starts to clean up Scott, getting his shirt off to retape his ribs, cleaning the wound on his head, and getting a stronger splint on his wrist. An hour rolls by and Rick leaves the infirmary to go to his office for some records.

Scott begins to stir, his right eye almost swollen shut, the other opening slowly. The lights were bright...the sounds in the room were different. He wasn't at home anymore. Opening his mouth feels like he's getting punched all over again so he remains silent for several moments. Finally turning his head, he looks around, trying to figure out just what was going on. "Rick?" he whispers. "Katie? Wh...where are they? ...did....they get.... they looked for.... those files.... have to stop them. I couldn't....couldn't stop them. Too hard..." He cringes as a wave of pain shoots up his side when he moves. "Is...Domino safe?"


*Slowly and gently Katie wraps her arms around Scott. What had happend here.*

"They are gone now Scotty. They are gone. Ricks on his way stay with me."

*Seeing Scott go uncountiuse again Katie hopes Rick will get there soon. A few moment pass and finally Rick and Nate show up. Looking up Katie see Nate break off to look around the apartment making sure no one alse or no other dangers where there. As Rick comes over to Scott Katie sets his head down on the ground and moves out of the way.*

"A few minutes before I called you I got here. As for how long he has been like this I dont know. I left work early today came home and went to bed. I dident wake up till Domino there found my house and made a scene till I followed. Scott come to once and was pretty shaken up. He dident relize it was me at first but than he said something about they took his files, and thats all I know about what happend."

*The look of worry and fear corses through Katie's eyes. Why was this happing now. Why.?

Nate goes through the house his gun still drawn. Room to room he moves making sure other than everything being ransaked is in place. Finally making his way to the livingroom again. Going over to Katie, Rick and Scott. Nate lays a hand on Katie's shoulder to let her know everything was going to be ok. Bending down next to Rick and Scott Nate questions.*

"Whoever was here isent now. What do you want me to do to help Rick?"


Scott's eyes are wide as he tries to comprehend what's going on. He knows that voice...

Domino gives a little whine, seeing that her master isn't behaving like he should.

Scott finally lowers his hands from his face, his whole body in pain from too much movement. He blinks and begins to realize that it's Katie in front of him, not an attacker.

"Katie..." his voice is hoarse, almost whispered. "Are they gone? They came..I tried to...but...they wouldn't... all my files...." He tries to move and winces, sliding down onto his side without the energy to raise himself back up. "I couldn't....they were too strong and..." His eyes start to roll back into his head as unconsciousness threatens again.

Domino whines and tries to pull Katie closer, desperate to help.

Rick pulls up to the curb and throws his car into park, jumping out with Nate. Jogging to the open front door, he finds Katie. "What happened, Katie? How long have you been here?"


*Nate looks up when he see Rick coming into the livingroom. Seeing the look on Rick's face Nate knows something is wrong. Receving the message Nate bends down to his sister and gives her a kiss on the head. I'll be back soon. I just have to go help a friend. If you need anything get Janet.

Grabing his jacket and keys Nate follows Rick out and decieds to just ride with him it would be less noticble having 3 cars and not 4. Nate has his firearm ready for anything.*

*As Katie see the fear im Scott's eyes she lowers her voice to a soft whisper.*

"Whoa Scott..its Katie. Its just me Katie. What happend to you? Are you hurt anywhere alse but your hand?"

*KAtie trys to sooth Scott into calming down not being able to deny the look in his eye of fear.*


Domino is right behind Katie and goes straight to Scott again, licking his face, still trying to rouse him without success.

Rick receives Katie's call with fear at hearing her urgency. "Alright, alright, calm down, I'm on my way, Katie, hang tight." Hanging up, he grabs his bag by the door and yells at his wife that he's leaving. Entering the adjoining house, he is quick to find Nate, keeping his voice down to not disturb Maggie. "Nate, we got a problem over at Scott's. Katie's there now and I'm going. I'd appreciate backup." Hurrying, he heads outside. It would take him at least fifteen minutes to get there.

As Katie sits with Scott and puts pressure to the cut on his head, finally he starts to move slightly. He opens one eye lethargically and seeing a figure over him, he suddenly tenses and shoots up. He gasps for breath with terrified disorientation and pins himself against the back of the couch, holding up his hands in front of his face.


*Katie wakes with a suddon start stairing into the dark. She thought he hurd a dog howl. Listing again Katie hears scratching. Standing from bed Katie goes to her dresser to flick the little light on and open her draws to take out some clean clothing. Bearing the howl again Katie cant deny she hurd it again. Walking out of her room and to the door. Opening it Domino bounds in and starts jumping around KAtie barking at her and pulling on her pant leg twords the door.*

"Domino..what are you doing here? Where is Scott?"

*Steping out the door Katie looks around and see nothing as Domino persists for Katie to follow. For a moment the blood drains from Katie's face. Going bakc inside Katie grabs her keys and jumps off the pourch steps Domino close behind. Opening the car door Katie cringes but tell Domino to jump inside. Geting in next Katie makes her way to Scotts. In no time flat Katie is there and see the door open. The hair on her neck stands on end. Katie could feel something was wrong. Opening the door she draws her gun. Making her way up the steps Katie pokes her head in the door and looks around. Seeing the house is ransaked than spoting Scott on the floor fear hits Katie. Running over to him she see the cut on his hand and panics. Pulling out her phone she dials Ricks number.*


*Fear since into Katie as everything alse is forgoten. All Katie could think about was Scott. Ripping on of her shirt Katie places it on the cut on Scotts hand, hoping Rick would come soon.*


A bit of color hits Wyatt's cheeks at Aerith's comment, though he laughs. "Alright then - tomorrow night it is. Since I know where you live, how about I swing on by about seven o'clock?"

Plans made, Wyatt turns to his food as Mabel brings it out. It wasn't like him to go out on a date with someone like this, so soon after meeting them...but there was something different about Aerith. Something that kept him completely relaxed around her as if he'd known her all his life.

Con grins. "Yeah. A better job. Anything's got to be better than that. I'm glad Phil can work with that guy, but I sure can't. I'm just happy to be rid of him."
He thinks for several moments and shrugs. "I don't know what I can find around here...I see they're hiring out at that construction site where they're building that new housing addition at the west end of town. I might check that out."

Scott opens his eyes groggily. After Rick had checked him over, he'd insisted he rest for a while in the infirmary, but apparently a "while" had turned into several hours. It was late afternoon already.

Rolling over and sitting up, Scott almost groans. He hadn't thought he could feel worse - he'd been wrong. Maybe getting up and about this morning had been too much. But he couldn't change it now.

Making his way slowly out of the infirmary, he opts to finally go home. Katie had said to call her, but he didn't want to bother her, and his car was still here from the day before anyway. If he took it easy, he could make it alright.

It takes longer than normal, but Scott finally gets home. After taking care of Domino the best he can, he heads for the couch, flipping on the tv to help lull him back to sleep.

...A loud pounding wakes Scott up. The tv was still on, and it takes him a moment to get his bearings. Domino is barking at the front door. Who was here?

Rising, Scott gingerly makes his way to the door, unlocking it, and shooing Domino away with his foot.

The last thing he remembers is opening the door.

Carson looks up from where he's cooking a steak on the stove as he sees Jason enter the apartment. "Thought you might've run out on me," he comments. He'd come home about supper time to find evidence that Jason had been there during the day, but had left again.

Jason throws him a disgusted look, and continues his route to the spare room.

"You're going to eat something before you conk out," Carson hollers after him. "I'm not dragging you to the hospital if your sugar does a nosedive."

Jason stops and turns around. "And what do you care?"

"Hey, I'm not going to be held responsible for neglecting someone's health," Carson states flatly. "You do whatever you want to yourself, but I'm looking out for me." He nods to Jason. "Where you been?"


Carson rolls his eyes. "How do you like your steak?"

"I don't."

Carson sighs and sets aside his fork as the steak sizzles. "Can you be any more difficult? Look, you're not going to feel any better moping around all the time. So buck up."

"If you don't like the way I act, then maybe I should just leave."

"Jason, how old are you?"

"Going on twenty-two."

"Then why don't you start acting like it?" Carson puts his hands on his hips. "Right about now, I'd guess you were five."

Jason grits his teeth. Katie's words had haunted him all day long...the images of their encounter that morning had followed him closely, and he'd been unable to erase them from his mind. "You have no idea what I'm going through." He spins on his heel to leave the kitchen.

"Oh, no you don't." Carson goes after him.

Jason whirls around and takes a swing at him, but Carson is too quick, ducking, and once again gets Jason in a chokehold. Dragging him backward through the kitchen, he shoves Jason into a chair, forcing him to be at the table. "Now for the last time, you're eating something."

Jason glares up at him. "Great. Then you can clean up my puke when I'm done."

"That's an easier job than getting along with you," Carson retorts.

Domino barks again and nuzzles Scott's hand, then moves to lick his face. She whines at her motionless master, but receives as much response as she had the last several hours she'd tried to rouse him from the living room floor. Taking his shirt in her teeth, she gives it several yanks, but it does nothing. She moves to sniff again at the wound on the side of Scott's head that had finally stopped bleeding. Barking again, she cocks her head at him, then looks to the open front door that exposed the evening's descending darkness.

Domino trots to the open door, then turns around again, surveying the chaotic mess of the ransacked house. A breeze through the door blows several papers around.

She whines again then suddenly bursts out the door and jumps down off the steps, running to the street. She looks left and right, tilting her nose in the air. She'd only been on one ride recently, and takes off at fast clip in that direction. Perhaps it was unexplainable instinct. Perhaps a simple sixth sense. Perhaps a glimpse of special God-breathed intervention...

...Laura's car was not in the driveway. She'd worked late tonight, then had gone to spend some time with her brother. The house was dark. A little black and white dog trots wearily up the walk. It was dark now - the sun had already said it's goodnight to the world.
Domino scratches at the door, smelling the familiar scent that kept her on the porch. Whining for a moment, she throws her head back and lets out a howl. She stops and listens to see if it worked, then repeats the howl, not giving up, even when a neighbor shouts from across the street.



*Misty yells as Carson snatches her keys. Geting into the car next to him she laughs. after a wonderful kiss.*

" Kiddnaping me now. Ok I guess I dont mind to much."

*Misty winks at Carson.*

"Take me away my good sir."

*Misty leans back laughiing and smiling. her biggest*

*Aerith studys Wyatt for a long moment. Tilting her head to the side and than the other deep in though.*

"Well at leats its not two strikes. You dont have alot of money and thats fine with me. But you certinly do have the good looks."

*Aeriths cheeks grow alittle red.*

"I think a movie sounds fun tonight as well."

*Sliding out of the booth Aerith smiles down at Wyatt.*

"I better get back to work, but its a date I look forward to."

*As Jamie rides in silence she grows sad for Con for a moment.*

"Oh Con, I'm sorry. What happend?"

*Jamie cant help but let out alittle laugh.*

"At least you can find something better now right?"


Scott heaves a weary sigh as he watches Katie leave, and is about ready to sit back down, when Rick comes up to him.

"Good land, man!" Rick exclaims. "What in heaven's name are you doing here? You should be at home."

Scott grimaces. "So I decided to come to work."

"So you shouldn't have." Rick looks at him with disapproval. "Hurt?"

"Like heck."

"Yeah. Well since you're here, why don't you come on back and let me give you a once over."

A sly grin creases Carson's mouth as he leans in so close to Misty that his face is almost touching hers. "I don't know if I can shut up, but I can definitely kiss you..."

He lets the passionate exchange linger, not caring if anyone else saw them in the parking lot or not. Drawing back, his eyes twinkle with mischief. Moving quickly, he snatches the keys from Misty's hand. "And since you're so cruel, I get to drive."

Wyatt's smile remains on his face as Aerith talks. The more he got to know about her, the better he liked her. "I understand. People think I'm crazy too when it comes to who I'd pick to date."

He cocks his head. "You'd be getting your way with me though - I'm not so sure about my looks, but I do know I'm not rich." He chuckles. "Though I can afford going out to a movie tomorrow night. How about it?"

Con starts to pull out of the TJY parking lot and turns toward town. "Chinese sounds good today. And I kissed no one's feet. As a matter of fact, I don't have to kiss anything anymore."

His surface tone remains humorous, though there's an underlying worry and feeling of failure that he tries not to show. "As of this morning I no longer work for the lumberyard. I got fired and am free to look elsewhere now."


*Katie trys her best to push her tears away again. Maybe she should just go home. She had alot of thinking to do and when the best time to talk to Jason was. For now maybe she should just try and sleep.*

"I guess you right. Maybe I should and just clear my mind or something.Call me when your ready to go home and I will come and drive you."

*Katie trys to smile her best leting Scott know She maybe hurting but She'll be ok. Truning Katie heads to her cubicle gathering her stuff than heading outside and to her apt.*

*Misty shrugs as both Carson's arms prove to be a cage not alowing her to movie.*

"Maybe you should just shut up already and kiss me."

*Misty cant help but grin at Carson.*

*Aerith grins and shakes her head*

"Nope no boyfriend. Never found a good Christion one that I liked. However I do have an over protective grandmother who dosent understand the I want to date a christion man thing, and it only worryed about 2 things looks and money. I guess thats what happens to some people when they live rich. and if you ask, I'd say Yes."

*Aerith looks down at sips more of her water as Mable brings over the lunch smiling.*

*Jamie smiles at she heads out of work and to Con's truck.*

"All the time in the world huh? Who's feet at work did you kiss for that. And since your driving you can pick were we go. I am happy just being with you."

Really need to stop

Scott closes his eyes for just a moment, taking in Katie's words. He was used to waiting...and would continue to do so. For the end result was far worth it. "I promise," he whispers.

After a few moments, he draws back, gently wiping the tears from Katie's cheek. 'Why don't you go home?" he suggests quietly. "There's nothing here that can't wait."

Carson stands lamely for a moment, then looks upward, throwing his arms in the air. "What did I do to deserve this treatment?!"

Jogging after her, he catches her at her car before she gets in. Pinning her to the side of the car with his hands on either side of her, he gives her a stern look without cracking a smile. "You're a cruel woman, Misty. What am I supposed to do with you?"

"Agreed." Reese nods at the phone. "Any time you're free, come on down and we'll start figuring some of this stuff out."

Wyatt grins at Aerith. "Nope, I don't mind the company a bit as long as you can stand me hanging around here again." He takes his straw and begins to unwrap it. "We really need to stop meeting this way," he teases.

Looking over his shoulders warily, then back at Aerith, he leans in a little closer, lowering his voice. "You don't have a boyfriend back home that's going to come after me if I ask you out on a date, do you?"

Con grins as Jamie gets ready to leave, but he takes her keys from her hand and sets them back down on her desk. "I'm driving, and I'll bring you back here after lunch because today, I have all the time in the world." He gestures to the door. "Ladies first."

Promise me

*Softly as to not hurt Scott Katie returns the embrace. It felt good and braught her comfort. Something about Scott had always done that for Katie since they first started to hang out.*

"Promise that you will be here so when I heal, and am ready to open my heart again you'll still be waiting."

*A few more tears roll out of Katie eyes as Scott holds her and her head is burryed into his arms. Life was crule and hard. Life was changing again. The only thing to be done was to keep moving forword.*

*Misty grins as she steps out of the elavator and see Carson. Walking over to him her lips brush his right before kissing him pulling away teasing him once again.*

"Ages my butt Carson Banks. To bad you rushed you looked to tired for a kiss now."

*Misty heads for the other door and than her car turning once to look at Carson and stick out her toung almost beging him to come and kiss her again.*

*Lockheart answers her phone and listens to Reese.*

"I know your going to want to keep working anyways but you really do need to lay low. Dont make my job harder than it is."

*Lockheart cant help but laugh.*

"I'm not going to be able to do this one on my own.I'm gonna need your help too. We should get together so we can go over some stuff I dont know about and build our case good."

*Aerith looks up and smiles seeing Wyatt enter the dinner. Grabing a coke and water She puts in an order for Wyatt's normal and heads to the table puting the pop and water down and sliding across from Wyatt smiling.*

"Your in luck I just went on break."

*Aerith smiles as she take a sip of her water.*

"That is if you dont mind the company."

*Jamie looks up from her desk a bit saprised to see Con.*

"Con...I though...but you said..."

*Jamie stops for a moment and looks down at her work as a smile pass her lips.*

"I'll come willingly but your gonna have to drag me back here when you need to get back to work."

*Jamie shuts off her computer and stands grabing her keys.*

What can I do

Scott turns in his chair to see Katie. Noting the look on her face, her downcast eyes, the tone of her voice...he wasn't sure what to feel. He hated seeing her this way... He wished he could make the hurt go away, but nothing but God and time could do that. Where did he fit into all this? He just didn't know yet.

Standing slowly, he offers her a warm embrace, ignoring the physical pain of the movement. "It's gonna be okay." He hugs her gently. "What can I do to make this easier for you, Katie?"

Carson's eyebrows shoot up as Misty hollers at him. On his feet in an instant, he sprints for the elevator, but just misses it. A grin pasted on his face, he aims for the stairs, taking them two at a time to beat the elevator up. As the doors open, he stands casually by, his hands hooked in his pockets. "You coming or what? I've been waiting for ages!"

Reese hangs up his phone and picks it back up again immediately, dialing Lockheart. "Hi...it's Reese. Just got off the phone with Sheriff Brown. He's appealed to the courts on behalf of us, and we have a court date set in three weeks, at which time we must present a strong enough case to plea for pardons.... In the meantime, he said to lay as low as possible. He advised not taking on any new cases, though he knows we're going to keep working anyway."

Wyatt sighs as he pays the repair shop for his jeep. A new part and his baby was up and running again, but that didn't make paying any less painful.

On the road again, he glances at the clock. It was about noon, and he was hungry. How'd he end up on this side of town anyway? He'd gotten in the habit of eating at Mom and Pop's once a week, and this was the third day in a row now.

Rolling his eyes, Wyatt parks near the entrance. He'd better cut this out before he either ran low on cash or ran high on weight from eating out so much.

Maneuvering out of the vehicle with his arm still in a sling, Wyatt makes his way inside, scanning the restaurant. Seeing his usual table empty, he heads over and sits down.

"You're fired!"

Con cringes inwardly at the finality in Leonard's tone. "Alright..." He grits his teeth and pulls off his name badge. "If that's the way you want it, you can take your job and..." He bites his tongue, and instead forces a short, dry laugh. "And find someone else who's more capable of pleasing you."

Shaking his head, Con turns from the office and walks across the lumberyard. He gives Phil a sloppy salute as he passes. "See you around, Phil."

Phil frowns, knowing what had happened. "Keep in touch."

"Oh, don't worry. I'll be around."

"Let me know if you need help finding something."

"Will do." Con aims for his car and pulls out of the parking lot. He'd told Jamie he couldn't go to lunch today, but that had now changed. He was going out with her, and today, nothing was going to get in the way.

Getting to TJY, he enters the building, heading straight for the main floor and Jamie's cubicle. "Hey, miss... are you going to willingly go out to lunch with a bear like me, or do I have to drag you along?"