

*As Katie feels the warmth of a hand on her shoulder she new who it was instintly. The touch she had felt so many times before. Leaning her head down Katie rubs the side of her cheek on his hand for a moment. She felt a certin sence of comfort. Hearing his voice turns Katie's head to him. Her face stricken with tears, she dosent try to hid it from Jason. Not this time. He needed to see the tears and she needed to see his face. Searching Jason's eyes Katie brings her hand up to his that was on her shoulder. In a horse voice through the little bit of tears left Katie speaks.*

"I'll always have your back Jason."

*Katie thinks for a moment not saying again thing again. Her heart and mind yelling at her to say more. To let Jason know, to take the next step to bring peace and rebuilding the burnt bridge. Katie dosent know how she finds the words but from somewhere they come.*

"I dont hate you Jason. I never could hate you..."

*Katie heave out a sigh not even sure what she is saying and if it will help or not. But something told her to keep talking, not to let Jason walk away again without knowing.*

"..You have been such a big part of my life since I met you. You taught me alot of things. We were such good friends at one time. I'd like to get back to that Jason. I know its going to be hard, but I'd like to at least try. I want to be there for you Jason, to help you. I miss you Jason. I dident even relize it but this morning before i new it I was driving by your apartment. I dident know why than I had done it without relizing it but I do now, its cuz I miss you. And I want that friendship back."

*Katie dosent know what over takes her but something pulls slowly she steps forward and gives Jason a hug. An ebrass that dosent convay love but one of friendship. One she missed dearly.*

"I'm sorry Jason. I'm sorry you went through everything you did and I wish I could whipe that away for you but I cant. I'm sorry about the whole Scott thing. I was wrong for some of the things I did. And for that I AM sorry. I never ment to hurt you. If I could whipe that away I would as well, but I cant. But I can still be that friend you lean on when you feel like the word is to much. I want to be there to be the friend who makes you laugh when you want to cry. I...."

*Katie pulls herself away from Jason was she making things hard on him?*

"...I dont want to make things harder on you Jason. I..I dont mean to confuse you. if I do..I'm sorry."

Not so good

Jason’s heart screams at him to return friendly words to Katie. Her encouragement, though met by a hard barrier did not go unheard. Like a river, they flowed into his very soul, finding the cracks and crevasses to seep into, gently, slowly nourishing his starving heart.

He wants to reply…he wants to say what he really felt underneath all of his anger and frustration, but his own words were chained within himself, crying out to be heard, but held back by that which he loathed the most.

Katie’s touch to his arm drives a longing within him that he was trying so desperately to snuff out. Her very presence clawed at his soul that he had buried, relentlessly digging for the truth…for his core…for him. But even he did not know where he was anymore…where he had gone…who had he become.

Jason stands, unable to speak, his eyes simply following Katie as she walks away. He saw the tear that runs down her cheek, and like a dagger, it stabs his heart. He had caused so much damage…so much pain…and he didn’t know how to make it right again. He didn’t know how…he just didn’t know how…

His eyes shift to Jen, who is looking at him with compassion. He had not spoken of the breakup with Katie to anyone here, but with one look, he realized that they all knew.

Jen’s eyes widen slightly and she cocks her head toward where Katie had gone. Her gesture speaks more than words can as she tries to prompt him to not leave things like this…not now…not before the show.

The other guys continue their work, slowly resuming their banter, purposely not concentrating on their two friends who displayed so much hurt.

Jason closes his eyes for a moment and turns, the battle so intense he could hardly stand it. How could this be happening…now? He needed to concentrate…he needed to get ready to be onstage. He couldn’t let this get to him. And yet…if he left things as they were right now, it would just be worse…

A familiar hand suddenly rests on Katie’s shoulder. Jason’s voice calm and low. The pain was there, the hurt was there. He would not open up the dam to let all flow out. But he couldn’t bear to see Katie crying. “I’m not so good,” he answers her original question with more honesty than he’d expressed in a long time. “But knowing you got my back…makes things a little better.”

So Close

*As Misty sits with Carson she can tell he is being extracarfel with her. Taking her hands she takes his arms and tightens them around her alittle more.*

"Your not going to break me. Its ok really it is."

*Misty tilts Carson's head up alittle with one of her fingers. Searching his eyes, something was wrong. Something that went unsaid.*

"Carson...whats wrong? You can talk to me. Its ok."

*Jamie cant help but laugh after ths kiss ends at Con and his buddys. Jamie gives alittle wave to the guys. Clinging to Con arm she walks the little ways to her car. She always liked saprising Con. The smile that was always present on his face was well worth it. Befor geting into her car she gives Con another small kiss.*

"Dont worry, Jason still cares. He just need to find himself."

*Geting into her car she follows Con back to his place. After a while they are finally off to the JetStream avent. On the way Jamie slips her hand into Con's. Over the last few weeks Jamie and Con had been doing alot together when both of them wernt working. Jamie enjoyed every moment. She loved being with Con.

Small chit chat is kept up in the car till finally geting to the avent Jamie shuts the car off and gets out waiting for Con to join her.*

*After Laura enters the car Nate cant help but laugh.*

"I just wanted to make sure you hurd. You know geting older and all your hearing might be going."

*Nate ducks alittle exspecting a slap. Pulling out of the driveway Nate makes his way to where the consert was behing held. He had on a pare of jean short and a nice tshit on ready to relax and have fun tonight.*

*Aerith smiles at Wyatt and they start on there way. Her cheeks turning a bit read*

"Thank you. You look pretty good yourself."

*Aerith holds the smile on her face not saying much till finally she talks again.*

"Have you hurd Jetstream befor? I dont think I have! But that dosent saprise me since I am still new."

*Aerith gives a nervouse laugh. Nervous....Why on earth was she nervouse? She hadent been last time she went out with Wyatt. But now the feeling was churning inside her tummy.*

You're in my arms
And all the world is gone
The music playing on
For only two
So close togehter
And when I'm with you
So close to feeling alive

*Katie looks up as she hears Kyle call to Jason. He was here. Katie's heart starts to race. She hadent talk to Jason in a while, or see him much for that matter other than the other day for the case. Katie looks back down at what she was doing her own emotions threating to bust forth. She wanted to run to Jason and give him a hug and see how he was. But she held herself back.*

A life time goes by
Romantic dreams must die
So I bid mine goodbye
And never knew
So close was waiting
Waiting here with you
And now, forever, I know
So close was waiting

*Finally Katie looks up as Jen, Kyle, Phil and Mike interact with Jason. A feeling of sadness coming over her. Closing her eyes listing to the voice Katie's memorie takes her back to when the last time they had all been together. Love, friendship, happyness rained there. There was something missing now. A tear rolls down Katie face as she opens her eyes again turns back to her work trying to keep her mind busy.*

Oh, how could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?

We're so close to reaching
That famous happy ending
Almost believing
This one's not pretend
Let's go on dreaming
Though we know we are
So close
So close, and still
So far away from eachother...

*As Katie's mind is far off and away she dosent even relize Jason was next to her till her bumps into her. Standing quickly Katie looks at Jason. Not being able to help looking into his eyes. Katie saw the little boy. Her head starts to ake. How she missed Jason. He was her best friend before anything alse and now he wouldent even let himself be that. How Katie wish things had turned out differnt. As Jason speaks to her for a moment Katie cant find her voice afraid it would crack. Mustering up a small smile she finally reply.*

"I'm alive. How about you?"

*After she asks the question she relzed how stupid it was. He was just going to tell her he was find when she new he wasent. He'd never lean he could try lieing but it wouldent work.*

"Hey...umm...dont be nervouse out there. I got your back, and your going to do just fine. You always do. Break a leg out there, just not for real. That would be no good."

*Katie can feel her emotions growing as she looks at Jason. He looked good. Reaching out a huging him is what Katie wasnted to do and new she couldent. Giving a pat to Jasons arm Katie concluds before turning away.*

"You look good Jason."

*Turning Katie can feel a tear making it way out of her eyes.*

"Guys I'll be right back."

*Quickly Katie makes her way off the stage and over to the side where there was a gate. Leaning on it she lets her tears out finally her emotions giving way and crashing down.*

So close...
So close...
Yet so far away...

Setting Up

Carson looks up from his desk, having to make an effort to actually focus on Misty, though he wasn’t startled as he brings himself back to the present from his thoughts. “Nah, if I worked too much, I’d actually get something worthwhile done.”

He gestures for Misty to enter his cubicle and draws her close, gently moving her until she’s sitting on his knee, careful not to move too quickly. He rests his head down on her shoulder wearily. “Guess I figured I’d rather not spend time with a group tonight.”

He’s quiet…quieter than normal, and doesn’t offer any more talk himself, but just sits, his arms resting lightly around her.

Con grins as he sees Jamie waiting for him. “Give a man time to get away from work, will ya?” His eyes twinkle with pleasure that Jamie had come, and he wraps his arms around her as she comes close, returning the kiss with just as much feeling.

Whistles and hollers ring out.


“Hey, Con!”

“Ooooh man!”

Con’s own smiling finally forces the exchange to end, his face red, though he doesn’t care.

“How come we didn’t know about her?!”

Another whistle sounds. “Ooh, and she’s a little spitfire, ain’t she?!”

“Yeah, man if you ever…”

“Heeeeey,” Con looks over his shoulder, chiding with a humorous growl. A smile quirks the corner of his mouth. “Watch it, Brandon.”

His fellow construction worker grins from ear to ear. “Just a thought.”

“Well stop thinking – you might hurt yourself.” Con knows the guys are just teasing, and can’t help allowing his own humor to show. He was downright proud of Jamie, and having the other guys notice her was all the more a compliment. He slings his arm around her shoulders, guiding her to her car. “We better get you out of here,” he teases, “before someone else steals you away from me.”

Opening her door for her, he pauses. “I know I’m already late, but I have this strange feeling you really don’t want me going like this.” He holds out his arms, displaying how dirty and sweaty he was. “Follow me to my place and give me fifteen minutes, then we can scoot on over.” He rolls his eyes. “And don’t worry about Jason – I haven’t seen him since he moved out, so I doubt he’ll be shedding any tears if I didn’t show up.”

Laura comes bounding off the porch and jogging to Nate’s car, dressed in shorts and tanktop. Sliding into the passenger seat, she throws a smirk at Nate. “I heard the first honk, ya know.” Humor dances in her eyes. “But that’s okay…I wouldn’t want to miss you.”

“Hey, good evening.” Wyatt gives Aerith a smile. “Of course I made it. Like I’d ever skunk you.” He rolls his eyes, knowing he’d already left her high and dry twice.

Pulling away from the curb, he gives her a sidelong glance. “You look nice tonight.”

“Hey, KT!” Kyle announces that Katie has arrived with his enthusiastic holler.

Jen grins and returns Katie’s hug. “Glad you could make it.”

All the guys return the enthusiastic greeting.

“The fun is just beginning!” Kyle exclaims. “Are you nuts? We got a whole hour before the show starts. All you’ve missed is our…”

“Running around like chickens with their heads cut off,” Phil quips. “Kyle, get your big feet off that cord!”

“Whoopsies.” Kyle shifts out of the way. “Sorry, sorry.” He gives Katie a cheesy grin. “I hope you’re ready to rock and roll, ‘cause we’re gonna be rockin’ tonight!”

Phil smirks. “Katie, if you want to help, you can start with helping Jen get that sound board set up.”

Jason pulls into an empty space in the parking lot and glances down the row, spotting Katie’s car. He shouldn’t have been surprised she was already there, but it did change the perspective of things.

A bit of melancholy settles over him. He can feel the same tugging to his heart again, and takes a deep breath, doing his best to keep his feeling submerged while pulling on a nice mask that would tell everyone he was calm, cool and collected.

Dismounting his bike, he heads on in.

“Yo, Jason!” Phil waves from the stage. “Wassup?!”

Jason stops a moment, holding out his hands to the side. “What do you think?”

“It’s showtime!” Kyle gives a whoop, leaping down off the stage.

“Kyle, calm yourself,” Jen chides. She throws Katie a look. “That’s the last time I let him have sugar before a show.”

Kyles grin widens. “Feels pretty good to me!”

Jason shakes his head and sets his backpack down, trying to keep his concentration away from Katie, though finding it difficult. He’d encased himself in a hard determination to handle himself tonight, but being here now seemed to soften him against his own will.

Jen gives him a once over, grinning. “Ooh, went for the black tee and motorcycle boots tonight. I like it.”

Jason’s face reddens slightly. “I didn’t exactly try.”

“Oh, trust me, you don’t have to try,” Jen teases. She squints up at him. “You need a haircut though.”

“Nothing like being blunt,” Phil intervenes.

A sly smile creases Jen’s lips, ignoring her brother and still talking to Jason. “Haven’t had a cut in a while, have you?”

“That bad?”

Jen shakes her head. She could get away with giving her raw opinions about the band’s dress and hair, but it was always done with humor and none of the guys minded a bit. They all knew she had an eye for what looked good and didn’t mind taking her advice. “No, but I like it when it’s trimmed up the sides.”

Jason can’t help a little grin. “Well I doubt I can make it to a barber and back in time.”

Jen reaches down into a box. “That’s why I always carry scissors with me.”

“Hey!” Kyle interrupts. “We need him to help set up.”

“It’ll only take me ten minutes,” Jen promises. She looks at Jason with question. “Your call.”

Jason shrugs. “You’re the manager. Can I trust you?”

Jen giggles. “I cut my brothers’ hair all the time. Come on.” She wheels forward a little and gestures to the floor. Grab a rag to put around your neck and sit down in front of me.”

Jason does as he’s told, lowering himself to the floor between Jen’s legs and leaning back far enough for her to work.

Just as promised, she’s done within ten minutes, having trimmed Jason’s hair shorter up the sides and a bit on top. Borrowing Mike’s gel, she gives Jason just a tad of a spike, letting the front hang down a little bit over his forehead. “There we go! All set.”

Jason stands up and brushes loose hair off himself. “Satisfied?”

Jen beams as she smiles. “Yes. You’re as hott as ever.”

Jason rolls his eyes, trying not to get red in the face again.

“Hey, Jase, throw me one of those spare adapters in the box over there!” Mike calls to him.

All too happy to get away from Jen’s compliments, he moves to the box by the sound booth. Reaching down, he accidentally bumps into Katie who’s hooking up some of the cords. Straightening quickly, he looks at her, swallowing hard. The pull on his wall intensifies, and the anger gets shoved to the side, replaced by his dejected feelings. He didn’t want to speak to her…he wanted to just ignore her presence like he had been. But deep down, that wasn’t really how he felt. He was angry and frustrated, but there was still a little boy there that just wanted to feel better again and simply didn’t know how. He knew he'd been wrong to give everyone the cold shoulder lately...he just didn't know how else to deal with what he'd been feeling.

An unexplainable force draws his voice out as if prompting him towards healing. “Sorry, I…” he glances down, fidgeting with he adapter he’d retrieved. Looking back up, he gains courage he didn’t think he had. “How ya doing?”

Kyle raises his hand, ready to holler at Jason for something else, but Jen throws him a warning glance, heading him off.

Party without me

*As Misty opens her eyes she trys to get her barings. It had been five days since everything happend and though she was in some pain at time it was easyer to move around and do things on her own as long as she dident over do it and lift to much. Swinging her legs around and placing her bear feet on the cold floor. Slowly standing Misty brings a hand to her stomic. Closing her eyes and bearing the pain till it passed. Slowly moving hunched over Misty makes her way to the door and opens it. She had hardly seen Carson all day and was worryed. He's seem preocupied the last day or two as well. Slowly crossing the TJY floor Misty makes it to Carson desk once again wincing alittle at the pain but musters up a smile.*

"You work to much. How come you dident go to the concert with everyone alse?"

*Katie pulls her car into the parking lot of where the concert was being held. Katie was running late but was hoping she would be able to help alittle bit before she met with Scott and than was on duty. Some would say for Katie it must be hard. Having to work even when you not in work. But Katie dident mind. Since meeting Con, and Jason of so long ago its what she wanted to do. This was what she thought was her true calling to be a bodyguard was fun to her.

As Katie makes her way behind stage she can hear the three boys and Jen bartering. Giving a soft giggle Katie finally makes her presence known.*

"Hey what gives? Starting the party without me?"

*Giving alittle shrugs Katie puts her stuff down and goes over to Jen giving her a hug than to the other boys giving them playful highfives.*

"Well I hope all the fun isent over yet I'd like to help."

*Katie grins at the group. She was really excited about helping once again, protecting, and shairing Scott fist preview of JetStream with him. Kaite quickly moves to help around the stage with the other. Keeping herself busy was the best thing to do. If Jason wasent there already he would be soon. Katie hasent talked to Jason since they broke up. Many times she wanted to, but it onlyhurt to try. Tonight she would have to. She wanted to more than anyone new but her heart was till heavy at the way he would react.*

*Aerith looks out the window and makes her way down the steps. She was dressed in a cute blue sundress and sadles. It was warm out tonight and it was the best way to stay cool. Her hair was up off her neck.

Opening the front door for once Aerith was able to slip out without any camotion from her grandmother. That would help make the evening even better not having the yelling looming on her mind. Sliping into Wyatt's car she throws him a smile.*

"You made it. I'm glad I have been looking forward to this since you asked me to go."

*Aerith's face seems to be brighter today. She was in a good mood, she felt good and she was excited to be geting out with a friend. She like Wyatt he was nice and a sweetheart.*

*Nate pulls into Laura's parking lot honking the horn on the car three times than waits. He was excited about tonight. Her new Laura and himself would have a great time. The music was good, being with Laura was good what more could Nate ask for.*

*As Jamie pulls up to the construction sight spoting Con's truck and pulling next to it. She dosent even bother opening her car door. It was a hot day out and the top was down she just jumps on out. Going over to his truck she jumps on the hood and waits. The noise was loud from all the other men and there was dust everywhere. Finally Jamie can see Con coming twords the truck. The noise was loud but Jamie makes her voice ring out through it.*

"Hey Slacker, We are going to be late if you dont hurry up. Jason and the others will never forgive us if we miss the avent tonight. So get that cute butt in gear and lets go already."

*Jamie cant help but lets a grin slip on her lips as the noise stops and all the other men turn to look. Sliping off the hood of the car as Con draws even closer to her she steps up on tip toes wraping her arms around his neck and planting a long passinot kiss on his lips.*


Carson lets himself be drawn into Misty's kiss, indulging in the moment by returning it and allowing it to linger. As Misty pulls back, he gives her a sly grin. "I think you're going to be just fine."

"I should say so." Rick throws his hands in the air, turning back toward the counter. "Misty, if you've got the energy to give a guy a kiss like that, then you certainly have the energy to heal. I don't want to hear one complaint out of you from here on out."

Carson chuckles and rises out of his chair. "You two don't have too much fun now. I'll be back."

Arriving home a while later, Carson drags his feet getting into his apartment. Pausing at Jason's door, he bangs on it. "Yo, Jase! You alive?!"

Receiving an irritated mumble, he nods. "Yeah, alright." Carson keeps going down the hall to take a shower and throws on clean clothes. Finished up though, he just feels too tired to go back yet.

Carson flops down on his bed, opting for just a short nap. His body was tired. His mind was tired. He was still fighting for all he was worth, and it was wearing on him. He had to stay on top of this...he was fine...it would all be fine. In a few days' time, he'd be so over it, he'd look back and know he'd been stupid to even be feeling this way...

But that perspective didn't help for the here and now. Misty's condition and Ashlyn's death had dug up too much of the past to ignore and it was putting more pressure on him than he'd ever want to admit.

Jason finally wanders into TJY, still tired, but functioning. As usual, he heads straight for his office. But on his way down the hall, he suddenly becomes aware of that strange pulling again...that feeling that had woken him earlier that day. Once again, it was taking a bit of effort to remain closed off. What was... Reaching his office, he pauses, thinking.


It was Katie's presence that always drove him to this point. She was here, somewhere nearby. As he well knew, she didn't even have to try to draw out his emotions - just having her in the same room created that battle. But...why this morning? She couldn't have been close...she hadn't been close...had she?

Shaking his head, Jason enters his office and shuts the door. He was too confused and too worn out to try and sort through it.

Scott takes it easy again during the day, per Rick's orders, though his reopened wound wasn't as bad as it could have been. Though needing to stay one more night, he made plans to go home the next day and attempt to get back into a normal routine.

Mick makes himself useful around TJY and calls Rosetta again to check on things, and to let her know that he'd be staying for he hearing. He says nothing of Ty, still contemplating if he should take any action or not.

Carson returns late that afternoon, having slept longer than planned, but sees Misty again for a while. He does his best not to let on that anything was wrong, and works late into the evening before returning to her until she falls asleep for the night. She knew nothing about Ashlynn yet, and he just as soon not talk about it, so it was fine with him. Besides, Misty didn't need one more thing to think about.

Over the next few days, things move slowly. Jason hibernates at home or in his office most of the time, not showing up down town, and managing to withdraw from those around him. He gets out a few more times to practice with JetStream, though finds it hard to gain enthusiasm, even if he does a good job of fooling the others into thinking he was fine.

Wyatt frequents Mom and Pop's as much as he can, still not committing to a date with Aerith, though he does ask her to the JetStream concert and feels good when she accepts.

Carson is in and out of work, drifting between his cubicle, the infirmary and his apartment. Hours at work start to dwindle though as the pressure inside him builds. He has still spoken to no one about what happened, and the stress begins to eat him up inside. Temptations arise and he fights them, the urge to run increases and he fights back but with weakening strength. Dealing with Jason at home becomes an added stress to everything else, and though he knows it shouldn't be this way, it begins to feel as though his world is getting smaller and smaller, trying to suffocate him. He refuses to face the memories that have risen since the showdown with the Agency, but every day they grow stronger, bringing with them pain.

"Kyle! Toss me that cable!"

"Hey, Jen, where's that extension cord?"

"Has anybody seen the duct tape? Can we ever keep track of the duct tape?"

"Here, catch!"

"No, not that one, the red one!"

"Phil, don't trip over that....box."

"Would someone kindly help me out over here?"

"Hey, I found my lost pair of socks!"

Jen rolls her eyes as she wheels herself around to the sound booth, helping set up all the equipment for this evening's performance. She can't help but laugh at the guys. Their antics never changed. The excitement never waned. Glancing at her watch, she shouts to her brother. "Phil, have we heard from Jason?"

"'Nope." He looks out from around a speaker. "He'll show up."

"I certainly hope so." Kyle plugs in the keyboard. "I told him if he didn't that we'd never forgive him."

"You did not." Jen smirks. "Give the guy a break. He's only been back a short while."

"So?" Kyle teases. "We need him."

Jen shakes her head. "Well if he doesn't come in half an hour, I'm going to call him just in case. Besides, it sounds like things have been rough over at TJY and he might get called away anyway."

"Well I think Katie's planning on coming," Mike adds.

"We couldn't go on without her!" Kyle exclaims. "Not without our biggest fan and without our bodyguard! Not to mention she's been helping us set up the last few times." He glances around. "I thought she'd be here by now."

Phil quirks a warning eyebrow at him. "You might want to cool it just a bit when Jason shows."

"Oh yeah..." Kyle grimaces. "I forgot. Okay, well, nonetheless, if she hasn't shown up in a while, I'm calling her too, cuz we're gonna rock tonight and I know she wouldn't want to miss it."

Jason sighs deeply and steps out of the apartment, trudging down the hall, taking to the stairs and out to the parking lot. Throwing on his helmet and starting the engine, he pulls out, heading downtown. There was a part of him that didn't want to go tonight. But he'd made a commitment...and he would go...and he would be on good behavior, and he would perform like he knew he could. It was that simple.

Wyatt pulls up to the curb in front of Aerith's house and sits waiting, again not honking the horn. He was dressed casually, but nice, glad for an evening out, and can finally relax away from TJY.

Scott trips over Domino as he walks through his living room, and catches himself on the back of the couch. "Domino!"

She slinks back and looks up at him apologetically.

He sighs and shakes his head. "You've been underfoot since we've been home. I promise we're not going to have to live at TJY again." He reaches down and scratches her behind her ears. "But I do have to leave now because I'm meeting Katie across town at the concert. You watch the place while I'm gone, alright?"

Domino licks his hand and starts to wiggle.

"Okay, good." Scott straightens back up and goes for his keys. He was looking forward to hearing JetStream for the first time.


*Misty smiles and nods to Carson. She was happy she woke to see him with her. It was him to helped pull her through. Now seeing the tired look in his eyes Misty new he needed his own sleep.*

"I'll be ok, and right here when you get back. I think I'll do what Rick asks and relax as much as I can. I think we give him a hard enough time as is."

*Misty brings her hand up to Carson's face than to the back of his head wincing alittle but ignoring it for now. Drawing his head closer to her she closes her eyes as his lips meet hers. Leting the kiss linger for a long time it felt like ages since she had kissed him. Finally drawing away she smiles.*

"Go home get some rest. I'll see you in alittle bit."

"Scotty, your going to be the death of me, and Rick is going to kill you."

*Katie cant help but smile at Scott. She liked to see that he was at least trying to do better and able to stand on his own feet. Taking the leash from him She giggles giving him a kiss on the cheek she lets go of him. Bending down to put the leash on Domino.*

"Ok we will be back in a jiffy."

*Katie takes Domino and leave the room making her way outside of TJY.*

*Nate wraps his arms around Laura giving her a hug. He was happy that Laura had opened up to him. He had been waiting a long time.*


Rick chuckles and starts checking Misty's vitals. "You're doing pretty good there, sport. I'm sure it hurts like mad, but I do believe you're going to pull through as long as you take it easy and let yourself heal." He rolls your eyes. "Though if you do, you'll be one of the few around here." He turns to head for the counter. "I'll give you something for that pain though, it will probably knock you out again."

Carson gives Misty's hand a squeeze. "I knew you were too stubborn to let this get you down." His tired smile remains. "Now that I know you're okay, I'm going to slip home for just a bit so I'm halfway presentable around here, but I'll be back, alright?"

Scott keeps himself from rolling his eyes at Katie. "I'm alright, really. If I have to force myself to sleep any more, I don't know what I'm going to do with myself." He winces just a little as he moves to grab Domino's leash. "If you wanna take her out, that would be great. I just gotta go stop by and see Rick." He pulls up his shirt to reveal the blood that has soaked through his bandage. "Guess I'm a rambunctious sleeper."

Laura's eyes widen and she gives Nate's arm a slap at his comment about working. As he brings up the JetStream event though, she can't help but smile. "Well, it sounds like I don't have much of a choice, so okay..." She blushes slightly. "I was hoping you'd ask."

So Ya

*Misty had seen his face in her dreams, and hurd his voice. But it was good to have both for real. How she missed those eyes that captavated her heart. A sassy little grin forms on her lips as she continuse to whisper softly.*

"Ha...you cant get rid of me that easly Carson Banks, I told you....."

*Misty winces alittle bit in pain. It felt like her insides were on fire.*

"...your stuck with me."

*Misty turns her head to Rick as she heads him talk.*

" I feel like I've been shot. I think I'll survive though."

*Misty cant help but look back to Carson her eyes danced. She felt like crap, but she was happy to be alive.*

*Nate cant help but let out a laugh.*

"Like you do work or something right?"

*Nate mouth draws up in a grin. A questions lingering on his toung.*

"So....there is a Jetstream avent coming up and I just wanted to let you know we are going. So dont mark anything for that day."

*Katie opens the door to Scotts room and see him out of bed. Going over to him quickly worry on her face.*

"Hey...you should be in bed still. What are you doing? I can take Domino out or if you need Rick I can get home for you."

*Katie puts her one arm on Scott's back and the other on his arm.*


Something warm...something comforting touches Carson. A familiar voice hits his ears.

Opening one eye, he realizes that it's Misty's touch he feels...it's Misty's voice he hears.

Lifting his head quickly, he turns to see her awake. Despite the tiredness and pain that shows through his eyes, he manages a smile. "Hey, Sassy." He takes her hand in his and gives it a squeeze before moving up to give her a gentle kiss. Moving away again, he keeps his voice quiet. "Thought I lost you there a couple times."

Rick hears the voices and gets up from his chair, wandering over to the bed. "Well, well, well, she lives." Thought his tone is casual and teasing, on the inside he is relieved beyond words. "How you feeling, Misty?"

Jason's eyes fly open. Something had woken him. But what? He listens quietly. There was no sound. Glancing at the clock, he sees it's been an hour since his alarm went off. He tries to go back to sleep, still tired, but something stirs within him. Something was pulling him. Suddenly he realizes that he's struggling to keep up his inner walls. It was the feeling as though something or someone was again trying to draw out his hidden emotions. What the...

Sitting up, Jason tries to shake it. There was no one here....nothing had happened...no one was talking to him or hounding him. He'd simply been in a dreamless sleep that should have caused nothing.

Slowly, the feeling starts to pass. Confused, Jason's able to relax again, and lays back down. Closing his eyes, he attempts at sleep one more time. Though frustration lingered for not being able to understand.

Laura turns around in her chair and grins up at Nate. "'Pretty lady'..." She gives him a sly smirk. "Don't start talking to me sweet or I won't be able to concentrate all day."

Scott pulls himself up out of bed, his hand going to his bandaged side. Grimacing, he feels moisture and looks down. Somehow in the night he'd torn several of his stitches. Great. Rick would kill him.

Sighing, he manages to get up and pull on his jeans and t-shirt. His clothes were on their second day - he needed to go home and not only get clean clothes, but start his life again.

Domino looks up at him and whines.

"Yeah, baby, hang on. I'll take you out in a couple minutes after I see Rick before I ruin my shirt."


*Misty stop before steping through the light. She can feel the warmth of the light on her face. Before heading through the door Misty stops and turns as if looking back on her memories. Turning back Misty steps through the light and lets the feeling wash over her.

Misty groans alittle as she can feel the sharp horrid pain in her stomace. Feeling someone at the left side Misty turnes her head a small smile cross her lips as she see Carson. Lifting her hand she runs is gently through his hair as she softly whispers.*

"What I cant even geta good morning kiss anymore?"

*As Wyatt enters Mable smiles and waves.*

"Morning Wyatt! We sure do Aerith just made a fresh pot."

*Mable heads to the coffee pot and grabs a cup for Wyatt seting it down.

Aerith comes out from the back room and smiles when she see Wyatt gives alittle wave.*

"Hey you! I dident exspect you to be here this morning. How are ya?"

*As Katie heads down the road this morning her mind was everywhere this morning. Katie was having a probley trying to sort through feelings, emotions, memories, everything seem mushed together.

As Katie's car comes to a stop she looks around for a moment. She was infront of an apartment building she had never seen before. Where was she. Looking around to try and get her barrings her eyes come to the bike parked in the parking lot and Katie instintly know where she is. Jason was the only one with a bike like that. What...why was she here? Katie had been so long in through she just was driving and though she had never been to this place before here she was. Siting parked up to the curb for a long moment Katie just thinks. Trying to figure out why er subcontus had braught here here.

Katie gives her head alittle shake and starts her car up again. This was abserd, crazy. Pulling away from the curb Katie makes the rest of the way to TJY entering and heads to see how Scott was this morning.*

*Nate finally makes his way across the main floor coffee cup in hand. He had a wonderful time wiht Laura last night and it put a good spot on a hard day. GEting to his cubicle he see the note and his smile increases on his face. Seting all his stuff down he himself heads back to Laura cubicle.*

"Hey there Pretty Lady. I got your note. Good Morning to you too."

Through the night

Rick watches as Misty begins to relax, and nods. "Stay with her, Carson. She needs you right now."

Carson's face is tight with tension, his thumb running along Misty's hand. How had this happened...how had everything turned around so quickly? It wasn't fair.

Weariness takes over him, and he leans forward in his chair to rest his elbows on the bed beside Misty, eventually his arms becoming a pillow as sleep overtakes him.

Rick keeps a watchful eye on Misty's condition through the night, only dozing once in a while in his own chair before getting up again to check on her. Carson's presence, though he was sleeping, seemed to have calmed her, and that was good enough for him.

Mick ends up going home with Reese for the night, though his mind is restless enough to keep him awake for hours still. There was so much going on...how could one more thing have been piled on top? He'd been sworn to secrecy...but he knew who Ty was. It had to be. It would just be too big of a coincidence otherwise. Yet if he was already involved here, what was the danger of exposing the truth? But it wasn't Mick's call...it was his brother's.

"Mmm." Scott smiles as Katie comes into the room. "The movie sounds great, the cheesecake even better."

Once the movie is in, Scott scoots over on the bed to make room for Katie. Enjoying the desert, he nods with approval. "This is one of the best cheesecakes I've ever had."

As the movie plays, eventually Scott's arm makes its way around Katie as they settle in, engrossed in the movie. He'd seen it a million times, but never lost interest in it, especially with his present company.

He lets out a sigh as the credits finally roll, and turns his head to look at Katie. "Well...I guess that's your cue to go home." He searches her eyes, a smile playing with the corner of his mouth. "Thanks for sticking around for a while." Leaning over, he gives her lips a tender kiss before drawing away. "If you need anything, just give me a call."

Jason flops down on the mattress in his room. He was so tired, yet his mind was too busy to even think about sleeping. Kyle had called him earlier and left a message. Jason had missed practice tonight. He wouldn't have been able to go because of the case, but he'd forgotten all about it and hadn't let anyone know. Now it was too late to call anybody. The band was crazy for thinking he'd be ready to play with them this weekend, but he'd argued with them enough about it.

Closing his eyes, he tosses and turns. His knee was killing him, and his mind wouldn't let him rest. Too much was going on...too much around him...too much inside of him. He'd been on an emotional rollercoaster all day from just being at TJY, to being around Katie, to killing a man, to talking to Aerith. And the right had stuck on a corkscrew and he was hanging upside down. If he let go, he could plummet to his death. But if he didn't do something, he'd eventually wear out and fall anyway.

Frustrated, Jason finally gets up and sifts through his things until he finds the bottle he was looking for. Dumping several pills into his hand he downs them without water and flops back down. Sleep would come one way or the other.

Morning can never be withheld. No matter man's desire to prolong the night, the sun will still rise and cast its rays upon the land to wake the sleeping.

Carson becomes aware of things around him, but his eyes still feel too heavy to open. He can hear Rick moving around, and senses the lights. His instincts tell him that morning has come, but his body's exhaustion keep him in the same position he'd been in all night.

Jason's alarm goes off before receiving a harsh slam of his fist to turn off. He rolls over and buries his head further into his pillow, not caring if it was morning or not. He didn't feel like getting up. TJY could wait.

Wyatt makes his way to work, swinging by Mom and Pop's on the way. This morning was a coffee morning or he wasn't going to make it until noon. Parking, he gets out of his jeep and goes into the little restaurant, aiming for the counter. It was quiet this morning - he was early. He tosses Mabel a smile. "Morning! Got any coffee made yet?"

Mick follows Reese into TJY, crossing the main floor. Things looked a little different this morning, his mind more alert than the night before. There weren't too many people in yet so it was quiet still. Reese wanted to talk to Mick about the upcoming hearing and what would happen, and whether or not he should return to Texas or stay.

Laura finds her way to Nate's cubicle before her own, a smile on her face. Their late dinner last night had been a lot of fun after a day full of stress. Finding that Nate wasn't there yet, Laura quickly takes a sticky note, simply jotting "Good morning!" on it, and sticking it to his computer before heading to her own desk.


*Misty can feel the warmth of Carson's hand. The heat, the emotions flowing though. "Sassy...right here." Misty's body relaxes as she feels Carson close and hears his words. "I...told you not...leave." Misty's mind rests again walking the path twords the light. "Don’t...go, whatever...do.” It was drawing closer this time...the light was with in her reach.*

*Nate makes his way to Laura's desk a smile on his face. He was feeling better from this afternoon. Still alittle shaky but much better. Coming up along side Laura he puts his arms around her and gives alittle squeeze.*

"Alright how abuot we find that restront now. Have any in mind?"

*Nate slings his arm around Laura's shoulders as they head for the door.*

*Katie makes her way out of Reese office she lets out a sigh. Her mind was now on one more thing. That look in Mick'ss was not nothing but she new he wouldent say anything to her now. Making a mentil note to ask him again tomarrow. Katie new something was up.

Heading across the floor Katie makes her way for Scott's cubicle to look at his movie collection. Finally picking a movie Katie makes her way to the breakroom grabing the strawberry cheese cake. Now aiming for the room with Scott. Opening the door Katie smiles in on him. Closing the door behind her.*

"Ok so we have cheese cake and the three muskateers. Does that sound ok to you?"

I'm here

Rick almost falls out of his chair, so startled by Misty’s scream. Getting up quickly, he rushes to her, putting a hand to her forehead and checking her vitals. “Misty, hun…can you hear me….it’s a nightmare…”

Not getting any response, he moves to the intercom, contacting Reese’s office.

Mick’s mind goes a hundred miles an hour, and he stumbles over his words with Katie. “I…um…its…it’s nothing. I mean…it just struck me that he…that he looked that much like…”

His words are interrupted by Rick’s voice over the intercom. “Carson, get to the infirmary, stat.”

Carson doesn’t think twice. Without a word, he sidles past the others and is out so fast he doesn’t even shut the door behind himself. Sprinting down between the cubicles and finally hitting the hall, his pulse races. He bursts into the infirmary, immediately seeing Misty in a writhing sweat. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. I think she was having a nightmare and she screamed your name.”

Carson’s face pales slightly, and he goes to Misty’s bedside, taking her hand. “Take it easy, Sassy, I’m right here.” So confused, so unable to concentrate, he’s not even sure if he can do any good at all. But he speaks quietly to her. “You know good and well you’re stronger than this…and I already told you not to leave, so you better not. Just hang on…don’t let go, whatever you do.”

Mick takes advantage of the interruption and lets the subject of Ty drop, looking back at Reese. “I’m sorry. Where were we?”

After a short while longer, everyone is dismissed to go their separate ways.

Laura waits by her desk for Nate, ready to leave for a late night dinner somewhere.

Scott remains in his room, his eyes growing heavy as he tries to wait up for Katie.

And Ty…walks the halls with a mop, though his mind is somewhere else. There had been something strange about that man, Mick. Something that had almost frightened him. But what was it?