

*Misty holds the shirt to her neck.*

"Hey who's the docture here?"

*As they starts the long walk back to TJY Misty cant help but smerk at Cason.*

"I can get you another hat if its that important to you."

*As Carson walks along sit her she cant help but start thinking. Was she to harsh on him back at TJY? She promised she would stick it out with him and the moment something happend she turned her back on him. As the enter the allyway Misty put a hand on Carson's arm but dosent look him in the eye.*

"Carson, I'm sorry for the way I acted back at TJY. I shouldent have said what I did. I made a fool of myself and for that I am sorry. and I know your gonna say dont worry about it, or something smart but I am sorry anyways. Can you forgive a fool who cant hold her toung?"

*Misty keeps her eyes to the ground she was disapointed in Carson but no longer upset. How could she be he just saved her life.*


Carson’s eyes remain on the car until it’s out of sight, before he shifts his gaze to Misty. It’s cold and hard, the life snuffed out of them.

Adrenaline still courses through his veins, making his one hand a little unsteady, as he tucks the handgun behind his back.

He throws Misty a look of annoyance as she starts to say she would have been fine without him.

As she sinks to the ground, Carson realizes for the first time that she’s bleeding. Wiping his hand on his jeans to clear his own blood, he reaches down to help her stand up. Moving her hand, he takes a closer look at her wound.

“Don’t thank me,” he grumbles. “I just wanted to show up Drew again.”

He reaches back and pulls his t-shirt off over his head, folding it the long way and wraps it around her neck. “Now hold it there,” he orders.

Carson takes one last look around, opting to leave the other guns, and starts the walk back to TJY. He grits his teeth, walking with purpose. “You owe me a hat,” he mentions coolly.


*Misty still wrestles with Vance in the back.*

"I'm trying I'm trying shesh."

*As Misty receaves the blow to the face she falls back words but it makes her anger increase lunging at Vance once again giving him a swift gab in the tummy. As the car is swerved and Vance loses his balance Misty grabs the gun and points it at Vance her own fire burning in her eyes again. I fire of hate.*

"Dont even point a gun at me again or you will be sorry."

*As the car stops Misty gets out watching Carson at work, and watching it pull away. Feeling a bit week Misty slums to the pavment. With all the excitment she had forgoten about the cut on her neck that was streeming blood. Turning her head slightly she looks at Carson.*

"I would of been fine..."

*Misty thinks for a moment. Would she have been? Casron saved her life.*

“Embrace your dreams. If you want to be a hero you need to have dreams and honor.”

*Misty sits silent for a moment as a sharp pain goes through her neck and she trys to stand place her hand over it feeling the blood again.*

"Thank you."

Leaving empty handed

Carson keeps his balance on the roof, but rolls as he hears Misty’s warning, missing yet another bullet. “Get the stupid gun!” he yells.

Vance is caught off guard by Misty’s punch, but grips his gun tightly, beginning to fight with her.

Drew struggles to keep control of the car, nearing the edge of town, though having slowed considerably.

As Carson reaches for the door handle, he sees a better target. Drew has a hand gun tucked in his jeans at his side. Hanging down from the roof rack, Carson grips whatever he can with his feet and one hand, while leaning down as far as he dares. Fighting off Drew’s lame attempts at hits, he reaches quickly through the broken window, snatching the gun.

Drew grabs for it, but it’s too late. “Carson, you fool!”

Vance throws a backhanded slap to Misty’s face, continuing to fight for his own gun. He makes an attempt to move, but Drew swerves and knocks him off balance, sending him back into the door, letting go of his gun.

Carson rights himself on top of the car, kneeling on the roof as he checks the handgun for ammunition. It’s fully loaded.

Sliding down onto the hood of the car, Carson keeps one hand up on the roof rack, while the other points the gun at Drew’s head through the windshield. “Stop the car!” he orders sternly, his eyes an icy stare. “Or I blow your head off!”

Drew hesitates, but has no choice. Finally, he slows the car to a stop.

Carson slides off the car, ignoring the fact that his hand is bleeding all over the places from taking out the window. Keeping Drew in his sights, he continues to bark orders. “Misty, get out of the car, now.”

He glares at Drew. “All you weapons. Throw them out.”

“You’ve got to be..”

“Now!” Carson steps closer, shoving the handgun’s barrel into Drew’s temple. “Don’t make me blow your brains out,” he hisses.

Drew relents, and leans over to the glovebox to retrieve another gun, tossing it out the window.

“And under the seat,” Carson reminds.

Drew rolls his eyes, and pulls out a sawed-off shotgun from under the passenger seat, also letting it drop to the ground outside the car.

Once the car is empty of weapons, Carson steps back and gestures down the road. “Now you get…and if you so much as think about turning around, you’ll get a bullet through that back window, straight into you head. Do I make myself clear?” Receiving no answer, he raises his voice. “Do I make myself clear?!

“Yes, alright?!”

“Good.” Carson slowly backs away. “Now move.”

Drew grits his teeth, grumbling to himself as he puts the car in gear and pulls back out onto the road, leaving Carson and his attempted kidnappee behind.


*As a thud is hurd Misty jumps and looks up what on earth was that. With in another instint Misty lets out a shreek as a fist comes though Drew's window. As glass goes flying a peace flings twords Misty slicing the side of her neck. Misty feels a sharp pain as she draws her hand up feeling the warm blood. There was to much going on right now for to even worry about it. As the gun goes off at the roof Misty ducks. As she looks at Vance she relizes his attachen to no longer on him. In one swift moment Misty's fist meets the side of Vance's face than grabing the gun trying to wrestal it out of his hand.*

"Carson....Watch out."

*Misty calls as the gun goes off again.*

Rescue Attempt

Carson squints at the car as it speeds by him. All of a sudden he realizes there’s a third person in the car…and there’s no mistaking who it is, or the gun that’s pointed in her direction.

His eyes widen, his bag slipping from his shoulder. “Dang it! Dang it! Dang it!”

His mind reels, a million and one possibilities flying through his mind at once. His eyes follow the car to the next block where it hangs a right. Carson looks across the street, zeroing in on an alleyway. Calculating in an instant, he sprints into a dead run.

His tennis shoes pound the pavement as he dodges trash and other obstacles in the alley. He knew the station wagon would head out of town. They were going to turn right again…he knew it. He had to beat them to the street.

At top speed, he still inwardly kicks himself. He had no plan. He had no car. He had no gun. This was insane.

Nearing the end of the alleyway and coming up on the next street, he hears a car motor. It has to be them. If it wasn’t, not only would he have lost them, but he’d have a lot of explaining to do.

Spotting a dumpster near the corner of the brick building, sticking out into the sidewalk, Carson aims for it, not slowing down a step. His peripheral vision catches the fast moving car.

His momentum necessary to keep the timing just right, he uses a couple crates as stairs to clamor on top of the dumpster, his feet spanning it in one stride. The vehicle nears with speed.

Before he even thinks about what he’s doing, Carson hurls himself off the edge of his impromptu platform, spread eagle into the road.

His body slams onto the top of the station wagon, knocking the wind out of him, and he rolls, grabbing onto the roof rack as his only means of staying on.

“What the…” Drew swerves the car, startled by the loud bang to the roof. “What’s going on?!”

Carson fights to stay on top of the speeding car, his hat flying off in the wind. Gaining back some balance, he pulls himself towards the driver side window.

Vance glances upward. “I don’t know! Didn’t you see anything?”

“No! All I heard was…”

Carson’s fist comes flying through Drew’s window, spraying bits of bloody glass in all directions.

Drew yells a curse in surprise and anger as he tries to maintain control over the car while fighting with the unknown assailant, whose hand reaches for the steering wheel.

He swerves to the right and left in an attempt to rid the car of the intruder.

Carson’s grip loosens on the roof rack and his body slides off the side of the car before he can use all his strength to pull himself back up.

“It’s Carson!” Vance exclaims.

“Well get rid of him!” Drew yells.

Vance takes his eyes off Misty to point his gun upward, blasting several holes in the roof.

Carson rolls over and somehow avoids the flying bullets as he tries to lean over far enough to reach the driver’s side door handle without being shot or grabbed by Drew’s flailing arm.


*Misty snaps her eyes open looking as she hears the click and than the voices. She looks from Drew to Vance. Rolling her eyes. Great this is just what she needed.*

"Sometimes being lonley is best in some cases.*

*Misty eyes Drew as she leans off the beam she was leaning on.*

"People can run but cant hide with you huh Drew. No matter where they are you find them? But last time I believe I found you."

*Misty flashs a quick grin as Vance grabs her arm trying to give a bit of resistince but to not fail Vance was much larger and stronger than she was. As he yanks her to the car Misty comments.*

"Woah you dont have to be so rough you know. I'd have to be stupid to try and run away from a guy who had a gun to my head. And we all know I am not stupid huh Drew?"

*Once again Misty cocks a grin as her defences are now up. She new Drew and couldent let her gard down and show that right now for once in her life she was scaired. If she did Drew would play off the fear and that could end bad for Misty. As she is shoved into the back of the car and head down the road. Looking around the car Misty looks for an easy out but to no avail there is non. To keep herself calm she looks in the review mirror into Drew's eyes not saying a word. But keep a cocky sassy smile on her face. She new one thing most people at the angency could resist about her and that was the look she got in her eyes.*


Carson looks up as he hears an engine start, and picks up on loud music. His eyes follow Misty’s fast car out of the parking lot.

He grits his teeth and grabs a leftover pack of smokes from his pocket, leaving behind his attempt at quitting. Trying to suppress his emotions, he shifts the weight of his bag and continues his trek across the parking lot, giving a lazy salute to the guard on duty.

Hitting the curb, Carson throws down the cigarette and puts it out with his foot. He looks both ways down the road, only now trying to figure out where he was going.

As he stands, a car suddenly comes into view. It was older…a blue station wagon…nothing odd about it, but for some reason it caught Carson’s attention. He takes one step back as instinct directs him to watch the car as it drives by. There were two men…nothing strange…they headed down the dead-end road towards the place where Carson had been with Misty just the other night. He’d seen Misty head in that direction too.

Shrugging it off, Carson turns left and starts down the sidewalk. But something triggers a picture in his memory bank. He’d recognized the driver of that car…who was it? He stops. Thinks. Turns back around.


Carson’s blood runs cold. No…it couldn’t be Drew…could it? They were headed to where Misty had gone…surely there wasn’t a connection…was there?

He stands, as if his feet were stuck to the pavement. An unidentifiable feeling stirs deep within him. He was so angry…but something was trying to combat it. Yet he doesn’t move. He only watches the deserted road, feeling as though a storm is coming.

The blue station wagon comes to a stop near Misty’s car and sits, the engine idling for several minutes. Two men get out and head in her direction…quietly…stealthily.

As Misty stands with her eyes close, a sudden “click” breaks the silence as a handgun is cocked.

“Well, well, well.” Drew tilts his head. “Look who we got here.”

Vance snickers, his gun pointed at Misty’s head. “A little lonely out here, don’t you think?”

Drew gives a sly grin. “Thought you got away from us for good, did you, Misty? Hmm? I hear Carson is trying to join our ranks again after he screwed up by taking you from me. Kinda interesting, isn’t it?” He gestures to the parked car, his tone growing stern. “You’re coming with us.”

Vance moves forward to grab Misty’s arm and yank her down the hill to the car, his gun still threatening her life.

Reaching the car, Vance forces her into the backseat with him so he can keep her in his sights. Drew gets in behind the wheel, and puts it in gear, burning rubber as they head back down the road.

Carson’s ears perk up to the sound of a revving engine. He turns a little to see the blue car coming back, and he tenses, his eyes focused on the windows. Was that…

Wyatt sighs deeply, his fingers slowly combing Katie’s hair. He leans his head back against Jason’s desk, knowing that Katie has fallen asleep. His legs are growing a little numb, but he doesn’t move.

He can see the pain that Katie is going through, and it hurts his own heart. He can only offer her so much comfort…he can only go so far. He can only allow his heart to take so many steps before stopping. But if this is all he can do…then it is the most he can do, and Katie deserved his most.

Finally letting his hand stop on her shoulder, Wyatt lets his own eyes drift closed, his work for the day forgotten…

“…Katie?” Wyatt rubs her arm gently. It had been another hour, and Katie should probably be taken home before she slept here any longer, curled up like this. “Katie, hon, you want me to take you home?”

“Are you interrupting me again?” Clint rolls out from under the car, craning his neck to see Wendy, a mischievous look in his eye. “With you around, I’ll never get this thing done.”

He spies the food and lifts his eyebrow. “Of course…everybody needs a break.”

Tossing his tools aside, he gets his feet under himself to stand from the creeper, stretching out his back and making it pop several times. “Oh yeah.” He takes a deep breath and comes to plop down on a stool by the workbench. “What would I do without you?” he teases.

Austin wipes his mouth with a napkin and takes a sip of his iced tea, when a movement out the window catches his eye. Cocking his head, he sees the figure of a woman.

He stands up to get a closer look, then goes to the door of the mess hall and exits onto the porch, giving a wave. “Jamie!” He gives her a broad smile. “Are you a sight for sore eyes. Pete’s been bugging me all morning, asking if you’d arrived or not. I think he just wants to see a familiar face.”

Austin chuckles and gestures to the door. “Come on in. We’re just in the middle of lunch if you’re hungry.”

R/M Ranch

*After turning from Carson Misty makes her way down the hall. Carson was going to do something bad. Real bad. She new she should tell Reese, but she couldent. She wasent even sure if what she thought was going on really was or not. No Misty would leave it to Carson's own guilt. As Misty moves down the hall she dosent notice Nate coming from the other way and runs right into him.

As Misty runs into Nate he brings his arms up to catch her.*

"Whoa there Misty."

*Looking down at her something is differnce. The look in Misty's eyes told him something was wrong.*

"Hey are you ok?"

*Misty looks up and than back down backing away. She was sure everyone would see something was wrong.*

"Ya...Ya I'm fine. Great."

*Misty slips past Nate and heads to the infermary once there Misty lets out a heavy sigh. Looking at the text book she was ready early today she lets out another sigh shoving it into her bag. She couldent consintrate now even if she tryed. She needed to get out for a bit, go for a drive. Grabing her bag Misty aims for the door making her way up the steps and out to her car. Looking up before geting in Misty see Carson come out of the building with his dufflebag. Misty cant help but look down. Her heart was heavy. She should of see this coming, but she put so much trust into Carson and she had grown to have feeling for him. Shaking a tear from her eye she jumps in her car and rolls the windows down. Starting her car she turns the cd player and and ff to a certin song turning the volume up.*

{No matter what you say about love I keep coming back for more,
Keep my hand in the fire Sooner or later,
I'll get what I'm asking for.
No matter what you say about life,
I learn every time I bleed,
That truth is a stranger,
Soul is in danger,
I gotta let my spirit be free,
To admit that I'm wrong,
And then change my mind,
Sorry but I have to move on,
And leave you behind.

I can't waste time so give it a moment,
I realize, nothing's broken,
No need to worry 'bout everything I've done,
Live every second like it was my last one,
Don't look back at a new direction,
I loved you once, needed protection,
You're still a part of everything I do,
You're on my heart just like a tattoo

I'm sick of playing all of these games,
It's not about taking sides,
When I looked in the mirror, didn't deliver,
It hurt enough to think that I could,
Stop, admit that I'm wrong,
And then change my mind,
Sorry but I gotta be strong,
And leave you behind.

I can't waste time so give it a moment,
I realize, nothing's broken,
No need to worry 'bout everything I've done,
Live every second like it was my last one,
Don't look back at a new direction,
I loved you once, needed protection,
You're still a part of everything I do,
You're on my heart just like a tattoo.}

*Misty speeds past Carson in her car her music rather loud stoping at the road still some cars pass the last think that follows Misty down the road is the end of her song that is playing.*

{ If I live every moment,
Won't change any moment,
Still a part of me and you,
I will never regret you,
Still the memory of you,
Marks everything I do,
Just like a tattoo.}

*Speeding down the road Misty dosent know why she is heading this why. It would only bring more memories. Finally stoping at the rubble Misty gets out of her car and desends the hill to the broken down bridge. Geting to the top Misty leans aganst a sturdy beam closeing her eyes. Her head hurt, her heart hurt she dident know what to think.*

*As Katie is drawn into Wyatt's arms her curls herself into a ball tighter even though his arms bring her comfort. She felt like a little kid who just had a nightmare. Katie's sobs continue for maybe an hour as Wyatt just holds her his words bringing her comfort. Finally Katies crys stop she feels so tired. In a small whisper alittle to no life shows in her voice.*

"Thank you."

*Before Katie knows it her eyes are closes and she had fallen to sleep.*

*Angel smiles as she returns Lukes kiss drawing away.*

"You never will be alone Luke. I promise you that."

*Angel's smile could light up the darkest of skys.*

"How about we go get some lunch."

*Angel starts walking once again to the mess hall disapearing inside with Luke.*

*Wendy carrys a plate with fryed chicken, rice and peas out to the shop for Clint. Knocking on the door she enters.*

"Its been 10 min and I dident see you. I though maybe you could take a small break to workaholic and have some lunch with me. I dont like eating alone."

*Wendy smiles seting the plates down along with 2 bottles of water. Taking 2 small packets out of her pocket Wendy dumps them in the bottles of water and than puts the tops back in and shaking them. Seting them down again.*

"Instind lemada is a wonderful thing when you have full hands."

*Wendy grins.*

*Putting her map away once Jamie pulls out onto the road again making her way down a long almost deserted looking road. Finally coming to a sigh that reads “Welcome to the R/M Ranch.”

As Jamie pulls down the road she sees some more sighs pointing in different directions. Deciding it was her best bet to follow the one that pointed to the office. After driving down the long driveway the ranch comes into view. Jamie looks in aww. She had always lived in Nevada and there was nothing like this there. It was so big and it looked amazing. Parking her car next to the other beat up jeeps and pickup trucks Jamie suddenly fells out of place. Feeling nervous she pushes herself on and walking up on the office porch she knocks on the door and waits. After a few moments and no one coming to the door Jamie turns around and makes her way off to porch. Someone had to be here somewhere. Going back to her car she grabs her phone and keys locking the door. Starting to make her way across the lawn to what looked like the mess hall. Not moving to fast Jamie looks around taking everything in feeling a bit lost.*

Walking away

Luke reaches out to cradle Angel’s face in his hands. His eyes search her own for the truth in the words she spoke. His voice comes but a gentle tone, above a whisper, unable to express the emotions he felt. “You’re one amazing woman, Angel, you know that?”

Leaning slightly and cocking his head, he plants a slow, tender kiss on her lips. Straightening, his eyes dance, despite the pain he’s going through. “I’ll never know how I lived without you for so long.”

His thumb runs along her cheek. “I’ll let you help me…’cause I can’t go it alone.”

Wyatt ambles down the hall, his eyes on the paperwork in his hand. He aims for the main floor, intentional about going to Laura’s desk. Passing Jason’s office, though, he hears a scream.

Stopping in his tracks, he skids to a halt, dropping his paperwork without a second thought. Bursting into the office, the blood drains from his face as he sees Katie on the floor.

“Katie…Katie, what’s wrong?” He’s quick to kneel next to her, looking her over, trying to figure out if she was hurt. Her tears, her sobs…they cut him deep as concern takes over.

Then it hits him. She’s in Jason’s office…a rose is present... He didn’t know what she was experiencing, but he didn’t have to. She was distraught over Jason for some reason, and he didn’t need to know more.

Wyatt sets down on the floor and pulls her onto his lap to cradle her, wrapping his strong arms around her and letting her cry. He rocks her a little, trying to calm her down. “It’s okay, Katie…everything’s gonna be alright. Shh….just relax…

He sits with her a long while, being checked on once by Reese who happened to find them, but then they’re left alone once again.

Jason’s heart races. His pulse pounds in his head, and sweat runs down his face, stinging his eyes. He blinks, trying to bring anything into focus, but the room is too dark. I takes him several minutes to get to a state where he realizes just where he is.

Still curled up tightly on the floor, he tries to stretch out, but cries out in pain, his muscles having been so tense they now resist relaxing. Short on breath, he tries to sit up, but finds it difficult, and finally gives up.

The handcuffs on his wrists seem tight and painful…his right hand feels wet and warm. Jason realizes he must have skinned his knuckles on the concrete wall, and had been fighting his cuffs apparently, his wrists now tender and sore.

Jason lies still for a long while, trying to slow his heartrate and bring himself back to his senses. He knows what just happened, but has no idea that it lasted for over an hour. His body though warns him that it had been severe.

Finally he’s able to sit up, but doesn’t bother trying to find the cot. Instead he just huddles in the corner, no sense of time, no sense of direction.

Looking up quickly, Carson is taken completely by surprise. He had genuinely thought he was alone. He straightens and starts to make a smart remark, but quickly realizes by the look on Misty’s face that not only is she here now, but she heard his conversation.

Carson’s face turns from one of teasing to that of leeriness, waiting her next move.

As Misty’s words come, they hit him like a kick to the gut. His eyes start to narrow and he opens his mouth for a harsh return, but she’s already turned and walked away.

He stands alone, stunned, and unsure what to think. But he had to think. He had to figure out what this meant. Misty’s callous words alone were enough to shock his system…and it upsets him more than he’d like to admit.

Would Misty go to Reese? Would she keep quiet? Would she confront him about it later?

The more Carson thought, the more anger he felt. He was angry that he was stupid enough to get caught, he was angry that he was having such a hard time doing what he wanted to without feeling guilty, and he was angry at basically being called a monster. But maybe that’s what he really was… He’d warned Misty, more than once, and she just hadn’t listened. He was a bad guy… he didn’t know how to be the good guy and was failing at trying. TJY didn’t need someone like him around. He wouldn’t betray them, but they had no use for someone like him.

Spinning around, Carson heads into the holding cell. He grabs his baseball cap and slaps it on his head, pulling the brim low over his eyes, hiding his scowl. Throwing a few rampant pieces of clothing back into his duffle bag, he zips it shut and slings it over his shoulder.

Without looking back, Carson stalks back to the busier part of the building, aiming down the hall with long strides, the exit his destination. He belonged here no more.


*Misty heads down the hall to find Carson for lunch she hears his voice raise. Who was he talking to? Standing around the courner Misty stands aganst the wall listing to him. He was on the phone but with who. Whatever he was talking about it was heavy. Misty could put two and two together and figure it out. Her mind races as her heart felt a break. Why Carson? You were doing so well. What went wrong. Steping out from around the courner Misty leans aganst the wall looking at Carson for a long moment before speaking.*

“Dreams of the marrow hath the shattered soul. Pride is lost. Wings stripped away, the end is nigh. Such is…the fate of a monster.”

*Misty turns making her way back down the hall. She had nothing alse to say let alone knowing what to say. As she walks she hangs her head in defeate.*

*Angel takes both of Lukes arms in her hands so he stops flairing them around and just smile at him.*

"Someone once told me Life is about change. Sometimes it's painful, sometimes it's beautiful, but most of the time it's both. I want to shair the painful moments, the beautiful moments with you. If I dident I would of ducked tail and ran along time ago. No matter what happend I am always going to have stress and worry. Even if you wernt in pain Luke I would have worry. Its just something that happens when you care deeply about someone. I love you Luke and nothing is ever going to change that."

*Angel's eyes show compation and love never changing. Her words are soft and made to be comforting.*

"I'm always going to love you till the day we both pass on and even after that my love will still be there in other people's hearts as they remember us. Dont even feel ashams Luke, or that your puting me through to much cuz your not and you never will. I'm excited about shairing my life with you, I'm excited about the day I say "I do". And thats never gonna change."

*As Katie's mind drifts the feeling slaps her hard and fast Jason...no. Katie stands, she had to do somehting Jason...Jason...the pain Katie felt it, it took over her heart it took over her mind. She couldent do anything this time she couldent help him. Katie felt so helpless, she had promised Jason she would always be there to help him, and now she wasent Another wave of pain comes over Katie as she lets out a scream and drops to the floor. The rose falling back to the desk. Katie brings her knees up to her chest as she lays on the ground her eyes shut tight.*


*She whispers.*

"Jason please...it hurts so much for me it must be ten times for you."

*Katie's crys continue as she holds her knees. She was a failure to Jason, she wasent there for him like she promised. What was going to happen to him now, he was scaired, lost and alone.*


Luke gives a short sigh. “I’m sorry…I just…I know you want to take care of me, and you’re glad to do it… I just don’t like piling on any more worries for you.” He throws up his arms. “And I know this whole thing is stupid… I was hurting and I didn’t want to bother you, so when I was in town a while back I got a prescription and Eric’s been picking it up for me when he’s out driving.”

He’s clearly upset by the look in his eyes. “They worked at first, but then stopped, and by then it was too late and I couldn’t go without.” He shrugs lamely. “Eric warned me, but I thought he was wrong.”

Luke looks down at the ground, feeling like an idiot. “I just wanted something to stop the pain so…so you wouldn’t have to worry about me so much.”

Clint watches Wendy leave, a grin still on his face. He could still remember the day he’d shown up at the ranch with a banged up shoulder because a dumb dog had crossed his path on the road. Where would he be today if it hadn’t been for that? Wendy had become his best friend, and he wouldn’t want to be living anywhere else but here. Things had been a little tough with his family…but now…even with the stress of the Agency, he couldn’t imagine it any differently.

He shakes his head and slides back under the car, knowing good and well that he wouldn’t make it in for lunch. He’d started this stupid thing this morning and was going to get something accomplished before quitting time if it killed him.

And…the thought of Wendy bringing lunch out to him didn’t exactly upset him.

Carson wanders down by the holding cell, spying a telephone out of sight of the security cameras. He’d discovered that the two lawyers he was supposed to take down were in no way connected to TJY. It was something completely separate that the Agency was working on, and if they were out of the picture, it would affect nothing here. That was a plus.

Now he wanted to know what cases the lawyers were working on. He needed to cover all bases before going to Arizona and earning that money. He didn’t see it as anything that went against TJY, but people around here might not take things that way, so they couldn’t find out. If Carson could get all his ducks in a row, he’d be set.

Glancing around to make sure no one is within earshot, he goes for the phone in the corner, dials, then waits. “Ah, Martin.”

I knew you’d be calling again. You never wait as long as you say.

Carson smirks. “Just seeing if you were still around.”

Well I’m glad you called.”


The appointment has been bumped up.

Carson raises his eyebrows. “What? To when?”

Next week.

“Next week?!” Carson doesn’t realize he just raised his voice. “Why?”

Martin pauses, rustling paper heard. “Uh…the guys they’re defending or something got lucky with an earlier trial date.

“Aw, great.”


Carson knew that question was one asking if he was still going to do the job. “No…I’ll work with it. Look, where will they be at?”

Downtown… it’s a town near Phoenix.

“At the courthouse?”


Carson calculates a plan of action in his mind. “Alright, here’s the deal. Since I don’t have as much time, I want you to email me blueprints of all the buildings on that block. I want info on that case, and I want to know if the press is going to be there or not. This is gonna be a clean job. No witnesses, no cleanup.”

After just a couple more minutes of talk, Carson hangs up the phone and leans against the wall. The adrenaline was already starting, beginning to satisfy his craving to get back on the job. But how was he going to get away with it? And why was there guilt in the pit of his stomach?

“Alright, Stevenson. Out.”

Jason stands up from his cot and exits his cell, confused as he’s placed in handcuffs again. “What’s going on?”

The guard shuts the cell door and aims Jason down the hall. “We need the space. You’re going in the spare room.”

Jason’s instincts warn him. “What are you talking about?”

The guard chuckles. “Ever hear of solitary confinement?”

Jason stops in his tracks. “You can’t do this to me.”

“Oh, no?” The guard pushes him to keep him moving. “I’m doing it. What are you gonna do about it?”

Jason grits his teeth and trudges down several dim corridors. There was nothing he could do but take it. Otherwise they’d accuse him of more than they already had. “This isn’t going to sit well with my lawyer,” he threatens.

The guard doesn’t respond, but stops, opening heavy door at the end of the hall. “You. In. Now.”

Jason holds out his hands. “Cuffs?”

“Ha!” The guard manhandles him inside, giving him one last shove that sends him into the far wall. “Goodnight!” he sneers. “Maybe if you’re good, I’ll see you in the morning.”

“No!” Jason spins around, only to see the door shut, cutting him off from the world. It was dark…there was no light…now window…no sound.

Panic stirs inside of him. “Maybe if you’re good, I’ll see you in the morning…” That wasn’t the first time he’d heard those words…only last time it had been Alex’s voice after he’d thrown Jason into that dreaded room.

Jason’s mind begins to hurl memories in his direction, clouding his conscience. He puts his hands to his head and cringes. “No,” he groans, fighting it. “No!” But it’s no use. The pressure was too great…the emotional strain too much…

…Jason lies curled up in a ball in the corner of the pitch black cell. His body trembles as he breaks out in a cold sweat. Nightmarish images flash before him, skewing reality into some sort of sick dreamlike world that he couldn’t escape. Reality was there…he could see it…but he was just out of reach. “Katie…” he manages to whisper. But on a level of logic, he knows it’s useless…she would not be coming to him this time.

In torment, he writhes, completely consumed by the severe attack. His body tenses as his muscles tighten to the point of cramping, shaking uncontrollably. He’s being chased, he’s being hit, tossed in a corner, yelled at…he sees faces again, he experiences the terror again…every little detail that evoked fear was driven into him like an unforgiving dagger.

No one can see him…no one can hear him… Without outside assistance, the torture persists for over an hour.


*Wendy cant help but giggle her face still red.*

"OK I'll see ya than. If ten min into lunch your not that I'll bring you something. See ya lunch."

*Swiftly Wendy exits the shop. Once outside she stops and rolls her eyes. She had acted so stupid inside, and felt strange. She never felt strange around Clint before. Was it the fact they were inches from kissing. Wendy dident know but she shakes the feeling pushing it away. There was no reson to feel strange around Clint and she wouldent alowe herself to be.*

*Angel's eyes show simpanthy and pain but no anger. How could she even be mad at Luke. He was human and we all did things we wernt happy about.*

"Oh Luke, You should of come to me sooner Hun so I could have helped."

*Angel brings her hand to Lukes face turns it twords her to look him in the eye.*

"We will get though this together ok. First things first we need to get rid of the painkillers you have and than from there we will work through it. Its gonna be hard but I'll help you all I can. ok?"

*Katie sit in Jason's office her head leaning back aganst the chair. Holding the rose still Katie lets out a long sigh. The rose was ment to comfort her but she still missed Jason horrable. A feeling churns in the pit of Katie tummy, it was Jason. He wasent being beat or geting hurt but his feeling, his emotions were starting to get the best of him. Katie shakes her head slowly*

"No Jason, controll them. You can do it. Dont let them take over."

*Katie stays siting in the office for fear if she left what would happen. This was the only was she new how to be close to Jason right now.*


Clint looks up at Wendy, and it’s as if all of a sudden he realizes what just happened…or didn’t happen.

He can’t help the grin that comes to his face. “Yeah…I’ll be in for lunch if I can get cleaned up enough. You might have to bring me lunch out here if they kick me out of the mess hall.”

Luke gives Angel a grateful smile, but stops their walk one more time. Complete honesty…it had to be that way, no matter how it made him feel.

“Angel…there’s…there’s not a whole lot that’s gonna help this pain.” He turns her towards himself, resting both hands on her shoulders. “I’ve been on a double dosage of a high strength pain killer for about six weeks now and…it doesn’t even cut it anymore.” He purses his lips grimly, wanting to say more, but so hesitant. Eric was the only one that knew.

He lets his hands slide off her shoulders and he looks away. “Problem is, I can’t get myself back off of them.”

Con zips closed the bag he was packing for tomorrow. He hadn’t told Jamie he was taking a trip…why, he wasn’t really sure. But the thought of only his sister knowing his location was a nice thought. No one could find him…no one could bother him. Reese and Jason were the only ones who might guess, but neither would give him away. Con only kept his location a secret when he wanted to be left alone, and that didn’t happen often.

This was his time…his getting away. Jamie was right…he needed to stay away from TJY as long as it took, and right now, he still wasn’t ready to go back.

For now, Jamie need not know he’d left.

Jason lies on his hard bed, staring up a the ceiling. He rubbed his wrist where the guard had been too rough with the handcuffs. But his mind was far from the present.

The feeling of dread had stirred up an angry rollercoaster ride that was starting its first uphill ascent. Slowly at first, but if only Jason could stop it before it reached the top. If he didn’t, it was going to come crashing down, and there was nothing here to save him this time.

But his mind was intent on dredging up those horrid memories…those horrid emotions all over again. They’d been set off, and were determined to run their course. He had to stay focused…he had to think of something else…he had to…


*Wendy watching Clint with care as he points everything out. Trying her best to understand what everything is. Misty turns her head at the same time Clint does coming eye to eye with him. For a moment she meets his gaze and a strange feeling comes over her making her look away fast the red head rising in her face.*

"Thats...thats quite intresting"

*Misty looks away for a while a million thought running though her mind. Moving her legs she pushes Clint and herself out from under the car again. Siting up for a moment before standing.*

"Well...I guess I should leave you alone for now so you can...um...get back to work. I'll see you for lunch right?"

*Angel smiles at Luke her arm atill around him.*

"We cant go back in time cuz God dident intend us too. God will never give us more than we can handle. I think he let us find eachother for a reson. Dont feel guilty Luke. I love helping you when ever I can. Your so very important I couldent even think of leaving you for something as silly as this."

*Angel starts walking again with Luke a smile on her face. She really did care for him. He ment everything to her.*

*A smile forms on Jamie's face as Con's sweet voice entered her ears and brang a smile to her face.*

"Finding out about Jason is always good, please keep me updated. Do you know how Katie is holding up? I feel bad for her. Make sure you take as much time off from TJY as you need Con. Dont go back till your ready ok? You need to take care of youself first and formost ok?"

*Again Jamie talks with Con for a long while about this and that. Finally Jamie relizes its time to hang up though she dident want too.*

"Well I better get going or I am never gonna make it on time. I'll give ya a call again Con. Take care of yourself for me ok? I dont wanna hve to kick your butt when I get home. Love ya hun."

*Jamie hangs up the phone and pulls back on the road making the last few hours drive. She was starting to feel the excitment grow. It would be nice to see Austin again. It had been so long.*

Back in time

Jason grows tired, but tries to stay alert for Lockheart as they finalize plans.

Finally as she leaves, he’s left alone for a few minutes before a guard comes to get him and take him back to his cell.

As they walk, a feeling of dread comes over Jason. Down the long row of cells, he knew his was at the end. Without warning, his mind begins to toy with him, reminding him of another time he didn’t want to be taken to a room…to be locked up….to be left and forgotten.

He closes his eyes and opens them back up again, trying to stay in touch with reality. He was fine…this was different…there were no Alex’s here.

Clint raises an eyebrow, but scoots over as he’s ordered. He rolls his eyes as Wendy pushes them back under the car. “I shoulda known better than to give you an inch,” he teases.

He gestures to the engine. “Oh, this has a crack here, and another leak here that I can’t find, then I got to replace this part here…” He scans the mess. “Few new parts…a little bit of TLC…and this baby should be running in no time. Of course…”

Clint turns his head to Wendy. “If some people would quit interrupting me, it might get done a lot sooner.” As he pauses, he realizes his face is almost touching hers as there’s hardly enough room for both of them under the car. He swallows hard, then quickly turns back to looking up at the engine. “So um, yeah…that’s about it.”

Luke stops again, looking into Angel’s eyes for a moment. He’d promised her no more secrets, yet he’d failed at that again. He just hadn’t wanted her to worry… “Oh, Angel.” He lets out a weary sigh. “Can we just go back in time? Back when we didn’t have so many worries…so many things to think about?”

He shakes his head. “Every time I worry about the road getting harder, I remember your willingness to stick it out with me…. And every time I remember that, I feel even more guilt for asking you to do so.”

“Hey, Jamie!” A smile can be heard in Con’s voice. “Glad to know you’re almost there. I was figuring you might be. I almost called you. Nothing much going on here…it’s quiet. Haven’t heard a thing from TJY, so I’m not thinking about it much. Though I thought I’d give Reese a ring later to ask about Jason.”

On an On

*Lockheart lets out a sigh as she looks up at Jason. A certin sadness but strangth in her eyes.*

"To be honest Jason I really dont know. Everything has been moving so fast in this case I dont see why they would slow it down now, but if the Agency is the way you say they are it could very well be six months. But let hope that dosent happen shall we."

*Lockheart goes over more stuff with Jason. Stuff to add to the story or take away, relavent or not. Than the topic shifts to the pilimanry tomarrow and how Jason will plee. Lockheart stays around for about an hour or two more befor making her leave leting Jason know she will see hom tomarrow.*

*Wendy smirks at Clint and than giggles. Puching him over alittle bit with her foot she taunts.*

"Move you big butt over would ya."

*Bending down Wendy slids into the pallet with Clint. Taking her legs she pushes herself and Clint back under the the automobel.*

"So now what were we working on down here?"

*Wendy dosent take note or care her clothing is geting oil on it.*

*Angel smiles and leans into Luke alittle bit.*

"You are young still Luke. At least to me you are."

*Angel stops a moment looking into Lukes eyes. Something was wrong that Luke wasent talking about. She searches Luke's eyes for a while longer.*

"Hun is there something alse wrong? "

*Jamie finally enters Texas and pulls to the side of the road decieding to give Con a call. Dialing his number she waits for him to answer.*

"Hey Con. I just wanted to let you know I just crossed over into Texas. Havent caught any rain yet but its a coming. I should be at the ranch in an hour to two."


As Misty takes Carson by the shirt and yanks him closer, his eyes widen. He starts to say something, but before he can react, his mouth is silenced as her lips are pressed against his own. Letting down his guard, he takes his free hand to reach out to her face as he returns the kiss with strength, wanting the exchange to last longer. But she pulls away, leaving him once more.

Blinking, Carson realizes that his one hand is now empty of the book. A grin quirks the corner of his mouth as she calls out her good morning. Heaving a sigh, he ambles forward with no certain destination in mind. “It is now.”

Jason sets his cuffed hands up on the table, tapping his fingers nervously. “Well if you’re satisfied, then I’ll have to trust you. Could be a while before you can use that speech…who knows what date they’ll set tomorrow.”

He looks down for a moment, dreading that decision. “I know of people who have gotten caught up waiting in the system for a long time, Lockheart…what are the odds that I’ll be sitting in here for six months before I get a trial?”

“Ahh!” Clint’s hand goes up to grab the side of the car as Wendy pulls him out. He lifts his head to look up at her with a smirk. “And what, pray tell, do you plan to do about it?” He twirls the wrench in his hand. “I’m covered in grease, and I dare say you wouldn’t want to get your nice clothes dirty, so it looks like I’m on the winning end of this.”

Luke stops walking for a moment and turns to look at Angel, his face solemn. She didn’t know. Finally he forces a small smile. “I’ll be alright. Just get me a cane and call me an old man.” He chuckles and draws her closer to put his arm around her shoulder as they continue their walk. “But as long as I got you by my side, I’ll feel young.”


*As Laura walks away Nate rolls his eyes. How was he always doing that. On moment he though Laura liked him maybe even alittle and the next it seemed he was ticking her off yet the look in her eyes said she wasent. Nate could hardly read her emotions. Nate was older but for some reson he felt like he was in highschool again.*

*As Carson snatches the book from Carson's hand Misty look at him and puts her hands on her hips.*

"Carson Banks, I find it very intresting so if you would kindly give me my book back."

*Misty trys to grab her book but to no avail Carson puts it behind her back out of reach. Carson's taunt reaching her ears her sassy grin plays on her lips. Steping closer to Carson Misty grabs his shirt in a tight fist and pulls him closer to her placing a long kiss on his lips as her other hand reaches around him and grabs her book. Finishing off her kiss she pulls away a cocky look on her face as she grins and backs away from Carson returning her walk to the infermary calling over her shoulder.*

"Good Morning Carson!"

*After Susanne leaves Katie's fingers run over the roses pettles and leaves. Gently picking it up Katie brings it to her nose to sniff it. A small smile forming on her lips.*

"Oh Jason."

*A tear falls from Katie's eye.*

"I miss you J. Thank you."

*Katie stays in Jason's office for a while longer just holding he flower and replying memories in her mind. They starts to bring her comfort even though they brang her tears.*

*Lockheart thinks for a long moment. Playing differnt words though her mind.*

"I guess that answer is short and sweet. You were three young kids, scaired out of you mind. When Katie was taken to the hospetal she was told it would be taken care of and so you left it at that."

*Lockheart returns to her papers and jots some stuff down.*

"The story is solid and there are no lies involved.The truth and nothing but the truth, with paper work to back it up.*

*Wendy slips out of the rolling chair and grabs Clint's feet pulling him out from under the car.*

"Who do you think your pointing your wrench at Mr.? You think I am just gonna stand by and take that from you?"

*Wendy's eyes dance with laughter. A smile crossing her face.*

*Angel continues to help Luke giving him the saport he needs.*

"Ah Sweetheart, I put in an order on that cane for you. Its not gonna take away the pain buts its gonna help. Did you ever consider taking some pain meds? or Anit inflamitories for you hard days? It would help so at least you could deal with the pain. I dont like seeing your huring."