

Ryder reaches down to give Henry an additional pat of reassurance. Looking up quickly, he gives Misty a wry grin. "I'm fine. Thanks for asking though. That's the first time tonight someone hasn't forgotten about me."

Pulling Henry closer, he lifts the cat up again, careful not to jostle him too much. Henry replies by purring as if glad to be back somewhere safe.

"I'm gonna find somewhere to set this critter down, then get to work," Ryder comments. "If someone asks, I'm at Laura's desk."

The next few hours drag on. No matter how deep the team searches, hope just seems to still be out of reach. Nerves are shot. Everyone is tired.


Jason feels a nudge to his boots. He'd leaned back in his chair just minutes before, putting his feet up on his desk. Opening one eye a little groggily, he sees Susanne with a cup of coffee.

"Mmm..." He puts his feet down and yawns. "You're a life saver."

Susanne manages a smile. "I like to think I contribute somehow."

Accepting the coffee, Jason's eyes drift to his watch and his eyes widen. "Seven? That's impossible."

Susanne gives a little chuckle. "You're not the only one that dozed off."

"Yeah, well I shouldn't have. I should have been working."

"You can't work if you're dead," Susanne warns. "Give yourself a break."

Jason takes a swig of coffee, rising from his chair. "Right. Is Scott still here?"

"Far as I know."

"Good." Gulping down half the cup of warm liquid, Jason sets the cup down, then heads out of his office to Scott and Dalton's. The door is halfway open, and he doesn't bother knocking. "Scott?" he asks loudly.

Scott's head shoots up from where it had been resting on the desk. His good eye was bloodshot, his drooping shoulders proving his weariness. "Yeah?"

"Got anything?"

"Um..." Scott squints at his screen. "Waiting on some results."

"It's been hours," Jason complains. "All you have to do is find the owner of a van. It's not that hard."

Scott sinks further down in his chair. "Sorry. I fell asleep about half an hour ago."

"If you're planning on sleeping, let me take over," Jason almost snaps.

"I'm fine." Scott tries to concentrate, pushing aside his hurt feelings for Jason treating him like this. He knew his friend was just stressed. But it still hurt. "I'll get you results within the hour."


Alec groans as he writhes on the cot. He felt hot. He felt cold. He didn't know why he was sweating, but his hand hurt like mad. He had no idea what time it was... no idea how much time had passed. He didn't remember seeing anyone since he'd been brought back down here by Reese. But right now... for the first time... he wished someone would come.

Carson makes his way slowly across the main floor of TJY, trying to go relatively unnoticed. Heading down the hall, he sees Jason in Scott's doorway, and slips past without being seen. Making it to the infirmary, he enters almost cautiously. The dark circles under his eyes proved he hadn't slept well, even though he'd been home. But he was here.

Making his way over to Misty's desk, he grabs an empty chair and scoots it up closer to her, turning it around so he can straddle it and look at Misty, resting his arms on the back. This morning his greeting lacked the enthusiasm he usually had for seeing her. But his farewell, or lack thereof, had been gnawing at him all night.

"Sorry about yesterday," he apologizes quietly. "Anybody found anything yet?"

Laura stirs on the couch. Her mind told her that she needed to get up... she needed to go back to work... there was just a little bit of light coming in through the window now. But her body felt so heavy... still so tired. Caught between the worlds of awake and sleep, she just can't pull herself up.