

Jeff finally nods a little and sinks back in total exhaustion. He'd thought he had felt bad before... he thought he'd felt weak before... but nothing compared to this.

Feeling the shot, he doesn't even flinch. He'd had so many shots lately... he hardly felt them anymore. "Angel..." His voice was quieter as he struggled to keep his eyes open and his mind alert. "Can you get... Katie?"

"Great." Reese is satisfied with Hope's response. "Let's say... tomorrow at... one? I'll make sure Gunner is here."

Rick works with the computer, staring at the blood analysis and trying to make sense of it. Maybe Katie was partially right... something did seem similar here to the drug that may have caused her and Jason's peculiar reaction, but if it had originated as such, it was a very different strain. But that wasn't what he was looking at, at the moment.

He looks at one chart, then the other. Jeff's chart... then Katie's. Something didn't seem right. He checks the vials and looks at the labels to make sure he hadn't missed something. "Hey, Misty... could we have mixed up Jay and Jeff's blood samples?" No, that couldn't be right, since the analysis showed the development of some foreign poison or the like. "Or... somehow combined? This doesn't make any sense."

"...And.... I got tickets to the movie you wanted to see." Leo slides on the car's hood in front of Ryan, holding up the tickets as he grins wide. Last night, it had been dinner. The day before it had been lunch. The night before that, it had been the races. It was quite apparent to everyone around him that his flirting with Ryan had moved up a notch. He was now more worried about him and her, than he was about working on the cars.

"So, what do ya say? I saw we both get off work at seven tonight."


Katie was about to kid around with Jason some more about harassing Rick but she is cut of to soon.

"Oh, ok than..."

Hearing the phone go dead she didn't even get a change to finish what she was saying but it slips out quietly anyways.

"I love you...Bye."

Closing her phone and stuffing it back in her pocket Katie grabs her hoodie again and heads out of the bunk house. She better head to the dinning hall before everyone wondered to much where she was.

Angel looks down at her friend and her heart broke. It was always hard to see anyone pass on, but to have a friend, someone so close leave this world even if you new it was to a better place was hard.

"I wont make you stay in bed any longer than an hour ok please for me?"

She just wanted him to rest, for a little bit. Leaning in close Angel administers the drugs. This would make Jeff comfortable for now.

"Your not going to lay here and get worse Jeff, your not going to die like this. Its only for an hour so you can rest. Its the best thing right now. ok?"

Hope continues to write as Reese talks taking in everything he says. The wheels in her head started to turn as she though about how she would handle it and how she would have to do things a little differently than normal.

"Its best if I do it tomarrow, will give me a day to think about it, get to know Gunner from what you have told me, and figure out how I am going to help him."

Placing the papers down on the table Hope was a little nervouse but not because of Gunner but because this was a whole new level than what she was use to.

"I'll have to adjust to doing things a little diffrintly for the time being but there is hope for everyone in my eyes."

Don't know what to do

"Ah... my orders, Rick's reluctant permission." Jason tries to give a little laugh, but it doesn't come out very well.

"Um, yeah, so-"

He's cut off by Con buzzing in on his desk phone.

"Sorry, Katie... I have to go. Con is on my case."


"I'll talk to you later, okay?" Jason doesn't want to cut off so abruptly, but Con was apparently in a hurry, and he'd run out of things to say to Katie anyway. "Take care of yourself. Bye."

Flipping his phone shut he grabs the other one. "What?"

Jeff holds eyes closed tighter as a wave of pain hits him. "Remember... what happened. What they gave me." He shakes his head, frustrated with himself. "I have to remember."

Opening his eyes, he stares up at Angel, his gaze pleading with her. "Don't let me die like this, Angel, please... I don't want to just lay here and get worse. Don't make me stay in this bed... please."

Reese sighs. "Tomorrow would be fine. I wouldn't care if it was today. And as far as an office... well... I suppose we could let you use the second interrogation room for now. It's stark, but at least it would be private for you."

He gives a little moan, rubbing his aching forehead. "Gunner is a driven man, but it's become an obsession. When he was about eighteen, he was in a car accident with his parents. They were killed. He survived, but lost all his memory. He insists that his parents were murdered, when the police caught a guy and put him behind bars already. Gunner says it's the wrong guy, and he's out for revenge. Has been for years, and he won't give it up. I wouldn't mind so much, but today he forced a civilian to get private information for him, while holding a knife to the guy's throat. I don't know what to do with him. He's on this wild chase, this... this... mystery he thinks exists. I don't know if he's trying to find closure, or that's the only thing he thinks he can live for or what, but today I realized that I can't help him anymore. He needs help... and I don't know what to do."

At least that

Leaning her head back Katie just closes her eyes again as she listens to Jason talk. It honestly was good to hear from him even if felt awkward just a little bit.

Hearing about how Jason was Katie gives a small chuckle. It was hard being over the phone without there emotions but still in his voice Katie could catch the hint that really Jason wasn't ok. She didnt always depend on there emotions when they had them. Sometimes she just picked up on the tones.

Not watching to burden Jason with her knowing though Katie just lets her chuckle go not saying anything on it.

"Oh, it doesn't surprise me that Reese would put you with Con. You two make a great team and all. Happy the consert when well too. I was sad I couldn't be there to hear ya. You guys should look into tv broadcast or something or more people can see you all."

Sitting up on the bed now Katie moves to the egde letting her feet dangle over just right above the ground. Looking around the dim bunkhouse as her mind wonders. What else could she talk about with Jason. Since being here she really hadn't done anything.

Hearing about his leg Katie can feel the hairs on her next stand on end. She hated not knowing that Jason was hurt until long after. It felt strange in a way.

"So are you off crutches per Rick's orders? Or per Jason's orders?"

Katie can't help the small chuckle that forms at her comment to Jason.

Angel listens to Jeff as she looks him over. He had a fever, and his skin felt clammy. His eyes were sunken in and tired.

"Jeff you need to start taking it easyer than you do. I know you say your fine, but..."

She hated saying it.

"..your not. Your just going to end up wearing your body out quicker this way and if there is a chance your trying to heal this is only making you stay a few back."

Continuing to look over him Angel prepairs a liqued for of Jeff's medication. It would help work quicker than the pill he was taking to get him more comfortable faster. But his words stop her for a moment as she looks down at Jeff.

"Remember what Jeff?"

Picking up the phone and listing to Reese Hope nods to know one as she grabs a pen and some paper. She wasnt really organized right now but than again she didnt know when the calls would come, or have an office so it was hard.

"Ok, yeah I remember Gunner."

Hope writes his name down along with a few other things.

"I can see him tomarrow if that works, but first I need some information about him, and what is going on. I also, need a room or an office. I...have a cretin way of doing things and though I am under you I'd like to still have at least that."

Deep trouble

Jason's shoulder drop a little, hearing that Katie still wasn't doing so great. Her statement of doing it for him just made him feel worse. Was he really the cause of a lot of this? In an attempt to fix things, had this just made things worse?

He wasn't going to give her anything negative to think about. He was miserable and work was going horribly. But she needn't worry about him too. Not when she had herself she needed to think about.

"Me? Oh, I'm great." His voice seems to smile. "Been working with Con a lot and keeping up with things around TJY. Concert went well the other night... had a lot of fun with that." He remembers how he felt about Nate being there, but he doesn't mention it. "Trooper and I went for a good long walk so he's getting his quality time in there."

Jason pauses, trying to think of something else to say, but smalltalk was evading him. What else was there to say? There wasn't anything else that had been going on... nothing of interest anyway, unless Katie wanted to know he'd cleaned his gun this morning, and did some paperwork.

The silence on the phone lingers. "So... yeah... things are good on my end." He then remembers something she didn't know, but if he didn't tell her and she found out later, she'd probably be mad at him. He opts for the casual route. "Oh, took a bullet in the leg earlier in the week, but it's no big deal. I'm already off crutches. Other than that, nothing too exciting happening."

Jeff is breathing heavily with all the strain of fighting, trying to sit up. Finally though, he collapses back down again into the pillow already damp with his sweat. He knows they're all just trying to help, but his mind was so foggy right now, he wasn't sure who he was fighting.

Closing his eyes a minute, he waves off Angel. "I'm fine... I'm fine..."

Too tired to struggle anymore though, he lies still as she looks him over. "I was just out with Katie was all. Went for a ride, then came back."

Luke scoffs from the corner. "Tell her what happened on the way back."


"Tell her!"

"It's nothing new."

Luke rolls his eyes. "He told me he had to stop three times to throw up, then by the last time he passed out. Thankfully, his horse came back with him."

Jeff just closes his eyes, his pulse racing. He knew he was growing weaker, just like Rick said he would. "I just... just need to remember..."

"Gunner!!!" Reese slams down his phone and stands up from his desk, not caring about the papers that went flying. He stalks out of his office, a firm glare on his face as he heads for Gunner's cubicle. "Gunner! On your feet, this instant!"

Gunner pops up, though his eyes take longer to move from his computer screen to his boss. "Yes?"

"Don't yes me," Reese hisses. "You are hereby placed on suspension for misconduct outside of the Elite orders and brutality towards a civilian."

Gunner's eyes narrow. "Who called you?"

"Brown himself! The station got a call from a Dr. Timble who reported you forcing your way inside his home and holding him at knife-point, forcing him to divulge information protected by privacy laws!" Reese's face had grown red. "Are you out of your mind?!"

Gunner stares at him with little to no emotion, not reacting at all to the harsh tone. He just looks at him lamely. "I needed the information. So I went after it."

"What in blazes do you think you were doing?! What was so urgent that you couldn't even get a decent warrant?!"

"If I'da tried, I woulda been turned down like every other time," Gunner answers calmly. "I needed to find a man who JT treated about six months ago. The man is connected to the name of my parents' murderer."

Now Reese understand, but it does not lessen his anger any. It only seems to increase it. "Murderer?" He throws his arms in the air. "We have been through this time and time again! Your parents were not murdered, Gunner! It was an accident, and the driver was found!"

"It wasn't him, I-"

"You've been obsessing about this for years," Reese states flatly. "It is not an Elite case, the way you've gone about it has gone completely against the rules, you have paid no attention to direct orders, and you insist on living in the past! I've ordered you to stop before and so help me, I'm ordering you again."

"I won't stop until he's found."

"Who, Gunner?! Who?? There is no one! It's in your head! Can't you get that through your thick skull? There is no murder mystery here. It was an open and close case. You have no business digging around outside of your authority and certainly not outside needed warrants while brutally forcing information out of innocent people." Reese's glare is harsh, though his tone lowers some. "I'm sorry, but while you're on suspension, you will undergo mandatory therapy sessions so you can work through whatever it is you need to, to start living in the present. You need help, and that's all there is to it."

Gunner watches as Reese walks away, before plopping down in his chair, and turning back to his computer where he continues to scan information related to that which JT had led him to. He'd heard Reese's spiel before. And he would ignore it, just like he had before. He'd just be more careful. Suspension wasn't so bad.

Reese stomps back to his office, slamming the door shut and going straight for his phone. Picking it up, he finds Hope's number and dials, waiting for her to answer. "Hope... it's Mike Reese. I have your first job for you." He shakes his head. "I have an agent who needs help. You remember Gunner? He's got problems and I can't let them slide by any longer."