

Sitting down on the couch waiting for Jade Dan kicks his works boots off just letting his feet rest for a little while. The movie was already put in and now Dan was just really to take it easy letting his mind drift as he waited for Jade.

Being broken from his train of thought buy the peace of popcorn that comes flying into his lap Dan can't help but jump at first not seeing was it was. Than hearing the soft chuckle in the background a grin forms on his own lips.

Getting off the couch quickly Dan takes some twords Jade as she goes around the other way. Starting back that way, Dan cant help the big smile that spreads on his face.

"Ohhhh sure, your gonna throw popcorn untill I get up. After that you don't want to play anymore huh? I'll get you sooner or later you wait and see."

Dan stands on the far end of where Jade was his arms crossed over his chest as he gave a long laugh.

As all was silent for a moment Katie hope Rick would listen to her. She couldnt open her eyes and check, she could only wait and hope. But as Rick's words his her ears could fell a small wave of releaf wash over her thought all the torment.

I'm not going anywhere J!

Getting the needle ready for Rick Misty moves quickly. Seeing her two friends like this was a nightmare in its own. Misty had seen them bad before but nothing like this.

"I sure hope this works."

Misty gets behind Jason on the bed and helps hold his arm down while Rick trys to steady needle. Once Rick was done Misty covered where the puncher was and placed a bandage on top. It was hardly anything but it made her feel like she was helping some how.

Katie can feel Jason's emotions start to slow, and the pain started to leave her body though she new for a while she would be sore from how tight her muscles were. But it Jason was ok, and she was ok and they were there together. Finally being able to not have to worry about it as much Katie seems to slip into her own sleep. Letting her body recoup as much as it could.

Going to get the ointment and gauze for Rick Misty pick two differnt kind of burn creams and brings them back over to Rick. Taking Jason's hand and turning it over to dress his burn Misty looks at the mark for a long moment before back at Rick.

"It looked like someone branded them. Its almost to prefect to have just happend. But if there hands were together how?"

Misty looks at Rick for answers she new that he might not even have. It was strange that something like this should happen. What did it all mean?


Jade laughs. "I don't care what we watch either. We can check out what's by the tv - maybe we'll find a nice action flick."

Once the rounds are made and everything is done for the night, Jade heads with Dan to the dining hall. It was empty - most everyone was settling down in their houses and bunks. Jade flips on a small lamp then the tv, going to scan the movies. "Hmm.... let's see...."

Indiana Jones is finally settled on, and while Jade lets Dan put it in, she goes to the kitchen to make some popcorn. Getting them both something to drink, then returning with a bowl of popcorn a few minutes later, she stops several feet behind the couch. It was too perfect. Dan was just sitting there with his back to her. Mischief sparks in Jade's eyes as she picks up a single kernel of popcorn. Flicking it into the air, it flies over Dan's shoulder and into his lap.

Rick is just ready to pierce Jason's skin when he hears Katie. Stopping, his hand shook slightly as the tension she was emitting starting to affect him too. His eyes glance to Misty and back to Katie. "I just need to calm down his emotions, Katie... you both will feel better. It won't kill you - you've had it before."

But her forced statement makes him second-guess himself. The needle hovers over Jason's arm.
"It will kills us." Did she know something he didn't? But the antidote was safe. They'd tried it. Tested it. It worked. It would calm Jason's emotions, which were obviously causing this stress.

Rick moves the needle to press it on Jason's arm. But another glance in Misty's direction and he gives up. "Alright, Katie," he gives in quietly, patting her arm. "But if it something else doesn't work, we've got to try this."

Jason would have relaxed, had he been able to.
Thank you, Katie... thank you.

Rick hands the syringe back to Misty. "Sleep, huh... let's try a regular sedative. Maybe if Jason's body calms down, the emotions will follow. It's worth a try."

With Misty's help, Rick prepares a different needle. It proves difficult as Jason's convulsions have not lessened. "Misty, help hold him down."

Jason fights against further restraint, writhing and lashing out uncontrollably. But once Rick has aim, a split second is all it takes. The formula races through Jason's veins, forcing his body to stop fighting the emotional barrage. Another bout of vomiting and Jason is totally wiped out, But as the minutes pass and Rick watches, slowly, slowly, the tension seems to lessen. Jason's writing begins to decrease and his pulse begins to slow.

That's it.... it's... it's going away... Katie, I... I love you. Just stay... stay with me.

Rick wipes sweat from his brow, feeling Katie's tension begin to slack as well. "Holy cow." Waiting a few more minutes, it seems that calming the body forces the emotions to disperse. It had worked before, but Rick had assumed that a battle this severe would take severe action. Apparently though, the sedative was doing it's job. He pats Katie again. "Good girl, Katie."

After a few more minutes, Jason and Katie both seem to be lying more still and Rick dares to separate them. Wyatt stands near and watches, having been staying out of the way. Rick gently takes Jason and Katie's hands and slowly unravels the belt. He eyes them both hesitantly, knowing that if the battle wasn't over, he could be sorry. But he had to see. Separating their hands, he holds his breath. Thankfully, nothing happens. Jason and Katie both had seemed to finally slip into unconsciousness.

When Rick looks at their palms though, his eyes widen. "Good gracious." He looks to Misty. "Look at this."

Turning over their palms, both have been severely burned. It wasn't just a patch though that had spread. It was a very clear spiral pattern, painfully burned into their flesh. "Wow." Rick blinks, hardly believing it. "Um.... get me some... ointment and gauze, would you, Misty?"


Feeling movment and hearing voices Katie new Wyatt had her. She wanted to move on her own, but trying to do that ontop of everything else, sent more pain through her body. So she had to let Wyatt carry her.

Stay with me J, its gonna be ok. I love you, I love you so much. We are in the helicopter now I think.

The chopper ride seemed so long her body ached, her stomach churned, and her head felt like it would explode. But trying to stay from passing out, it braught Katie a tiny bit of comfort to know she was doing this for J.

The minutes pass and the plan lands Katie doesn't open her eyes as she continues to whimper form the pain. But where else would they be. Rick and Reese voice are a confirmation to where they were.

After a bunch of jolting around, and fumbaling as people tryed to carry J and her both. Katie's body only relaxs for a moment as she rests on the bed, but it was short lived as she tensed up again the pain running through her, her whimpers and gasps in pain continue.

J...I....I dont know...if I can talk...it....I'll...try.

Mustering what she could Katie trys to open her eyes thought they wont. Just keeping them closed, Katie reaches down deep pulling what she had, no matter how it hurt she had to. Moving her lips and pushing her voice forward Katie whispers.

"N...No...Ri....not the...Anidote. It...will kill..us. Sleep....some sleep."

Katie new her words were distorted and didn't make sense but she only hope Rick would listen to her. It was all she could do, everything was tight...and the pain...oh the pain it hurt enough just taking Jason's emotions and drawing them out at the same time without having to try and make complete sentences too.

Walking with Jade and swinging her hand just a little bit it was nice to walk in the brisk air and havind Jade with him to warm is heart was even nicer. A small grin on his face as he walked with Jade Dan heart fluttered just being close to Jade.

"I think a move sounds great. Not sure what kind you like to watch, but I am up for anything."

Dan couldnt help but let him mind wonder to what would come with watching a movie. Eating popcorn and snuggling it sounded almost two perfect.

Not the antidote

Jason's mind latches onto Katie's silent words, groping to feel her. Writhing on the ground, he utters no sound, all of his energy being funneled to the only one that could take it.

The wind and noise picks up and Wyatt stands, staring up at the bright light of the helicopter. Waving his arms so the pilot would see him, he watches it land just a short ways away from the scene of mayhem. Jogging up to the helicopter, he ducks under the wind, waiting for the pilot to get out. "I need your help. I can't get them both by myself."

Todd nods and exits, his helmet still in place as he removes his gloves. "Where are they?" he shouts above the wind.

"Here." Wyatt waves him to follow around the dead bodies. Getting nearer, he feels the same thing he did before he'd walked away. Fear. Nervousness. It wasn't like him to panic, but something was getting to him, and he knew it must be Katie. Turning to Todd, he warns him. "I know this is gonna seem weird, but trust me - you'll probably get nervous. It's just Katie. Try to ignore it and just get us back to Nevada."

Todd isn't sure he understands, but he nods anyway.

Nearing the two on the ground, Wyatt squats down, trying to turn Katie over and get her at least partway to her feet. Todd struggles with Jason's shaking body, finding it hard to move him at all. "It would be easier if they weren't tied together," he pants. "What's up with that?"

"No!" Wyatt is quick to make sure Todd doesn't undo the belt. "If we don't keep them together, we're never getting out of here."

Todd pauses, his surprise just giving fear an opportunity to latch on as it's amplified by Katie. His face pales and he swallows hard, now knowing what Wyatt was talking about. "Right... right, okay." He tries again to get Jason up, finally getting him to his feet, though Todd has to support all of his weight.

Wyatt lifts Katie into his arms at the same time, carrying her close enough to not put strain on their hands. "Alright. One, two three."

Both men start forward at the same time, a strange fear gripping both of them as they fight to keep going and not run from a panic. Jason's feet drag on the pavement. He knew where he was and what was happening, but he couldn't get any of his limbs to work properly. Wyatt holds Katie close, ducking as they reach the helicopter. Todd fumbles with the door latch, and when it's open, miraculously, they get both the others inside. Thankfully it was a large enough aircraft that Jason and Katie could be placed on the floor. It was more dangerous, but there was no way they'd be able to buckle them in seats.

Receiving a thumbs up, Todd runs around to the pilot chair and grabs his radio as he begins to take off again. "This is Elite Chopper two-sixty-seven, Davey, we need a cleanup crew out on highway four-thirty-two before the coyotes come. Over."

Wyatt grits his teeth as he stares down at Katie, then Jason. They were both in bad shape. It was amazing to see, as neither had been hit with bullets, but their lives were in danger.

Jason's convulsions had ceased briefly, but they start again, even more violently. His hand tears at the belt, causing both his and Katie's wrists to bleed.

"Jason, Jason, come on, steady." Wyatt kneels next to him, trying to hold him still.

Jason's eyes flutter, and his stomach drops as they take off into the air. He tries again to speak, but there's just nothing coming out.
What... where are we... what's happening?
Wincing as his body revolts, he begins to vomit, unable to control himself.

Todd looks back to check on them, seeing what's happening. "Wyatt, get his head up!" he orders. "Keep him from choking."

Wyatt does as he's told, winding up with Jason's head in his lap. Putting a hand to Jason's forehead, more fear arises. He was burning up. "Todd! Mic!" A radio mic is tossed back to him and within minutes, he's got a hold of Rick. "They're bad, Rick. Katie looks like she's in bad pain and disoriented. Jason won't stop throwing up and he's got a fever. We can't separate them or else Jason will blow up the copter."

"You're kidding me."

"You want to switch places and see for yourself?"

"Just hang tight, Wyatt. Do you have a first aid kit with you?"

Wyatt could kick himself. "No. It's still in the van. We've already taken off."

"Alright. Then just keep Jason's head up and let whatever comes come. Get Katie as close to him as you can and I'll be here when you land."

The trip seems to take an eternity. Wyatt himself was on autopilot, stunned by the whole situation, and barely able to keep himself from a panic as he had to sit near Katie. Jason was a mess, and so was everything else. Wyatt managed to find a cloth and some water, mopping Jason and Katie's brows, and trying to sooth their wrists, though he knew it must be painful. Wyatt had killed. He'd been in battle. He'd been on rescue missions. He'd seen his own fall before him. But never had he seen this torture, and it was gut-wrenching.

Thankfully, the TJY parking lot was big enough to land the chopper. Rick and Reese were both there, and Rick had also called Misty back in to work. Between all of them, they're able carry and drag Jason and Katie into the building. It's utter chaos with the small group with not enough room between cubicles and tripping over each other. But all were aware they couldn't separate Katie and Jason's hands.

Once in the infirmary, Rick directs Wyatt and Reese to deposit their friends together on the bed. It was just big enough to hold them both. Jason's continued convulsions shake the entire bed. He was completely drenched in sweat and his mouth was moving as if mumbling, but no sound was heard. Rick checks on Katie, finding her barely lucid and seeing immediately that she was in worse pain than every before. It was a miracle she had not passed out.

"Misty, get me the antidote syringe and do it fast." Rick points to the cabinet. "It's the only way to stop Jason's emotions from wreaking havoc and we'll give Katie a dose too so she can relax."

Retrieving the needle, Rick pulls off Jason's jacket and begins to prep his arm.

Jason continues to shake, his hand still fused to Katie's.
No.... no, don't let him.
He tries to cry out to Rick, but it does no good.
Katie... he can't.... tell him... the antidote will kill me. Please... tell him... sedative... sedative, not the antidote. He can't give me the antidote.

Gunner smiles and sighs a deep, contented sigh, his arm tucking Bree in close. One moment... one short moment had changed everything. And it allowed him the privilege of holding her next to him now. It felt good to be on the other end this time - him holding her, instead of the other way around. In a matter of a few minutes, Gunner had discovered what it meant to care for someone else. And it was filling a hole that he never even knew existed until now.

Closing his eyes, he'd never know how fast asleep he was. Exhaustion had taken over, and he was done for the day. Only a few hours later did he wake, but just to pull a blanket over them both then put his arm back around Bree and fall asleep again.

Jade's cheek's flush, but she smiles anyway. She liked Dan's comments - they made her feel nice and warm, even if they were sappy. Curling her fingers around his, she nods. "I'd like to walk with you. I've been hibernating all day and I need to stretch my legs."

Heading out of the barn hand-in-hand, Jade breathes deep the evening air. "Can we watch a movie later?" she asks. Most likely, the main living room off the dining area would be empty, leaving the nice big television to be used. "I can pop some popcorn." In reality, she just wanted a distraction. Though she loved talking with Dan, tonight she wanted to give her mind and heart a break.

Night Falls

It hurt, it hurt so bad but Katie had to do it. It was part of her duty, to Jason, and to herself when she said she wanted this. Just continuing to soak in all of the emotions Katie took the bad, and her mind felt like it was going to break. But she had to hold on she had to.

Feeling than hands break apart Katie gives a louder grown. She needed there hands back together but she could hardly even hold her fingers. But re-leaf washes over her as Wyatt comes over to help. Happy for his smarts to use his belt so Katie wouldn't have to try and ask. Looking up at Wyatt Katie opens her eyes a little. She was in so much pain and she new her eyes showed it but that was one of the smartest thing Wyatt could of done.


Katie's fingers locking with Jason's again Katie once again tried to obsorbe all his emotions. Katie could only imagen how much pain Jason must be in as well.

I'm hear J. I wont be leaving you.

Katie sucks in a breath of air as the pain become unbearable for a moment.

You can hold on, you can do it for me. I love you J, just focus on me.

Linking her fingers with Gunner's Bree follows him back inside, a smile on her face that just seemed to be stuck there, as her heart still raced.

Sinking down on the couch with Gunner, Bree had never been with someone like this before but it felt nice, and made her feel safe. Gunner's strong arms around her, it was just a feeling she liked. Nestling her head into Gunner's arm Bree gives a soft whisper, right now she was scaired to be in her own home.

"I'll stay with you, I dont want to be alone ether."

Smiling his arms still around Jade, Dan gives a small nod. Jade gave him such a nice feeling, he felt whole again, it was the time feeling he had felt with Becca yes it was completely different because it was Jade.

"I love it here to much to leave just yet. Anyways, would could be better than seeing your smiling face every day?"

Dan new he was being such a sap but he had always been that way with people he cared about. He still didnt know Jade as well as some people did but Dan was looking forward to being able to. There was just something about her.

Slipping his hand to and locking his fingers with Jade he smiles. Giving her hand a gentil squeeze.

"The last thing I need to do is just talk a walk around the parimiter and make sure everything is in order. Your more than welcome to come with me, and than afterward we can do whatever you like. I'll let you choose tonight. Even if you just wanna sit and talk I am up for that."

I think so too

Being held by Dan, Jade felt safe. She'd been held before, even by someone she'd called her boyfriend. But it wasn't the same. Dan was so much stronger... so much more a shelter... so much warmer. It was so different that Jade wondered how she ever could have thought before that she'd found Mr. Right. Compared to this, it had felt so wrong, but she hadn't realized that until now.

Having her face lifted up and receiving Dan's light kiss, she gives a little shiver. His tenderness gave her goosebumps. Looking up into his eyes and feeling his hand on her face, she manages the strength to give him a little smile. "I think I can be strong... as long as you stick around. You're going to stay... aren't you?"

Gunner can't help the grin on his face. The chilly air didn't seem cold at all - not with Bree in his arms. Her words made him feel good. He hadn't messed up, and she had liked his kiss. He hadn't done something wrong after all, and it helped dissolve some of his awkwardness.

Still smiling, he hugs Bree tighter, letting her face rest against his chest. "I think we are too." He'd been afraid that this might ruin their friendship, but it surprised him now to find that he liked this even better. It was a whole new level, and one that felt good.

Eventually pulling away, his hand slips down to take hers, slipping back inside the dining room. Guiding her back through the house to the living room, the warmer air now felt good. The television was still droning and Gunner reaches down to flip it off before aiming for the couch.

The room was dark now, but it wasn't a scary dark. Tonight, he wasn't afraid of the shadows. He was exhausted from lack of sleep the night before, but felt like he could conquer the world at the same time. It was a strange, good feeling.

Flopping down on the couch and onto his side, he pulls Bree down in front of him so his arm could drape around her, her head right below his chin. "Stay here a while?" he asks quietly. "I don't want to be alone."

Though already so far gone, Jason feels Katie's fingers link with his, and he automatically latches on. Putting her hand in a vice grip, it felt like his palm was burning against hers. His eyes scrunch shut tightly as pain surges through his entire body like a gigantic electrical shock.

It... it hurts so bad... I can't... can't control it.

He writhes on the ground, fighting against himself and against the horrific wave of emotions that didn't have an end. They seemed to spread through every fiber, tearing him apart inside out. And worse, he could not keep them from bursting forth. With Katie's hand on his, she was the only cushion between him and everything around him. Like a sponge, she would absorb the shock and he knew it. But he also knew that if she didn't, they were all dead.

Wyatt hears Katie's scream and comes running around the side of the van. "Katie! Jason! What..." Getting close to them, he kneels just in time to hear Katie's words. He didn't understand what was happening, but seeing the broken headlight, he knew it was bad. "I'll get help. Don't move." As if they could.

Wyatt didn't know what to do, but out of desperation, he goes back to the van, grabbing his cell phone. He had power back. Dialing quickly, he calls Reese's office directly. He didn't normally speak so informally while on the job, but right now, he didn't care. "Dad, it's Wyatt. We need help and we need it bad."

"Why? What happened? Where are you?"

"We're uh..." Wyatt glances around, trying to remember what road they were on. "We turned off of highway sixty-nine onto a county road.... I think it was four-thirty-two. Just listen, and listen close. We got ambushed by four guys. Had to be Agency but we don't know how they knew we were here. Tire blew out on the van. We took out the four guys, but Jason got shot with some kind of..." He turns around and walks back over to where Jason had landed and picks up the dart. "...some kind of dart. I don't know what was in it, but it's doing a number on him. He and Katie are both down and I don't know how to get them out of here."

"What do you mean down? Are they alive?"

"Yeah, yeah, but it's bad. It's Jason's emotions. I think they're going haywire, but I don't know. He already blew out a headlight of the van, then I think Katie's trying to put a lid on it, but she's in a bad way now too."

"What about a helicopter?"

"That would work. We got one at the airport over here?"

"Yeah, Todd flew in just this morning from Arizona. Let me call him and have him pick you up. He can bring you straight here."

"Right. Notify Rick - I think we're gonna need him."

"Will do. Hang tight, Wyatt."

Wyatt hangs up and puts his hands on his head, trying to regroup. Checking to make sure Katie and Jason were still there, he hits the van, doing a quick job of collecting their things and depositing them on the ground. He goes to the four dead men, stripping them of anything that might lead to where they had come from, and he also puts the dart in a ziploc bag for Rick to analyze.

As Wyatt is trying to clean up as well as possible in the dark, Jason's torment continues. Sweat pours down from him and his whole body shakes violently with convulsions. His eyes start to roll back in his head. Even on the worst day, never had he felt like this. The pain was excruciating, and the worst part was that he could control none of it.

His mouth opens as he tries to speak, but his brain just wouldn't communicate with his vocal chords, and no sounds came out.
I can't... take it... Katie... Its too much.

A sudden convulsion jolts his whole body and his hand is involuntarily ripped from her own. As soon as he does, the energy erupts again, shattering the side window of the van.

Wyatt whirls around in surprise. As soon as he sees the episode, he remembers Katie's words. Several fast strides bring him near to them again, falling to his knees. Another burst from Jason causes another window to blow, sending glass everywhere. Wyatt covers his face with an arm before reaching down without mercy and grabbing Jason and Katie's wrists, forcing their hands back together again. Jason's muscles strain against it, but Wyatt fumbles with his belt, ripping it from his jeans. Before Jason can slip loose again, Wyatt lashes their hands together with his belt. He hated doing this to Katie, but he now realized if he didn't, there was no way he'd get them out of there. Jason would blow the helicopter to pieces and they'd all be dead.

Don't leave me, Katie...
Jason's emotional communication was desperate as he grips her hand once again.
I don't know... how long I can... I can take this.

The sound of the helicopter could just be heard in the distance.