
Will you...

Jeff turns as he hears the door and stares up at Katie. "Yes... yes, I believe I have gone completely mad." He nods and holds up the reins again. "But I'd rather be loony and live the way I want until the last moment, than realize what I'm doing and not do it."

Though he held a teasing tone, there was a seriousness in his gaze. If one looked carefully, they might notice Jeff shaking slightly, but he ignored it. "Crazy or not, I want to spend some time with my niece, and you better not deprive me of that. So go get your boots on before I throw up all over your saddle - and you know I would, just for spite."

For some reason, Kyle is not startled by Alice's presence. He hadn't known she was there, yet... somehow he wasn't surprised.

His eyes stay down as he watches her hand slide up over his. Her touch was so soft and warm over his rougher skin. She had sacrificed a huge chunk of her year to follow him. To follow a story? No... to follow his journey. It didn't matter where he went or what he was doing... she was there... his shadow.

Letting his hands fall from the keyboard, he holds Alice's hand for a few moments, still remaining quiet. It had been a long time since he felt this lost. At least when he'd left JetStream, he'd had somewhere to go. But now... everything was shattered. Break Out could be no more, for a long time at least.

Slowly, Kyle leans over, his head resting on Alice's shoulder. He'd tried to be so strong... he'd tried to be the tough one... the shelter. But today... he needed the comfort too. And he wasn't too proud to admit it.

Closing his eyes, his thumb runs back and forth on Alice's hand, the melody of his song running through his mind over and over again. "I don't know what to do," he whispers. "I tried so hard... and now... it's all gone."

Another tear silently escapes his eye to roll down his cheek. Alice was the only one he would allow himself to cry in front of. His heart hurt. "Will you stay with me... even though Break Out is over?"

Someone New

Hearing Kyle leave earlier that morning Alice had followed him staying far enough behind he didnt know because she new maybe he wanted some time alone. After everything she new she probably would herself, but at the same time she still worried about him, didn't want to be alone herself, and just wanted to make sure he was safe.

Watching as he walked Alice was still sore herself but kept a nice pace behind Kyle. Her heart broke as she listend to him outside the auditorium. He wanted to find his place, and though she hadnt agreed with him leaving for the reason he did it was his reason, a part of him, and she had supported him now to only watch it being taken away.

Following him inside of Alice stays along side the stage just watching Kyle for a long moment. Listing to the music and the words to his song Alice closes her eyes swaying to the music for a moment. Finally she herself makes her way on stage coming along side Kyle hoping not to scare him. Sitting down next to him on the bench as the song comes to an end Alice rests her hands on top of his. A smile on her face and her never dieing energy was in her eyes even though her body wouldn't let her jump around right now.

"I still love how you sound when you sing, and how lost you get when you play. Its something I think I could listen to none stop and not have a problem with it."

Running her fingers along Kyle's and as his were over the keys Alice keeps her gaze on Kyle's eyes. Most would say she was crazy for following Kyle around, but Alice believed it was God's will. He gave her a chanse to love again and what a better man than Kyle.

Hearing the bang on the window Katie rolls over in bed. Was it morning already? It felt like she had only maybe fallen asleep and now, now she was being woken up.

Sitting up in bed Katie squints at the alarm clock, it was just after seven. She had only been to sleep for about two hours now. But hearing Jeff call her again Katie gets out of bed and throws on some jeans and a over sized hoodie. Stepping out on the pouch and leaning over the railing to see Jeff.

"Are you crazy, its only seven twenty. I haven't even had my coffee eather. I think you have gone mad."

A small smile forms on Katie's lips though by most who wasnt looking for it you would never be able to tell.

Bring me to my knees

A look of relief mixes with surprise as Jeff is joined by Katie. He returns a gentle hug, giving her shoulder a squeeze. "It's good to be home."

Just looking at her a moment, he gives her a knowing nod. He wouldn't ask how she was. He knew she felt like crap. He wasn't going to tell her it would be okay - that's what everyone always said. For now... for now, he would simply be here.

Talk around the table is fairly quiet this evening. Not everyone knew about Jeff's condition yet, but somehow, it was sensed, and the atmosphere was just a little strange. And like any night, everyone disperses, each to their own direction, each to their own mind's thoughts.

And in a place so very far away, on a much cooler night than Nevada, lives have suddenly been changed... drastically.

Kyle doesn't move as Alice approaches. The whole side of his face was bruised and swollen, making it look as though he'd been in a fight. It hurt to move in any direction, the tremendously long gash reminding him that it would be a while before he would be completely healed.

Moving the arm that hurt the least, he slides Alice's hand down to intertwine his fingers in hers, his eyes still focused on the dark window. "I'm okay," he answers quietly. "Angry... confused." She was one of the few he would admit that to.

His grip tightens around her hand as the accident flashes through his mind again. "I'm just glad you're okay too." Thought it hurt, he bent over to give the top of her head a soft kiss. "I'm tired... I guess I'll get some sleep."

Slowly making his way over to the bed, he gradually lies down, trying to relax his sore muscles. His eyes are already closed as exhaustion finally has it's way. "See you... in a while," he mumbles to Alice.

And it was a while. A body knows when it must rest, even when a mind is stubborn, and eventually, sleep must come. And come it does. When the morning rays begin to peek over the horizon, the day dawns and the stirring of activity begins.

Jeff pauses in his route to take another deep breath, steadying himself. The horses wait patiently with him, and he pats the mare's neck. "I'm coming... just give me a sec."

Once the wave has passed, he continues, his boots crackling on the gravel drive. Both horses follow willingly, despite the early morning hour. A light fog had descended over the ranch, bringing a sense of cool relief.

Reaching the bunkhouse, Jeff goes to the window instead of the porch. His cowboy hat brim is in the way so he can't look inside, but he bangs his palm on the pane. "Katie, get your lazy hind end out of bed!"

Shouting took more energy than he thought it would, but he doesn't care. Instead of stopping, he holds up the waiting horses' reins. "You coming with me or what??!"

"Anybody seen Kyle this morning?" A few of the Break Out team had gathered in Jordan's room for a short while, all trying to adjust before discussing what they were all to do next. Going their separate ways was inevitable, but no one wanted to say it. Chloe looks to Hunter, her question still hanging in the air.

Hunter shakes his head. "I looked in his room, but he wasn't there. I thought he'd be here."

It only takes a few moments to realize that Kyle was the only one on the team not accounted for. A quick check at the nurses station proved that he had slipped out earlier. The group decides that perhaps he just needed some time to think, and trusted that he would take care of himself and be back.

Kyle trudges down the sidewalk, his eyes on the lookout for the street signs the nurse had pointed him towards. It wasn't a huge town, so it shouldn't be hard to make it to the community auditorium. That's where Break Out should have been later on... but the cancellation had already been announced.

It took him nearly an hour, and he hurt from head to toe, but finally, Kyle finds the building he was looking for. Standing outside for several minutes, he just stares at the double doors. The morning was chilly, and he pulls his jacket a little tighter around himself, despite the pain it caused to his side.

Emotions started to bubble to the surface and he grit his teeth. Eventually, he looks up ate the sky, giving it an angry glare. "I thought this was what you wanted for me!" he shouts. "I thought I'd finally found my place! Why did you have to take it away?!"

He chokes on his own words. "What am I supposed to do now, huh? I've worked so hard to get here, and then you just flush it down the toilet! Why??!"

It hurt too much to yell anymore, and he hangs his head. The words start to run through his mind again. "No... no, stop it!" He puts his hands to his head, but the words wouldn't stop. The melody persisted. "No! I gave that up! Stop!" But it wouldn't. One would think he was a madman, shouting to the chilly wind. But it was only an aching soul, longing for that which had been left behind.

Kyle can't take it any longer. With a growl of frustration, he heads for the doors, expecting them to be locked. Surprisingly, they open with ease. Slipping inside, he takes a look around and wanders down the hall, almost feeling as though he were being pulled by an invisible force.

Rounding a corner, he comes to the auditorium. It was a fair size with seating for many people. A small stage was down center, dark and in the shadows. Not worrying about whether or not he was trespassing, Kyle walks down the aisle, his steps quiet and slow. Reaching the stage, he stops. To the right was a baby grand piano, apparently used for all kinds of occasions. His fingers twitched. The longing in his heart became unbearable.

Stepping up onto the stage, his footsteps echo on the wooden floor. The bench creaks as he sits down. The small lamp clicks on as the only source of light.

Staring down at the keys, Kyle sits for the longest time. Until finally... finally he lifts his hands. His pulse raced and his palms were sweaty. But the instrument was in tune, and he could no longer resist the gift that had been given to him at birth. Music.

Kyle's fingers moved along the piano keys as if he'd never had a break from playing the keyboard. The minor tones echoed through the empty room, bouncing off the walls and slipping into the deserted seats. The darkness minimized the size of the room, all focus brought under the one small light that lit the side of the stage.

And as the music builds, more and more emotion is spilled into the notes, Kyle's heart poured out into the melody that had never been heard before. Words from his soul escape his lips, despite the physical pain he was in.

I come here tonight.
With this broken heart of mine.
I'm sitting here in pieces,
Without the end in sight.

I don't understand the world.
I don't understand the crimes.
But it hurts inside,
Oh, it hurts inside.
Repair my brokenness.

Bring me to my knees.
Show me the impossible.
Open my eyes to your wondrous ways,
Restore my broken heart.
Bring me to my knees.
Show me your loving power.
I just want to feel You here with me,
Lord I need You now.
Oh Lord... I need your love.

With Kyle's eyes closed, silent tears run down his face. But his voice never wavers, growing even stronger with every word. In the shadows of the far corner, ears pick up the song and eyes zero in on this musician. But this audience of one would not reveal himself.

My strength is all but gone.
I've been wounded in the war.
A soldier in the battle,
In the game I'm just a pawn.

I don't understand the pain.
I don't understand the whys.
But it's killing me,
Oh, it's killing me.
Mend my wounded soul.

Bring me to my knees.
Show me the impossible.
Open my eyes to your wondrous ways.
Restore my broken heart.
Bring me to my knees.
Show me your loving power.
I just want to feel You here with me,
Lord I need You now.
Oh Lord... I need your love.

Kyle's world had tumbled down around him, and this was all he could do to cope. His hands still moved along the ivory keys, the notes smooth and mellow.

Bring me to my knees.
Let me eyes see what's possible.
Open my heart to your wondrous ways.
Restore this wounded soul.
Bring me to my knees.
Show me eternity.
I just want to feel you here with me,
Lord, I need You now.
Oh Lord... I need your love.

The melody fades into the darkness until once again, silence ruled. Kyle's head hangs and his hands retreat to sit in his lap. There was no motivation to go on. No motivation to leave. His future had just been completely wiped out and he had no idea where he'd go from here

Its good

Standing in the waiting room for a long moment Alice looks out the window watching the rain fall down. So much had happend in the matter of hours, so many life had changed. Many were ok, but many were still hurt, Blake was where Alice's was the most next to Kyle. Saying a quick prayer for Blake Alice turns and lets out a sigh heading over to Kyle.

"Hey, How are you holding up?"

Alice lays a gentile hand on Kyle's arm. She still hurt all over, but her worry layed with more people right now.

Slowly making her way back to the dinning hall Katie drags her feet. She'd stayed out in the barn a little longer than she had planned but her eyes had become heavy and she finally fell asleep. Now it was close to dinner and she new people would be worried.

Entering the dinning hall Katie looks around the room feeling the heat come to her face as everyone turns to look at her. She new she had caused a scene earlier but now she was trying not to let it bother her.

Moving slower than normal Katie makes her way over to the empty seat next to Jeff. Giving a small smile to him Katie reaches out and gives him a hug before turning to her plate.

"It's good to have to home Uncle Jeff!"

Time alone

The paramedic is very gentle, continuing to talk to both Alice and Kyle, though Kyle had stopped responding. Joined by another medic, the two get Kyle on a stretcher, and lead Alice to one of the waiting ambulances too. Below the ditch on a small plateau, a helicopter lands. There were those that needed more immediate help than a driven vehicle could provide.

Everything seemed to move by in a blur. Voices, lights, motion, noise. It all felt like a bad dream, but it was so very real. The scenery speeding by, the sudden stops and the hospital staff rushing to meet the vehicles.

The lights inside were bright and the chaos seemed to persist. There were questions and orders and more questions. Everyone seemed to be split up and no one knew where the others were.

Until finally, things start to slow. The ER seemed full with parts of Break Out who were not as badly injured - those who were together would not be admitted, once they were looked after. Hunter had some cuts and bruises, but otherwise was fine. Chloe had received a badly sprained ankle to go along with her scrapes. Shawn came away with fifteen stitches on the side of his head and a fractured wrist. The doctors looked after Alice as well, bandaging the bump to her head and wanting her to stay for a few hours just to make sure she would be alright from the light concussion and the cuts and bruises that were cleaned and dressed.

Some of the team was not as fortunate.

Heath had broken his leg in two places and would have to go through surgery in the morning to repair some of the damage. He would be staying in the hospital for at least a week. Jordan had a broken collar bone, but it was the head injury the doctors were concerned about, admitting him for at least one night, preferably two. Myla had broken her arm and several ribs - a neck injury would keep her fairly immobile, along with a badly sprained wrist. Kyle had made it out with a couple broken ribs and a gash that ran from his shoulder and down his side, requiring more stitches than anyone would care to admit. More stitches were needed for a deep cut above his eye, but the doctor was confident that after tonight, he would be free to go.

Blake was the worst, and had yet to wake up. Internal injuries had been the greatest concern, on top of a dislocated shoulder. He had already endured several hours of surgery and now was resting, but the doctors did not know when he would wake up. How long he would have to stay was unknown.

Kyle stood at the window of the small room he was sharing with Heath. He had refused to lay in bed, despite the nurse's orders, and had also refused hospital garb. Putting up enough of a fight, the doctor had given up, figuring he would probably wind up ripping stitches out if they tried to force him into anything. So now he stood, looking out over the dark city, his eyes blank as his mind tried to block out his pain. He'd heard about the others, and was waiting to see them when he could. But nothing would change the one unspoken fact: Break Out's year was over.

Back in the ER, one of the doctors explains to that part of the group that they are free to visit their friends, and gives them the room numbers. It was a strange quiet that came after that. No one really knew what to do or what to say. Only Jordan seemed to know exactly who he needed to talk to - his wife - and was allowed to do so before being returned to his own room for the night.

Jeff sighs deeply, accepting Rosetta's comfort. The only problem was that it wasn't going to be okay... not right now anyway. He grits his teeth in an attempt to control his emotions and nods. "Yeah... okay. I'll let her go. I just... want to spend time with her when she's ready. Sometimes you just..." He stops, turning to look into his sister's eyes. "Sometimes you just realize how important spending time together is when life is so... short."

Feeling dizzy, he relents to turning back inside and finding a seat at the table where he would spend lunchtime and much of the afternoon...

"...did you find her?" Jeff looks up expectantly at Mick, who had joined the group in the dining hall for supper, though he was late.

Mick shakes his head. "No... but I think I might know where she is."

Jeff should have been in bed hours ago, according to the way he felt, but he'd stayed in here all day...waiting. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, I heard some movement up above the loft in the barn." Mick eases down in a chair, turning to give his wife a kiss as he's given his plate of supper.

"And you didn't go look for her??"

Mick sighs and looks back to Jeff. "No. I figured she needed the time alone. She's fine, Jeff... she knows how to take care of herself around here."

Jeff looks down and shoves away his food that he'd barely touched. Maybe he should just go to bed. He'd already done enough damage for one day.

Oh Where Oh Where

A figure takes the stage, tonight is was requests she took for songs and she had her line up ready. Another day, another dollar for a good reason. The dress she wore was a long red strapless that flowed down to the ground. She had gotten use to doing this two or three times a week now it no longer bothered her, and the nerves were that but not like the use to be. Holding the mic she waits as the band starts to play, continuing to wait for her intro. Slowly the words come as her voice becomes stronger....

Oh where oh were could my baby be
The lord took him away from me

He's gone to heaven so I've got to be good

So I can see my baby when I'll leave this world

We were out on on the road, I was in my car
We hadn't driven very far
There in the road
Straight ahead
A car was stalled the engine was dead

I couldn't stop
So I swerved to the right
I'll never forget the sound that night

The screamin tires

The busting glass

The Painfull scream that I heard last.

Continuing to hold Kyle close Alice musters a little chuckle though it hurts a little bit. Everything felt like it was spinning at the moment, her own eyes wanted to close but she couldn't let them. She could have a concussion, sleeping would be bad, not only that she had to be awake for Kyle.

"Yeah. Once we will go once we get a chance. Take a break and get to a fair or even an amusement park. We..will have a great time."

Oh where oh were could my baby be
The lord took him away from me
He's gone to heaven so I've got to be good
So I can see my baby when I'll leave this world

When I woke up
The rain was pouring down
There were people standing all around

Something warm falling into my eyes

But some how I found my baby that night

I lifted his head He looked at me and said
Hold me darling just alittle while

I held him close
I kissed him our last kiss
I found the love I knew I had missed

but now he's gone
even though I hold him tight
I lost my love, my life that night

"You gotta hold on Kyle...ok..."

Alice breaks in a shart breath as she runs a hand through Kyle's hair. His words sinking into her and a tear forms in her eye. Please God, Don't take him from me too.

"I'm not going to leave Kyle, I promise. I am going to be right here for you, I always will when you call my name."

Choking on her words and playing Kyle's words in her head it was almost like one love had finally die, was let go, and now a new worm feeling was entering her heart only to once again maybe be lost.

"I love you to Kyle hang in there for me ok? Don't you leave me too."

Oh where oh were could my baby be
The lord took him away from me

He's gone to heaven so I've got to be good
So I can see my baby when I leave this world




Leaning her head down onto Kyle's matted wet hair Alice dosnt care she just wanted to be close to Kyle. To feel him and let him feel her. As the parametric comes over and shines the light on them Alice closes her eyes a little, the light was bright and her eyes were glossy reflecting the light.

"No..No its just us. I...I don't, please just worry about him first. He needs more help than me. Please don't let him die."

Alice's body felt cold, as the tingles continues through her body but she didn't know what hurt more her body or her heart.




...As the music slowly dies away the voice slowly dies as well, as the melody becomes softer and softer. Finally the song was over, and the crowd cheered enjoy the voice the heard, enjoying the song. Slowly giving a wave and a big smile the figure moves off the stage.

Moving slowly beside her brother Rosetta rests her hand on Jeff's shoulder keeping her brother calm. She hurt, and felt bad for Katie Rosetta new she would take it hard.

"Katie has always kept to herself when she is upset. Since she was a little girl. I am sure she had already found someplace to hide. I don't know what to do for her Jeff."

Looking over at her brother she new he felt bad, though she couldnt see as deep as Katie could she could still read people well and new her brother hated seeing Katie like this too.

"I'll have Mick go look for her if she doesn't come back in an hour to lunch ok? It will be ok Jeff."

Running past Trent Katie doesn't even stop she aimed for the barn. As a child this was her hideaway so no one could find her when she was upset and with any luck no one new about it yet.

Opening the door the tears still streamed from Katie's eyes as her head pounded. Sipping past most of the ranch hands so she wasn't seen Katie makes her way all the way to the back. Moving some bords Katie pulls a ladder down and climes up moving a few more boards to open a room in the roof.

Climbing up and moving the boreds back in place Katie crawls across the floor before standing. Looking around the room she was thankful no one had found her hideaway. Paint splatterd the walls, and string objects hung from the ceiling. A few posters lined the wall and a arm chair was in on corner. Making her way over to the chair Katie sinks down in it curling up. Continuing to try and mind darted from one thing to the next as her mind couldnt land on anything.

Why did this have to happen to her? It never settled down, from one thing to the next it never seemed to end and it almost felt like she was losing everyone, and the light at the end of the tunnel was moving farther away.


"Katie, wait-" Jeff stands abruptly, bumping the table and sending his glass of juice all over the place. Giving a little growl of frustration, he sprints after his niece. Reaching the doorway though, his body just doesn't want to give any more. He doubles over, feeling the same wave of pain and sickness that was making him weaker by the day.

Unable to follow after Katie, he slams a fist into the doorframe. "Dang it!" He was still trying to deal with this whole thing himself... to come to terms with the fact that he was dying. How could he even try to be there for his niece? It wasn't fair.

Tears spring into his eyes as for the first time with this whole thing, he feels absolutely helpless.

Straightening up, he tries to maintain his composure in front of his sister. "Somebody should find her. She shouldn't be alone like this."

Trent is just on his way from his bunk to the dining hall. He usually went a little earlier than everybody else, so he could slip away sooner. But as he walks, he's almost run into by Katie.

"Whoa, Katie? What..." He stops his route and looks at her in bewilderment.

Kyle's eyes are half closed as he fights to stay conscious for Alice. Something resembling a laugh comes out. "Yeah, we... we sure caused quite a scene, didn't we?"

Starting to shiver, he moves in closer to Alice, fighting the strange cold numbness he felt all over. "I wanna go again... to the ferris wheel." He lifts his hand, and twirls his finger as if he can see the ride just in the distance.

Swallowing hard, he licks some blood from his lip again. "Stay with me, Alice," he mumbles. "Don't... leave yet. Too much... other... to live..." He pats her leg. "I love ya."

His head slides down to her shoulder as his shivering worsens. "I don't wanna go to work... I'm so... tired..."

Suddenly, more lights are on the scene and several paramedics scramble from two ambulances. Two slide down the ditch towards the bus, while others tend to the other vehicles and the semi that had somehow wound up on the other side of the road.

"Down here!" someone shouts. "We got a bus full. Bring a stretcher!"

"How many?!"

"Call for the helicopter!"

A paramedic appears near Alice's jeep, spotting her and Kyle on the ground. He kneels by them quickly, shining a light on them. Seeing Kyle's eyes closed, he directs his questions to Alice. "Where are you two injured, ma'am? Are there any more people in this car?"

Something deeper

Looking into her Uncles eyes Katie blinks as her own eyes start to tear a little. This couldnt happen, not to Jeff. When Katie needed shelter he was there, when Katie needed strength he was there. If he was gone, than that was another person who went out of Katie's life.


Katie backs away from Jeff just a little, looking from Rosetta than back to Jeff.

"...You...You have to go back. Rick has to look harder, he needs to try hard there is a cure. You, you cant give up...You cant just roll over and die! You have to go back Uncle Jeff...You have to go back now."

Tears sprang into Katie's eyes that she couldn't control. All the tearm oil inside of her bubbled as her stomach churned, and her own sick feeling rose.

Watching her niece Rosetta's heart broke, for Katie, for herself, and for Jeff. Everything happened so fast. Stepping a little closer to Katie Rosetta set her hand on her arm.

"Katie you got to calm down, your going to make youself sick."

Looking at her aunt Katie pulls her arm away from Rosett and shakes her head.

"You have to tell him to go back Aunt Rosetta..."

"Katie...home is where Jeff belong to be with the ones he loves...to.."

"NO! He's your own brother and your going to let him stay here and die, You...NO!"

Turning from Rosetta and Jeff Katie sprints from the dinning hall and down the steps the pounding of her feet matching the pounding of her heart. Where Katie was going she didnt know, she just wanted to get away. She had to get away. Another person was sleeping through her fingers that she could of saved.

Crawling out of the jeep Alice hurt all over as she moved next to Kyle. Seeing a few of Kyle's own wounds Alice wraps her arms around him trying to put pressure where it looked like he was bleeding.

"I'm...alive. Its going to be ok Kyle."

Alice could hear the sirens in the distince. Help was on the way, the just had to hang in there.

"Keep talking to me Kyle...lets keep letting eachother know we are ok. The paramedics are almost here I can see the....lights."

Giving a shakes from the cold Alice held Kyle closer as she gave a painful chuckle.

"Remember when we went on the fairs wheel? That was great fun, I thought they were going to yell at us so bad though."

Thinking for a long moment as she looks over the menu Sapphire doesn't answer Gage right away. She mulled over his words for a long moment. Gage was differnt from most people she new, and though he'd done some bad things she could see something deeper even if it was hidden. He wasnted to at least try and change and that in itself ment alot.

"Because, you are my friend Gage. I do care, and sometimes friendship dosnt always make sense but its something you cant stop."

Leaning back in the chair for a moment Sapphire's eyes meet Gages.

"I've always been a little on the nerdy strange side. Not many people like to be around me, because I am differnt and have many strangs quirks. I guess I am an out case. But your differnt Gage, you like talking to me and I enjoy having someone to spend time with you. So helping you out, being your friend it helps me out too. You've done same bad things in your life Gage, but so have I. No one can stand saying they haven't. And maybe I can see something deep in you, but there is no turning back now."

One of these days

Alice's voice brings Kyle reassurance that she was alive, but knowing she was caught, his adrenaline continues to surge through his veins.

Still on all fours, he makes it to the jeep, squinting to try to make everything out. "Hang on... I'm coming." Crawling to the windshield, he uses his already-bleeding elbow to break out the rest of the glass.

Reaching inside, he wipes his eye again before fumbling with Alice's seatbelt. He felt like the world was upside down and spinning, but knew he had to be upright since gravity was pulling him in that direction.

Finally he hears a click. "I got it... careful..." He tries his best to guide Alice out through the windshield. Once he knows she's clear, he collapses by the upturned hood of the jeep. Sitting with his head leaning back, he gives a little moan. "I feel..." He squints at Alice. "...numb." It was as if his brain was slowing down little by little, and each thought felt a little more lethargic than the last. "...and cold."

It was just as well that he couldn't see the blood on his clothes. "The others... we have to find... Blake. Are you... are you... okay?"

Gage plays with a packet of sweetener, not looking up when Sapphire joins him. Still waiting for someone to come take their order though, he finally breaks the silence.

"How come you keep saying I'm your friend? I don't understand."

Looking up, he gazes into her eyes. His look held so many things. Someone just meeting him now would think him to be very passive and shy. And maybe that was partly true now. But there was blood on his hands. He knew how to torture people. He knew how to hunt people and fight and kill. There was a look in his eye that spoke of a man with a much heavier past that simply being sheltered. He might not know much about living in society yet, but he had baggage unlike a normal person.

"With everything that happened... I don't understand why you want to be with someone like me. I mean I know you've told me you care and all that, and want to help but... friendship... that's... that's more than wanting to help me."

Jeff gives Katie a hug, still sitting, and giving her the best smile he can. Receiving her question, he shakes his head, then motions for her to sit next to him. "No... no, I came home so I could be where I love."

Taking a deep breath, he looks at his niece with seriousness, though still tries to be light about the whole thing. "I, um... just wanted to be with family again. Rick sent along some medication for me to help keep the symptoms at bay but..."

He swallows hard and reaches over to take Katie's hand. "It, um... we think it's something from the Agency and... it's aggressive. And... I'm getting worse. But there is no cure."

Another faint smile surfaces. "One of these days, I'm finally going to be better for good. That's... why I wanted to come home. So I'd get a chance to see everybody again."