

Standing in the door way for at least 15 minutes Misty watchs Carson and Machenzie interact. It braught a small smile to her face though a strange feeling still stirred. It was a intresting interaction to see with Carson and it did bring a nice warm feeling.

Continuing to watch Misty stays silent just taking in the sight for a long moment. The smile slowly creeping on her face. Finally standing a little bit straghter Misty clears her throat.

"You know I hurd there was going to be some special pizza made tonight so I thought I'd swing by and see what was gong on. I have to keep you and your dad out of trouble eh Squirt!"

Misty gives a little wink to Mackenzie as she comes into the kitchen more and wraps her arms over Carson's neck giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I also got a few movies to I thought maybe we could have a little camp out in the living room or something. I got, Over the Hedge, and Madagascar. I hope you havent seem them yet!"

Streching out on her bed Jess just lays there for a moment. It had been nice to be away, but it was nice to be home too.

Though she was still a bit jumpy she was nothing like she was before and she had a new bright spot. Not only had she gotten over her fear and did something new, but she had for something alse that made her feel good, and like she had a reason again.

Just thinking about Axel made Jess smile and gave her a flutter. Manuvering just a little she pulls her cell from her pocket and holds it for a moment before dialing. Getting Axel's voice mail Jess just lets the message play as she smile. Finally after the beep the smile showing in her voice Jess leave a short message.

"Hey you, I was just calling because...well I didnt have a reson other than I wanted to call. Well I guess I wont leave a long message that is about nothing so I will just see you tonight. I'll try to be on time, but I never really dressed up before so it might take me a little bit, but I will try not to make you wait. Anyways I'll see you than."

Hanging up the phone Jess sits up on the bed and thinks for a moment before going to her closet to see what she had for tonight. She wasnt sure where Axel and herself were going but for once she just wanted to get dressed up a tade since she never had for a good honest reason before.

Picking up her work phone Hope dials Scott's number. She had seen him this afternoon but she new tonight would be one of his first nights home again and she wanted to see how he was doing not to mention he might be a little lonly so talking to him before she left work would do him some good maybe. As the phone rings Hope waits wondering if Scott would even answer.

Coming through the door Katie gets a wiff of something that sure does smell good. Knowing the only one probley home was Ryder she cant help the smile the spreads on her lips.

"Its would seem the made has made something for dinner eh Henry? Sure does smell mighty fine."

Going into the kitchen and seeing Ryder sitting at the table Katie chuckles. She liked having someone alse around. It was always nice to have something to fiscally talk to.

"How was your day? Tomarrow if you like I have some work I am gonna need help with and you can hope a ride to work with me."


Axel sets down his bag and takes a look around the dim apartment. A quick call had confirmed that it was still open - no one had even known he'd moved out yet. He wasn't sure yet if he would still be staying... He'd have to talk to Darrel about it. But in the meantime, he had enough money for another month's rent.

A knock at the door makes him spin around. "Yeah?"

The door opens slowly and Rocky enters a little hesitantly. "Hey, Ax."

Axel forces a solemn smile. "Hey."

Rocky stands awkwardly for a moment, resting his hands in his jeans pockets. "Happened to drive by and saw your car so... figured I'd stop and say hi."

"Thanks. I just walked in the door."

"Oh..." Rocky pauses again. "Um... I got your fish back at my place. So whenever you're read for them again... I kept them alive at least."

Axel gives him a wry grin. "I'm sure they appreciate it. I'll come pick them up as soon as I know if I'm staying."

"You mean you still might leave?"

"No, I mean, I don't know if I can still stay here if I don't have a job in the garage."

"Oh." Rocky purses his lips. "Yeah... well... I think if you tell Darrel the same story you told me, it'll be fine."

"Sure. But I still got a record." Axel shakes his head. "Innocent or not, the record is what counts to most people. So... I can understand him not wanting to get into trouble."

Rocky shrugs. "Never know what'll happen." He hesitates again, not used to an awkwardness between them. "So um... Jess got home too?"

"Yeah. She should be at her place right about now. We followed each other back here."

"Ah. Maybe... she'd like someone to drop by later?"

"Sure she wouldn't mind. She and I are going out to supper tonight though, so she won't be around the whole evening."

"Oh. Well maybe we can all get together. Go out and get pizza or something with the gang."

Axel is starting to unpack his bag, and he looks up, shaking his head a little. "Uh, no... tonight it's just Jess and me. I'm gonna take her somewhere nice."

"Oh." Rocky stops, studying Axel's eyes for a moment, his own flickering with question. "You two... dating?"

A grin breaks free again, and Axel can feel a little bit of heat come to his face. "You could say that." He nods, setting some of his clothes out on his chair.

"Oh." Rocky pushes aside the feelings he didn't want to show. Taking one last look around, he turns for the door once more. "Well... guess I'll leave you at it. Let me know what happens... the others want to get together here soon to talk... I think it would be good."

"Yeah. We will." Axel wanders to the door, seeing him out. He notices the slight change in Rocky's demeanor, and isn't sure if it had to do with Jess or Cryptic, but he senses it's the first. "I'll call you."

"Sounds good." Rocky calls over his shoulder as he makes his way down the stairs. "Tell Jess hi."

"Will do."

Carson finishes washing another load of dishes, and wipes his hands on his apron. Seeing Aerith, he glances out to the dining area and takes note that for now, it was empty.

"Let's close up early for tonight," he suggests. "It was a busy day, so it won't hurt us much. I'll clean up and take care of the kid, then Misty's coming later." He nods his thanks to Aerith. Without her, the day would have been a disaster. "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

It isn't long before the restaurant is quiet. Carson leaves Mackenzie be in the kitchen, going with a tray to clean up some of the tables, then mop the floor. After a short while of working, he feels someone's eyes watching him. Looking up from his mopping, he spies Mackenzie who had come around the counter. He leans on his mop for a moment and cocks his head. "Feel better?"

Mackenzie nods and yawns. "Yeah. I didn't know I was that tired." She grins and holds up the envelope Aerith had left for her. "Guess it was worth it though, huh?"

Carson gives her a wry grin and goes back to his work. "Help doesn't always pay off," he comments.

Mackenzie continues to watch him, finally stepping closer. "Can I do something?"

Carson is used to cleaning up himself, and isn't quite sure what to do with the girl. Shrugging, he looks around. "You can... get a wet towel from the kitchen and clean off the counter if you want."

"Okay." Mackenzie nods and turns around to skip back around to the kitchen.

For the next half hour, work is done in silence. Carson remains tucked away in his own safe world, while Mackenzie's eyes stayed glued to him. She takes the initiative to help clean up where she can, but finally winds up just sitting in one of the booths and waiting, swinging her legs with a little bit of boredom.

Eventually, the floor is cleaned up, tables are cleared and chairs are put up. Carson's stomach growls, reminding him that he hadn't had anything to eat all day. Despite his shot nerves, he was still hungry. He takes off his apron and sighs, looking around the kitchen for a moment. One more job to do.

Reaching for the ingredients though, he pauses. He'd left the girl out in the booth. What was he supposed to do with her though?

Sighing, he continues his final task. "Hey, Mac, come here."

Mackenzie's head shoots up, a grin forming at the new nickname. Trotting to the kitchen, she pushes the door open. "Yeah?"

"What do you like on your pizza?"

"Um... I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know? You like cheese, right? Pepperoni? Mushrooms?"

Mackenzie shrugs lamely. "I... don't know."

Carson stops his work and turns to look at her, his eyebrows raised. "You have had pizza before, right?"

Mackenzie slowly shakes her head. "Mama never made it and we never ate out. And the orphanage never has it."

Carson couldn't believe it, and for a moment, he just blinks. "Well... then I guess you're in for a treat." Grabbing a bunch of items from the refrigerator, he kicks the door shut. "Come here."

Mackenzie goes to the counter, eying the toppings skeptically.

Carson slices a piece of pepperoni. "Here. Try that."

Mackenzie timidly takes as bite, then smiles and nods. "I like that."

"You ought to. It's my favorite topping." Though Mackenzie had tasted what made up pizza toppings before, Carson lets her try all of them, getting the thumbs up on peppers and mushrooms, but grimaces at onions and olives.

"Alright. While I get the sauce ready, you work this dough."

Mackenzie stares at the lump of dough, and reaches for it, but has just a bit of trouble.

Carson quirks an eyebrow, then turns around to grab a chair. In one motion, he's picked Mackenzie up and set her on the chair, making her much taller.

She giggles and leans over to copy what she'd seen him do with the dough. Carson mixes and stirs up the sauce, turning on the radio in the meantime to some upbeat music that got Mackenzie to humming.

Coming back to the counter, he holds out the wooden spoon with some sauce on it. "Tell me what you think."

Mackenzie hesitates, but tries it, then smiles. "Mmm... that tastes good."

"Of course it does. Because I have a secret ingredient."

"What is it?"

"Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, now would it?"

Mackenzie rolls her eyes. "Will you tell me someday?"

"Maybe." As Carson turns around, his thoughts come to a screeching halt. Maybe? He'd said maybe? What was that supposed to mean? That he'd be seeing more of her? Was he giving her false hopes tonight? Was he just putting himself through something he'd regret? He shakes his head. Tonight, he wasn't going to think about how much trouble he was getting into.

Once the dough is ready, Carson start to work it with his hands instead of using a rolling pin. Mackenzie's eyes widen as he tosses it up in the air and catches it. "Where did you learn that?"

"Herb." Carson grins as the crust becomes just wide and thin enough for the large pizza. "He's the owner... is... was..." He stops for a moment. "He got me this job here."

"Oh." Mackenzie chews on a raw slice of green pepper. "Have you been here a long time?"

"A while." Carson finishes up the pizza and puts it in the oven, setting the timer. Joining Mackenzie at the table, he grins a little and takes a towel to wipe some flower off her nose.

Mackenzie scrunches up her nose an giggles. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"So... what happens now?"

"We wait." Carson leans back against the counter, tipping his hat back and crossing his arms. "Misty's going to come and pick us up and then we're heading to my place."

Mackenzie's eyes light up. "Really?"

"Yes, really." Carson's voice remains matter-of-fact, not wanting her to get too excited.

"Does Misty live with you?"

"Nooo," Carson shakes his head. "Of course not. But that doesn't mean she can't come over for supper, does it?"

"No." Mackenzie's eyes spark with mischief. "But she did say she loves you."

"What?" Carson's eyes widen. "She did not."

"Yes she did!" Mackenzie throws her arms up. "I heard her when she was here earlier after you guys were kissing."

Carson quirks one eyebrow and gives her a look. "So, you were spying, eh?"

"I wasn't spying." Mackenzie grows sheepish. "But I did hear her say "I love you" when she left."

Carson's eyes narrow. "Well I didn't hear her say that."

"You think it's not true?"

"I..." Carson opens his mouth, then shakes his head. "I don't really think this is a conversation you and I should be having." While cool on the outside, on the inside he was racking his brain. Had Misty really said that? He remembered hearing her say something as she left and he'd thought that's what she'd said, but then had dismissed it as his imagination. But apparently he hadn't been mistaken.

He shakes his head again, moving on. "At any rate, in the morning, you'll get to meet my sister. I live with her."

Mackenzie's eyes widen even more as she realizes what that means. "I have an aunt?"

"That's usually how it works."

"What's her name?"


"That sounds like a boy's name."

"It's short for Danielle."

"Ohhh." Mackenzie stops in thought. "Is she from Australia too?"

"Yeah... but she's been here a long time...." Carson grows quiet for a moment, not wanting to think about those things. Finally he turns around and busies himself with cleaning up again, wondering if he'd really been talking too much. But he had to do something to pass the time before Misty showed up.

Kyle's eyes shoot up at Alice's challenge, and a grin spreads. "Well I owe you, so it has to be my treat, so I better beat you." Breaking into a sprint, he passes Alice, whirling around to run backward. "Unless you have more money than me.... then you can buy."

A flying toy hits Scott in the head and he jumps, startled from his light sleep. He looks down at Domino who was still chewing on her rubber toy.

She looks up at him and wiggles with excitement, finally abandoning her play to jump up on the couch with him. He spreads his legs so she can crawl up onto his chest, and he gives her some loving. "Yeah, I'm not the best company in the world am I, hmm?"

He kisses her head, his fingers running down her soft fur. "But at least we're home, right?" Sure, at least they were home... in the quiet... very quiet... alone...

Ryder opens the oven door to check on his concoction and shrugs, closing it again. Well, it smelled good to him. If he ate it and died, he'd know he did something wrong.

Sighing, he looks around the kitchen. He'd already cleaned up everything else... he didn't want to leave things a mess... not when he was still begging room and board off Katie and Laura. Maybe he should stay like Laura suggested... moving upstairs he might feel a little more at home. But would it look strange to share a house with two women? At least he'd have the upstairs - that made a difference.

Shaking his head, he goes and flops down at the table, grabbing a fairly recent newspaper. He might be employed by TJY, but he certainly had a lot of time on his hands at the moment. Maybe there was help wanted somewhere that he would fit in.