

*Jamie stands looking in Jason's eyes and seeing a differnt answer.* "Your eyes cant lie as easy as your mouth." *Jamie lets out a sigh. Jamie was wise beyound her years. Katie could read Jason, and Jamie cold see the feelins of others it was her gift.* "Well Jason, She loves you. She is just scaired to show it And I KNOW no matter what you say you love her. I can see it. Dont let her slip away hotshot you will regret it for the rest of your life trust me I know. You love her do something about it." *Jamie stands and walks out of Jasons office leaving him alone.*

*Katie smiles at Ty.* "Its ok I dont like hospetls eather but I kind of had no choise I guess in this one." *As Ty asks Katie about helping him read Katie smiles even more. A warm feeling over coming her. She was honnered Ty even considered asking her.* " I'd love to Ty. I dont know how good of a teacher I am but I can try." *As a nurse comes in to let Katie know its time for Therapy Katie nods than turns back to Ty.* " Want to come along with?"

Would you....

Jason stays on his feet in defense mode, crossing his arms. He grits his teeth as his pulse begins to quicken. Control yourself, Jason. Stop it. Jamie’s questions hit below the belt.

Yes, Katie had broken through his walls.

His heart begins to race.

Yes, when he looked into Katie’s eyes, something happened to him deep down that he couldn’t explain.

Jason closes his eyes for just a moment, his jaw muscles working over time. He sees Katie’s face in his mind. He replays past events. He sees her with Wyatt. He tries to gain a glimpse of the future. He recalls Wyatt’s words, still fresh in his mind. He senses again the confusion in Katie.

...He envisions what she really deserves.

He looks back to Jamie quickly, staring her straight in the eye. “No.”

Ty laughs a little bit, shrugging off the whole thing. “Don’t worry about it. I’m just glad you’re okay. I mean…I guess I wanted to come visit you sooner, but hospitals sorta freak me out and…” He stops, his face reddening a little bit. “Okay, so I just got up enough nerve this morning.” He grimaces at himself. “Sorry. Wyatt’s been keeping me informed about what’s been happening. I wasn’t sure you’d want any more visitors either, so….yeah.” He sighs. “I, um…I wanted to tell you….I finally talked to Wyatt about….about me not being able to read. And um…he got me a job with some janitorial stuff over where you guys work…TJY? So….yeah.” His face starts to redden more. “Katie, I…I kind of had a question for you….and I know this isn’t a great time with you in here and all…and you don’t…I mean…you don’t have to say yes, but, I was kinda wondering, well…and I'd want to repay you somehow of course...” His eyes fall to the floor. “I thought maybe since you were one of the few who know about my problem that…that maybe you could teach me how to read?”

When you look in her eyes..

*Jamie stairs into Jason's eyes searching for the truth. The truth he wasent giving. Jamie keeps her voice calm and low and sits down.* "How about the truth Hotshot. I'm only tring to help, deep down in that heart that has put walls up for years, Has Katie Pent broken though? When you look into her eyes, do you see the world? Do you love Katie?"

*As Katie looks up she see Ty. Puting her arms around his neck she feels slitly embarssed. After being put bad Katie turns to him and smiles.* "Sorry you had to see me like that. I was trying to reach my cell phone. Thank you for the help." *For the moment the feeling Katie had leaves and she decieds everything is ok for now she will call Jason in a bit. For now she would talk with Ty.* "So..what do I owe this saprise?" *Katie smiles.*


Jason is standing beside his desk, trying to sort through the papers he’d dropped, and he looks up with a scowl as Jamie enters. Now what?
As her question is hurled in his direction, he can’t help but lift his eyebrows and stare at her. Where on earth had that come from? Why was Jamie involving herself?
Jason controls his rampant emotions for the time being and rolls his eyes. “What kind of a question is that? She’s my friend, Jamie. How many more people do I have to explain it to?” He throws his arms in the air and raises his voice. “Katie Pent is my friend!!!” He lets his arms drop with a scoff. “There. You happy?”

Just as Katie falls, someone is entering the room. “Katie, are you okay?” a male voice asks. He goes to her quickly and kneels next to her. “Here, put your arms around my neck so I can help you back into your bed.” Ty looks at her with worry, his face reddening slightly. So much for a casual entrance after coming out of hibernation.

DO you?

*As Wyatt walks by Jamie she smiles.* "Mornng." *Seeing his short nod and scowl she knows something is up. Shaking her head she sighs. Why did she feel worse for the 2 guys or Katie. Everyone alse may have though they were just rumors But Jamie was wiser beyound her years. She new that Kaite felt like she was caught. The 2 guys dancing circles around her neather really making much of a move. Wyatt deserved better, Katie deserved better and so did Jason. What a mess to be suck in. Jamie shakes her head and goes back to her work.*

*Katie smiles as Jason leaves. So kind so caring she would look forword to seeing him for lunch. Katie streachs and waits for her morning therapy to start. As she gets ready she starts to feel the strange feeling she has a few times in the past now. All connectin Wyatt and Jason. Katie rolls her eyes.* "No What..It must be about the concert last night." *Katie reaches for her phone on the dresser only to find its not there. Looking around the room Katie see it over on the other table.* "Oh for the love of..." *KAtie thinks for a moment to try and figure out how to get it. The feeling inside of her rising. Katie see her wheel chair Puting the bars down on her bed she swings her body so her legs are hanging off the side. Stairing at the ground Kaite puts the side railing up again. Grabing on to it Katie lifts herself up. Slowly she trys to move her legs but they are not coroperating. Lowering herself onto the bed again she mumbles.* "Come on Come on." *Trying again Katie lifts herself up. Her one leg moves ever so slighly as katie starts to lower some preshure onto it. But her legs buckle and send her to the floor.*

*As Jamie see Wyatt exit Jasons offie and hears the slam she knows nothing good just happend. Not being able to take it any longer Jamie stands and makes her way to Jason's office. She has been in this position befor and she dosent want Jason making the same mistake she did and let the one you truly care about go. Knocking on the door Jamie enters.* "Hey hotshot I wanted to ask you something. Flat out, and you cant tell at me I am older than you so ya, you have to be nice to me." *Jamie cant help but laugh trying to lighten the mood. But than grows seriouse.* "Do you love Katie?"

Tense Exchange

Wyatt stalks into the office floor, letting the stairway door slam shut behind him. An uncharacteristic scowl accents his face, and he barely greets any of his friends on the way to his desk. He’d planned on telling Reese or at least Con about last night, just to find out if anyone else had known about Jason’s little venture, but now the last thing he wanted to talk about was Jason, no matter what the context was.

He walks briskly past Laura’s desk without a word, passes Jamie without so much as a nod, and flops down into his chair, letting his keys clatter onto his desk. He sighs deeply and flips on his computer, though his mind is in no shape to do work. This had to stop. Somehow…this had to stop.

Jason looks at Katie’s face for just a moment, trying to figure out what she’s thinking. He chuckles at her stomach growling, and finally rolls over to sit up, glad that any awkwardness doesn’t linger. “And you’re apologizing, because…? If I hadn’t been perfectly comfortable, I could have gotten up myself.” He yawns, sliding off the bed to stand tall and stretch his arms into the air. “Yeah…I want to get back in the office…get some work done…quit thinking about everything else for a while. Though I’d swing back by for lunch though…” He goes over to his bag and grabs a clean set of clothes. “On my way across the hall I’ll holler at the nurse for ya to get you some breakfast.” He stops in the doorway and turns around, throwing Katie one last glance, just looking her in the eye, so many questions lingering. Shaking his head, he continues his route.
It’s not much later before he’s on his way to TJY.

Jason waves a good morning to Laura, who returns a smile.

“Hey, Hotshot!”

Jason grins. “Morning.”

“Yo, Jase.” Con gives him a salute as he ambles by with a cup of coffee.

“Hey, Con.” Jason receives some paperwork from Susanne and heads to his office, his mind intent on getting some work done today. He had to think of something other than Katie or Jetstream for a while.

Wyatt looks up as he sees Jason pass by. Immediately he gets to his feet and tails Jason to his office.

Jason enters his office, and doesn’t even have time to sit down, when he hears his door shut behind him. Whirling around, he’s startled to see Wyatt right behind him, looking none too happy.

Recovering quickly, he tosses his papers onto his desk and folds his arms across his chest. “Yes?”

Wyatt wastes no time. “What’s the story, Jase? What’s really going through your head?”

Jason quirks an eyebrow, his defenses rising. “If this is about last night, I…”

“No, it’s not.” Wyatt cuts him off. He’d been leery about the whole concert deal, still unsure how to take that whole thing, but this morning took the cake. He grits his teeth. “I uh, wanted to swing by to say hi to Katie this morning…”

The blood drains from Jason’s face. He doesn’t have to ask any more questions. He knows instantly that Wyatt had seen him and Katie together…whether they’d meant anything by it or not, it wouldn’t have looked good at all from Wyatt’s perspective. “Wyatt, just calm down, we didn’t…”

Wyatt cuts him off again, throwing him a glare. “I don’t want your excuses, Jason. What were you thinking?!”


“I’ve asked you time and time again about you and Katie, and each time you deny there’s anything there, and each time you pull a stunt like this!” Wyatt throws his hands in the air as his voice rises. “Why can’t you just back off?!”

“She’s my friend, Wyatt!” Jason’s tone rises as well. “I’m not trying to come between you and here alright?!”

“Oh, friend, huh?! That’s sure what it looked like this morning!” Sarcasm is flung into the air. Wyatt’s eyes narrow. “Are you so stupid to think that you’re not coming between Katie and me? Are you so stupid to think that your actions don’t convey more than just being friends?!” He shakes his head. “You spend day in and day out with Katie, you write songs about her, for pete’s sake, you’ve shared a couch, and I saw you this morning in her bed!!” Blood rushes to Wyatt’s face as his temper gets the best of him.

Anger surges through Jason’s veins, not even thinking about his emotional state and having to explain anything to Katie later. “How dare you! There has been nothing inappropriate between Katie and myself. How could you think that she…”

“I’m not talking about her!” Wyatt counters. “I’m talking about you! You’re the one I don’t trust, Jason. You’re the one who’s making all the advances. You’re the one stepping over boundaries.” He glares at his friend. “Stop making this thing so difficult!”

Heat rises to Jason’s face as he takes the verbal beating. “Why is all of this my fault?! First off, I’ve told you a million times that there’s nothing between Katie and me! Why do you even care? She picked you, remember?”

“Then stop making it difficult for her!”

Jason stops, suddenly realizing what Wyatt was getting at, and he swallows hard. “You’re blaming me for making this difficult for Katie?”

Wyatt looks at him in desperation. “Put yourself in her shoes, Jase! If she wants to choose you over me, then so be it. I’ll live. But she hasn’t, and you claim you don’t want her to anyway. So why do you insist on acting like you’re in love with her?! You’re putting her in an awful position and making her choose, when you have no intention of anything even if she WAS to pick you. Don’t you get it?! Stop making things so difficult for her!”

Jason is so taken aback that he can’t even answer. He just stares Wyatt in the eye, too stunned to know what to say. He hadn’t thought of it from that perspective before, and was ashamed to admit it. Was he really making things worse for Katie?

Wyatt shakes his head at Jason in disgust, and throws him a warning glance. “Back off, Jason. Just back off.” Having said what he’d come here to say, Wyatt spins around and exits Jason’s office to stalk back to his own desk.

Jason takes a step forward and kicks his door violently, sending it swinging back into the wall with a bang. What was happening?! What had he done? Was this really all his fault? Was he really hurting Katie? He hadn’t meant to. All he’d wanted was to be her friend…he enjoyed her friendship, was that so wrong? But….maybe Wyatt was right. Maybe he’d gone too far. Crossed too many lines. Overstepped too many bounds.

“Jason, would you come pick up these files?” Reese’s voice calls him over the intercom.

Jason groans and heads out of his office, going to Reese. He wastes no time in retrieving the work and heading back, ignoring everyone around him as he goes. Just as he’s passing Jamie’s desk, he bumps into the corner of the cubicle, and the folders slip from his grasp. They fall to the floor, sending papers in all directions. Jason mutters a curse and kneels down to try and clean up his mess, his anger and confusion still fresh.


*As Katie hears Jason's voice and feel his rough but soft touch on her face she dosent open her eyes for a moment. She dident want to wake it couldet be time to wake already, she was comfortable.Thought fill her mind Jason...ahhh..JASON! Katie opens her eyes slowly only to meet Jason's eyes. She blinks fast as her face turns red.* "J...I'm so sorry. I ment to wake you before I went to sleep but I guess I was so comfortable I forgot. I'm so sorry J." *Katie smiles not able to help the sparkel in her eyes. For a moment longer Katie lays there. She felt so comfortable with Jason. So comfortable she was able to fall asleep in the blink of an eye. Again the though of the crossroad enters Katie's mind. How would she ever choose. Siting up her tummy grumbaling. Katie cant help but giggle.* "Guess it breakfest time huh? Are you heading to work today?"


Jason almost wakes as Katie moves, but his sleep has too strong a hold on him…he’s too warm…too comfortable….

Light begins to stream in through the window. Chatter is heard out in the nurse’s station, and footsteps pass by the door. Jason doesn’t want to open his eyes. He’s so relaxed…so warm…so….. something was different. Jason finally gets his brain to function and opens one eye. Uh-oh.

His arm is still resting over Katie’s petite frame, and her forehead is resting against his. How on earth had he let himself get into this position? And Katie had let him? Why hadn’t she woken him up? Her hand is resting on his arm, and he can feel her slow breathing as she sleeps peacefully. Jason wanted to move. He knew he should…he knew he shouldn’t be as comfortable like this as he was. But…

Wyatt parks his jeep and steps outside, taking a deep breath of the morning air. It was a good morning. He’d had fun with Katie last night, despite the whole thing with Jason…maybe he had a chance after all. This morning he just wanted to stop by and see Katie before he went to work, and ask if she wanted to go out for supper with him if she was feeling up to it after therapy.

Entering the hospital, he knows Jason will probably be around this morning, but that was a given…Wyatt couldn’t let it bother him…besides that, it might be nice to find out directly from the horse’s mouth how last night at the band had transpired. Despite any rifts between Wyatt and Jason right now, Wyatt truly was interested in the fact that Jason had been such a performer.

He waves good morning to a nurse as he walks down the hall and heads for Katie’s room. He sees the door is barely shut, and takes the handle quietly, opening it just enough to peek in, ready to give Katie a smile. Whether Jason was there or not, she should be surprised since he didn’t normally stop by in the mornings.
But instead of the pleasure he expects, Wyatt feels like he’s been punched in the gut. The door only partially open, he just stares. At first he’s numb. Then he can feel the anger rising. Opting to say and do nothing, lest he regret his actions, he forces himself not to slam the door, spins on his heel and stalks back down the hall. He was late for work the way it was.

Every so gently, Jason moves his face from Katie’s, just studying her soft features. He gives a slight sigh, knowing that if she were awake, she’d probably never allow him this close…and not that she should. It was bad enough he’d put her in this position by falling asleep here, even worse was the fact that she was spoken for. Jason inwardly stuffs any unwanted feelings down deep so he could ignore them. He needed to be more careful. He and Katie were friends…period…right?

Shifting his weight, he moves his arm to bring his hand up to her face and run a finger down her cheek. “Psst…sleepy head…” He backs off a little, not wanting her to be too surprised when she wakes up, though his arm is still around her. Why he lets it lay there, he doesn't even know.

Face to Face

*Katie smiles.* "I'd like to meet them. Jason...before you tell them no. Make sure you ready to give up the dream. I hate seeing it slip though your fingers.Just make sure its right before you do it for sure." *Once again making room for Jason they both watch a movie. As Jason falls asleep Katie smiles not wanting to wake him knowing he has had a long eventful night. Continuing to watch tv Katies decieds before she heads to bed she will wake him go he can get into his own bed. As Katie contiues to watch the movie she moves her hand to Jason's arm and gently runs her fingers up and down it. Finally stop and just laying her hands on his arm. Before she knows it Katie is fast sleep. Slowly Katie's head falls to the side to rest on Jason both of them now face to face.*

Don't know how

Katie's excitement is contagious, and Jason has a hard time suppressing his own. A smile can't be helped as she talks, the enthusiasm growing. He looks down at the picture, noting how good of a job Katie had done. "I didn't realize how artistic you were," he comments, and sets the picture on the bedside table, not wanting to smudge or wrinkle it.
"Autographs, huh?" He laughs. "A little local band with party and picnic gigs, signing autographs?" He grins and shakes his head. "The guys would like you, ya know that? Those three are crazy...they're perfectly content sticking around this area and having fun, but they're so enthusiastic, any little gig, you'd think they were playing for five thousand people."
Jason becomes a little more sober. "They're a fun group to be with..."

He sighs and pats Katie's hands that are lying on his arm. "I just don't think it would work, Katie. I can't imagine leaving TJY, even for a summer. I loved playing with the band tonight...I loved it even more than I thought I would. But how could I give up my passion for helping people and solving cases through TJY? And besides that, I'm still stuck on the Agency case whether I like it or not... if I went off with Jetstream, I'd be risking them too...I couldn't do that to them." He looks down, trying not to care so much. "And on top of that...if I stuck with them for the summer...what would I do after that? Drop them?" He shakes his head. "On Monday, I'm just going to have to tell them no. I don't see any way around it."

Confused and tired, Jason kicks off his shoes and shifts to the side enabling him to lie down on his back next to Katie, throwing her a teasing grin to end the conversation for now. His brain hurt too much to think about it any more. "So is there anything good on tv tonight?" His eyes focus up on the screen, his intentions to keep Katie company, while watching the movie that's playing.

He yawns as his exhaustion starts to sink in deeper, and his eyes grow heavy. It's harder than he thought to stay awake, as the evening begins to catch up to him. He tries to watch the movie, wanting to spend time with Katie to make up for him being late tonight, but it seems impossible. Catching himself starting to doze at one point, he makes the decision to say goodnight and head to the extra bed, but his body refuses to wake up enough to do it. Before he knows it, his eyes are closed. Rolling over in his sleep, he winds up on his side, his free arm curled around Katie, and his head next to hers, never even waking.


*Katie listens to Jason intently. As Jason talks about Jetstream Katie can see something new in his eyes. It almost seemed like it was the real Jason trying to come out. The real Jason that had been locked away for so long. Katie puts her hands on Jasons arm excitment running through her.* "Maybe Jason you should take a leave of absence from TJY and do this. Even its its just this summer. When you were on stage J, you just flowed, like you were ment to be there like you'd been doing it all your life." *Katie smiles even more.* "And when you talk about Jetstream, J that look in your eye...I cant explain it. But its a good thing I think." *Katie face turn alittle red at the comment but smiles just the same.* "I really am happy I was there. I really do think you need to consider joing them, follow your dreams J, and follow your heart, they can never lead you astray." * After a moment of silence Katie pic up her drawing again.* "Hey look I even have the pics we can get copyed and use for you guys to autgraph." *Katie beams at Jason holding the picture. Katie wasent sure if she was more excited than he was.*

The whole story

Jason slowly lets his hands fall from his face, gaining back some composure. Katie's words strike his heart like never before. She was speaking of his dreams, and she had loved seeing him and hearing him tonight. He'd known she'd liked hearing him sing, but this...this was something different. Now he KNEW. The audience really had liked him, Jetstream had liked him...and Katie had too. What more could he have asked for?

Seeing her open arms catches him just a little off guard, and he hesitates for just a moment. But seeing the innocence in her eyes - the look that conveys her pride and simple pleasure, he relents. He scoots onto her bed to sit beside her, and pulls her up into his strong arms to hug her gently. "Thanks, Katie...I'm sorry I didn't tell you..."

He withdraws to look at her face, his hands resting on her shoulders. "I...I didn't think it would go this far. Sheriff Brown...the one who came and got me a while back - he'd lined up Jetstream for this event but they lost their lead singer. He found me and wanted me to get hooked up with him. I didn't think I was good enough...figured they wouldn't want me, so..." He grimaces, now a bit embarrassed about the whole thing. "...I figured if I didn't tell anyone about it, it would save me the agony of admitting defeat when they said I wasn't good enough." A lame laugh forms. "Then they actually wanted me, so I agreed to singing and playing for this one event, knowing that the audience would probably hate me. By then I figured I should still keep quiet since I'd gotten in that deep without saying anything, and I still thought I'd crash and burn."

Jason lets his hands drop onto his lap, shifting his gaze away from Katie as melancholy settles over him. His head hurt from the amount of sugar he'd downed earlier, and his exhaustion was returning. "And now..." He gestures with his head to his bag on the floor. "Now I've got an agreement in that bag from Jetstream, waiting for my signature that commits me to playing with them all this summer at the events they've got lined up." He shakes his head. "I can't tell you how much fun I had tonight...I don't know which I enjoy more - working for TJY or being on stage." He glances at Katie a bit sheepishly. "I wanted to pass up this whole thing, but I just couldn't. But at this point in the game...." He sighs. "I can't join up with Jetstream indefinitely. There's no way I can play with them in the area AND keep up with TJY. Not to mention, Reese is going to kill me for just this one night being out in the open like I was."

He forces another annoyed laugh. "Oh yeah, and did I mention that the band is pressuring me to enter that radio contest for local talent? I'd never be able to do that....maybe people like hearing me on stage, but actually having people vote from hearing me on the radio? Actually getting a contract for an album? No...it's not worth my time...especially since it's still a conflict with TJY."

Jason catches Katie's eye, his mouth straight, but his eyes smiling. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself though...I'd rather have your approval than the whole audience any day."

Come here

*Katie can see and feeling how horrable Jason feels.* "J its ok. Your did GREAT. I was so happy I was able to be there and listen. I love your music, I love your voice, and I love how you play. I just wish you had told me. I know you dident HAVE to tell me. But it would of been nice to shair your excitment." *Katie opens her arms to Jason.* "Come here I want to be the first to hug someone famus. You went for you dreams Jason and you did better than you though. I am so proude of you."


As Katie speaks, Jason suddenly gets an awful feeling in the pit of his stomach. It couldn't be. Listening, he slowly stands up from his bag and turns around, his eyes getting wider. Oh, no. A whispered curse at himself slips out under his breath.
He dumbly takes the picture from Katie, then looks back at her, so overcome with embarrassment that he can't even think of anything intelligent to say, let alone know how to react. She'd been there...she and Wyatt had been there...they'd seen the whole thing...Katie had heard his songs.
Though never before allowing anyone to see him in this state, Jason is too overcome to help it, and his face changes at least five shades of red. He's completely mortified. No one he knew was supposed to be there, least of all Katie. Embarrassed beyond speech, he hands the picture back to her and swallows hard. He sinks into a chair to lean back and cover his face with his hands. "Oh, woe..."


*Katie trys to controll the smile that was coming to her face. Jason was busted. Why she found this funny she has no idea, maybe it was for once he was clueless* "Well thats cool.." *Katie continues to draw.* "Well lets see what I did all night." *Katie again trys to hold in her laughing* "Wyatt and I want to this picnic thing the next town over. It was alot of fun. There was a live band and everything." *Katie thinks for a moment.* "The band name was JetStream I think I remember. They were really good. The Lead singer/guitar player was wonderful. He kind of looked like you. Anyways He was really good, and so was the band. I wonder if His best friend new about this avent so they were able to be there. Thats something imporant a friend shouldent miss ah well." *As Katie finishes her picture she hands it to Jason. On the top there is a banner thats says "JetStream" and than the rest is a stage with the band and Jason in the middle. and the crowd in front."Jason, your busted." *Katies smile breask out into a smile.*

Evasive Maneuver

Jason quirks an eyebrow. Something in Katie's tone sounded funny. "Ah...good time with Wyatt then, I assume."
He goes to his bag on the floor to rummage through it, looking for something, and stalling for time as he hides his face from Katie. He knew he was exhausted and there was no way he could pull off skirting around the truth if she saw his eyes. "Not a whole lot... just hung out with some friends of mine. Did some work..."

All Night

*Katie smiles, trying to hold back her excitment, and her bit of irratation.* "Thats ok, I dident get home not to long ago myself." *Katie continues to draw, looking up as Jason every once and a while.* "So what did you do all night to keep you away? You look exsausted!"


Wyatt has a blast, enjoying every minute spent with Katie. He watches her intently with everything, loving her laughter, and seeing her having fun. As the crowd begins to disperse, he heaves a weary sigh, grinning down at her. “Oh, I suppose we should probably go before we both get into trouble.” He gives her cheek a playful brush with the back of his hand. “Come on, my damsel, let’s get you back in one piece.”

He helps her back into the jeep, and the drive back is peaceful, the darkness surrounding them. Wyatt offers small talk about the evening, recalling some of the fun events, but avoiding talk of the band. Something still bothered him about that. Not only had it been a shock, but Jason was still supposed to be careful about being alone in public, let alone up front and center.

Once back at the hospital, Wyatt helps Katie get settled, and gives her a kiss on the head. “Good night, Katie. Thanks for a fun time.” He hates to leave her alone, but he’s tired himself, and knows he has to get up early in the morning. Backing out of the room, he throws her a smile and a wink, then turns and disappears.

Jason yawns and widens his eyes as he drives back to town, trying to stay awake. He hadn’t felt this good, or this exhausted in a long time. The evening was still reeling through his mind. He’d been right…he’d gotten a taste of it, and loved it. Now what would he do? What could he do?

Pulling into a gas station, he makes a quick stop to grab a bottle of pop. He could feel his sugar getting low on top of his tiredness, and he wasn’t about to have an episode tonight. As he gets back out on the road, he grimaces at himself. Katie. She’d suggested watching a movie tonight, but by the time he got back to the hospital, it would be midnight. She’d probably be asleep already. What was he supposed to tell her? He’d had such an exciting time with the band that it was hard to hold it in, yet if he told her about it, he knew she’d encourage him to take the next step, and he just wasn’t convinced it was possible.

By the time he pulls into the hospital parking lot, his body has shifted gears from the pop, and he’s now running on adrenaline and caffeine – not a great combination when he was trying to act normal. He throws on an old t-shirt, and runs his hands through his hair in an attempt to lose the gel. Switching out his cowboy boots for his laced work boots, he finally makes his way inside.
Making his way to Katie’s room, he slows his pace as he reaches the door. Cracking it, he sees a light on, and hears the tv going. She was still up. For once, he almost wished she hadn’t been. But he pasts a natural look on his face and knocks before entering. He offers a sheepish smile. “Hey, Hero. Sorry I didn’t get back sooner. I expected you to be asleep.” Only as he’s halfway across the room does he remember that he forgot one thing – his guitar is with Phil.

Gold Fish

*Katie smiles her cheeks turning a soft crimson red.* "Ok, I think I'd like to go to the games and spend some more time with you." *Katie dident want to talk with Jason now there were to many peopl and she dident know if it would turn into a shouting match. She hoped it wouldent but better to be safe than sorry. Though for a moment she cant push Jason out of her mind. the words he had spoken for both songs.Finally Katie pushes the though away and consintrates n Wyatt.* "So...let see what they got over here." *Katie smiles at Wyatt and takes hand pushing herself along with her other. The time flys as Katie and Wyatt play some games. It was more fun than she exspected. Katie was pritty good as the watergun game and wondered if Wyatt was imporessed seeing as he never did she she shoot, not that it mattered. Katie even won alittle goldfish from on game.* "Oh great now what am I going to do with this." *she cant help but laugh. The hours pass and finally its very late.* "Well I guess we better get going before the hospetal thinks you kidnaped me. Though I dont want to leave."*Katie felt like a kid again here. She liked it. This was more fun than she has in a long time.*


Wyatt almost doesn’t hear Katie asking him her question as the band leaves the stage. Seeing Jason had certainly been a surprise. The way he moved on stage and communicated with the crowd, Wyatt would have thought he’d been doing it all his life, if he didn’t know any better.
Jason had always been an asset to TJY, skilled and sharp at almost anything he did. He was smart and keen when it came to detective work, and Wyatt wasn’t sure he could go up against him in a real fight. But at the same time, Jason had always had a side that was withdrawn, that shied away from people and crowds as he proved that despite his cockiness he was an introvert. Where had that gone? There had been no holding back tonight…Jason had performed skillfully, his voice was incredible as was his guitar playing, and it was evident that he’d taken to the stage like a fish to water. Was this the same Jason Wyatt had known?

He looks to Katie, bringing himself back to the present, and forcing himself to smile. He wasn’t going to talk about Jason now…he didn’t know what Katie thought of all this, but didn’t want to get into it. Jason was winding up everywhere just when Wyatt didn’t want him, and this wasn’t helping things. But he would shove it aside and just enjoy the rest of the night. “We can go over there if you’re up to it.” He smiles warmly as he stands up, to help Katie get back into her wheel chair. “I don’t have any time limits when I’m with you.”

“Man, we were awesome tonight!” The bass player, Phil, slaps his buddies on the back.

“You mean HE was awesome.” Mike nods to Jason.

Jason rolls his eyes, shaking his head as he removes his microphone and sets his guitar on its stand. “Jetstream was awesome.”

Kyle plops down in a chair and takes a swig of water. “We’ve had some good crowds since we started playing a couple years ago, but I dare say this one was the most enthusiastic. I’m exhausted.”

Mike laughs. “We did sound pretty good. I think it was Jason though, who drew that crowd in. Man, you said you’d never been on stage before.”

“I hadn’t until tonight.”

“Well good grief.” Phil winds up an extension cord and tosses it into a box. “If that’s true, then you definitely belong on the stage. What took you so long?”

Jason laughs and helps start packing up some of the equipment. “Let’s not go there. This was fun though. I enjoyed it.”

“So you gonna stick with us or what?” Mick questions.

Jason pauses before closing a guitar case. “I’ll let you know by Monday.”

Kyle rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I know, you’d rather go single than stick with us.”

“You crazy?” Jason smirks at him. “You guys are great. Takes a team to make it work. A handful of people might like my voice, but I’d need more than that. There’s a reason bands have more than one member.”

“A handful of people?” Phil shakes his head. “You do have a complex, don’t you? That whole crowd tonight loved you. Stop selling yourself short.”

Jason lets the guys razz him a little bit, but doesn't offer much rebuttal as he helps load up Kyle and Phil's pickups with equipment. The milling crowd starts to thin out, and by the time the band is ready to leave, there aren't many people left, and it's late.

Now what

*As Katie watched Jason he looked so naturell up there. Like he's been doing this all his life. The crowd they love him, Jason had a smile on his face and a look in his eyes. He was truly happy.As Katie listent to the words of Jason's next song a tear forms in he eye as she knows the deeper meaning to the song. Kaite nods her head to the music. After the music Katie wishes she could get up and run to Jason leting him know how wonderful he was. But knowing she cant she lets out a sigh and claps for the band. Than turning to Wyatt again she smiles and asks.* "So are you wanting to go home? or did ya wanna check out some of the games they have?"


Wyatt can tell from Katie’s reaction that she’d had no idea that Jason would be there, and shakes his head at her question. This was a total surprise to him. He sits back and listens, having had no idea Jason was that good. Every once in a while, he glances at Katie who is watching the stage intently. What was going through her mind?

As the evening wears on, the band takes a couple short breaks, just to be brought back by the audience’s nonstop clapping. At once point, Kyle speaks from his seat at the keyboard. “Hey, y’all…thanks for having us here tonight. I hope you’re enjoying this as much as we are.”

The audience wastes no time in cheering.

Kyle grins. “Alright! Guess that’s a yes. Well, good. Hey, I’d like to take this opportunity to say…don’t we have an awesome new lead singer?”

Another round of cheers and applause erupts. Jason stands to the side, sweat on his face from the long evening, but not being able to help a small bit of pleasure from the audience’s reaction.

“Yeah!” Kyle claps too, still grinning. “Well let’s keep on going…the night is still young!”

The band continues to play for another hour, until they begin to grow weary. The audience calls for encores over and over again, until it becomes ridiculous. Finally, Kyle stands up from the keyboard, throwing his arms in the air. “Y’all are nuts!” He calls teasingly. “You’re supposed to be in bed by now!”

Laughter erupts.

Jason grins and looks out at the crowd. “I think SOMEbody missed his naptime today…”

More laughter.

Kyle shakes his head, resting his hands on his hips. “Alright…ONE more song.” Sitting back down, they perform another.

Finally, they can’t take any more, but the audience begs. Jason chuckles and waves them quiet. “Tell you what…we’ll give you ONE more… right, Kyle?”

Kyle lets his face drop onto his keyboard. “I can’t take it!” He sits up quickly. “If you’re so enthusiastic, Jason, YOU take this ONE last song.” He glances to the audience. “What do you say, folks? How about letting our lead singer here end the night right with a solo of his own, and one of his original, never before heard songs, eh?”

The audience erupts with pleas.

Jason can’t help his grin and shakes his head. “Going to one of the stands, he switches out the electric guitar for his acoustic and settles down on a stool, beginning to strum softly. He stops once and looks up. ‘This really is the last one, folks.” He chuckles at the groans he receives, and plays into the soft song filled with emotion as the soothing melody carries a sleepy tone.

Hey little boy, what’s your story untold?
Who took you from the peace you knew?
Hey little boy, how come you disappeared?
No one saw it when he took you away.

You hide your face,
You shed your tears.
Nobody’s there to take your fears.
You cannot sleep,
You scream in the night,
But nobody’s there to hold you tight.

Hey little boy what’s the world done to you?
The smile you wore just fades away.
Hey little boy what’s that bruise on your face?
It don’t look like no fall to me.

You cry all night,
You can’t see why,
Nobody hears, why even try?
Dreams taunt your mind,
Hope slips away.
Nobody’s sees your pain today.

Hey little boy, how’d you grow up so fast?
Where’s that spark I used to see in you?
Hey little boy, what’s that weight on your back?
The war is gone, but it followed you.

You still feel the wounds,
You still fight the pain.
It’s over, but it comes back again.
It haunts your sleep,
Nightmares are long…
Oh little boy…where have you gone?

Mmm…little boy….
There’s still hope out there…
Mmm….little boy…
Your not alone anymore.

As the notes die away, people are wiping tears from their eyes, and finally the clapping erupts once again. The band all stands and takes a quick bow, waving, then exiting the stage, despite the cries for another song.