

Wyatt almost doesn’t hear Katie asking him her question as the band leaves the stage. Seeing Jason had certainly been a surprise. The way he moved on stage and communicated with the crowd, Wyatt would have thought he’d been doing it all his life, if he didn’t know any better.
Jason had always been an asset to TJY, skilled and sharp at almost anything he did. He was smart and keen when it came to detective work, and Wyatt wasn’t sure he could go up against him in a real fight. But at the same time, Jason had always had a side that was withdrawn, that shied away from people and crowds as he proved that despite his cockiness he was an introvert. Where had that gone? There had been no holding back tonight…Jason had performed skillfully, his voice was incredible as was his guitar playing, and it was evident that he’d taken to the stage like a fish to water. Was this the same Jason Wyatt had known?

He looks to Katie, bringing himself back to the present, and forcing himself to smile. He wasn’t going to talk about Jason now…he didn’t know what Katie thought of all this, but didn’t want to get into it. Jason was winding up everywhere just when Wyatt didn’t want him, and this wasn’t helping things. But he would shove it aside and just enjoy the rest of the night. “We can go over there if you’re up to it.” He smiles warmly as he stands up, to help Katie get back into her wheel chair. “I don’t have any time limits when I’m with you.”

“Man, we were awesome tonight!” The bass player, Phil, slaps his buddies on the back.

“You mean HE was awesome.” Mike nods to Jason.

Jason rolls his eyes, shaking his head as he removes his microphone and sets his guitar on its stand. “Jetstream was awesome.”

Kyle plops down in a chair and takes a swig of water. “We’ve had some good crowds since we started playing a couple years ago, but I dare say this one was the most enthusiastic. I’m exhausted.”

Mike laughs. “We did sound pretty good. I think it was Jason though, who drew that crowd in. Man, you said you’d never been on stage before.”

“I hadn’t until tonight.”

“Well good grief.” Phil winds up an extension cord and tosses it into a box. “If that’s true, then you definitely belong on the stage. What took you so long?”

Jason laughs and helps start packing up some of the equipment. “Let’s not go there. This was fun though. I enjoyed it.”

“So you gonna stick with us or what?” Mick questions.

Jason pauses before closing a guitar case. “I’ll let you know by Monday.”

Kyle rolls his eyes. “Yeah, I know, you’d rather go single than stick with us.”

“You crazy?” Jason smirks at him. “You guys are great. Takes a team to make it work. A handful of people might like my voice, but I’d need more than that. There’s a reason bands have more than one member.”

“A handful of people?” Phil shakes his head. “You do have a complex, don’t you? That whole crowd tonight loved you. Stop selling yourself short.”

Jason lets the guys razz him a little bit, but doesn't offer much rebuttal as he helps load up Kyle and Phil's pickups with equipment. The milling crowd starts to thin out, and by the time the band is ready to leave, there aren't many people left, and it's late.

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