

Mackenzie stares at the card and the phone, but doesn't respond. She doesn't even look up as Angelica starts to leave. But even if it didn't look like she was listening, she was.

Just as Angelica gets to the door, Mackenzie looks up. "Miss Lockheart..." Her eyes drift down once more and she fingers the phone. "Can't.... can't you keep my dad out of trouble without me?"

Heather paces out in the hallway, looking at her watch for the umpteenth time and sighs. She thought she'd heard Angelica approaching, but no such luck. What was taking so long?

Poco Uno

Angelica lets out a long sigh and puts her pad back into her brefcase. Hurt that turned to anger was what replaces the fear that was inside Mackenzie and how it hurt for Angelica to see that. She had been a child once who had grown cold over time and he new it was hard.

"No sweet heart I cant, and if you dont talk to me before this court date than your dad will go to jail for a very long time, and it will make many people sad including yourself because you could of stoped it."

Taking a business card from her brefcase and a small phone out Angelica had been prepared for this. Pushing them twords Mackenzie a smile still once her face.

"Hide these inside your shirt and Heather wont know you have them. If you change you mind or need help call me any time."

Shutting her brefcase and standing Angelica takes one more glance at Mackenzie.

"Dont let that hurt and anger stay around for to long or you will end up turning cold. Your to young Poco uno, to have a life like that."

Heading away from Mackenzie Angelica slowly makes her way to the doors she had come in.

Without me

Mackenzie's eyes shoot up to meet Angelica's. Though the gentle reprimand was hardly that, tears form. But before they spill over, Mackenzie wills them not to.

After a moment of silence, she pushes her chair back and puts a foot up to rest against the table, her arms folded in defiance. "I don't want to talk anymore," she states flatly. The fear was gone, leaving only a strange anger that was for some reason aimed at Angelica now. "I don't want to talk about what happened. I just want to stay here and forget about it. You can help my dad without me."

I promise

Angelica write a few things down before looking up at Mackenzie again and quirks her eyebrow once more. Turning slighting she looks to the door were she new Heather was on the otherside before looking back at the small girl.

"Sounds to me like you were reading that response off a card."

Angelica thinks for a moment more before leaning on the table.

"You might be able to trick many Mackenzie but I am one you cant. I've been trained to see through lies. You couldn't have seen your dad pay this man when he dropped you off because your dad wasn't at work was he? From what he said, and what whiness I have say your dad was at the hospital at this the time you showed up."

Cocking her head a litle Angelica moves to catch Mackenzie's eye.

"Ms. Jones told you to tell me that didnt she? Mackenzie, I am your friend here you dont need to lie to me. I want to help keep you safe if I have to, but I need you to tell me the truth. If your scaired something will happen to you if you do tell me, I promise no one will know till the court date I promise."

The story

Mackenzie mulls over Angelia's words, but her eyes stay down. It's several more moments before she finally speaks again.

"I was walking out by the road.... some guy came and picked me up. He said my dad had sent him. So... I went with him. He took me to the airport and then we went to Nevada. Then he took me to my dad. I think I saw my dad pay him. Then he left."

Mackenzie pauses, still unwilling to look up. "I had to stay, so I did. My dad took me home, but the next morning, the police came, so I could come back here where I was safe again."

She shrugs. "That's all."


Squinting her eyes just a little bit Angelica can sence a bit of hesatation in the child and maybe there was something else there as the child looks down at the table a sign that confermed the small fib that could be seen in her voice.

"You need to remember Mackenzie, if you dont something bad could happen to a very good man. To your father who is innocnt. If you dad gets put in jail it might be a very long time before you see him again if ever."

Angelica own eyes search Mackenzie down cast face. She cant help but feel maybe there was some other influance here.

"Take you time Mackenzie and try to remember. This if for you dad. You dont want him to get locked away right?"


Mackenzie remains quiet as Angelica speaks, taking in the words. A big of confusion flashes through her eyes, but not enough to make her ask about anything she didn't understand.

Asked to repeat the events with Carson, it's the first time Mackenzie looks down. "I... wanted to see him again. But... but I don't remember what happened. I was tired and... and so.... I don't remember."


Giving a nod to Mackenzie Angelica continues to smile knowing this was probley hard for the small girl. Going through something like this was hard for anyone non the less a child.

"Well first I want to tell you that I'd like to help you dad as much as I can. That is why I am here because I know he is a good man who is trying to stay on the path of good."

Angelica continues to watch the child as she talked. She wanted to reasure her she was here for good reason and ment no harm.

"Its only me and you here and no one else will hear what we talk about. I need you to be completely honest with me if we are going to help you dad ok?"

Rumaging around in her briefcase for a moment Angelica takes out a pad of paper and a pen jotting something down before looking up at Mackenzie again.

"So we should start at the beginning, Can you tell me what happend the day you went to your dads work? How did you get here, who braught you...any anything alse you can tell me about that day."


Heather's eyes turn to a glare only after the door has been shut. She folds her arms across her chest and paces the hall, unwilling to leave.

Inside, Mackenzie's eyes never leave Angelica. Her stare is inquisitive, but she didn't act surprised that this lawyer was here now.

At the question, she nods. "Yes... I know who you are." Her legs swing under the table, the only sign that she might be nervous. "I don't have any questions."

She continues to stare into Angelica's eyes, waiting for the questions to come.


Returning Heather's handshake Angelica gives a nod eyeing her for a moment. The lady now that stood infront of her certinly didnt match the voice that had been over the phone.

"When time is limited your right I dont wast time."

Angelica keeps her talk with Heather short, and not giving much info about really anything. It was not Heather she had come to talk to.

Sighing quickly she was happy that, that had not been a hassle but this all seemed to easy and wondered where the snag would come into play.

Entering the room Anglice gives a smile to Mackenzie and a slight nod. There was no doubt that this child was Carson's. She had his eyes, she had his blonde hair, she looked just like him.

Angelica's eyes follow Mackenzie's and Heather's interaction finding it a bit strange how they were to eachother but soaking it all in anyways. Finally as Heather leaves Angelica just watches as she leaves the room turning and following her. Removing the object the held the door open Angelica smiles as she states.

"I require privesy, and quiet with the child. You can stand outside the door but for lawer matters this door will be shut. Surly someone like you Ms. Jones would know and understand than."

Shutting the door Angelica goes back to the table and sits down across from Mackenzie still giving she soft smile. Not saying anything right away she just studys the girl for a moment before finally talking.

"Mackenzie, I am guessing Ms. Jones told you why I am here? I'm representng your father. In other words he asked for me help to try and clear his name from the charges of kidnapping you."

Angelica draws silent again for a moment just letting what she said for a moment to sink in and if Mackenzie wanted to throw in some of her own questions she could. By looking at her Angelica new she was a smart girl there was much intelagince in her eyes.

"If I can I'd like to ask you a few questions, and if you like you can ask me some as well. Is that ok?"


The woman behind the reception desk, eyes Angelica, then the court order. She takes the paper to examine it more closely, making sure it was legit, then nods. "Thank you, Miss Lockheart. Please wait for just a moment."

Turning, she picks up the phone. "Heather? The lawyer is here with a court order to see Mackenzie. Yes. Okay."

Hanging up, she turns back to Angelica with a small smile. "Miss Jones will be right with you."

And she was. Less than a minute later, Heather comes down the hall, very business-like, but wearing a gentle smile today. One would have thought she was very peaceable. She extends her hand to Angelica. "Lockheart, I presume. You don't give up easily, do you?"

She locks eyes with Angelica for a moment, but finally turns back towards the hall. "I didn't think you were made of empty threats. Please, follow me. I've already brought Mackenzie for you."

Down the hall, they pass several offices, then come to two double-doors that lead to a cheery lunch room. There were many tables and chairs, though right now, the children were not in sight. Except for one.

Mackenzie sits at one of the tables, her feet dangling, when most kids her age could touch the floor. Her elbows rested on the table, and she looks up quickly as the two women approach. She doesn't stand, but eyes Angelica skeptically, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Heather proceeds with introductions. "Mackenzie, this is Miss Lockheart. She just wants to talk with you for a couple minutes, then afterward, I'll take you to meet up with the others at the museum, okay?"

Mackenzie just shrugs.

Heather sighs and almost rolls her eyes. She knew better than to stay. She knew Lockheart would want to speak with the child alone. But no doors would be closed. She would be right outside. She nods to Angelica. "Please call if you need anything. I'll be just outside the door."

Mackenzie's eyes follow Heather until she's out of sight, then bounce back to stare at Angelica, but she still remains silent.

Seeing Charlotte approaching the cell, Bret and Landon are both on their feet. Bret absorbs Charlotte's words, remaining sober for the moment. As the officer lets him out and Charlotte takes him in, he doesn't respond yet, but returns the kiss, pulling her in close.

Landon isn't embarrassed to watch, and a smile forms on his lips. "Hey, can you two wait to do that later? I want to get out of here."

Bret ignores his friend and doesn't let Charlotte get away with just a light kiss. He was making up for worrying her. Finally pulling away, he puts his hands up to cradle her face. "Sorry," he apologizes.

His eyes twinkle as his laughter is suppressed. "I'da taken you along... but there wasn't enough room."

The officer overhears and rolls his eyes. "You better not take anybody along," he warns. "Going a hundred and ten down Baker street is not a healthy past time. Now get out of here."

Bret slings an arm around Charlotte's shoulder to guide her back outside, Landon close behind. Only when they're outside do they stop again. Bret looks at his wife a bit sheepishly. "We really weren't starting out to race... honest."

"He's right," Landon nods his head emphatically. "We were just moving the cars and... well..."

"He started it." Bret thumbs towards Landon.

"What?! I did not! It was you who made the first move."

"Uh-uh. You passed me first."

"Only cuz you were starting to speed first."

"Did not."

"Did too!"

"I..." Bret stops, choking on a laugh. "Okay... maybe it was my fault."

Landon smirks, holding in his own laughter. "Yes, it was. I wouldn't push my luck though. With your history, I'd..."

"Naw, naw..." Bret moves behind Charlotte to push her forward while putting his hands over her ears. "Let's not bring up the past, shall we?"

Landon quirks an eyebrow. "Ahh, the little missus doesn't know about the record, eh?"


"Sorry!" Landon laughs and shakes his head, while glancing to Charlotte. "I'll pay you guys back. Sorry to make you come down here this morning."