
A wish

Axel accepts the food, fishing in his pocket for change to pay back Ryan. Handing her a five and a one, he glances down to his immobile hand. "I've already been to three doctors, Ryan." He looks back up at her. "I just don't talk about it because it's always the same thing. Surgery with a 90% chance it would do nothing but finalize the damage."

He shrugs in defeat. "I don't have the money for gamble like that. 10% of a chance for healing just isn't something I can justify in my mind since I'll be paying through the nose for it half my life."

Giving a little sigh, he shakes his head, moving on. "Maybe I'll come down and eat with you guys tomorrow. I know Darrel is supposed to be out of town. I know he wouldn't mind but... I'd just rather play things cool for now."

He cocks his head, shifting the subject even further. "I may be hibernating up here, but... I still got eyes and ears. I hear you and Leo are getting quite... close." His eyes meet hers with purpose. "Heard something the other day I was sure was a rumor at first, but... those telling me were pretty convincing..."

Jeff seems to finally be asleep until the door to the bunkhouse opens. Shifting his head a little so he can see, he spies Katie. A weak smile emerges. "Hey, kiddo." He pats the bed next to him, asking her to come sit down.

Taking her hand, he gives it a little squeeze. "Thanks for coming, I... I just wanted to say that... I'm sorry."

He pauses to keep his mind focused, his fingers trembling slightly. "I'm sorry I sent you away earlier when we were out. I know that you were just... trying to help."

Looking up at her, the tears again pool behind his eyes, though they were held back from overflowing. "I just want to know when I'm gone you'll be okay... I just want to know that... that you'll be able to move on. 'Cause I... I know you can."

Taking a moment to cough, another wave of pain comes and goes. "You're so strong, Katie... be strong for me and let go... for me?" His voice has grown quieter. "I love you, Katie." His weak grip tightens around her fingers. "I only wish I... I could see how far you'll go... how far you'll fly when you stretch your wings. All my life, I've... I've watched from a distance... watched you grow, and fall and... and pick yourself back up."

Sucking in his breath, Jeff's eyes wander to Sparky as he reaches for the water glass on the bedside table. Sparky is quick to offer help, assisting Jeff in taking a drink.

Sinking back in his pillow, Jeff seems to have aged overnight. But his lips still curl into a smile. "I wish I could see... how you're going to change the world."

Camryn cocks her head, studying Jason for a moment after they were both seated in the Chinese restaurant for lunch.

He quirks an eyebrow. "What?"

"You're... different."

Jason chuckles. "I thought we'd already touched on that one."

"No, I mean without Katie." Camryn's face reddens. "I'm sorry, that didn't come out right. I just meant-"

"She and I not running after each other every five minutes and having secret conversations?" Jason gives her a little grin. "It's alright... I know what you mean."

Camryn laughs lightly. "Yeah... I guess that's what I meant. Do you like it? Being... normal?"

Jason nods. "I can't deny that there are definite benefits. A lower risk of death is kinda nice."

Camryn shakes her head with another laugh. "C'mon be serious."

"I am!" Jason grins again. "That's part of it. Not as much stress.... don't have to worry about imploding or falling into a diabetic coma. No cool things like busting lightbulbs but you gotta sacrifice something, right?"

Camryn smirks. "Sure. What about Katie?"

Jason is silent for a long moment as his eyes drift down to his plate. "She doesn't like it. Doesn't like the separation."

"I can't blame her for that."

Jason looks up quickly. "Why?"

Camryn shrugs. "If I shared a part of myself to that depth with someone and had them share that much of themselves too, it would be... like, I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but I can imagine it would be like becoming a part of each other. Not like, married togetherness, but like... the best friend you could ever have, times ten."

Jason's gaze lowers once more. "Yeah..."

"You sure you like it better this way?"

Jason opens his mouth to respond when his phone goes off. He gives as little groan as he looks at it. "Reese hasn't given me five minutes to breathe lately," he complains.

"It's alright." Camryn nods. "Get going. I don't want to get you in trouble."

"I'm sorry."

"We'll catch up more later."

"Yeah... okay."


Seeing Axel as he opens the door Ryan smirks standing outside the door of the apartment. If it had been anyone else she would of walked right in but she new Axel had boundary and she never wanted to cross them on him.

"You do realizes that, even though you are on leave at the shop you can still come down and eat with us and spend time. I don't think anyone would have a problem with that. Not to mention we all miss you."

Handing the food off to Axel Ryan's grin held as she shifted a little bit leaning against the door frame. She felt bad for her friend. He was a good macanic, and now he was forced not to do it.

"Have you been to anyone..about your hand? I second opion on what the first Dr said is always good."

First checking the bunk house and finding Katie not there Angel hurrys across the grass to the mess hall hoping Katie would be there. Entering and seeing Katie sitting on one of the chairs with a book Angel walks over to her and gives a small smile.

"Hey Katie!"

Looking up from her book Katie gives a small smile. She felt pretty good at the moment after talking with Jason. It was nice, differnt to talk on the phone but nice.

"Hey Angel how is Wendy feeling?"

"She is doing better. Listen, Jeff has asked to see you Katie..."

Before Angel could say more Katie lets out a sigh and cuts Angel off. She was in a good mood, did she really want to go and have Jeff rag on her some more.

"I already saw him today, not to mention I am waiting for Rick to call me back about something he is looking into with Jeff about his sickness. I cant go to him unless I have an answer to tell him."

Angel looks down sternly at her young friend with compasion in her eyes. She new Katie was going through alot and was having a hard time dealing but she also new Jeff time was running out and if Katie missed out on what she could than she would hate herself even more for that.

"Katie, you cant always save everyone, you need to learn that. Sometimes it means more to just be there for them, and to comfort them. I'd hate for you to miss out on what you could with Jeff. So please...could you go see him? His request?"

Katie looks up at Angel again and gives a sigh. Maybe she was right, maybe she shouldnt miss out on what time she had with her Uncle. She'd never let him down before she couldn't not go to him and let him down now eather. Though this didnt mean she wouldnt stop looking for a way to help him.

"Ok, I'll go."

Misty continues to look over Rick's shoulder scanning the information. She was now almost as confused as he was.

"Well, I guess yeah the only way we can be sure is call Angel for a new sample. If she sends it urgent than it can be here by tomorrow."

Reaching out to touch the screen Misty's fungers run over the information as she trys to take it all in.

"I'll call Angel now and see if she can send us a new one."


Leo grins at Ryan, his hands full as he helped her with the food, but he enjoys the kiss, shown through the twinkle in his eye.

“Yeah… we wouldn’t want our secret to get out,” he teases, sliding off the car. “Go see Axel, but come back quick. I can’t hold the guys off extra food for long.”

Ambling back inside, Leo heads to the break room where a couple of the others were just clocking out for lunch.

“Hey, Leo…” Ron pulls out a chair at the table. “Heard you asking Ryan to go out again tonight.”

“Sure, why not? That’s usually what guys do with their girlfriends.”

Ron gives him a little smirk. “Don’t you think you should slow down a bit? I mean… how often are you together?”

“A lot.” Leo grins.

“Just… be careful, alright?”

Leo quirks an eyebrow at Ron’s oddly serious tone. “Um… yeah, sure.”

“I mean, it Leo. Just take it easy. Fast isn’t always best.”

“Well what’s wrong with Ryan and me? You got a problem or what?”

“No.” Ron shakes his head quickly. “I just… don’t want you getting hurt.”

“Hurt? Me?” Leo rolls his eyes and blows a raspberry. “I don’t know where you come up with this stuff, but Ryan and me, we’re tight. So just quit trying to think up bad stuff. It doesn’t become you.”

Now it’s Ron’s turn to roll his eyes as he reaches for the food. His eyes catch those of Miles, but neither men say any more.

Hearing someone at the door, Axel heads in that direction, book in hand. He has to read the last couple lines of the paragraph before setting it down and opening the door with his good hand. Seeing Ryan, he smile. “Hey there.”

His eyes catch sight of the food. “Ya know… in a few weeks, I’m not even gonna be getting paid anymore, so you do realize I shouldn’t really have this privilege, right?”

The corner of his mouth upturns though, showing he was grateful, and missed being down in the shop more than he’d admit.

Luke and Sparky are both solemn as they’re left alone. They catch each others’ eyes, afraid to acknowledge what Angel had just said to them.

Sparky swallows hard and sinks into a chair, just looking at Jeff, knowing that time was slipping by way too quickly.

Jeff writhes in bed, suffering through the waves of pain that hit him. Once, Luke and Sparky both have to help get him to the bathroom to throw up before bringing him back again. By now, he’s even more exhausted. That morning’s excursion had just been too much, and it had tipped the scales. He lies on the bed, lethargic and shaking from cold chills developed from his fever. He just wanted it to be over.

Rick furrows his brow, confused. “Well… I don’t know. I mean, something is wrong, look. The blood had to have been mixed up or tampered with or something.” He points to the analysis. “Otherwise, Jeff is Katie’s father and we all know that’s not true. I think you’re right… I think Angel should send me a new vile of Jeff’s blood.”

Head back

Angel gives a small nod to Jeff and a light pat to the arm as she does her best to smile. The tears still present in her eye.

"I'll see if I can find her and let her know you want to see her ok?"

Looking to Luke and Sparky Angel stands and keeps her voice down.

"I'm going to go find Katie, I need one of you if not both to stay here and just watch over Jeff ok? I fear the time is coming sooner than we all wanted."

Turning Angel slowly making her way out of the bunk house before taking another look back at Jeff.

Hearing Rick call her Misty looks up from her desk and thinks for a long moment before standing and going to the small fridge pulling out Jay's blood sample.

"I guess its possable, but Jay's is right here. I was extra careful when I put the labels on the blood knowing we might do tests on them later. I'm ninty-five percent sure I didnt mix them up. We could always have Angel send us another sample though to be sure though."

Misty comes over to Rick leaning over his shoulder a little to look at what he was looking at.

"Why whats wrong?"

"Leo, you realize if you don't get your head back into work your not going to have a head right?"

Bending down into the back of her car Ryan grabs the bags that held lunch for everyone before shoving the drinks twords Leo and than going to the car once to get more of the food. Giving a small roll of her eyes and a long sigh that Leo could not hear.

She enjoyed spending time with him, and she liked the attachen, but this would be the fith day in a row they did something together. But how could she turn down Leo? Turning her head to look at him outside the window on the hood of her car. She was falling for him, it hadnt started out the way but now, it was happening.

Setting the food down next to Leo, Ryan positions herself in front of Leo and gives a smile pulling him twords her and planting a long kiss on his lips. Finally backing away Ryan gives a shake of her head.

"You know one of these nights I am going to need some alone time, but tonight I think I can deal with your company again. The movies sounds great. Now lets bring this food in before everyone thinks we are dating or something."

Ryan throws a wink to Leo, everyone already did know. It was kind of hard not to when Leo went around telling everyone.

"I'm gonna bring Axel up his food, I'll be back."

Giving a smile and wink Ryan grabs the bad from next to Leo and heads to the steps that lead to Axel's apartment.