
A wish

Axel accepts the food, fishing in his pocket for change to pay back Ryan. Handing her a five and a one, he glances down to his immobile hand. "I've already been to three doctors, Ryan." He looks back up at her. "I just don't talk about it because it's always the same thing. Surgery with a 90% chance it would do nothing but finalize the damage."

He shrugs in defeat. "I don't have the money for gamble like that. 10% of a chance for healing just isn't something I can justify in my mind since I'll be paying through the nose for it half my life."

Giving a little sigh, he shakes his head, moving on. "Maybe I'll come down and eat with you guys tomorrow. I know Darrel is supposed to be out of town. I know he wouldn't mind but... I'd just rather play things cool for now."

He cocks his head, shifting the subject even further. "I may be hibernating up here, but... I still got eyes and ears. I hear you and Leo are getting quite... close." His eyes meet hers with purpose. "Heard something the other day I was sure was a rumor at first, but... those telling me were pretty convincing..."

Jeff seems to finally be asleep until the door to the bunkhouse opens. Shifting his head a little so he can see, he spies Katie. A weak smile emerges. "Hey, kiddo." He pats the bed next to him, asking her to come sit down.

Taking her hand, he gives it a little squeeze. "Thanks for coming, I... I just wanted to say that... I'm sorry."

He pauses to keep his mind focused, his fingers trembling slightly. "I'm sorry I sent you away earlier when we were out. I know that you were just... trying to help."

Looking up at her, the tears again pool behind his eyes, though they were held back from overflowing. "I just want to know when I'm gone you'll be okay... I just want to know that... that you'll be able to move on. 'Cause I... I know you can."

Taking a moment to cough, another wave of pain comes and goes. "You're so strong, Katie... be strong for me and let go... for me?" His voice has grown quieter. "I love you, Katie." His weak grip tightens around her fingers. "I only wish I... I could see how far you'll go... how far you'll fly when you stretch your wings. All my life, I've... I've watched from a distance... watched you grow, and fall and... and pick yourself back up."

Sucking in his breath, Jeff's eyes wander to Sparky as he reaches for the water glass on the bedside table. Sparky is quick to offer help, assisting Jeff in taking a drink.

Sinking back in his pillow, Jeff seems to have aged overnight. But his lips still curl into a smile. "I wish I could see... how you're going to change the world."

Camryn cocks her head, studying Jason for a moment after they were both seated in the Chinese restaurant for lunch.

He quirks an eyebrow. "What?"

"You're... different."

Jason chuckles. "I thought we'd already touched on that one."

"No, I mean without Katie." Camryn's face reddens. "I'm sorry, that didn't come out right. I just meant-"

"She and I not running after each other every five minutes and having secret conversations?" Jason gives her a little grin. "It's alright... I know what you mean."

Camryn laughs lightly. "Yeah... I guess that's what I meant. Do you like it? Being... normal?"

Jason nods. "I can't deny that there are definite benefits. A lower risk of death is kinda nice."

Camryn shakes her head with another laugh. "C'mon be serious."

"I am!" Jason grins again. "That's part of it. Not as much stress.... don't have to worry about imploding or falling into a diabetic coma. No cool things like busting lightbulbs but you gotta sacrifice something, right?"

Camryn smirks. "Sure. What about Katie?"

Jason is silent for a long moment as his eyes drift down to his plate. "She doesn't like it. Doesn't like the separation."

"I can't blame her for that."

Jason looks up quickly. "Why?"

Camryn shrugs. "If I shared a part of myself to that depth with someone and had them share that much of themselves too, it would be... like, I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, but I can imagine it would be like becoming a part of each other. Not like, married togetherness, but like... the best friend you could ever have, times ten."

Jason's gaze lowers once more. "Yeah..."

"You sure you like it better this way?"

Jason opens his mouth to respond when his phone goes off. He gives as little groan as he looks at it. "Reese hasn't given me five minutes to breathe lately," he complains.

"It's alright." Camryn nods. "Get going. I don't want to get you in trouble."

"I'm sorry."

"We'll catch up more later."

"Yeah... okay."

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