

*As Misty is pulled onto Carson's lap she grin looking into his eyes.*

"If we dident take advantage of these circumstances we would both be fools."

*As Carson comes close the his smell fills Misty's nose. From what she new he dident wair calone but she still had his own smell and it was sweet. Misty brings her arms around Carson whispering.*

"I wouldent mind finding out myself eather."

*Misty kiss Carson back with a bit of force. Misty brings her one arm to the back of Carson's head and onlys it here. Gently moving her fingers to run through his hair without moving her hand. After a long moment Misty pulls away and smiles as in the background fireworks go off signaling the night coming to an end. The green, blue, red and yellow lights reflect off Carson's blue eyes catching Misty in there gaze. Leaning in again Misty press her lips to Carsons. Keeping her arms wraped around him to keep him close. Not even relizing the ferriswheel started up again bring them down to earth.

The ride attadent clears his throts at he see Misty and Carson.

Misty pulls away from Carson and looks at the attendent. Her sassy smile pasted on her face again she takes Carson by the hand and heads off the ride.

The attendent rolls his eyes at them.*


*Misty and Carson make there way to the car Misty cant help but laugh along with Carson. This was one of the best nights of her life. She hadent had so much fun in a long time. With in no time Misty and Carson are on there way back to Carson's place to drop him off for the night.*

*Katie just sits in silence for a while with Laura leting her mind wonder. Finally geting up and heads back to the door than stops and turns. Lacking life in her voice and her eye void she says.*

"I'll be ok Laura, you dont need to worry about me."

*Going back inside Katie shuts the door and heads to her room where Henry is curled on her bed. Crawling up along next to him Katie rests her head on her pillow and falls fast asleep.*

*A low shifting noise can be hurd in the cell next to Jason the sound of someone moving in bed and than siting up. Slowly a form walks to the bar as if wanted to be hurd but not to loud as to make the guards come.*

"Well Jason is seems like you have a might fine woman out there. Your luck you have someone to lift your spirits. We arnt all that lucky."

*The figure moves away from the bars again as more sifting noises can be hurd. The figure siting back down on his bed. All goes silent.*

I hear ya

Carson’s eyes narrow and he shoots a sidelong glance to Misty as she scoots closer to him. “You’re an observant one, aren’t you?”

He grins a little then lets go of her hand, running it gently up her arm, over shoulder and to her chin, his finger tilting her face towards his own. “I’d say we better take advantage of our circumstances, wouldn’t you?”

Carson’s eyes find hers, noting the moonlight that danced within them. Shifting his weight, he puts his arm around Misty’s waist and turns her around, pulling her up onto his lap. The ferriswheel car rocks with the movement, just making Carson take her all the more close. “I do remember Rick saying something about working off energy…”

Slyness outlines his gaze as his fingers take her chin to turn it upward as he leans in closer. “…and you did promise not to push me out.” His face inches from hers, his breath caresses her skin. “But I never take somebody’s word…I always have to find out for myself.”

Carson’s lips meet Misty’s, his hand to the side of her face as his thumb strokes her cheek.

Katie’s call to the radio station is answered cordially before the short conversation ends.

Laura looks up and turns her head as Katie sits down next to her on the swing. She wants to say something, but ‘how are you’ just doesn’t seem the thing to stay. So instead, she remains silent.

Jason’s eyes fly open and he sits up on his bed, suddenly hearing his own voice singing. The guard down the hall had had his radio on for hours, and apparently liked to play it loudly. Some of the inmates had been grumbling complaints, but Jason hadn’t minded.

Now hearing JetStream was a surprise… let alone it being a song no one had heard yet. He’d played around with it with the guys, and knew they’d been recording, but hadn’t thought they would do anything with it. It had probably been Kyle.

Jason might have been a little peeved about it, but right now he was too tired to care much. He flops back down, now too awake to sleep any more, though he shuts his eyes anyway.

A few minutes later though, they fly back open.

…and we have a caller on the line.” Kayla’s voice comes over the air before Katie’s words are heard. Kayla responds with enthusiasm. “Well I’m so glad you like JetStream. So do I. What’s your message, hun?

Katie’s message to Jason pulls him up into a sitting position again. A crackle over the airwaves makes it difficult to hear for just a moment, and Jason strains to listen. Katie’s words hit him hard, bringing his emotions to the surface as tears fill his eyes. “I hear ya, Katie,” he whispers. “I hear ya.”

The message over, Kayla takes just a moment to speak. “Aw, well thanks for calling in sweety.” The call ended, she continues before the next song. “Well, Jason, wherever you are, I hope you’re listening in. Sounds like you got a right good girl on your hands. …and next up is one of our favorite bands with their new song…

My message

*Misty giggles as she walks to the line with Carson.*

" Just dont get sick on me if you have to and I wont push you out. And I cirtinly would not push you out for kissing me. I like them to much."

*As Misty and Carson get on the ride is slowly starts and Mistys hand finds Carson's. She dident have to say anything she was happy and Content. As the feriswheel starts to move Misty lets out a sigh and leans her head on Carson's shoulder. Once they get up closer to the top the fariswheel stops and Misty lifts her head look out across the town. It was dark now and all the lights on the houses, streets were lit.*

"Wow look Carson, the view is great up here."

*MIsty gets a sly sassy grin on her face.*

"And its quiet, we are alone, no intaruptions from Rick."

*Misty scoots closer.*

*As Jason's voice comes on the raido Katie sits up fast from her bed not sure what was going on. She had hurd Laura come in, and than leave again but why was the raido on? Going to the door Katie opens it a crap and pokes her head out alittle seeing Henry siting on the floor. As Katie listens to Jason's sweet voice tears form in her eyes again. Jason's words spoke to Katie's heart. Pulling on her strings and hiting her hard. She had to try and stay strong for Jason. In a sence her had return what she has said to him in the court room. Katie wished she could send a message back to Jason saying thank you, but she dident know how. A Lightbulb goes off in Katie's head. She dident know if it would work or if Jason would hear but it was worth a shot. Katie shuts her door and grabs her phone. In a low quiet voice that show her sadness she speaks into the phone."

"Kayla I wanted to say I liked the song Jetstreams rocks. I also had a message for Jason where ever he is....."

{Jason, Thank you. I'll be here...'waiting'..here. I'll be waiting...for you. So...if you come here...You'll find me. I promise. I love you Jason no matter what happens that wont change.}

*Katie sucks a deep breath in and trys to stuff her tears and emotions away. Her body was exsausted and her tummy hungry but she was still far to upset to do eather. Steping out of the bedroom again Katie heads outside. Looking to the left she see Laura on the swing. Not saying anything she sits down next to her leaning back leting the soft breeze wash over her face Waiting to see if her message would be played or not.*

Local Band

Wyatt is still leaning up against his jeep when Katie stalks back to the house, slamming the door behind her. He lets a sigh out slowly, hurting for his friends.

He couldn’t imagine how Jason must be feeling right now…in prison…without Katie…without friends. And Wyatt was witnessing how it was affecting Katie…it wasn’t good. He could only hope that after a good night’s rest and several days to calm down, that she would be able to bounce back.

Shaking his head and resisting from going back in the house to try at any more comfort, Wyatt get into his jeep to wait for Laura. Katie didn’t want him in the house, but at least he could sit outside to make sure nothing else happened.

Carson accepts Misty’s light kiss, and gives her a smile, his hand coming up to brush her cheek. “Ah…there’s that little girl. I knew she was under there somewhere.”

He follows her gaze to the ferriswheel, quirking an eyebrow, then looking back down at her. “What if I’m afraid of heights?” He takes her shoulders to turn her around, and aims for the ride. “As long as you promise not to push me out if I decide to kiss you, we should be alright, though.” He gives her shoulders a teasing squeeze so she bumps into him, causing them both to stagger towards the line.

Laura looks to Nate with gratefulness…for his encouragement…for his willingness to help. “Thanks, Nate. I appreciate it.”

Changing the tone, they resume some of the gaiety at the table until the ice cream is gone. “Well…” Laura sighs and stands up, taking her purse. “This was fun.”

She smiles at Maggie and gives a little wave. “You take care of your brother, alright? Get him to bed on time.”

Laura gives Nate one last look, her smile softening just a little. “See you tomorrow.”

Leaving the restaurant, she waves to Herb and Mabel, then makes her way to her car.

Arriving home, she parks in the drive, seeing that Wyatt is still in his jeep. She goes to him first, noting his window is open. “Hey, watchdog.”

Wyatt manages a small grin. “Hey. You back for the night?”

“Yeah. How’s Katie?”

“I don’t know. She didn’t want me around anymore so I left the house. She started to go for a walk then came back, storming back inside and I haven’t heard a peep since. I’m hoping she’s asleep.”

Laura frowns a little, concerned for her friend. “Alright. Thanks for sticking around, Wyatt. I probably should have come home sooner.”

“No…” Wyatt shakes his head. “You needed time out. Besides, I didn’t mind… though I hope I didn’t do more harm than good.” He straightens in his seat, turning the key to start the jeep up. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Laura. Call me if you or Katie need something.”

As he pulls away, Laura can’t help a little chuckle. She worked with some pretty nice guys. Who else had two men offering their help no matter what the time, both in the same evening?

Going inside, Laura notes the house is quiet. Walking down the hall, she sees Katie’s door shut, and wants to crack it open to check on her, but finds it locked. She must have been pretty upset, just like Wyatt had said. Hearing nothing though, she hopes it means Katie is resting, and she decides not to try and wake her.

Laura wanders the house for a couple minutes before going back outside to the porch where there’s a swing. Sitting down, she rocks slowly, trying to see some stars, despite the town lights that interfered.

Henry yawns and stretches as he hears Laura return home, and waits for his mistress to come into her bedroom. He sees her stop across the hall, then leave again, and meows a little, confused by the strange happenings this evening.

He waits a few minutes more, then hears the front door again. Hopping down from his perch on the headboard of her bed, he walks across her dresser, going up and over her stereo. His paw hits the power button, turning on the radio. Startled, he quickly jumps off, his hind paw bumping the volume knob, turning it up and scaring him even more. His tail fluffs out and he races from the room and down the hall, ready to pounce on anything that moves.

“…ing for some local talent, and they keep coming out of the woodwork.” The female disc jockey’s voice comes loudly from Laura’s open bedroom. “We’ve got a great song for you tonight, it’s an original by the lead singer and guitarist from our popular local band JetStream. They’ve got a unique style with great blend. If you’ve heard them lately, you know what I’m talking about, and if you haven’t, you’re in for a treat. Don’t forget to call in with your ratings. If you like a band, we’ll play them again, ‘cause this is your station for the great songs you enjoy, played just the way you like it. …This is Kayla on 96.5, and it’s our evening local talent slot...with JetStream.

A slight pause follows, leading into an instrumental intro with drums, bass, keyboard and acoustic guitar. The beat carries a unique flavor, upbeat, but with subtle softness around the edges. Jason’s voice carries the melody.

I traveled along, Down that dusty road.
Didn’t have nothin’, Bore a heavy load.
Then you came along, You opened my eyes.
Took my hand, Disproved all my lies...

Baby don’t leave me,
Don’t leave my side.
I need you here,
Till the day that I die.

Life ain’t pretty,
And that much I know.
But please…
Stay by my side.

It took me a while, For the light to be seen.
I know I hurt you, All the trouble I’ve been.
But you saw me through, You stole my heart.
Now I can’t see. How we could be apart...

Baby don’t leave me,
Don’t leave my side.
I need you here,
Till the day that I die.

Life ain’t pretty,
And that much I know.
But please…
Stay by my side.

Now I’m broken, See the trouble I’m in.
I got down far, Alone I can’t win.
Bein’ here’s tough, And I know that you’re hurtin’,
Didn’t mean no harm, I love you for certain...

Baby don’t leave me,
Don’t leave my side.
I need you here,
Till the day that I die.

Life ain’t pretty,
And that much I know.
But please…
Stay by my side.

Mmm…stay by my side.

The music fades slowly away, finally coming to an end. "Oh, I think that singer just stole my heart." Kayla laughs. "What a great song. That's 'Stay by My Side' from local band, JetStream, and I've got a feeling we'll be hearing more from them. Let us know what you think. We're playing songs for you." The radio station's jingle plays before another song comes on for their listeners.


*Misty cant help but laugh as Carson starts to shoot. Afterwords She hugs the bear tight. Losing the grib Misty draws close to Carson and leans her forhead on his chest, than drawing away she looks up at Carson deep in the eyes and than looks down at the bear again giving a sassy little smile.*

"Now you listen Mr. Bear, you hurd what Carson said. I cant give you more attention than him so dont go trying to get is all the time."

*Misty stops like she is listing to something brings the bear to her ear.*

"You dont say, you really think thats the look on his face?"

*Misty cant help but increse her grin.*

"Ok, if you think so."

* Misty draws closer to Carson again standing on tip toes she leans her forhead aganst Carson's.*

"Mr. Bear said you looked like you could use another kiss."

*Misty's lips touch Carsons for a moment than than she draws her head back looking Carson deep in the eyes once again, leting a bit of softness show though.*

"Carson Banks, this is the best date ever. Thank you."

*Misty cheeks turn a bit red something they hardly ever did. After making herself feel silly Misty draws away and spots a ferriswheel and nods to it.*

"Wanna ride that? I bet we can see all the way across town from up there. I think it would be fun."

*As Katie starts down the road her mind runs away from her. The night air felt good but still think. Katie couldent help but feel sick again. Wyatt was only trying to help her, be there for her and she just made him feel like total crap. Katie anger builds inside of her along with everything alse that was already there. She felt like she was going to explode. Being only a few steps from Katie comes to a hult and turns around stalking back to the house. She was so angry with herself, with Wyatt, with Reese, Katie was angrey at the world. Why would God take the one bit of happyness from her life. Katie dident understand. Running back up the steps Katie opens the house door than slams it with such force it shakes vilently. Going into her room she does the same thing only looks this door behind her. Siting down on her bed Katie pulls out her cell phone and dials Jason's number though knowing he wont answer. After leting it ring Katie hangs up than trys again. Finally after about the 5th time Katie stops and leans her head down on her pillow her tears come to her eyes again, her body exsausted. *

*Nate nods to Laura understanding.*

"Ok no problem. That poor girl. She's been through alot."

*Nate can see the worry in Laura's eye.*

"I'm sure she is going to be ok Laura. This is just all a shock for her as it is us all."

*As Herb brings back the ice cream he smiles than heads away seeing the look on everyones faces.*

*Nate starts to eat his ice cream along with helping Maggie as she gets whipcream on her face.*

"We just have to keep praying for Katie that God will comfort her. If you anything tonight no matter the time Laura please call and I will be right over to help."


Finding humor in Misty’s excitement, Carson plays along, taking a bite of the cotton candy. A grin forms. “Mm…pure sugar. Ain’t gonna find anything sweeter than this.” He throws Misty a wink. “Unless of course, it’s you.”

Moving on, Carson begins to get his bearings, starting to relax, though his eyes are ever shifting throughout the milling crowd. He takes in all the faces he sees like a camera, instantly sorting through the files in his brain to ensure he recognizes no one, and senses no danger.

Keeping Misty either under his arm, or hand-in-hand, Carson joins in the fun by taking her on a few of the rides, grabbing a bite to eat at a hotdog stand, and playing some of the games.

Coming up on a shooting game, Carson gives Misty a sidelong glance. “Now if there’s one thing I can’t pass up, it’s this.” He grins slyly. “Our secret.”

Going up to the counter, he pays and retrieves the game rifle, picking out several moving targets, hitting them dead on each time.

The carnival man rolls his eyes. “Let me guess. You’re either a cop, or an avid hunter.”

“Mmm…” Carson cocks his head. “We’ll settle for hunter today…along with Teddy up there.”

The man shakes his head, though smiles, retrieving the teddy bear prize.

Carson sidles up to Misty again, tossing her the bear. “You can keep him as long as you don’t give him more attention than you do me.”

Wyatt’s shoulders drop just a little at Katie’s resistance to his company. He’d tried not to be overbearing, but apparently he’d said or done something wrong. He couldn’t blame her for wanting to be alone, but his worry persisted, making him leery about leaving.

Katie was making herself quite clear though, and Wyatt had to respect her choice, whether he liked it or not.

“Naw, you go on. I won’t follow you, Katie.” He withholds the sigh that wants to come. “I’ll leave you alone. I didn’t mean to smother you.” He heads for the door himself, his keys in hand. “If you need anything….well, you know you can call.”

He aims for his jeep, pulling out his cell phone.

Laura smiles at Herb. “You know me. Plain Jane. Just give me your original sundae with chocolate and coolwhip, but hold the cherry.”

She leans back in her chair and finishes her soda pop, giving a start as her phone rings. “Sorry,” she apologizes for the interruption, picking it up. “Hello?”

“Hey, it’s Wyatt.”

“Oh, Wyatt, I’m glad to hear from you. I’m downtown, heading home in a while. I hadn’t heard anything…everything alright?”

Wyatt leans up against his jeep, finally letting go of his sigh. “As alright as can be. I’ve overstayed my welcome, but I’m gonna wait out in my jeep ‘til you get back. Katie’s bent on going for a walk – she’s so out of it, Laura…but there’s nothing more I can do for her. She needs a good night sleep.”

Laura can feel the despair starting to return. “Thanks for staying with her, Wyatt. I’m sorry I didn’t get back sooner. I’ll be there in just a bit. I’m with Nate and Maggie so give me a few more minutes.”

“No problems. Take your time. It’s not like I’ve got plans.”

“Alright. See you later.” Laura hangs up, giving a little sigh, then looking up at Nate. “After desert, I gotta go. Poor Wyatt’s been trying to look after Katie, but it sounds like it’s not going so well.”

A walk

*Misty get a taunting look in her eyes.*

"What a minutes...I though Carson Banks dosent go on dates."

*Throwing Carson a flaming smile and with her free hand elbows him. After a few moments they arrive to the carnival. Misty gets out of the car and just looks around for a long moment. She was in aw. As Carson puts her arm around her shoulder Misty put hers about his wast. Steping through the gate the noises and smells fill Misty trowing her back to a time when she was a kid.*

"I havent been to a carnival since I was little. this sure does bring back memories."

*As Misty walks with Carson she dosent hurry taking in the sights and sounds. Looking at everything before decieding what to do first. Misty points here and there, at the fun houses, the differnt games, pointing out the rides she would like to go on. The lights, the sounds everything was great. As they pass a cotten candy stands Misty starts t o get excited as she pulls Carson over.*

"One please"

*The Man behind the counter takes Misty's money and her her the bag. Steping away Misty takes Carson over to the side to get people out of the way.*

"This is the most heavnly think you ever tasted. Try some you will love it. Its my fav."

*Misty holds out the bag for Carson. She felt like a little kid again and being with Carson made it all the better.*

*Nate cant help but laugh at Laura's invatation. Looking down at his sister he nods. Maggie claps her hands together squeeling.*

"That sounds great."

*As if on que Herb exits the kitchen and makes his way over to the table smiling. Bending down her becomes eye level with Maggie.*

"Did I hear someone say something about ice cream sundays?"

*Maggie nods her head at Herb smiling.

Herb takes out a paper and a pen waiting to write.*

"Well what can I get ya than cutie?"

*Maggie brings a finger to her lips and thinks for a long moment.*

"Strawberry, with hot fudge syrup and lots of whip cream, with a cherry on top please."

*Herb writes everything down and smiles. Standing he ruffles Maggies hair with his hand. Than he turns to Laura.*

"And what can I get you young lady?"

*Katie rubs her eyes. She did just want to be left alone. She dident have having Wyatt there, but right now she dident want anyone there. Exitng the bathroom Katie lets out a long sigh.*

"I never said you were in my hair Wyatt. I just dident want you to have to stay here while you could be doing alot better things."

*Katie makes her way to the front door. Even though Wyatt wasent holding her, or standing close Katie did feel traped. She felt traped in herself. In her emotions. A dark pool of water that was pulling her under. Her breathing felt shallow, like she couldent get enough air. Maybe a walk would help.*

"I'm going for a walk to get some fresh air. If you wanna follow be my guest but I'm not great company right now."


Pulled up to Misty’s place, Carson declines, opting to remain in the car. “Rodents don’t bother me, but, um…I’ll just wait for you out here.”

Waiting a few minutes, Carson leans over and turns the key in the car so he can switch the radio on, then shoves a stick of gum in his mouth to keep himself occupied.

Once Misty comes back out, he gives her a sheepish grin. “Yeah, I need something alright. I need to match my date. But I dare say no matter what I do, I’m not going to look or smell as good as you, so we might as well not even stop by my place.”

It doesn’t take but a few minutes to get across down and to the lot where the carnival has set up. As the evening draws the darkness, lights are everywhere. Booths are lined up by the dozen with everything from games to food. Rides are lit up, music plays, and kids laugh and shout. The warm air drifts through the scene, embracing the activities in a peaceful mood that encourages fun.

Getting out of the car, Carson automatically lets Misty take the lead. Though appearing simply to be polite, he didn’t want to admit that he’d never been to something like this before. Any “fun” he’d ever had in his life wasn’t exactly what other people would consider as such, or if they did, they were just as rough around the edges as he was. This wasn’t something he’d experienced before, and just wasn’t quite sure what to do.

He slings an arm around Misty’s shoulder, aiming for the entrance. “Alright, kidnapper, lead the way.”

Laura tries not to catch Nate’s eye, but it’s an impossible goal, and she blushes just a little, looking back down to the table.

Once the food arrives, she relaxes more, enjoying both Nate and Maggie’s company.

Thanked for the evening, Laura looks up and shakes her head, smiling. “I don’t know what you’re thanking me for. You two are providing the company I needed, so we’ll just call it even.” She grins, polishing the last of her pizza slice. “Now…who wants ice cream? And don’t either of you decline, because I don’t want to look like a pig, and I’m dying to have one of Herb’s sundaes.”

Wyatt frowns and shakes his head. “Nope. I’m not leaving until Laura gets back.” He moves out of the doorway, not wanting Katie to feel trapped. “You can let me help or ignore me completely. Either way, you’re not getting off the hook that easy.”

He cocks his head, his eyes softening. “Come on. Why don’t you get yourself to bed early. I’ll keep the monsters away and get out of your hair once Laura gets home, alright?”