
How sweet

Listing intently to Brown, Thirteen didnt feel as nervous about him anymore. His eyes were bright, and he seemed very calm and nice.

Thirteen's own eyes light up as she hears Brown talk about getting her charges dropped, and not having to stay at TJY anymore. For some reason she didnt think it would be quite this easy.

Standing when Ryder does Thirteen holds her hand out to Brown for a handshake a smile had formed on her lips as she gives a little sniff her hold still hanging on.

"Thank you so much Sir."

Following Ryder outside Thirteen slips her hand into his again as she smiled at him. His compliment making her feel good.

"So did you, thank you Ryder for everything."

Getting into the truck once again Thirteen couldnt help but feel a little excited now. Things would be differnt, Ryder said so. She would be normal now like she always wanted to be.

"So now what?"

Holding Dani's number in his hand Dalton felt a little strange for a moment. He almost felt like a little kid with a crush. Not letting the feeling hang around for to long Dalton looks up at Dani and lets the courners of his mouth turn up in a smile.

"I will call you, that you can bet on."

Reaching out Dalton gentily runs a hand down the side of Dani's face letting it linger for a moment before retreating.

"I am happy I could make you smile today. For once I returned the favor."

Shocked for a moment at Gunner's outburst Hope is taken back and for a second wondered if it was a good idea calling at all.

Listing to the muffled sound in the background Hope was about to hang up thinking maybe Gunner was going to be disconnected from him, but as she is about to hang up the phone a new voice is hurd.

How sweet it sounded to hear Scott's voice and how it made her heart jump. She wasnt ashamed to addmit she had missed the sound of it.

"I had so much I wanted to say to you, but now that your on the other line I think I would just rather listen to your sweet voice talk. Oh how I missed it. How are you sweetheart?"

Thought Scott couldnt see her Hope was smiling as her cheeks started to hurt but the pain when unoticed.

Different voice

Brown listens to Thirteen and cocks his head thoughtfully while he listens. When she's finished, the office grows quiet until Brown finally leans forward, resting his elbows on his desk. "Well, young lady... I don't like anybody getting caught in the system. And... from what I can tell, you've supplied us with all the information you can. As far as I know, there is no proof of intentional illegal activity so... what I can do is put in a special request for you that the charges be dropped and the file closed so that you will be free to live your life."

Ryder can't help that his eyes widen slightly. Though he'd acted confidently, he hadn't really thought that Brown would actually help in this capacity. "How long will that take?"

"Depends on if I can get the request to go through. But... since things are so busy, I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't take long just because it's not a priority."

"That's great. Um... thank you. Is there anything else we can do?"

"Well what do you plan to do with the little lady in the meantime?"

Ryder glances to Thirteen, then back to Brown. "I have a few things in mind. There's an empty couch I know of at the moment, and pretty soon an empty bed too. I want to give Thirteen a fighting chance."

Brown's gentle smile returns and he nods. "I've got three daughters. I understand. I'll be in touch."

Ryder takes his cue to rise, and lets Thirteen stand with him. "Thank you..."

"Don't thank me yet. Just take care of her."

"Oh... one more thing?" Ryder turns back around. "Do you think you could tell Reese it's alright to have Thirteen in my care?"

"I think I can do that." Brown chuckles. "I admire your determination. Hang in there."

Once Ryder and Thirteen are outside again by the car, he slips his arm around her shoulders to give her a little squeeze. "You did good."

Dani leaves the restaurant with a smile on her face and a hand on Dalton's arm. He was such a gentleman. She'd known he was nice, but she hadn't known he was THIS nice. It made her smile, just thinking of him being so soft and careful with her, when he was so big.

The ride back to the apartment seems too quick, and when they're parked, Dani waits a moment before getting out. She turns to look at Dalton, quiet for several seconds. "Thank you... I needed that boost today and... I'll look forward to that run in the park."

She slips him a piece of paper with her cell phone number on it. "Just let me know when."

Hearing Hope's voice on the other end of the line, Gunner gives a low growl of frustration. "You do realize that this whole thing is stupid, don't you?" He gets up from the couch, walking across the room as he talks. "I'm getting paid to be a babysitter," he grumbles. "Just quit jumping through the Elite hoops... you of all people could get away with more than this."

There's a long pause with muffled background noise and bumps and bangs. One might think they'd been disconnected. But finally a voice comes back. But it's not Gunner this time.

Scott quirks an eyebrow, having no idea why Gunner had handed him his cell phone. He rolls over to prop himself on his elbow while on his bed, his other hand stroking Domino's head.



Knowing something still wasn't up to par with Ryder but it was a little better. Sitting quietly in the truck Thirteen watches as the scenery go by.

Finally getting to the station Thirteen just looks out the window at the building for a long moment. Was coming really a good idea? Getting out of the car Thirteen standing next to Ryder and slips her hand into his slowly closing her fingers around his. The wormth from his own making her feel comfortable and safe.

Following close to Ryder Thirteen keeps her eyes down as they move through the station not looking at anyone.

Getting to Brown's office Thirteen looks up and gives a small friendly smile before looking down again and standing with Ryder. Listing to his words again she felt a little strange standing there and having someone talk about her.

Finally as Brown turns his own attachen to her and asks the question Thirteen trys to raise her head as high as she cant, mimicking Ryder's own confidence. she clears her throat and talks quiet but with her own confidence.

"Ryder has helped me alot, and has taken good care of me."

Looking to Ryder Thirteen smiles a little before looking back to Brown.

"He's the best friend I ever had and He has showed me so much. I dont like being at TJY and staying in a room all the time. I promise I wont make trouble if you let me out of there."

Dalton gives a small smile and a nod as the waitress brings over the check for the table. Reaching out to take it he had already planed on picking up the tab.

"Well, our next date will have to be a run in the park requested by you. I think I like the sound of that."

Giving a smile Dalton stands and puts his arm out for Dani once again offering to walk with her out to the car.

Giving her thanks to Susanne Hope hangs up the phone and than dials Gunner's phone. Letting it ring for a little while Hope wondered if he would even answer the strange number. Finally hearing Gunner's voice Hope sits up.

"Hello Gunner, My name is Hope Garrison and Well, I wanted to say thinking you. I was very happy to get Scott'd letters. I've really missed seeing him."

Quit for a moment Hope is quiet, but than continues really wanting to know from someone else how Scott was.

"How...How is Scott doing?"

Good reason

Ryder grabs his wallet to put in his back pocket and heads for the door, a little surprised but fine with Thirteen coming along to the police station.

Stopping at the door, he turns to look at her for a moment, cocking his head. "Don't worry... we'll find a place for you. I won't leave you hanging." He nods to the open door for Thirteen to exit before he locks up the house.

Driving down to the station, Ryder is pretty quiet. With a lot on his mind, he did his best not to act differently around Thirteen, but he knew that she could sense it. She wasn't stupid.

Once they're at the station, Ryder takes Thirteen's hand and walks inside, keeping her close as it was apparently a busy day. Approaching the counter, he addresses a woman office. "Is Chief Brown in today?"

"He just got back," she informs. "He's got a meeting in fifteen minutes, but you might be able to catch him in his office."

"Great. Thanks." Heading in the right direction, Ryder keeps Thirteen's hand in his grip until they've been invited into the warm office.

"Ah, Ryder, right?" Brown extends his hand.

"That's right. G'day."

"And who is this?" Brown looks to Thirteen, seeming to catch the shyness behind her bright eyes. His smile is gentle.

"This is Thirteen," Ryder introduces.

"Ah yes. The ward from TJY."

"Yes. That's... actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

Brown invites both to sit down and he himself sits on the other side of his desk. "I know the paperwork has been hung up for a while... this is an odd case. Reese and I were just discussing it the other day, but the judges have been busy with other priorities so no decisions have been made yet."

"As it's been with Scott," Ryder comments, a bit pointedly. "Look... we just need something else to happen here. Thirteen can't keep staying at TJY. She's been locked in a room for crying out loud. I took her to stay in a house for one night and I got raked over the coals for it. She's learning and growing and if we're going to have a success at reintroducing her to society, then we have to do just that... reintroduce her, not keep her locked up like an animal." He didn't particularly care for talking about Thirteen when she was right there, but he didn't have much of a choice.

Brown sits back, his eyes narrowing a little as he thinks. Pursing his lips, he looks to Thirteen. "I see your friend here is trying hard to do what's best for you. What do you have to say about all of this?"

Another little chuckle bubbles to the surface as Dani looks across at Dalton. Her cheeks were warm, her eyes glistening. "I guess first dates are always kind of awkward. But... I'm having a good time too. I, um...." She looks down, giving a bit of a laugh at herself. "I guess I kind of hoped you would ask me one of the days."

Glancing back up, she takes a sip of her water. "Walking sounds nice too... Though we could try the running sometime. I wouldn't mind trying to keep up. At least if I couldn't, there would be a good reason."

Susanne looks over her shoulder to make sure Reese's office is closed. "Hi, Hope. Um... yes.... I could give you Gunner's number." A smile is on her lips, her voice kept quiet. "Just don't tell anyone I gave it to you."

After giving Hope the number, Susanne hangs up, her smile still present. She knew she wasn't supposed to give that out, but after all, Hope had been Scott's councilor... surely she had special priviledges... and no one had specified not to give HER the number.

Gunner is lazing on the couch in front of the television when his phone goes off. Checking the number, he furrows his brow, tempted not to answer. But for some reason he did. "Yeah, hello?"


Seeing Henry enter the room Thirteen puts her hand down slowly to let the cat sniff her hand.

"Hi Henry your pretty kitty."

Feeling Henry jump up on the couch after Ryder had put her down she pets his few. How soft he felt under his finger tips.

Bringing her attachen to Ryder again Thirteen just thinks about what he said trying to process everything in her own mind.

For a moment Thirteen thinks. If she didnt stay at TJY anymore and she couldn't stay with Ryder where would she go.

"Hmmm...Ryder? If I don't stay at TJY and I cant stay with you where will I go?"

Moving from the couch Thirteen stands and takes the blanket she was using and folds it draping it back over the back before taking her cup and putting it into the sink before coming back into the livingroom where Ryder was.

"I'll come with you. Maybe....if your friend at the station see me he will see I am no threat and if he has any questions I can answer them. I'm not scaired, you will be there with me."

Smiling from across the table one who new Dalton at all would know it was very rare to see the light that was now on his face.

Not to mention Dalton himself was not use to having someone who was so interested in him and not concerned with his looks. It was strange trying to find something to talk about other than work.

"Well I'd tell you to come running with me and I would stop for breathers with you but...I don't think you could keep up. My legs are pretty long."

Dalton cant help the chuckle that escapes his lips as he takes a bite of his food. It had been a long time since he has Chinese and it tasted like heaven.

"..I like walks though."

Looking down at his plate and than back up at Dani Dalton look was more on a serious side now, but the smile still twinkled in his eye.

"Thanks Dani for coming to lunch with me. I'm having a nice time even if we feel a little awkward."

Opening her door for the daily mail Hope hears the ploop of something outside the door. Looking down and seeing the envilope a smile comes to her lips....

...Finishing the last letter Hope cant help but whipe a tear from her eye but not one of sadness but one of happyness and an honnor like no other.

Scott was well and that made Hope happy to know. Sitting in her chair she wondered. Gunner, yes he was the one with Scott could it have been him who droped the letters?

Grabbing the phone Hope waits for someone to answer hoping it would be the one she wanted. Hearing Susanne's voice Hope can only thank the lord for her answer prayers.

"Hi Susanne, its Hope Garrison. I was wondering if you could give me Gunner's number so I could see how Scott was doing!"


Ryder sighs again and stands up to pace while he thinks. He knew by the look on Thirteen's face that she'd had another small setback - and this one was his fault. He had to fix this... he had to make all of this right.

"I'm gonna go over Reese's head," he states decidedly. "You're stuck in the system, and I'm tired of it. I don't care if I lose my job. You deserve better." He kept saying that... but he still believed it. Living at TJY was no place for anybody, let alone someone like Thirteen who had no mal-intent whatsoever. Ryder couldn't sense a mean bone in her body. She was lost, confused, and needed a bit more TLC, just enough to give her a boost so she could start being more independent. Maybe Ryder had gone a little too far this morning, but it was over and wouldn't happen again. He was growing more and more attached to Thirteen... he couldn't deny that... and he knew it was dangerous. But he wasn't going to shove her off onto someone else.

"I'm going to see to it that you don't have to stay at TJY any longer. You've given us all the information you can and there's nothing left. You don't deserve jail and they know that - otherwise you'd be there already."

Henry wanders into the living room, having been hiding out in Laura's room. He sniffs the air and rubs up against Ryder's legs, looking over to the couch uneasily. A little meow signals that he wonders what's going on.

Ryder bends down to pick him up, stroking the soft fur. "Henry, this is Thirteen." Shaking his head, he puts the cat back down and turns his attention back to Thirteen. "I'm going down to the police station. You can stay here alone or come with me. No one knows yet that I've found you so we shouln't have anybody from TJY clammoring to get you back."


Thirteen try's her best to understand what Ryder was saying, but bits and peaces got missed, as she suddenly got the feeling inside her as if something was breaking. It was a strange feeling and she didn't like it.

Ryder has said he was a friend but he also called her a job. That alone stung even though Thirteen new he wasn't trying to hurt her.

"But I....like having you hang around and...I..."

Letting out a frustrated sigh Thirteen just sips her tea again. She tryed to regain back the little confidence in herself she had back but it was hard. She new though she had to or they would keep her locked away even longer.

Maybe changing the subject would help.

"So whats your next plan of action?"


Ryder gives a little sigh, his shoulders dropping. "You didn't do anything wrong, okay? Nothing was your fault."

He pats her leg, knowing he just needed to say what was necessary. "I... know this might be hard for you to understand... but try, okay? It's okay that I'm your friend... I want to be your friend, and I enjoy looking out for you. But you're also my job and... well..." How was he supposed to say it? "...It was... wrong of me... to get...closer than that."

Finding her hand, he gives it a squeeze, then offers her a crooked grin. "You're just too pretty for a bloke to hang around," he teases. He cocks his head, studying her for a moment. "I'm sorry I was rough on you earlier. I didn't mean to upset you. I just don't know how to apologize enough for what's been happening. You deserve better. And I have one more course of action I can try."


Feeling Ryder closer to her Thirteen moves down farther into the blanket bring the warm cloth around her chilled skin.

Taking the drink from Ryder Thirteen sips it. It was different from what she drank most of the time but she liked it and it made her feel good inside. This time she was in a different how but she liked it.

Looking over the blanket at Ryder Thirteen is quiet for a moment. Giving a little shiver and a sneeze her voice is quiet.

"Something changed with you from this morning, when I saw you this afternoon. I thought I did something wrong, and I didnt want to stay there anymore. I was tired of being there. I just....I thought you were angry with me."

Thirteen runs her finger along the rim of her cup not to sure how to tell Ryder how she felt. She was getting over her fear of being outside, loud noises, and being around people but she was still having problems conveying how she felt into words.

"I just...I...spent so long being held by the Agency than you came along Ryder and showed me so much. and now I am doing good and you guys still want to keep me locked away in a room."

Thirteen's cheeks get a little more red as she continues to talk. The next topic she didn't even know how to describe it but she would try her best.

"And....I guess I just though maybe I had done something wrong since you seemed so distant this afternoon. I just don't want to be forced to stay somewhere anymore alone."


Hearing Thirteen's words and seeing the state she was in made Ryder's heart feel as though it were being ripped in two.

Starting to say something to Thirteen, Ryder is cut off as she falls into him. Reflexes cause him to catch her, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her nearer to him. Putting his face down over hers, he checks her breathing, seeing that she was indeed sick.

"Thirteen, listen to me," he prompts gently but firmly. "You're going to be okay. Just stay with me here, alright? Stay with me."

Rocking back on his heels, Ryder takes off his rain coat and wraps it around Thirteen. Taking her back in his arms he stands up, cradling her as he walks. Trooper doesn't need any guidance as he obediently follows. It's a two-block walk to where the car was parked...

...The house is quiet. Ryder comes from the kitchen, returning to the living room with the hot cup of tea. He'd given Thirteen some dry clothes and had done his best to get her warm, settling her on the couch with a pillow and blanket.

Trooper was still lying on the kitchen floor, slowly drying as well.

Ryder eases down on the couch right next to Thirteen, tucking the blanket in closer around her and offering her the warm drink. Sighing, he studies her face and moves a wisp of wet hair from her cheek. So far, words hadn't been necessary.

"Why did you do it, Thirteen?" he asks quietly. "I don't understand. Why did you run away?"


Looking up at Ryder Thirteen was happen to see him, but on the other hand was not. Now that he found her he would take her back.

"Please...don't take me back there. I'm not an animal that can be caged anymore. You taught me that."

Giving another sneeze Thirteen felt so weak. It was plan to see she was sick. After everything she had been through after being at the Agency so long her body was not use to the stress, and the atmosphere of being outside. Now the rain added on top just pushed her over, and the cold had set in.

Trying her best to look up at Ryder again Thirteen trys to smile a little but she felt so cold. Sneezing again and than another cough she takes Ryder's hand in her own as she shakes, from the cold, and from fear.

"I'm sorry I ran away."

Before she can say more Thirteen fall forward from the swing not able to hold herself up anymore as she lands in Ryder's arms.


Dani listens intently, surprised but not finding Dalton's hobby silly in the least. "I'd like to see it sometime," she agrees honestly.

Before she can answer his question, the waitress comes with their food, so it's several minutes before the conversation can start again.

"I... don't have much to do outside of work," she finally admits. "I mean... I have church and that's nice. But then I work at the store and at Mom and Pop's too, so... yeah. I like to take walks... athletic activities but... I don't have many friends. Carson keeps asking me to go running with him but he gets up so early." She giggles. "I just can't get up as early as he does, and he doesn't like stopping when I need a breather."

Trooper whines and walks around Ryder's legs, looking for shelter from the pouring rain. But Ryder's rain jacket is only so big.

"Naw, come on, mate," Ryder prompts as they continue to walk. "We gotta find her."

He looks around, but visibility isn't good through the rain. Conditions were terrible for a search, and he was only going around in circles. She couldn't have gone far on foot... and she didn't have any money for a bus or taxi. She couldn't be far... she couldn't. But what if the Agency had found her? What if they had gotten to her first?

"Thirteen!" Ryder's shout echoes down the dead-end street. Nothing.

Thunder shook the ground and lightning spidered across the sky. This was no kind of weather to be out here on foot. But Ryder didn't have any other choice. Getting others to help him look would do no good. It just didn't matter. This was his doing. This was all his fault.


Another hour. Ryder's legs felt like lead weights. The storm had stalled overhead, covering the land in a steady downpour. A cold front was moving through, bringing a chilly wind. Tomorrow it would be hot and sticky again, but for right now, Ryder could feel the cold through his drenched body.

The park. Trooper's head hung as he trudged beside Ryder, but suddenly his ears perk and he gives a short woof.

Ryder looks around, squinting through the rain. "What is it?"

Trooper whines and pulls on the leash.

Ryder moves forward, finally spotting the bundle huddled on one of the swings. "Oh... Thirteen..."

Sprinting through the rain, Ryder slipps to a halt at he swing, bending to his knees despite the mud. "Thirteen?" He looks up at her, reaching up to put a hand to his face. "Are you okay?"