
Good ending

*As Wyatt heads for the door with Susanne Katie calls.*

"Ladys and Gentilmen, Wyatt had forfeted that means.....SCOTTY IS THE WINNER."

*Katie brings her hands to her mouth and makes the sound of a rawring cowd as Wyatt exits. Turning to Scott Katie smiles and laughs. It was good to see him interact with other and laugh as well.*

"Well I am guessing you had a good morning. I learned something new about you too. You have amazing belches."

*Nate relaxs alittle bit as a grin comes across his face as his give Laura a tight embrace.*

"You had me scaired Laura. I thought I was gonna have to kick someones butt."

*Nate's face turns a bit red as he holds Laura happy she was ok.*

*Jamie enjoys the evening with Con. It was some much needed time alone. As Jamie and Con make there way to park Jamie slips her hand into Con and smiles. Once at the bench Jamie snuggles close to Con. As he puts the braclet on her wrist Jamie looks at it in Aw and than looks back up at Con a tear in her eye. Jamie throws her arms around Con giving him a big kiss and than a hug.*

"I love you Con. Thank you."


For just a moment, both guys are unsure how to react with Katie entering into their antics, but it doesn’t take but an instant for them to start up again.

Scott leans forward with anticipation, a look of challenge on his face towards Wyatt.

Wyatt downs the rest of his pop in one gulp and slams the empty can down on the table. He sits in silence for several moments, seeming to be deep in thought. He cocks his head a little bit and Scott starts to snicker.

Susanne looks a the report in her hand as she meanders down the hallway towards the break room. Turning through the doorway, she stops. “Hey, Wyatt, would you…”

Too late, she’s interrupted by a thundering belch.

Scott bursts out laughing as he leans back in his chair, holding his aching sides.

Wyatt’s head whips around as his face reddens at Susanne. “Um…yes?”

Susanne rolls her eyes in disgust. “You guys…..” She smirks at Wyatt. “I need you to come look at these records as soon as you’re done….making a fool out of yourself.”

“I’m on my way!” Wyatt quickly clears his place at the table, avoiding his embarrassment. “Right behind you, Susanne…” He throws a grimace to Katie and Scott before making a clean exit.

Scott is finally able to bring his laughing under control, and sighs deeply, still grinning. “Well…that was fun.”

Laura jumps as Nate comes up behind her, and whirls around, smacking right into his chest. “Oh, Nate!” Her eyes go wide and it takes her a moment to regain some composure. Her face starts to redden as a laugh makes it’s way to the surface.

Within moments, she’s outright laughing, tears coming to her eyes. “Oh…Nate, you…” She keeps laughing. “The look on your face…” She manages to point to the desk. “I’m sorry…it was just a…” She has to stop as more laughter comes. “Just a mouse.”

Con chuckles as Jamie takes his phone. “Alright. No interruptions.”

The afternoon is peaceful with a relaxing lunch and hanging out at the mall until a movie plays. After supper, Con and Jamie head to the park as the sun is setting. Though getting dark, the path is lit with glowing lights, making it an enjoyable stroll.

Finding a bench after a while, Con sits down and pulls Jamie down next to him, slinging an arm around her shoulder. “Thanks for a wonderful day,” he says quietly. His hand moves to run his fingers through her soft hair. “I know I’ve been miserable lately with my job and all…thanks for putting up with me anyway.”

He’s quiet for a moment, then reaches into his pocket. He moves his arm back from around Jamie, and takes her hand. Without saying anything, he sets a delicate gold bracelet around her wrist, fastening it gently despite his big hands. “For you and all the worry I put you through.”


*As Katie starts to eat she watches the two guys interact and smiles laughing here and there. As Scott belches Katie's eyes go wide for a moment. After the saprise wairs off Katie grabs the pen from her pocket and her napkin and jots something down. Holding it over her head she smiles. On the napkin there are 2 10's and a 9. In a joking anouncer voice Katie replys.*

"Ladys and gental men we have 2 10's and a 9 across the board. This should put alot of pressure on Wyatt now. Scott is on his tail and catching up fast. Wyatt will have to do extreamly well to stay in the lead."

*Katie puts the napkin down she turns her head and smiles at Scott than turns her head to Wyatt. Grabing her MD bottle Katie brings it to her mouth as if it was a mic and starts to whisper.*

"The crowd had gone silent now, leting Wyatt be able to consintract. Everyone is waiting in antisapation, Scott is also on the edge of his seat waiting to see if he will remain the champ this year."

*Katie smerks at both guys.*

*Jamie smiles up at Con and locks arms with him. Reaching into his pocket she takes his phone and puts it on vibrate and than in her purse.*

"Just making sure we dont get intarupted this time. I want you to myself today."

*Jamie smiles and heads out with Con."

*Nate is deep in though when he hears Laura scream. His heart races as in moment he is up out of his chair and running across the road as fast as he can jumping over and dodging anything in his way. Running up to Laura he puts a hand on his shoulder*

"Laura, Laura...whats wrong are you ok..? Whats going on?"

*Fear corses though Nate as her looks over Laura to make sure she is ok.*


Wyatt looks up and grins as Katie enters the breakroom. “Hey there. Yeah, sure, set yourself down. We just started to eat. Looks like we’re all late today.”

He glances to Scott teasingly. “Unless you’d rather we didn’t have the additional company.”

The tones of the two men signal that their lunch had been quite a humorous ordeal already and both were being quite goofy. It wasn’t often that interaction between Scott and Wyatt was witnessed.

Scott smirks at him. “Oh yeah, our conversation about carburetors was a private one indeed.” He rolls his eyes and shoves the empty end chair out with his foot. “Sit down, Hero, before Wyatt makes an idiot of himself.”

“Too late.” Wyatt salutes with his can of pop. “To idiots!”

“Here here!” Scott raises his own pop can, clinking it on Wyatt’s. “And to all those who put up us idiots!”

“Yes!” Wyatt toasts again. “And to Katie – the best idiot-putter-upper there is. May she not kick me for razzing her too much.”

Scotts eyes widen and he looks down at his pop. “Uh-oh.”

Wyatt stops his antics. “What?”

Scott holds up his hand, signaling to wait. Without trying to stop it, an extremely loud belch is released.

“Wooee!” Wyatt gives Scott a high five. “Nice!”

Scott raises both hands in the air, signaling victory. “I’m on an official sugar high, folks, stand back!” Suddenly seeming to remember that Katie is present, his face reddens and he turns his face away, glancing at Wyatt. “Can we have another toast to idiots?”

“Mmm.” Con gives Jamie a squeeze and aims her for the door. “Sorry. Let’s go get some food and enjoy the afternoon, shall we?” He grins down at her. “Oh, did I neglect to tell you that I have the rest of the day off?" He opens the door as they enter the parking lot. "I was thinking lunch at Mom and Pop’s, then maybe a nice walk in the park if it’s not raining, and maybe….just maybe we can catch a movie later on.”

A mouse scurries across the floor, shooting under Laura's desk. She wasn't usually afraid of rodents, but this one had caught her off guard. Letting out a shriek, she stands up quickly and backs out of her cubicle.

Half day

*Katie cant help but laugh alittle at Con's saprise as they pull into the parking lot of TJY again.*

"He's really sweet once you get to know him, and get past his...mishaps."

*Katie cant help but smile with what happend with the chair this morning. As they park the car Katie turns to Con with all serouseness.*

"Con please to tell anyone about what I have told you. Not yet. I want to get everything stratend out and done right before it blows up in my face."

*Steping out of the car Katie heads inside to TJY. It was 1:30 exacly and time for lunch. Heading over to Scotts cubicle she notes he is not there. Figuring he eather got real hungry or was fixing something Katie smiles and shakes her head decieding to head to the breakroom first. Drawing closer she can hear Scott and Wyatt's voice. Entering Katie gives a wave.*

"Hey guys. Mind if I join ya both?"

*Katie new Scott wouldent mind but she dident want to intarupt Wyatt if they were talking about anything important. Heading over to the fridge Katie pulls out some left over chicken from the night before and pops it in the microwave waiting for it to come out. After it is done Katie heads over to the table and sits down at the end closes to Wyatt and Scott.*

"Hows everything going while I was away? Any news from Reese and Lockheart yet?"

*Katie smiles and digs into her food.*

*As Jamie sees Con enter TJY again she smiles and goes over to him giving him a hug.*

"I thought you would never get back and my tummy was going to eat itself.. I got the ok to take the rest of the day off, maybe we can do someting befor you have to head in."

*Jamie smiles up as Con with her big green eyes stairing into his.*

Fine catch

Con just listens some more, knowing Katie was sincerely trying to make the right decision. “I trust your judgment, Kat. And if you think you’re making the right choice, then who’s to stop you?”

He cocks his head as she continues, finding a side road to start heading back the direction of town.

As Katie reveals who it is she’s found, Con’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “Scott?” He looks to her, feeling stupid for showing so much surprise when evidently Katie really did care about him. “I…okay…” He gives a little nod. Scott was a good man…Con had never been close friends to him, but he was an honest Christian man…

Con gives Katie a sidelong glance, the corner of his mouth quirking a little. He was still confused about her decision about Jason, but he wasn’t going to make it any harder on her than it already was. The least he could do was support her. “So…Scott...alright.” He nudges her arm with his elbow and gives her a wink. “I betcha he’s a right fine catch for ya.”

Turning down another road, they’re back on the main street to head back to TJY.

“Hey, Scott, eating late today?”

Scott doesn’t shift his gaze from his computer as he hears Wyatt’s voice. “Guess so.”

Wyatt looks at his watch. “Me too. I’m headed to the break room. Want to join me?”

Scott finally turns and opens his mouth. “Actually I…”

“Oh, were you waiting for somebody?”

Scott hesitates. Yes, he was. But he couldn’t say so. “I’ll join ya,” he relents. “I think I got a frozen dinner in the freezer to warm up.”


*Katie lets out a sigh as she continues to look out the window. The words Con spoke though trying to bring her comfort really dident. At the sound of Con telling her she was giving up on Jason made her cringe and made her heart ack even more.*

"I'm not giving up on him Con. He did that himself. I've known Jason for a long time now and I know you have to. But I've seen parts of him no one alse has. The depth of his soul is endless, and He's not just going to change in the snap of the fingers when he gets out. I know him and thats not him and you know it as much as I do. I delt with him befor at the ranch when he was the old Jason, and I ended up leaving than to. Now everythings changed and since seeing him as the man I loved I dont know if I could deal or handle the old Jason again Con."

*Katie lets out a long sigh and wonders herself if she wes jumping to fast. Maybe she was but she couldent help deny the pull she had twords Scott to her it felt right. She was sad and it was going to be hard. It was starting to be hard already. The pull in both directions, the pain of the words spoken by many.

Katie trys to hide the tears that were forming in her eyes. The eyes that showed she was in great pain. Torn. Confused.*

"Con, I'll give him some time to see if he changes back before as I know your thinking make any rash desitions. ok? If the Jason I love did come back, I would be very happy and thrilled."

*Katie looks away from Con and out the front window. The sky had opened up and rain was starting to fall even though it was sunny. As Katie watched the drops she couldent help but feel that was what was going on inside her as well. The sun was out, but the rain, they tears there were still there. As Con mentions Wyatt Katie's eyes grow wide as she shakes her head.*

"No Con Its not Wyatt. Its someone alse. Someone I dident even exspect. He came out of no where. Its not like I saw him and was like...OMG i want to date him Con. I just...we went out as friends..and I dont know what happend."

*Katie lets out a sigh hesatating for a moment not sure how Con would react. She new he probley would be saprised to find out Katie would find intrest in someone like Scott. Shaking her fear she decieds to just tell him he was her best friend and she dident want to hide stuff from him. She had confadince he wouldent say anything to anyone.*

"It's Scott Con."


Con listens quietly, driving with no destination in mind. As Katie talks about Jason, he’s filled with a sad disappointment. He had had no contact with his friend at all, but he trusted Katie’s observation. If anyone could tell if Jason had changed, it would be her.

When Katie mentions another, Con’s eyebrows shoot up and he glances in her direction. Despite a disappointment in Jason, Con was very surprised to hear she would have found someone else. Never would he have imagined she would give up on Jason or discover a relationship with another man.

As Katie concludes, Con lets out a long sigh, unsure how to respond, if he should even respond at all.

“Well, Kat…I’m sorry you’ve been having such a rough time of it.” He reaches over to give her shoulder an encouraging squeeze. “Sometimes life throws us a few extra lemons, doesn’t it.”

After thinking a moment and turning down a back country road, he speaks again. “You know…I guess I’m a might surprised you’ve given up on Jason before he’s even gotten home… I believe you when you say he’s changed, but …well, don’t you think you should see what kind of a person he is when he gets out? He might very well snap back to himself.”

Con reasons aloud. “Of course…I can’t blame you either. If Jason’s been pushing you away, what were you supposed to do…you can’t stop your life because of him. And I know without him letting you into his feelings, that’s gotta hurt something awful and be a pretty lonely road.”

He bites his tongue from asking what he wants to, but then decides to go ahead anyway. The most she could do was not tell him. “Kat…I don’t want to be nosey or ask you something you don’t want to answer, but…who is this other man? Is it Wyatt?”

2 people

*Katie is silent for a long moment. Just leting Con's question linger. Her feelings were all messed up, and it was always hard for her to shair.*

"Things are so crazy right now Con I dont even know where to start. I know you would say just start at the biginning."

*Katie lets out a long sigh as she collects her thoughts. She new with Con if she dident word something right he would know what she ment anyways. But Katie wanted to try and get it right at least alittle bit. Katie stairs out the window as she talks.*

"Over the last few months Jason has been changing. I know thats to be exspected cuz he's in jail and all I dont blame him. Its just...he's goten cold with me. His letters, the way he talks, the way he acts. He's shuting down again and shuting me out driving my "Ability" to go haywire. Its like running running running and slaming into a brick wall. And it dosent feel good at all. The other day when I was really sick that was from my feelings being blocked. A broken heart, a broken soul. He's turning back into the old Jason and when he gets out is he going to change back into the man I fell in love with? Something tells me he wont and it hurts alot. The one I first met when you came to the ranch. I probley sound crazy or something I dont know its just hard to explain.*

*Katie keeps her eyes out the window trying to decied if she should go on or not. She might as well keep going on, Con was like a brother to her and he would always love her life a sister no matter what she did and Katie new that. Con was one of her best friends.*

"There has also been someone new who has entered my life. He's been there for me, and tryed to comfort me all he can. He's made me smile alot, and I dont know he's just differnt. There is a certin peace about him. This is hard to explain too. umm...have you ever put your arms out and just spin and spin and spin? Well, that's what its like in this situation kind of. Everything inside of you tells you to stop before you fall, but you just keep going. Its just complacated. I love Jason on one hand and I want to stick it out with him but I cant handle how he has changed her not the Jason I feel in love with and on the other had I have this totally differnt guy who's elped me, showed me a side of himself I never new, and he truly cares for me and he is just differnt. The feeling with him is differnt."

*Katie lets out a long tired side now knowing if what she is saying is making sence or not. Katie rolls down her window alittle enjoying the warm breeze. She hadent spent time with Con in a long time. She had been wrapped up so much in everything Katie failed to stop and feeling the finer things in life. She had missed so much.*


Con nods. “Sure. I’ll be waiting.”

He turns and head toward the exit, stopping again by Jamie’s desk just briefly. “I’ll be back so we can go grab lunch,” he promises. “Don’t go anywhere.”

He goes out to the parking lot and waits by his car, enjoying the warm day.

Scott gives Katie a shrug. “I don’t think I’ll waste away if I don’t eat at noon.”

He gives her a smirk. “I’ll try not to hurt myself, but I give no guarantees. If you can’t find me when you get back, check out the infirmary.”

Con straightens from leaning against his car as Katie emerges from the building, and gets in, starting the engine. Once Katie is in, he pulls out of the parking lot and aims for the outskirts of town, just taking his time.

He gives Katie a sidelong glance. “So…what’s on your mind, Kat?”

Mick smiles at Rosetta and he gives a little nod. “Thank you, Rosetta…for giving me meaning and a reason to live.”

Things were going to change again, and very quickly. But it was a good change, and Mick was ready.

“I’ll get a hold of Damien and we’ll move forward as we need to. And I’m right here…anything you need, you just tell me.”


*Katie smiles at Con and nods. He was her big brother she always new she could come to him with anything and he would truly give his say on things.*

"Ya I think I would like that. I just need to run and let someone know lunch will be alittle later today. I'll meet you out by your car?"

*Kaite grabs her jacket and purse and makes her way to Scott's desk.*

"Hey Scott, I know you said you would be in the lunch room around noon, but I am going to be runing out with Con fast. I'll be backa round 1:30 for lunch than if you happen to be around or in the naborhood of the breakroom at the time."

*Katie gives Scott a hint wink. Before turning she snickers.*

"Try not to hurt youself while I am gone ok?"

*Turning Katie makes her way out of TJY and hopes into Con car.*

*Misty laughs and smiles at Carson thumbing at Rick.*

"Ya know he does have a point."

*Lockheart thinks for a moment before answering. She had a good long chanse to study Brown. His eyes, his movments, his words.*

"From what I can tell Brown is pritty trust worthy. He seems like he really wants to help us. From what I could see his eyes were clean and his words pure. I think we stand a good chanse in this after all Reese."

*Rosetta enbraces Mick in a tight hug she cant help but smile a few tears of joy escaping her eyes. How she loved Mick's arm wraped around her they always made her feel safe and warm. Starting a family so soon would be differnt and at times even trying but Rosetta was ready to face the challange head on.*

"Yes Mick, I would be ok with it. How could I deny my two fav guys?!"

*Rosetta pulls away from Mick and just looks him in the eyes for a long while. There would be much that needed to be talked about in the next few days, and alot of stuff that would need to be gone over and planed in a hurry. Though Rosetta was scaired cuz things were going to be moving fast she was even more excited. She finally would be married to the man she wanted so long for. Her dream come true. and the family she always wanted.*

All my heart

Con returns Katie’s hug, holding his smile. “Oh, I’m doing okay…work at he lumberyard is absolutely crazy and I think Jamie’s ready to kill my boss, but otherwise…” he chuckles a little.

He cocks his head, studying Katie for a moment. “I know it’s almost lunchtime, but…if you want to talk, we can go for a drive.”

Carson grabs Misty’s feet as she wraps her legs around him, a grin finally escaping. He carries her inside and across the floor, nodding to some of the others as if it should be completely natural to see him giving Misty a piggyback ride.

Heading to the infirmary, he kicks the door open and steps inside.

Rick looks up from the counter, his eyebrows raising. For a moment, he says nothing, then he rolls his eyes. “I shouldn’t be surprised.”

Carson throws him a wry grin and deposits Misty near her desk. “Hey, doc, keep her out of trouble, will you? She’s already caused a ruckus today.”

“Me?” Rick throws up his hands. “I can’t be held responsible for either of you. It’s too dangerous!”

The drive back to TJY is quiet for a while, until Reese finally breaks the silence, speaking to Lockheart. “Well…I’m shocked. What do you think about all this? Do you think Brown is trustworthy?”

Mick takes in Rosetta’s words, absorbing them and tucking them into his heart. His eyes close as she touches his face, drawn in by her warmth.

He reaches up to take her hand, and kisses it gently before pulling her into an embrace.

“I failed at being a dad once…but I know with you around I can’t fail again,” he says quietly. “And I don’t want that little boy to end up in some home where people don’t understand him.”

He pauses, just enjoying having Rosetta in his arms. “I love you with all my heart, whether we get married in two weeks or two decades… Whether we start out just the two of us, or with a family. I just want to make sure that you’re okay with this before we make this decision.”

The Answer

*Katie cringes as she hears Scott crash into something. Only seconds later to laugh as she hears him yell. Shaking her head she smiles. Scott sure did make her smile, and gave her the warm soft glow. It felt good.*

A few hours pass and Katie is finishing up before lunch when she hears Con's voice. Looking up a smile cross her face as she stands to give him a hug.*

"Big Brother!!"

*Backing up from the hug Katie holds her smile as she looks at Con.*

"Oh I'm haning in there. Just have a bunch of differnt stuff running through my mind. Stuff I dont think I should talk about at work. So that makes me kind of blah but I am feeling a bit better alittle. How about you? How are you holding up?"

*As Carson comes in for another kiss Misty returns it bringing her hands around him. Enjoying the moment. As Carson pulls away Misty smile. Instead of heading inside Misty makes one quick movment around to the back of Carson and jumps on his back wraping her legs around his wast and her arms around his chest.*

"ON WORD!!!! Before we are late."

*Misty brings her head down so her cheek is close to Carson's as he walks inside.*

*For a moment Rosetta stands stunned looking out into the pasture. Not sure what to say. Many thought ran through her mind. Everything flipped upside down fast.*

"Wow..Mick...I am thrilled and happy of the idea, a even feel a bit of excitment. but this is a big desition that would be made. I know I would be ready to start a family with you Mick. We have been with each other 20+ years. Maybe not dating, or engaged. But we have grown together, been through alot and in the end we always come out back together. In our many years as friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, or being engaged I have defined what love is. I've loved before you, and even after but than I found you again and I new truly what love was. Love....Love is when you don't want to go to sleep because reality is better than any dream I could have.

*Rosetta lets out a sigh as she scans the pasture and watches the horses graze.*

"Look, I guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that at some time, one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing we started, But I also guarantee that if I don't say yes. I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know, in my heart, you're the only one for me. But you also need to search yourself truly and deeply and ask if your ready for this. I dont want you to hesatate, or feel its wrong. I want you to know its right so it will be."

*Rosetta moves a bit closer to Mick and brings her hand to his face running her tumb over his cheek.*

"Mike, take love, multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever.. and you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you now and forever."

How would you feel

After Katie’s initial response she grows quiet, and Scott cocks his head a little, wondering what was going through her mind.

He gets his answer as she admits she’s not doing great, and his eyes soften with compassion. It really was hard for her, dealing with what Jason was doing. Scott didn’t understand the connection there, but he respected it and knew it was real.

Her request for honesty is understandable, and Scott gives her a little smile. “You don’t have to worry about me, Katie. I’m not gonna lie or hide from you now or ever. You’re too good for that.”

Scott would like to say more…he’d like to give her a hug of encouragement…be close to show her he understands and it’s okay. But now was not the time. Instead, he throws her a quick wink. “Thanks for the paperwork. Maybe I’ll catch you around lunchtime in the break room,” he hints.

Scooting out of her cubicle, he pushes off backward with his feet again to slide back to his own area. A few moments later a crash is heard, then Scott’s voice. “I’m okay!”

Carson’s eyes narrow as he looks at Misty sternly, his face expertly showing no emotion. “Misty Miller, I have half a mind to turn you over my knee for your behavior. You relentlessly insist on driving me crazy, and you know good and well you can drive me up a wall in an instant, and yet you persist.”

As Misty draws closer, Carson looks down at her. “However…once I’ve contemplated everything involved…I think my best option is to simply finish that conversation of ours. Now…I remember what I was going to say when you so rudely cut me off.”

Reaching out he grabs Misty to pull her into his arms and sweeps her into a dip, planting another kiss on her lips. Satisfied, he brings her back up and turns to open the door, abruptly ending the exchange. “Ladie’s first, and be quick before we’re late. You’ve kept us out here long enough.”

Reese nods in agreement to Lockheart, turning to Brown. “She’s right. I have a loyal staff that deserves to know everything. I had a mind not to even bring their names into this, but they insisted on being a team.”

Brown gives a slight nod. “I respect that. And…just so you know…I’ll still help you work on those pardons even if you want TJY to disband instead of forming the Elite.”

“We appreciate that.” Reese pauses, looking to Lockheart, then back to Brown again. “So…I guess it’s in your court. What happens next?”

“You go back to TJY and talk to your staff. I’m going to make some phone calls and pull some strings. I’ve got some clout with Judge Barker…” Brown pauses. “I know a few things about him he wouldn’t exactly want to go public. If I can pull the right strings with the right people…there’s a strong chance we can get Jason out of prison and without a retrial.”

Reese shows his surprise. “How can you do that?”

“Easy. If there’s a retrial, the department is going to look stupid, and Judge Barker will be put in the spotlight. No one wants that. If I play my cards right, I can get written notice to have Jason acquitted. Then we can move on to getting those pardons – that one will require a court hearing, though if I have it my way, it won’t be with Barker.”

Con enters the main floor at TJY and scans for the familiar faces. He greets Nate with a wave, says hi to Laura, then stops at Jamie’s desk, producing a small bouquet of flowers. “These are for you.” He smiles and leans down to kiss her forehead. “For sticking it out with me and being so patient.”

Not giving too much time to talk, Con retreats, going to Susanne for a report since Reese is gone, then heading to Katie’s cubicle. He knows everyone will be dispersing soon for lunch, but he at least wants to check on her.

“Hey there, Kat.” He grins and leans on the cubicle wall. “How ya doing today?”

Mick stops and turns as Rosetta catches up to him outside, but quickly resumes his walk, though slow. He gestures with his head to have her follow him. Instead of aiming for the barn as intended he heads for the pasture fence to lean on it and just look out at the grazing horses.

He doesn’t answer Rosetta right away, still thinking…still contemplating… Was this really right? Was it fair? Was it best?

Sighing, he turns his head to look at Rosetta, his elbows still leaning on the top fence rail. He wanted what was right for them…but he couldn’t make decisions that would affect them on his own.

“Rosetta…I know we’ve had plans…I know you’ve been making plans…for the future…for us… And I don’t even know if this is fair to you to even ask you this… but I want to, and if you don’t think it’s wise, then I just want you to say so…”

Mick’s eyes search hers, the love showing through. But there’s just no easy way to ask. “A lot is happening now with TJY and the Agency and no one knows what he results will be. And we never know when the battle with the Agency will be over…”

He pauses for just a moment. “Rosetta…how would you feel about getting married in two weeks and starting a family with a little six-year-old boy before he gets lost in the system?”