
The Answer

*Katie cringes as she hears Scott crash into something. Only seconds later to laugh as she hears him yell. Shaking her head she smiles. Scott sure did make her smile, and gave her the warm soft glow. It felt good.*

A few hours pass and Katie is finishing up before lunch when she hears Con's voice. Looking up a smile cross her face as she stands to give him a hug.*

"Big Brother!!"

*Backing up from the hug Katie holds her smile as she looks at Con.*

"Oh I'm haning in there. Just have a bunch of differnt stuff running through my mind. Stuff I dont think I should talk about at work. So that makes me kind of blah but I am feeling a bit better alittle. How about you? How are you holding up?"

*As Carson comes in for another kiss Misty returns it bringing her hands around him. Enjoying the moment. As Carson pulls away Misty smile. Instead of heading inside Misty makes one quick movment around to the back of Carson and jumps on his back wraping her legs around his wast and her arms around his chest.*

"ON WORD!!!! Before we are late."

*Misty brings her head down so her cheek is close to Carson's as he walks inside.*

*For a moment Rosetta stands stunned looking out into the pasture. Not sure what to say. Many thought ran through her mind. Everything flipped upside down fast.*

"Wow..Mick...I am thrilled and happy of the idea, a even feel a bit of excitment. but this is a big desition that would be made. I know I would be ready to start a family with you Mick. We have been with each other 20+ years. Maybe not dating, or engaged. But we have grown together, been through alot and in the end we always come out back together. In our many years as friends, boyfriend/girlfriend, or being engaged I have defined what love is. I've loved before you, and even after but than I found you again and I new truly what love was. Love....Love is when you don't want to go to sleep because reality is better than any dream I could have.

*Rosetta lets out a sigh as she scans the pasture and watches the horses graze.*

"Look, I guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that at some time, one or both of us is gonna want to get out of this thing we started, But I also guarantee that if I don't say yes. I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know, in my heart, you're the only one for me. But you also need to search yourself truly and deeply and ask if your ready for this. I dont want you to hesatate, or feel its wrong. I want you to know its right so it will be."

*Rosetta moves a bit closer to Mick and brings her hand to his face running her tumb over his cheek.*

"Mike, take love, multiply it by infinity and take it to the depths of forever.. and you still have only a glimpse of how I feel for you now and forever."

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