
Silent Prayer

Misty gives a small chuckle and cocks her head a little to the side.

"Your lonely? But your the master of all friends, you have them coming out of the wood work."

Standing Misty takes the papers from Jason's desk. Her comment was directed at him and seeing him the other day at lunch but other than that for now she wouldn't say anything. Jason had enough to worry about. Making her way to the door Misty stops and turns back to Jason.

"Call her Hotshot, I know you dont want to but call her and have a real conversation. If she ever needed you more now is the time. She is just to scared to admit it. Thanks for sighing theses. If you ever get to lonely you know where I am."

With that Misty leave the office to bring the papers to Reese.

Looking up from her desk with a start Angel see Sparky and gives a jump. She had been lost in paper work and hadnt even heard anyone come up to the office.

"What, Yes yes I will come give me a second to grab a few things."

Standing quickly Angel goes to get her bag putting a few things into it that she needs and might need. She could only fear the worse, but she hope that it wasnt time yet. A silent prayer goes up as she comes back out.

"Ok I am ready."

Faithful horse

Jason gives a little scoff as he focuses on the papers. "Me? I'm as fine as anyone can be with a boss who's got it out for him." He shakes his head in disgust. "I don't know what I ever did to your uncle, but for the first time in all my years here, I think he'd rather see me gone than have me on the team."

Finding the place for a signature, he scribbles it out and shoves the papers away, not wanting to read any more details than he'd already tried not to think about.

Looking down at Misty, he shrugs. "I'm fine... really. There's people out there with a whole lot bigger problems than me so... I shouldn't complain."

His eyes glances towards his cell phone that was still quiet. "Okay, so maybe I'm a little lonely. But who isn't?" He shoves the papers towards Misty. "Here. Keep Reese happy."

A figure slumps into bed. A horse is put away in the barn. Someone runs to the medical building. Another tries to rouse their friend.

"Angel?" Sparky pokes his head inside. "Angel?" Spotting her, he thumbs outside. "Jeff just got back... or should I say his horse brought him back. Passed out cold. We got him in his bunk but... I don't know... can you come?"


"Just do it Rick, I am fine. Thank you."

Hanging up the phone Katie goes to the bed and sinks down letting her head fall into the pillow. Her head hurt, and Katie eyes felt like they were going to explode. Her mind raced with different things to think about and she just wanted them to quit down.

Closing her eyes Katie decide she would call Jason in about an hour she just needed to rest for a little bit. Than she would wake, and call Jason, she remanded herself she would call him once again.

Coming along the other side of the desk Misty leans over Jason just a little bit as she reachs her arm out.

"Mmm...its right..."

Flipping through a few of the pages Misty finally finds the three where he needed to sign.

"On these ones here..."

Moving away put still staying close to Jason Misty squats down so she is a little more eye level with Jason. She worried about her friend.

"How are you holding up? You've been quiet the last few days."


"Alright, alright!" Rick raises his voice slightly. "I'll do more searching, okay?" He sighs. "You have no idea how many times I've gone over this, but I'll do it again, if you promise me to start taking care of yourself, and I mean it."

Jason stares down at the papers Misty hands him, and he gives a little groan. "Oh yeah, thanks, let me relive the nightmare instead of someone else."

Rubbing a weary hand over his face, he knows Misty didn't deserve to be snapped at. "Sorry... I just..." He takes a deep breath. "Edgy. Sorry. I'll sign whatever you need me to, I don't need to go over it if you have already." He glances on the sheet, not finding the x. "Just show me where."

JT goes to the door as the doorbell rings, just having been ready for a nap. Opening it up, he's surprised to see Gunner. "Well hi there." It had been a few days, and JT had wondered if they'd really hear from him again. "What brings you back here?"

"Business." Gunner has a more serious look on his face than normal. "Look, I know you couldn't help me before and I understand. So this time I'm going to make it easier on you..."


Slowly going to Kyle Alice sits down next to him sinking into the couch. She didn't know what to day, or what to do. Right now Alice was in the dark waiting to know what Kyle was doing. She would follow him, she would continue to be the shadow it was just time to wait and see what happened now.

"Rick, just just listen to me here...it could be an advanced form of what Jason and I have."

Katie continues to passe the bunk house. If it was possible she would think for sure she would burn the floor down from how much she was walking across it back and forth.

"I've seen what the Agency can do, there technology and how they hurt people. They are capable of it and some of the stuff they have is even beyond our comprehension. From what I see with Jeff and how he's acting I think its a possibility."

Katie dosnt even bother with what Rick said last about taking care of herself. She was so focused on this and it felt right.

"Please Rick, just consider it or look into it, or check over the chip and capsule again. Please.."

Giving a knock on Jason's door Misty poked her head in carrying some paper work. Giving a small smile to Jason she enters.

"Hey Hotshot. Sorry to bother you. I just have some paperwork here I need you to sign."

Misty hated having to bring this paper work to Jason but it was long over do. She should of hate this paper work done with Katie first returned but she had, had so many other things.

"I know might not be the right time, but this is the paper work on Katie from when she came back. Her burns, cute, fingers, broken bones, bumps to the head. Everything is here, and I need you to go over it for me and sign by the X. But if you need me to come back, I can."


Rick listens intently to Katie's theory, and then seriously starts to consider it, but stops. He shakes his head slowly, still holding the phone. "I'd say that's a good guess but... it leaves out one important factor... well two, actually."

He sighs, wishing he didn't keep having ideas that he knew wouldn't work. But he should at least explain. "First, we discovered what you and Jason have was passed down from someone who took the drug, which was new to Jeff's generation, not his parents'. And second... Jeff has no counterpart. Even if he did have the same problem, this thing doesn't manifest unless meeting up with the other half... not to mention, he was sick like this before and then was fine and now is sick again."

Rick pauses, absentmindedly looking at his computer screen and the data that was scrolling. "No, Katie... I think it's different... I think it's a different substance, the same as what made him sick before, but it's just been improved or... or something. Look..."

He leans his elbows on the desk. "...I know you're upset. And I'm still working. I haven't given up yet. But try and look after yourself right now, okay? You need to worry about you."

Jason sits waiting, tapping his fingers on his desk. He'd just gotten another tongue-lashing from Reese about sloughing off in work. He didn't get it... Jason was trying his hardest, and all of a sudden, he was getting the short end of the stick. Why? He got the funny feeling it had something to do with Katie, but hadn't dared ask.

"Blake's awake." Hunter stands in one of the waiting rooms with Kyle, Alice and a couple others from the team. "He's got a little memory loss, but can function okay. He'll just be here for a little while probably."

The others look down and an awkward silence settles over them. Jordan paces a little, under doctor's permission to be up and about for a short while. He finally looks around at the others. "I guess... we're all thinking it."

Kyle leans back against the wall, tired. Yes, they were all thinking it. "So where are the rest of you heading?"

It was blunt, but it got their attention. And they didn't know yet. A short discussion follows. Some would have to stay here for a few more days anyway to recover. Others might have to stay several weeks. Blake's older brother was coming down to be with him until he could go home. Jordan and Myla would probably go back to her parents for a little while. Hunter was undecided. ...Everybody all had mulled over options in their minds, but it would be a while before any could really decide what to do. But one fact remained: Break Out was officially over, indefinitely.

Kyle eases away from the group, wandering to a quiet corner with a couch. Sitting down, he winces a little, feeling the pain of all his stitches. At least it was a scar that would be hidden from view. The scar on his heart was hidden too, but not from the eyes of his shadow. She knew everything. And she also knew that he had no idea what he was going to be doing now.


Standing again Katie pases the room as she talks with Rick only stooping once realizing what he must think and how she hadnt explained much.

"Oh yeah, well I am no more sick than I was before, but I still don't think its the medicine I think its me."

Stopping for a moment Katie remembers when Rick had found her the first time and how sick she had been. He had been so worried about her, and now he wasnt around so with her words she had to try and reasure him.

"Yeah...I...I'm hanging in there. Anyways I was wondering did you try and give Jeff what Jason and I are taking? I had a thought that maybe the Agency gave him whatever it was Jay, and Derek had or an advanced form of whatever J and I have. But with out a host for Jeff to let his feelings go to he becomes sick, just like Jason and I do. But maybe for him it progress slower. So if we give him some of the meds it would help?"


Rick's eyes widen a little, hearing Katie's voice. "Well hi there. I've always got time for you." He listens as he moves about the infirmary. Stopping, his voice is concerned. "Of course you can talk to me about that... is everything okay? Are you okay? It hasn't made you sick, has it?"

Watching his niece ride away, Jeff sighs. Once alone, he looks up at the morning sky. "Ya know, this would be a whole lot easier if she could get past that wall of hers and accept this thing. This is only making things harder."

Slowly, he dismounts his horse, leaning against him a moment before gaining his balance. Walking closer to the edge of the ridge, he eases down on the ground with a little groan. He was so tired... so very tired. This ride had been too much, but he'd thought it had been a good idea. Now he guessed he'd been wrong.

"I tried," he mumbles aloud. "But she just won't let go. She's got a family, friends, a future, and she's hanging on to me as though I'm her life. Doesn't she see past that?" He squints up at the clouds. "Doesn't she understand there's more to life than death? How can I show her? How can I help her through this? I just want to see her happy before I'm gone... can't You at least give me that before taking me away?"

Cold weather

Shaking her head and letting out a sigh Katie turns her horse on again. She didnt want to go, but she would anyways. Her own frustration was running high. She needed to call Rick anyways. Jeff didnt want her around anymore than fine. Maybe she shouldnt have come to start with anyways.

"Fine, whatever, let Rosetta know for me I wont be to lunch today in case she asks."

Making her way back to the ranch Katie breaks out into a trot, than a run making it back in record time. Putting the horse away, and giving her a rub down Katie makes her way out of the barn almost running into Dan. He tryed making conversation but she was in no mood to talk anymore and she had something on her mind she had to do.

Getting into the bunk and seeing her phone flashing Kaite listens to the voicemail. Sinking down on the bed her heart races as she listens to Jason's phone call. Kyle was ok and that was good but the others were hurt. Details were vage and she wanted to know more she would call Jason back after she called Rick.

Dialing the number Katie waits untill she hears the famiure voice on the other line.

"Hey Rick, its Katie. I was wondering if I could talk to you about the medicine you gave Jason and I, if you have time that is. If not than I can call back."

Sitting on the edge of the bed with Bret Charlotte puts her arm around his neck snuggling close to him. She missed him at night, and she missed waking up to him so anytime she could get to cuddle close she did.

"Fall is coming again, it is getting pretty busy down at the caves again. Everyone is relizing the cool weather is coming again and winter will be here soon so they are trying to get what they can in."

Giving another kiss to Bret Charlotte looks at him in the eyes as she smiles. Her eyes twinkled as she gazed apon her husband.

Today, my dear husband I am all your. I have the rest of the day off. So we can watch a movie, play a game, I could get Con down here to throw you over his shoulder and seal you away for me...or we can just watch TV.

Go on

"Mmm..." Bret returns Charlotte's kiss, grinning up at her. "Better now."

He chuckles as he receives the little teddy bear and gives it a pat on the head. "Oh good, someone to keep me company."

A sigh comes out, but Bret wobbles his head so-so. "I'm okay. Just wanna get out of this blasted bed. Doc said in a day or so they might get me up walking and see how that goes. So far they've just been sticking to therapy on my leg while I'm still in bed."

His neck felt better at least, and his shoulder was healing though was still fairly painful. His spirits were high though, under the circumstances. "And what are you up to, today? They've sure been working you a lot of hours down at the caves. Business must be good."

A weary sigh escapes Jeff's lips. "Katie... you're not 'leaving me behind' if you go ten minutes ahead of me."

He swings his head around to look at her. "Now do as I say and go back to the ranch." He nods towards the trail. "Go on."

Leave you Behind

Katie turns her horse around and comes along side Jeff. She might not want to talk about anything that was going to happen with Jeff, or anything else in her life but Katie loved him.

"I'm not going without you Uncle Jeff. Your family, and I'd never leave you behind."

Still on her horse and positioning herself next to Jeff Katie lets the horse stands as she looks out across the land with him. She loved her Uncle more than anything, at times she was closer to him than her own father, and even though she wouldn't say it, or admit it she new Jeff was dyeing. There was no way she would leave him here alone.

Coming into the hospital Charlotte brings a little stuff animal and some flowers for Bret. He'd been here for a while now, and she hoped he would be able to come home soon. Every day she would bring new flowers from her flower garden at home to at least brighten up the room today.

Entering the room Charlotte smiles as she lays her eyes on her husband. Though things wernt prefect she loved her life with Bret, and was excited to live even more.

"Hey you.."

Charlotte holds the little bear our from Bret as she leans down to give him a kiss.

"..how ya holding up today?"

So yeah

Jeff looks to Katie, disappointment flashing in his eyes. She hadn't heard or paid attention to a word he'd said. He'd thought all night about what he would say to her... about any words that he could leave with her that she could remember when he was gone. And they hadn't done a bit of good. He knew it wasn't her fault... he knew it was the hurt that was blinding her... but if he couldn't get through to her, then there was nothing more he could do, and he has lost.

Hearing her call him as she headed back towards the trail, he shakes his head. "You go on, Katie. I think I'll... stay here a little while by myself."

He turns his gaze back out over the landscape to see that the fog was starting to lift. "If anyone asks, I'll be back in just a bit."

Jason turns his cell phone in his hand, debating whether or not to call. This had been one long morning already, and it had barely started. First Phil had called, then Rick had talked to him... It was too much going on at once. And now Reese was waiting for the report he was supposed to have done the night before.

Finally flipping his phone open, he dials and waits. His shoulders drop when he reaches Katie's voicemail. "Hey, Hero, it's me... Um... I just talked to Rick and he told me about Jeff. Guess I just wanted to say hang in there or something... I know you were close to him."

Jason rolls his eyes. He couldn't talk straight while leaving a message if he were paid to. "Oh, and I wanted to tell you before you heard from anyone else that Kyle is okay. There was an accident up in Minnesota with Break Out and some of the team was hurt, but Kyle's alright. Phil called me earlier. So... yeah. Um..."

He pauses, not even knowing how to end his one-sided conversation. "Nothing new here, just... thought I should call. So... yeah. Bye."

Make a Call

Going along the trail Katie didn't mind the quiet she hadn't felt all like coming to start with but she had for Jeff. The quiet was almost nice though and she never felt like she had to speak when she was around her Uncle Jeff anyways.

Coming to the clearing and look out over the edge at the ranch below Katie's eyes just wonder. Though in a different place she had seen this view many times. The mountains were another place to hide where she felt safe and new no one would find her.

Missing the first part of what Jeff had said Katie comes out of her own little world as Jeff finishes telling her how proud he was of her. She could feel her chest tighten as her eyes wanted to fill and she feel her own hands shake.

Her Uncle couldn't die, She needed him still. It wasn't fair and she didn't understand why, why did all this have to come at once. Looking to Jeff again Katie shakes her head, her own words will filled with the emotions she felt.

"You can't die, you WONT die Uncle Jeff so don't even start saying goodbye. I'll talk to Rick see if he can look up ally ways he hasn't thought about. I'll.."

Katie thinks for a long moment wondering...

"..There is a cure I know there is. I've lost everyone else I have ever been close to in one way or another. I am not losing you to!!!"

Katie turns her self and her horse pointing to go down the path again.

"If I have to backtrack on my path to see you through than I will."

Katie turned her head from Jeff, as the tears sprang into her eyes. She didn't want them to but they did and there was nothing she could really do about it, the tears, the anger, the hurt they just wanted to come, she had to let them.

She didn't want to talk about this anymore, she didn't want to think about her Uncle dyeing. She could only hope the subject would be dropped now.

"Come on, lets head back. I need to make a call to Rick, and Maybe we will be in time to get something to eat."

Alice could see the confusion inside Kyle, and it pained her to know he felt like he was back at step one again. She new he was going through a lot, and when he felt like he found peace it was ripped away.

Giving a smile and leaning in to lay a soft kiss on Kyle's lips Alice pulls away and runs a hand down his face stopping it at his jaw line.

"You already have giving me so much, and for that I thank you."

Trail of Fog

Kyle gazes into Alice's eyes, so many words going unspoken. "How could I ignore a gift from God like you?" He shakes his head slowly. "I don't know I ever deserved someone like you."

Sighing deeply, he stares down at the piano. "I hope the ends of the earth are better than this. I just... don't know where to go from here. I've worked so hard at not going home... I just... I'm not ready to yet. I haven't... found myself yet." He had... he'd thought he had... and now it had been ripped from him once again.

His eyes focus on the ivory keys. No... he still felt lost. There was nothing now... or was there? His fingers stroke a set of keys. How long would he continue to deny his heart? Words from his grandmother ran in his head. Was he to deny what he felt then?

Picking up Alice's hand, he gives it a soft kiss. "Thank you... I hope someday I give you what you've given me."

Jeff could tell that Katie didn't want to go, and he fought with whether he should really be making her do it or not, but he finally decides to just continue as planned.

It takes him a moment to mount up and get settled in the saddle. He'd purposely chosen one of the easiest-going horses in the barn - an older gelding with a mellow temperament.

Turning the horse towards a side trail, he points ahead. "I don't know... let's try down this way and see where it takes us."

Taking the lead, he doesn't talk much. One might have thought there was something specific he wanted to discuss, but oddly, he remains quiet, simply guiding the horse around a winding trail. The fog was still thick, and one couldn't see very far ahead. Even for someone familiar with the ranch, they might suddenly realize they weren't quite sure where they were. At some point, it seems the trail has been lost and Jeff urges the horse around trees and over logs, seemingly way off course. He still says nothing though.

After an hour, the trees are cleared, and they are going across an open field. Were they in the west pasture? Maybe the north one? It felt a little higher here.

The going is slow, and sometimes Jeff has to stop and just rest a moment to collect himself before moving on. But eventually, the fog seems to be thinning out. They're much higher than one would have thought, and suddenly things come into view. They were above the fog now on an open ridge towards the foothills. It was a secluded spot that was rarely visited because it was rather dangerous, right close to the ridge. But the fog had hidden the danger.

Jeff reins in his horse and stops, staring out towards the ranch that was enveloped in the white-ish mist. For the longest time, he just waits, leaning on the saddle horn, his hat tipped back a little.

Finally, he speaks. "You know... Sometimes in life we never know how close to the edge we really are." He glances back at the disappearing trail, then out over the ranch again. "If we knew, we might be too frightened to keep on walking. But God provides a fog for us so we don't tuck tail and run. All we know we have to do is follow Him because He knows the way. We could be just inches from falling to our death, but if we stick to Him, He won't let us fall."

He pauses, his heart and mind wandering. "If we knew what lay ahead, we might give up. If we could read the future, we might never try new things or go through with what we should. We would want to avoid the pain and sorrow altogether. But... if we did that... if we decided not to take the foggy trail... we'd never end up on a peaceful plateau."

Jeff straightens and spreads out his arms, demonstrating the very place they were. Taking a deep breath, he looks over to his niece. Every fiber in his being was fighting to not give in to his current exhaustion, so that he could keep this time with her.

"You're on that trail, Katie... and you can't see left, right or what's up ahead. You have no idea where you are, even though you thought you were on course. Don't step off the path. God's guidance is the only thing that will bring you to your plateau. It doesn't matter what other people say... it doesn't matter what advice they give, or what they do in their own lives. This is your time... this is your time to close your eyes and let God lead. He's not going to reveal what's up ahead until you've made it there."

Tears form in Jeff's eyes, but his voice remains strong. "You're the closest thing I'll ever have to a daughter, Katie. I know I haven't always been there, and I know lately we've been so far apart. But I just want you to know that I'm proud of you. I'm proud of the woman you've become... in your own life... as child of God. And I know that... that you're going through the fog right now and you feel lost. But if I can leave you with just one thing, it would be my plea to you to keep on walking. I know you can... and I know you have that strength deep down. If I could walk through the pain for you, I would. But I can't. I'm on my own foggy trail that is coming to an end. But you... you've got so much ahead of you. Don't let the world spoil who you've become."

He swallows hard, the sincerity flooding his voice. "I can't... leave... without knowing you'll try. Without knowing that you'll give it your best shot. Promise me, Katie... promise me you won't give up and that you'll walk that trail no matter what happens."

Now of Never...

Wrapping her arms gently around Kyle Alice leans her head on top on his as she gently still holds his hand. If asked a few months ago if she would of left Kyle her answer would of been no, but it would of been no for a different reason. Now Kyle was no long just a story, she was much more and even if she had nothing to write about him, she would still follow.

"I'm not going anywhere Kyle, I'll follow you to the ends of the earth."

Turning her head a little so Alice could look into Kyle's eyes she whips the small tear away as she runs her fingers down his cheek.

"Its never been about Jetstream, or Break Out Kyle, its been about you, only you."

"I really dont feel much like doing riding today Uncle Jeff."

Katie gives a little shake of her head and catchs the look in Jeff's eye. She DIDNT want to ride today she just wasnt in the mood, but something tugged at her heart and told her it was now or never. Her heart broke, and shattered into a million peaces if it was possable to do that for a second time.

"Giving me a second and I will be right out."

Going back into the bunk house Katie looks around for her shoes and throws them on before heading out again and coming around to the horse and mounting up. Taking a momant to throw her now long hair back into a ponytail Katie trys to give a smile to Jeff.

"Where we going?"