
Leave you Behind

Katie turns her horse around and comes along side Jeff. She might not want to talk about anything that was going to happen with Jeff, or anything else in her life but Katie loved him.

"I'm not going without you Uncle Jeff. Your family, and I'd never leave you behind."

Still on her horse and positioning herself next to Jeff Katie lets the horse stands as she looks out across the land with him. She loved her Uncle more than anything, at times she was closer to him than her own father, and even though she wouldn't say it, or admit it she new Jeff was dyeing. There was no way she would leave him here alone.

Coming into the hospital Charlotte brings a little stuff animal and some flowers for Bret. He'd been here for a while now, and she hoped he would be able to come home soon. Every day she would bring new flowers from her flower garden at home to at least brighten up the room today.

Entering the room Charlotte smiles as she lays her eyes on her husband. Though things wernt prefect she loved her life with Bret, and was excited to live even more.

"Hey you.."

Charlotte holds the little bear our from Bret as she leans down to give him a kiss.

"..how ya holding up today?"

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