

Scott studies Katie's eyes for a moment, a strange foreboding sense coming over him. A lurch to his stomach follows. Something wasn't right. In the back of his mind, a fear rested...one that had risen not forty-eight hours earlier. He pushed it further back. Denied it. It was nothing.

Returning Katie's smile, he gives her hand a squeeze. "Okay. Nothing fancy." He shrugs. "I'm alright today. As well as can..."

"Scott!" Susanne's desperate voice rings out.

Scott can't help his wry grin spreading. "...be expected," he finishes his statement. "I'll catch you later after I've rescued the damsel in distress over there." Spinning around, he jogs for Susanne's office. "I'm coming... Help is on the way!"

Carson grins at Mabel as she hands him the paperwork. "I should be an expert by now," he comments wryly. After all the jobs he'd had lately, this was familiar stuff. He gives a wave to the back. "Hey, Herb."

Things were looking a little more positive today. He still wasn't convinced that he could do a good job here or that Herb would really still want him around after a week of screwing things up, but...it was the best he had right now. There were far worse places to work. And it had made Misty happy too, knowing that he'd gotten a job again.

Finishing out the paperwork takes a while longer than he thought it would, so when he's finished, lunch is starting to be served. Not waiting for a cue from Herb, Carson goes right to the back and throws on an apron. "Alright...where we at?"

It's another hectic lunch hour. Mom and Pop's had always been popular with a handful of people, but it was gaining popularity, and if anyone wanted a good table for lunch, they had to arrive early.

Carson does his best and ends up only dropping a plate once, and burned only one meal. He finds it a little easier to keep up today, but still feels awkward. He just seems to be all thumbs, and constantly has to ask Herb what to do or where things are. Needed out at the tables once, taking an order takes twice as long as it should have, so by the time he's back in the kitchen, he's even more ill at ease.

Soon though, the rush is over, and he's given a short break until preparations needed to be made for the evening meals.

Sitting on a stool at the counter, he folds his arms and rests his head on them. What was he really cut out for? Now that he no longer was who he used to be...involved in the things he used to do... he was left...empty. What was out there for him now? If he could ever get the swing of things here, it was okay, but was he just supposed to work in a kitchen the rest of his life?

The bell over the door catches his attention and he raises his head to look back. Seeing Con, he lifts his eyebrows.

Con enters Mom and Pop's, ducking under the bell, and is followed by Bret and a couple other guys from the Titan site. All looked like they'd been working hard all day and were covered in dirt and sweat.

Con approaches the counter and gives a nod to Carson. "Well, hi there."

"Hey, how ya doing?"

"Not bad....hungry." Con grins and looks into the back at Mabel. "Hey, future mother-in-law of mine - you got any grub for five hungry men?"

"Four men and one tank!" Bret yells back.

Con gives him a whack upside the head. "Be nice."

"It was a compliment!"

"Sure it was." Con smirks and stets himself down on a stool next to Carson. "So what's up?"

"Not much." Carson nods to the kitchen. "They got me working here now."

"Oh yeah? That's cool. They'll take good care of ya here." He throws a wink in Aerith's direction. "I bet you can testify to that."

Carson gives a small chuckle. "Yeah...I know they will."

Con cocks his head. "But...?"

"But what?"

"There's a but in your statement. You don't sound too sure."

"Oh, I don't know. Carson shrugs. "Guess I'm just wondering if this is what I'll be doing from here on out. Doesn't feel like it has much of a purpose to me."

Con knew the feeling. He knew it all too well. "I guess I've thought the same thing about myself sometimes."

"You? You've got a good job, don't you?"

"Oh sure, it's alright." Con nods. "But it's not TJY."

"But you walked away from it."

"I did." Con nods. "But that doesn't mean I don't miss it." He looks down at the counter for a moment, then back up at Carson. "Not a day goes by that I don't think about working there again...when I was there I felt like I had purpose...every day I was helping do help other people. Then going out on a mission or being a body guard was what I was really good at. It was my passion."

"So...what happened?"

Con lifts an eyebrow and looks at Carson, a bit of humor showing in his eyes. His look said it all.

Carson glances down. "Oh." It had been after Jamie had been taken...Carson was partly to blame for that chain of events. Con hadn't been able to stand things anymore after that.

"Yeah, well...things happen." Con shrugs.

Carson looks back up at him. "Do you wished you hadn't left?"

"Sometimes. But..." Con taps his deaf ear. "I couldn't do what I used to do anyway. Reese would put me in an office and I don't know if I could handle that. Being around the action but never in it...it would be hard."

"But at least you'd be back helping people."


Bret can't help but overhear their conversation, and interrupts, speaking to Con. "Brandon's family sure seemed to think you had purpose at Titan."

Con purses his lips and nods slowly. "Yes...yes, I've seen purpose in my job with Titan." He looks at Carson again. "You can find purpose anywhere at any job as long as your heart's in the right place."

"And where is that?"

"With God."

The statement is so matter-of-fact that it almost surprises Carson. He remembers Herb's reference to God the day before. He was hearing a lot about that lately. It was something he'd never put much stock in, but the people around here seemed to really believe in that stuff. His eyes rove to Bret who is concentrating on a menu. It was obvious that he didn't quite share the same sentiments. But...for the first time, Carson considered this subject food for thought.

Seeing the men placing orders, Carson takes the initiative to go help Herb again, even though he might not be needed. Keeping busy was a plus at this point in the game.

Jason sits in his office, staring at his computer as he types.

"Hey, Mom. Glad you finally got set up with email at the house. Easier than writing letters and cheaper than phone calls.
Yeah, I'm doing great. No worries. Everything is going smoothly. My knee is great - almost as good as new. Camryn and I are doing well, too. She's talking wedding plans now. She and I want to come visit soon.
Yep, the camping trip was great. Back earlier than planned, but we had a fun time. Kyle and Phil are always a riot.
Not a whole not more going on.
Talk to ya soon.
Love, Jase"

Jason frowns at his email, feeling deceitful. But he doesn't change it, and instead, clicks "Send." Leaning back in his chair, he looks at his clock. It was late...he should be going home. But Camryn was coming by and they were going to go out together so he was just going to wait for her here. She hadn't sounded too thrilled on the phone when Jason had asked her...he hoped she was just having a bad day but something warned him that it was more than that, and he avoided thinking too much about it. It was probably nothing.

Scott chews on a french fry and looks across the little diner table at Katie as they eat their supper. Things had been quiet tonight. Scott knew that Katie wasn't feeling the greatest after everything that had been happening lately, but tried his best to cheer her up. "So Domino is looking forward to our ice cream run on Friday. The weather is supposed to be good, so I told her if she behaved we'd take her for a stroll on the beach." He grins. "I think all she understood was "go" because she went to the door all set to leave, but I told her anyway."

First day

*Katie smiles up at Scott. Much was on her mind today. The feeling of sadness loomed in her as she new there was something she had to do but hated doing it. She loved Scott and for that fact it hurt her even more.

Reaching out Katie rests her hand on Scott for a moment silence raining. Than looking up she gives a nod.*

"Dinner sounds good but nothing to fancy this time."

*Katie trys to give the best smile she can.*

"How are you today Scott?"

*Mable comes out of the backroom carrying a stack of papers. Seeing Carson she smiles and put them down in front of him.*

"Good Morning Hun. I'm glad you got here early. Seeing as your in the kitchen there is a bunch of non normale stuff you need to fill out."

*Mable runs through the papers with Carson fast explaining them one by one with him fast before leaving to finish her opening Shift as Aerith takes care of customers that were present already.*

"If you need any help with those feel free to ask. I have a hard time myself with them."

*Herb gives a wave as he see Carson come in.*

The sun

Scott sets the small bouquet of flowers on Katie’s desk, not needing to leave a note. She would know who they were from. Ambling back to his own office, Scott’s mind goes to places he wished it wouldn’t. Why he was scared for the future, he didn’t know. He’d been so sure about everything…what had happened? He felt as though he were grasping at straws now.

Sighing, he gets back to his office and tries to do some work. He hadn’t seen Katie in a while and hoped she was doing okay. After last night, he couldn’t help but worry a bit about her.

Jason understood exactly what Katie was saying, and he knew exactly how she felt. But there were no words he could even think of saying that would be anywhere near what they should be. So he simply says nothing.

As Katie gets up to leave, he gives her a nod. “Yeah…let’s just hope I don’t need ya again today, eh? We both need a break.” He forces a wry grin for her. “Relaxing sounds good. I wish I knew how.”

Shaking his head, he gets up too. “I guess I’m going to try and get some work done while Rick isn’t here to hold me down.”

Following Katie out of the infirmary, he splits off from her as he comes to his office, and enters, closing the door behind him.

Leaning back against it, he thinks for several moments, desperately trying to sort through everything, while at the same time trying not to get sick again. His body’s rejection of the meds had done a number on him.

After a moment, he goes to his desk and sinks into his chair, picking up his phone and dialing. Waiting a moment and hearing the message, he speaks. “Camryn, it’s me. I know you’re at work, I just wanted to say hi, and wondered if you wanted to come over to the house tonight. I could use the company…”

Winding clocks back might give one the impression that time has been saved. But no matter how hard one might try to trick the passage of hours, time can’t be stopped. No matter how hard one might try to pause the sun in the sky in order to gain just one more moment, that star will not be stopped. It will still move across the sky. It will still set. And it will still rise again, to announce the new dawn.

Scott heads across the main floor, aiming for his office, but taking a side trip to Katie’s cubicle first. He’d seen her car in the lot and was glad that she was feeling well enough to come in today. Last night, both had gone their separate ways, too tired to plan any activities.

“Mornin’.” He smiles as he leans over the top of her cubicle. “How’s my beautiful fiancĂ© doing today?” He cocks his head. “Thought maybe we could try at that dinner again tonight.”

Jason drags himself through his morning routines, feeling as though he’s been run over by a truck. He’d already called Reese to tell him he’d be in late. He just couldn’t seem to get in gear this morning.

His knee felt as though it could explode, his head hurt, and he was tired. Last night had been alright… Camryn had come over and they’d been able to relax, both falling asleep on the couch until she’d woken up late and gone home. For some reason though, there had been a slight awkwardness added to the mix. One that Jason loathed and feared. He didn’t like it…and he was determined to get rid of it. No matter how strange the circumstances, he didn’t want to feel awkward around Camryn or her around him. There was no need for it.

Finally ready to go, Jason calls Trooper to come with him, and heads out the door to go to TJY.

Carson makes it to Mom and Pop’s early…earlier than he needed to, but there was nothing else to do. Entering the restaurant, he heads straight to the counter, looking for Mabel.

Stormy Sky

*As Katie feels Jason's arm around her shoulder she sits up. The comfort was nice, and she could feel her headach starting to go away. Katie lets out a sigh. She dident know or understand why this was so hard eather. Things were going good and now this was added on.*

"I'm sorry Jason this has been heck on you and I'm sorry there is no way to fix it. I'm sorry its not fair to Camryn. Why does everything have to be so confusing. It seems like just yesterday everything was ok and good. Now its just messed up."

*Katie slids off the bed and goes to the window looking out for a moment. Giving a shake of her head she looks away. The sky was so bright outside, and it looked nice. But for the first time in a while Katie dident feel like smiling and it felt like the darksky in her mind was shielding the happyness from outside from geing to her. She wasent sad, she was just confused and she new she was hurting people. That was the last time she wanted. She new what she had to do, but she dreaded doing it. Steping away Katie takes a few steps to the door.*

"I'm tired, I think I am gonna head home. If you need me, well...ya you know what to do. Try and relax J ok."

Just frustrated

Rick grimaces at himself. “I’m sorry, Katie. Just relax a while.” He was so intrigued by this whole thing, that he had to remind himself not to push too much. These two young people were going through more than he could imagine.

Jason finally looks over to Katie. He was upset, he was angry, but part of him was sorry too. He knew he wasn’t making this any easier on her. He was just so frustrated. Forcing his anger to the side, he pulls out an emotional apology for her. It might not have been the greatest in the world, but it was the best he could do.

Rick can sense the weariness hanging in the room, and feels badly. He really did wish there was something he could do…but he’d told Jason the truth – he didn’t think this thing could be dissolved.

Turning around, he picks up the printouts he’s been working with and prepares to take them into his office. Nodding to Misty, he requests her assistance. “Misty, would you come with me a minute while I file these?”

Once Rick and Misty are gone, Jason lets out a long, slow sigh. Why did this whole thing have to be this difficult? Looking at Katie again, he just feels worse. But he couldn’t just keep on ignoring communication. He’d like to…he’d like to just forget about all of this, bury it and move on. But…it just couldn’t happen that way.

Finally, Jason gets to his feet and walks slowly to the bed, sitting down next to Katie. Reaching over, he pulls her up so he can wrap an arm around her shoulders. “I’m sorry…I guess I’m just frustrated.”