
Morning dawns

Jason can feel Katie’s breathing slow down, and knows that she’s fallen asleep. A slight grin curls the corner of his mouth and he shuts the tv off, settling his head down on the armrest. The living room is dark and quiet, leaving his mind much space to wander. But somewhere between TJY and now, some of the tension had been lifted. He wasn’t sure where or how…though he had been able to relax finally during and after supper. A memory inserts itself into his mind, but for once today, it doesn’t make him cringe. Had his battle ended so easily after such a severe attack? Jason begins to realize that even though he’s worked through the past, he may very well have flare-ups the rest of his life, and feeling the way he did now, he knew that each time might be different, affecting him in different ways. He only wished he could get more of a handle on it so he could continue to function when it happened.

For now though, like a fever breaking was the sign of a sickness wearing off, his relaxed state of mind signaled him that he’d been wrong earlier to state that the night would be hard. He would be okay…and he was even more assured of that fact, knowing that Katie was close by.

Jason finally closes his eyes, ready to face the night. He stretches out his arm and accidentally touches Katie. Instead of withdrawing though, he gently combs her hair with his fingers for just a moment, then lays his hand to rest lightly on her head.

...Morning dawns with Jason never having moved all night, and if it weren't for his alarm going off in the other room to disturb the peace and quiet, he would have been quite content to simply remain for several more hours. He was warm and comfortable in this position. But he knows the sound will have woken Katie as well.


*Katie is a bit saprised by Jason's actions and wonders for a moment what he is doing. Finally though she relaxes and her tirdness sinks in. Katie decieds she will sit with Jason untill he falls asleep than she will make her way to her own bed. It was only right. Katie watches TV forcing her eyes to stay open. It was warm on the coutch under the blanket. Finally without warning Katies eyes close and she is fast asleep.*

*Rosetta runs with Mick to the mess hall laughing like kids once again*


Jason follows Katie’s lead and helps her with the groceries. Once she starts dinner, he feels a bit like a lame duck and finally just leaves her be, flopping down on the couch in the small living room. He flips on the tv and after several minutes finds a western movie to keep his mind occupied. Settling in, he pulls his feet up on the couch, the smells of supper keeping him awake.

Supper is enjoyed, and Jason compliments Katie’s cooking, not having realized how good she was at it. Once finished, both wind up on the couch in front of the tv, the darkness settling outside to bring in the night.

Jason yawns and glances at his watch. He was simply exhausted, but there was too much tension. He didn’t want to have nightmares, but he knew if he went to his room alone, they would come. He didn’t want Katie to have to get up and take care of him… and if she did, he didn’t want to be found in the position he’d been in last night.

He glances over to Katie, seeing the tiredness in her eyes. She was a trooper, no doubt, but she was human, and needed sleep eventually. Jason would need a good night in order for that to happen, and the only chance he had at that, was betting on the fact that he was more settled with her presence.

Making up his mind to act a bit impulsive, he grabs a blanket that’s lying over the couch armrest. Lying on his side he pulls his feet up onto the edge of the couch leaving space between his legs and the backrest, and throws the blanket out to spread as far as Katie. Without warning, he reaches over to pull Katie down behind his legs until her head is resting on his hip. “Now – I’m not going to go to my room because I don’t want to, and you’re not going to your room because I don’t want you to have to come running after me. So compromise, stay here, shut up and get some sleep.”

Mick laughs, and grasps Rosetta’s hand, letting her lead him from the barn. “Alright. You win.”

Happyest Woman

*Katie cant help but giggle.* "We need Milk to go with them." *After picking up some more stuff Katie grabs stuff for dinner. Finally making there way to the check out than load the car up.* "Ok back to the Hotal we go." *Katie makes her way back to the hotal unloading the car and entering. Before puting anything away Katie looks around the rooms and deams it ok. Katie starts to put stuff away than starts dinner.*

*Rosetts looks back into Mick's eyes. This day....God he was good. The day had finally come when Mick had asked her to marry him and it was worth every year of the wait. Rosetta eyes dance as she receaves Mick's kiss and returns her own. Rosetta lingers in Mick's arms not wanting this moment to her. But the rumble in her tummy tells her its time to eat. Pulling away Rosetta smiles.* " You made me the happyest woman alive Mick, But I'm not going to stay that way if I dont get something to eat. Come on...we can come back out here after dinner if you want." *Rosetta takes Mick's hand and leads him out to the mess hall.*

No words needed

Jason chuckles and shakes his head. “If I were shopping alone I’d be heading to the frozen dinner section. Get whatever you want…I’m hoping by tomorrow we might have a lead on our mysterious shooter/arsonist, but if not, we might be at the hotel for a little while unless I can convince Reese that I’m okay on my own.”
Walking down one of the aisle, he grabs a package of Oreos, giving Katie a silly grin. “One of my weaknesses.”

Mick is on his feet, taking Rosetta in his arms with a laugh full of a happiness he hasn’t felt in years. He spins her around and sets her back down, pulling away just enough so he can see her face. His eyes dance, the love filling his gaze. He’d had no doubt of Rosetta’s answer, but hearing it sealed the joy. Cocking his head, he wraps his arms around her again, pressing his lips to hers.


*Katie smiles and follows Jason.* " Nope no planes for dinner. Maybe we can pick up some chicken and I can make chicken-catch-a-torie. Fruit is good too. We have that fridge in there we we can get stuff to drink as well. Maybe some bread for sandwitches...." *Katie stops talking for a moment.* " Ok I guess I am overduwing it a bit. I do need to get some stuff myself though." *Katie smiles as she pushes the cart and follows Jason.*

*As Mick speaks Rosetta for a moment is stuned. She has been waiting for this day for 20+ years and now that it was here Rosetta could hardly believe it. It was there turn for happyniss. Rosetta's smile turns even digger. Losing all controll she jumps up and throws her arms around Mick huging him tightly. Tears of happyness well from Rosetta's eyes.* "Yes Mick, I dont have to think twice about it. YES!" *Rosetta cant help but keep clinging to Mick. She had never been so happy.*


Jason grins as he gets out of the car. “Yeah…I better get some wheels under myself too one of these days so I don’t have to keep borrowing Hal’s truck…not that I mind driving it.”
Getting into the store, he looks around, trying to push everything else out of his mind for now. “Uh…I guess some fruit would be good, unless I want Rick to ride my tail.” He shrugs. “We should probably pick something up for supper too, unless you got plans elsewhere.” He heads for the aisles on the right, familiar with the store.

Mick smiles as Rosetta joins him. “No worries. Just give me a couple more minutes so I can finish this up. I’ve been neglecting it.”

As he continues to rub oil into the saddle a little faster, he watches Rosetta out of the corner of his eye. That in itself was an enjoyable pastime, but his mind was a little heavier today, and he hoped it didn’t show too much. They’d been sitting on the Agency case for a long time now with no progress. They’d seen nothing, found nothing and heard nothing. Yet everyone knew it wasn’t over. Whoever was in charge, whether the Agency or Dr. Medridge, they were doing a good job of making themselves scarce. It only led everyone to believe that one of these days they would be taken by surprise.

Mick runs his hand along the saddle’s fender, using his hands to work the oil in. It was just a matter of time until the real battle began…everyone knew it, though they seldom discussed it. As it was, life was running quite smoothly. But no one wanted to make any moves, afraid that they’d be the ones to set the war in motion.

Rosetta invades Mick’s thoughts again as she did more frequently as of late. She’d been so strong through all of this…she always had been, even years ago when things got tough. Now she was waiting things out with the best of them, standing firm and being an encourager like no other. Mick knew that when the time came, he could count on her to be right with him to end this war. But what about when it was over? At the moment, things couldn’t change too much. Location meant everything, staying together with the gang meant even more, and though at a standstill with the Agency case, it was dangerous to shift one’s focus from it, lest there be a surprise attack. So no, not much could change now. But…that didn’t keep any of them from making plans for after this whole thing was over. His nephew was planning on sticking around, Luke and Angel would get married, Becky and Jim would be reunited, surely Wes had his own plans, Sparky would probably go back home, Eric was considering staying in the area to keep trucking, Jeff had toyed with the idea of staying at the ranch, and Austin and Con would go back to Nevada. …But what about Mick? What were his plans? He glances at Rosetta before focusing on the leather that surrounded the saddle’s stirrup. She meant the world to him…and for once, he couldn’t imagine being without her again. They’d certainly had their ups and downs, but somehow…somehow they’d managed to hang on to each other despite the bumps in the road – especially Rosetta. Mick owed her so much.

The future was uncertain…who knew what would happen with the Agency? The gang prayed that when it was over, their family would still be whole with no losses – but there were no guarantees. Could Mick not find the one thing he knew he wanted, to hang on to as hope for the future? There were no guarantees…but how much more passion could one fight with, if having a hope – a plan for a future – for when it was over? No, nothing could change now. But that couldn’t stop the hope…that couldn’t stop the plans…that couldn’t stop the love. And he could no longer deny the one he loved of that hope. Another day would not slip through his fingers unchanged.

Mick continues to keep his eyes on his saddle, moving to the edges of the skirt and scraping off some dirt before applying more oil. His peripheral vision keeps track of Rosetta's movements and reactions. “So…” His voice comes out low and casual. “When we all get through this and we take down the Agency once and for all…what do you say we finally get hitched and get away somewhere to leave all these crazies behind?” He turns to look at her, grinning with mischief, but his eyes don’t lie – he’s not kidding.

Night Falling

*Katie smiles and nods* " Your very welcome J. I am just happy to help." *As they pull into the parkinglot Katie giggles.* " Thank you. I like it. It makes me feel...I dont know but it makes me feel something. Maybe important. Like I really made it somewhere in life." *Katie and Jason exit the car and head into the store. Katie stands and smiles.* "So what would you like to get for yourself to keep at the hotel?" *Katie looks around the small store taking in everyone and everything making sure it was all in place and nothing was fishy.*

*As Rosetta finishs up in the barn the smell of dinner drifts in the air. Making her way to the tack room to let Mick know Dinner was done. They had spent so much time together the last few days it was so nice. Rosetta was content and happy. Rosetta nods as she pass a few guests, and smiles laughing as Jeff and BJ play in the yard. As She enters the tack room the smell hits her nose and makes her smile even more. How she had come to love that smell. It reminded her of every memorie. Going over to Mick she sits down next to him and crosses her legs smiling.* " I hate to bother you for dinner you look as comfortable and at peace."

Don't know what I'd do

Jason stares down at his hands, not sure how to feel. Katie was too good to him, plain and simple. His anger had subsided to leave him only with a sadness that he had to continue enduring his nightmare until it was over again. “Alright,” he relents quietly. “But just for the record…I really am sorry. I know that all this cropped up again because of everything else…and I just want to get through it without hurting somebody…least of all you.”
Now that he was out of the office, his walls are back down again, revealing the vulnerable feelings he’s held inside all day. Taking a deep breath, he leans his head back against the seat. “Thanks, Katie…for everything. I hope tonight isn’t as bad, so you can get some sleep. I feel bad that I can’t help it, ya know…but…for what it’s worth…I really appreciate you helping me.” He glances up to look at her as she drives, biting the corner of his mouth. “I don’t know what I’d do without knowing…that you’re there for me.”
He sees they’re approaching the store and takes a deep breath, trying to lighten the mood. “By the way…nice set of wheels.”

Mick pulls the saddle stand closer to begin cleaning and oiling it. The tack room was warm and on the verge of stuffy, but the scent of leather was inviting and soothing. He relaxes and begins the much needed task on his saddle, reflecting on the rides he’d shared with Rosetta lately. It had been just as much fun as he’d known it would be…so many memories had come back…so many good talks and laughs.
Sighing with content, Mick knows he mentioned for Rosetta to come get him when supper was ready, and hoped to get his saddle done before she came. Glancing at his watch, he’s pretty sure she’ll show up any minute, but it was worth a try to see if he could get this done.


*The drive from TJY back to the hotel is a quiet one. Katie wants to be excited with Jason abut her new car but the moon seems to be broken. What Wyatt said stuck in Katie's mind. Wyatt just dident understand. She couldent leave Jason at a time like this. Him being in anyone alse hands would not be good. Sure she was tired but it was noting she hadent felt with before. Lack of sleep was the most common reprcution of Katie's past she use to deal with. Katie let out a small unhurd sigh before replying to Jason.* "Reese might not have had this in mind when he asked me to watch over you, But I new what I was geting into when I said yes. Anyways I never said I HAD to go through this with you. I want too. I would exspect you to do the same for me. Wyatt just dosent understand is all. Dont worry he'll come around. Lets head to the store and get some stuff for the hotel." *Katie turns to head to the supermarket. Her car makes the reving sound a aracing car as Katie cant help but Squeel.*