
No way out

Reese looks up quickly as the strange message disappears from his computer. Attempting to enter his files, it works this time, and he grins. "Hey, Dalton. Good job."

Jason's jaw is tight as he stares at the paper, then looks back up to Katie. "I don't know... I want to believe this is true, but I'm too afraid that it's just some sick joke the Agency is playing on us." He sets the paper down and goes for his phone. "Reese."


"Come to my office."

"Now? I just..."

"Yes, now. Please. Katie and I need to see you."

"Alright, alright. I'm coming."

Jason hangs up and sighs. He can feel his emotions starting to churn and does his best to keep a lid on them. Pacing the floor, he's quiet until Reese comes.

"Jase, what is it?"

Jason motions for him to shut the door.

Reese obeys, and comes closer, setting a hand on Trooper's head absentmindedly. "What's wrong?"

"That strange message....I deciphered it." Jason points to the paper on his desk. "I've only shown Katie."

Reese's eyes widen and he picks up the paper. "Ireland's neighbor... Scott?"

Jason nods. "What do you think?"

"I...I don't know." Reese blinks and tries to collect his thoughts. "We...I mean..." He glances at Katie, not wanting this to be too painful, but he has to talk it through. "We saw that house blow up and....there was nothing left."

Jason sets his hands on his hips. "I know. But what if..."

"I don't even want anyone to hope this is true," Reese cuts him off. His tone is slightly stern. "This is the way the Agency plays. Don't forget that. Scott died. We all saw it. Medridge is trying to get to us and we can't let him." He cocks his head to catch Jason's eyes. "You got that? Hotshot?"

"Yeah, yeah." Jason rubs the back of his neck wearily. "So now what?"

"We let it sit." Reese sets the paper back down. "I'll have Dalton put up some new securities to ensure the Agency can't get in. And then we pray they didn't get much."

"Alright." Jason watches Reese leave, then stares at the shut door for several quiet moments. His emotions continued to boil and he lets them seep out. Distrust... disbelief... loyalty... anger... remorse... Adrenaline stirred them all together, bringing them to the surface.

He shifts his gaze to Katie. "I can't just let this go."
I know this is irrational. "I don't think Reese is right."
I know I can't believe it, and I know this could be a major disappointment. "I can't sit and do nothing..."

Jason stops, searching Katie's eyes. I don't want you to be disappointed either. You've been hurt enough. But he knew what she would say. "We can't say anything to Reese. Come on." Grabbing the paper, he heads for the door, making sure Katie comes with him.

Heading down the hall, he goes to Dalton's office and enter without knocking, letting Katie in, then shutting the door again. "Sorry to barge in on you, Hulk, but we got a mystery to solve." Jason approaches the desk, taking an authoritative stance. "Reese has probably already told you to reset security... but I got a side job for you. If you're any good, I want you to try and track the activity that went on this morning. Get a trace on something...anything. I don't care if it's the operating system they used, their internet carrier or simply how long they were in. I'm looking for a location at the very most."

Jason pauses and shows Dalton the paper. "There's a slim chance our friend is still alive. But there's a catch. You can't tell Reese any of this. He thinks it's a hoax, and he might be.... he's probably right. But I don't want to miss a chance, even if it's a slim one."

Hero, I hope we can trust this guy.

"Delivery!" Carson raps a knuckle on Jess' door, a box from Mom and Pop's in hand. It was unmarked, but inside was pizza. The restaurant didn't have delivery, but Carson was on an extended break, and he knew Jess didn't have to work 'til second shift today. It had been a nippy walk, and he hadn't called first, but he figured it would be a nice surprise. It was a whole lot better than staying alone doing nothing for several hours.

The pain that ran down Scott's arms, neck and back was beginning to numb. His hands were strung up above his head, stretching him out so he couldn't move. The cement room was dark and damp. His head hung down, consciousness something that he was beginning to hate. He hadn't told them. They didn't know. He hadn't helped them. But they wouldn't stop. He'd given them bogus information that had messed with their own system. The result was this position now. There was no end. There was no way out.

White Rabbit

* False hope of what? What's going on J?

Katie enters the office and walks over to Jason's desk looking down at the paper he was looking at trying to see what he was talking about. As the paper turns and Katie looks down at it and the words her head gives a sudden leap in her throat.

Sc....Scoott's alive..but how? Thats not possbale, we saw....I...*

"Why would someone use Scott to get to us though. I don't see any other reason than what is in front of us. but...."

* Katie thinks for a long moment.

...Could the white rabbit just have been captured in wonderland?

Like a lightbulb going off Katie sits up for a moment.*

"Thats it, that has to be it."

*Going around to the other side of Jason's desk Katie dials on the intercom for Dalton's office.*

"Dalton, I thought of something alse for you to try."

"Ok what do ya got for me?"

"Try Alice. Try the password as Alice."

"Alright one second."

*Clicking can be hurd on the other line and than a suddon beep.*

"Kit Kat your a geanus. How did you figure that out?"

"Lucky Guess. Thanks Dalton."

*After hanging up the phone Katie looks at Jason's computer screen as his system resets itself. Turning to Jason Katie gives a small smile though there was a hidden pain behind her eyes.*

"Now what? Should we tell Reese about the message or wait?"

The Lord is my Shepherd

Trooper greets Katie at the door without so much as a low 'woof', sidling up to her and licking her hand.

Jason looks up quickly, standing by his desk with his hand on the paper he'd been writing on. The tension can be felt, and shows in his face.

Sorry you had to go through all that... I know it couldn't have been easy.

He swallows hard, the confusion lingering. "I...I worked with that message that popped up. And..." He hesitates.

I don't want false hope to arise... I don't want to assume... I don't want to believe something that isn't true...

"I figured out it was a word scramble and a riddle combined. And only someone who knew Scott and was from TJY would figure it out."

Jason pauses again, searching Katie's eyes. Finally he turns his paper around so she can see the words he had written. Ireland's Neighbor is alive.

"Someone purposely bashed our system to get our attention...so we'd see this message... "

It's not the Agency's style to fool us with puzzles as communication... it's not their style to not have caused more damage if they're the ones that hacked in. But I don't want to hope... I'm afraid to... But what if this is somehow true?

"He won't talk."

Two rough henchmen drag a limp and beaten victim into the room with the bright light. His head hangs. He doesn't try to look up.

The one sitting rolls his eyes. "Then you haven't tried everything yet, now have you?" He gets up from his chair, walking over to the victim who was slung between the other two men. He reaches out to tilt his chin up.

Scott squints out one eye to make out the angry face before him, but makes no move.

The ringleader sends a fist into Scott's gut. "People like you suffer." Another jab goes to the ribs. "People like you wish they were dead long before we let them die." A right hook catches his jaw. "People like you beg for mercy by the time we're done." The ringleader sneers. "Tell us what we need to know. Or these two are going to show you what torture means."

Scott's head remains hanging, a drop of blood falling to the floor. His voice is a forced whisper. "The Lord is my shepherd...I shall not want...He leads me..."

The ringleader scoffs and backs off. "Great. He's a fruitcake."

"He's been doing that the whole time." One of the goons rolls his eyes. "He's some sort of religious freak. We can't get him to shut up."

"Make him!" The ringleader's hieghtened tone indicates his lack of paitience. "I want that information by tonight!"


"....try Domino. That might be it, thats the name of his dog."

*Katie sits with her elbows on Dalton's desk. They had been at this for a while now and it was a bit frustrating. They had tryed almost everything Katie could think of that had to do with Scott. Getting Jason's message Katie can't help but small a little though still feeling akward.

Yeah, I guess I am on his good side. Though I have to admit even being able to accept Scott being gone it still hurts to pull up these memories.

Letting out a small sigh Katie leans her head down on the desk for a moment trying to think.*

"...Try moutain Dew."

*The time pass as Katie and Dalton continue to work. It seemed almost hopless. Neather being able to figure it out, and Dalton moving on to try some other things. Getting Jason's message again and hearing the urgentcy of it Kaite stands and gives an apploigetic look to Dalton.*

"Sorry Dalton I need to head out and get a little frish air. Gonna see Jason fast too. Sorry I couldent be more help."

*Not even lookng up from the computer Dalton gives a small nod.*

"Thanks for trying Kit Kat. I know it was hard."

*As Katie leave the office and closes the door behind her all that can be hurd is the clicking on the keys and for a moment a sicking pain in her stomach as she remembers closes the door some seeing Scott. Shaking her head Katie refocuses and heads for Jason's office. Knocking on the door softly Katie opens the door slowly knowing Jason would know it was her.*

"Hey J. Whats up?"

*Entering the rest of the way Katie closes the door again.*