

Scott's expression softens a little at Katie's comment of lunch. He knew she's stay and go with him instead, but he also knew and understood her commitment to the band. Whether she was willing to sacrifice the meeting or not, he didn't want to make her do that. The guys wanted her there for a reason, and he respected that.

"Naw, that's alright. I'll come along with you." He knew everyone well enough now that it didn't make him feel uncomfortable anymore. "Can't refuse free food now can I?" He tosses Katie a wink. "But we're doing Chinese tomorrow, no buts about it."

Carson is caught off guard by Jess' question and throws her a look for a moment that conveys his own inner turmoil. "You tell me."

Shaking his head, he helps her up and to the kitchen, not making her walk too quickly, knowing that she must be terribly sore. Getting her sat down in the chair at the quiet end of the kitchen near a little table, Carson moves to make her some breakfast.

He throws a look to Herb, conveying that he's sorry for the intrusion, but it's obvious the woman needs help, and Carson will gladly take the money for breakfast out of his paycheck.

Fixing some eggs and bacon, instead of leaving things separate, Carson scrambles the eggs and chops up the bacon into tiny pieces so that it doesn't require hardly any chewing, along with some very finely chopped green peppers, then puts a little bit of cheese to melt over the top. The end result is more like an omelet one could almost eat through a straw if they wanted to.

He sets the plate down for Jess, getting her a fork as well, then pours her a little bit of orange juice from the fridge. "Eat what you can - it'll do you good," he prompts.

Wyatt laughs at Jamie and nods. "It's a deal." He leads the way out of TJY, heading for his jeep. Waiting for Jamie, they're on their way across down. After all that's happened, by the time they actually get there, it's late morning, almost time for the early lunch-goers to start showing up.

Wyatt parks his jeep out front and heads to the entrance with Jamie, letting her in first. Taking off his sunglasses, he tucks them in the front of his shirt so they hang off the collar, and scans the restaurant. "You see her?" Glancing around, he spots a familiar face and can't resist a smile and wave in Aerith's direction. It was obvious he was on duty, so he didn't feel bad he couldn't talk to her right now.

Carson hears the bell on the door again and sees Jess tense. He looks out through the doors to the front and spies Wyatt and Jamie. They had to be here for Jess. Looking back to her, he gives a slight smile. "The cavalry has arrived. Sit tight a minute, okay?"

Slipping from the kitchen, he goes out onto the floor. He was hesitant to talk to Wyatt and Jamie both. It had been so long since he'd talked to them at all...not to mention who knew what they'd been hearing about him, especially Wyatt, through Aerith. But, right now, he couldn't focus on himself. Jess needed them, and if he could help, he needed to.

Wyatt lifts his eyebrow as he sees Carson emerge from the kitchen. "Well...maybe he knows more about what's going on. Dad did say the woman knew him."

Carson approaches slowly, nodding to Wyatt, and daring to look at Jamie too, though quickly lowers his gaze. "I take it you're here to talk to Jess."

"Yeah, we are." Wyatt nods. He cocks his head a little, seeing the hesitance in Carson's eyes. "How you doing, Carson?"

Surprised that there was any concern for him, Carson lifts his eyebrows a little. He gives a dry laugh. "Unless you got all day, I better not answer that." He shakes his head. "Jess is in the kitchen. She got roughed up pretty bad by her boyfriend. She's cleaned up a bit and is working on a little breakfast. If she'll go with you, it might be a good idea to have Rick check her over."

Wyatt sighs, but nods. "I hate cases like this. I agree though." He glances to Jamie. "We'll have to see if she'll press charges. If she will, we can get her some protection and have this guy arrested. Either way though, if she's in that bad of shape, it's not a bad idea to have Rick see her."

Carson thumbs to the kitchen. "Follow me. I'd rather take you back there than make her come out here just yet."

Wyatt lets Jamie go ahead of him behind Carson, keeping a watchful eye out for anybody who looked suspicious.

Reaching the kitchen, Carson enters with the other two. Looking to Jess, he gives her an encouraging nod. "Jess, this is Jamie Franklin and Wyatt Reese. They're here to help you."

Jason grins and rolls his eyes. "Yeah, sure, whatever. You two work that out then. Since that's all taken care of then, I'm going to head to work for just a few minutes and see what's going on there, then I'll aim for Mike's." Turning, he heads for the door.

Kyle quirks an eyebrow and whistles through his teeth.

Jason spins back around. "Now what?"

Kyle points to the closet near the door.

"Oh, you don't want to go to Burger King in your hospital garb?" Jason grins and finds a bag inside the closet with Kyle's clothes that he'd come in with. "You might want to go home first before you go out in these things, but I guess they'd be better than what you got on."

Kyle sticks his tongue out at Jason, and in response, gets the clothes to his face. Smirking, he tosses Jason an annoyed glance, even though the humor still danced in his eyes.

Jason chuckles and goes to leave on more time, but again, is stopped by a whistle from Kyle. He throws up his hands. "What did I forget this time?"

Kyle bites his lip and scrunches his nose. He glances down to the hand he couldn't use, then to his clothes, then to his hand again then back to Jason.

Jason sets his hands on his hips. "If it were anyone else, Kyle, I'd say you were nuts and I'd call a nurse in here instead."

Kyle quirks an eyebrow as if contemplating that option.

Jason stops. "On second thought, you might enjoy that too much."

Kyle can't help his laugh. He couldn't help it that he was going to have trouble getting dressed, and when it came to his family or close friends, he had no embarrassment in asking for help when he needed it.

As Jason comes over though, Kyle looks to Misty and cocks his head, giving her a teasing warning glance. Holding up his good hand, he twirls his finger around, telling her to turn around. His eyes dance with a comment he wants so badly to say that's on the tip of his tongue, but to save his voice, he has to swallow it.

It only takes a few minutes for Kyle to get into his clothes and is ready to go. Receiving directions from the nurse about keeping his hand in the brace and using a sling, he walks with Misty out of the hospital, going just a bit slower than normal, not wanting to admit how sore he was all over, not just in his hand.

Before they know it, they're at his apartment. Phil is already gone, so it's quiet. Kyle gestures down the hall that he's going to take a shower and get changed. He throws a haphazard gesture to the living room, indicating Misty can make herself at home.


*Katie smiles leans over Scott for another kiss before retreating to answer his question.*

"Mmmm....food sounds go...."

*Katie is cut off as her phone vibrates in her pocket. Looking down she see its Jason she stops her train of though automaticly going to her feels to see if something was wrong. Not sencing anything but a small nervouseness Katie decieds to answer the voice mail.*

"Hold that thought."

*Katie dials her voice mail number and listens for a long moment before shutting her phone and sitting down in the chair across from Scott's desk.*

"Well that was Jason. I guess Jetstream is going to have lunch and a meeting today about Kyle and they want me there incase anything goes down. I probley should go. Jason said you can come along for lunch as well if you would like."

*Katie looks to Scott and gives a soft smile.*

"I'd like you to come, but if you dont want to I'd like to go to lunch with you even more than go to the meeting."

*Misty cant help but smile and laugh at Jason and Kyle. They did act like brothers, but it was nice to see a smile on both there faces. Seeing Kyle's puppy dog face Misty's eyes show a softness not often seen in the last month. Turning to Jason she shakes her head a little bit.*

"Rick already gave me the ok to keep an eye on Kyle for at least the first day of him being home we dont need any saprises. And I certinly dont mind keeping an eye on him.

On top of that I did promise Kyle Burger King. He can come with me to get food if you want, than I can take him home, and than he can give me directions to Mike's if thats ok. I dont mind one bit."

*Misty looks to Kyle and grins before looking back to Jason.*

*Jess looks at Carson as he finish cleaning her up. This was a differnt side to Carson she had never seen before. It was funny to think someone with the personality she had seen could be this soft as well. Fighting the pain in her jaw Jess manages to talk a little bit.*

"So...is this the real Carson?"

*Jess cant help but laugh and than go into a coughing fit as she slowly stands to follow Carson to the kitchen. She was thankful for his kindness and a good meal would fell good as well. Even if it did hurt to chew and swallow. Sitting down Jess keeps her eyes to the floor but cant help but jump whenever the door opens to the restront. Jess dident think Peter would have the guts to come here but still that panic was there.*

*Jamie looks up at Wyatt as he knocks on her wall. Not having to have him ask again Jamie stands from her desk and grabs her keys and jacket. Heading out with Wyatt she nods and smiles.*

"You can drive since I have to do the work."

*Jamie cant help but laugh as she gets into Wyatt's Jeep. She was glad to help. She liked being able to use her own past to help someone in need. Since she way kidnaped she had grown more in tuned with those how had been hurt and needed someone.

Bringing a hand to her scar for a moment Jamie remembers what it was like and how scaired she was. Never did she want anyone to feel so alone. She would always do what she could to help.*


Scott grins. "Well I'm glad you took out your frustrations on a punching bag instead of me." He flops back down in his chair, sifting through some papers. "And speaking of hungry, I hear there's a luncheon special down at he Chinese place..." He lets the invitation hang in the air.

Jason limps the hall as he talks to Mike, finally ending the call, just to make another one. Getting Katie's voicemail, he leaves a quick message. "Hey, Hero, it's me. Yeah, I know, I skipped the vibes and went for airwaves instead. Band meeting today. Lunch out at Mike's. Talking about Kyle, the near future, etcetera. If you can take the time, meet us out there. If Reese hassles you, remind him he gave you permission eons ago to be the bodyguard. And if you had a date with Scott, tell him lunch is on Mike and I'll make it up to him later by not complaining when my printer spits out that blue ink the next time." Closing his phone again, Jason sighs. It was going to be a long day. He heads back to Kyle's room, stopping at the nurse's station first to inquire as to when Kyle could go home.

As Misty leans in for the kiss, Kyle doesn't resist, but allows the intimacy in the privacy of the hospital room. Feeling Misty so close sends the same tingles down his spine, and he returns the kiss with a slow passion, getting stronger as his own hand cradles her head gently. The pain in his face went ignored, the throbbing in his hand was forgotten, if only for a few moments. The exchange is broken only as he shifts his head and returns again, unwilling to let the bliss end so soon.

Drawing back, a small smile creases his lips, his eyes showing their spark as he runs his hand through Misty's hair, his palm finding a resting place on her cheek. Though not supposed to, he speaks again, having to force the words in order to carry the whispered tone. "I think I like that kind of crazy doctor."

Taking his finger, he taps the end of her nose playfully before sitting back into his propped up pillows.

"Hey, Kyle, you ready to get out of here or what?"

Kyle jerks his head toward the door as Jason comes back into the room. He rolls his eyes. Was he ever.

Jason squints at him. "You look like the cat that just ate the canary. What kind of trouble could you possibly get into around here?"

Kyle's grin widens and he shrugs, quirking an eyebrow. He gives Misty a sidelong glance then looks back at Jason, not willing to elaborate.

Jason smirks and shakes his head. "Yeah, knowing you, you've been flirting with the nurses. One of which, by the way, said she just got the doctor's 'ok' that you're free to go. And...I just got off the phone with Mike and he and Phil both want a band meeting today. Mike's got the day off, I'm self-assigned to you right now, but Phil has to work late, so we were thinking about getting together at Mike's for lunch."

Kyle thinks for a moment. There was something in Jason's tone he didn't like...and there was a feeling that today was going to be dreaded. A lot had happened...he was the center of attention, and whether he wanted to admit it or not, a lot was on the line as of now.

His stomach growls, reminding him that he didn't want to wait until lunch, and he looks to Misty, sticking out his lower lip. He'd been promised Burger King.

Jason lifts an eyebrow. "Now what's your problem? I can take you home to change clothes or whatever, then we can head to Mike's early if you want."

Kyle contemplates, then looks to Misty again. There would be discussion today that she might want to be included in. Whether anyone else realized it right now or not, she was a big part of this. Kyle hated to think about how she was going to feel, but they had to talk about it sometime, and he knew it was coming.

He gestures and mouths several words to Jason, trying to get the point across that he wanted Misty there too.

Jason cocks his head. "Well...I guess that's alright. But Katie might be coming if you're worried about protection."

Kyle shakes his head. No, that wasn't it. He just plain thought Misty should be there.

Jason shrugs. "Whatever." He looks to Misty. "What do you guys want to do? Did you have plans already? I figured you'd head in to work, but I can get Rick to lay off for a day if you want me to." He grins. "We can stretch it somehow so you're actually on duty. Like tell him Kyle needs twenty-four/seven care for one day or something."

Carson sits beside Jess on the bed, carefully cleaning around her cuts. He pauses though when she tells him about Peter, and he takes a deep breath, controlling his temper. He searches Jess' eyes for a moment. She'd called the Elite? At least Carson had faith in them to help. If she'd called the local cops, he'd have his doubts.

Her request isn't received with enthusiasm, but he gives a nod, relenting. "Alright...I won't do anything. But if he comes near you when I'm around, don't expect me just to stand there and do nothing."

Carson reaches over to wipe some dried blood from around her lip, his eyes showing his concern. Taking her arm and rubbing some disinfectant around another cut, he experiences a brief flashback of playing doctor to his little sister when she'd fallen off her bike and no one else had been home. After that, any time she'd had a cut or scrape, she'd come to him instead of Mum because he never chided her...he would just dry her tears and clean her up.

Blinking, the memory is gone, and Carson goes to retrieve the first aid kit, coming back to the bed and finally speaking again.

"The Elite will take care of you. I..." He hesitates, knowing that not only were there things Jess and the others had never known, but he also knew that his actions today were probably showing a different side of him than she was used to. But he keeps going anyway. "I was part of that branch for a while and they're good people. You can trust them." He takes a small bandage and tapes it over the cut above her eye, working with gentleness he rarely let show. "As far as the girl is concerned..."

Carson looks down for a moment...the pain was buried deep, but still there. "I think I pushed that opportunity too far out of reach to ever get it back."

Giving a sigh, he closes up the first aid kit and goes to rinse out the washcloth. "If you feel up to it, you can come sit back by the kitchen and I'll get you some breakfast before somebody from the Elite comes. You should at least try to eat something, and Herb's bark is worse than his bite."

Wyatt grabs his jeep keys from his desk and pulls on his brown leather jacket, heading out of his cubicle. His hair was pulled back, and he sets his sunglasses up on his head, coming to Jamie's cubicle before going outside.

He knocks on the wall and looks over at her, smiling. "Morning, Jamie. We just got a call from a woman who's got a guy after her or something. Sounds like she already got hurt once, and somehow she wound up down at Mom and Pop's and called here. I thought it best if a woman went with me for this one. If you can't, I can get Laura or Katie instead, but I thought I'd give you first dibs since you're good at this sort of thing."


*Misty smiles at Kyle, and brushes away her tears. Giving a laugh to his joke and a light tap to the arm.*

"Your a dork Kyle Mitts."

*Misty cant help but addmire Kyle. No matter what he always smiled and was always telling a joke. Even when this were bad, and the word had him down. Kyle Mitts wouldent say down. Kyle was a uneque person and Misty new it.*

"Alright how about we get you out of here and get some..."

*Misty looks around for any nurses.*

"..Some BK breakfest huh?"

*Not being able to hold the grin Misty's mouth finally curles.*

"Some Dr. I am. I'm crazy to boot."

*Misty gives a wink and leans over to give Kyle pressing her lips to his as they have a moment to of being alone. Her hand finds the side of Kyle's face as her other goes to his back. Her paulse races as she can takes the sweetness of Kyle's kiss. Misty's hand moved from Kyle face to the back of his head, as she takes in the moment.*

*Katie smile at Scott. She always loved coming in his office. For some reason to her it smelled like pine mixed with the lingering smell of jerky and to Katie, that smelled good. Not to mention, being close to Scott was good too.

Giving a laugh Katie retreats and takes a peace of Scott's jerky knowing he wouldent mind.*

"A little. I was releaving stress I feel better now, except I am hungry."

*Katie smiles as she pops the peace of jerky in her mouth. Maybe today would be a good day after all.*

*As Carson puts his arms around Jess she cant help but jumps alittle bit. But relaxes as she relizes its Carson. Sitting down Jess winces a little bit but avoides eye contact with Carson.*

"I called that place that you said those people were from, I needed help befor he came back Carson."

*Jess takes in a painful breath of air as she finally looks up to Carson through her bruses and cuts.*

"It was Peter, he wasent to happy that I dident want anything to do with him anymore. So he came to my house last night and...he said he would be back."

*Jess takes Carson's arm through her trembaling fingers she can read the anger in his eyes and new Carson well enough to know the look.*

"Please dont do anything to get yourself in anymore trouble. The guy from the Elite is sending someone over to get me. I dont want to see you get in any more trouble and risk pushing that pretty girl of yours away anymore. ok?"

*Jess looks down at the ground again tired, and hurting to much to talk anymore.*

On the way

By the time Misty comes, Kyle is finished trying to eat his breakfast. He'd been hungry, but the scrambled eggs from the cafeteria had quickly put an end to that longing for food.

Looking up and catching her eye, Kyle searches her face, and can see how pained she is because of all this. To be cared about felt nice, but he hated it when others hurt because of i.

As his hand rests in hers, he tightens his grip and gives it a little shake, throwing her a wink to tell her not to cry - it was okay.

Kyle's eyes remain on hers for several moments. He wanted to crack a joke to break this tension. He wanted to get up and make her laugh like he was so good at doing. He wanted to prove that life had not stopped.

"We are in the eye of the storm," he quietly manages to whisper. The Lord was his shepherd, and knowing that, he could always be in that calm, no matter how the circumstances clawed at him. "It's in here." Still holding her hand, he moves it to tap over her heart.

A grin toys at the corners of his mouth until a hoarse chuckle comes. Managing a few signs and words, he gets out, "Great promotion for JetStream, don't you think? Keyboard and backup vocals by one-handed, mute Kyle Mitts."

Jason comes back from making a call to Phil, and pauses in the doorway. He cocks his head at seeing Misty holding Kyle's hand. He knew they'd been spending more time together lately. It was no longer a surprise to anyone when they knew Misty and Kyle were out doing something - it had been rather nice to see Misty making a friend outside of TJY, and one that had distracted her from all that had gone on with Carson. Even that incident seemed a million years ago.

But holding hands? It struck Jason as just a little odd. Kyle didn't seem the type, and though obviously good friends, Misty's actions seemed a little out of place.

Shrugging it off, Jason goes to enter the room, but his phone buzzes on his belt. Rolling his eyes, he goes several feet back down the hallway to take the call.

Scott smiles and hugs Katie back, giving a laugh. He glances down to his waist where he was still having to wear a belt from all the weight he'd lost. "According to Susanne, I need some more meat on me."

He leans in to plant a kiss on her forehead, and straightens a sweaty strand of hair behind he ear. "You've been busy this morning. Having fun?"

Reese busies himself doing two other things while answering his phone, but suddenly he stops multitasking and listens to the woman on the other end. Hearing she was a friend of Carson's made him cautious, but the tone of her voice was too heartwrenching for her intentions to be bad. He had no idea just what kind of trouble she was in, but knowing that she'd called TJY meant she had to be desperate.

"Alright, Jess, you just take it easy, okay?" He talks in a quiet, soothing tone, his experience dealing with distraught people coming through. "It's going to be alright. Where are you now?" Finding out that she's at the little Italian restaurant, Reese is satisfied that she would be safe there for a while. "Okay, you just sit tight there and relax. You'll be safe there. I'll have someone come down to talk to you. We're going to help you, Jess." Ending the call, he phones in to Wyatt.

Carson looks up at Mabel's words, and glances out to the side booth. The pan he's just washed slips from his grasp, clattering loudly to the floor. He blinks and picks it up quickly, setting it on the counter. Filled with concern, he discards his apron, tossing it onto a hook and slips from the kitchen too quickly to even tell Herb where he's going.

Fast strides take Carson to Jess's table where he squats down next to the booth so he can look up at her, the question and concern filling his eyes. "Good land, Jess...what happened?"

Glancing around and noting that several customers were coming in, he decides this was not the place. "Come on." Standing up, he reaches down to gently prompt Jess from the booth, and puts an arm around her shoulder to guide her back behind the kitchen down the hall to the little room.

Getting her to sit on the small bed, he goes to the sink and dampens a washcloth before returning to her. An anger starts to burn within him. He could tell that the marks on her face were made from a fist. And there was one person he know would be stupid enough to do that.

Lightly wiping several of the cuts on Jess's face, Carson grits his teeth, keeping his tone soft. "Who did this, Jess?"


*The morning was crisp on Misty’s face as she headed out of her apartment. Her first stop would be to see Kyle this morning. He was going home and she wanted to be there with him at least for the travel.

Getting to the hospital Misty enters his room and gives a smile going over to him. Though she had seen him yesterday like this today the burses and cuts showed more color. Not to mention his hand. Kyle didn’t need to say anything and Misty new what a broken hand might mean to a keyboardist. Misty’s heart went out to him.*

The trials you are now facing
They are not greater than your will
For there is nothing under heaven
You cannot overcome
See the door that lies before you
And know this too shall pass
The confrontation of your fears
In strength drawn from the past
Where the silent voices whisper
Find the course that is your own
And however great the obstacle

*Misty reaches out and takes Kyle’s good hand in her own as some tears roll down her cheek. Why, why would they do this to Kyle.*

You will never be alone
for I have watched the path of angels
and I have heard the heavens roar
there is strife within the tempest
but there is calm within the eye of the storm

*They couldn’t do this. The Agency couldn’t get away with this. Kyle was innocent; he was a good guy who got dragged into this. NO! Misty wouldn’t let this happen again, something had to be done.

Letting out a long sigh Misty sinks back in the chair her hand still in Kyle’s. What could she do though? She new her hot temper got her into trouble so many times before, and this time it would too if she didn’t cool it. She could do nothing but be there for Kyle as much as she could and offer him comfort. For now that would have to do.*

“One day we will find the calm in the eye of the storm Kyle. One day. I’m here with you now.”

In fragments of an instant
the chaos has returned
and all that was left to sentiment
beneath the banner burned
and as that voice was slow receded
into echoes, memory
my doubts were re-ignited
and fear awakened from its sleep

*Standing from her desk Katie lets out a tired, frustrated sigh. Everything seemed so heavy right now. Like there were bricks on top of her and she couldn’t do anything to remove the crushing feeling. The case Reese had her working on, on top of the attacks on Kyle, on top of the normal work Katie had from Jamie. Normally she could handle it all but for some reason this whole week just seemed odd. Standing Katie lets out a sigh and stretches. She needed to clear her head, let pent up frustrations out or something before she imploded.*

I believe in what I fight for
and I have paid for it with pain

*The sound of flesh pounding on something hard rings out through the bottom of TJY. Many things run through Katie’s mind as she stands in front of the punching bad. The frustration of having no leads with the case she was working on.

Another punch lands sending the bag spinning away from Katie.*

I am here because my contributions
May help turn this fate away
and all who stood by and did nothing
who are they to criticize?

*And Kyle, who would ever want to hurt Kyle. The Agency what did Kyle have to do with this?

Another punch lands dead center.

Why did the innocent always have to suffer? And than the famous question enters Katie’s mind that has been asked many times in the past by her ancestors “Would this ever really end?”*

The sacrifices of others
our blood has bought their lives

*This time a high kick with force send the bag spinning almost coming off the hinge as Katie stands panting.

This would end, they would stop the Agency. One day everything would be alright. Katie was proud to be apart of that even if it was stressful. Katie was proud to be part of what would bring the calm in the eyes of the storm.*

This is the moment of truth
At the point of no return
Place faith in your convictions
as the boundaries start to blur

*Grabbing some water Katie heads back up to the top floor. Making her way across the floor she passes her cubicle and heads to Scott’s office. Entering Katie can’t help but smile and shake her head at the MD and Jerky laying on his desk.

Walking over to him Katie knows she is sweaty but doesn’t care to much as she gives Scott a huge hug.*

“You know that MD and Jerky is going to go right to your hips.”

There is no love untouched by hate
No unity without discord
there is no courage without fear
there is no peace without a war
there is no wisdom without regret
No admiration without scorn
there is strife within the tempest
but there is calm in the eye of the storm

*Heading out the door Aerith grabs the letter from her table she had forgotten about the night before. Jumping into her car Aerith heads off to work…*

The pages of our history
are written by the hand
with eyes and ears and prejudice
too far removed to understand

*…Finding it rather slow this morning Aerith finds time to sit down and pull out the letter from her pocket. Ripping it open Aerith’s eyes scan the words on the page. At first her confusion shows though as she rereads the top letter. It was from her grandmother’s lawyer telling Aerith that her grandmother had changed her will before she died and left everything she owned to Aerith. Stunned Aerith can hardly move. Her grandmother had never been too nice to her, but why would she than leave her everything.*

And so the heroes of the ages
are stripped of honesty and love

*Flipping the next page over Aerith finds a list of everything thing that was now hers along with a letter from her grandmother herself.

Dear Aerith,

I know this may come as a shock to you. Me leaving everything I own in your hands let alone have a letter waiting for you. But Aerith, after you left and started staying with you friend I realized a few things. I realized how much I did miss you, and did like having you around.

So I guess I am saying is I am sorry for how I treated you. I know those simple words wont make up for what I am missed, but I only hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

You really have helped me Aerith in more ways than you know and I am so proud of who you have become even though I hadn’t said it a lot if ever. Your strength and joy for life and your love for God shown through in everything you did.

Because of you Aerith, in my last hours I found the calm in the eye of the storm. I now know where I am going, and death is not the end but the beginning of a better life and one day I will be able to see you again my dear child. Thank you for giving an old bitter woman hope before she died. I hope you can find some use in the stuff I left you. Anything you don’t want, give it to anyone who needs it. I love you my dear one.


To make them seem less noble
and hide what we can become

*Aerith rereads the handwritten letter. So many emotions she felt at the moment she wasn’t sure where to start. A small tear rolls out of her eyes was all that was present at the moment. Her grandmother had been…proud of her. That was something she never heard before, not to mention she was saved before she passed on. That alone put butterflies in Aerith’s stomach. And now, a sudden dull ach forms and for the first time, Aerith miss her grandmother.*

There is no love untouched by hate
No unity without discord
there is no courage without fear
there is no peace without a war
there is no wisdom without regret
No admiration without scorn
there is strife within the tempest
but there is calm in the eye of the storm

*The small bell on the door to Mom and Pop’s opens as a slumped over figure enters. As she looks up quickly she scans the room Jess isn't quite sure why she is here of all places but for some reason she though it felt safe.

Squinting through a swollen shut eye Jess tries to see where an empty seat was. Slowly limping over to a booth that was pushed into the back Jess sits down. She really didn’t want to be noticed or bothered. She just wanted to be lost. Her hurt more today than she had yesterday after her run in with Peter. All Jess wanted to do was cry, but tears just wouldn’t come.

For a long while Jess just stairs down at the table as she runs over her broken open lip with her tong and her arms kept wrapped around her.*

If you find the courage within you
to face the path ahead
it matters not the outcome
if what you will gain instead

*As Jess sits she runs over Peter’s words in her mind. He said he would be back, He said she would never be rid of him. She couldn’t take that though, she didn’t want Peter to come around her again and she didn’t want to feel this pain ever again. But where was she to turn? Who would help someone like her?

Running over her options in her head Jess comes up with dead ends one after another. Than glancing up for a moment and catching sight of Carson Jess remembers something Carson had told Peter. “Most of those people are part of The Elite. Do you want to get us messed up with the law do you?”

Jess wasn’t sure what they did or if they could help but it was her only option she had to try before Peter found where she was.*

Is a heart deepened in the knowing
that experience guards the soul
and the very thing that empties you
Shall surely make you whole
Where the silent voices whisper
Find the course that is your own
And however great the obstacle
You will never be alone

*Scanning the dinner for a moment Jess spots a phone booth that had a phone book. Slowling standing Jess winces but makes her way over to the phone book and picks it up brining it back to her table.

Opening the book Jess flips the pages looking for the phone number she needed. Finally finding it Jess reaches into her pocket and pulls out her cell. Entering the number Jess’ hand quivers than she press send. Waiting.

Finally a male voice answers and states his name. Silent for a moment Jess hears the man say hello again before she finally finds the words to speak. In a soft hurting voice Jess finally reply.*

“Hi Reese, my name is Jessica Fisher and I…don’t know if you can help me or not, but I’m a friend of Carson Bank’s and I kind of know you guys are in law enforcement and stuff…but...I…need help. Lots of help and I have no where ales to turn. I have someone after me who has already hurt me once and told me he will be back. I...I just…don’t know what to do.”

*A few tears roll out of Jess eyes as she replies the might before in her mind. How horrible it was and how much pain it brought back to remember.*

For I have watched the path of angels
and I have heard the heavens roar
There is strife within the tempest
But calm in the eye of the storm

“Can you help me find the calm in the eye of my storm please? Before it’s too late!”

There is strife within the tempest
But calm in the eye of the storm

*Mable looks up from the counter as Jess enters and just studies her for a moment. A bit of worry washing over her. Going over to the window to the kitchen Mable talks to Carson.*

“Isn’t that one of your friends there? She doesn’t look to good.”

*Herb throws Mable a look.*

“Don’t go starting anything.”

*Mable looks to Herb and lets out a long sigh.*

“I was just concerned is all.”

There is no love untouched by hate
No unity without discord
there is no courage without fear
there is no peace without a war
there is no wisdom without regret
No admiration without scorn
there is strife within the tempest
but there is calm in the eye of the storm

To: Mike

From: A. Lockheart

Re: Need to go out

Sounds like fun, I could use the night out.

A date out it is.


*Smiling she hits send. She had gotten use to working at TJY now and spending a little more time with Mike. Going out tonight would be good. She had just come back from Cali after a mishap had happened at her ferm and just a little bit of calmness in the eye of the storm would be nice.*

but there is calm in the eye of the storm

Night turns to Morning

Carson hesitates to accept Nate’s offer, but relents. “Alright. I’ll be out in the hall.” Taking one last glance toward the bed where Misty had gone, he gives a little sigh, then turns to exit the room and find a bench to sit on and wait.

Jason’s phone rings several times before he’s calmed down enough to answer it, going to the corner of the room with his back to the others. “Kyle got beat up by some Agency thugs out back of the pizza place. At least that’s what we think. He’ll be alright and can go home tomorrow, but…they smashed his hand good.” Jason sighs, rubbing his forehead wearily. This whole thing was just rough on his nerves and he was frustrated, angry and hurt for his friend.

“I just don’t know what’s going on, Katie. I don’t know why they’re attacking him, or what we can do about it. I’m tempted to just keep him here for a while until we can get a handle on it, but if I know Kyle, he’ll fight that idea.” He pauses again, trying to collect his thoughts.

“Phil should be coming in a bit to see what’s happening. We’re going to have to have a band meeting too sometime soon. Maybe tomorrow. We might need you in on that for security sake.” He shakes his head. “Anyway…that’s that.”

Just talking to Katie on the phone helped, and he could feel his emotions starting to simmer down.

Kyle gives Misty a little squeeze the best he can as she gives him a hug, then shakes his head. He lifts his hand that’s wrapped and in a brace and points to it, indicating she could get him a new hand, but otherwise nothing.

Despite the circumstance, his ever-present smile surfaces, a twinkle forced into his eyes. He knew how to smile through anything. He cocks his head, inviting her to sit on the edge of the bed. Through a few signs and silent words, he apologizes for missing their ice cream tonight.

Exhausted from the evening’s events and the medications starting to kick in, Kyle is only able to hang on to alertness for a while longer, but finally, he’s just not able to keep up the effort of communicating with anyone, and while Misty is still there, his eyelids grow so heavy, he just…has…to close them… Sleep, as shallow as it might have been, overtakes him.

Phil shows up just shortly after, seeing for himself that his brother was okay, and calling Jen to ensure her he was okay as well. She need not come, but would see him tomorrow sometime. A brief conversation between Phil and Jason proves that they do need to talk tomorrow or soon after, along with Kyle, Mike, Jen and Katie. This was getting out of hand, and for Kyle’s sake, something needed to change.

Carson lies on his side on the narrow bed, staring into the dark. He wasn’t sure how to process this evening…he’d tried his hardest to do the right thing and help, and he’d still gotten the short end of the stick from Jason. Would it always be this way now? And why? Just because he’d betrayed Misty? Or was Jason hanging on to the past as well?

Sighing, he tries to get some sleep, but it doesn’t come easily.

Jason is on full alert as the door opens, but relaxes as he sees it’s only the nurse. The night had been a long one, and he’d been awake for most of it, keeping an eye out for any intruders. Thankfully, everything had been quiet. Kyle had had a restless night, filled with several visits from nurses to try and make him more comfortable, but it was evident that his hand was in a lot of pain. Jason knew the feeling and wished his friend didn’t have to go through this. But there was nothing he could do now but offer protection from any future attacks.

“Good morning, Sunshine!” The smiling young nurse checks Kyle’s pulse and blood pressure. “And how are we today?”

Though tired, groggy, hurting and all around miserable, Kyle gives her a smile and a thumbs up.

“That’s good to hear. You’re doing mighty well. With any luck, you’ll be able to go home this afternoon. How about some breakfast for ya?”

Kyle nods. He wasn’t really hungry, but knew he should eat.

Once the nurse is gone, Jason looks over to him. “How you doing, really?”

Kyle shrugs. Better on the outside than the inside. He glances at the clock.

Jason nods. “I know. But this IS my job. I’ll go in to work in a while, but only when someone else can take my place.”

Carson yawns and tries to wake up, having just a little trouble pulling his shirt on over his head this morning. Waking up wasn’t coming easily. Cravings were bad this morning to boot, so it was straight to the coffee pot in an attempt to get something into his system even if it wasn’t alcohol or nicotine.

Trudging to the kitchen, he starts turning on lights and preparing the coffee pot. Herb and Mabel would be showing up any minute. At least since he was staying here he hadn’t been late for work.

Reese downs the last of his coffee and stares at the papers in front of him. Late night, early morning. He felt as though he were getting too old for this.

Hearing Susanne up from her desk, he hollers out to her. “Hey, you going back to the break room?”

“Yeah, actually I am. Why?”

“Get me another cup of coffee?”

Susanne sticks her head through the door, her hands on her hips. “That stuff’ll kill you, ya know?”

“At least I’ll die happy.”

Laughing, Susanne shakes her head. “I’ll be right back.”

Reese grins and goes back to his work. He had several things he needed to prepare before his report to Brown today. But first...

To: A. Lockheart
From: Reese
Subject: need to get out
Dinner tonight?


*Misty walks quickly following Jason. Her heart races in fear. Kyle was ok but he was still messed up. Why did the innocent always have to suffer. Entering Kyle room Misty is about to go to him but stops dead in her tracks as she see Carson. Just looking at him for a moment Misty trys to keep her emotions under controll. She couldent let them go ramped not now. Not with Kyled layed up like this.

As Jason and Carson start in on eachother Misty just wants to scream. Why couldn't they just give it a rest for at least a little bit. This is not the time or the place to be discussing this. The hurt, irratation is clear on Misty's face.

As Jason is hit with the remote Misty can't help but let out a small laugh. She was glad for Kyle's intaruption and repramand. Ignorning Carson's hissyfit about leaving Misty goes over to Kyle's bed. Leaning down she offers him hug and trys to smile.*

"I'd ask you how you were, but I dont think I need too. Can I get you anything?"

*Katie sits at her desk her head in her heands as a headach forms. She had still come up with nothing and was about to call it a night. She couldent kill herself over this case anymore. It was already taking its toll. Standing Katie suddanly sits back down as everything spin but than stops. A clear message coming through Jason's emotions.

Kyle. What? He was hurt. Quickly Katie reaches for her phone fumbaling it for a moment as she is feed more emotions. Carson was at the hospetal and Jason was not happy. Finally geting the phone and dialing the Jason's cell Katie waits till Jason answers.*

"J, what happend?"

*Nate watches both Jason and Carson for a moment. He felt caught between a rock and a heard place. This wasent fair to anyone. Letting out a frustrated sigh as the conversation comes to an end Nate turns to Carson.*

"If you wait a little while longer I can drive you back."

*Jess sits on her coutch watching TV leting her buzz from earlyer wair off. Her head hurt, her body hurt, everything just felt like crap.

Hearing a knock on the door Jess ears perk up. Who would be here at this time of night. Going to the door and looking out the peep hole Jess rolls her eyes. Opening the door she cross her arms as Peter is leaning agast the frame.*

"Now what do you want Peter?"

*Peter's lips turn up in a curl.*

"Why do you always ask me that when you know the answer?"

*Jess rolls her eyes again and goes to shut the door.*

"Sorry not intrested."

*Peter puts his foot out to stop the door from closing and steps up a little bit mroe staggering a bit.*

"Did I ask if you were intrested or not? I told you, you would be sorry for making me look like a fool at the bar."

*Jess lets go of the door and turns to head inside.*

"I'm calling the police Peter. I dont need to deal with this."

*As Jess turns Peter grabs her arm and shuts the door behind himself.*

"Your not the leader anymore Jess. You dont get to tell me what I can and cant do."

*Peter brushs a strange of hair from Jess face.*

"I always thought you were the pretty one. It's a shame things had to turn out like this you know. But no one walks away from me and after this it would be best of you to remember that for when I come back. You belong to me Jess, because I am all you got."

...A while later...

*Peter leaves throwing his jacket on and bounding down Jess apartment steps. Heading to his car he jumps in and speeds off to the Bullseyes while Jess' apartment lays quiet.*