
New Day

Night comes and goes, morning calling once again. Bird sing there song to the morning sun letting everyone know the day has just started.

*Jamie pass by Scott's closed office door. Stoping she takes a few steps back. For a moment she just stands there. It was strange not having Katie here and by now new spread around TJY that Katie and Scott wernt fine. Jamie's heart went out to him she new how it felt to lose thoughs you love. even if it was differnt it still was the same. Finally Jamie knocks on the door and waits.*

*As Katie puts a bite of eggs into her mouth she cant help but beam as she hears Kyle's voice. Puting down her fork she lets out a laugh as the gang enters. Katie gives a hearty wave.*

"Hey guys. Good to see you."

*One by one Katie gets her hugs from everyone and than lets it linger on her for a moment as she smiles and pulls away.*

"So you and Mike are dating?! Thats wonderful...I'm so happy for you Jen. I really am."

*Katie than sits back and scans the faces a smile on her own.*

"J told me you guys have songs on the raido now too. Thats great!"

*Katie smiles fades just alittle but she still trys to hold it.*

"Sorry if I dont remember to well, my memorie isent that great at the moment."

*Herb gives a nod to Carson as he enters and heads into the back.*

"I'm glad to see you came back."

*Drawing silent for a moment Herb turns to continue to prep some things before speaking again.*

"If you put a raw steak on that eye it will takes some of the color away."

*Herb than continues what he is doing giving Carson some direction here and there to help with the morning prep.*

"So what heppend this morning before you left the station? They hound you alot?"

Dusk to Dawn

Jason gives Katie's arm one last pat before sliding away and leaving her alone. Going back out into the hallway, he has a hard time looking the others in the eye, glancing quickly past Nate and Laura, to Con.

Con cocks his head. His friend didn't look good at all. "Camryn was here..."

"Oh?" Jason is glad for the topic shift from Katie. "She leave?"

"Yeah. She said she'd call you a little later. I told her you'd probably go home to sleep tonight."

"Yeah..." Jason nods slowly.

Con looks to Nate and Laura then back at Jason. "You alright?"

Jason's eyes hit the floor. He was uncomfortable in this position...he didn't want the whole world to know what was going on...what his struggles were. "I'm fine."

Con purses his lips a moment, then nods to his sister and Nate. "Katie might like you guys to say hi before you leave. I'm gonna walk Jason out."

Jason looks up quickly, grateful Con had read him so well. He glances at Nate and Laura. "See you tomorrow at work." Making his way back down the hall he walks with Con behind him until they hit the parking lot. Finding his truck, he leans back against the tailgate and lets out a long, weary sigh.

Con studies him for a moment. "That bad, huh?"

"Don't let me be alone with her again, Con."

Con raises his eyebrows. "Why not?"

Jason rolls his eyes upward to see Con's face. "Just trust me."


"You might say that."

"Well what happened? She try to kiss you again?"

Jason opens his mouth to respond, but turns around to lean his arms on the tailgate, not sure now what he should say. "I wouldn't say 'try.'"

"She did kiss you again."


Con folds his arms, a little annoyed at Jason's evasiveness. "Well what's the problem, Jase? Do you need someone to hold your hand to deal with it or what? It'll be over soon...she'll remember, or we'll tell her, and it'll be over. I don't think you need to be that cautious about it." He rolls his eyes. "It's not like you were intentional about kissing her back."

Jason doesn't move.

Con turns his head a little, looking at Jason more closely. "You weren’t…were you..."

Jason's eyes rove the surroundings before he finally turns just enough to see Con. "Well what was I supposed to do? Give her a cold shoulder? Push her away? And this whole connection thing we have just makes it worse...for a moment back there I actually..." He stops short.

Con prompts him. "You what?"

"I regretted ever letting her go in the first place."

Con sighs and leans on the truck. "So what are you saying?"

"I don't know. I love Camryn and I'm going to marry her. That is what I want to do. That is what will happen, and that is my heart's desire." Jason nods emphatically.

"So...you don't want to be alone with Katie because you can't control yourself or what?"

Jason's eyes narrow. "I just don't want to be put in that position again. I don't want to have to decide whether I'm going to feel as though I'm cheating on Camryn, or whether I'm going to break Katie's heart all over again."

"Because...you'll choose not to break her heart."

Jason swallows hard, his voice lowering. "Yeah."

Con reaches out to pat Jason's shoulder. "I know you and Katie are good friends, Jase...and I know you care about her and don't want to hurt her. So if I'm around, I'll try to be the distraction you need, alright?"

"Thanks, Con...I feel like an idiot."

Con grins and shakes his head. "I've never loved more than one woman, so I don't know what it must be like for you...but I guess if I did have an old love who was now a close friend and she kissed me, it might be hard for me to resist it too, even if I had no intention of going back."

"Yeah..." Jason appreciated Con’s perceptiveness and ability to summarize what was really being said. He's quiet for several more moments before finally pushing away from the back of the truck. "I'll see you around."

"Alright. You coming tomorrow?"

"I should."

"I can take a few hours off work...give me a call and let me know when you're coming and I'll come too."

"Okay. I might have the band come...that will help."

Carson’s lips curl to give him a sly look as he pulls Misty closer to the cell. His one hand remains on her waist, the other creeping up to her shoulder. “You’re lucky these bars are here,” he teases. “Or I might be a little too enthusiastic about thanking you for not letting me fall apart.”

Just letting his eyes meet with hers for several moments, he finally withdraws his hand to reach up and take hers, placing a kiss on her fingers. “You better get going before they think you’re breaking me out again. Come morning after detective what’s-his-name is through with me, I’ll get out of here and go to work.” He throws her a wink that’s more confident than he really is. “I’ll call you.”

Jason keeps one eye on the television, the other starting to close as he grows weary. Camryn’s hand running through his hair relaxed him enough to want sleep, his head comfortably resting on her lap.

Unwinding for a couple hours, and spending time with Camryn had helped calm his mind somewhat, giving him some room to breathe and think things through. He’d successfully pushed most of his unwanted feelings far enough away that he didn’t have to think about him, so that helped too.

Lying on his back as the movie comes to an end, he reaches a hand up over his head to draw Camryn down and give her a kiss. “I’m beat…” He stifles a yawn. “I better call it a night before I fall asleep here and never let you up.”

Camryn giggles and ruffles his hair. “I wouldn’t mind..”

“Mm, neither would I, but Trooper might tattle on us.”

Camryn glances over to the large dog who groans and rolls over to flop his head down lazily on the floor. “I doubt he would tell anyone, but I guess you’re right.”

Jason finally sits up and rubs his hands over his face. “See you tomorrow?”

“Of course.” Camryn leans over to give him another lingering kiss before standing up and grabbing her purse. “I work all day, but I can come over tomorrow night.”

“Okay…maybe we can go do something.”

After Camryn is gone, Jason trudges to his bedroom where he flops into bed without even undressing. He was exhausted. He shouldn’t be…he hadn’t done much the last couple days. But his mind was weary, and holding back his emotions even more than normal so he didn’t surprise Katie was quickly getting to him.

Rolling over, he stares up at the ceiling. He wanted to sleep so badly, but he knew that he would toss and turn. He knew that his mind was too full. He knew that dreaming would come, and that he would be kept awake by haunting feelings and memories. And while in a drowsy state, he couldn’t easily control what emotions were emitted. The last thing Katie needed right now was to be woken up in the middle of the night by his own thoughts.

Jason contemplates for a moment, then rolls back onto his side, reaching to his nightstand drawer. Reaching inside, he pulls out a bottle of pills. He twirls it in his hand for a moment before popping the lid. A good night sleep for him meant at least he couldn’t be at fault for midnight mishaps.

Mornings signal new days. They call up the sun, they bid the moon farewell, and they let the world know that brand new chances are given. They prompt those sleeping to rise and begin the new day fresh. They draw out the weariness of the night to disperse it on golden rays…
Many appreciate this perspective of dawn. Many do not.

Scott shuffles into TJY, his shirt wrinkled, his glasses taped on the side to prove he’d broken yet another pair. Skirting around the eyes of those already there, he at least gives a half-hearted wave to Susanne who calls her greeting. Arriving to his office, he shuts the door behind him to lock at the world.

Sinking into his chair, it’s within minutes that he’s checking his email. Opening the first one, he reads the words and his shoulders sink a little.
Subject: Re: Job Availability
Scott –
Sorry to inform you that the job opening was just filled yesterday. We would have loved to have you here. Keep us in mind for the future though as openings come up.
TJY AZ Office
Original Message:
Subject: Job Availability
To: Tom Redding
From: Scott Johnson
Hey, Tom, just wondering if that job as chief tech was still available. I know I turned you down, but I heard you might still be looking for someone and I’m at a point now I’d be glad to take you up on the offer. Let me know. I could come any time.

“And we’s here to see the girl,
The girl we all love,
And we’s here to see the girl,
It’s KT,
The hero’s in da house!”

Jen covers her eyes as Mike pushes her down the tiled hall behind Kyle who was singing at the top of his lungs. He sounded good, but everyone was looking.

Phil elbows him, though he’s grinning. “You wanna wake up the whole hospital?”

“Why not?” Kyle jumps up to hit a sign above a doorway as they head for Katie’s room. Passing the nurses station though, he stops dead in his tracks. A familiar face stares back at him. The nurse’s eyebrow was raised in annoyance, her arms crossed.

Kyle grins wide and leans on the counter. “Hey, babe.”

The nurse rolls her eyes, though few would notice a slight grin at the corner of her mouth. At forty-five years old, being called “babe” by someone like Kyle wasn’t something she heard every day and it could only spark a bit of humor. “You just hush your mouth before I kick you out.”

“I knew you loved me.”

The nurse threatens to beat him with her clipboard.

Kyle throws up his hands and backs away, stifling a laugh. “Okay, okay.”

Phil grabs his brother’s arm and drags him further down the hall. “Come on, dufus. Quit flirting with the nurses.”

Kyle laughs and gives in, skirting back into the lead of the small group. Swinging around Katie’s open door, he sees that breakfast has just been served, and is glad she’s awake. “Yo, KT!” He slides sideways toward her bed, grabbing a chair to spin it around and straddle it backward, throwing Katie a crooked smile. “How’s it hanging?”

Carson eases out of his car and heaves a sigh, trying to wake up. Though he’d been taken home and had the opportunity to shower and change clothes before coming to work, he felt less than refreshed.

Entering Mom and Pop’s, the familiar bell rings and Carson makes his way to the kitchen, waving to Mabel, nodding to Aerith, and hanging up his jacket to trade for an apron.

Going back to where he can hear Herb working, he tries to get his mind on his work and not on the interrogation he’d gone through this morning. Though he’d made it out and had been released with a warning, it hadn’t all been easy. He’d called Misty to let her know he’d gotten out and was going to work, but he hadn’t told her exactly what had happened with the detective.

Glancing at the floor, Carson reaches around to tie the apron behind his back, keeping his baseball cap low in the hopes that his black eye won’t be as noticeable. Maybe no one would remember that he hadn’t gotten hit in the eye during yesterday’s brawl.


*Katie keeps her eyes closed for a long moment just taking the sweetness of Jason's kiss in. For some reason it felt like it had been ages since they had shaired a moment like this. As Jason's draws away Katie keeps her eyes closed for a moment and than opens them looking up at Jason. Searching his eyes she trys to figure out the strange feeling she felt Jason was giving off, Almost a confusion. Katie trys to ingnore the feeling but its there anyways just pulling at her mind. Giving the best smile she can.*

"GoodNight J."

*Katie leans her head back on the pillow and turns her had to look out the window. Everything seemed strange and out of place. She could feel nothing was the same anymore. If only she could remember it.*

*Misty cant help the smile on her face the warmth from Carson's touch sending chills throuh her.*

"You'd probley fall apart. But as many times as you have saved my life I have to think the same thing."

*Misty cant help but stair into Carson's deep blue eyes as her finger continues to run over Carson's face. Misty really did think she was the luckest girl in the world to have a boyfriend as great as him.*


Jason doesn’t know how he could be surprised, but for some reason Katie’s next movement is a startling one.

As her lips meet his, his eyes close. The warmth of Katie’s touch washes over him and his hand moves to cradle her face.

The back of his mind screams at him not to allow himself this moment. He was engaged. He wasn’t with Katie anymore… But the rest of him seems to have other ideas as he’s drawn closer instead of pulling away.

Jason’s heart beats hard within his chest as Katie’s kiss is received. It had been a long time since they had shared this intimate a moment, and somewhere deep down inside of him, it was realized that he had missed it. Being this close...feeling her in this way created a surge through his emotions, Katie's drawing effect reaching its max and pulling his feelings toward the surface like a beckoning magnet. It felt good...refreshing...invigorating to his emotional system.

A noise in the hall suddenly throws Jason back into reality and he realizes just what he’s doing. Withdrawing quickly, he searches her eyes, his hand still on her face. He saw the love again…that love he had taken for granted what seemed like an eternity ago. The love he had pushed away and rejected.

He tries not to let the redness show in his face. He tries to control his emotions. But for a split second, everything seems to go haywire. Too many conflicting thoughts and emotions stirred within him.

His voice comes out barely above a whisper. “Night, Katie…”

Carson closes his eyes and leans his face into Misty’s hand. Her words are no less than he’d expected, but the feeling that he his unworthy never leaves.

Opening his eyes, he rests his forehead close to her own face, and his hands slip through the bars to rest on her arm and on her waist. “Thanks, Misty. Just keep reminding me of that, eh? Maybe one of these days I’ll remember it.”

He musters up a crooked grin. “What would I do without you?”


*Katie stairs back she could just look into his eyes for hours as he looked Jason. She breathing quickened as She drew alittle closer. Feeling her breath reflect off his skin made her heart race. It felt like it had been forever since she was this close to him. Leaning closer she finally pushes her lips to his as a million emotions wash over her. Jason's kiss was so soft, so warm. Katie lets it linger not wanting it to break.*

*Misty reaches her hand through the bars and touches Carson's face running her fingers along his cheek bone.*

"You didn't blow it. You were just trying to protect yourself and thats not a bad thing. Getting mad at the cops is pretty normal too. Being accused of something you dident do, looking like the bad guy. I would of gotten upset too."

*Misty puts her other hand through the bar finally as well resting it on Carson's shoulder.*

"Dont get discurraged on me now ya hear. Your a good guy Carson Bank's who has come along way, and when all alse fails remember I still like ya "

*Misty smiles at Carson her eyes sparkling.*

Blew it

Jason’s pulse quickens as the distance between him and Katie is eliminated. He was sure the heat would show in his face, but what was he supposed to do? How could he blatantly resists Katie, while keeping her calm and happy at the same time?

Looking into her eyes, he almost falls into them. It had been so long since he had….

Carson looks up quickly, having almost dozed off. Seeing Misty, half of him is glad, and half of him is discouraged.

Slowly, he rises from the cot and walks the length of the cell, leaning his head on the bars. “I don’t know if I’m okay or not,” he answers quietly. His temper had cooled way down, leaving him with simple discouragement. “I guess so. Guess I just blew it again though.”