

Phil reaches over to take Katie’s picture, his eyes lighting up. “Man, this is really good.” He elbows Mike. “Look.”

Mike’s eyebrows rise. “Hey, not bad.” He fingers the logo. “I like it.”

The backdoor slams shut as Kyle lets it go behind him, carrying the plate of cookies. “You just couldn’t wait for me could you?” He grins as he sets the plate down, then stands behind Mike and Phil to stare over their shoulders. “Ha! What did I tell you two? I knew it would be perfect.”

The rest of the evening goes by fairly quickly, and as darkness descends, the small gathering disperses. Jason leads the way back to the hospital, while Kyle once again gives Katie a ride.

As they pull to a stop in the parking lot, Kyle cuts the pickup engine, and glances over to Katie. “Well, this has certainly been an interesting evening, I’ll give you that. Though I think I can predict the outcome.” Grinning, he gets out and comes around to help Katie with her wheelchair.

Meeting up with Jason, the three head to Katie’s room where Jason helps her back into her bed.

Finished, he nods to Kyle. “Thanks for everything.”

“Yeah, no problem. We all had fun, and…one of us will give you a call tomorrow.”

“Sounds good.”

Kyle turns around to look at Katie. “And you be thinking about where you’d like to go out to eat, so tomorrow when I call you and you agree to go out with me, I’ll know where to take you.” He can’t help his grin as he spins back around and heads for the door, waving as he goes.

Jason quirks an eyebrow and smiles a little as he takes off his jacket and settles down on the spare bed. “Alright, so…movie or sleep?”

Con sighs deeply, feeling a contentment he’s never experienced as Jamie lays down her head. Her breath on his skin brings comfort. Her fingers running through his hair is calm and soothing.

He wraps his arms around her and kisses her head lightly, just holding her close for several minutes, unable to even imagine how everything had changed in a single moment. But it had. And suddenly a new road was laid out before him.

Finally, though not wanting to, he answers her question, breaking the silence. “No, I think I’ll just sleep some more. I’ll be all right now. You go get your work done and scoot on home to take care of yourself. I’ll probably be up and running again come morning so I can get back to work.”

He lifts her chin with a finger, to give her one last kiss on the lips before offering a tired smile. “Thanks, Jamie.”

…Alone once again, Con remains on the couch for a while before finally mustering up enough energy to get himself to bed.

...Con barely opens his eyes to see the digital numbers on his alarm clock. His ears finally receive the sound of the buzzing wakeup call, though he realizes that it’s been going off for ten minutes. He lifts his arm to shut it off, and groans at the movement. Ever muscle in his body hurt, aching from head to toe.

Rolling over, he realizes that his bedsheets were soaked with sweat from during the night. Trying to prop himself up, the room appears fuzzy, his mind disoriented and clouded. He doesn’t have to take his temperature to know that his fever is back and worse than the day before. Sinking back down he winces as it feels like someone has hit him over the head with a hammer.

Knowing he needs to get up, he manages to swing his legs out of bed and stand, but his muscles can’t take the strain and his knees buckle, sending him sliding to the floor by his bed. His eyes closed and his breathing shallow, he reaches to his nightstand for the phone. Something was wrong…really wrong…

Somehow managing to get the phone to his ear, he dials TJY. Nothing. No sound. His phone was dead.

Too weak to do anything else and too tired to think up any other options, he simply stays where he is.


*For a moment Katie see the softer side of Kyle. A smile coming to her face as he jumps up to get the cookies. Katie smiles at Phil as he askes about the picture. She has almost forgot she had it with her. Grabing her bag she opens it up and pulls out the cardboard rmoving the cover she pulls out the picture and places itr on the table sliding it to Phil. As the last remaning bits of lite hit the picture Katie relize just how good it really did turn out but dident want to get a big head.*

" Its not the best, but it turned out better than I exspected. I changed a few things on the Logo Kyle gave me to make it look better with this kind of picture but the idea is still there and it still looks almost the same. If you guys dont like it I can change it back."

*Katie smiles very proude of her work and hopes the guys would like it as much as Jason had.*

*As Jamie feels Con's soft touch on her face and his gentil lips on her a chill shoots down her spin. This feeling Jamie felt, true love, and the feel of true love being given back was new to her but a ever so sweet feeling. She wouldent rather have anyone alse close to her this moment but the she knows and trusts. As Con pulls away Jamie rests her head on his chest. Feeling his warm skin on her face. Oh how this moment was pure bliss. In a small whisper Jamies replys.*

"Its a risk I am willing to take. I want to make sure you ok and be here if you need me."

*A smile forms on Jamies face lighting it up. As she runs her hand lightly along Con's face and though is hair. How happy she was. She liked being this close to Con. It made her feel safe, something she hasent felt in a long time.*

"Want me to warm you up some soup?"

Ending the day

Kyle receives Katie’s smile like the earth soaking up sunshine and he can’t help letting a wink escape in her direction. He waits for her to drop her gaze first, allowing her just a slight glimpse of the depth beneath the silliness he always shows.

Jason chuckles at Katie’s comment. “Yeah…let me warn you guys…there’s not getting rid of Hero once she makes up her mind.” He looks in her direction with a thoughtful smile. “Not that that’s a bad thing.”

Finished eating, Jen lays her napkin on her paper plate and looks at both Jason and Katie in thought. “Well…I know I speak for the guys too when I say we appreciate you both telling us all this.” She smiles at Katie. “I know it wasn’t that easy.”

“There’s an awful lot to think about,” Phil agrees. “But, Jason, we’ll let you know by tomorrow our decision. There’s no point in dragging it out and making you wonder.”

Jason nods. “Thank you. And if you decide it’s not best for the band to have me around, then know I’m not going to be offended.”

Kyle smirks a little. “If you don’t end up with us, I expect to see a single record of yours out within a year. You’re too good not to do something with that voice and guitar of yours.”

Jason’s face reddens just a little. “Well, we’ll see. In the meantime, thanks, guys. I know this was a lot to hear.”

“How come you trust us?” Mike questions. “If this corporation….TJY…is so secretive, how come you could tell us?”

Kyle intervenes slyly. “I betcha we’ve been checked out.”

Jason can’t lie, and nods. “I trusted you, but I did have a background check run on you, just to satisfy my boss.”

“Oh great, so you know about my speeding ticket,” Phil groans.

Jason laughs. “I won’t tell anyone.”

“Well…” Jen breaks up the conversation, looking at the darkening sky. “I’ve got cookies in the kitchen if anyone would like to go get them before we have to break up this little party.”

“Ooh!” Kyle jumps up. “I’m on it.”

As he leaves, Phil leans forward to see around Mike to Katie. “So…Kyle said you were working on that picture…”

Con’s heart rate quickens as Jamie rises from the floor and moves closer to him. Her hands on his skin feel like velvet. The sweet smell of her perfume drifts on the cool air, caressing his senses.

As Jamie’s lips meet his, he’s unsure if the room spins because of his fever or because of the moment. The cloth on his forehead slips off unnoticed as his eyes go closed.

He slowly returns the kiss with gentle passion, a contrast to his rough features. His hands move to Jamie’s face and head, cradling her with tenderness.
Pulling away every so slightly, he combs her hair back from her face, tucking it behind her ear before drawing her back close to return his lips to hers.

Though tired and weak, he wouldn’t trade this moment for anything.

He finally releases his soft hold, drawing back just enough to see Jamie’s eyes. He runs a finger down the side of her face, memorizing every detail. But reality knocks at the door, reminding Con of the truth. He was exhausted.

You better go home,” he whispers. “You’re gonna get sick.


*Katie smiles at Kyle an oh so famise smile that Rosetta herself mastered and Katie was working on and did it so well eveb better.*

"You only know half of how complicated I am Kyle. Its good to know you like that though."

*Katies eyes linger with Kyles for a long while searching his face for answers. Finally breaking the gaze Katie looks around the table.*

"I truly understand why you guys need time to think about this. Its a big desition and not an easy one at that. Take your time and make sure you choose what you really want. Once making a desition there will be no turning back."

*Katie thinks for a long moment a little grin playing at her lips.*

"Do know, Now I am involved with you guys I will do all I can to keep harm from coming to any of you. Just ask J, he cant get rid of me."

*For a moment Jamie is stuned by what Con said. Was she hearing things or did he really say than. Looking deep into his eyes she knows what he said was real, there could be no doubt of that. No words spoken Jamies face brightens and her eyes dance, the moonlight coming in the windows and bouncing off Con. Jamie stands off her knees and sits on the edgh of the coutch, as she movies almost floting her hair falls down from the small poney tail she had it in (Since she hadent goten it cut yet it was longer than normal.) moving around every curve of her face. Jamie body feels as though she had no controll about what is going on around her. Everything is to perfect. Leaning in to be closer to Con, Jamie places her hands on his chest, her face inches away from his. Lingering for a moment she just gazes into Con's eyes so much emotion. A soft wind blows from the cracked window blowing Jamies hair from her face leting the moonlight light her up. Slowling Jamie leans down, as Her lips and Con's connect Jamie feels as if her whole body turned to mush. As Jamie kiss Con pashanetly her hair falls once again as if shielding unwanted eye of this moment Jamie and Con are shairing.*


The three band members and Jen all remain quiet as Katie talks, each feeling the sincerity of her words, and each experiencing just a small amount of shock.

Mike leans back thoughtfully while Phil concentrates on his plate, and Kyle keeps his eyes glued to Katie. The pain in her runs deep…he can see it.

As Katie finishes and there is a pause, Kyle shakes his head. “I knew there were things about you two that you weren’t saying, but…the FBI ain’t nothing compared to this. Wow.”

Jason can’t tell if the reactions, or lack thereof are good or bad. “There’s more.”

Mike raises his eyebrows. His body language shows that he’s willing to listen, though he can’t help just a little bit of skepticism. It was obvious that everyone had been put slightly on edge.

Jason looks down and swallows hard. “All that Katie said…it’s true. There’s been that battle going on for years, and it’s my own great grandfather who started up TJY in order to try and bring an end to the Agency. Though TJY has evolved into much much more, that case is still open and dangerous.”

He pauses, knowing he needs to share more for their sake. “Apart from all that, I think it’s only fair that you know some of my own history because it affects me today…” He glances at Katie for reassurance. “When I was nine, I was abducted and wasn’t found for over a year.”

Surprise around the table is evident as Jason continues. “Long story, but it’s really how I myself ended up working for TJY. I, um…I have trouble dealing with that past sometimes…as Katie well knows, every once in a while if something triggers a memory I can go down pretty quick.”

Phil cocks his head. “Meaning…?”

“Nightmares…flashbacks…sometimes it’s mild, sometimes pretty severe. It’s um…it’s not something that a lot of people have known about until recently.” Jason forces himself not to look down, though his leg bounces nervously under the table.

“So look guys…the bottom line here is this: If I join JetStream, my involvement will put everyone in some amount of danger. It’s no joke, and it’s no maybe – it’s a fact. There is risk involved, and I can’t make the decision for you. The last thing I want is for any of you to get hurt because I was with you.” He takes a deep breath. “I’m still going to be working for TJY. Which means there may be times when I have to skip out on the band in order to fulfill my role in a case. And…there may be times…hopefully not too often…where the past catches up with me unexpectedly, and I’ll need time out until I can recuperate. It’s that simple…”

Mike shifts in his seat, the wheels in his head almost visibly turning. “Katie was your bodyguard. What happens now?”

“Reese…that’s our boss…has approved my involvement with JetStream if it should come about. However, he’ll require that I still have a bodyguard – not only for my protection, but the rest of you as well. Katie has volunteered to continue this role.”

Kyle quirks an eyebrow, not sure he understands. “But how can she?”

“Because she’s good,” Jason states flatly. “It doesn’t take walking to be able to see, and that’s her job – to alert me to danger and worst case scenario, to remove that danger.”

Mike sighs deeply and looks between Phil and Kyle, then back to Jason and Katie. “This is a whole heap to chew on…it’s going to take a while for me to be able to sort through all of it. …No matter what though, you two have become our friends, and that stays the same. Once a friend of ours, always a friend. As far as JetStream is concerned, I think Phil, Kyle and I need to talk about this…do some thinking and praying and make a decision as a group.”

Jason can’t tell whether that is good or bad, and simply nods. “Fair enough.”

Kyle stuffs a grape in his mouth and continues to look at Katie. “Mmm, Katie…you’re a complicated one, aren’t you?” He gives her a little grin, his eyes narrowing slightly. “I like complicated…”

Finished with his tea, Con slides back down, his head resting on the pillow again. As Jamie takes his hand, he’s hit with the same powerful surge that had occurred the night before, and it drains him of what little energy he had left. Staring Jamie in the eye, he sees even more than he did before, as if every time he looks, he learns something new about her. There really was love there…there was no way else to describe it. There was care. Devotion. She’d spent half her day with him today just taking care of him because she’d been genuinely scared.

Con’s eyes close for just a moment as he fights the overwhelming tiredness that the sickness has brought on. Looking back at Jamie, he suddenly feels a slight rush of adrenaline. Did he…could he…was it possible…?

As he lies on the couch with Jamie kneeling next to him, he can see her eye to eye. Slowly he lets go of her hand to place his palm gently to the side of her face, running his thumb along the curve of her cheek.

His voice comes out barely a whisper. “I’d much rather thank God for someone like you, than the little birds…” He swallows hard, searching Jamie’s eyes. “I don’t know what’s happening to me, Jamie…but I think I’m falling in love with you.”

Let me tell you part of the story

*Katie watches Jason listing. Forming her own strength from him to tell her friends the story. Sencing the silence she decieds its her turn to talk.*

"Well I guess I can break the silence next. My family, and another family have been involved in a very big case for many years since my aunt was born. A ground called "The Agency" delt with stealing baby, and illagly adopting them out. It started with my Aunt, and her now feonsay and worked its way through the family."

*Katie lets a long drawn out sigh as she collects her thought on what to say."

"Both familys, The Henson's, and Pents Along with a few people who got mixed up along the way have been through alot. Death, betrayle, lose...but through it all they stayed close. But all living in fear of looking over there backs, and there kids geting mixed up. Finally after 18 year when the Agency had been dorment for so long it started up again. Moving along the chain to the next genaration. Me...and some others at my aunts Ranch."

*Katie glances at Jason hoping she is making sence and not going in circles around everyone. Now having explained that Katie movies on.*

" Next topic but still the same subject..."

*Katie grins alittle silly like to try and lighten everything up but remain searouce.*

"Jason...since I first met Jason I have had a connection with him that no one can explain. His pain is mine. When he is in trouble, something bad happens, is trying to hid something I can tell. As you guys exsperinces at the beach, it hits me like a title wave. Most times I have been able to get to Jason but certin cercomstances have hindered me from doing that."

* Once again Katie looks at Jason and gives a slight nod leting him know its ok. Than turns her head to Kyle.*

"Kyle when you asked me about the picture I told you in my line of work I need to take everything around me in and remember it so if it even changes I know and can see why. The reson for that if I have recently been intitled as a bodyguard. No matter how song, safe and stable a person can be, when in danger 2 more eyes are always helpful. Specialy one who had been trained to notice the things most people dont. When my accident happend I was Jason's bodyguard, and 9 out of 10 says what happend to me wasent an accident but was ment to send a message to Jason, My family, and TJY."

*Katie places her hand on her wast for a moment.*

"Most the time I carry a gun. Just for protection. Its what we have been trained to do."

*Katie glances around the table at all the eyes that are on her as she talks. a stong wind blowing her hair and making her breath in sharp.*

"I cant speak for Jason but I think he feels the same when I say you guys are our God send. From day 1 excuse me for a moment...sorry God...our lifes have been hell. I lost my baby brother and mother when I was young, when though a rough life teenage years and even rougher when I went to live with my Aunt till I met Jason. Things got better to have a best friend but nothing was perfect and things were still horrable. And than you guys came along..."

*Katie nods her head to each one. Her heart heavy as she talked about her past. The feelings hurt so much to relive. For a moment Katie closes her eyes, seeing so many flashes. Her little brotherm her mother, Jason how many times she had really been scaired to death that something bad was going to happend to Jason, the accident. Everything runs so fast through her mind like a racing car. Katie sighs deeply clearing her head.*

"...You guys made me laugh and smile when I needed it the most. I now have more than one friend."

*Katie turns her head back to Kyle and holds her eyes on his. Not blinking or breaking the hold as she talks.*

"I have grown to care about you guys. Your all important to me and I would never want to put you in danger that is why we had to tell you and let you guys make your own choise wather you wanted to continue being out friends and puting yourself in danger with us, or if you wanted to walk away and be safe."

*Kaite finally breaks her stair on Kyle and looks down at her food stabing it alittle. Not sure how to feel. It had been harder than she though to tell them. To see the look on there faces. If only she could see into there minds as to what they were thinking. Looking up Katie looks at Jason and nods leting him know the floor is once his again, trying to keep her head held high to give her ownself confadence.*

*Jamie stratens alittle studing Con's face. She dident know what to think anymore but to be herself and hope everything would work out with what happend the night before.*

"I am happy your feeling a bit better Con. You dont look like crap anymore so thats good."

*Jamie lets out a sigh as she stands to check Con's head and cheek to see how his feaver is. Taking the cloth off his head.*

"I am gonna get this cold again. I will be right back."

*Jamie heads out of the room and than reenters placing the towel back on his head.*

"There we are. I phoned my mom and she is making up some homemade chicken noodle soup for you and is gonna run it over for me. It should help you as well. It's what i use to eat all the time when I was sick as a kid."

*Jamie's face turns a bit red as she talks with Con, trying to ignor how good he looked siting there without his shirt on dispite his many battle scars. Jamie was glad the room was dark.*

"I'll probley stay with you a few more hours to make sure everything is gonna be ok. Than I need to head back to work. But on my way home i will check in on ya again."

* Jamie slightly slips her hand into Con's sliding off the table and kneeling on the floor next to him.*

" I really was worryed about you. I was gonna call 911 if you dident cool down any but than alittle birdy flew in and told me I should put cloths on you check and neck as well as your head. Than God for that bird."

*Jamie beams at Con.*


As the meal is eaten, Kyle digs into his fruit, holding up a piece on his fork to examine it. “Somebody sure did a good job with these.”

Jen throws him a look across the table, warning him not to go overboard.

Instead of reacting though, he simply gives Katie a wink and returns to eating.

Partway through the meal, Jason finally feels it’s time to put the cards on the table. He knows the other guys have been respecting his silence, but have also been wondering at his decision.

Taking a swig of iced tea, he pauses his eating. “Alright, guys…I know you all are waiting on me to say whether or not I’m gonna sign on with JetStream.”

Mike holds up his hand. “Before anything else is said, if it’s the contract that’s got you leery, by all means, ignore it. We just wanted to make sure you knew we were gonna hold up our end of the bargain.”

Jason shakes his head. “No, it’s not that, though I appreciate your consideration. I, um…” he glance to Katie to gain support. “I do want to join JetStream.”

“Yes!” Kyle throws his arms in the air.

Jason can’t help a slight smile, but waves him to stop. “There’s a catch though, that I…well, both Katie and I need to tell you about before you decide if you really want me on the team.”

Kyles eyes widen. “You ARE with the FBI.”

Sensing the seriousness in Jason’s tone, Phil elbows his brother. “Shut up.”

Jason sighs deeply. “Look, there’s no other way to put this I guess…” His eyes catch Katie’s briefly. “Katie and I are employed by an underground vigilante corporation formed to help bring justice to areas in which the regular law enforcement fails.”

Eyes around the table widen. Kyle looks a Jason, all humor gone. “Your not kidding, are you?”

“Nope.” Jason leans his elbows on the table. “And…I wouldn’t feel so strongly about telling you this, were it not for the fact that this corporation is in secret, and all employees risk the chance of being hated by the enemies.”

“Are you saying that you’re in danger?” Jen questions.

“Yes.” Jason nods solemnly. “I have helped solve many cases and helped take down some pretty shady characters. I’ve also recently had someone who tried to kill me. I’ve worked at TJY since I was in high school. Katie signed on not all that long ago, though she’s been involved with enough that her identity has risk connected with it as well. Her car accident that put her in the hospital was no accident.”

Mike lets out a low whistle. The three men exchange glances, and suddenly a quietness takes over the table. Kyle looks across at Katie, his eyes studying her face.

Con moves just enough to prop himself up on an elbow, letting his blanket fall down to his legs. He takes the tea without argument, letting the hot liquid soothe his throat. He sighs deeply, still feeling exhausted, though not quite as horrid as he had several hours earlier. His eyes move to Jamie as she speaks. “Heh…I can’t remember a time I’ve been sick like this either.” He tries to clear his throat so he can talk better, but it doesn’t do much good. “It hit me about three this morning.”

He takes another sip of tea and leans his head back against the couch. He allows his eyes to study Jamie’s face, even though she looks away. For some reason, having known she’d already been there for hours seemed to have dispersed much of his awkward feelings. There needn’t be any ice-breaker…she’d already talked with him and taken care of him, apparently.

A new understanding seems to be coming into the light, despite the odd feeling in Con’s stomach. “Thanks, Jamie…for coming over. I guess I needed more help than I thought.”


*Katie smiles leting out a mocking laugh as she heads to the table.*

"Ya Kyle cuz its so far from you to here."

*Katie looks back at Jen.*

"He likes to be a drama Queen...er King huh?"

*She lets out a laugh leting Kyle know she enjoyed picking on him. Katie highly enjoys herself as she helps Jen with the fruit making differnt little shakes out of each peace to add a bit of intrest. The chatter being light and friendly. Finally after about an hour dinner is ready. As everyone starts to sit down Katie looks at Jason and nods. Katie starts taking some of the plates and puting hamburgers, salad and fruit on it for everyone.*

*Jamie hears her name and comes out with some warmed up tea. a smile on her face to see alittle bit of color back in Con's face and that his feaver has gone down.*

"Hey there sleepy head. You look alittle better than you did before. More color is in your face and you can talk. Thats a good thing. Here drink this it will help you throut. You had me worryed sick for a moment Con. Out of all the years I have known you I never saw you sick befor."

*Jamie hands the tea to Con and sits down on the coffee table as to not crowd him.The room a slightly darker as the sun has now shifted. As Jamie sits she studys Con face for a long moment finally looking away. Right now she dident know what she was thinking.*


Though bumped only lightly, Kyle stumbles forward, then whirls around, wielding the spatula as a sword. “Hey! Don’t them things come with brakes? Or are you trying to run me over, missy?” His eyes glint with mischief, a silly grin toying at his mouth as he stares Katie in the eye.

“Want to help, eh?” He turns to the screened back door of the house. “Hey Mike! The lady is bored out here!”

Mike was already on his way back out with an empty bowl and two grocery sacks with fresh fruit. “Great. Then it looks like I have a volunteer to help Jen cut up this fruit and mix it together.” He winks at Katie. “Come on to the picnic table. You and Jen can get started.”

“Don’t take her too far,” Kyle warns as he keeps an eye on the fire. “I’m liable to get lonely over here.”

“Then let these keep you company.” Phil brings out the hamburger patties to set on the edge of the grill.

Kyle grimaces. “The fire isn’t hot enough yet.”

Phil pats him on the shoulder. “Then I guess you got your work cut out for you, don’t ya?”

Banter is tossed back and forth amongst the three guys as always, Jason observing from the table, content to be on the outside for now.

It doesn’t seem like long before the meal is ready and laid out on the table to begin eating. Chatter is random and fun, keeping the evening lively. Halfway through the meal, Jason catches Katie’s eye again. He just wants to get this thing over with, no matter how fun the atmosphere was.

Con numbly allows Jamie to help him, too tired to even care. Lying back down, his eyes drift shut. He feels Jamie’s hand on his face, and for an instant, somehow a small bit of peace is absorbed.

…Con wakes with a start. He stares into the dim living room and blinks, trying to get his bearings. His head throbs, and his throat burns, but though a fever is still present, his body doesn’t feel as hot. His hand moves to remove the now-warm towels, and he tilts his head, trying to remember what happened just only an hour and a half earlier. It all seems so foggy. He’s still exhausted, and somewhere knows that he’s not thinking all that clearly.

It finally dawns on him just who it was who he’d seen and heard. Emotions aren’t much in the way though, as he feels too weak to care one way or the other. But he’s not completely positive his mind hadn’t been playing tricks on him. Opening his mouth, his voice is barely audible. “Jamie?”