

Giving a smile and letting Rin inside the dim lit hallway first Karla follows close behind. Finally getting to the door with the faded 32 on the front. Unlocking the door and opening it Rin once again goes in first giving a bark Karla follows flipping the lights on.

There was a cold chill in the air from a broken furnace that hadn't kicked on with the change in the weather. Dull yellow wall paper lined the walls coming off in some place, but a few pictures hung trying to make the place look somewhat like home. A couch sat in the next room clearly a hand me down, with a small tv across from it on a metal rack. Over in the corner closes to the couch layed a blanket with a rubber chew toy that Rin happily calmed as his own resting his head on his paws.

Taking her jacket off and placing it on the coat rack Karla moves around the apt a little trying to throw some things to the side so Kip would have a place to sit.

"Make yourself comfortable if you like. I have an old super Nintendo thats ancient hooked up to that tv if you like play mario brothers. Want anything to drink? I have water, some flat pop, and water."

"Well if you make this your home for a while, you wont have to worry about that. You'll just have to kick me out of your bed."

Bree's eyes widen just a little as she relized what she has said. She ment Gunner would have to kicked her off the couch but it had come out all wrong and some color came to her face.

"I ment off the couch. Yes, thats what I ment."

Trying to change the subject quickly her face returns to normal color.

"Thank you, for coming to dinner and the bear again. I hope you do consider my Uncle's offer as well. It will be nice to have you here."

Receaving his own jabs Roth stumbles backwards but the sound of the crowd drives him on. Throwing more punchs at Eli till he is down on the ground. Roth snickered and jeered, throwing a few kicks to Eli in as well.

"This is what you wanted smart guy? To get this beat down?"

Getting out of the car with Leo it felt kind of nice being back at the races but it was strange at the same time. Ryan's last memorie here not the bed, but having Leo close helped.

"Your right, this is odd."

Following closely behind Leo Ryan held onto his hand a little tighter without even realizing it. She was more nervous than scared for what might be going on right now. Seeing the group of people standing around confirms the fear that something wasn't right.

Finally getting through the people and to the front with Leo Ryan's eyes zoom into her brother on the ground. What on earth was he doing here and if a fight with Roth non the less. She couldnt help the little shreak as a nothing kick was delivered to Eli in the stomach.


Turning at the sound of Ryan's voice Roth scans the crowd before his eyes zero in on her. A nasty smerk coming to his face as he looks down at Eli, than Ryan squatting down on the ground by Eli who was a bloody mess seeing the resemblance now.

"So thats why I felt like I new, thats your sister."

Looking back at Ryan again her jeers seeing Leo with her.

"Come to pay me my money now? Or do I have to put another bullet in you."

Ryan wasnt scared but she jumped anyways. Roth had guys all over, and who new what they were planning themselves. Not answering she just moves a little closer to Leo.

Laughing Roth looks to Eli his eyes glazed and burning.

"You know if your sister had just payed me the money it wouldnt have ended this way. Heck I even was going to ask her to be mine when things didnt work out with Leo. Just imagen those legs in a nice mini skirt, and a low cut shirt."


Kip stops with Karla, his hands in his pockets as he glances around. Hearing Rin's growl, he can understand now why the dog was protective of his mistress, in a place like this. It affected nothing of what he thought of Karla though. This wasn't the best place he'd seen, but it wasn't the worst either, and he'd certainly hung around a few worse places than this, and it wasn't even because he'd had to.

Giving a nod, he glances over to Karla. "I said I'd walk you home. You're not home yet until you're inside, so... keep on leading. I don't have anything to take me back home any time soon."

Seeing the book, a smile spreads on Gunner's face, and he takes it slowly. Sitting back in the couch, his feet automatically rise to set on the coffee table, and he starts thumbing through the pages. His eyes light up as he sees the pictures and information he already knew so well, yet was always fascinated, and always learning something new.

Reading and pointing things out to Bree every few seconds, he's drawn into the book, not even realizing that JT hadn't come back yet. Eventually, the beeping of his watch takes Gunner's attention away from the subject of astronomy, and he realizes that it's getting late.

He sighs and lets the book fall shut, glancing to Bree. "I guess my watch is reminding me not to outstay my welcome."

Seeing the reaction of Roth's little gang, Eli knew he had them right where he wanted them. This was the only way to get Roth to fight fair, and that was half the battle. Circling with his opponent, he eyes Roth warily, trying to size him up. Unfortunately, he was too busy thinking instead of reacting, and he misses Roth's first move.

Staggering backward, the blunt blow to his jaw spreads pain through his face before he doubles over with the jab to his gut. Another punch to his face sends him a couple more feet back, spreading the crowd that was growing around them.

Grunting with frustration, Eli steps forward, getting a nice right hook to Roth's own jaw, followed by a left to the man's ribs. Ducking a couple blows, the brawl continues. A swift fist to the side of his face though, sends Eli to the ground, blood spurting from his split lip.

Leo gets out of the car and scans the area. Something felt odd. "Where is everyone?" he asks Ryan. Shrugging, he moves forward with her. They'd had a nice dinner out before coming here, Leo trying not to lead on how nervous he was about just showing up here again. It still made his stomach churn.

Walking towards the normal hotspot, he realizes that most people have gathered in a circle around something going on. There was shouting and jeering. "What on earth..." He instinctively walks just slightly in front of Ryan, his hand in hers, keeping her back just a little. If this was another bad episode, he wanted to get her out of there.

But pushing their way through the mob in order to see, Leo's eyes widen. Eli was on the ground by now, with Roth towering above him.


Giving a laugh and shaking her own head as she took a sip of her water. She felt like her stomach would going to explode still but how could she turn down ice cream.

Watching JT leaving the living room Bree smiles before bringing her attachen back to Gunner. She'd been upset not to have floats with Gunner but not upset with him. It had just been a bad day all in all.

"Its ok, really. I shouldn't expect we are going to have floats every day anyways. You have your own life too."

Reaching onto the table Bree grabs a small but wide book and holds it out to Gunner. On the cover were stars and gold lettering "Constalations and the Meaning."

"I saw this at the library today and it made me think of you so I got it."

Just eyeing Eli as he talks the first burns in Roth's eyes as he can hear a few people around them snicker and laugh. Continuing to study Eli Roth felt something familiar about him but couldn't put his finger on it.

Hearing the two ladys to his left giggling Roth turns a little and looks at them squinting. Only to be meet with there cheers and there urges to fight Eli and show him what they got. His other buddy's doing the same mocking Eli and cheering Roth on.

Stepping forward Roth gets into a ready stance. He wasnt about to let Eli show him up not when he didnt even know who this guy was.

"You want me, well here I am."

Moving around in circles Roth does a steal down with Eli neither man striking yet. But finally Roth has had enough and lash out geting Eli right in the jaw, than his stomach, than face again.

Giving a smile Karla felt a little better as Kip mentioned where he grew up. Knowing where she lived didnt make him change his mind about walking her home was nice. Not everyone would give her a second glance when finding out where she lived.

Heading out the way they came Karla gave a wave to the 4 who were at the table still drinking there coffee and tea together laughing and having a nice time.

"It was nice meeting you guys."

Giving a small wave and than exiting the house Karla makes sure Kip and Rin are both with her before heading down the drive way and on there way home.

Keeping up the conversation and having a few laughs on the way home the time seems to go by so fast. The scenes from the nice area they had just been in changing to the dirty rough, part of town.

Finally stopping outside a fadded blue building with peeling paint, the yard looked like someone hadnt taken care of it in weeks. Garbage littered it, and the grass grew tall. Shaddy looking people stood outside the building and yelled across the street to others. While some seemed to stair at Kip and Karla stairing them up and down.

Rin let out a low growel and Karla gentily pated his head letting him know it was ok.

"Well this is it."

Karla points to the blue building.

"Would...you like to come up?"

Karla wasnt sure if he would want to or not, let alone know if she really wanted him to. She didn't have heat right now and not much to offer, but still she wanted to talk with him more.


Eli cocks his head a little, unfazed by Roth's threat. "I want you alone, that's what I want," he replies evenly. "I wanna see what a tough guy you really are."

He eyes the women and the men standing by Roth, obviously part of his group. "Unless..." A sly grin surfaces. "...you're too scared to be a man and come out from behind your little friends there. I hear you're too chicken to use your own hands too - have to show off with flashy guns."

Eli takes a step back and stretches his arms out to the side in a stance that stated 'come and get it.' "You really got what it takes to be a man, Roth? I'm beginning to doubt you even know how to swing your own fist."

If Karla hadn't been nervous, Kip would have laughed. But he holds his tongue, and only gives a gentle smile instead. For a moment, he just looks at her, something softer passing through his eyes. "You know that trailer court, back behind the junkyard on the south side of town?" Most people knew about it. And most people considered it just an overflowing from the junkyard itself. Garbage everywhere, varmints all over the place, police constantly on the scene for drug busts or domestic disturbances.

Kip purses his lips, his smile fading, though he isn't sad. "Not everybody who lives in this house grew up in a house like it." His words make it obvious that he was referring to himself. Without saying so, one would understand he'd come from that trailer court. "I highly doubt you'll be able to scare me away."

He gestures to the door. "Lead the way."

Gunner shifts his weight a little, unsure about being in the spotlight like this, though he can't help a little grin at Bree's comment about bothering him. Part of him felt so warm and good, and another part of him wasn't sure he could accept an offer like this. He didn't know for sure, but he would guess that Bree had relayed to JT that he was having a hard time at home. Gunner knew in his head that it was natural, but there was a part of him that was embarrassed. He really did want to wait it out and get back on his own two feet. But at the same time... thinking about not having to face that dark apartment tugged him in the other direction.

"Um... I'll think about it."

JT nods. "Fair enough." Letting the subject drop so he didn't pressure Gunner, he stands up and stretches. "I think a gremlin brought some ice cream over today... anybody want some?"

Gunner shakes his head a little, but his smile is one of thanks. He was too full. When JT has left the room, Gunner, glances to the other end of the couch, feeling just a little warmth in his face as he studied Bree. "I, um... I'm sorry about skunking you today over lunch."

Out Numbered

"Hey, what can I saw I make good none garlic, garlic bread. I have a talent for it."

Setting the little bear aside into the chair that was empty at the table Bree looks at it once again before looking to her Uncle, and Gunner. It had been a crappy afternoon but he had made it better and for that Bree was thankful.

Digging into her food and letting the conversation continue it was nice having someone else at the table with them. Not that she minded talking with her Uncle but sometimes just stopping and listing was always nice too.

As the conversation comes to the lull and Bree' Uncle starts talking directly Bree has a hunch of what he was talking about but was a little surprised that he was pretty much asking Gunner to live there. Not that it bothered her, she just didnt expect that from her uncle.

Her eyes twinkle though there was no smile on her face as JT turns the attachen to her asking a question. Pretending to think for a long moment if one looked closer they could see in her eyes she already had the answer. But adding dramatic affect was way to much fun.

"That was be fine with me, it would be nice to have Gunner close by anyways. It just means I can bother him easier. I wouldn't mind you at all staying here Gunner. As long as you dont mind I would be in and out of the house at all hours."

Turning to Kip a smile still remained on Karla's face but a something flickered behind her eyes. Maybe a little bit of embarrassment, or something else.

"Thats very nice of you and I wouldnt mind but..."

Karla looks down for a moment before looking back up at Kip searching his eyes for a long moment. Maybe he wouldn't mind but still it was far from this.

"...my apartment is not the best. Bad part of town, grubby looking, Its pretty bad. Sure is nothing like this thats for sure. I consider this a palace."

Karla gives a little nervous and shy laugh as she shifts her weight from one foot to the next.

"But...if...you dont think it will scare you away I guess I wouldn't mind."

Still exchanging words and paraphernalia with his friends Roth doesn't even notice as Eli comes up. Its not till Eli speaks that Roth realizes he is there. Turning to face him Roth stands with his legs spread a little his buddys on one side, and the girls on the other.

"Whats it to you if I am or not? You should watch your mouth when your out numbered."

Roth looks behind him at his two friends and gives a dry laugh before his cold eyes look back to Eli. Giving Eli a once over of his own Roth gives a scoff.

"Whata you want?"