
Action from the Dr.

Out in the waiting room again Alice's place is by the window again her amrs crossed just looking out.

So many things ran though her mind as she continued to pray to Kyle.

Please let him be ok, please.

Seeing the dr once again Alice perks up and moves from the window. Once again going down the hall and to Kyle Alice sits down at the bed side taking his hand once again.

She wouldnt leave, she wouldnt sleep she would be there for him.

Listing to what was going on around her the girl has no choose but to just sit in the van. She was scaired though she really held not much of an expression on her face.

She had learned from the past the more she struggled the worse it would be. Her best bet would be to sit still, not say a word and wait.

Once insdie the cell and the door shut Phinox opens up his hands and lets the ropes drop free. So far so good he only open his examination of the doors when he had been here before was right and they would open.

Going over to Jay and than Derek Phinox removes the ropes from there wrists.

"Ok, once we get out of the cell we need to follow after Jason, Scott and Katie. I am guessing you know what way they went Derek?!"

Phinox statment was more of just that than a question. Leaning down he pulls a credit card from his pocket and a small pick from his pocket. He had been taking a chanse bring them but he was hoping Rod would be cocky and stupid and he has been right.

Going back to the door Phinox fiddles with the lock till finally a click is sounded and Phinox opens the door just enough to peek out.

"Its clear we need to move fast."

Exiting the room Phinox keeps guard as the other slips past him. Moving down the hall with hast they makes it almost to the door when a sicking gun shot rings out through the hall.

Stopping dead in his tracks Phinox takes a moment to look down seeing the dark ruby color that soaked through the side of his shirt. Letting out a groan he new he was hit, but not wasting anytime he turns his gun he had hiddon drawn as he returned fire. There were five, maybe six guys, and once again they fired back.

Ducking behind a stack of boxes with Derek and Jay he lets out another groan and than a shuttering sick. His body was not tingaling and it hurt so much.

Looking to the others he new they had kids, and familys who needed they. There lifes were more important than his right now.

"I'll hold them off, you guys just go get out. Get your daughter to the hospetil."

Looking them in the eyes he gives a nod convaying his message.


Moving out of his place behind the boxs Phinox's shots run hitting one, than two guys, than another but as he shot them down more came, and they seemed to double in numbers.

Finally his gun falls silent as to much dush was kicked up to know what was going on, only the sounds of the enemys rifels could be hurd returning fire and the gun shots.

Behind the cars Nate crouches as he watchs what was going on. Jason Scott, and Katie were cournered. He had to think and act smart but fast.

Taking aim through the window of the beat up car Nate takes aim and shoots off 2 rounds. Both hitting his targets and taking them down. The others where out of his sights and behind his team he couldnt take a shot without risking hitting them.

Crouching down but moving he still trys to get around them.

Feeling the van jerk Misty holds on feeling the bumps and seeing out the window what was going on. Her heart raced as the action picked up.

Taking the gun from Wyatt Misty just looks at it for a moment. She didnt know how to shoot a gun well and she new, she would never hit her target.

SHe had to do something though, she had to help her friends.

Reaching into her medical bag her pulls out a scapel and puts the handle in her mouth before sheding her jacket and shirt only yo leave her tank top on. Next pulling her knife from her pocket she acts fast and slides the van door open.

Looking at Wyatt and than back at the jeep she new it would be clear and easy with out there being any top. Holding the scaple in her teeth she talks the best she can

"Uncle Reese dont kill me to much."

Once they are close again to the jeep Misty takes a leep into the jeep. Missing just a little her legs skid on the ground. As fast as she can she pulls herself up and delivers a punch to the guy who was after her.

Wrestaling with him for a few moments Misty takes her own punches to the face as her lip is pusted open, and the side of her face already started to swell. Cuts are placed on her arm, but they go un noticed as she finally gets her hands free and stabs the guy in the throat with the scaple. Pushing him off the side of the jeep he lands with a thud.

A shot from the driver wiz by her head just missing her as she ducks. Making her way to the front she new she had the advantage.

Getting behind him her knife connects with his throat as it cuts through the flesh. Blood going everywhere and all over her. The jeep losing controll for a moment as she toss all over. Pulling the body from behind the wheel Misty hops into the seat gaining crontoll again.

Giving a wave at Wyatt with a semi saprised and wavering look on her face she talks into the mic.

"Jeep taken out, peace of cake."


Hunter's shoulders drop a little, seeing how much pain Alice was in. He hated seeing people upset, and tears always got to him.

Coming up behind Alice, he reaches out to lay a hand on her shoulder, but halfway there, he stops. Remembering the last time he'd tried to offer comfort, he retreats. "I'll be in the waiting room with Chloe," he informs quietly before slipping back out of the room.

It seems to take forever for the doctor to appear again. Kyle had flatlined once, but they had been able to revive him. Though it had been a close call, he was stable once more, and in a new room they were keeping a closer eye on him. The others could see him again if they wanted, though he was still asleep and so far unresponsive.

The room was quiet. It felt a little different than the last one. It was strange to know that they had almost lost Kyle, yet he seemed to be sleeping so peacefully. His chest moved up and down with every slow breath, his head resting on the soft pillow. One would expect him to at least stir, but his hands at his sides made no movements. It was still. It was peaceful.

Reese's eyes glance back over his shoulder to look at the girl after she had spoken. An odd tingle ran down his spine. As he saw her eyes, he was suddenly overcome with the strangest pity. Not anger, not fear, not suspicion... but a deep pity.

He had to ask again. "Carson, you've never seen her?"

"Naw, mate. Why? What's happening?"

"Nothing... I just..." Reese looks back at the girl again. "I don't think she's trouble."

"She could be an innocent bystander they snatched. Or, she could be an Agency baby too."

"A what?"

"Like Gage. Born and bred Agency and totally clueless."

"Alright. In the meantime, I'm heading down forty-seven, ready to exit and swing back around in your direction. Dalton, keep an eye on the satellite and make sure no one is following me. I want to be close in case Jason and Scott can't make it to the other van." He pauses as he concentrates on driving. "Jason? Scott? What's your twenty?"


Reese waits, not knowing if they hadn't heard him, or were unable to make sound.

Jason and Scott get back upstairs and head through the room. As untrained in the field as he was, Scott leads the way, his gun drawn. Moving stealthily across the floor, he unlocks the door and checks down both ends of the hall. To their right, shadows move and voices could be heard. It was Rod with the others.

"Move!" Scott hisses, shoving Jason ahead of him in the opposite direction.

Jason doesn't need to be told twice. He holds Katie close as he walks as fast as he can without jostling her too much, and without making too much noise. Her head rested on his shoulder, and he tried to keep his emotions in check. She'd never felt so lifeless.
Hang on, Katie... hang on... just a little further.
His words seemed to whisper through his emotions. He was getting closer to being rid of the hindrance of the antidote.

Scott moves along behind him, sideways, continuing to sweep the area with his eyes and gun. Not only did he feel the terror, but he had limited peripheral vision with his blind eye. He hears Reese conversing about their own captive, then hears the question. But there was no time to answer. They couldn't risk being spotted.

The shadows at the other end of the hall near. He and Jason get to the door and glance outside. The two guards were still there. Scott looks to Jason, his eyes wide with a fear. What were they supposed to do?

Jason grits his teeth, looking to his friend grimly. Keeping Katie close, he manages to pull his gun out of its holster and hand it to Scott so he had two.

Scott looks at them, then back up. He knew what he had to do. He looks down the hall. Any second, the others would round the corner. Quicker than he'd ever done, he drops to one knee and grabs two silencers from his bag, attaching them to the end of the handguns. Back on his feet, he takes a deep breath. He would go first. For Katie.

The door flies open. The two guards whirl around, their rifles poised and ready. But they were taken by surprise, and both hesitate, not realizing at first that the man coming outside was not one of their own. It was just enough time for Scott to react.

Both arms extend and aim the guns at the guards. Two shots are fired, muted by the silencers. One guard goes down, hit in the chest. He staggers and grabs for his rifle, but he's already too far gone.

The second bullet flies at the same time, but Scott's aim had been inches off, with his bad eye. The shot only grazes the second guard's shoulder, just enough to make him jump, but recoil with his rifle.

Scott whirls in his direction, ready to take another shot, but there would not be enough time. He would be shot first.

A distant crack echoes through the air and suddenly the guard gets a stunned look on his face. He lowers his rifle and looks down before dropping to his knees and finally falling face first into the dirt.

Scott's heart felt like it was going to explode as it pounded in his chest. He spins around to see the building a short distance away.

Con closes his eyes for a moment before setting his gaze through his rifle scope once more. "Guard on your flank. Get out of there."

Scott doesn't have enough time to thank Con for the help, and instead, he helps Jason down the two steps as they start to run for the trees.

Inside, Derek is being shoved ahead in the lead. As they near the hallway, he is the first within sight and can just see Scott slipping outside. He knew there would be gunfire, and Jason was still crouched with Katie, ready to bolt as soon as it was clear.

Derek's mind raced. Thinking quickly, he turns and trips, sprawling across the walkway. In turn, Jay trips over him, creating a heap that was hard to untangle with their hands still tied. Though getting shouted at, kicked and brutally yanked back to their feet, as Derek rounds the corner, it's just in time to see his son disappear and the door close. With a bloodied lip, he breathes a sigh of relief. No matter what happened now... Katie was out.

The three captives are pushed and ruthlessly shoved into a small room with a tiny barred window. After being patted down, they're left alone with a jeering remark about how they would be picked up later and Medridge would have his way with all of them.

The door slams hard and the sound of the lock being turned is sickening. All grows quiet. Derek and Jay look to Phinox as their only hope.

Back outside, Jason and Scott continue their run for the trees. But out of nowhere, another guard appears. "Freeze!" He fires a warning shot in the air.

Scott spins on his heel, takes aim and fires. The guard goes down. But their cover had been blown. They could hear shouts, and suddenly, a jeep was coming in their direction. They couldn't make it to the trees. The parking lot... it was their only hope. Turning, they run.

Reese's eyes widen as he hears all of the commotion. "Someone talk to me! What's going on?!"

"They're on the move!" Con tries to keep track of them through his scope. "Close call, three guards down, they're getting chased by a jeep. They're headed to the front, to the front. Reese, get back up there! Wyatt, Misty! High-tail it out. You've been spotted. Move!"

Carson is still on his stomach, when suddenly he sees more men appear. "This place is crawling, guys. We gotta get out of here now. Don't think, just move!" As he talks, he takes his own advice, rolling out from the grass and sprinting towards a shed to get closer but still shielded. Shots are fired.

Ryder bolts in the opposite direction. "Laura, where are you?"

"On the roof."

Ryder looks up. Sure enough, Laura was on the lower level roof of the building, trying to pick off some of the Agency's men. Ryder makes it to a junker vehicle, nearer to Nate. "Nate, buddy, where are you? We could use a little help here!"

Jason and Scott continue their pace, ducking low as bullets whiz by their heads. There was a sudden shouting and chaos all around them. Men to their right. Movement to their left. The front was blocked. Jason skids to a halt. Katie was still held protectively in his arms and he pulls her even closer to his chest, the tears stinging his eyes. "Medridge, you coward!" His angry shout brings a strange pause to the battle.

Scott stands with his back against Jason's, his guns still drawn, but his options limited. Blood trickled from his shoulder.

Reese is trying to make it back with the van, but knows if he gets too close, he'll be caught in the crossfire, then they wouldn't be able to get back out with the van again. "Con, what's happening? What's going on?"

"They're cornered. Repeate, they're cornered. Everyone, we're going to have to pick off the outter circle, but one wrong move and our three are dead. Choose wisely." He growls as he moves across the roof to a new position. "I can't get a clear shot. Wait... ok." He peers through his scope. "Scott's been hit. Repeat, Scott's been hit."

"How bad?"

"He's on his feet. Come on guys, think. We need a plan and we need it now. Nate, Ryder, Laura - you three have not been spotted. Act fast, act smart, sooner the better. They're closing in to take Jason and Scott captives."

Hearing everything that was going on, Wyatt's heart races. He throws the van in gear and shoves the gas pedal to the floor. Bumping through the grass and the dirt road, he spins the vehicle around, cutting wide to circle around. He makes sure Misty is still hanging on before whipping around the other way to avoid being sideswiped by the enemy jeep. Reaching back, he hands Misty a gun. "Take 'em out," he orders.


Getting throw into the back of the van the girl dont say much. She gave a grunt here and there, but her eyes held an empty look. Who would know what was going through her mind, and who new who she was.

Hearing about the surgary She looks to Reese and in a whisper finally talks.

"There was no surgary. I've always looked like this. To be honest I am not even sure I know whats going on. All the guns and threats though sure can make a person do what they are off.

Something seemed wrong, something seemed...off.

In a dream world away from the living, a body keeps itself cut off from the mind to shield itself. Sitting on deaths door steps away, but trying to hold on..the time drags on...

As the masheens go off and the nurses come in Alice gets lost in the hussles as she finde her way to the window again. Her eyes wide, and the color turns red from the tears that formed in them.

Everything was happing so fast, and Alice felt so lost. Her mind playing there own tricks on her playing in and out of what was real and what wasnt.

Hunter's question going unanswered for a moment as she continues to look at the soft rain that was coming down hitting the pain. Her soft sobs filling the room.

Finally turning she looks at Hunter as her arms hug herself.

"I..I dont know what happend he was fine....he was fine and than...I dont know what happend to him."

Turning back to the window Alice looks again again she she closes her eyes and rests her head aganst the pain her silent prayer going out.

I hate doctors

The rest of Break Out comes and goes as well, wandering the room and the halls, just waiting. Chloe and Hunter hang out in the room the most, though really there isn't much to be done. Despite the doctor's assurance that Kyle would be okay, the worry still ran deep.

By the afternoon, some of the team had returned to the hotel, while some had stayed. Hunter sat in the waiting area, Chloe walked the halls, and Jordan paced. It was quiet... nerve-wracking... tense.

Kyle has been sleeping without a sound for hours. But suddenly he seems to give a start. His eyes open just to roll back in his head and he starts to shake, his face growing hot as sweat forms. One of the machines starts to beep, and immediately several nurses and a doctor appear.

Quickly coming into the room, they ignore Alice, walking around her and going straight to Kyle. Their words all mixed together, something about heartrate, breathing, shock and a reaction.

Seeing the new commotion, Hunter slides into the room. "What's going on? What happened?"

One of the nurses pushes him out of the way. "He's had a reaction to the antibiotics."

"Well what-" Hunter can't even ask as Kyle is taken from the room without the courtesy of an explanation. He slams his palm into the wall in frustration, keeping himself from yelling at the doctor for keeping them in the dark. Spinning around, he realizes that Alice had been caught in the new mess. "What happened?"

A million and one thoughts race through Reese's mind as he lets his three men go, taking the young woman into his own custody. Also not trusting anyone, he backs up, pulling the girl along with him. He doesn't want to turn his back on Derek, Jay and Phinox, but he knows he must. Otherwise, they would be killed on the spot.

Turning, he opens the van door again and shoves the girl inside, just out of sight of the thugs. Moving so no one else could see him, he yanks the girl to the side and in one motion, has her cuffed to an inside rail. A gun is suddenly in his hand, cocked and pointed to her throat.

"You make one wrong move," he hisses, "and you're dead. Got it?"

Shutting the door, he moves nonchalantly but quickly to the driver's side again, starts the engine and turns around. As they're pulling away, he makes sure communication is still clear, while keeping one eye on the newcomer. "I've got the decoy. Repeat, decoy in custody. They did a good job with making her look like Katie, I'll give 'em that."

"I bet Medrige has some plastic surgeons working for him," Con muses. "How'd you like to be changed into somebody else just to fail the mission?"

Reese gets back on track. "Scott, give me a report."

No answer.


Jason's voice answers. "He took off his mic. to concentrate. We've got one minute to go."


"Rod's moving the three inside. They're cautious but unsuspecting."


"Still here. We're ready and waiting."

"Ryder and Carson?"

It's Ryder who answers. "Don't know the sheila. The goon with Rod is an idiot with attitude, but an idiot nonetheless. No one's spotted us. We're still here and stable."


Jay and Derek follow along with Phinox, tripping every once in a while as they're shoved. Both men are incredibly nervous, but trying to hold themselves together. They knew that once they reached a room to be held in, that they would have to start planning their escape.

Scott clips the last wire. The light goes off. The cap doesn't blow. He lets out the breath he'd been holding and looks up at Jason with a slight nod.

Donning his mic again, he then unties Katie's wrists, as gently as possible, seeing that the ropes had rubbed her raw. The bomb was disarmed.

"Bomb disarmed," Jason informs the team. "Repeat, Bomb is disarmed. We're heading out. Con, what's it look like?"

"Outside perimeter we got two guys in the back where you went in. Watch your step. Rod heading in with a thug and our three."

"Got it." Jason bends over and tenderly lifts Katie into his arms. Having her so close to him had never felt better, but it was filled with a sickening worry. She had not yet woken, though he was just beginning to feel a trickle of emotions.

He nods to Scott to take the lead this time. His arms were full... Scott needed to be their eyes.

Scott slings his backpack over his shoulder and takes his gun. His hand trembles again just a little as they ascend the stairs quietly.