
Epie pen

Giving a scoff Rod continues to walk slinking down in his chair. He hated being here, and he hated he was put on this case with these two numb skulls. If it hadnt been for his skills at tourcher he wouldnt be here.

"Just do your job like I tell you to, and I will talk with Barker."

Picking up the phone Rod dials a number waiting for someone to pick up on the other end. Twirling a knife on the desk.

"Yo its Rod, they found the package and have tuned in. Yeah, probley for about a half hour or so. Yeah ok, ok. Bye."

Nate continues to watch running a hand over his face. He didnt know what to do, he didnt know what to do anymore or how to feel. He was so messed up inside and he wanted to break things, he wasnt to scream, he even wanted to cry.

"Oh Katie, hang in there please, we are going to get you out."

Checking over Alec quickly Misty comes over to Jason laying a hand on his arm for a moment. Than going back to the counter she moves around and gets a saringe before going back to Jason and Rick.

"Do we know if it will be this long before it will happen again or will it always be spratice? Maybe we can make something like an epie pen for him to carry?!"

Still staying quiet Phinox stands aganst the wall watching Reiker. Studying him he is quiet for a long while. Moving around the table Phinox leans on it looks there prisoner in the eye.

"Why did you atack Katie's house after we...you already had her? I wany answers about what u know and I want them now."


Gage looks up from the desk as Rod comes back into the makeshift office. He already had one black eye from this morning's argument with Barker, who was in charge of this operation. Apparently, Gage had been negligent in more than one area.

He scowls at Rod. "Either I keep up the regular checks so that doesn't happen, or I stay up here the whole time. I keep getting stuck in the middle, and I'm tired of taking the heat for things that go wrong." He knew that Medridge would have their hides if Katie died at this point. They still needed her.

Gage stands up, checking his watch. "Just let me handle the schedule alright? Keep Barker off my back and I'll take care of the girl."

Reese and Scott watch the video, appalled at what they saw, but completely helpless. They agreed with Nate that probably Katie was suffering, as Jason was, without the injections.

"They were prepared," Reese comments. "Which means they know good and well about Jason and Katie's abilities. Jase said someone in Australia knew, but I didn't think it had gone this far. They obviously have a formula like we do."

A Nate's instruction, Scott takes the printouts from him. He swallows hard, looking at them for a moment, then glancing back to the monitor then to Nate. His eyes said it all. He was reliving a portion of his own terror - only this time it was through Katie. All he can manage is a slight nod before turning and heading back to his own office. He wanted to stay... to make sure he knew what was happening with Katie... but he had to help with the work. It was the only way to help Katie.

Reese sighs deeply, running a hand over his face. "I wouldn't wish this job on anyone. But you're right. Somebody's got to keep a constant eye on this. Any little detail might give us a breakthrough." Thinking a moment, he nods. "I'll be right back." Spinning around, he heads quickly for the hall. "Ryder, come with me."

Rick looks at Sapphire gratefully. "Thanks... and yeah, let's get him to the infirmary. He overexerted himself before I could give him the antidote. Seeing Katie there didn't help any," he adds grimly.

Arriving in the infirmary, Rick manages, with Sapphire's help, to get Jason to the table, lying down. Alec was still occupying the bed, still in a drugged sleep.

Panting, Rick gives Sapphire the "ok" to go, then looks to Misty. "Help me out here, will you? We need to revive him, but I'm afraid of what state he'll be in when he wakes up. Prep a sedative just in case."

Keeping Reiker in handcuffs, Carson assists Phinox in getting him to the interrogation room, shoving him down in the metal chair. "Sit," he orders sternly.

"I want a lawyer!" Reiker complains.

"What for? You're already before the judge and jurry," Carson hisses. "You better think long and hard about talking because this jurry is prone to finding people like you guilty, and the judge is partial to the death sentence."

He lets the threat hang in the air before exiting the room with Phinox and shutting the door behind them. "I've never seen him before," he muses. "I wonder if he's new or just a peon." He quirks an eyebrow at Phinox. "Speaking of which... who are you?" Carson's eyes roam Phinox's face, proving that he thought there was something familiar about him.

There wasn't enough time though - they're interrupted by Reese. "Carson."


"I want you set up at Katie's desk to watch the feed."


"I want you to watch it without blinking," Reese directs. "If you have to get up, you find a replacement until you get back. You're allowed three minutes when necessary."

Carson's eyes widen slightly. The last thing he wanted to watch was his young friend tortured. But someone had to. And he knew why Reese had chosen him."I..." He swallows hard before straightening. His eyes glaze over with a hardened look that was rarely seen in him anymore. "I'm on it."

"Good. Take a notepad." Reese turns to Ryder. "You're free to interrogate our prisoner. Phinox, woud you assist?"

Trooper gives a short woof as if not liking being left out.

Reese frowns at him. "And you belong in your master's office. Get!"

Instead of obeying, Trooper heads around to sit down at Ryder's left side. Ryder looks at him curiously. "He can stay. We might be able to use him."

Carson makes his way to Nate's cubicle, his face free of emotion. "Nate - I need that web address."


Continuing to try and look at things around her Katie trys to move her hands as well. She felt so weak at the moment, and helpless. Not a feeling she often felt, and she hated it. Finally after not being able to make anything out and feeling almost drained with a headack forming Katie trys to relax just a little letting her head hang. The headack coming on hurt, like when Jason had blocked his emotions from her. It only made Katie think about how Jason and gone and put even more a damper on her emotion.

Than with such a great force a gateway was open and like hit with a tone of bricks Katie cant feel the emotion flow all at once. Letting out a scream from the pain Katie trys her best to controll it as the feeling of her name being called serges through her. Gasping she manages to calling back.


But as quick as the emotions had come they are gone, and though riddled with another pain of being shut off from Jason once again Katie new Jason was alive, somehow they had found a way as well to keep Jason alive and he was out there...looking for her.

Gasping now for her own air the pain courses through Katie's body, like a dog dieing of thirst Katie's mouth went dry and her insides felt like they were on fire.

Continuing to watch the screen Rick's words go unnoticed. Taking note to the movement trying to figure what was going on with Katie.

"Could she be feeling Jason? Maybe whatever they are giving her is wairing off too it looks like she is in a great deal of pain like we have seen before when Jason shut Katie out."

Continuing to watch Nate grew more antsy and ass more anger boiled inside him and a quick fear that if someone didnt do something Katie herself would die.

Seeing a beam of light off in the courner and seeing another figure Nate is almost releaved hoping this person good or bad was there in inject Katie again.

Coming down the step Rod mumbals under his breath having hurd Katie screams. Walking over to her he examines her for a moment concluding to what was going on. Turning away from Katie he gives a sharp pearcing yell.


Going over to a counter behind Katie he takes a needle and a small bottle injecting the needle into it. Than moving over to Katie again Rod bends down to look for her vain and injects her again. Standing he watchs her closley as her body begines to relax and he knows the drug is working.

Turning to the video camra He gives a devilish grin seeing the light on and knowing that ment someone had tuned in. Giving a salute he move away once again heading back up the steps.

"Gage, you need to be more carfel and keep a closer eye on the girl. The meds wore off and it could of been a bad slip up."

Continuing to watch Nate trys to read the lips of what the man was saying. There was no sound so it was all they had. Thinking fast Nate press a few keys on his keybored as the printer prints out a snapshot of the guy along with Katie on the pole. Taking it and holding it for a moment he finally turns back to Scott.

"See if you can run this thought the computer and get an idea on this guy, something...we need to find Katie this had become a bigger issue than we though."

Turning to Reese Nate's eyes show his own emotions that had grown. This had been taken to the next step.

"Its going to be hard but I want someone watching this 24/7. If anything else happens we need to know about it, if they slip up at all we need to know about it."

Hearing Rick's yell and not seeing anyone else come to help Sapphire stands from her desk and quickly makes her way over to Jason and Rick. Quickly throwing Jason's other arm over her shoulder she does her best to help hold Jason up. Being on the shorter side she find it hard but does her best anyways.

"Are we taking him to the infermary?"

Sapphire follows Rick's lead not use to helping in this way but new at this time she had to.

A little help

Reaching TJY, Jason is trying to keep his eyes open, while at the same time, trying to breathe. They were there... just a little farther... He almost passes out before Phinox makes it to his door, helping him out of the truck.

Though not all that much earlier he'd done everything but want Phinox's help, right now he accepted it, leaning heavily on Phinox's shoulder to keep him from falling as his knees buckled.

Reiker complains under his breath as he's pushed and pulled, but he knows better than to fight too much.

Trooper stares at Phinox for a moment and cocks his head at the whistle. Finally making up his mind, he gives a little growl as if unsatisfied with the situation, and jumps down out of the truck. With Jason so close, he makes no move to defend or attack, and simply follows along behind, keeping a watchful eye on everything.

As the threesome makes it inside, they're met by Carson, who aims for the prisoner, and Rick, prepared for Jason already with a syringe in hand.

Meeting halfway across the main floor, Rick helps ease Jason away from Phinox. "You look terrible."

Jason manages a smirk. "Thanks a lot." He wheezes, putting a hand to his chest.

Rick has to reach out to help steady him. "Easy, easy does it."

Carson glares at Reiker, not recognizing him, but not needing to. His eyes drift to Phinox and his gaze narrows a little, suspicious of anyone new. "Follow me," he directs. "We'll take him to the interrogation room, then have Ryder come in."

Heading for the hall, Carson leads the way, while Trooper brings up the rear, surprisingly not staying with Jason, but following the the prisoner instead as if thinking it his duty to escort Phinox with their catch.

Scott remains in Nate's cubicle, his face still pale, his jaw clenched tightly. He couldn't take his eyes off the computer screen.

Ryder sucks in his breath as he sees the live footage as well, and for a moment, Nate's words to him go unregistered. "Wha... yeah... yeah, I'll be right back." Trying to stay focused, he takes off to find Reese. He didn't bother trying to call his desk - last he knew the line had been tied up.

Within minutes, he's returned. Reese stops short, staring at the screen. "Oh no..." His words are breathed out with a despairing worry. "Tell me that's not what it looks like."

"It's a live feed," Scott confirms grimly.

"But she's alive."

"Yeah..." Scott swallows hard. "She is..."

Jason's head throbs and the room spins. He barely feels Rick rolling up his sleeve, preparing him for the shot. Blinking, he squints a few cubicles down where something seemed to be going on. "Whats... what's happening?"

Rick tries to hold Jason's arm still. "I think they found something."

Jason automatically takes a step forward. "I want..."

"Hold still!" Rick orders, trying to hold him back as the needle slips.

"I want to see," Jason wheezes, making it a few steps closer to the cubicle.

Rick fights against him, looking for an opening to administer the shot. "Just... wait a moment. Jase, would you please... you need this."

Jason struggles, not thinking straight. If they had found anything on Katie, he wanted to know. He didn't care about the shot. Gaining a few extra feet, he has to hang onto the nearest cubicle wall to support himself, though his strength lessens.

Rick frowns at him. "Hold still for one minute before..."

Jason doesn't even hear his words. His eyes had locked onto Nate's computer screen from several feet away. Even at a short distance, he could see what it was, and it turned his stomach to knots. Stunned, he just stares. The free emotions built up inside of him, bubbling and churning. The pressure rose inside of him.

Dizziness tries to take over, and the room starts to go black. Hated tears sting Jason's eyes as he doesn't dare blink, lest he miss something. Though it would do no good, his emotions combine into a surge of energy. But with nowhere to go, the effort it took would only injure the host as the emotions would be catapulted back to him.


The prick to Jason's arm goes unnoticed as his eyes roll back in his head. Rick is quick about giving the shot, but it's not soon enough. He grasps at Jason, keeping him from collapsing to the floor. "Jason... Jase..." He stumbles, losing his grip as he calls out loudly. "A little help over here!"