
Lunch for all

*Katie's attachen goes to Scott as he sneezes and his eyes. Katie new what was happing. As Domino starts to bark at Henry Katie turns the blankets back and swings her legs around Trying to stand to get Henry but stops as Domino barks again and Henry takes off. Siting back down Katie shakes her head alittle.*

"Sorry Scotty. At least I know now for next time though to keep Henry away. I have some allergy medicen in the bathroom is you need any."

*Katie slowly stands again at Scotts offer for something to eat. Walking slowly over to her closet she picks out some clothing. Turning around she heads tword the bed room door.*

"Gives me 15 min to shower and clean up and we can go together. I think I would like that."

*Katie smiles and reaches for the remote to the tv and throws it to Scott.*

"Make you self at home. This is like me own little apartment."

*Katie smiles and exits the room closing the door so Henry doent find his way back into the room.*

*Misty smiles at Carson as she gives his arm a hug as they walk back to the main floor.*

"Lets see...tonight tonight tonight..."

*Misty flashes Carson a saucy smile.*

"I think I am busy...I cant remember but I think my hot Austrailen boyfriend is taking me somewhere. If you wanna fight him for me, be my guest. But I think he would win."

*Misty stands on tiptoes and gives Carson a quick kiss as a giggle escapse her lips. How good it was to be home.*

*As Nate walks with Laura's hand in his out the door he smiles. Now that Laura accepted him Nate was going to let her lead. He would be himself and have alittle edge, but he wouldent only go as fast as Laura wanted and he would be happy. Opening Laura's door Nate smiles before shuting it.*

"So...I get to stop fighting to pay for you food and can just do it now right?"

*Nate smerks shuting the door and sliding in the driverside next to her.*

"Lets go to Mom and Pop's. At this time of day they shouldent be to busy"

*Nate pulls out of TJY and heads down the road. Before to long Nate enters Mom and Pop's Laura's hand in his. Stoping Nate looks around for a good place to sit. Seeing Wyatt Nate smiles and gives alittle wave. As his eyes still scan they fall to rest on Con and Jamie. Nate cant help but feel a bit of a chill but knows there is something he needs to talk to Con about anyways. But should he walk up to him first or wait. Nate continplates in his mind. Should he even bother him when he is with Jamie?*

*Jamie smiles as Con slips in across from her. A pizza and breadstix were waiting on the table as steam rolls off them it is clear is hadent been long there. Standing alittle Jamie leans over the table avoiding the foor and gives Con a kiss returning to her seat.*

"Hey Hun. My day is going pritty good. Quiet, Misty is home now. It was good seeing her."

*Jamie gives herself and Con a slice of pizza and some breadstick as her mom walks over giving Jamie a refill and Con something to drink. Stoping for a moment to talk but hurrying away as its a busy day.*

"Oh ya, Reese is calling a meeting in the rec room tomarrow. Something heavy about TJY. I can tell but how he informed us. He new I was coming to see you for lunch as asked me to let you know he wanted you there tomarrow as well. So if You can get off work that would be great, and I think its really important to Reese you do."

*Jamie takes a bit of her pizza and turns her head as the bell on the door opens as Nate and Laura walk in.*

*Finally making it to the auto shop Aerith gets her car and pays. Pulling out of the shop she makes a left and just drives. Make turns here and there Aerith finally relizes once again she is lost. Pulling into the parking lot of a small restront. Figuring she could ask for directions inside her tummy grumbles. She was a bit hungry ontop of it. Geting out of her car she locks the doors and heads inside. As she enters she eyes rest on Wyatt. Today she looked alittle bit better than yesterday. She hair was combed straght and not fizzed all over. She was dressed a bit nicer too. Giving alittle smile and wave Aerith heads to the front counter and sits down not going over to Wyatt and intruding on his space.

When Mable comes over Aerith orders a cheery coke, and slice of mushroom pizza.*


Scott's eyes widen as Henry enters the room. He hadn't known Laura and Katie had a cat. He watches Henry sniff around and get up on the bed, but as soon a he's close, Scott's eyes start to water.

Domino looks around at Henry and sniffs, but doesn't seem to care much about the cat, and turns back to Katie, begging for more petting.

Scott's nose starts to itch, his eyes beginning to burn and he stands up, not knowing whether he should take the cat out or leave the room himself. He stifles a sneeze and Domino looks at him as if wondering what on earth his problem was. Sneezing again, Scott's eyes start to get red and he takes his glasses off, wiping the tears from his eyes.

Domino takes in the scene and as if knowing now what was happening, she gets up and gives a short "ruff" to Henry, whose hair is still on end, his tail puffed up three times as big as normal. He lets out another hiss, but Domino doesn't care, and gives a little bark again, and jumps toward Henry to scare him off the bed.

With a growl, Henry retreats and hops to the floor, throwing one last glare to he bed before trotting out of the room and heading for Laura's bed instead.

Scott blinks and wipes his eyes again, looking back at Katie. "Sorry," he apologizes. "I didn't realize you had a cat. I can handle cat hair around the house, but bring one close and my allergies go nuts."

Domino goes the doorway and seeing that her job was successful, she jumps back up on the bed to claim back the warm spot by Katie.

Scott shakes his head with slight amusement. "Well, Katie, you look right perky at the moment. Lunch is going to be in a while..." He looks at her, unsure if she'd want an invitation or not...after the evening before, he just wasn't quite sure about anything between them at the moment. But he didn't want to just ignore the fact that it was time for a mid-day meal. "I can go out and pick something up for you if you want..."

Reese looks up as Misty and Carson enter, and immediately stands from his desk. "Oh, Misty." He envelops her in a big hug. "My word....I can't tell you how good it is to see you." He stands back just to look at her. "I can't thank God enough for bringing you back."

His eyes drift to Carson. "Thanks for going."

Carson feels a little awkward... he'd received a nod from Nate, a thanks from Reese...had he really done something right for once?

After giving the two a briefing about what's been happening, Reese informs them that tomorrow there will be a TJY-wide meeting downstairs in the rec room, regarding the future. In the meantime, they're free to get settled, do work, or whatever.

Carson stifles a yawn as they exit the office, and looks to Misty. "Well...I really need to go down to that apartment complex and see if they've got one vacant...Wyatt thinks they might even still have my old one available. You got plans for tonight?"

Laura gets up from her desk and picks up her purse, finding herself giving Nate a small smile. "I'm ready..." As she exits her cubicle, she slips her hand into Nate's for the stroll to the door.

Con answers his phone and is just a little hard to hear over the sound of the forklift in the background. "Yeah...I got to be here twenty more minutes, but I'll meet you down at Mom and Pop's. Go ahead and order if you want, you know what I like."

It takes him a little longer than twenty minutes, but Con is finally able to leave work, and hurries to the restaurant. Finding Jamie at their regular booth, he leans down to give her a kiss, then slides in the seat across from her. "Hey...how's your day going?"

Wyatt looks up from the table at the front window and sees Con and Jamie, giving them a little wave. It wasn't unusual to be here at the same time, though they didn't normally eat together. Today was Wyatt's pizza day and he was enjoying two thick pieces by himself, taking his time before he had to get back to work.

We are back

*Katie cant help but let out a genuine laugh as Domino and Scott perform there tricks. Finding the strength to sit up more Katie props her pillows aganst the wall and leans back giving short claps as Domino starts to get Dizzy. Once they are done and Domino jumps up on the bed and starts to lick her Katie cant help but squeel with laughter again. Katie heart and shoulders deffintly felt lighter. As the laughing continues. Finally Domino stops and Katie pets her chin and ears.

Henry makes his way into Katie's room and he hears voices. Sniffing Scott's feet for a moment he wonders who this newcomer was. Jumping up on the bed Henry stops dead in his tracks seeing the dog. Henry's back arches and his fer puffs up as Henry lets out a hiss saying he is non to happy Domino is on the bed.

Katie looks at Henry for a moment and pats the bed next to her.*

"Come here you silly goose. I havent forgoten about you. There is enough room for both of you in my heart.*

*Katie smiles at Henry again and than looks to Domino. Still pating the bed for Henry to come over.

Slowly Henry backs away his back still arched and his fer puffed out as he eyes Domino waiting to see what will happen next.*

*Misty smiles at Carson stealing another quick kiss as she enters TJY. Giving a small wave around the main floor and greeting those that were there. Misty was nervouse but new where her next stop was. Making her was to Reese's office Misty nods at Susanne and opens her uncles door. She felt wierd. It must be stange seeig someone you though was dead. Entering Misty gives alittle smile.*

"Hi Uncle Reese."

*Nate smiles as He see Misty and gives alittle wave. Seeing Carson with her and the look on both there faces he nods to him as if saying see ya did good. Nate felt good knowing Misty was back. It was lonly with out her and less than quiet. Just seeing Carson without her a well was like see a lake without water.

Finishing up his work Nate stands shuts off his computer grabing his keys and his sun glasses he walks over to Laura's desk.*

"I'm set if you are so we can grab that lunch now."

*Aerith exits her grandmothers house leting her know she would be back soon. Heading down the road Aerith follows the instructions that the auto shop had given her. They had goten her car that morning and changed the tires already. Aerith hadent been there more than 24 hours yet and her grandmother was already driving her up the wall about everything. She dident dress right, her hair wasent right, when was she going to go back to NYC, when this when that. Aerith was happy when the shop called.

Geting to the shop finally Aerith waits for her car in the little waiting room continplating what she would do next. She new she dident want to go home. Maybe she would find herway around town alittle bit, get lost again and who knows find something to do.*

*As Jamie heads out of TJY and gets into her car she pulls out her cell phone and calls Con.*

"Hey you...we still on for lunch?"

*Jamie pulls out of the TJY parting lot and heads down the road.*


Scott grins a little at Katie's comment to Domino, then shakes his head. "Don't thank me. I needed to get out of the office anyway."

Suddenly, his cellphone rings on his belt, the ringtone a classical Mozart piece. Rolling his eyes, he answers it. "Yeah? Oh, hi...no...it's what? ....Okay, well quit the program and restart the computer. Right....well force quit it....yeah...just restart the whole thing and see if that works out the kink. Alright...yeah, bye."

Hanging up, Scott throws a grimace at Katie. "They follow me everywhere, I tell ya."

Domino gives a little yip as if agreeing.

Scott raises his eyebrow. "Oh really?"

Domino wiggles with excitement again and stands up to crawl to Scott, licking his hand. "What's that?" Scott leans down closer to her. "Okay...I'll let you, but you better be on your best behavior." He points to the floor.

Needing nothing more than that, Domino obediently hops off the bed, turns around and sits, waiting further instructions. Scott cocks his head at her. "Why don't you tell Katie how old you are?"

Domino gives two short barks.

"Hey, now, you forgot you had a birthday last week."

The dog cocks her head as if confused, then barks three times.

"Ah, that's right. Now, show Katie what happens when you ride the merry-go-round at the park." Scott lifts his finger and twirls it in the air above the dog.

Domino starts to spin around in fast little circles, finally stopping and sprawling out on the floor as if too dizzy to go on.

Scott grins. "Quick! There's a fire in the house!"

Domino shoots back up and grabs Scott's pantleg in her teeth, trying to pull him to the door.

"Oops, false alarm."

Domino stops and growls.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry. Truce?" Scott holds out his hand.

The little dog sits and offers her paw, accepting the handshake.

Scott lets her go, then sighs then nods to the bed. "Okay. Quit showing off and go tell Katie you hope she feels better."

Domino jumps back up on the bed and crawls over the blanket, her stubby tail wagging again. She goes up to Katie's face and licks her several times.

"Alright, don't get carried away," Scott chides.

Domino backs off a little bit, but stares at Katie, daring her to pet her again.

Carson leads the way to the door at TJY and stops, taking a deep breath. "Well, Sassy, it's home sweet home. There's some people here who are going to be mighty glad to see you." He opens the door for her. "After you."

What is this?

*Nate smiles at Laura and thinks for a moment.*

“Well…let me see….”

*Nate turns for a moment looking at a calendar. Than slowly back to Laura not being able to help the smile that crossed his face.*

“Well it looks like I’m free. Lunch sounds great.”

*Nate smile as Laura. He new she was trying and he would still be pashent, waiting for when she was ready. No he wouldent give up, he would be there for her always. Turning back around Nate goes back to his work to finish up before lunch.*

*Katie nods at Con and gives him alittle wave.*

"Dont worry to much big brother. I'm in good hands. And tell that mean boss of yours to get a life."

*Katie cant help but let forth a wery smile. After Con leave she turns her attachen back to Scott and Domino. Gently peting Domino's soft fer.*

"Its ok, I like the company I have right now."

*Katie looks down at Domino her voice still soft and low.*

"Yes are you a cute puppy."

*Katie cocks her head on the pillow and laughs.*

"You know say, ya your master isent that bad eather."

*Katie looks up at Scott. She was feeling better already and it was strange. When her eyes had been closed she saw a light than Scott was there, her body started to relax and the horrable feelings she was having were starting to vanish. Was is Scott himdelf that chased away her fears? Katie searches his eyes for a moment. What was it about Scott, was someone trying to tell her something?*

"Thank you Scott. For coming to see me. It means alot."


As Laura's head is tilted upward and she sees Nate's eyes...feels his hand on her face...a warm tingle spreads through her.

Hearing his promise again, and feeling his kiss on her forehead, she finally manages a little smile. Straightening up, though still on his lap, she looks down and sighs. "I need to get back to work... Thanks, Nate... It...you...you mean a lot to me." She slides off his lap and starts back across the floor, but turns one more time, her eyes full of timidity. "You wouldn't...want to have lunch with me today?"

Scott smiles a little, glad to see Katie halfway alert, and finding her nickname for him amusing. She was the only one who ever called him that.

Domino wiggles her stub of a tail, her body wriggling under Katie's hand as she gets a little excited for the attention. She rolls over on her back and stares at Katie's face upside down, her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth and one paw waving in the air. Her antics seem to say "Come on, you know you want to pet me more because I'm so cute."

Scott chuckles a little and finally approaches the bed to sit down on the edge and responds to Katie's greeting. "Hey, Katie." He cocks his head. "How ya doing?"

Con pokes his head in the room for just a moment. "Everything okay?"

Scott looks up and nods. "I can stay a while if you want."

Con is tempted...if Scott stayed, he'd feel better about going to work. "Well, I don't want to..."

Scott quirks an eyebrow, interrupting him. "I offered." He pushes up his glasses. "I'll watch her for you."


"I know you have to go to work," Scott reminds. "And besides, I don't want to go back to TJY just to fix another computer."

Sighing, Con relents. "Okay. But if anything changes, call the lumberyard, alright?"

"You got it." Scott watches Con leave, then turns back to Katie, reaching out to scratch Domino's belly. "Looks like you got company for a while as long as you don't mind it."

A Light

*Katie again looks up at Con who is standing the in doorway.*

"Con..please..you need to go to work I dont want you to lose you job cuz of me."

*Katie's mind races not being able to land on one single thing. Her mind was in tourcher as it acked to hold Jason, to slap the crap oput of him and tell him to snap out of it. Katie just wanted to be rid of the pain that was held inside.*

*A small smile corss Nate face as Laura talks, yet a certin look of sympithy and compastion was in his eyes. Laura was having a hard time with this and Nate new that. Was he upset with Laura, No he wasent is was that simple and though he was upset with Con, Nate couldent blame him. He too would probley be the same way with Maggie. Nate holds Laura for a long moment as she talks just offering her the comfort she needed as he feels her tremble. As Her hand touches Nate's face for a moment he closes his eyes just taking in her touch. It was so soft, so sweet. Opening his eyes he takes his finger and puts it under Laura's chin and puts alittle pressure on it making Laura look up at him. For along moment Nate searches Laura's eyes his emotions stairing back in his own. Moving his finger from her chin he brings it to the side of his face his thumb whiping away the tears.*

"I promise I wont give up on you Laura...No matter what I wont."

*Nate leans down and gives Laura a small kiss on the forhead.*

*As Katie's mind twists and turns her thoughts her body shakes. As Katie lays on the bed her mind in darkness a suddon flicker of light flashes. It was faint but it was there. For a moment the courners were lit. Katie can feel a presence enter her room. As Katie fell a wet toung on her hand Katie gives alittle jump. That wasent Henry's toung it was to big. Slowly opening her eyes Katie looks down as the small dog laying on her bed. Lifting her hand slowly Katie pats the dogs head and smiles. Not even need to look up she whispers as her body relaxes.*

"Hey Scotty."


Con eases down to sit on the bed next to Katie, and brushes some hair from her face, his worry taking over. "Yeah, it's me, little sister. You just lie still and rest." Taking care of Laura last night, and now Katie this morning was draining Con's energy fast, but he stays. He studies Katie for a long moment...if ever he'd seen a broken heart, this was pretty close, and it pained him.

Rising from the bed again, he goes out into the hall and dials another number. "Hey, Phil, it's Con. Look, can you tell Leonard I can't make it in to work today? No, I'm fine, I'm over at Katie's...she's not doing well this morning. I happened to be here with Laura earlier, so I just stayed..." He frowns. "Yeah, I know he won't be happy...." He'd been warned not to take a day off without notice, and his job could be on the line for his one, especially since it wasn't him that was sick. "Just tell him and...he can call me if he wants. Alright...thanks, Phil."

Fifteen minutes later, Con's phone rings. As he answers, he pulls the phone away from his ear as the shouting comes. He was being ordered to come in to work, or he wouldn't have to bother again. Hanging up, Con stands in Katie's doorway, his frustration building. Katie would be okay...he could call someone else to come in and check on her...but he didn't want to...

As Scott works with Reese's computer, his mind wanders back to Katie. Whether the two of them had anything between them or not, he still cared about her as a friend. Did her sudden illness have anything to do with Jason? The distraught look in her eye from yesterday comes back to him. He wanted to help...but would he just make things worse?

Turning Reese's computer back on, everything comes up as normal and he hands it back off to his boss. Returning to the floor, he scans the cubicles, conjuring up an excuse. He sticks his head back in Susanne's office. "Hey, I gotta go out and pick up my dry cleaning...I'll be back in a bit."


Scott heads to his own cubicle, grabs his keys and aims for the door.

Laura's tears finally slow down, and she releases her hold around Nate's neck, to curl up with her head still under his chin. She hadn't been scared of his touch until last night, and now she quaked just a little bit. But she was going to stay...her determination had to win. "I'm sorry too," she manages quietly. "I didn't mean..." She swallows hard. "It just..." How could she say that she had enjoyed his kiss, when it had at the same time scared her half to death? "I told Con to leave you alone," she finally explains. "He didn't know that I...that I care about you."

Her hand reaches up to rub the wet spot she'd created on Nate's shirt, and she feels his warmth again. "I...I didn't want to...to run away." She blinks back another tear. "Half of me saw you and wanted to stay, and half of me saw Bryce and wanted to get away no matter what. And...and I felt so stupid...and scared and....and then when Con came I just gave up. I didn't want to hurt you anymore, and..." She leaves her hand just resting on Nate's chest. "...And I was just so confused."

Laura sniffs and tries to relax. "When you....when you held me like that and...and kissed me..." Heat rises to her face and she's glad it's turned down so Nate couldn't see it. "...I panicked. I didn't want to...it just...happened so fast..." A new tear runs down her cheek. Thinking of how close Nate had been...how he'd held her...how he'd kissed her.... her hand starts trembling again.

Without lifting her head, she raises her hand, blindly finding his face and running her quivering fingers along his cheek. "Please say you still promise not to give up on me."

Scott knocks on the door, looking around to make sure he's at the right house. He doesn't think he'd ever been to Laura's house before, and knew at least he hadn't since Katie had come.

Con just happens to be at the right place to hear the knock, and goes to the door. Surprised, he raises his eyebrows at the visitor. "Scott...what are you doing here?"

Scott shrugs. "Domino heard Katie wasn't feeling so hot, and she insisted on me bringing her over here."

Con is a bit amused, though slightly confused. He hadn't known that Scott and Katie were that close of friends. "Well, I don't know if you'll get much response, but she's in her room down the hall. She's got a bit of a fever and she might be sleeping."

Hoping that his presence doesn't make things worse, Scott enters the house, keeping Domino on her leash. He heads down the hall, glancing around until he finds the half-open door. Knocking before entering, he looks in on Katie, and gives a little sigh, sorry to see her like this.

He bends down and takes Domino's leash off, and whispers something to her. The little dog trots over to the bed and jumps up onto the blankets, crawling up next to Katie and giving her hand a little lick before just lying still.

I'm sorry

*Katie gives alittle moan as Con picks her up. Feeling her head hit the soft pillow she turns her head trying to bring Con into focus.*

"Con is..that you."

*Katie shivers pulls the cover up ove her more. Katie trys to think about what could be wrong, she couldent have been poisoned she'd been with Scott all of yesterday, work and home. But this did feel more than a normal cold.*

"Con...I...think I'm ok. I just need sleep. I think its just my..."

*KAtie sucks in a sharp breath.*

"...just my emotions taking a toll on me. I havent been eating much or sleeping. I'm pritty sure its only that."

*Katie closes her eyes feeling the room spin. Katie trys to stay calm, trys to push everything away in her mind, trys to relax. It was gonna be ok, it was gonna be ok.*

*Jamie looks at Scott and nods.*

"I guess so. Thanks Scott."

*Jamie walks back to her desk not to worryed. Susanne said Con was with Katie so that ment she was going to be ok. Jamie felt sorry for poor Katie and even more for Jason. This time apart must be killing them both. They were so use to doing everything together and now they had to spend time alone. Jamie could understand why Katie would be feeling crappy.*

*As Nate hears a tap on the cubicle wall he turns and is a bit saprised to see Laura standing there. Nate wasent sure if she was going to yell at him for last night or not but the look on her face told him something differnt. Studing her for a moment Nate trys to prodict her actions. He felt more of a jerk for how he acted than upset with Laura. As Laura eases herself down on Nates lap and wraps her arms around him he is again a bit taken back. Not hesatating the little bit of anger Nate did have vanished wraping his arms tight but gently around Laura resting his head ontop of hers her holds her close offering her comfort, and protection as her tears come.*

"Laura, I'm so sorry."

*Nate takes one of his hands and rubs Laura's back not caring she was geting his shirt wet. He just lets her cry leting is all out.*

"shhh...its ok Laura. Its gonna be ok."


Con is just ready to leave Laura’s when movement catches his eye. He sees a weary Katie come into the kitchen, not even noticing him. Her actions were peculiar and she didn’t look well at all. Con furrows his brow with concern and sees her leave again.

Worried, Con opts not to leave yet, and follows her down the hall. Not embarrassed in the least to check in on her, he realizes that she’s gotten sick in the bathroom.

Ignoring any form of being proper, he goes to her, crouching down next to her. “Kat…” He lays a gentle hand to her forehead, noting how hot she was. Without even waiting for her response, he scoops her up in his arms and carries her to her bedroom where he sets her down in her bed again. Pulling the covers up over her, he reaches for his cell phone to call Reese.

Scott raises his eyebrows at Jamie. “No…I haven’t heard from her…not since last night.”

“Reese, you’ve got a call,” Susanne hollers to him. “It’s Con. He says Katie’s sick.”

Scott looks back to Jamie. “Well, there’s your answer.” He frowns, just a little worried. Katie hadn’t looked all that great yesterday…emotional stress could take anyone down pretty fast.

Laura can feel someone walk past her cubicle and she recognizes the sound of those footsteps. But they don’t stop. Sighing, she can’t concentrate on her work. It was the first time in a long time Nate hadn’t stopped to say good morning…he must be upset and it was all her fault. How long would she be able to stand this tension?

This morning she’d made up her mind…Con had helped her, and had promised to be there for her no matter what…and she needed to do this. She couldn’t let Nate be upset and she couldn’t let things keep going they way they had been. This wasn’t going to be easy…but she knew if she was going to find any peace at all, she had to do this.

Getting up from her desk, she walks across the floor, aiming for Nate’s desk. Her pace is a bit slow, and she can feel her hands start to tremble. Reaching his cubicle, she taps on the wall to get his attention, and when he turns to her, it takes all her strength not to look at the floor. He looked so tired…she was so mad that she kept hurting him.

Swallowing hard, Laura takes a couple steps forward, studying Nate, hoping that she hadn’t lost him for good. Throwing caution to the wind and acting completely on impulse, Laura doesn’t say a word, but moves closer and eases herself down sideways on Nate’s lap. She wraps her arms around his neck and buries her face in his chest as the tears start to flow again. “Hold me…”

Sick from emotions?

*As Nate enters TJY he stands in the empty elavator for a long momentas it was on the bottom floor. His own mind raced. For the first time in his life he was scaired to go into work. He dident want to have to face Laura. He was ashamed of himself for how he acted last night and for how he tryed to push Laura to fast. Nate shakes his head. Maybe he wasent any better than anyone alse, but he knows he royle messed up. Bringing a hand to his face Nate rubs it finally exiting the elavator and heading to his desk. His own eyes are bloodshot as it looked like he dident sleep much. Nate hurrys past Laura's desk opting not to stop and talk but continues to Reese office. Seeing if anything new was going on with Jason. Passing Katie's desk Nate relizes its empty again. Leting out a heavy sigh he keeps his walk to Reese.*

*Jamie looks up as she hears the elavator open. It was only Nate. Jamie was starting to feel a bit worryed. Katie wasent in yet and she hadent called nore was she answering her cell. Looking around Jamie see Reese with Scott. Standing She hurrys over to them clearing her though.*

"Scott you havent hurd from Katie at all have you? She hasent called, isent in and isent answering her cell this morning. I dident know if you hurd from her at all?"

*Katie toss and turns in bed as the sweat poured from her head. Opening her eyes alittle she stairs around the fuzzy room. She felt like crap. How could she have goten so sick so fast. slowly trying to get out of bed Katie stands and makes her way to the kitchen grabing some OJ. Taking one swig turns Katie's tummy upside down and she make her way back to her room. Taking a stop in the bathroom Katie throws up. Not finding the energy to go back to her room she stays siting on the floor. How did it not figure the one morning Laura dident check on her and she felt like she was dieing.*


Nate’s words sting Laura’s ears. She’s never seen him upset like this before and it was all her fault.

Con starts to turn back around at Nate’s last comment, but he sees Jamie’s glance, and relents. She was right…he couldn’t let his temper win this one.

Ignoring Nate, he keeps walking, the three making their way back down the beach.

It’s a quiet, tense ride home. The only sound is Laura sniffing in the back seat every once in a while, though Con doesn’t ask her what had happened. They make it back to Con’s where he gives Jamie a quick goodnight and promises to see her tomorrow. When she takes her own car, he gets Laura into his, and heads over to her place. Once there, he follows her inside to the living room…

Laura felt like a little girl again as she buried her face in her brother’s chest and just cried. His big strong arms held her tight as they sat on the couch, gently offering the comfort she needed.

Finally as her tears begin to slow, Con combs her hair with his hand. “You want to talk about it?”

Laura still rests the side of her head on Con, but is eventually able to talk. “I…I don’t know what happened…”

“Did he hurt you?”

Laura shakes her head quickly. “No…he never would.”

Though Con had been made, he knew Laura was right. “So why were you so afraid?”

“I…I just…” Laura swallows hard, trying to stop the tears from coming again. “He told me he cared about me and…and I started to push him away again, and then he kissed me and…” Her eyes fill whether she likes it or not, and the tears spill over once again.

Con rocks her gently. “It’s alright,” he soothes. “Did it scare you?”

“Yes…no…I don’t know.” Laura fights to figure out what her emotions were. “I told him once that I liked him so he shouldn’t let me keep walking away because I was scared from…from the past. But then I kept pushing anyway… and…and I know I keep hurting his feelings, Con…”

He gives a little sigh. He just wanted to fix everything so his sister wouldn’t hurt anymore. He’d been through these feelings once before and didn’t like reliving them. “Laura…do you really care for him?”

“I…I don’t know…” She sniffs again. “I wanted to…I mean…part of me…I liked it when he kissed me, Con…and I tried…I wanted to tell him… but I just… I couldn’t… and…and I got scared… and I thought of Bryce again…and...everything went haywire. I…I pushed him away…wanted to run, but…but I trust Nate…but I can’t….and…I don’t know what to do anymore…”

Con rubs her back as she sobs again. “If you really do care for him, I’ll stay out of the way,” he promises. “I just thought he was bothering you. But if you don’t want him hanging around you anymore, then I’ll help. But you have to make up your mind.”

“But…but how?”

Con pushes Laura back just a little and brushes her hair from her wet face to look into her bloodshot, teary eyes. “Just answer me yes or no, Laura… do you have feelings for Nate?”

Laura’s lower lip quivers. “I…”

“Yes or no?”


Con heaves a weary sigh. “You’re not having an easy time of this are you…”


“What do we do, kiddo, hmm?” Con draws her in for a hug. For a moment, he remembers all the times before after their parents had died, that he’d comforted his sister the best he could. They had a close bond for siblings, and it had remained through the years. “You’re either gonna have to let it go and be satisfied with that decision because you’re not ready, or you’re going to have to learn to trust again and move on from the past.”

“I know…”

“Which will it be?”

Laura wished she knew. She’d faced down death countless times in her life, but never had she been as terrified as this.

Con opens one eye and tries to get his bearings. Why wasn’t he in his bed? Feeling a warm body next to him, he suddenly remembers that he hadn’t left Laura’s last night. He was still on the couch, and his sister was still curled up next to him, now sleeping.

He looks up at the clock, then gently prods Laura. “Hey….Laura…” He rubs her arm. “You want me to call in to Reese for you, or are you going to work?”

Laura gives a little groan, trying to wake up. Realizing what she’s being asked, she shakes her head. “I’ll go…”

“Okay.” Con helps her sit up, then gets up from the couch and stretches. “Go take your shower,” he prompts. “I’ll make you some breakfast.”

An hour and a half later, Laura is quietly making her way to her desk at TJY, avoiding anyone else, and quickly burying herself in work.

Scott heads for his cubicle. He chose a t-shirt again this morning, but his glasses are back on, and his hair is combed straight again.

“Scott, am I glad you’re here!”

He cringes at Reese’s voice. “Let me guess….you computer is down.”


*As Con, Laura and Jamie walk past Nate he cant help himself he is angry, hurt, and starting to feel like he did do something wrong to Laura. He dosent even turn around but calls after them.*

"Fine whatever, someday Con your gonna have to let you sister live her life while you live yours. Maybe you should worry about your own girlfriend as much as your sister. You seem to like leaving her hanging alot."

*Nate starts to walk the opesit way tword his own car. His anger still hott. Was he more angry at Con or himself he dident know. Was hurt, and steaming.*

*Jamie lifts her head as Nate mentions her. Shooting a quick look at Con she trys to relay to him to just let it go.*


Fire flashes in Con’s eyes as the verbal match continues. As Nate steps up to him, he meets the challenge with a dropped shoulder, prepared to swing.

Still afraid, Laura doesn’t even think, and pushes herself between the two men. Tears stream down her face. “Con…please don’t…” She turns to see Nate. “I’m so sorry…” Her voice falters. “Please…just let it go…I don’t want anybody getting hurt.” She lays a hand on her brother’s chest. “I just want to go home,” she pleads.

Con glares at Nate, but his sister’s presence helps him back down, his hands relaxing a little. For Laura…he would stop. “Alright…” He takes her under his arm again. “We’re leaving,” he informs Nate with a warning. “Back off and let us go.”

Once again, he turns to walk away with his sister and Jamie.


*Nate's own anger serges at Con's comment. That was hiting below the belt. Nate wasent an angrey person or one to get back but Con had pushed to far.*

"I dont think I have messed Laura up at all Con. I take intrest in your sister and I care for her. Not everyone is out to hurt her. Open your eyes and see that."

*Nate stands tall infront of Con even though he still has to look up he wasent scaired of him.*

"So excuse me, but I will hang out with who I want when I want and I am not going to be bullyed by you. A million other people might be scaired of you Con but I'm not one of them. And dont EVER put me in the same category as that monster that hurt Laura. I'd never harm a hair on her head. "

*Nate himself steps closer to Con as if challanging him. Nate was mad, Nate was being pushed and he was tired of it.*

*As Katie calms down alittle bit she lays back on her bed with Henry peting is head. Finally Katie falls asleep as her mind is filled with many differnt things, Scott's kiss, Jason's cold eyes, Scotts warm eyes, Jason's lifelessness. Katie's world was spinning once again and she couldent stop it. Sooner or later it would be out of controll and she would fall deeper than she already was.*

*Misty nods at Carson.*

"Sounds like a plain to me. To be honnest I am gonna like geting on normal time again. We are gonna have to grab some stuff to take back for everyone though before we leave."

*Misty wraps her arms around Carson's neck and her lips touch his taking in the moment, the sun, the warm air.*


Laura’s teary eyes go wide as Nate steps in front of them. What was he doing? What was he thinking?

Con stops in his tracks, taken off guard by Nate’s stance. Being startled doesn’t last long though, and in an instant, Con has let go of his sister and stepped closer to Nate, now looking down on him. His hands are balled into fists as the anger starts to surge through his veins. “I do have a problem with you,” he returns with ire. “This is the second time I’ve seen my sister upset around you, and I’m not one to wait around for it to happen a third time.”

A whole different fear rushes over Laura, and she reaches out to touch her brother’s back. “Con…please..”

Con grits his teeth, an inner battle suddenly waged. He was fighting that monster again, and he knew it. He was angry…and it was extremely dangerous.

He continues to stare at Nate. “I don’t want this to get out of hand any more than you do, Nate,” he hisses. “So let’s end it here. Stay away from Laura before I put you in the same category as the last guy who messed her up.”

Scott watches Katie leave, then makes it to his own house. It felt darker tonight…quieter… this evening had somehow changed his outlook, but he wasn’t quite sure how.

A bark greets him as he unlocks the front door, and he keeps his foot in the way to keep the feisty Boston Terrier from slipping outside. “Hey, baby,” he croons. “Miss me?”

After taking her out on a leash and getting back inside, he flops down in his small living room on the couch. Domino jumps up with him, crawling onto his chest to lay down and licking his chin before settling down.

Scott rubs her head absentmindedly, stroking her soft ears. “I just kissed another guy’s girlfriend tonight,” he muses aloud. “Domino, am I stupid, or what, hmm?”

Her eyes look at his face and her ears perk forward as if confused by the question. Scott shakes his head. But there was something…something there that warned him this wasn’t over yet.

Wyatt waits in his jeep until he sees Aerith makes it into the house. Before her door shuts though, he hears the loud voice, making out just a few words…enough to realize they were harsh. Frowning a little, Wyatt knows he needs to leave, and pulls away from the curb. He lifts up a short prayer.

At the news of Misty passing her test, Carson lets out a whoop and picks her up to spin her around. Setting her back down again, he plants a kiss on her lips, then looks her in the eye. “That is so awesome.” A new feeling welled up in him…he wasn’t sure he recognized it… Pride?

He laughs. “I’m tempted too. But I think we better head back one of these days at least.” He slings an arm around Misty’s shoulder and starts walking the sand again. “I say we get you your ticket and play the timeframe by ear. Reese is expecting us soon.”