
feels good

*Wendy giggles and puts her other arm around Clint wast. How happy she was God let her find Clint that day that seemed so long ago.*

*Rosetta nods to Becky* "Ok not a problem. See ya two soon." *A strange feeling comes over Rosetta as Becky leaves.*

~*~Back at TJY~*~

*Katie smiles at Laura as they head for the elevator.* "Ya he is great. He's become like a big brother to me." *Katie hops into Laura's car.* "Ya, I just want to get some new clothing for work. I am worry about geting stuff for my room after I see what is looks like." *Katie giggles* "I am starting to feel alittle bit excited. I was worryed at first and I feel sad, but I think this is going to do some good." *Katie face breaks into a smile. The first one since before she left the ranch.*


Clint grins and throws an arm around Wendy’s shoulders to drag her towards the door. “Alright, you grease monkey, you…come on.”

Becky looks down for a moment, then back up to Rosetta. “No…we’ll wait for tonight, if it’s all the same. No need to repeat things to the others.” She forces a smile. “Jim and I just made some decisions we need to share, that’s all.” She turns to go. “I’ll let Rosalynn know that we’ll be going. We’ll meet you later in the mess hall before leaving.”

Con flips his phone shut and puts it back on his belt, smiling to himself. He sighs with content, knowing Katie is safe.

Laura smiles as she realizes Katie has called Con, and she waits patiently for her. She nods when Katie is ready, and heads to the door. “Con’s a great guy, isn’t he?” She holds the elevator door for her, heading back upstairs. “Oh, I’ve got a key for Scott’s car, so we’re good to go.”
Once in the parking lot, Laura’s cell phone rings. She rolls her eyes, taking it out of her purse as they walk. “Yeah, hello? Yes, this is Laura Gibbs. Uh-huh. Yeah, that’s fine. Go for it. Alright, talk to you later.” Stuffing the phone back in her purse, she shakes her head. “You’d think some people would be grown up enough not to need me to make all their decisions for them.” She chuckles, and opens Scott’s car, helping get Katie’s bags out.
Once they’re put into her own car’s trunk, they’re on their way. “Okay, you said you wanted to go to the mall, right?”

Looking forword

*Wendy stands walks forword with Clint.* " I need a break from this. Maybe I can even help you guys. Hand you a wrench or something." *Wendy smiles.* " I think it would be nice to watch alittle."

*Rosetta nods to Becky* "We would like to have you both to come along. It will be a good time." *Rosetta eyes brows go up slightly as Becky mentions telling them somehting.* " If you want you can take a seat and tell me whats on your mind. Those chairs there are mighty comfortable."

~*~Back at TJY~*~

*Katie turns as Laura comes up behind her.* " Ya I am as ready as I ever will be. I guess we should find Scott my stuff is still in his car." *Katie smiles at Laura. KAtie was starting to feel a bit of excitment.* " I just have to make a phone call fast if thats ok." *Katie pulls out her phone and dials Con's number as she walks away.* "Hey Con, its Katie....heya..Ya I made it ok. Yep I am at TJY now and Laura and I are about to leave to go up to the mall than to her place. Hows everything there? Well tell everyone at dinner i said Hi. Ok Con I'll be in touch again. See ya." *KAtie hangs up her phone again and finds Laura.* "Ok I am ready."

~*~Somewhere Alse~*~

*As the sun starts to set the sky turns a lightshade of Pink and purple. As Sam drives away from the last town till there destanation her heart races. Looking into the back seat Sam eyes BJ looking out the window intently. How she was going to miss the little squirt. In a few hours they would be at the ranch and Sam probley would never see BJ again. She was happy and sad at the same time. BJ had become like her own. She wanted what was best for him, and she new this way. The Agency wouldent think to look here and she would be leading them in the other direction anyways. Sam new he would be in good hands too. BJ WOULD get a chanse at life. He wouldent be stuck in the Agency's grasp like she was. No she wouldent let that happen.*

Little Progress

Clint is thoughtful for several moments, absorbing the sobering truth. "Yeah...the more I see what a mess this whole thing is, the more respect I have for the previous generation...I just can't believe how few leads there are, even after all these years. And then...for the Agency continually lying dormant until just popping up briefly to cause havoc, only to disappear again. Their pattern doesn't even make any sense." He shakes his head and sighs, giving Wendy's shoulders a final squeeze. "I'm just taking a break. Wes and I are trying to get a car fixed once and for all, so I'd better head back out. You can come watch if you want, though I'm not sure you want to get in the way of the two of us while we're working." He grins, turning to leave.

Cindy agrees to be ready to go at 5, looking forward to the evening. She eventually sees Becky and lets her know in case she wants to come.
It's a while later that Becky finds Rosetta in her office, and enters after knocking. "Hey, Rosetta...Cindy just told me about tonight. Rosalynn and I would love to join you if it's okay." She smiles, though there is something lurking behind her eyes. "We, um...she and I would like to tell you all something too."

When Jason is left alone once again, he thinks through his conversation with Austin. How much he wanted just to feel good again. But he was too full of anger and misery. Too many things had gone wrong. Had they all been his own fault? Or were they just life's circumstances? Could he have changed any of it?
He looks back to his computer as new information loads. He's successfully hacked into a database, the origin of which he's unsure, but a hunch had led him there. He scans several profiles until a name jumps out at him. He's seen that name before...somewhere... Making a mental note to go back through some old files, he saves the information.
Sighing, he turns off the computer. Supper would be soon...and he needed to eat. Any embarrassment or hesitance to see the others has dwindled, so the thought of interacting isn't quite as repulsive tonight.

Con leans back in a mess hall chair, his hands folded behind his head, his eyes closed as he thinks. This case has dragged on forever, and nothing was happening. He could feel the attitudes of those around him, and knew that many were wondering if staying here was even worth it any more. The air was getting stale...the Agency was hiding again. It was possible to dig deeper in order to get closer to the Agency, but there was too much risk. Any time that had been tried before ample information had been gathered, disaster had struck. So they waited... Con missed being back at TJY, though he did enjoy it here at the ranch. He was fulfilling his duty, and he supposed that was the most important thing.
Yawning, he glances at his watch, his mind wandering to Katie. No new was good news...if Katie hadn't made it to TJY, Reese would have called him. Despite that knowledge though, Con was just a little anxious to hear from her himself to know she was okay.

"Hey." Laura comes up behind Katie, her jacket on, and purse in hand, and a friendly smile on her face. "I've got my work done for today, so I thought we'd head out early. You ready?"

Mixed emotions

*Trish nods to Laura* "Ok, give me a call later and we can set something up. Guess I should get back to work." *Trish turns and heads back to her small cubical*

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*Wendy smiles up at Clint.* " Your so smart. I just wish we could find the link we need to make this over with for everyone.I dont know how they did it all these years. Knowing day by day something could happen. Thats a crappy way to live." *Wendy lets out a long sigh.* "So what are you up to now and would you like some company?"

*Rosetta smiles and nods* "I think we will be heading out about 5. I asked Angel to come and she said she was busy tonight. She has alot of paper work to do. and I was going to ask Wendy,JAde, and becky but I havent seen them around. If you happen to see them before me go a head and ask. You dont have to get dressed up its not going to be anything fancy." *Looking around the mess hall she see Wendy at the table with Clint. She gives a small laugh to herself.* "I guess she wont be coming maybe. She is glued to that boy."

~*~Back at TJY~*~

*As Katie walks around the office trying to get her barrings she stops at a window. Looking out she can see a rainbow in the sky. Had it been raining? She dident even relize it was. Memories of the rainbow she saw with Jason come back to her. Katie's heart acks. she had lost her best friend. Right now she was in so much term oil she wasent sure how to feel about anything. What she did felt right but had she over reacted? Everything was still fresh and new in her mind. Katie hopes as the days went by in TJY things would become easyer.*


Reese grins as Katie leaves, finding her calling his twenty-two-year-old son a kid amusing. He sits back in his chair and thinks for several minutes contemplating Katie's role here, and finally gets up and goes into Carter's office, closing the door.

Susanne returns Katie's smile and offers her assistance if Katie needs anything.

Laura gives a little smirk. Despite Jason's popularity and well-known skills, there were a few around the office who would agree with Trish. For some reason, Laura always ended up on the defense. "Yeah, well, don't sell him short. He didn't get where he is without knowing he wanted it. Family relations aside, if he keeps on going, mark my words, he's going to be a legend around here. He's already halfway there." She shrugs. "Besides that, no one really knows why Jason couldn't take on a partner before - he never talked about it, and there were just a bunch of rumors." She lets a chuckle escape. "Not that rumors ever fly around here!"

Shaking her head, she grabs a stack of papers on her desk. "I think going out and doing something with Katie is a wonderful idea. Goodness knows that starting out at a place like this can be a little overwhelming."

On a break from working with Wes, Clint sees Wendy, and walks quietly up behind her. Seeing her tension, he rests his hands on her shoulders to give them a soft massage. "Hey...give it a rest for a while. Dad told me the other day that when they were working on this case before, sometimes they'd go for months without finding a thing. It's the nature of the beast."

Cindy puts down her book and smiles. "That would be great." She nods. "I could use that. Just let me know when to be ready. Anyone else coming along?"

Jason sits in his bunk at his computer, searching through records, and trying to hack into a system he didn't recognize that looked suspicious. But despite his determination to focus, his mind continued to wander. A knock at the door startles him. "Yeah?"

Austin enters slowly, shutting the door behind himself, and going to the edge of the bed to sit down near Jason. "How ya doing?"

Jason quirks a skeptical eyebrow as he turns in his seat. "That's quite a question since you've been avoiding me for weeks."

Austin starts to argue the fact that Jason hasn't made much effort himself, but he holds it back. "Look, I'm tired of this. We both know I don't agree with the way you've been handling things lately, but we're still on this case, and you're still my grandson." The look in his eye proves that he's truly been thinking things through, and is tired of the rift. "What happened is water under the bridge, and I want to quit this silly war."

Jason swallows hard and looks down. His pride wanted him to continue to defend himself until Austin admitted that he was wrong, but good sense reminds him that he's been miserable and this is a way to help fix some of that. "Alright." He looks back up at Austin. "It's over."

"Good." Austin nods, pleased. He pauses, searching Jason's face. "What's wrong, Jase? What's been bothering you so much?"

"I don't know." Jason turns back to his computer. "Just...everything."

"You seem happy with Jade."

"Yeah..." Jason nods decisively. "I am."

Austin hesitates before his next statement. "Con told me about Katie."

Jason shrugs. "Yeah? So?"

Austin rolls his eyes. "You're not bothered by her going to TJY?"

"It's what she wanted," Jason replies flatly. "I wouldn't want to be accused again of denying her her dreams, so how would you expect me to act?"

Austin studies Jason for several moments. "You know, Jase... when I first found you, I knew you were special...there was something about you that I knew once it was tapped into, you'd be unstoppable. You proved it to me when I introduced you to TJY. You weren't even in high school yet, but by the time you were seventeen, you were competing with the guys on the shooting range, hacking into computer systems, and going undercover on multiple cases. You rose faster than anyone else at TJY. When most people took three years to gain a ranking, you accomplished it in just over one. You had a gift, and you allowed your talents to be channeled and fine-tuned." Austin's eyes show he's replaying the past in his mind. "You've only been involved with TJY for five years - only two of those have been full-time after you finished school. But you've proven yourself again and again out on the field and at headquarters. Everyone knows it, and you know good and well that you've got quite a reputation back at headquarters."

Though Jason keeps his eyes on his computer, he allows himself to listen as Austin continues.

"We both know it hasn't all been easy - we've all had our struggles...maybe I forced you to grow up too quickly. Maybe the times we've run into trouble has been because I pushed to you too much too fast. But regardless, you've risen to the top, and you were sent out with me because we needed someone like you out here. But Jase..." Austin looks at him with concern. "What's happened? Has it been too much for you? Ever since we got here, you've been indecisive... temperamental...was it something I did?"

For some reason, Jason can feel his emotions starting to flare up again. Everything had been so difficult lately. When he'd been back at TJY, he felt as if he could take on the world. But being here...it felt as if he was pulling uphill in the wrong direction all the time. "It's not like I haven't had a lot on my mind," he subtly defends.

"I know it..." Austin nods. "Dealing with the crap of your past couldn't have been easy, and I know it was hard on you. But you were granted the chance to walk away and you removed yourself for a while, but came back on your own terms."

"I wasn't taught to let things go unfinished."

"That's true. But I just can't figure you out anymore. One minute you fight tooth and toenail to stay on this case - to the point of ignoring protocol in order to have a suspension revoked. Then the next you're hibernating in your bunk, not wanting anything to do with anybody." Austin doesn't want to be mean, but he just wants to get to the bottom of things. "What's wrong, Jason?"

"I don't know." Jason finally swivels around to face his grandfather, emotion pooling in his eyes. "Just...first I was dealing with all that stuff about Alex, and then when that was over, I thought I was alright. And then things with Katie started to get complicated..." He rolls his eyes. "Then I went and got myself kidnapped, and that whole thing just screwed everything up again.... I thought I was alright until I found out about my suspension, and I know why it was done, but I didn't agree with it, so I guess I just threw caution out the window so I could get back what I wanted..." He pauses, finding it hard to believe how many things have gone wrong. "Then things with Katie got even more complicated..." His face reddens slightly. "And you were mad at me, and Con wasn't thrilled himself. Then I went and made a mess out of things by not telling Katie about Carter's offer, which just made things all the more worse. Now I'm sitting here wishing I'd never come." He turns back to his computer, unable to keep looking at Austin. "If it weren't for Jade, all I'd want to do was go back to TJY, and forget this whole thing. I miss my coworkers and I miss my office. I miss sleeping in my own bed at night."

Austin lifts his eyebrows, though he knows exactly how Jason feels. He's been there before. It was apparent that his grandson was simply caught in a rut, trying desperately to get out. But who could tell a twenty-year-old how to conquer it? It was something he had to learn on his own. "Well you can still back out of this case."

"Right." Jason shakes his head. "I can't do that. I've stated too many times that I'm committed to helping these people, and I've put too much of a fuss over staying, not to do it now. Maybe it's pride, but I can't make myself look like any more of a fool than I already have."


*Trish nods as she listens to Laura.* "Well thats Hotshot for ya he never knows what he wants. Half the time he dosent even know if he is coming or going himself. Maybe there is more to Katie being here than meets the eye." *Trish shrugs* "Anyways...tomarrow maybe we can all go do something after work. Maybe we can help Katie feel at home. She seems a bit uptight.*

*Katie nods to Reese.* "Its good to be here again. Though it feels strange not barging through your door." *Katie gives alittle smile. Trying not to let the hurt show through.* "You never know Reese maybe things will change down the road. You never know." *Katie changes the subject fast.* "Yes Wyatt should be around. He seems like a nice kid. Looks just like you. Now I know why." *Katie gives a small laugh.* "I want to thank you for giving me this opertunity to show some of the skills I have. I apprieciate it even though its not what Carter and yourself had planed." *After a moment more of talking with Reese, Katie turns and leaves the office giving a smile to Susanne as she leaves. Walking around the floor for a while Katie trys to get use to everthing.*

~*~Back at the Ranch~*~

*Wendy sits deep in though searching through some files. Her mind skips from here to there looking over the information. She is unable to find anything new. Going to another file she trys to look for more. Feeling frustrated she throws the files down and puts hands over her face.*

*Rosetta finds Cindy siting at one of the tables in the mess hall.* "Heya. I hope I'm not intarupting you. I was wondering if you would like to do that girls night out tonight? I could use alittle change and I need another mother to talk with." *Rosetta smiles at Cindy.*


Laura readily agrees. "Oh yeah, sure. We can go anywhere you need before heading to my place."

After going through Susanne, Wyatt opens the door to Reese's office, letting Katie in first. "I'll leave you two at it. Dad, I'll be stepping out for a while."

Reese gives a casual wave to Wyatt. "Alright. See you later." He stands up from his desk to greet Katie. "Well, glad you made it! I trust you got shown around. After I sent Scott after you, I hoped you would get here in one piece." He chuckles. "Anyway, today I'd like you to just get your bearings. Meet people, explore the floor. Tomorrow I'll get you started on the work that needs to be done." He sighs just a little. "I was hoping that you and Jason would stay on the Agency case, but I'm glad to have you here nonetheless." His assumptions show through. "We tried setting Jason up with a partner once before but they couldn't get along, so this isn't new. Though Carter and I both prefer teams to loners." He shakes his head. "Anyway, Tomorrow you'll get immersed into the secretarial work I've got lined up for you, and we'll go from there."

Laura nods to Trish. "Yeah...Katie. She and Jason were just here recently...I heard Carter wanted them to be partners, but the talk around here has been that they couldn't get along." She frowns, not convinced. "They looked like they got along alright when they were here though, so I don't know. Brent said he thought Jason was gonna get sacked, but we all know that's not true, even after his suspension. He's too valuable for Carter to sack." She shrugs. "Anyway, yeah, Katie seems nice. She'll be staying with me for a bit."


*Katie follows Wyatt around trying to take everything in. As they pass Jason's office door her hear rises than sinks again everything fresh in her mind still. As Laura walks over to them Katie smiles.* "Thank you Laura for everything. It mean alot. Just when every you leave tonight let me know I can get my two bags out of Scott's car. Oh maybe later if we have time you could show me where the mall is? I left alot of my stuff home and need to get more." *Katie once again follows Wyatt to Reese office.*

*Trish walks over to Laura as Katie walks away.* "That the new girl? She seems intresting."


Wyatt grins and motions for Katie to follow him. "Won't take you long to know this floor like the back of your hand." He walks her down the right aisle in between cubicles, introducing her to people along the way. Everyone offers warm smiles and waves, most seeming to already know who she is.
Wyatt leads her around the corner where a hallway is. "Over here on the right is where we have the copy machines, paper supplies, etc." He reaches for the doorknob, but a loud crash is heard inside, followed by a woman's chiding voice, and Scott's apologies. Wyatt's eyes widen and he doesn't open the door. "I'll introduce you to Wanda later." He moves down the hall. "These doors on the left are offices..."
The first door's nameplate bears Austin's name, the one next to it, someone named Sean, and the third door bears Jason's name. Wyatt thumbs to that door in particular. "I'd show you in there since you know him, but I doubt you want to see the kind of office Hotshot keeps." He rolls his eyes in amusement. "And right here is the break room...we've got a fridge and microwave and some tables to relax at. It's the main hangout around the noon hour if you want to get a hold of the local gossip."
Moving on, there are several more office, including his own, and finally they turn around and head back out onto the floor, going down the other aisle.
Halfway to the back, Laura spots them and gives Katie a smile. "Hey there! Good to see you again. Reese told me you were coming today. Bummer Hotshot didn't make it back, but I'm glad you're here." She throws some paperwork onto her desk in the cubicle. "Got my spare room all set for you too, so tonight we'll be all set." She thumbs toward the back. "Reese is out of his meeting now if you want to go check in with him."
Wyatt nods, gesturing to Katie again. "I'll drop you off there."


*As Katie keeps her focuse out the window she replys to Scott.* "I've only ever had to use it with Jason. So I dont know if it works with anyone alse or not. Sooner or later I am sure I will find out now I guess." *Katie watches as they pull into TJY.*

*Katie follows Scott as the head down the elevator. As Scott is stoped by the new gentalman. As Scott goes off to help with the copy mashean Katie cant help but laugh.* "He sure is an intresting person. Alittle accident prone. Thanks for saving me." *Katie giggles. Turning back to the stranger Katie shakes his hand.* "Its nice to meet you Wyatt. That would be nice to actully get a tour this time." *Katie smiles at Wyatt.*

New Face

After getting his tie caught in the door and tangling his arm in the seatbelt, Scott drives his beater car away from the airport. He offers Katie what he hopes is an encouraging smile. "Well, TJY can be a little intimidating at first, but you'll get used to it." He pauses in thought. "I'm assuming you're talking about Jason. Rumors had it you two were going to be partners, but then Reese told me this morning you were coming in yourself." He stops at a red light and waits for it to turn green. "Heard you got quite the sixth sense...does it just work with Jason, or can you do that with anybody?"

After pulling into the TJY parking lot, Scott gets out, tripping over a loose shoelace. "You can keep your stuff in here until you leave later with Laura," he comments, heading for the door.
Once inside, they go down the elevator and onto the floor. It's not quite as busy as the night Katie and Jason were there, but there are still plenty of people in their cubicles. Scott stands a little proudly, as if surveying his domain. "Might as well start you off with the grand tour before going to see Reese. He's in a meeting anyway." He starts to stroll down the right aisle, and begins to point something out, but is cut off.

"Hey, Scott, the copy machine is down," a man calls as he approaches. "Wanda needs help."

Scott looks at Katie, then back at the approaching young man. "Well I was just..."

"...Don't worry, I'll take care of her." The tall stranger throws Katie a wink when Scott isn't looking. "Wanda's going to have a cow if she can't make copies of those reports."

"...I guess...okay..." Scott nods to Katie. "I'll see you around." Walking quickly ahead, he almost runs into someone emerging from their cubicle, and papers and folders go flying.

The stranger cringes, stifling a laugh, and turns back around to Katie, offering a strong handshake, his eyes twinkling. "Hey. I'm Wyatt. You must be Katie. Sorry about interrupting, but I wasn't about to watch you get taken on one of Scott's 'grand tours.' You'd be in here all day." His eyes widen with humor as he chuckles. "Besides that, I wanted the pleasure of showing you around myself. How 'bout it?"