

Wyatt grins and motions for Katie to follow him. "Won't take you long to know this floor like the back of your hand." He walks her down the right aisle in between cubicles, introducing her to people along the way. Everyone offers warm smiles and waves, most seeming to already know who she is.
Wyatt leads her around the corner where a hallway is. "Over here on the right is where we have the copy machines, paper supplies, etc." He reaches for the doorknob, but a loud crash is heard inside, followed by a woman's chiding voice, and Scott's apologies. Wyatt's eyes widen and he doesn't open the door. "I'll introduce you to Wanda later." He moves down the hall. "These doors on the left are offices..."
The first door's nameplate bears Austin's name, the one next to it, someone named Sean, and the third door bears Jason's name. Wyatt thumbs to that door in particular. "I'd show you in there since you know him, but I doubt you want to see the kind of office Hotshot keeps." He rolls his eyes in amusement. "And right here is the break room...we've got a fridge and microwave and some tables to relax at. It's the main hangout around the noon hour if you want to get a hold of the local gossip."
Moving on, there are several more office, including his own, and finally they turn around and head back out onto the floor, going down the other aisle.
Halfway to the back, Laura spots them and gives Katie a smile. "Hey there! Good to see you again. Reese told me you were coming today. Bummer Hotshot didn't make it back, but I'm glad you're here." She throws some paperwork onto her desk in the cubicle. "Got my spare room all set for you too, so tonight we'll be all set." She thumbs toward the back. "Reese is out of his meeting now if you want to go check in with him."
Wyatt nods, gesturing to Katie again. "I'll drop you off there."

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