
Unspoken thoughts

"Alright." Carson thinks for a moment, quieter than usual. He wasn't really sure where he fit in on this one. Jason had wanted him, but Nate was in charge, and he'd already had a run-in with Reese. Maybe he really shouldn't be helping with this case at all. But he couldn't not... Katie was too important.

"Thanks, Misty." Rising from his chair, he leans down to give Misty's lips a tender kiss, letting it linger as his hand slides to the back of her head, combing through her hair. Drawing away, he gives her a wink. "I'll see you in a bit."

Ambling back out into the hall, Carson wanders towards the main floor again, stopping near an empty cubicle. Going for his cell phone, he scrolls through the list of numbers. Mabel still took care of the bookkeeping for Mom and Pop's, and payday was just around the corner. He needed to call her before everything was processed.

Not surprisingly, he gets their home answering machine. "Yeah, Mabel, it's Carson. Listen, um... do me a favor? When you're prepping paychecks, give Aerith a bonus, will you? Take it out of my check - whatever you think will help her out since I've cut her hours lately. Once things get settled down we should be back on regular hours here, but until then, I want to make sure she's taken care of. I got enough to go on at the moment myself. So... thanks. Leave the paperwork for me afterward and I'll get to it. Oh, and tell Herb I'll see him soon."

Alec rolls over again, trying to force his eyes open. The room was strangely foggy and it seemed to spin every time he tried to sit up. So thirsty, he rolls off the cot in an attempt to get to the sink, but his knees buckle, sending him to the floor. Shaking his head, he tries to get his bearings, but sinks down onto the concrete, holding his swollen hand. A cold chill makes him shake and he tries again to stand, using the chair to pull himself up.

Somehow he manages to get a small drink, but moments later, he's back on the cot once more. Incoherent mumblings escape his lips, a byproduct of his feverish state.

As the smells of breakfast waft through the house, Laura is finally roused enough to open her eyes. She kind of remembered some earlier sounds, and thought she might have heard Nate hushing Maggie as she got ready to leave just a while ago.

Though Laura was still dead tired, the enticing aromas make her mouth water and her stomach growl. She knew she needed to get back to work too. Her phone had never rang, so she knew there had been no more new developments on the hunt for Katie, but she still needed to be there.

Finally getting her body to move, Laura kicks off the blanket and sits up, stretching and yawning. She first goes down the hall to the bathroom to splash some cold water on her face, but even after she's tried to clean up, it still is evident that she had been sleeping, not to mention her clothes were quite wrinkled after having slept in them too. Oh well. As she heads towards the kitchen a thought crosses her mind that brings a wry grin to her face, but she shakes her head, thinking better of actually saying it.

Stopping in the doorway, Laura watches Nate for several moments. He was so strong and bold at work - sometimes rough. But at home, his gentleness came through, melding with the peaceful atmosphere he'd created.

Coming up from behind, Laura reaches under his arms to wrap hers around his waist, laying her head on the back of his shoulder. "I hope that tastes as good as it smells," she murmurs.

After giving him a little hug, she moves away, stealing a sip from his coffee mug. Scrunching up her nose, she coughs. "That'll wake me up." Her eyes widen and she blinks. "I forgot you don't use cream or sugar."

Susanne opens her mouth as the stranger walks by, but he doesn't even stop. A bit perturbed, she stands up, stalking up behind him.

Reese looks up at the knock on the door and after allowing the visitor to enter, he is surprised to see a stranger. He had expected one of his own staff. He opens his mouth to respond, but Susanne interrupts.

"I'm sorry, Reese," she apologizes for letting someone in without checking with him first.

Reese waves it off. "It's fine."

Susanne glances up at the man skeptically, almost glaring at him but not quite. Not saying any more though, she turns and goes back to her desk.

Reese rises from his chair to come around, offering his hand to Simon. "Nice to meet you. You say Brown sent you?" His eyes narrow a little as his mind works. "He... usually calls to tell me when someone is coming over."

Pausing, he cocks his head. "I didn't know he had personal dealings with the secret service." Another quite obvious point comes to mind as well, but for now, Reese holds his tongue. The red flags had been duly noted.

"Reese?" Scott enters the office without realizing that someone else was there. Stopping short as he almost runs into Simon, he looks up quickly, backing up a step. His glasses were propped up on his head, and his good eye stares at Simon for a moment. For a strange instant, it feels like a thousand and one images of faces flash through his mind, but then it stops. He swallows hard. "Sorry."

"It's fine," Reese assures. "What do you need?"

"I was looking for Jason." Scott holds up some papers. "I found that -"

"Good." Reese cuts him off before he even has a chance to explain any findings in front of the visitor. "Try the wreck room. He might be blowing off some steam."

Scott falters, not used to being cut off, not to mention, he was confused that Reese himself didn't want to hear the details. He glances to Simon again, the back to Reese, suddenly getting the point. "Okay. Thanks." He nods as he backs away, then turns to leave.

Reese waits until he's gone before looking back to the newcomer. He offers a smile. "Sorry. Yes, we are on a case looking for a missing young woman - one of our agents. How much do you know?"

Scott heads back across the main floor rubbing his blind eye, then his forehead as a headache formed. The images tried to flare up again, like someone flipping through filing cards, only faster and with more details. What was he seeing, and why? Whatever it was, it didn't evoke feelings that were good. Rather without even knowing what his mind was trying to do, he automatically wanted to stop it.

Shaking his head, he continues his route. Jason. That was his focus right now.

New Face

Looking up at Carson Misty gives a small smile. It had been a long night and the little sleep she did get felt like nothing at all. Everything layed heavy on hee mind and made it a rough night.

"I forgive you. I'm sorry as well, I could of just let you take him and would of check on him later and night faught you."

Glaning down again Misty gives a shake of her head. Not even saying anything the look in her eye could say it all. There really hadnt been anything on Katie other than trying to get that licens plate number.

"Well, there was a shoot out at Katie's place last night. Neather Ryder or Henry were hurt to much. They got a licens plate number they are working on because it seems like the same as the one that took Katie. Other than that we still dont have anything else."

Standing in he kitchen the pans in front of Nate sizzle as a soft hum came from his lips. Maggie was up and gone to school already after Nate had made something for her and now the kitchen came to life once again as he made something for Laura too.

It kind of felt nice making breakfest for Laura. Sure he did it for Maggie all the time but this was just differnt.

A tall thin muscler man enyers TJY and makes his way across the floor. Noticing only a few of the faces from pictures the destination is not wavered. Dressed in a suit the mans jet black hair is slicked back into a tight poney tail giving him a business like air with a charming edge.

Making his way to Reese office the man gives a smile and nods to Susanne. Not stoping to tell his business to her he comes to Reese's door. Knocking strongly on the door the man enters hearing Reese voice. Stepping in the man gives a grin to Reese his hunny brown color eyes holding much mystory to them.

"Mike Reese? I'm Phinox, Simon Phinox. Sargent Brown sent me saying you guys might need a little help on a case with a missing girl. I am from the secret service."

Stopping for a moment Phinox draws quiet just letting the reason for him being here sink in. He had been told Reese might put up a little resistince in letting him help but he hoped it would not come to that.