

*Rosetta takes one more look around the barn and sighs. She was geting older alright. There was a time when she could stay up all night, but not anymore. Time was catching up to her. Shuting off the lights and making sure the barn door was shut Rosetta heads to her office for the night.*

*Wes smiles at Cindy.* "We sure are. How about you come sit next to me babe and watch Clint defeat his chair again." *Wes says in a teasing tone.*

*Wendy bursts out laughing.* "Wow...I wont ever forget this." *Wendy once again trys to keep a solam face,* "So we gonna keep playing cards or is mister hodieani over there still doing his tricks with the chair."

*As Katie wakes she can feel Jason uneasyness. He's not in trouble...but he is restless. Katie throws the blankets back and hopes out of the bed. Leaving her room, she makes her way to Jason's door. Spoting a chair she pulls it up to the wall and sits down. Katie dosent want to disturb Jason but she hopes maybe her presence outside the door will give Jason enough comfort to at least get alittle bit of shut eye.*


Austin rolls his eyes. “Katie and Jason both. If he thinks he can get away with a stunt like this, he’s sorely mistaken.” He turns around to head back out of the barn. “I gotta go tell Cindy. See you two tomorrow.”

As Austin leaves, Mick stands up and stretches. “Well…I guess that’s that. At least we know those kids are alright, no matter how stupid they were.” He shakes his head. “As for this old cowboy, it’s past my bedtime. I’ll see you in the morning.” He throws Rosetta a quick grin with a wink, and turns to exit the barn.

Clint takes a bow. “Yes, I’d say that chair won’t dare cross me again. Why? Because I’m brave! I’m strong! I’m…”

“…Crusin’ for a bruisn’ bubble brain,” Jeff quips. “Are you gonna sit down on that misbehaving chair or stand their talking to it all night?”

“Uh…” Clint spins around and picks up the chair, promptly sitting on it and scooting back up to the table. He clears his throat, not meeting anyone’s eyes for fear of bursting out laughing again, and his face reddens as he holds it in.

Eric rolls his eyes and finishes off the glass of iced tea he’d been nursing all evening. “I hate to break this up, y’all, but I’m beat.”

“Aww…” Clint complains.

“Sorry.” Eric chuckles and shakes his head and stands up. “You can sit here with your chair wars all night as far as I’m concerned, but I got a date with my pillow.”

The four are left alone, but the back door opens and Cindy steps inside. After Austin woke her to tell her about Jason, she couldn’t get back to sleep, and had decided to go to the mess hall and get something to drink. She raises her eyebrows as she sees Wendy, Clint, Jeff and Wes. “Are you guys still up?” she asks, amazed.

Jason stares up at his ceiling. Being back in his own room felt good, but strange. The house felt different. There was an emptiness there, without his mother, without the dog… yet he wasn’t alone.
He tries to drift to sleep, but the pain in his leg keeps him from the peace required. Awake, his mind drifts over the day, thinking back to the confrontation at TJY. Carter was right…he had changed. He could feel it in himself…there was no denying it. He had started out on this case, wearing a mask, fooling himself and those around him. After breaking down, his walls had crumbled, leaving him bare and vulnerable. But somehow….he had overcome. Now no longer was a mask needed…he was becoming his true self. Fear was no longer present…a new reserve was there instead, steered by a wise confidence rather than an air that turned people off. Would it last? Was he really on the right path? What did the future hold for him now?

He thinks of TJY. There was so much more there than this one case. Though having been started with the drive to take down the Agency, the vigilante corporation had grown quickly into much more, with a variety of cases that kept the full staff constantly busy. They had evolved into more than a small unofficial basement gang that it had started out as. Did Jason really have a future there? It was his current life…it was his talent… it was what he was born to do. Would he continue on the same route, or would he be given a different job? Did he want to stay on the field all the time, or would he rather be in the office in a more secure atmosphere? He was respected at TJY…he knew how to manipulate things well enough to get himself in whatever position he wanted to if he tried hard enough…

Jason turns his head to see the papers lying on his nightstand. He hadn’t revealed to anyone the second sheet that was underneath his suspension release. It was a suggestion…perhaps more of a request…he could easily accept it or turn it down with no questions asked. His accepting it would certainly set him down a path that would keep him on that route indefinitely. Of course, it also depended on the other party, but he was pretty certain of that outcome…
His eyes start to drift shut, his mind beginning to shut down.

A wave of pain causes him to flinch, harshly waking him back up again. He tries to get comfortable, but his knee feels as if it’s on fire, despite the pain killers he had downed with supper. Tossing and turning, sleep just won’t come, and the night feels as if it will never end.

Fast Asleep

*Rosetta loved at Mick with a mischeavus grin Siting up straght and crossing her legs she says..* " I sir...am a Lady." *Than relaxing and pointing a finger at Mick she says.* "...but not so much that I couldent do just that." *Rosetta smiles.Rosetta looks up and seeing Austin. Listing to what he has to say Rosetta nods.* "Well at least someone knows where they are." *Rosetta rolls her eyes.* " That girl is still geting a good talking to when she gets back. She had me worryed sick."

*Wendy laughs even harder at Clint.* " Ya you sure did tell that chair who is boss dident you."

*Katie grins at Jason feeling a bit embarssed.* " Thx J. I think the bed will be nice after all." *Katie heads down the hall and grabs some towles. Heading to the bathroom she taked a shower. After she wonders the house a bit taking in how amazing it looks. Finally after grabing a glass of water Katie heads back to her room. Stopng she stairs at Jason's door for a long moment than heads into her room. Laying down on the bed it feels so soft. She had forgotten what a real bed felt like. Within minutes she is fast asleep.*

Spending the night

Mick laughs, allowing himself to relax. "What were you going to do? Hogtie me and throw me in the back of your truck or what?"

"Hey, there you are." Austin walks into the barn, looking for Rosetta, not realizing he's interrupting anything. "I just got a call from Carter. He said Jason and Katie are safe. Wouldn't tell me who found them, where they were or what they were doing, but..." He throws up his arms in surrender. "I guess we'll just have to trust that they're fine."

"No, I'm not okay!" Clint struggles underneath the chair, taking it in both hands and wrestling it off of himself. "I've been assaulted by a chair! It's a conspiracy, I tell you!" He kicks the chair away, bounces to his feet and assumes a karate-type stance, glaring at his inanimate adversary. "Ha! Take that!"

Jeff shakes his head, joining in the laughter. He tosses his cards to the middle of the table, giving up on the hand.

A grin plays at the corner of Jason's mouth as he pays the waiter for the meal. "If you want to sleep on the floor, that's fine, but there are more comfortable options. Come on."
He leads the way out of the restaurant, though lets Katie help him with the doors again. Settled in the car, they drive down the lighted streets. Jason steers through several side streets, ending up on the far side of town in a sleepy little housing development.
Turning down a curved street, they finally pull into the driveway of a small one-story tan house. A link fence runs around the well-kept yard, bushes line the house, and there is evidence of flowers along the walk.
Jason turns off the car and gets out, nodding for Katie to follow him to the darkened house. Making his way to the porch, he fishes for a key in his pocket and lets himself in, making sure Katie is behind him. Entering, he automatically reaches for a light switch to illuminate an entryway that leads to a kitchen on the left and a living room on the right.
"Follow me." Jason doesn't explain, but leads Katie through the living room into the hallway, maneuvering with his crutches around the furniture. Coming to a bedroom, he reaches around the corner and turns on the light to reveal a feminine-looking room, tastefully decorated in blues and tans. "Mom won't mind if you take up residence in here tonight." He grins at Katie. "Though if you really have the desire to sleep on the floor, be my guest."
He points into the room. "There's a private bathroom there, and if I know Mom, there should be fresh towels on the counter. Feel free." He thumbs back out into the hall. "My room's two doors down. If you need anything, that's where I'll be."


*Rosetta smiles and nods as her heart flutters, and her tummy gets knots.* " Ok good. Cuz if you dident say yes I was going to make you go anyways." *Rosetta trys to make a joke trying to break the tention they are both feeling. Though even through the tention her is excited and already decieding what to wair in her mind.*

*Wendy laughs uncontroll able as Clint falls to the ground.* "AH HA...Now I am cheating...I see your cards, I see your cards." *Wendy sticks out her toung. Than as if relizing Clint actully fell on the ground she looks at him her face red from laughter. Trying to hold her laughs in she says...* "Are you ok Cint?" *...knowing good and well he is she looks fro Clint, to Jeff, to Wes, than back to Clint and once again busts out laughing.*

*Wes trys to keep a straght face as he looks at Jeff.* " Psht...remind of you any people we know. It seems so long ago when we were there age." *Wes cant hold it anymore and laughs.* "Well seeing as Clint's cards are all over the floor, I would guess this hand is over." *Wes looks at the two kids and smiles. In all the confustion, and hardships they still were young and able to have fun. It was good to see that.*

*Katie nods at Jason sugestion at finding somewhere to sleep knowing he means nothing malishus about it.* "Ya thats fine. I like sleeping on the floor. Its better for my back."

She started it!

Mick's eyebrows raise slightly at Rosetta's invitation. She's being so casual, but her words mean so much more than a simple duo to a social event. He looks into her eyes...seeking...questioning...his heart pulls him in two directions at once. The crossroad is begging him to make the choice. Left...or right... He swallows hard, knowing the silence he has created bears tension. As he would tear a caution sign from the ground, he nods. "Sure."

"Ah! Help!" Clint squirms and can't help his laughter as he's tickled. "I'm being attacked!"

Jeff rolls his eyes, holding back his own laughter, and he looks at Wes. "Kids these days."

"She started it!" Clint scoots back to avoid another tickle by Wendy, but he throws his weight too far. The chair tips, and before he knows it, he's on the floor, under the chair, his hand of cards flying in all directions.

Jason finds a table in the diner and they order. Hungry, the meal doesn't take long, and conversation is minimal. Finally, Jason glances at his watch. "It's getting late. We should probably find a place to stay for the night, then head out in the morning. You alright with that?"

Home Coming

*Rosetta feels her cheeks become a shade of red as Mick talks.* "Ya the best thing that came out of this all was you, and everyone alse. I'm sure I would go back and change somethings in my life to but not a whole lot. I cant imagen life with out you. It sure would be boring." *Rosetta sits and things for a long moment, and than a smile forms on her lips .* "I have a crazy thought and you can say no its ok. Would you like to go to the Winter Social wiht me Mick?"

*Wendy looks saprised at Clint.* "WHAT...me? I am doing no such thing." *Wendy leans over and starts to tickle Clint.* "I'll show you cheating...huh huh. Just cuz a girl is kicking your butt you think they are cheating." *Wendy starts to giggle so hard she can hardly controll herself.*

*As Katie gets into the car with Jason she smiles.* " Your welcome. I dont mind helping when I know what I say is true. Your a great friend Jason." *After driving a while they get to the dinner. It looks like a nice home orented place. Geting out of the car it feels nice to streach her legs. Katie lets out a content sigh and breaths in the fresh air.*


Mick leans his head back against the wall while he thinks. "Yeah...right about now, I think all of us are ready for some peace and quiet. I was ready years ago, and thought I'd gained it." He offers her a solemn but gentle smile. "Of course...as we all know, without this mess, we wouldn't have ended up together again. ...And I'm not sure I would have liked never to have had a reunion. Bad things happened...and I have regrets...if I could go back, I would probably change some of the things I did. But...seeing you again has reminded me of what's really important in life, and I guess I'm not convinced anymore that my life should have stayed the way it was, even though I was happy at the time."

The card game progresses with competitiveness and laughter. Clint throws his hand down with a good-natured moan. "This is just not my night!" He glances at Wendy with a crazed look. "They're cheating, I tell you! Cheating!"

Jason uses his crutches to leave Carter's office and shakes his head at Katie. "No need to call..." He pauses, his instincts knowing the truth. "They'll know we're okay."

Reese looks up from his desk as the two come back through. "I didn't hear any shouting. What did you do? Kill him silently?"

Jason throws him a smirk. "Nice, Reese. No, as a matter of fact, I got what I came for." He holds up the folded papers.

Reese's eyes widen. "Well I'll be. How did you do it?"

"With a bodyguard." Jason gives a wry grin at Reese's confusion. "I'll be in touch." He turns and heads with Katie back into the receptionist's office. "See ya, Susanne."

She turns from her filing cabinet, also showing surprise. "So what happened?"

"Nothing too exciting, but you're still stuck with me. Oh..." Jason nods to the phones. "I'll fix that technical problem on my way out."

Susanne rolls her eyes, giving in to a chuckle. "You never change do you, Hotshot?"

Jason pauses in his route for just a moment. "How about we just say some things never change, eh?" He aims for the door and lets Katie open it for him. Once back on the floor, he lets out a long sigh, satisfied, relieved, but exhausted. He finally replies to Katie's former statement. "Yeah, I'm starving too. I know a nice burger joint about five minutes from here. They should still be open."

As they make their way back down through the organized chaos, he pauses at Laura's desk. "I promised Susanne I'd fix the phones. Do you mind?"

Laura grins and rolls her eyes. She reaches down and hits a couple buttons to end the bogus conference call between all four lines. "All set. You leaving us now?"

"Yep. Heading back to the case."

Laura eyes him skeptically, but resumes her position of withholding questions, knowing him well enough not to ask. "Take it easy, will ya?"

"Always." Jason nods his goodbye and looks to the elevator doors. "Okay, Katie, let's get out of here."

Within minutes, they're back in the car. Jason leans over across Katie to throw his papers in the glove box, then straightens with a sigh. "Well...that's that." He turns to give her a serious smile of appreciation. "Thanks for your help. What you said in there...it meant a lot." He turns the key in the ignition and steers back towards the driveway. Once on the road, it doesn't take long to arrive at the small diner downtown.

Carter stares at the closed door for several moments, then shakes his head, chuckling to himself. He lowers himself into his chair and picks up his phone, waiting.

Austin sits by the fireplace, weary, but too worried to go to bed. The happy chatter behind him beckons him, but he just can't clear his mind enough to relax or enjoy anything right now. His cellphone startles him and he answers quickly. "Yeah?"

"It's me."

Austin's hope takes a flying leap. "Did you find them?"

"They're fine."

"What do you mean? Where are they?"

"They're safe and they should be back home by tomorrow night."

Austin frowns in bewilderment. "But what's going on? Where did they go? How did you find them? Who found them?"

"The important thing is that you have two fine young people working on this case. It's not my place to explain the details."

"But Carter!"

"Get some rest, Austin. Jason and Katie are safe."

Austin desperately fishes for more information. "But I need to know what..."

Carter interrupts him. "Tell Rosetta her niece is coming home too, so she can stop worrying. I'll be in touch."


Austin groans and hangs up the phone. His confusion has been compounded. But he has to trust his father that Jason and Katie really are safe. What on earth happened - he has no idea. But they're on their way home, and that's what really mattered at this point.
He stands up to go find Rosetta.


*Katie feel proud and good as Jason recites her words. Staying quiet Katie listens to Carter and Jason talk. Katie smiles as Carter talks about her aunt and herself being the same.* " Thank you Sir. I think I judged you wrong. And for that I am sorry." *Katie feel satisfaction at Carter hands Jason the papers. As Katie turns to leave with Jason she holds the door open. Looking back she smiles at Carter and nods. Than turns back to help Jason.* " I guess we should call back to the ranch, or at least Austin to let them know we are on our way back. Than the fun part comes, facing the music." *Katie takes her sun glasses out of her pocket and puts them on.* "How about we get some dinner first. I am starving!" *Katie makes a funny face at Jason.*


Carter studies Katie intently, watching her ever move, listening to every voice inflection. As she concludes, he rubs his chin thoughtfully, the hint of a smile still visible. He shift his focus back to Jason. “You’ve got quite a loyal friend here.”

Jason nods decisively. “Yes, sir, I do.”

The wheels turning in Carter’s mind are almost tangible as he turns around to look at his bookcase again, searching for another title. “And do you agree with what she says?”

Jason chooses his response carefully. “I can only hope that I may live up to such a reputation as that.”

Carter retrieves a book to look through, though continues to speak. “You’ve changed, Jason… I can’t quite put my finger on it, but if I didn’t know any better I’d say you’d done some growing up.” He glances at Jason out of the corner of his eye. “You can back up that confidence of yours - you always have been able to. That’s why you’re so valuable. But I was scared for a while that you’d let your cockiness run away with itself.” He scans the contents of his book. “You’ve matured, Jason. And that’s a good thing.”

Jason isn’t sure how to respond, so remains silent as Carter continues.

“You do realize though, that if I repeal your suspension, that some might think I’m showing favoritism. You are my great-grandson after all.”

Jason grits his teeth, again picking and choosing his words. “If you allow others’ skewed opinions rule your own decisions, then you’re not who I think you are.”

“Austin and I worry about you, you know.”

Jason thinks for just a moment. “Someone once told me that they would rather die knowing they did something to help than live knowing they did nothing.” He stares at his grandfather boldness. “I’ve worked hard to gain the position I have at TJY because I care about its mission. If what I do here helps one person, then it’s been worth it. I would hope that others’ concern for my safety would not override my own desire to do what is right…to do the things that I was born to do.”

Carter lets his book fall shut, and looks back to Katie, seeming to change the subject once again, though one might wonder if he is collecting bits and pieces of information to complete a puzzle in his mind. “You remind me an awful lot of your aunt, Katie. She had that same spark…that same fire in her eye. And she had the biggest heart I’d ever seen. She also was a good judge of character, and never one to put another person down, but she always saw the potential and the good.” He pauses, looking back and forth between the two young people. “I have a feeling that if I turn down this request, that I will not be rid of either one of you.”

“No, sir.” Jason stand straighter. “If you decline, you can bet that I will be continuing to work on this case with or without TJY. It would be my strong suggestion to put me back on this case through this company so at least you can keep an eye on me and keep me informed, lest I ruin an undercover plan by this department.”

A genuine chuckle emerges from Carter, and he shakes his head. A strange twinkle sparks in his eye and he looks back at Katie for a moment, then back at Jason. “Alright. Your suspension is lifted.”

Relief sweeps over Jason, but he remains composed. “I’d like to have that in writing.”

“Of course you would.” Carter move to his desk, taking out a sheet of paper and signing it. “I wouldn’t expect you to walk out of here without it.”

Jason’s eyes widen as he sees the paper. “You had it already drawn up?”

Carter hands it over to him. “Don’t dwell on a test once it’s been passed, Jason. Now go. Safe journey.”