
I can see the good.

*Katie smiles back at Jason as they turn to make there way back.*

"And you mister too. We dont need you geting sick eather. I need you in top health and does does the band. I dont want to kiss no sick person, and the band dosent want you sick trying to sing eather"

*Katie cant help but grin as she leans her head on Jason's shoulder.*

*Nate stands and streches.*

"Well I guess I better start heading out. I have to be into work early tomarrow. I think its gonna be a long day again."

*Nate smiles at Laura and he pass. Than gives Jamie shoulder a gental squeeze.*

"Take it easy Jamie. See you again soon."

*Passing by Con he gives a slight nod and heads for the door. Running to his car out of the rain and heading home.*

*Jamie lets out a breath and reaches up puting her hand on Con's than looks at Laura.*

"Have you eaten yet hun? I can make you something. I have a bunch of movies too maybe we can watch one before bed."

*Jamie smiles a bit nervely. She new she would have to go to sleep soon but she was scaired to close her eyes for the dreams would come again and invade her rest.*

*Misty stiffens at Ty's question puting her on guard. Not knowing who this boy was mad her uneasy and to think about her answers carfely.*

" Because I've seen the good in Carson. He's just...lost."

*Slowly Misty takes a few steps back and looks in the window in the door from the side hoping Carson wont be able to see her. Than backs away.*

"And I feel pulled to him for some reson. Ment to help him. Please dont tell anyone what you saw tonight. I know its alot to ask, but nothing wrong was going on here. Nothing bad happend. If Carson truly wasent trying to change dont you think when he opend the door he would of tryed to escape. Do what you must, what you think is right. But I am only trying to help."

*Misty turns and heads down the hall and out of TJY to her car.*

My guess is...

Jason returns Katie’s hug tightly, feeling as though he never wants to let her go. “I’ll never understand why you picked me,” he speaks softly. “But I’m glad you did. I don’t know where I’d be if it weren’t for you. You’re important to me, Katie…and I just can’t help the way I feel.”

He withdraws a little to see Katie’s face, wishing only he could cradle it again, but his arms are full. Grinning, he turns back to the path. “I better get you out of this before you catch your death of cold.”

Con and Laura drift into the living room, Laura moving her bag out of the way. Con leans on the back of Jamie’s couch behind her, not wanting to interrupt her and Nate, but knowing the evening must progress sometime. “It’s getting late. What’s the game plan, guys?”

Carson’s eyes narrow a bit at Misty’s questions, unsure how to process them, and too uncomfortable to respond. As she gives him a hug, he feels himself stiffen. His own reaction catches him off guard. A few minutes ago, he would have enjoyed this. But it was different…she wasn’t asking for anything…it wasn’t out of impulsive’s desire…it was an embrace to comfort…to show care. And that was the kind of embrace Carson was not used to.

His hands automatically raise to be placed on Misty’s back, though the hug is not returned, his mind going in too many directions at once, especially after she whispers those words.

Carson simply stares after her until the door is shut. He doesn’t move for several minutes…contemplating…analyzing…pushing away unwanted emotions.

Giving in to the fact that he’s once again alone, he retreats to the cot, sinking down and leaning back against the wall a little too quickly, making his shoulder hurt. But it didn’t seem too painful in comparison to what his heart was feeling. This was exactly why he’d never spoken of the past…it hurt too much. Why had he allowed himself to open up? Why had he allowed Misty to affect him like that? It just didn’t make sense. He wasn’t himself, and it felt strange.

As Misty leans up against the wall, Ty quirks an eyebrow at her. He was new here…he was slowly learning about the way things ran…about TJY itself and the jobs that were done. Something here just didn’t seem right.

Ty slings his garbage sack over his shoulder, hooking his free hand in his pocket. “So…my guess is that you were not interrogating that guy. What’s up with the secrecy?”

What are you gonna do

*As Jason spins Katie opens her arms up like she is flying laughing and giggling, leting the rain hit her. The rain felt good, Jason's arms felt good, Katie's laughs felt good. Giving out a hoot and haller.*

"We're free like birds."

*As Katie brinds her head down her sparking eyes meet Jason and she just smiles. How Jason had come to mean so much to her so fast. His eyes, it was one of the peaces of his puzzle that was missing was now found, that bit of happyness was in her eyes and refecten pure joy. It was good to see the change in Jason to see him happy, and have found what was missing. Though there past had been rough Katie wouldent change anything that happend.*

"Even in the rain Jason I have a wonderful time with you. You truly are amazing and I want you to know that. Thank you."

*Katie wraps her arms around Jason and hugs him tight.*

*As Carson grabs Misty and puts her in a head lock her arms imediatly go to his for arm that is around her neck out of pure instinction. Though if you looks at her eyes close enough you would see she wasent scaired. She new Carson wasent trying to hurt her, only trying to help her get out.

As Misty is pushed from the room she turns and smiles at Carson for a bref moment the fire in her eyes returning bright. Holding up her hand to stop Ty from closing the door just yet. In her sassy tone she replys.*

“So what happened a few days ago that made you change you mind? And now will you keep that fire burning? Or are you going to let it go out?"

*Quickly Misty enters the cell again and puts her arms around Carson giveing him a hug she whispers.*

"I have faith in you and wont give up, now you have faith in yourself and don’t give up. If you cant do it for youself, do it for the sassy little spitfire."

*As fast as she entered the cell she exits noding to Ty to shut the door. Once outside the cell and the door is shut Misty leans against the wall taking the back of her head aganst it. The feeling that bubbled inside of her was driving her crazy. How could this happen so fast. She dident understand it and it scaired her alittle.*


Carson doesn't know what to do with himself as Misty talks. He isn't used to sharing about his past at all, let alone having someone be compassionate about it. Whenever he'd dared to speak before, he'd been put down or laughed at...but not Misty. There was a softness to her hard edge...one that confused Carson.

He finally looks up as she stands by the door, sensing her own emotions. Why had they ended up here together? Why had they had this instant pull towards each other? Why tonight? There didn't seem to be an explanation.

Carson is tempted to stand and go to her, but he restrains himself, not wanting to put himself in a position where he might make a mistake. Instead he remains seated, saying nothing. For what could he possibly say?

Jason gazes into Katie's eyes, a grin toying with his mouth. He leans down to offer a kiss of his own, drawing back with his eyes sparkling, the rain pelting down on his face. A laugh makes its way to the surface. "Are we crazy or what?" Holding Katie tighter, he spins around under the storm then stops to lift his face to the clouds, enveloped in the rain. "We're on top of the world!" he shouts into a roll of thunder.

Laura sees Nate to in to talk to Jamie, and turns to her brother. Looking at him for a moment, she moves to give him a hug.

Con accepts, and holds her close, his own mind thinking of the past...she was still his little sister, and he still watched over her like a hawk, even though they were adults now. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Laura backs away and nods decisively. "Yeah, I'm okay. How about you?"

"Oh...I'm alright."

Laura looks at his eyes, knowing he's not alright. "Things will get better. They have to."

Ty makes his way down the hall in the back of TJY, emptying the trash cans into a larger bag. He didn't mind the late night work...he'd rather be alone anyway, and Hal trusted him to do his own tasks. Setting a waste basket down, it slips from his grasp, knocking into the wall with a bang.

Carson looks up quickly, hearing a sound that is not thunder. He's on his feet immediately and goes to the door to look out the small window. Seeing Ty, he raises his eyebrows. "You might get out of here tonight yet, Sassy."

Taking the opportunity before it slips away, he raps his knuckles on the thick glass.

Ty looks up from his duty to see a face at the door and knows it's the guy they'd brought in a couple days ago. Leery, he approaches with caution.

Carson speaks loudly and thumbs behind him at Misty. "Hey, kid, open up the door so Misty can get out of here, will ya?"

Ty comes closer, and sees Misty, his apprehension rising. He didn't know this young woman...apparently she was from TJY. But what was she doing there? Why were they in there together? This time of night? What was really going on? Was it some kind of trick?

Carson rolls his eyes as he sees Ty's hesitance. Thinking on his feet, he reaches out to grab Misty, roughly spinning her around to put her in a choke hold, his face growing angry. His eyes blaze with intentions of getting out of this cell. "Open it now, or you'll have more to deal with than you care to think!"

Ty's face pales. He's sure now that Carson is trying to escape, but if he didn't open the door, the woman would be hurt. Though still hesitating, he reaches out to press the buttons on the key pad, disarming the alarm, and opens the door.

Carson gives Misty a light shove, sending her out of the room with a glare in Ty's direction. "Breathe a word of this to anyone and it'll be you in the choke hold next. Got it?"

Ty's eyes widen as he looks at Misty, then Carson. He wasn't trying to escape? But...what....?


*Misty listens to Carson carfely. Her heart acked. So that’s what made him tick. What made him do what he did. As Carson talks Misty does see much but is his unmoved eyes she can see there is pain. Those sharp blue eyes showed that he was in much pain. He was cold and hardend to keep the pain at bay.*

“I’m sorry Carson. About your family. Ya I know what you will probley say “Meh it happens, it dosent bother me anymore” or something to that affect, But I am sorry anways. That’s a lot for a person to go through and I bet there is a lot of pain inside still too.”

*Misty’s tone softens as she speaks. The fire and spunk still in her eyes, but the sound of her voice no longer matches. Misty pushes herself off of the Cot and walks over to the cell door looking out the window into the blackness. Silence filling the room for a moment. Misty leans aganst the solid door looking out the window just thinking. A large flash of lighting lights up the hall shinning into the cell though the windows, light up Misty’s face slightly. Enough to make out a small tear that pass quick.*

“Your not a coward Carson. Your family had just been shot in front of you face what alse where there for you to do. You wanted to stay alive I don’t think that makes you a coward at all. It only makes you human.”

*Misty continues to lean aganst the door as the silence invades the tiny room again.*

*Kaite cant help but giggle as Jason picks her up and walks with her through the rain. Katie watches in awww as the reach the cliff and see the lighting and clouds. It was so pritty she had never seen anything so amazing in her life.

Katie never liked the lighting to much but she aslways liked rain. For the first time she got to get a good look, at the light, the rain the sound of the thunder and with Jason's arms wraped around her she wasent scaired at all. She was enjoying even minute of it, not even cairing about the rain on her skin anymore. Turning her head Katie looks at Jason and smiles giving him a small kiss on the lips.*

"This is amazing J. Its so pretty."

*Nate smiles as he steps into the house sencing Con stillness for a moment he takes a step back not wanting to tangel with Con. Smiling he holds up Ed's box.*

"I thought I would bring Ed back to Jamie too since I was coming this way."

*Nate smiles at Laura slipping off his shoes he makes his exit heading into the living room where he is guessing Jamie is. Seeing her on the coutch he goes over to her and sets Ed's box down. Than takes his own seat in a chair across from her.*

"How are you feeling?"

*Jamie trys to muster up the best smile she can. She was a bit skidish from the lighting and thunder but wasent feeling to bad since Con was there.*

"The best I can be. Alittle bit skiddish, but alive non the less. Still just dealing with trying to get past some stuff."

*Nate holds his smile and nods.*

"Its understandable. You've been through alot no one can just think your gonna be good like that."

*Nate snaps his fingers as he continues to talk.*

"It will get better though. Your strong and you have a good person thats lending his shoulder. Dispite everything He really cares for you and want to protect you."

*Jamie reaches into Ed's box and pulls him out leting him coll around her wrist and lifts his head to look at Jamie as if to say hello. Smiling Jamie replys to Nate.*

"Ya I know he is great. I'm very thankful for Con. He means alot to me. We've been friends for ages and now to let it grow into something more is a good feeling. Its nice having friends that care too. Thank you Nate."

*Nate gives a small smile and nods.*


Carson doesn't reply to Misty right away. His eyes grow dim...lifeless and he doesn't look in her direction. Quiet settles over the room as if he's not going to answer her. "

My father worked for the Agency." His statement slices through the silence. "I was just a kid...all I knew was that he was a businessman. He often took trips to the US, and every once in a while he'd let me tag along, though I'd end up staying alone at the hotel while he went to his 'business meetings' that would have been 'too boring' for someone my age."

Carson's eyes dart about the room as he blocks out the past. "I don't know how much my mom ever knew. I think she suspected something, but wasn't involved." He shrugs. "So I grew up as normal as any kid. Went to school, had friends, didn't get in too much trouble, though I was less than an A student. When I was out of high school, my dad approached me about a job. It would just be running errands, he said. Maybe going to the US with him again, though officially. The pay was good - what kid wouldn't want cash in his pocket?"

He shifts his weight, stretching out his legs on the floor, still staring ahead and not a Misty. "I didn't know about the Agency's dealings right away...I picked up on things slowly, but by that time I'd already been working for several years and didn't want to lose my job so I turned a blind eye to anything I heard. Then one day something happened...my dad had a fight with someone, or he didn't agree with something they were doing. In a desperate move, the Agency brought in my father, me, my mother and my sister. They started threatening us...saying our dealings with them needed to be all or nothing. My father stood his ground, my mother by then had an idea of what was going on, and she stuck with him. My sister was bull-headed enough to insult one of the guys holding us."

Carson makes no movement...his eyes lock into one of the cement blocks on the far wall. "The Agency gave us one more chance...it was joining them or die. My family chose to turn their backs and walk away. They were gunned down. Dead within a matter of seconds." His stare never wavers. "The gun was pointed at me and I proved just what a coward I was by folding. I'd work for them. I channeled my anger against the Agency towards other people instead...the people they wanted me to take down, or torture into talking. I was good at it...the best they had because I was brutal and I didn't care. Eventually, despite what the Agency had done, was on their side without so much as a look back. There was no way out, so the only option was to be one of them, and I played the part to a tee..." Carson allows just a slight pause. "...Until a few days ago."

He scoffs and finally looks down, letting his fingers fidget with a loose threat on his blanket. "So, that's me. A coward who looks out for number one." He shakes his head. "I don't even know why I'm telling you all of this."

Jason steers his motorcycle along the road as it makes a steady incline until reaching a plateau with a gravel lot. Parking, he sets the bike on its kickstand and gets off, removing his helmet, despite the pouring rain, and takes Katie's off too. Grabbing her so she doesn't have to walk, he lifts her up into his arms and walks a ways through the rain until they reach the edge of a cliff. Trees had blocked the view up until that point, but now they could see out across the countryside. Lightning flashes in the distance, revealing the ominous rolling clouds. Thunder rumbles, shaking the earth. The view is breathtaking, the fact that they're soaked to the bone isn't even considered.

Jason squints out into the rain, waiting for each lighting flash to enjoy the display, holding Katie so she can see too.

Arriving at Jamie's Laura runs quickly to the door with Nate in toe. Con is already at the door, opening it and ushering them in out of the rain. "Good grief, I was about ready to call someone to go looking for you."

Laura grimaces. "I know, I know. Sorry. I got hung up."

Con looks at her for a moment, immediately seeing the slight redness in her eyes. That was from no rain. He glances towards Nate, then back at Laura again, questioning the circumstances of which he didn't know.

Laura senses his concern and doesn't want him assuming this had anything to do with Nate. She pushes a smile to the surface. "My car is in the shop again, but Nate was kind enough to give me a lift, so you have him to thank for getting me here in one piece."


*Misty smiles at she sits down on the Cot. Her own body was tired but there was no way she could sleep not now. Pulling the blanker around her Misty leans her head aganst the wall her eyes moving to Carson. He has his chanse yet he did nothing. Did he truly care enough about her not to hurt her. Carson...she had yet to figure him out, but He was...a good man with a messed up life.*

"So since we have the time, about telling me your true story. I bet you left a bit out too."

*Misty's tone has softened alittle. A smile on her face. Everything was gonna be ok, she new and hoped it would be.Misty hoped if anything came out of this mess maybe the other would see Carson was a good guy for not hurting her or trying anything. Misty wished they could see what she did. *


Carson can’t help a crooked grin at Misty. It was obvious she didn’t mind being here in this room with him. Perhaps she was even enjoying it. Why, Carson didn’t know, but he couldn’t be misreading her that much.

Cocking his head, he catches her eye once again. She was trying to read him, no doubt. What would he allow her to see? What could he afford? What did he dare?

Looking at her, he suddenly realizes that not a week prior, if put in this same position with another woman, his feelings would be very different, as would be the outcome of the night. He’d always gone after what he wanted, no matter what, disregarding consequences and taking advantage of circumstances or people, whether it was his job, or simply his own desires. Tonight he was locked in a room with Misty, most likely with no one to come until morning. And yet…

Carson hooks his hands in his pockets and sighs deeply. He wasn’t sure why…he wasn’t sure what was happening to him… but for the first time, he felt differently. He was looking at Misty differently than he had others… He didn’t want to hurt her. He didn’t want to take advantage of the situation. He honestly didn’t want to…and as crazy as it seemed, that in itself was a new sensation. But he couldn’t deny it. He would not be treating Misty like he had others.

Finally moving forward, Carson goes to his cot to pick up the blanket and replace it with a different one. He tosses the first one on the floor, then moves to Misty, taking her by the hand to pull her by the cot, turn her around and set her down on it. “Better make yourself comfortable. It’s gonna be a long night.”

He moves away and eases himself down to the floor on the other blanket, settling back against the wall, and pulling his knees up closer to his chest to rest his arms on them. He keeps the light on, and lets his eyes stare into nothingness, exhausted, but too alert to sleep.


*As Misty falls forword and Carson's arms catch her once again for the first time since they firt met her cheeks turn a small shade of red. Within moment the bit of embarssment is gone and just a rose color to her cheeks remain.*

"Consequences, Hummm....I dont think I know what those are. Maybe you should show me again!"

*As the lights go off and the highpitch sounds Misty covers her ears. After the sounds stop and Carson check the wire Misty's widen as well a bit.*

"Huh, what a cawinsadence, now I dont have to make a chose if I stay or leave. But I dont think I mind."

*Misty walks over to the door and looks at the wires seeing if anything can be done. The last thing she wasent was to get Carson in even more trouble. She dident care what happend to herself. Leting out a sigh she turns around.*

"Well it was fun while it lasted, though I dont think I would change anything if given the chanse."

*Misty removes her small jacket she had on and throws it over the small table figure she is gonna be here a while she might as well get comfortable. Misty's eyes find Carson's face once again what was running through his mind? what was he thinking about?*

*Nate laughs at Laura's comment. A smile pasted across his face. She was smiling and it made Nate feel good.*

"Ya I like the rain too. Its always been a fun passtime. Maybe sometime you will have to show me what a storm on the lake looks like I've never seen on."

*For a moment Nate things about his next words.*

"Its good to see you laughing and smiling again Laura. You desereve it."

*Finally they make it to Jamies house and head inside. Nate trying to keep Ed dry.*

* The rain felt good on Katie's skin. It wasent cold but warm. Though totaly wet Katie truly was having fun.Katie cant help but smile as Jason points to the sign. She tightens her arms around his alittle as if to say ok. Waiting to talk till they stop.*


As Misty hovers over Carson, he doesn’t move a muscle, but only stares her boldly in the eye. Her words cut deep…deeper than he’d like. Again, strange feelings try to make their way to the surface…ones that he’s had buried for such a long time. Misty had turned his own thought process around to use against him, and had done it well enough to catch him up again. But still he says nothing. His stare is steady, unwavering, his emotions hidden from view.

Misty’s face so close to his own, Carson can’t help but wonder where her own thoughts are. He recalls their earlier exchange, and wonders if that spark in her eye leads to more than just a spunky attitude. Had it been lit by mutual attraction, or was she simply toying with him? Was she daring him on purpose, or was her only motive to make him think about her words?

As she stands up, Carson’s eyes narrow ever so slightly, an almost-sly grin playing at the corners of his mouth. Without straightening, he sticks out his foot to hook Misty’s leg, knocking her off balance so she falls toward him again. He catches her around the waist, brining her face back inches from his own. “You don’t catch on very quick to the consequences factor, do you?” He pulls her in closer.

Suddenly the light goes out, followed by a tremendous roll of thunder. The light comes back on, and a high-pitched beeping invades the air. Carson lets go of Misty and quickly gets to his feet, following the sound to the door. Running his hand along the edge, he looks up at the subtle wiring, then hears the beeping stop. Through the small window in the door, he can just make out a small red light. His eyes widen.

Turning around, he sets his hands on his hips, looking at Misty again. “Hate to break the news to you, Sassy, but you’re not going anywhere unless you want to set the alarm off in this whole place. Lightning must have triggered the system, and there’s no control panel in here.”

Laura is on the verge of surprised by Nate’s comment, not sure what to think of it. Surely nothing was different between them…was it? He was just helping her out because he’d been her last resort…right?

Pushing aside these thoughts, Laura accepts Nate’s arm around her shoulder as they exit the house, then dash through the rain. Laura squeals with delight as the rain hits her face, getting her very wet, despite the short distance to the car. Giggling, she gets in and straps herself in. “I haven’t been out in a storm like this in a long time. I just love watching the lightning. Out at the lake it’s gorgeous being out in a storm with the waves crashing and the rain coming down in sheets…” She gives Nate a sheepish grin. “Not that I make a habit out of going to the lake in storms, but I’ll admit I’ve done it a time or two.”

Jason grimaces and nods. “It’s coming down pretty hard out there, but I don’t think we should wait ‘til it lets up – it could be a while.” Sighing, he stands and helps Katie back up again. “Alright…let’s go.”

With a quick farewell to the guys, Jason and Katie don their jackets and helmets and head outside into the pouring rain. Though Jason wants to run, he takes his time for Kaite’s sake, helping her back onto the bike. “Sorry,” he apologizes loudly above a roll of thunder. “Wet seats.” Straddling the bike in front of her, he gets it started and pulls out, making sure Katie is hanging on.

Lighting illuminates the dark road, displaying the pelting rain. Almost immediately, both riders are soaked, though it’s a warm rain. Jason skillfully maneuvers the road, though drives with caution as the storm continues.

Thunderheads line the horizon, lit up by spidering lightning, creating an awesome sight. Jason grins to himself and takes one hand off the handlebars to reach back and pat Katie’s leg, then point as he makes a turn off on another road instead of aiming back towards town. A sign signals "Cavern Lookout."