
And the Fun goes On!

*As Misty leans aganst Carson a smile cross her face as she watches the seting sun. Bring her arms up to wrap around Carson's arms as he holds her. Misty felt safe, and content. A feel that had not been felt in a long time. Her felt a tad bit scaired of the rising feeling but new there was nothing to fear. Not many people had ever seen Carson the way Misty saw him. He opened to her, and let her in. *

"And the soul is at rest for now, the torment stoped. To rest and take in this moment. Happyness had found the wandering warrior and the one sent to end the war."

*At Mom and Pop's the hussle is great with the band and everyone from TJY, though the restront is slow and not many people are round it makes it a good thing. Mable hurrys over to the table geting drinks and takes the orders on the pizza.

The chatter continues looking around the table Katie stands still her emergy rising stands and goes over to Jamie. Bending down she whispers in her ear and they both break out laughing.

Jamie pats Con's arm leting him know she will be back and disapears into the back room with Katie.*

*Nate raises an eyebrow around the table.*

"Where are those two going? Something fishy is up."

* A few more minutes pass when finally a upbeat quirky music come over the juke box at the far end of the room. Katie and Jamie both come out dancing from the backroom singing in turn with big smiles on there face.*


I told the witch doctor I was in love with you
I told the witch doctor I was in love with you
And then the witch doctor, he told me what to do
He said that ....


Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang...
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang

*Katie goes around the table one way as Jamie goes the other singing to everyone siting down pretending the spoons are micraphones. Jamie stops and lingers at Con for a moment. and Katie stops at Jason both with big grins on there face showing they are having a fun time.*


I told the witch doctor you didn't love me true
I told the witch doctor you didn't love me nice
And then the witch doctor, he gave me this advice
He said to ...


Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang...
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang

*Both girls step away from the boys at the table and make there way over to the counter. Katie jumps up on the counter standing than reaches down to help Jamie up. Both girls stand back to back singing as the other few people in the restron look on in aw at the two girls not knowing what is going on.*


Now, you've been keeping love from me
Just like you were a miser
And I'll admit I wasn't very smart
So I went out and found myself
A guy that's so much wiser
And he taught me the way to win your heart


My friend the witch doctor,
he taught me what to say
My friend the witch doctor,
he taught me what to do
I know that you'll be mine when I say this to you
Oh, Baby ....

*Both girls put there arms around eachother as they sing the last chorus together.*

Katie and Jamie:

Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang...
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang
Ooo eee, ooo ah ah ting tang
Walla walla, bing bang

*Both girl stay standing on the counter breaking out in laughter as they try to catch there breath. Mable and Herb watch from the kitchen smiling and laughing along. Finally Mable brings come out carrying the pizze, Jamie and Katie still trying to catch there breath.*

Finding Seats

As Misty takes Carson’s hand and leads him past the stores, he is surprised, but doesn’t ask, and simply follows along, finally putting pressure to her hand as well, to stick with her on the fast walk.

Reaching the site, Carson looks quickly to Misty at her words…their depth…their impact…he hadn’t been expecting that. They made him think…made him wonder…made him dwell on things he didn’t normally dwell on. Her words were deep.

Carson says nothing, but stairs out across the land where the sun is casting its brilliant colors. It was breathtaking. The view mixed with Misty’s words made for an experience he’d never had before. It was different…it was a little confusing…but he thinks he likes it.

Misty’s gentle squeeze to his hand brings another rampant thought to his mind. He couldn’t remember ever holding hands with a woman before. Not like this. There had never been that simplicity…that satisfaction of doing nothing but being together. And yet…Carson was beginning to feel that now. With any other woman, he’d been out for one thing, but with Misty…he was beginning to want to know her more…hear her voice…feel that spark she’d renewed deep within himself. At this moment, he wanted nothing more, nothing less.

Finally moving, Carson shifts and lets go of Misty’s hand, sidestepping so he is standing behind her. His arms slip over her shoulders to cross under her chin, pulling her gently to rest back against himself. His chin rests on top of her head as he looks out at the expanse, his hat’s brim shielding his eyes from the fiery glow. “And slowly…slowly the flame descends below the horizon, signaling the end… yet reminding that it will soon appear again, bringing with it a new chance… a new hope for better things to come.”

Jason laughs and gives Katie a squeeze. “No, you can’t drive, but you can be my passenger. Besides, I like you back there anyway because you have to put your arms around me.” He throws her a teasing glance, before shifting his attention to the others around them.

Laura looks at Maggie, grinning and taking her hand. “Oh, good! You’re going to sit by me, right?”

As Nate’s hand brushes her arm, Laura looks up, but doesn’t flinch, simply turning her gaze to something else to ignore the accident.

Within no time, the bunch from TJY and JetStream are all finding places to sit and pulling several tables together. In the end, not everybody has gotten their chosen seats, but it doesn’t seem to matter as laughter and chatter fill the back room. Jason is glad he winds up next to Katie, Con and Jamie are able to sit together as well. Laura realizes after getting seated that she’s by Nate instead of Maggie, but doesn’t want to make a scene by moving, so stays put. Kyle, Phil and Mike play musical chairs for what seems like forever, undecided and too hyped up to calm down, while Jen is at the end, trying to keep “her boys” under control.

Another good Night

*Misty listens to Carson as he talks once again her heart going out to him. As the walk Misty takes note to the colors in the sky. Wondering if Carson ever took time to stop and look at the wonderful sight before. Misty new she hadent since england. It had been to long. With out out thinking Misty takes Carson by the hand and walks a bit faster trying to get to where she wanted to take Carson before it was to late. Walking swiftly past the little strip mall Misty heads for a deserted bridge that was cut off. Climping over some rubble Misty still holdng Carson's hand. Finally coming to a ledgh that over looks the water, and over the town farm into the dessert. From this view the wonderes colors in sky can be seen. Still holding his hand Misty smiles.*

"Infinite in mystery is the gift she brings you. We seek it thus, and take it to the sky. Ripples form on the water’s surface. The wandering soul knows no rest. Till the moment you find her again, the moment you soul can feel her touch."

*Misty lets out a sigh not looking at Carson but keeping her head to the sky as the wind blows softly.*

"You may have not had much before Carson, but you have so much more now. Friends, people who care, the ones who like you a great deal. You saved me from Drew and them, I wouldent addmit it to myself but you did. If you hadent shown up I probley would of been forced to do something I dident want to do. Your my hero now in more ways than one."

*Misty gives Carson's hand alittle squeeze. Closing her eyes a small tear escapes as she smiles her face still to the sky, and the wind still whistling softly.*

“There is no hate, only joy. For you are beloved by many. Hero of the dawn, healer of worlds.Though the prisoner escapes, he is gravely wounded. His life is saved however, By a woman of the opposing nation, He begins a life of with her, Which seems to hold the promise of eternal bliss, But as happiness grows, so does guilt. One can not be without the other. Without balancing them out guilt will always rain strong."

*As Katie listens she cant help but smile. It was wonderful listing to Jason and the rest of the gang. Katie breaks out in laughter as she listin. Smiling down every once and a while at Jen. She was having a blast listing to the band. As they come to a close Katie claps with all her might and lets out a sharp whistle. Katie cant help but blush and act alittle shy as Jason talks about her voice.

Hurrying backstage Katie finds Jason throwing her arms around him and planting a quick kiss on his lips.*

"You were amazing J and you did look good up there. My rockstar boyfriend."

*Katie slings her arm around Jason's wast and his other is around her shoulder.*

"Oh so no matter what I am going cuz you said so? I could never turn down pizza anyways. Pluse that means I get to spend more time with you so ya I am going with ya. Can I drive the bike?"

*Katie gives Jason a wink to show she is kidding. Her adrenilan is still running wild from the nights avents.*

*Maggie looks up at her brother a big smile on her face. Nate could tell she was having a great time she needed this. Nate gives a small nod and smiles back at her. As if reading Nate's mind Maggie runs over to Laura and locks hands with her.*

"Nathen said we could go for alittle bit to have Pizza."

*Nate looks to Laura and smiles. He was happy to see Maggie happy. His sister was always so happy, but he often wondered if she was on the inside to but it was moment like that that Nate truly new she was. and thats was one of the most important things in his life was to make the time Maggie had left the best. Picking up the pace Nate catched up with Laura and Maggie puting his arm around his sister Nate touches Laura's arm alittle bit on mistake.*

*Jamie puts her arms around Con's arm and smiles up at him.*

"I'd love to if you feel up to it."

Pizza anyone?

Carson is careful not to look at the other table, and slips out of BK with Misty. Once outside, he walks more swiftly down the sidewalk, all too happy to be rid of that situation. “I don’t know what they’re doing in town, unless they’re here looking for me,” he reasons with distaste, shaking his head.

Out of sight from the restaurant he slows down a little, but still keeps a wary eye out. The sun is starting to sink lower in the sky, though he pays little attention to the clouds that take on gorgeous shades of vibrant pinks, purples and golds.

As they walk past TJY, Carson reflects on where he is now and what he’s left behind. “I guess it’s a good thing I never settled down in one place for long,” he muses with apathy. “I didn’t have much to go back to anyway unless you count a bum roommate and a handful of personal belongings that have no value.”

All four members of JetStream make their entrance by racing from the back of the room, and leaping up on stage. All have wireless headset mics and Kyle spins around to the audience while Phil and Jason grab their guitars and Mike gets behind the drum set. “Helloooooo Franklin Hospital supporters!” He grins at the applause, but waves them to stop. “I know, y’all came just to hear us, right?” He pauses for effect, then laughs. “No, I know you’re here because you care about this town’s hospital and what it’s doing for the people in our community. I think Katie over there,” he points to her, “said it best, so I need not repeat. But we’re here tonight to give y’all a good time and to encourage you, if you like us…to show it by giving a contribution to the hospital because that would mean more to us than your applause.”

He takes a deep breath, stepping forward as if ready for a speech. “Now, I’ve got an experience with this hospital, see one time…”

“Yo, Kyle!” Phil waves a hand in the air. “They don’t want to hear about your hangnail!”

Mike gives a three beat on the drum and symbol, bringing even more laughter.

Kyle can’t help his smile. “Alright, alright about we just give y’all some music?” The shouts encourage him to turn around and head for the keyboard. “You heard ‘em boys, lets get this rockin’ and a rollin’!”

The music starts with a popular upbeat song, getting everyone to their feet. Jason flashes the audience a smile as he leads in with his guitar then starts to sing. As the song plays on, he shifts his gaze to find Katie, his eyes shining with enjoyment at being able to pick her out of the crowd. His strong, mellow voice seems to entrance everyone listening, drawing in even those who had been outside.

The guys banter back and forth between songs, encouraging more laughter, and it’s a ways into the program that Kyle leads them off again. “Got a new song y’all.”

The audience cheers, and Kyle chuckles, staying behind the keyboard. “It’s one I wrote myself…” He plays a few notes. “…for all you city slickers out there… And I’ll just let you decide if I was writing this about myself or not…”

Mike takes the cue and starts a beat on the drums with Jason coming in with the guitar, giving the song almost a bluegrass feel. It’s Kyle that takes the vocals this time, his voice with a slight edge, a contrast to Jason, but good nonetheless. He sings in a story-telling-like tone, playing the keyboard and looking out at the audience.

Well, I took one summer, down at ol’ Grandpappy’s.
Had a farm by a lake, we used to go fishin’.
Campin’ late at night, just under the stars,
I’d hear the wind and all the crickets chirpin’.

Jen moves a switch on the sound board, and suddenly the audience can hear crickets chirping. The band stops completely and look at each other as if they didn’t know about it, then shrug and start up again, causing everyone to laugh.

I was just a kid, used to living in the city,
Didn’t know about nature, but figured I’d learn.
Out one night with my window wide open,
I heard a strange noise that gave me quite a start.

Well I went down running to my grandpappy’s room.
Yelling and a screaming, “There’s a beast outside!”
Grandpappy rose right quicker than a bullet,
Grabbed his trusty shotgun right off of his shelf.

We ran out to that porch as quick as we could.
Grandpappy stopped and we stood just a listenin’.

Kyle pauses, his voice hushing to a whisper as he cups a hand to his ear, then jumps with a start, the music back again.

There it is again!” I clung to his leg.
“I heard it again! Don’t you hear it down there?”

Grandpappy’s mouth started twichin’ kinda funny.
I looked up at him to see him start to grin.
His belly started shakin’ till he shook all over,
He was just a laughin’ and had me all confused.

“Grandpappy, why…why you laughin’ so hard?
Aren’t you gonna shoot that monster by the pond?”
He set that shotgun down and pointed in the dark,
“Why, son,” he said,” That’s just a…

Jason’s voice interrupts Kyle’s as he reaches down as low as he’s ever sung, producing a deep bass sound to give the last word of the line. “Bullfrog!

The band almost stops completely again and th crowd cracks up at the silly antics, but the song isn’t over yet, and Kyle resumes the lyrics, the music picking back up again.

Well, I’m growed up now, got a son of my own,
Took him out camping just a week or so ago.
We’s out one night, sitting down by the lake,
Billy’s eyes got wide, and he tugged at my shirt.

“Daddy!” he cried, “What’s that sound that I heard?”
“It sounds like a monster there over by the rocks!”
I just a started grinnin’ like my grandpappy would.
I took Billy by the hand to go get a closer look.

The sound came again, making Billy jump.
I laughed out loud, just shaking my head.
“Son,” I said, “There’s nothing to be scared of.”
“That noise you heard, it’s just a

Bullfrog!” Jason stretches to go even lower with his notes, starting to sound like a bullfrog himself.

Kyle tries to pick up the next line, but almost can’t as he starts to laugh himself.

Now when you’re out at night, and you hear a strange noise,
Just remember Grandpappy and my little Billy.
Don’t get too scared, it won’t hurt you one bit,
They’re right cute critters if you get a hold of one.

They make a lot of noise, and they keep you up at night,
They make a big splash and they’re doggone quick.
But nevermind you, it’s nothing to be scared of,
‘Cause we all know now…it’s just a…

Kyle pauses and leans toward Jason, the instruments ceasing again. One could hear a pin drop as everyone anticipated the next line.
Jason plays it up by taking a deep breath and acting as though he’s going to say it, but prolongs the moment just long enough to bring out more humor, then drops his voice back down again for the final word. “Bullfrog!

JetStream laughs along with the audience, giving themselves a breather before the next set of songs.

Jason takes the lead the rest of the night, singing a few of his own, including “Little Boy” that seems to put everyone in a trance. The mood is brought back up again though to end on an energetic song that gets everyone on their feet again, clapping and tapping their toes.

Despite the groans and begging for more, Kyle closes out the evening. “I just wanna say again, on behalf of this band, we’ve had an awesome time tonight, and can’t thank you enough for being such a great audience.” Receiving applause, Jason is the one to wave them down this time.

“I think we all need to give the other performers a hand here do, what do you say?”

Everyone, including the band, claps for those who performed before them.

“And I hope you all enjoyed the fine new voice you heard up here earlier, that of our own Katie Pent!” Jason grins as he points to Katie, bringing the audience into applause again. “Yeah, I bet y’all would like to hear more from her, wouldn’t you?” He holds his smile as Kyle takes back over again.

“Well, listen, we’ve had a blast, and hope you have to. And remember, this wasn’t for us, it was for the hospital. We’re glad you’re here, and your presence itself is a great support. But hey…on your way out, dig a little deeper and help out this hospital, ‘cause that’s what this was all for. Goodnight, y’all.”

The band waves to everyone, then makes their way out of the spotlight, exiting backstage.

The crowd starts to move, creating a buzz of activity and conversations all around.

Those from TJY somehow find each other to head backstage in order to see Jason and meet the band they’ve heard so little about.

Laura takes Maggie’s hand, whispering in her ear about the possibility of getting an autograph, and follows the few that head back to JetStream.

“Well, Jason, I knew you had it in you.” Con gives Jason’s shoulder a whack.

Jason grins at him. “Disappointed?”

“Not in the least. You’re even better than I thought you were.”

“Don’t even try,” Phil warns, “He won’t take a compliment for anything.”

“Even if you tell him he looked dang good up there?” Laura asks.

Jason’s face reddens. “I think you and Jen are ganging up on me.”

Conversations circle around and Jason is sure to introduce everyone, then finally Kyle shouts above everyone else. “Hey! You all may have enjoyed the goodies they’ve had out for everyone here tonight, but this band is downright starving. I say it’s time for a pizza party down at Mom and Pop’s to celebrate an awesome turnout. What do ya all say?”

Con looks to Jamie with a grin. “Want to join them?”

Jason slings an arm around Katie’s shoulder. “You are coming with, aren’t you? You can’t say no.”

Laura looks around at everyone else, noting that it seems everyone is going. She throws Nate a sidelong glance, wondering if he would be joining in with Maggie or not… and even if he wanted to, would he, since Con was going to be there?


*Misty nods finishing up her frys and picking up her drink to take with her.*

"Ok, I'm ready to go when you are."

*As she stands she trys her best to shield Carson's face but its useless with her hight. Wraping her one arm through Carsons They head for the door.*

"Ya its a good idea not to head back to TJY at the moment. We can walk that way but just pass as we go. There is a small strip of stores a bit down the way."

*Katie smiles up at Jason her eyes sparkling.*

"Thank you. That was so much fun. I see why you love it so much."

*Katie continues to smile as Jason sets her back down.*

"I cant wait to hear you sing now Jason. I'll be out with Jen so be looking for me. and I'll come find you after the show."

*Katie gives Jason another hug and gives his best wishes to the rest of JetStream before heading to find Jen.*

*Maggie perks up as Laura offers for her to come alone with her. Looking to Nathen Maggie asks with her eyes big and round.*

"Can I Nathen?"

*Nate smiles down at his sister her face so full of light, he gives a small nod.*

"You sure can sweetheart. Make sure you protect Laura good ok?"

*Maggie smiles again than stands taking Laura's hand and heading through the crowd.

Nate smiles as Laura and Maggie disapear. Maggie always did take a liking to Laura, and Laura was so good with her. Nate couldent help but have a new scene enter his mind, maybe it was only a dream of Laura being around more for Maggie. Nate quickly shakes the thought from his friend. Only Friends he said to himself again.*


Carson keeps his head bent, though continues to eat casually. "Friends of mine. Enough said?"

He doesn't dare to look up, though feels the breeze when the door opens, two tall men walking in and placing their order. They sit down a ways from Carson and Misty, paying no attention to them.

Carson's eyes shift uneasily, his leg starting to bounce nervously. "The sooner we get out of here the better, but we're not walking straight back to TJY."

The crowd shows their love for Katie's song by a standing ovation, their applause shaking the room. Kyle stands up on his chair, letting out a whoop, smiling from ear to ear. Phil and Mike throw Katie two thumbs up, and Jason stands, just letting his smile say it all.

Someone from the hospital stands up to take a turn at the mic, announcing a brief intermission before JetStream comes on to provide the entertainment for the rest of the fundraiser.

Jason is the first to fight his way to backstage to find Katie. Giving her a sly grin, he picks her up and spins her around, setting her back down to smile down at her, his hands cradling her face. "You were fantastic."

Laura leans back in her chair and sighs deeply, thoroughly enjoying herself. She was glad for a short break, but wished she could hear more from Katie. She was looking forward to JetStream though, wanting to see Jason onstage too. She'd have to find Katie after everything was over to tell her how much she'd enjoyed her songs.

Looking around, Laura finally stands to stretch. "Well, I gotta go find the little girl's room," she admits, and looks at Maggie. "I could use the escort if you want to take a break too," she offers.

Wont back down

*Misty makes a fast glance out the window and than back to Carson.*

"Well all in all I am happy you did come out with me."

*Misty keeps her gaze on Carson but watched the car and the guys out of the courner of her eyelike a hawk.*

"Who are they Carson?"

*Katie stands in the back as a few more people go out and sing. She really was enjoying herself. The gitters were gone now and there was only excitment. After the the profomance onstage is done Katie takes a deep breath. Walking out on to the stage again she has a big smile on her face. A more upbeat music starts to play.*

"Well now that I am warmed up how about we bring things into a more upbeat feeling. This next song is for all you out there and for everyone who has ever over come anything in there life. We are all gathered here to sapport this hospetal who has given so many people hope, and a second chanse at life. I also wanna thank god and this hospetal for giving me my second chanse. Only months ago I was in a horrable car accedent. Many tests and people said I wouldent walk again, but here I am standing infront of you. This is proof what faith in the lord above, Friends...."

*Katie points to Jetstream and Jen smiling.*

"...and hard work can do. We just cant back down."

*The music once again get louder and has more of a fast beat to it as Katie starts to move across the stage.*

"Well I won't back down
No I won't back down
You can stand me up at the gates of hel
lBut I won't back down

No I'll stand my ground, won't be turned around
And I'll keep this world from draggin me down
gonna stand my ground... and I won't back down"

*As Katie sings the couris she cant help but jump around alittle bit on stage, pointing out to the differnt people in the crowd. The look of true enjoyment on her face. The rush Jason had told her about Katie could feel it and how it did feel good.*

"I won't back down...
Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
and I won't back down...
hey I will stand my ground
and I won't back down

Well I know what's right,
I got just one life
in a world that keeps on pushin me around
but I'll stand my ground...
and I won't back down"

I won't back down...
Hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
and I won't back down...
hey I will stand my ground
and I won't back down"

*As Katie finishs the song she once again exits the stage blowing kiss into the crowd. Finding a chair in the back she sits down catching her breath as the crowd roars. There was a dull pain in Katies back, she new tomarrow she would be paying for this but right now she was having to much fun to care.*


Carson quirks an eyebrow and looks at Misty. "That obvious, huh? I was just..." His voice trails off as he sees a vehicle out the window. He turns his head, and pulls his baseball cap further down, his voice lowering. "I knew I shouldn't have gotten out. The guys in that blue car...whatever you do, don't draw attention, otherwise that shadow of mine is gonna catch up to us."

A small smile creases Jason's lips as Katie begins to sing. When she finds his eyes, he broadens his smile for her, not lowering his gaze. The words hit him harder than he thought...some would think it just a song...he knew it was her heart.

Kyle gives him a sidelong glance with a quirky grin, and elbows him teasingly. Jason returns with a kick to the shins, not giving him the satisfaction of looking at him. Kyle can only snicker, but then is slapped from the other side as a chide from Jen.

As Katie's song ends, JetStream erupts with claps and a shrill whistle from Kyle. The whole audience claps, proving that Katie's performance had been enjoyed.

Con beams as he cheers as well, the pride for his "little sister" evident on his face.

When you look me in the eyes

*Misty can sence that Carson is watching everything though dosent blame him. Taking a bit from her hamburger Misty smiles.*

"Try and relax alittle bit. You look to uptight. And I understand why, but come on now."

*Misty sticks her toung out at Carson a bit than takes a sip of her pop.*

*Jamie shakes her head laughing exiting the house and locking the door behind her.*

*As the music starts amd the lite dims a bit a spotlight comes on and Katie makes her way to the center of the stage. She has a shinny blue halter top on, with black leather pants. A little bit of makeup is on her face but not much at all. Her hair is down and curled, with glitter through out. Katie smiles*

“Ok guys this first song is gonna be warm up. If it sounds horrible sorry. This song is for a special someone. They know who they are. He’s changed my life a lot, and opened my eyes to a bunch of stuff and I guess this is my thank you to him.”

*The music starts up again alittle louder as Katie waits a few moment swallowing and than starts to sing softly.*

“If the heart is always searching, Can you ever find a home?I've been looking for that someone,I'll never make it on my ownDreams can't take the place of loving you,There's gotta be a million reasons why it's true.”

*As Katie loosens up a bit her sways to the soft music. Its evident she is still nervouse. Her eyes not focusing on the crowed for fear of totally choaking.*

”When you look me in the eyes, and tell me that you love me. Everything's alright,When you're right here by my side.When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise, When you look me in the eyes. How long will I be waiting, To be with you again. Gonna tell you that I love you, In the best way that I can. I can't take a day without you here, You're the light that makes my darkness disappear.”

*As Katie sings the song her emotions start to grow. Her feelings for Jason over coming her. How she cared so much for him and how he really did make her feel so great. Looking up Katie searches the crowd till her eyes find Jason. A smile makes its way across Katie fast as she continues to sing.*

”When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When you look me in the eyes, I catch a glimpse of heaven. I find my paradise,When you look me in the eyes. More and more, I start to realize, I can reach my tomorrow, I can hold my head up high, And it's all because you're by my side. When you look me in the eyes, And tell me that you love me. Everything's alright, When you're right here by my side. When I hold you in my arms, I know that it's forever. I just gotta let you know, I never wanna let you go. When you look me in the eyes."

*Katie’s voice trails off as she exits the stage. She needed a drink and it was someone alse turn now. Katie dosent go far though she will be up next again. Peeking out behind the curtins Katie scans the area making sure everything is in place and nothing seems fishy.*

*As the song end Jamie cheers and than looks to Con. She could feel Katie's emotions. Her voice was wonderful.*

*Maggie cheers at the top of her lungs as Katie walks off the stage. Nate joins in with her cheering for a an encore.*


Carson gives a dry laugh. "That's like telling a guard dog not to bite. Disaster is my shadow, but I'll try to behave myself for your sake."

Reaching the fast food restaurant, he holds the door open for Misty his eyes shifting in all directions. Though his body language is confident, and a bit cocky, his eyes reveal a cautiousness as he's in public.

It doesn't take long before they're at a table eating their supper. Carson dips a frenchfry in some ketchup, his watchfulness taking over so he's fairly quiet, though his mind is going a hundred miles an hour.

Laura starts to relax, and smirks at Nate. "Why on earth would I mind Maggie coming along? She's great company, and it's been too long since I've seen her." She turns around. "Let me grab my purse and I'm ready when you are."

"Yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming." Con exits the bathroom, having rushed through a shower and changing clothes. His hair is still wet, and his cologne fresh. He grabs his keys and heads for the door, getting there before Jamie. "Well what's taking you so long?" he teases. "I've been waiting here for hours!"

The community building is packed. People are everywhere, sitting, standing, working behind tables, and mulling around outside as well. JetStream sits expectantly near the soundboard with Jen, smiles on their faces as they await Katie. JetStream would be playing for quite a while, but to them, she was the main event.

Con looks over the crowd, glad for his height that he could see, and spies two chairs near the front, guiding Jamie along beside him so they can get a good seat.

Laura settles in by Nate and Maggie, glad that she decided to come. With Maggie along, things hadn't seemed quite so awkward. Others from TJY are scattered throughout the crowd as well. including Wyatt and Reese.


*Misty lets her Sassy smile stay at the courners of her mouth as Carson and herself head down the streets. A dry cocky laugh escapes from Misty's lips.*

"IF you were disobedient I am pritty confadent I could hadle you. But how about we not find out eh? I'd like to have a nice time out with you for once seeing as the last two have been a desaster."

*As they turn the courner BK comes into view.*

*As Nate listens to Laura it feels as though a thunderstorm rolls over his heart. This was silly he new Laura was out of his reach yet he had tryed anyways. Well friends was better than nothing. Nate laughs nervousely himself.*

"Ya sorry about the kiss again I wasent thinking clearly. And ya...just friends. Maggie will be coming with us if you dont mind? I promised her I would take her and I cant go back on my word. I think the three of us will have a real nice time."

*Katie exits the room dressed and ready. Scaning the area Katie makes sure all is well, and Jason isent around to see her before she is ready. Making her way to the back stage she was the first one up and VERY nervouse.*

*Jamie grabs her jacket and yells to Con in the other room a laugh in her voice.*

"Con you look fine like always lets get going before we are late. Good think its not to far from here."

*Jamie cant help but laugh again she was excited about see Katie and Jason. This was going to be a blast.*


Carson shrugs at Misty, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "It's nice out and I need the exercise." His hand feels a pack of smokes that had been left there since yesterday and he pulls it out, contemplating. Not allowing himself to even think about his reasoning, he tosses it in a nearby trashcan.

Walking, he resumes their previous conversation. "You may like ordering me around, but could you really handle me if I was disobedient?" He gives her a sidelong glance, his cockiness coming through again.

Laura slouches in her seat as Nate walks away. Why did she feel so badly? Where was her confidence? All of a sudden, she was constantly falling to pieces in front of Nate. It was ridiculous. She wanted to go to the fundraiser tonight, and Nate was the ticket to get her there. If she didn't have enough guts to accept a ride, then she was the one being lame.

Taking a deep breath, she stands up and heads for Nate's desk, forcing herself to walk with confidence. Arriving, she knocks on the cubicle wall. "I changed my mind. I'll go." Her eyes search Nate's face. "And I'm...I'm sorry if I've been offish. I guess..." She hesitates, but makes up her mind just to plow right through and deal with the consequences if need be. "I guess I know you were sick and out of it the other day, but when you kissed me it really threw me for a loop, so I started questioning your intentions."

Laura can feel her cheeks redden slightly, but she remains composed. "You're a great guy, Nate, and I appreciate all you've been doing for me lately. I um...I just want to make sure that...well that you really are being nice just because you want to be friends."

"I told you that!"

"Well I'm sorry I care!"

"Just stop it, Kyle!"

Jason, Mike and Phil exchange looks as they head to one of the rooms in the back of the building, hearing the argument. Kyle and Jen never fought.

Phil is the first to step in. "Whoa, you two, settle down." He looks at his siblings. "What is going on?"

Tears are behind Jen's eyes though she keeps them from overflowing, crossing her arms in defiance. "Nothing. We just had a disagreement."

Kyle turns his back, sighing deeply to compose himself. "We're fine."

Jason looks at Phil and Mike...they knew something he didn't, but they weren't talking about it. "Hey, Jen...you gonna stick around to tell me if I got my hair right, or what?"

A smile finally breaks through and Jen nods, grateful for Jason's interruption. "Yeah. You boys get changed and I'll wait outside."

It doesn't take the band long to be changed and ready to go, filing out of the room.

Jen looks her brothers over, nodding with approval and gives Mike a thumbs up. She lets out a low whistle at Jason. "Mm-mm, I might be in that crowd Katie fends off."

"Oh, hush," Jason retorts.


*Misty cant help but let a chuckle escape as she thorws her now dry coat on.*

"Ya well cant stay in the dulldrums all the time now can I? Its not going to do me anygood. Anyways I like ordering you around its fun."

*Misty's eyes dance and her sassy grin remains though in her mind she knows anyone can hide there feeling with enough care. Misty lets out a laugh and shakes her head at Carson's comment of his face and starts to walks twords the door.*

"Ya well even if I am in front of you these hawk eyes can still see you."

*Once out the door Misty repositions herself to walk next to Carson. Geting outside she stops for a moment.*

"Do you want drive or walk? Its just around the courner so its not far."

*Nate holds his smile the best he can as he stratens. It wasent hard to read Laura's face. Nate new what the look ment.*

"Ok than, well if you change your mind let me know I was thinking of taking Maggie with me and though the extra company would be nice. Just give me a hollar if you change your mind."

*Nate turns and heads back to his desk. Siting down leting out a long sigh and rolls his eyes at himself. What was he doing wrong.*

*Katie smiles at Jen.*

"Ok, I'll be back but as long as Jason isent around. I want him to be saprised when he sees me tonight."

*Kate makes her way to the bathroom to get changed and ready the nerves in her tummy raging. She never sang infront of people before. She hoped she was going to do ok.*

Getting Ready

Carson throws Misty a look of slight defiance. "For somebody who just a few hours ago thought your world was over, you sure like to tell people what to do, don't you?" He sits up and leans over to put his shoes on. "Apparently you also know how to read minds."

Lacing his boots, he sits back up. "I'm surprised they'll even let me outside of this building. Not to mention I look like I've been in the fighting ring." He gestures to his face. "I'll go with you as long as I can tell people you're the one that got mad at me."

Playfulness toys with the corner of his mouth as he slaps on his baseball cap, pulling it down low to hide half his face. "Lead the way, Sassy, unless you want to walk behind me so you can keep those hawk eye of yours on me at all times."

Laura looks at Nate, question in her eyes, though she tries to hide it. "Oh, that's sweet of you Nate, but...well...I...I think I just better go home after work. It's been a long day and..." She stops herself, swallowing hard. She was forfeiting supporting Katie and Jason because she felt funny about going with Nate as friends? What was wrong with her? That wasn't really right, was it? She wanted to see Katie, and she'd been dying to hear JetStream...

She knew that her eyes betrayed her, a stark contrast to her next words. "I think I'll just grab a cab here in a while and probably end up hitting the hay early tonight."

Jason tries to get over his embarrassment between Jen and Katie, focusing on the cords he was working with instead. "Well, if you gotta beat anybody off, I'm sure Mike will let you borrow his drum sticks, though please, let me get out of the way first - I don't want to be in the way when you start wielding your weapons of mass destruction."

Jen giggles, then turns to Katie. "I'll be running sound all evening, so whenever you want to join me at the table where the soundboard is, there in front of all the chairs, come on over. Soon as your dressed come back here though, we'll do a sound check for ya so I know where to keep the settings for you."

Kyle unravels an extension chord and glances to his sister out of the corner of his eye. "I can get Andrew to come over and help tonight if you want."

"I don't need it," Jen answers quickly, a hint of irritation in her tone."

Phil looks up , intervening before an argument starts. "Kyle, give me a hand with the keyboard, will you?"

Kyle relents and drops the topic with Jen.

Jason returns Katie's hug and gives her a smile. "I can't wait to hear you - you're gonna do great too."


*Misty finally makes it back to TJY. Heading inside her goes to the office siting down at the desk. She felt better after some sleep and a shower. Geting a sly sassy smile on her face she turns to Carson and stands.*

"So, how about we finish that date we tryed to have again last night till you ran away. oh excuse me were kidnapped. I kind of want some BK myself. Get some shoes on and lets go."

*Misty cant help but hold her smile as she grabs her keys. For some strange reson she like bossing Carson around. Misty felt so much better than she has this morning. She felt like her spunk had been renewed.*

*As Nate look up from his desk as he finishes off his coffee from this morning finally. Standing he walks past Laura's desk and aims for the break room. After grabing something light to eat he walks by Laura's desk again only this time to backstep alittle bit.*

"Hey Laura...mmm...I was wondering, after work I was gonna head over to the fundraiser. I dont want to miss Hero sing, and Hotshot and his band eather, since I was heading that way I was wondering if you would want to join me? As friends of corse."

*Katie looks up from her desk a smile crossing her face.*

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be though I am nervouse as ever. Lets blow this popicle stand."

*Katie stands and shuts her computer off throwing a small wave and saying goodbye to everyone telling them she would see them later.

Moments later they arrive and Katie see Kyle and the other. Throwing her hand up in the air she offers a smile.*

"Hey Guys!!"

*Katie makes her way slowly over to Jen and gives her a hug. It was good to see her friend again. As Katie lisent to the hussle she cant help but laugh to herself.*

"Sorry Jason I have to agree with her. You do look good like that. However you look good to me anyway."

*Katie looks to Jen with a grin and than back to Jason.*

"You cant look to good though I dont want to have to beat anyone off of you with a stix."

*Katie cant help but laugh holding her smile showing she was joking, and it really dident bother her. She new where Jason's loylt layed. Walking over to Jason she gives him a quick kiss and a hug slining her bag over she shoulder.*

"Well I better find the bathroom and get dressed myself. I'll see you guys onstage and offstang soon. Your gonna do great J."

*Katie turns back to Jen before she bounces off.*

"Where are you gonna be hiding so after I am done I can keep a lookout over things with you."

How to dress

Jason pulls his bike up to the curb and revs his engine, a grin on his face as he waits for Katie and hands her her helmet. “Mornin’ sunshine.”

It’s a quick ride to TJY where Jason heads to his office to do a few things, refreshed after getting some sleep. He just hoped that he’d stay alert the rest of the day…though adrenaline would most likely keep him going later at the fundraiser.

Carson lies on his back, staring up at the ceiling tiles. He’d slept, he’d changed clothes, Rick had checked on him, he’d slept some more, he’d counted ceiling tiles, he’d ventured around the infirmary, he’d slept some more, and now was just about ready to go crazy. No one had come to discuss the future with him – probably they were still undecided. Either that, or they’d opted not to keep him on their side and turn him in instead.

He sighs and rolls over on his right side, giving his sore shoulder a break, but wincing as his ribs take the brunt of his movement. He was hungry for fast food, but had no cash, and no means to get around, and even if he did, they wouldn’t allow him out on his own. He wanted to help TJY go against the Agency, but was it always going to be like this?

Laura picks at the cold potato salad, not exactly hungry for it. She’d skipped lunch, so had figured she better eat something in the afternoon, but nothing seemed to want to settle with her.

She’d talked to Con on the phone earlier…he and Jamie were still planning on going to the fundraiser. It sounded like he’d had a good day, and that made Laura feel good.

She shoves her bowl aside and turns back to her computer. She didn’t have a vehicle…she didn’t want to put anyone else out…she should probably just skip going to the fundraiser and call a cab to take her home once the workday was through.

“Great, Kyle, thanks. I’ll see you there.” Jason hangs up his phone, grabs his jacket and heads for Katie’s cubicle. He was running late…he hadn’t made it over to Mike’s like planned, but Kyle said they’d gotten everything loaded already, so it was fine, and they were going to meet Jason at the community building to start setting up and getting ready. They’d agreed to let others use their sound system for the event, so it would take just a bit of extra time to get set up.

“Yo, Katie, you ready to blow this joint?” Jason throws her a quirky smile. “I gotta grab a few things back at Con’s, pick up a bite to eat, then meet the guys at the community building.”

It doesn’t take long before the short tasks are complete, and they arrive at the community building that adjoins the city park. A small crowd of people are already there, mostly hospital staff preparing for the evening’s event, though some spectators as well, either simply standing back to watch or volunteering help.

Jason finds a parking spot and dismounts the motorcycle, helping Katie as well. As they make their way inside, the rest of JetStream can be seen at the one end of the large open room, getting things set up on the stage.

“Kyle, throw me those cords.”


“No, the other ones.”

“Mike, get your foot off the cable!”

“Jen, where’s that duct tape?”

“Hey, has anybody seen my mic?”

Kyle straightens from looking into a tote of extra supplies, a smile spreading across his face. “Hey, it’s Jase and KT!”

“Sorry I’m late,” Jason apologizes. “Reese was keeping me busy today.”

“No worries.” Mike tosses him a cord. “Jen’s working on the soundboard.”

Jason slips right into his role, switching gears to help set up, and uncoils the cord to plug into the soundboard that’s set back from the stage.

Jen wheels around from where she’s been working. “Hi, Jason, hi, Katie.” A smile is on her lips, before she turns to point at Phil. “The duct tape is in the back seat of the truck where you left it.”

“Oh, yeah.”

Jen rolls her eyes. “Where’s that extension cord we just bought?”

“Um…” Phil thinks, then points to a box that had been left across the room by the door. “I think it’s in last box over there.”

“Thanks. I’ll go get it.”

Kyle glances at her and steps off the stage. “I’ll get it.”

Jen stops her chair and shoots Kyle a warning glance. “I’m fine. I’ll get it myself.”

Kyle grits his teeth for a moment, then holds up his hands. “Alright.” He turns back to what he was doing, obviously avoiding eye contact with anyone for several moments until the strange tension has passed.

“What are we wearing tonight, guys?” Mike asks a few minutes later. “Casual or up nice?”

“Casual.” Jen returns with the box on her lap.

Kyle grins and looks at Katie. “Jen’s our resident advisor for how we look on stage. She usually does a pretty good job.”

Jen rolls her eyes, sticking out her tongue just a little. “I can’t help it if you grown men can’t figure out what to wear. Mike, you got that red shirt with you?”


“Well take that and your faded jeans – that always looks good.”


Jen looks at her two brothers. “Kyle, holes in the knees is too casual, I’d change that, but your brown t-shirt will do – the one with the writing on the back.”

“Yeah, I got it in the truck.”

Jen nods. “Phil?”

Phil shakes his head as he plugs in a speaker. “I’ll have to run home. I need to grab something other than these sneakers anyway.”

“Good call. You should wear that black shirt of yours. You all will look nice, but not matching so it’ll give the stage a casual feel.” She looks over to where Jason is working at setting up the monitors. “Hey, Jason?”


“Go for your white tee and those tight jeans of yours.”

Jason’s eyes shoot up, his eyebrows raised. “Pardon?”

“Oh come now.” Jen rolls her eyes. “Now’s not the time to be self-conscious. You’re in the forefront, and you look dang good when you dress like that.”

Jason’s face reddens. He opens his mouth to argue, but she cuts him off.

“And gel your hair again, but not so much in the front. Once you’ve played for a while, you get that lock that falls down on your forehead and it’s way too cute to keep it back." Jen gestures with her hands. "Go for that and the jeans, and you’ll be irresistible. The girls will love it.”

“Jen!” Now Jason can really feel the heat in his face.

Jen starts to grin, knowing good and well she’s embarrassing him, but having too much fun, knowing what she says is true. She looks over at Katie. “Would you please tell him I’m right?”

*Misty lowers her head to look at the table again and than stands.*

"I guess I'll tag along and grab mystuff before I head home for a shower, and than come back."

*Misty walks with Carson to Rick's office and grabs her stuff exiting the office. Looking back at Carson Misty grins.*

"See ya in a bit."

*A few hours pass as Katie sits on the pourch waiting for Jason to show up. The morning had been along already and Katie wasent even at work yet. She wasent staying a full day only a few hours, but something told her it was going to feel like a lifetime. The funraiser was tonight, Katie felt nervouse and excited at the same time. Katie ears perk up as she heres the sound of a motercicle draw close.*

*Misty steps out of the shower and heads into her bedroom. Looking down at the bed Misty smiles at the 2 small figures curled up together sleeping. Beinding down Misty pats the 2 ferrits on the head as they look up at her.*

"Hey Romieo, Hey Juliet."

*Going to she closet Misty sifts through the clothing. Pulling out a baby blue tank top and a pear of Jeans Misty throws them on. She had caught about 3 hours of sleep and felt quite rested now. Leting out a sigh she exits the room and makes her way across the house. Grabing her keys she heads to the car and is off to TJY once again.*


As Carson takes in what Misty is saying, he has no idea how to respond. He did know how she felt…he’d only been away from the Agency for such a short time…had only just now decided to go up against them, and it was already a fight. He knew exactly what Misty was feeling.

Misty takes him a little by surprise as she speaks of her own reactions to him. And to this…he had no idea how to respond. He could tell that she needed comfort…needed understanding…needed a friend. But he had never played those roles before. He had never crossed the line between business or pleasure into the realm of friendship. It had always been too dangerous of a spot.

Misty’s somewhat sudden attachment to him was a little bewildering…he liked her…she stirred something inside of him that most women didn’t. But her emotions ran deeper, despite the short time they’d known each other. Carson didn’t know how to take it…he didn’t know how to respond. Woman had talked sweet to him before, but this was different…this was genuine.

Carson is quiet for several minutes, trying to come up with a response, but nothing seems to form. “The fact that you didn’t stay there tonight proves you’re on the right side, no matter what you were feeling, so I wouldn’t worry about it too much.”

He shrugs a little, reverting to her statement about how she felt around him. “I guess a lot of people need someone to chase their shadows away until they find their own light.”

Suddenly feeling as though he’d been cornered for some reason, he stands up. “I’m going to head back before Rick finds me out of bed.” He knows his statement is a contradiction to his real feeling of not caring, but it’s the best excuse he had. “Guess I’ll just wait around for someone to tell me what to do.”


*Misty lets out a sigh and searches Carson's face. If there was on person she new she could talk to and would understand where she was coming from it was Carson.*

" Ya it does. Its been ages since I acted or did stuff like I did lastnight. I had forgoten how...."

*Misty stops for a moment rethinking her words.*

"..I forgot what it was like. The emotions involved. I played into the roll so naturley like I had never left. That means its still a part of me. The Agency has left a mark that can never go away. The horrable part of it all is...it felt good to go aganst the rules. I dont want to be that person anymore though that hurts people. The memories though they still haunt as I am sure you know."

*Misty lowers her face to the table starting to pick at a peace of tape on the table.*

"Its so easy to talk to you Carson. You know where I am coming from. I feel comfortable around you. I dont even think about my shadows when your around. There is something about you...I never cared what happend to someone as much as I do with you. I've wanted to be mad at you so many times and I just cant be. As soon as I see your face, your eyes. The anger goes away, replaced with another emotion. and I wonder in the end, what will be enough....what will really matter?"

*As Misty talks she relizes she is saying more than she probley should. Why was she opening herself like this to Carson. Making herself varnalbul in his pressence. Maybe her words wernt even making sence to him. Maybe she was only babbling.*

*Nate smiles and Nods being able to sence Laura's awkwardness.*

"Ok..well I'll see ya later than."

*Nate heads for the door as he shakes his head. He was a fool what was he doing. First he went and kiss Laura witch made complacations to start with and now, now he was chasing after an angel that would always be out of his reach. Who was he fooling. Though Nate though it was a lost cause something pulled on his heart anyways telling him he had to keep trying. Maybe later he would ask Laura if she wanted to go to the fundraiser as friend.*

Thanks though

Carson cocks his head and straightens to enter the break room, pulling out a chair and turning it around to straddle it across the table from Misty. He hadn’t had anything to eat since a light supper the night before and was now hungry enough to take Misty up on her offer to finish the sandwich.

After a few moments, he looks up, searching her face. “Gets in the blood, doesn’t it? The action. The adrenaline rush. Not an easy thing to shake.”

Laura looks up quickly as Nate approaches, feeling an odd jump to her stomach. “Oh, um, yeah…I couldn’t sleep so I decided to come in and make myself useful, though I’m not sure I’m accomplishing even that.” She laughs, though it comes out a little more nervous sounding than planned.
“I, um…I’m trying to cut back on my caffeine, so, I um…guess I better pass on that…. Thanks though.” She looks back down the her computer, frustrated with the awkwardness she felt. What had happened? She’d never been awkward around Nate before.