

*Nate receved the information from Jason with a nod his own he own stomach droping.*

"Let me know when you find anything alse out."

*Nate turns his moniter off decieding his work can wait for now. This was more important. Laura had a right to know and it would be better coming from him than somwhere alse. Standing his gives his friend a pat on the shoulder.*

"Thanks Hotshot I'll go talk to Laura."

*As Jamie draws near to the sit with Jason and Katie her heart races. How couldent this be happing, why. A million emotions and feeling run though her. Not knowing what was is up. Seeing all the injored people send Jamies head spinning as she scans the faces looking for Con. Spoting Bret Jamie goes to him. Fear in her eyes she is almost scaired to receve his words. Only to hear them awayways as a choke formes in her throt. To receve the scream from her mouth.*


*Jamie takes a few steps twords the yellow tape her stomach hurt turning and twisting in knots. Her heart hearing the pounding of her heart it sounded so loud, the noice filling her mind. Con...was the only think she could think of. Taking a few more steps twords the tape Jamie feels arms wrap around her as she hears Katie's voice.*

"Jamie...no..you cant. There going to find them there is nothing you can do Jamie."

*Katie trys to her best to hold Jamie thought its hard. Normaly Katie would have no problem keeping Jamie back but she wasent all with it right now and was running on adrennilen that made her 10x her normal strength. Katie keeps her arms wraped around the best she can keeping her feet planted. Looking to Scott and than to Bret sadness and worry filling her eyes.

Jamie finally gives up trying to struggle and falls to the ground Katie's arm still wrapped around her. Tear stream down Jamie's face as she crys out for Con. It felt like she was breaing ripped in half and her heart was being torn from her chest.*

*Slowly Nate makes his way to Laura's desk lightly taping on the cubicle wall. Steping in Nate pulls up a chair next to Laura.*

"Hey Hun I need to talk to you about something for a moment."

*Nate sits leting out a small sigh. He wanted to choose his words wisly but not beat around the bush with Laura. She need to know so in case the worst happend she wasent left in the dark.*

"Laura there has been an accident at the construction site where Con was. Alot of people we injored, and 3 men are traped in the cave in. We dont know who the 3 men where, or who was injored. Jamie, Scott and Katie went to see if they could find out more imformation and see if Con is ok. Jason said they would call when they new more. I am sure Con is fine, I just thought you should know."

*Nate offers his arms to Laura knowing she probley need it. Searching her face, and trying to offer the the most comfort he can. He could own imagen what Laura was going through or feeling at the moment.*


Jason’s head whips around to see Jamie leave, and he looks to Katie with helplessness. He could offer nothing. All he had was his bike.

Scott is to his feet on an instant, his half-eaten lunch forgotten. “Come on. I’ll drive.”

As the three hurry down the hall, Jason’s stomach suddenly sinks. “Laura.” He stops for a moment and looks toward her cubicle. “You guys go and call me as soon as you know something,” he orders.

Scott nods his response and starts to sprint for the stairs, wanting to catch Jamie before she left. He can feel Katie right behind him.

Hitting the exit, he squints in the sunlight. “Jamie!” He calls to her just as she’s ready to get to her car. “I’m driving. Come on.” He waves her over.

As soon as the three are in his car, he accelerates out of the parking lot. He knew where the site was, and wasted no time in cutting corners to take the shortest route. The ride is quiet and tense.

Jason is on his way to Laura’s desk when he stops. Pondering a moment, he thinks better of it, and aims for Nate instead. “Nate…” he leans on the cubicle wall, keeping his voice hushed. “There’s been an accident down at the construction site…Jamie, Scott and Katie are on their way there to see about Con, but there were lots of guys hurt. I…” He pauses. “We just heard it on the news, so I know Laura doesn’t know anything yet.” He knows Nate will take his implication. He didn’t want to start a panic…Con was probably fine…but Laura should know what was happening, and she’d probably take it better from Nate than himself.

Arriving at the site, Scott has a hard time finding a place to park. Vehicles were everywhere. News crews and rescuers jam the street next to the site and clog the parking area.

Finally finding a spot, the three exit quickly. Yellow tape surrounds the west end of the site where most of the activity is. Several ambulances are present and red and blue lights flash.

Passing by several people, they’re ignored at first, receiving only questioning glances until they get closer.

Several tables are set up where paramedics are treating some of the injured.

Bret holds his left arm as he waits to be looked after, blood running from a gash in his shoulder. Looking up, he sees the three newcomers, and his face pales as he sees Jamie.

Taking a few steps towards them, panic plays in his eyes, for the first time, no teasing comes, “Guys, you shouldn’t be here. It’s a danger zone. Pretty soon they’re going to get everyone out of here.”

He looks at Jamie, unsure of what she knows. “Jamie…” He stops, swallowing hard. Obviously she knew there had been a cave in or else she wouldn’t be here. Surely the news would have reported the missing men. “I…they’re going to find them…they have to…it’s…” His face is drawn tight. “Three men went down, Jamie…. We think Dean was on the site and Brandon was in the bulldozer and…and Con was with them.” He pauses again. “They’re trying to find them…”

First reaction

*As Jamie enters the breakroom she lets out a laugh at someone Trish had said to her through the other door. Seting her food down she head to the vending masheen she grabs something to drink. Finally siting down to relax Jamie gets into a conversation with Katie and Scott not paying to much attachen to the TV Jason just turned on. As Jamie takes a bit of her sandwhich the new catches her attachen as she gazes on the construction site. Jamies eyes go wide.

Katie watches the tv intently. Listing to the details of what was going on. Geting wrapped up in TJY sometimes made everything alse outside of work unreal. This was about the only time she could keep contact with the outside. Katie gasps as the site.*

"Oh no! I hope everyone is going to be ok."

*Jamie continues to watch fear rushing over her. This couldent be happing. Befor Jamie even hears the rest of Jason's questions she is up and out of the breakroom running across the main floor and not bothering to wait for the elavator exits climing the steps.

Katie watches as Jamie exite the breakroom.*


*Katie calls after her. Quickly she looks to Scott and than to Jason.A new fear coming over her. Not only for Con but for Jamie as well. She was no doubt in an upset state at the moment and who knows what she would do let alone try to drive like this.*

"I guess thats your answer."

*Katie stands geting a matter of fact tone.*

"We cant let her go. and if we cant stop he we at least cant let her go alone. Not in the state she is probley in. We have to stop her."

*Katie eyes are filled with worry for her friends.*
I guess thats your answer. We cant let her go

Breaking News

Carson forces a smile at Misty and shakes his head. “I guess I said something wrong about the comments he was making about you. They rubbed me the wrong way. It’s nothing…”

He looks up as food arrives. “How about we eat, just us, and enjoy it, even though I screwed things up, huh?”

Carson does his best to keep things light the rest of the meal, even though he really feels like not eating at all. The more he thought about it, the more Frankie’s attitude disturbed him. But how could he say that to Misty? She obviously was clueless that anything was wrong at all.

He decides it is best if he just sits and waits…if something really was wrong, Misty would discover it sooner and later, and hopefully she wouldn’t get hurt herself in the process.

The rest of the day seems to go fairly smoothly. All couples who were out for lunch return to finish out the work day, and most have no big plans for the evening. It’s a quiet night…perhaps most are still recuperating from the prior day’s events. It seemed like such a short time ago, yet a lifetime ago at the same time.

Jason winds down quickly after work, heading straight for the apartment and bailing out on practice with the guys that night. He was simply too tired.

Scott heads home as well, eating supper then setting about his project in the back room, a dim red light his only source for sight for a while as he works. Eventually though, he heads to bed himself, tuckered out, with Domino at his side.

Con eats supper with Jamie then goes to his own home, heading to bed early to prepare for the long day tomorrow.

Wyatt manages to slip on down to Mom and Pop’s to grab Aerith as soon as she got off work so they could go out for some ice cream before he takes her back to Jamie’s place.

Laura makes it home just a little late after an evening with Nate, first supper, then a quiet drive to the lake. She felt good…relaxed…and fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Ty and Jim spend one last evening together at Wyatt’s, knowing that Jim will be heading back to Texas the next day. Thought their time together has been brief, both feel good about the short relationship they’ve been able to gain, and Ty relents to a promise that he’ll come back to the ranch to visit soon.

Morning. Loved and dreaded at the same time. Rays of sunlight bring about a fresh new feeling – a start to a brand new day. But they also prove that the night is over and wake sleepy eyes whether they want to be woken up or not.

As Reese goes about contacting everyone at TJY about future plans, what was happening with the Elite, and everything involved, the morning seems to fly by. Hardly anyone has time to converse with each other, and just gaining time to see each other over lunch proves to be a task.

“Hey, Jamie…” Scott heads toward the hall with Katie’s hand in his. “We’re grabbing a bite in the breakroom. Since your boyfriend dumped you today, want to join us?” He gives her a teasing look before continuing his route.

Once arriving, Jason is already there, grabbing a sandwich from the vending machine. He nods to Scott and looks to Katie too. “Hi, strangers. Fancy meeting you here.”

Scott chuckles. “Yeah…after this crazy morning, I’m lucky I got time to be in here at all. I had to rescue Susanne five times already today!”

Pulling out chairs for him and Katie, he goes to warm up some food in the microwave, sidling out of the way as Jamie enters to prepare her food as well.

Biting into his sandwich, Jason remains standing and goes to the little television in the corner, turning it on. “After everything that’s happened lately,” he comments, “I have no idea what’s going on in town, let alone the world.” It was prime time for the mid-day news, and he leans against the counter, half-listening.

Several minutes later though, something catches his attention and he turns up the volume, hushing the others in the room.

And Justine Plume reports live from the site of this breaking news…

A woman reporter appears outside, microphone in hand in front of a construction site. “I’m here at the newest construction zone of locally owned company, Titan Inc. Just hours ago, a crew of fifty men were working diligently on plans for a housing addition owned by the multi-million dollar corporation, Z-tron. But today as they moved toward the westerly end of the site, tragedy struck.

The camera moves from Justine’s face to zoom in on the site itself. It was utter chaos. Men were everywhere, shouting and running. Equipment was parked in odd places, and a new structure was half torn down. Rescue vehicles lined the site, lights flashing and sirens wailing.

The shot moves back to Justine. “Sources tell us that during an operation just today, there was a sudden cave-in over the site. Several heavy pieces of equipment broke through the ground, revealing what appears to be a large sinkhole. We’ve also been informed that this sinkhole may be one of many surrounding underground caves that were undiscovered before today.

A male voice from the news studio comes through. “Justine, were not land surveys taken? Or extra precautions?

Well, Jim, that’s one thing we’re investigating here. It’s not clear why Titan Inc. was unaware of these underground tunnels, and unfortunately, they found out the hard way.”

Was anyone injured in this cave-in?

I was asking someone just minutes ago that very question, and yes, there have been several injuries. Apparently some men were actually running the equipment as they fell through the surface, and others were in the close vicinity, also affected.

Justine, have there been any fatalities?

Not that we know of. However rescue crews are here to treat the injured, and right now they are trying to dig down into the place that collapsed because there are three men missing.”

“And do we know who these three men are?”

“Names have not been released,” Justine informs. “Right now there is much confusion as they try to clear away this area. They are proceeding with much caution to avoid further cave-ins, and it is unclear when they may be able to find the missing men.”

“Do they believe anyone could have survived?”

“Well, Jim, there is hope that those fallen may have been trapped inside a pocket below the surface at the edge of one of the underground caves. However, even if that is true, without an air passage, oxygen will run out quickly, so this is indeed a serious situation. I’m told that we have people here that are trying to map out the cave sites so the rescue crews will have some way to pinpoint where any pockets may be.”

Jason stands stunned for a moment, and turns around to look at Jamie, afraid to ask. "Isn't...isn't that where Con works?"


*Misty looks up at Carson. She could see the pain in his eyes. Something was wrong more than what he was saying. Taking Carson by the arm she pulls him back to the table siting down.*

"Oh...I guess....Carson, what happend? I can see the look in your eye. There is something your not telling me. How did you insalt him?"

*Misty gives a squeeze to Carson's arm. Something worryed her but she couldent put her finger on it. Carson's story dident make sence to her.*


Carson stares after Frankie, a strange mixture of emotions stirring within him. Something was strange…something was wrong…yet this was Misty’s brother, whom she obviously cared about.

As Misty comes up and questions him, he looks down at her. His eyes show a strange pain that had brought on an unusual sense of quietness. Almost as if he’d been broken. Even his anger had been pushed aside.

“I guess I insulted him,” he replies. “I’m sorry, Misty.” He shrugs, his eyes apologizing, not wanting to hurt her. “If you want to see your brother, next time you can meet him alone so I don’t stir up any trouble.”

Inside, Carson debated with himself…he didn’t like the thought of Misty being alone with Frankie, but he could only bank on the hope that his threats had been enough, and if not, he’d have an excuse to beat Frankie to a pulp.

the time you have left

*Franks lets out a cold cackle calling after him.*

"I'm saprised your going to leave you pretty little girlfriend in here with me. Ya wanna know what Carson. I'm done now anyways...I'll see Misty later so I'll leave enjoy the time you have left with her."

*Frankie stratens himself pushig past Carson making his own way to the door.

As Frankie reaches the door Misty turns the courner to see him. Calling after him he just keeps going. Walking over to Carson she lays a hand on his arm and seeing the look in his eye she knows something happend.*

"Carson? Whats going on? Whats wrong? Why did my brother leave our food isent even here yet."


Carson’s eyes lower to the table, his blood beginning to boil. Frankie had hit below the belt and had hit hard, not only mentioning Ashlyn, but insulting him and bringing back Carson’s feeling of worthlessness. It was a hard chunk to swallow, and he fought to keep himself under control.

He grits his teeth, forcing an ironic smile. Calmly, he takes a swig of his water again before setting the glass back down decisively. “Well, Frankie…” He looks up, catching those blazing eyes. “If you’re going to inform Ashlyn of my shortcomings, you’re gonna have an awfully long way to go.” He purses his lips in thought. He wouldn’t want to admit that someone like Frankie had actually gotten to him, but the pain he felt at the moment was great enough that he didn’t even want to fight. “See…I killed her in cold blood.”

He twirls his glass in his hand, losing focus for a moment. Finally, he stands up, his voice remaining calm. “You’ve got a lot of nerve, Frankie, and I’ll give you credit for that. But mark my words. Insult me like that again, and that’s a fight I won’t walk away from.”

Carson tosses his napkin down. “You can tell Misty that I’m waiting outside for her.”

Pile of dust

*Frankie slams his fists down on the table her anger now boiling. His eyes have a wild blazing fire in them. As his tone is a hard hiss as he stand leaning closer to Carson.*

"She does need me weather you relize it or not. And dont even try to keep her away from me. I dident threten you by the way it was a promise. You know its funny, the way Ashlyn always talked about you I though you wouldent be such a push over. I'll have to let her know her little play toy isent all he's cracked up to be. You to much chick to take a swing at anyone. The great Carson now a pile of useless dust. Why is my sister wasting time with you anyways, when she could have anyone she wanted. I guess I'll have to find her one again."

*Frankies eyes still burn with fire, his words just sliding out of his mouth without comprehending them much. Changing into a whole new person all together, his eyes cold and hard like stone and his temper flairing.*

Not the same

Frankie’s change in tone sets Carson even more on edge. He tenses, straightening just a little, his eyes narrowing. “A little over-protective aren’t we? Misty’s a grown woman now, and I don’t think she needs you to keep her from anything. You’ve been gone too long, Frankie. Whatever you had with her before is over.” He shakes his head. “I’m not sure just what you had with her before, but it’s apparent that you don’t know her very well now – you’re not getting her back ‘like old times.’”

Carson leans forward slightly, lowering his tone. “And I don’t think you want to threaten me. Most people already know that – I would hate for you to find out why the hard way. I’d rather not put your sister through witnessing what might happen to you.”

My sister

*Frankie's eyes nerrow and grow slightly dark.*

"First off you know anything about me. I am pretty fond of my sister. She's the last thing I have left close to a family who looks past my fault, and it seems you and whoever brain washed her and turned her into something shes not. Than I come back to find her clinging to some doo gooders arm like alittle lost puppy. Thats not my sister so I dont know what your doing to her, but I'll find out and she wont have to worry about it anymore. I'll keep her safe. Keep her close to me like old times. You wanna clash with me, go for it. But I think it would be in your best intrest not to, or I'll hit you were it hurts. I might love my sister, but one wrong move to her and I know it will send you up the wall. "

*Frankie eyes Carson, something had changed. Almost like the softness that was there moments before had changed into something completly differnt. His vocie even taking a deeper tone.*


When Misty is out of earshot, Carson lifts his chin a little, eying Frankie's body language. "First off, I think we ought to get one thing clear, and that is that your sister doesn't "think she's on a changing path," and neither do I. We're on a completely different path altogether with a route that clashes with the last."

Carson isn't sure what Frankie does, but has an imagination. "Which, if my guess is correct, probably clashes with your own path."

He cocks is head slightly, taking a sip of his water, but not lowering his eyes. His guard was up in full force, whether he could explain why or not. "You seem awfully fond of your sister...too fond in my opinion for the talk you throw around about her. But let me tell you straight up - you clash with our path, and you're going down. Misty's brother or not."

Changing path

"Adventurs are good, as long as they are traviled right."

*Frankie still grins and relaxes just a bit eyeing Carson for a moment as if almost reading him. Than turns his head to his sister.*

"You have a good man here Misty, who seems stuck on you. I guess I dont have to worry about being the big brother much anymore huh?"

*Misty smiles at her brother as she tells the waitress what she wants.*

"That you dont I have alot of good people who look out for me now. Though with Carson around I dont much need anymore protection."

*Misty gives a smile to Carson as she leans into him a bit.

*Frankie gives alittle nod also telling the waitress what he wanted to eat.*

"Maybe if I get a job around this area you can tag along with me."

*Misty eyes her brother for a moment, not to sure what he still did but could gives a guess.*

"Well that would depend do you still do the same old same old?"

*Frankie gives a nod taking a sip of his drink.*

"When the money is right I do."

*Misty gives alittle shake of her head followed by a sigh.*

"I probley wont tag along than. I just got my name cleared of all past convictions I dont need to go and mess it up again. You should learn from that to. You dont need to get framed again and get yourself sent to jail."

*As Misty talks Frankies let out a dry laugh.*

"Listen to this, my little sister giving me addvice. Old habbits die hard Sis, and the money is good. I cant turn that down. You might be able to sit behind a desk all day but I certinly cant."

*Misty looks back at her brother studding his face.*

"I save peoples lifes now. Insted of destroying them. I love what I do."

*Frankie shakes his head his crooked grin on his face.*

"You keep telling yourself that Sis, but I just dont see how that can be possable."

"Things change. I've changed. I've found a new meaning in life."

*Frankie lets out a chuckel again and shakes his head.

Misty smiles and gives a pat to Carson's leg.*

"I'll be right back. I am going to run to the washroom and clean but before the dinner gets here. Dont you to talk about me while I am gone. Who knows what kind of storys you both can tell."

*Misty stands and heads around the courner to the washroom.

Frankie still sit in the chair across from Carson giving a strech than leaning his arms on the table eyeing Carson for a moment. A changing look forming.*

"So what about you Carson? Are you on the same changing path as my sister thinks she is on?"

It'll be me

Carson keeps his eyes on Frankie, even as he receives Misty’s elbow and chiding. After Frankie’s comment, Carson’s one eyebrow quirks, showing a look of arrogant amusement. “If I’m left wanting, maybe I did ask for too much. But if I agree to Misty being pretty, that will be nothing new, so it won’t impress her, which leaves me back at square one, now doesn’t it. I think I can be more creative than that.”

He gives Misty a sly sidelong glance before looking back at Frankie. “Not that I need to impress her. I think I’ve done a fair job thus far, and if I do say so myself, it’s been an adventure worth having.”

Pausing for just a moment, a cocky grin toys with the corner of his mouth. “And if anyone does the killing around here, it’ll be me for any guy who interferes with what we got going.”

Another Carson

*A look pass in Katie eyes as she looks back at Jason knowing thats not what he was going to say but knows the reason for his change it. Giving a smile to Jason and than to Scott Katie was pleased they were talking again. She gives alittle nod.*

"Of corse I am . I cant leave you guys in danger. Pluse Jen need all the help she can get keep you guys in line. Just let me know the time and place and I'll be there."

*Misty snaps her head to Carson at his comment taken aback for a moment. She throws him and elbow and smiles.*

"For your sake I would hope your tasts arnt going anywhere."

*For a moment Frankie looks back up at Carson a grin forming on his face.*

"If my sister leave you wanting something more than your not an easy man to please and I dont think there is a woman out there who could. But you've stayed with her this long so there must be something she is doing right."

*Misty's head snaps back to her brother her jaw almost dropping. Her brother had always been forward but this was more than what she was useto. Maybe after being in jail Frankie changed to be more open and flippent about what he was saying. Anything was possable after all Jason had changed alot in prison so many her brother had changed as well. Misty could help but give a nervouse laugh as her face grew warmer by the minutes.*

"I'm a good kisser maybe. How about we talk about something alse now shall we?"

*Frankie looks to Misty and chuckles geting a kick out of embarssing his sister a suddin glint in his eye changes. A more joking, cold tone seems to show through slightly. Frankie looks back to Carson his voice showing his own cocky air.*

"I guess we are embarssing her. I dont know why thought. I always told you Misty even when you were younger you should be proude to be so pretty and make guys heads turn. Since then you have just got even pretter. Alot of women would kill to have your stunning looks. What do you think Carson?"

*Misty shakes her head she cant help but smile alittle bit at the complament her brother had been one to always give one. Still she felt alittle embarssed. She was use to Carson's remarks but it just felt alittle strange to hear them more openly from her brother. Misty was please though see Carson and her brother geting along. Misty never thought she would meet another Carson but Frankie was just like him in many ways and still differnt.*

"If you dont stop you going to give me a bigger head than I already have. Than I might flote away."

*Misty gives a smerk and laugh.*


Jason starts to open his mouth to argue that it might not be any person to make him happy at all - he wasn't convinced of that. But he stops, letting her continue instead.

As she mentions missing him happy, and others missing him that way as well, a dimness passes through his eyes. He may have spoken with confidence, but there was still a lack of life, and he knew it...and he missed it too. He missed smiling...he missed laughing.

Seeing Katie start to leave, Jason isn't satisfied with the conclusion of their conversation. He doesn't know what else he wants to say, but it still felt so unresolved. "Katie..." He gets up from his desk and follows route to his doorway as she enters the hall. "I..." His voice trails off as he sees Scott coming near.

In a split second, his whole demeanor flips, his intentions totally changed, and he thinks fast, saying something completely different than planned. "I've been talking with the band about next weekend. We got a gig in Hoberton. You coming along for security? I know Jen could use a hand again too."

Scott cocks his head a little as he approaches. He'd liked JetStream when he'd heard them, and the thought of seeing them again was something he'd enjoy. "Public event?"

"Sure is," Jason nods. "Everyone's welcome. If you come early with Katie, you could even help us set up if you want. Come to think of it, Jen's been having trouble with the sound board - I bet you could figure out what's wrong with it."

Scott perks up a little bit. It was good to be on speaking terms with Jason again...being included in an outside activity was rather appealing, especially knowing Katie would be near so he wouldn't be alone in a crowd. "I could take a look." He glances at Katie. "You going?"

Carson eyes Frankie as he talks, wondering at the motives...plans...intentions. At Frankie's question, his eyes narrow slightly, a confidently wry grin emerging as he leans back in his chair. Something was challenging him...he wasn't sure what or how, but it was there...somehow, in Frankie's eyes. "I like to think it was me who held the bait, not her," he replies with cockiness. "Sass is an added bonus, but my tastes vary."

More info

*Katie looks down, though she was or through she was over to Jason his word still stung. She new what he said was true, but I guess part of her still had hung on. Katie new she had to let it go. Her and Scott where geting somewhere and she wanted it to work, but Katie had been ne that always found it hard to let go. Than she looks up again. Not scaired to show her own emotion.*

"No Jason, you cant do anything to the last string that is holding on.."

*Katie chokes on her own words. Life was hard, life was crule, having someone to help was nice, but this.....no one could help with.*

"...I have to cut that string myself. You staying away, is only going to make it harder."

*Katie stands her own nerves and emotions running to high to sit still. She felt shaky for some reson it could be just shock to her system Katie dident know.*

" I want you to be happy to Jason, I really do and if thats with whoever thats great."

*She did want Jason to be happy, she just felt crappy she wasent the one who could anymore.*

"You deserve to be happy Jason. You've been through so much. I'll be happy to see you happy again. I miss the happy, joking Jason everyone does."

*Katie looks down again, and than back up scaning Jason's office closing her eyes for a moment, than opening them again.*

"I better let you get back to work, and I better get back to mine. I'll see ya later."

*Katie gives her best smile to Jason and turns to leave his office. Her own heart was heavy, but in a sence she felt better. Though Jason's words hurt maybe she needed to hear them. They never really got to sit down and just talk about things. Maybe this was a start to stop the dwelling.*

*Jamie's face unturns in a smile as they make it to the chinese restrong.*

"A free day is good, means you can make up for not going to lunch with me tomarrow and spend the whole day with me."

*Frankie grabs a menu as well and hands one to Misty. He was glad to be siting across from his sister even if Carson was there too. It ws easy to see that since England they had grown even closer and he was a big part of her life. Continuing to scan his menu he replys to Carson.*

"Ya I think I will be sticking around for a while. Some busness took me out this way and I new Misty was around these part now. I'd like to get to know her again its been so long. I've missed out on so much of her life. As long as work dosent send me away again I'll be around for alittle bit."

*Misty looks up at her brother and smiles. Than looks to Carson and smiles. Than looking back at her menu she closes it knowing what she wants.*

"So when did you get out of Jail? Last time I new you were in for some time?"

*Frankie looks up at Misty alittle uneasy about talking about his Jail experince with his sister but knowing she had a right to know as well.*

" I've been out for about a year. I would of come to see you sooner but like I said work kept me away."

*Frankie closes his menu as well knowing what he wanted. Taking a sip of his drink he continues.*

"The one person I was employed for at the time got me out early. He told it couldent be me, and when I had my rehearing they jury rules misconduk and I was set up. Seeing as I couldent remember anything that happend when I woke up in that room, on top of not finding my finger prints they really dident have much of a case to start with. Its the old Miller charm that gets them all the time. So Carson is that who my sister reeled you in, or are you just the kind of guy who likes a sassy woman."

*Frankie throws alittle wink at Misty.

Misty smiles and blushes alittle bit. Her brother always was a bold person. sometimes TO bold.*

Raw thoughts

Jason looks down for a moment, not really surprised by Katie broaching the subject of the very tension in the room, but wasn't sure of just quite how to respond.

Glancing back up, he allows a wry grin to show. "What's normal?" He shakes his head and leans forward on his desk, folding his hands and looking Katie square in the eye. He didn't feel like saying this and hadn't gotten there himself, but he knew the words themselves were true. "Katie...when you and I both can pull our heads out of our butts and look at life the way we're supposed to instead of dwelling on what could have been, I think that tension will relieve itself."

He purses his lips in thought, growing a little more serious. "Look...I might as well just come right out and say it while I'm in a bold mood. I'm glad that you're happy with Scott, and every day when I see you smile more, I feel even better. I'm fortunate to have kept you as my friend, and that's all I want or need from you. The past is the past, and...I'm moving on." The honesty in that statement surprises even himself. As he looks at Katie now, in this very moment, he can sense the feelings fading.

Jason pauses for just a moment. "But that look in your eye betrays you. You and I...we're over. And... frankly, I'm lonely." His own words surprise him again...he hadn't planned on admitting that. "You've got Scott and though you and I are friends, there are just some things that we can't do together anymore. And...it's not fair to Scott if you get uneasy seeing another woman with me."

He leans back in his chair again. He'd arrived cranky this morning, and his mood was affecting the words he spoke as he continued to hold a dry, logical tone. "I don't need to justify anything, but Camryn and I are barely even friends. Right about now I'm not so sure I ever want to try at a relationship again with anybody, regardless of what people are assuming about me and her. But the two of us - you and me - we better get used to us living our own individual lives and be satisfied with what time we do spend together, otherwise we're just going to make ourselves miserable. We can't ever have what we used to have...but we can have something different...and I guess we just need to be glad of that."

He looks down for a moment, his weariness starting to get to him. His words were strong, but he was weakening in this battle. Gazing at Katie again, he searches her eyes. "And if there's anything I can to do help you cut that string, I'll do it. Whether it's staying out of your way, working on not giving you so much emotion all the time, or just keeping my mouth shut. I want you to be happy, Katie...and if me being around causes tension, then lets find a solution." In essence, he was blaming himself...he knew all of this - every bit of tension - was his own fault, and now he was reaping the consequences. He desperately wanted the tension to be gone too, and just didn't know how to make it happen within himself. His words to Katie sounded great, but he had yet to take his own advice. His own eyes betray him, despite his strong body language. He wanted to protect Katie from his own misery, despite realizing that impossibility.

Con laughs. "Yeah, I don't know when the guys started calling me that, but it stuck." He nods at Jamie's suggestion. "Chinese sounds great. Oh, by the way, tomorrow I'll have to ditch you for lunch...I'm not going to have enough time for a break until late - we're prepping the west end of the site and want to get the most accomplished we can before the rain comes that they're predicting next week."

He turns his head to her and grins. "Of course, for me, rainy days mean free days."

Carson can't help his skepticism as Frankie greets them. He accepts the handshake though, and musters a bit of a smile. "Nice to meet you." He nods as they head to the table. "Thanks." His accent seems thick today as he unknowingly slips into a defensive mode, paying little attention to annunciating his words as his nerves are stretched. Something just felt...odd. The look in Frankie's eye...his body language...his demeanor...it was calm and downright average. Nothing would lead Carson to believe that this man would have hurt Aerith, yet Jason had been insistent, along with Wyatt's agreement that yes, Frankie had tried to pull something. ...Strange.

Trying to relax for Misty's sake, Carson takes a seat next to her and grabs a menu, attempting some small talk. "So, Frankie...staying a while, or just passing through?"


*Katie sits down in the chair across from Jason. The tention was so high it could be cut with a knife and Katie new Jason could feel it too.*

"If you think leave and than coming back would help than you could, but I think just trying to make the rest of day good would work better."

*Katie cant help but smile alittle trys to let herself relax. So Jason spend the night at Mikes. Well thast good Katie was glad she hadent assumed and made a jerk of herself, but still that pang was there. Katie trys to push it away not wanting the tention to continue.

" I said it always and was being honest, I just wanted to see how you were doing. I dident get time to talk to you much yesterday as much as I wanted to. But you already answered that question. I guess I just miss talking to you as much as I use to. We use to talk about everything and its so differnt now. We hardly even say Hi to eachother now. I hate this tention I just wish everything could be normal again ya know."

*Katie stops for a moment still looking Jason in the eye. She wasent even sure what she was saying and she felt like she had said this all before. Was she just repeating herself again, was what she was saying even comingout right.*

*Jamie smiles at Con as she pulls out of the site parking lot throwing a wave to anyone who was watching. Heading down the road Jamie thinks about a place to go.*

"How about..."

*Jamie continues to think.*

"Are you up for chinese? Thats always good for the Tanks that are hungry."

*Jamie cant help but aligh alittle bit.*

"I still think its so funny they call you that. A tank with a teddy bear heart."

*Jamie continues to drive down the road and keeping the conversation light with Con. Till finally they get to the restront.*

*Misty cant help but laugh as Carson and herself head out the door and to the car.*

"Your such a suck up you know that!"

*Geting into the car and situated they finally makes there way out of the parking lot and head for town. Misty keeps the conversation light with Carson as her nerves run high.

After about 20 minutes of driving Misty and Carson finally pull into the restrong parking lot. Befor geting out of the car Misty lets out a sigh and just sits for a moment. She was nervouse and dident know why. It had been so long since she spend time with her brother.

Finally geting out Misty waits for Carson taking his hand and making there way inside. Scaning the room Misty see her brother as he stand.

Keeping his eyes out the window Frankie waits for Misty to show up. He had called her late lastnight and asked if she wanted to get together. He dident think Misty would agree after what happend yesterday but was happy she did. Seeing his sister pull in and Carson with her he smiles. Frankie wanted to know this name that had tamed his sister. As they both enter he stands and waves.

Misty walks up to her brother and gives him a strong embracee.*

"Its good seeing you again Frank."

*Frankie smiles and returns the hug.*

"Its been to long little Sis."

*Misty smiles as she pulls away from Frankie and turns back to Carson. Taking his hand.*

"Frank you remeber from yesterday my boyfriend Carson. I hope you dont mind I invited him alot to spend lunch with us."

*Frankie exstends his hand to Carson a plesent smile on his face.*

"Of course I remember him. Good to see you again Carson and please call me Frankie. I have told my sister that a million time and only half the time she listens to me. Please come sit, and we can enjoy lunch together."


Jason can suddenly feel a new kind of tension between him and Katie, and he hates it. Though she hides it, he knows good and well that his time with his “friend” the evening before had bothered Katie on some level. Why couldn’t things just be normal? It bothered him that the past was still bogging him down, and it bothered him that Katie was bothered too. This was ridiculous.

Her words of apology cause Jason to roll his eyes. “Katie, stop it,” he directs. “I’m just being a grouch. Quit walking on eggshells or you’re just going to make things worse.”

He gestures to one of his chairs for her to sit. “I didn’t want to do any work now anyway after getting a tongue-lashing from two people already this morning. It was my own fault though. I think I ought to go home and come back to start all over again.”

Jason sighs, his weariness showing through his sarcasm. Searching Katie’s face for a moment, he shakes his head. He knows she overheard him and Reese, and though knowing there is no need to explain, for some reason he wants to. Even if Katie was simply a friend now, he doesn’t want any of his friends having the wrong impression. A simple statement would suffice. “Guess maybe I didn’t sleep too good last night…Mike’s got a nice couch, but it isn’t the same. Next time we have a late night jam session, I’m taking coffee with me so I’m awake enough to drive myself home.”

He shrugs, reverting back to Katie’s apparent intention for being here. “Enough about why I’m a grouch…fire away…what’s on your mind?” His eyes catch hers. “And be honest.”

Con reaches an arm around Jamie as he receives her kiss, smiling as she draws away. “I think I’ve done just fine without Bret’s helpful information.” He ambles to the other side of the car, sliding in, unable to keep a yawn from escaping. “Mm, I don’t know where to go…though I could go for just about any place with a buffet right about now…I’m starving.”

Carson slaps on his baseball cap and gestures to the exit. “After you. I don’t care if it takes all afternoon. I’m feeling cooped up anyway.” He tosses her a wink. “Besides, any excuse to get away with you is a good one.”


*Katie gives a startled jump as her eyes widen alittle as Jason's words slid out of his mouth. HE was overly uptight today. Feeling bad Katie looks down. She dident mean to bother him. Steping in alittle more Katie looks up at him searching his face.*

"I dident get a chanse to talk with you again yesterday, and by time things clamed down you left with your friend. I guess, I just wanted to talk to you alittle more about court and how you think everything will change around here."

*Katie lets out a soft sigh. She dident want to come out right and ask Jason about last night it was non of her never mind. They were only friends and weather Katie felt strange, or even hurt by the suddon surge of happyness this stranger was bringing Jason, she had no right to let those feelings show.*

"I guess I just wanted to talk to you little bit. See how your doing and everything. But if this is a bad time I certinly can come back later. I had forgoten you had come into work alittle bit later, and were alittle bit behind. I'm sorry."

*Katie manages to look Jason in the eye, and give a genuin smile, and a look of being sorry. It really hadent crossed her mind that Jason was probley trying to do work. She was so use to coming and going in Jason's office without it bothering. Old habits die hard.*

*Jamie rours in laughter at Bret and Con. It was always great watching the humor the guys had.*

"Awwww...Con, leave the poor guy alone. He's just trying to give you some helpful information."

*Jamie throws a wink at Bret as he turns to leave. Not geting out of the car but standing on the seat Jamie is alittle taller than Con. Leaning down her wraps her arms around him and plants a kiss on his lips. Than drawing away she looks Con in the eyes, she own refecting her love and affection.*

"I missed you. How about we get some grub. You pick the place today."

*Jamie keeps her arms around Con giving him another kiss for a moment. Than lets go slipping down in the drivers seat again*

*Misty giggles and toss the keys to Carson.*

"Oh I think I can manage to drive. As long as you dont distract me, though that might be hard for you. If your ready we can make out way out now. We just have to go into town a bit might take a little while."


Jason looks up from his desk to see Katie in his doorway. Hearing her question, he throws up his hands. “No, no bother. Just come barging in like everyone else – I don’t care about getting any work done this morning anymore anyway.”

Once the words are out of his mouth, he realizes just how snippy they are, and he’s hit with a pang of guilt. Taking a deep breath, he closes his eyes for a moment, regaining control.

“I’m sorry,” he speaks with a softer tone. “You never bother me, so come in. What’s up?”

As usual, the guys at the construction site great Jamie enthusiastically, though comments are tempered by the knowledge that Con would beat any guy to a pulp that acted inappropriately.

Bret laughs and shakes his head as he walks past, removing his leather gloves. “Tank’s around here somewhere. I think he and Dean were out scouting that new zone, but if he knew you were coming, he’ll be here.” He throws Jamie a wink. “In case you didn’t know it, he’s head over heels for you.”

“Hey! Quit getting distracted by the pretty onlooker!”

Bret turns to see Con coming towards them. “Speak of the devil…” He waves off Con. “I was just making sure no one else bothered her.”

“Uh-huh.” Con throws him a withering, but teasing look. “Right.” He grins at Jamie. “Sorry I’m late. Lost track of time.”

Bret tsks at him and shakes his head. “Rule number one – never use that excuse. It makes the ladies feel less important than whatever it was you were doing.”

Con fakes a stance ready to slap Bret upside the head. “Don’t you have anything better to do?”

“Mmmm, I think I like it when you’re feeling better.” Carson grins at Misty’s antics, pulling her in close for a kiss of his own. “You shouldn’t have told me though – there will be no stopping me now.” Another kiss lands on her lips.

Chuckling, Carson draws away and shrugs at her invitation. “Sure…I’ll come along if you like. You’ll have to drive though, I haven’t been able to go pick up that car from the lot yet.”