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*Katie looks down, though she was or through she was over to Jason his word still stung. She new what he said was true, but I guess part of her still had hung on. Katie new she had to let it go. Her and Scott where geting somewhere and she wanted it to work, but Katie had been ne that always found it hard to let go. Than she looks up again. Not scaired to show her own emotion.*

"No Jason, you cant do anything to the last string that is holding on.."

*Katie chokes on her own words. Life was hard, life was crule, having someone to help was nice, but this.....no one could help with.*

"...I have to cut that string myself. You staying away, is only going to make it harder."

*Katie stands her own nerves and emotions running to high to sit still. She felt shaky for some reson it could be just shock to her system Katie dident know.*

" I want you to be happy to Jason, I really do and if thats with whoever thats great."

*She did want Jason to be happy, she just felt crappy she wasent the one who could anymore.*

"You deserve to be happy Jason. You've been through so much. I'll be happy to see you happy again. I miss the happy, joking Jason everyone does."

*Katie looks down again, and than back up scaning Jason's office closing her eyes for a moment, than opening them again.*

"I better let you get back to work, and I better get back to mine. I'll see ya later."

*Katie gives her best smile to Jason and turns to leave his office. Her own heart was heavy, but in a sence she felt better. Though Jason's words hurt maybe she needed to hear them. They never really got to sit down and just talk about things. Maybe this was a start to stop the dwelling.*

*Jamie's face unturns in a smile as they make it to the chinese restrong.*

"A free day is good, means you can make up for not going to lunch with me tomarrow and spend the whole day with me."

*Frankie grabs a menu as well and hands one to Misty. He was glad to be siting across from his sister even if Carson was there too. It ws easy to see that since England they had grown even closer and he was a big part of her life. Continuing to scan his menu he replys to Carson.*

"Ya I think I will be sticking around for a while. Some busness took me out this way and I new Misty was around these part now. I'd like to get to know her again its been so long. I've missed out on so much of her life. As long as work dosent send me away again I'll be around for alittle bit."

*Misty looks up at her brother and smiles. Than looks to Carson and smiles. Than looking back at her menu she closes it knowing what she wants.*

"So when did you get out of Jail? Last time I new you were in for some time?"

*Frankie looks up at Misty alittle uneasy about talking about his Jail experince with his sister but knowing she had a right to know as well.*

" I've been out for about a year. I would of come to see you sooner but like I said work kept me away."

*Frankie closes his menu as well knowing what he wanted. Taking a sip of his drink he continues.*

"The one person I was employed for at the time got me out early. He told it couldent be me, and when I had my rehearing they jury rules misconduk and I was set up. Seeing as I couldent remember anything that happend when I woke up in that room, on top of not finding my finger prints they really dident have much of a case to start with. Its the old Miller charm that gets them all the time. So Carson is that who my sister reeled you in, or are you just the kind of guy who likes a sassy woman."

*Frankie throws alittle wink at Misty.

Misty smiles and blushes alittle bit. Her brother always was a bold person. sometimes TO bold.*

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