

Once the guy is taken away, Austin looks at Con, angry with himself. "How did we let him in here?"

Con shakes his head. "I don't know, I'm sorry." He glances over to where Katie is. "But we have her to thank for saving Jason's life."

Austin makes a couple steps to Katie, and lays a hand on her shoulder for a moment. "We owe ya, Katie..." He sighs deeply and retreats to sit outside the room again, and almost runs into Rosetta. "Oh, hey. We just had a bit of excitement here. You can ask Katie about it."

This time he chooses a chair where the door is in a constant line of sight, and flops down, joined by Mick.

"How is he?"

"The same." Austin looks down at his hands, not used to being in this position. "I don't know what to do."

Mick shakes his head. "There's nothing we can do but wait."

...And they do wait. JT reminds them that the time frame is unknown, but they remain.

Sparky listens with intrigue to Annie. "I guess I didn't realize you did all this."

The evening drags on, and no more news is heard from Austin. Nerves are tense, but exhaustion is beginning to hit everyone. Finally, some relent and go to bed, while others stay in the mess hall, dozing uncomfortably in chairs. Cindy remains awake but quiet.

Two a.m.

Several monitors in Jason's room suddenly start to beep, sending a high-pitched wail down the hall. In almost an instant, a handful of nurses are in the room, clamoring around Jason's bed, and all but ignoring Katie's presence, gently moving her out of the way.

Austin is on his feet, worry hitting him like a smack to the face. "What's going on? What's wrong?"

JT rushes past, not taking time to answer him.

The next few minutes are confused and blurred by the commotion and early hour, and Jason is taken from his room and rushed down the hall to ICU. Everyone stands numbly, unsure what just happened, and they follow after JT. For several more minutes, they're not allowed into the new room, and it's obvious by the tone of voices coming from inside that something is wrong. Austin is about ready to yell at one of the nurses, when JT finally appears again, and makes everyone sit down in the lobby. The look on his face says more than his words, and fear grips the atmosphere.

JT purses his lips grimly. "Jason has stopped breathing on his own." He pauses, shaking his head. "He's stable for the moment - we have him on a breathing machine."

Austin's jaw drops. "But...you said he was stable before... what happened?"

"I don't know." JT sits on the armrest of the small lobby couch, obviously worn out. "I don't know, Austin." He rubs a hand over his face. "It just isn't making sense. All his charts checked out fine...his scans check out fine...I couldn't have missed something, and yet apparently I did." He glances at all the faces, catching Rosetta's eye with a look of apology that he has not yet had time to talk with her, and not even knowing if she recognizes him.

All at once, a nurse appears with a clipboard and chart, frantically showing it to JT. His eyes widen in shock. "No..."

Austin leans forward. "What?" he asks sternly. "What is it?"

JT's face pales, and he reads his papers again, wishing they said something else. He looks up at everyone again, hating this part of his job. "This is the report on Jason's blood work. Apparently there is a foreign agent in his bloodstream that is attacking him, and at a rapid and deadly pace."

Con sucks in his breath. "He's been poisoned."

JT nods solemnly. "Apparently so."

"God, please no..." Austin closes his eyes for a moment. "What can you do?"

"At this stage?" JT wishes he had better news. "We're not even sure what kind of poison we're dealing with, but it's shutting him down the same as someone could walk down this hall and hit the light switches as they go."

"Are you saying that he's dying?"

JT tightens his jaw, unwilling to say yes. "I'm saying that there is a good chance that Jason will not pull through this. There's always room for something to turn around, and in a world like mine, miracles do happen. But strictly medically speaking...I won't lie to you. There's nothing more we can do for him, but continue to support his body as it fails, so he's comfortable."

The stunned silence is overwhelming.

"Why?" Con asks aloud. "Why would they do this to him?"

"To show us they mean business," Austin scoffs. "They didn't get what they wanted, and they weren't going to let him stick around long enough to rat on them." He stands up angrily, taking his cell phone with dread. "I'll be back." He walks a short ways down the hall, dialing Wes again. "Wes...it's Austin. Bring Cindy...we're not sure how much time Jason's got."

JT looks at the others, his eyes falling to Katie. "You can see him if you like," he says gently.


*Annie thinks for a moment.* "Depending on where I go sometimes its by myself and some times there is more than one. I like doing it...and I get to travil so its cool. Ya get to meet some intresting people too."

*Katie nods to Con.* "Ya I'm ok." *Katie waits to lower her gun till she knows Austin has the guy good. After the police come and take him away Katie falls back into the chair.* "You have to stay stong Jason for all of us. What did they do to you. Why?" *Katie lets out a long sigh and looks up at Austin. Worry, sadness corses her face.* " He's gonna be ok." *She looks back as Jason.* " He has to be." *Katie dident know how to feel at the moment. All her emotions were bundled into why. Why...why was this happening."

*Rosetta finally sees the room they need. Softly she knows on the door.*

Well done, Katie

Cindy buries her face against Wes' chest, no words adequate to express how she feels. A constant prayer is on her mind, but the worry still grips her heart.

Jade sits quietly by herself, overhearing Wes. She sinks lower in her chair, unsure how to feel. She'd only known Jason a couple days, but he had seemed so nice. She liked him. How could something like this happen? Why would God allow it to happen?

Sparky's eyes light up as he looks at Annie's material. "This is great...I've often thought about getting on the mission field myself. Do you have a team you go with each time?"

The ride to the hospital is quiet, and once they arrive, Mick takes the lead, asking a nurse where they can find everyone.

The intruder's eyebrows shoot up, taken completely off guard by this young lady's stance, and her gun. He hadn't been told about her. All he'd been told were about the two guys in the hall. His own aim wavers. He might have been sent here to do a job, but he wasn't going to risk his own neck for it. He drops his gun, letting it slide on the floor and raises his hands slightly.

Austin looks towards the room as he hears Katie's voice. "What the..." He's on his feet to check in an instant and his eyes widen at the scene. "What on earth is going on here?" Anger courses through his veins as he picks up the intruder's gun, and automatically pins the guy's arms behind his back. "Who are you??!"

Con enters next and looks back and forth between Katie and the man, his face paling as he realizes that neither he or Austin knew someone was there. "Katie...are you okay?"

The man sneers at them. "Ha! You think I'm gonna tell you? I'll see a lawyer first, thank you very much."

Austin slams him face-first up against the wall. "Who were you going to shoot? All of us? Or just a helpless kid?!"

"It doesn't matter," the intruder laughs sadistically. "I was gonna finish him off to get the thing over with. Wouldn't want him to talk before he left the land of the living. Mark my words - he's a gonner and there's nothing anyone can do about it. We finished him off hours ago."

By now, several nurses are present, and JT has rejoined them, bewildered, and having someone call the poilce to take the man away.


*Annie pushes the papers closer to Sparky.* " This is the materal I use to teach. Than this stuff here is just info on the next 2 places I could be going. Since I dont know I guess I should just read up on both."

*Wes offers his arms to Cindy, and just holds her leting her cry. Not sure that anything he says can make matters better.*

*Rosetta just looks at Mick.* "Oh no." *Rosetta goes silent as she likes about her niece and how she must be taking it.*

*Damien shakes his head.* " I dont know him very well but he seemed like a good kid. Thats to bad."

*As Katie sits with Jason she feels a strange presance. Someone is coming in the room slowly almost like they are sneeking. She knows it couldent be Con, or Austin. Katies heart starts to race as the figure draws closer. Slowly Katie reachs her hand into her inside jacket. Katie plays out in her mind what could happen. She isent at the right angel to shoot anyone at the moment. Let alone know if its friend or fo. Katie stands and turns around holding her gun in front of her.* "Who are you? and what do you want?"


Becky chuckles. "Well, I'm glad Clint inherited at least a few good manners." She winks at Wendy.

Cindy just stares at Wes for the longest time, not even able to comprehend what he's just said. "A...a coma?" She looks down, the tears starting to form all over again. "I can't believe this is happening. I just....how...why..."

Sparky raises his eyebrows. "Don't know where you're going, huh? That sounds exciting. Whatcha got here?" He points to her papers.

Mick gets on his phone and calls Austin. "Hey, it's Mick. Yeah...how's Jason? Mm...." He shakes his head and sighs. "Alright. Well, we're on our way in. We lost the van. I don't know how - it was my fault. But I don't want to be wandering strange streets at night and get cornered somewhere. So we'll be up a the hospital soon and we can decide where to go from there." He ends the call and looks at Rosetta and Damien with worry. "Jason's in a coma."

Austin hangs up his phone, and looks back at Katie. He offers her a small smile and nods with understanding. "Yeah, sure, you can stay in here. I'm sure he appreciates it." He turns and wearily walks out of the room to rejoin Con.

Footsteps come slowly down the hall, pausing to greet nurses cordially, arousing no suspicion. Austin and Con are a safe distance from the door....it will be easy. His hand slides into his jacket, fingering the pistol grip. The silencer will alert no one.
He comes upon the open door. No one is paying any attention. The girl has her back to the door. He will be gone before she even turns around. He pulls out his weapon and stretches it out, aiming at the sleeping figure in the bed...


*Wendy smiles at Becky.* "Thank you. I know where Clint gets his kindness now."

*Wes hangs up the phone and enters the mess hall again. His heart is heavy. How can he tell Cindy about her son. She was suffering as it was. But how could he not. If anything happend to Jason and he hasent told her, he would feel horrable. Wes goes over to Cindy and sits down.* "Cindy...I need to talk to you. That was Con on the phone. I was continblating not telling you. But I have too." *Wes takes Cindy's hand in her.* "Cindy, Jason is in a Coma. I know it sounds like a horrable thing but his body is trying to heal itself so maybe thats they best way. Con said if the condition dosent change we can go an see him in a dew days. God has a plane for everything Cindy. Remember that and let it give you comfort." *Wes trys to smile the best he can.*

*Annie sits down next to Sparky. Looking at him she can tell he is questioning his Sisters project. Seting her papers down she holds up sme panflips.* " Next month the mission wants me to leave again on a trip but they havent told me where. How on earth am I to prepair if they wont tell me where I am going." *Annie smiles.*

*Rosetta lets out a sigh.* "Lets call Austin and see what he wants us to do than high tail it out of here before they are watching US."

*Katie waks and streches. Looking at Austin her eyes are bloodshot its easy to tell she has been crying.* "Aucilly this chair is pritty comfey, I'd rather stay here for now. If thats ok."

Just have to wait

Becky grins and helps Wendy prepare the meal. "Sitting around all day, no one feels hungry, but as soon as you can smell it, tummies start to complain." She helps get everything together and sets out some bowls for anyone who wants to come in the kitchen and get some.

Cindy continues to sit by the fire, her eyes dry, but her face pale and downcast. Her mind is recalling so many things...so many emotions are running wild... what will happen? Will her son be okay? What if he's not? What would she do?

Sparky sits quietly at one of the tables, weary from research, and giving his eyes a break. He looks up as Annie comes back, and wonders at the papers she holds.

Mick gives Rosetta a sidelong glance, unable to help a slight enjoyment of being back in action. The light turns green and he continues to tail the van. After several turns though, the taillights suddenly disappear. Mick slows down, his eyes wide. "What? Where did they go? They were just in front of us!" He glances down several side streets, turns around, circles back and starts again, but there's no sign of the van. Stopping, he hits the steering wheel in frustration. "How could I have lost them? They had to have realized what was up and turned their lights off or something." The traffic in town proves that trying to find the van in the dark would be useless.

Nurses come in and out of Jason's room, JT comes once, and Austin and Con check in on him and Katie. Finally a couple hours later, Austin gently rouses Katie. "Hey...there's a couch out here in the lobby right by the room. Why don't you get some more comfortable rest?"

Con stands out in the hall and paces as he dials Wes' phone. "Hey...it's Con. Austin wanted me to call with an update. Jason's doing alright...he's stable, but....he's in a coma. The doctor isn't sure what it all means, and he can't predict how long it will last, so...if nothing has changed in a day or two, we'll allow anyone who wants to see him to come down. Otherwise, we're just going to have to wait."

Outside the hospital, in the shadows of the parking lot, a stealthy figure makes his way along the wall. A gun is tucked beneath his jacket, with intentions only he knows. Entering the hospital, he casually asks about a name then goes to the elevator, heading for room three-thirteen.