

Clint keeps his eyes on his work. “Oh, just checking out a few of these hoses, and sparkplugs…getting some of the fluids changed…” He sees Wendy leaning in for a closer look. “Maybe Wes can hire you as an assistant to the assistant,” he teases.

Leaning down, he rests his elbows on the front of the open car, scanning the engine. “Never though I’d get involved with mechanics,” he muses. “Course…I never thought I’d meet someone like you before either.” His eyes stay focused on the car, his tone carrying all the implication it wants on its own.

Carson chuckles at Misty, his arms going around her waist. “Mm…I’m not sure. But how about I try repeating it so I can get the same results?” His eyes twinkle with mischief, but he doesn’t wait for Misty, instead initiating his own kiss, pulling her even closer to himself and letting it linger for several moments. Drawing away, he nods. “Okay. I think the neglect is gone. But you better see me before I leave today just to make sure I’m really cured.”

Con gives Jamie’s hand a little squeeze, appreciating her support. Finally entering the main floor, his eyes scan the room. It feels different than it has before…like he’s a stranger…but not.

He looks to Jamie with a little nod. “I’m gonna go see Laura, then get a few things taken care of. I’ll catch up with you in a bit.”

Heading his own way, he aims for his sister’s cubicle…

“Oh, Con.” Laura gets up from her desk and throws her arms around her brother, standing on her tiptoes.

Con grins and returns the hug affectionately. “Hey you.”

Laura pulls away and looks up into his eyes. “How ya doing?”

“Good.” Con nods. “I needed the time out.”

“I know.” Laura smiles. “How is everyone?”

“Great. I had a real good time with them, and we had a blast when Jamie came along too.”

Laura’s smile widens. “That’s good to hear.” She allows a short pause. “Sticking around today?”

“Um…” Con hesitates. “For a bit.” He refrains from saying what he really wants to. It was best if he just got things over with, and he didn’t want to endure any arguing. He forces a smile. “I’ll catch you later, alright?”

“Alright.” Laura watches her brother walk away, and gives a little sigh. He had peace again…of that she was thankful.

Con makes his way through the cubicles, waving at several people. He glances around at the desks, his eyes landing on the one that had been empty the last time he’d been here. He instinctively knew whose it was now. But it was empty. Heading down the hall, Con passes Jason’s office and pauses, a sadness filling him for his friend who wasn’t there. After a moment though, he moves on, willing himself to complete his mission.

He hesitates as he reaches the infirmary. He can hear voices. He knows he’s hit the right place. Opening the door, he steps inside, spotting Carson and Misty together. Noting they don’t hear him, he clears his throat.

Carson takes his time shifting his gaze from Misty, but suddenly realizes just who was watching. Letting Misty go, he quickly takes several steps backward, his eyes widening. The big man was the last person he’d expected to see, and he wasn’t ashamed to admit that he was afraid of him.

Con sees Carson’s fear and for just a moment enjoys it. But he suppresses it, pursing his lips in solemn thought. “Carson.”

Carson swallows hard, his eyes not leaving the larger man. “Con?”

“That’s right.” Con nods slowly. “I heard you’re part of the team now.”

“Uh, yeah…I guess I am.” Carson realizes he better not act wishy-washy around Con, and shifts his wording. “I mean, yeah…helping Reese get some stuff on the Agency.”

After an awkward pause, Con crosses his arms. “Look, Carson…I’m not gonna say I like you, because that wouldn’t be the truth. But I know you’re on our side now and just for the record, I’m not gonna come after you. I don’t like what you did, and I still get angry when I think about what happened. But every man deserves a second chance, so…you got it.”

Carson lifts an eyebrow skeptically. “Why the change of heart?”

“Time has a way of healing wounds,” Con replies evenly. “Lets just leave it at that.” He steps forward, extending his hand. “Truce?”

Carson looks at the hand, then back up to Con’s face. He wasn’t quite like the others around here, but it was evident he was really trying…once again, Carson is confused as to why. Con, of all people… Bewildered, but not one to pass up a truce when he was on the losing side, Carson accepts the handshake firmly. “Truce.”

Con breaks the handshake and throws a glance in Misty’s direction, giving her a slight nod. “Misty.” Not allowing time for conversation, Con turns around and leaves.

Carson turns to Misty, his eyes still wide. “Okay…that was…a relief.”

Con walks to his own office, letting out a deep sigh, but not allowing himself time to stop and think. Entering, he pulls the folded papers from his back pocket, spreads them on his desk, and picks up a pen, adding his signature to the bottom. Pausing just a moment, he folds them back up, exits the office and heads back to the main floor, aiming for Reese’s office…

…”Con, don’t do this!” Reese stands at his open door, calling after Con. “Come on!” He holds up the papers with exasperation.

Con doesn’t turn around, but continues his route back towards the hall his jaw set firmly, keeping himself from returning. Reaching his office once again, he moves without taking time to think about it…he’d thought about it enough, and had made up his mind.

Picking up an empty box from the corner, he sets it on his desk and begins to take pictures off the wall.


*Wendy blushes slightly at Clint's comment. Still standing next to him she leans into to get a close look at the motor with Clint.*

"What are you doing anyways. I cant see how this could be more fun than going on a picnic with me or even riding."

*Wendy cant help but look at Clint out of the courner of her eye.*

*As Jamie joins Con walking into TJY her slips her hand into his. He dident have to say anything she new he wasent sure what to feel.*

"Here we go Con. Eveything is gonna be ok."

*Jamie smiles up at him as they ride down the elavator. She really was so proud of Con. He had overcome alot and you could see the change in his eye.*

*Misty looks up at Carson as she walks swiftly from one end of the infermary to the other.*

"Neglected my foot. And if you do feel neglected I fear to see what makes you not feel that way. Give me 3 shakes of a lambs tail here and I will be right with you."

*With in minutes Misty wash up her hands and walks over to the waiting Carson wraping her arms around his neck and giving him a kiss.*

"Now what were you saying about feeling neglected?"


Jake turns at least five shades of red at Jamie’s comment, then receives an additional teasing elbow from Eric. Jake elbows him back…hard, making Eric wince, though he laughs.

The family all waves farewell to the couple, and as the cars fade into the distance, the kids disperse to go their separate ways. Dan reaches over to put his arm around Paula’s shoulders as they continue to look at the deserted road. “I’m proud of him.”

Paula smiles and puts her hand up to Dan’s. “Me too. I hope he’s happy.”

“I think he is. This trip was good for him, I could tell.”

“And Jamie is such a sweet young woman.”

“I’ll agree to that. She seems a good fit for Con…they act like they’re really in love”

Paula holds her smile as she tilts her head to look up at her husband. “I know the feeling.”

Clint leans into the engine, but turns his head as Wendy approaches. He gives a quirky grin. “Work? Work? Who said anything about work? I’m having too much fun for it to be work. Besides, somebody’s got to keep these buckets of bolts company. They get lonely, ya know.”

His eyes shift back to the motor, though his grin remains. “It’s a good thing you come visiting, otherwise I know somebody else who would get pretty lonely too.”

Con sighs a little and concentrates on his food. “Nah, not really. I need to go back…” His voice indicates a strange tone that implies something he hasn’t voiced…something he might not have shared.

Wiping his mouth with a napkin, he takes the last swig of his drink and straightens up. “Well, I’m ready when you are.”

Back on the road, it’s a little over an hour before they both pull into the TJY parking lot. Con gets out of his car and waits for Jamie, heading to the door with her. He pauses just a moment before going inside, taking a deep breath. The last time he was here, he hadn’t been in control of that monster deep inside…but today…today he was in charge.

“Now who’s a workaholic?” Carson leans on the infirmary doorframe, his hands tucked halfway in his pockets. He throws Misty a grin. “I haven’t heard a peep out of you all day – a guy could start feeling neglected.”


*As Rosetta walks the ranch te joy of the wedding 2 days ago still filled her heart. Wes and Cindy were so happy. Rosetta was glad to see that. Wes deserved the best and she had no doubt that Cindy was that for him. The constrution on the house was still going on as Wes and Cindy were away. Trucks were comeing and going as they went around back to the house. Rosetta couldent wait to see what the finished producte was. She was glad Wes wasent going to sell the land and wanted to start his family there. As Rosetta walks the ground she the bounces off her ring. Looking down she holding her hand up she smiled. Soon, very soon this whole thing with TJY would be over and Rosetta would be having her own wedding. It was something worth waiting for. With every day passed the drew closer to the war being over.

Rosetta heads a car and looks up seeing Damien's truck he hadent been back since Jamie left. He had said he needed time to think and Rosetta did feel for him. As He pass Rosetta throws a wave than heads for the barns.*

*As Damien pulls up to the ranch he lets out a sigh. He had to do this and he new it. Looking around his eyes fall on the sandbox where BJ is playing alone. Slowly Damien walks over to him removing his hate so he dosent look as intimenating. Siting down on the edge he smiles at the young boy he had only found out a week before was his son.*

"Hey there Bud."

*BJ looks up from his toys and gives a small smile.*


*BJ keep his eyes on Damien as Damien looks back.*

Damien: "What ya doing there?"

BJ: "Twing to bild a sand house."

Damien: "Want some help?"

*BJ shakes his head.* "No."

*Damien's shoulders drop alittle.*


*Slowly he stands and starts to walk away. He wanted to get to know his son better. But BJ dident know who he was. Damien dident know how to act or what to do. Slowly he walks back to his truck.

BJ watches as Damien gets up and walks away. Standing the young boy runs over to him and interlocks his hand with Damiens.*

"Can we go for a walk? All my fwends are gone."

*Damien smiles down at BJ.*

"Sure we can."

*Wendy sneeks her way into the shop once again where she finds herself spending most of her time. Clint had looked so nice at Wes and Cindy's wedding. She had so much fun dancing with him most of the night and just chating. Sneeking along next to him a giggle escapse from her lips giving away she was there.*

"Hey you. I hope I'm not bothering you again, but you work to much."

*Wendy gives a playful elbow to Clint.*

*Jamie gives Paula a hug and Dan one as well.*

"It was nice meeting you guys as well. Thank you for leting me stay here and shair with the family. I had a wonderful time. Dont worry I will make sure i come back with Con its to nice here to pass it up."

*Jamie turns to all the kids and gives the girls hugs telling them she will see them soon. Than she turns to the boy and does the same though after giving Jake a hug she plants a small kiss on his cheek*

"Dont watch people kiss to much ya hear. It could get ya in trouble."

*Jamie smiles and heads out the door puting her sunglass on. As she follow Con down the diveway she sticks her arm out the window and throws a wave.

After a while Jamie see Con pull off the road and follows read to grab some food. As she sits with Con at the picnic table she listens to him talk about going back to TJY.*

"Ya I'll come back there with ya. I have to let Reese know I am back anyways and see how everything is."

*Jamie takes a sip of the lemonade Paula had packed as well thinking for a long moment.*

"Are you nervouse about going back Con?"

*Misty hardly even relizes the time as she is busy in the infermary. Between woking on stuff with Rick and studing Misty felt like the day was almost draging by. Misty hardly had time to think about anything. For some reson today seemed to be busyer than those of the past.*

*Nate sits at his desk deep in thought looking over files Reese had given him about the court to look over. Everyone he looked at her felt like he was comign up embty handed. Nate was starting to get alittle frustrated.*


Laura’s fear tonight was slowly fading away as Nate talks, his voice calming her. His joke about Con hits a little close to home, but she lets it slide, hoping that it really was something to laugh about.

As he mentions her facial expression it stops her for a moment…he really had been paying attention to her to know her that well… Had she really not noticed?

Nate’s order for lunch tomorrow takes her back for just a moment. She’d told him to push, but experiencing it made her immediately want to draw back again. Hesitating, she closes her yes and takes a deep breath. “Alright. You win. But you might have to lock my purse in the car, otherwise I’ll fight you the whole way to pay.”

…The next morning when Laura arrives at work, she finds the daisy and handwritten note, a smile forming on her lips. Maybe this wasn’t so bad after all.

Mick yawns and leans back in his chair, taking another swig of his coffee. It was Monday…two days after the wedding, yet everyone was still a bit tired. It was a good tired though…no one would have traded that happy day for anything. Mick couldn’t remember seeing a happier couple than Wes and Cindy… He never would have dreamed he’d stand up with his brother, but he had, and it had been great. Now that both were gone on their honeymoon, the reality was settling in, and life at the ranch was starting to move forward again, slowly, but surely.

The wedding had made Mick think…the future was approaching and passing them by. Seeing his brother with Cindy…it made him think of himself and Rosetta. Was she still satisfied with waiting? Had they made the right decision? Would this battle really be over someday?

Bringing his mind back to the present, Mick sees there are only a few people left in the mess hall. Most had scattered to go about their day.

“…and I said baby come home!” Clint’s off-key voice sings loudly with the country radio station in the shop as he leans over the engine of a small car. Wiping his hands on a rag he slides into the driver’s seat and turns the key, bringing the motor roaring to life. “Yeah!” Clint grins at the smooth sound and pets the dashboard. “I knew all you needed was a little TLC.” He turns the motor back off again and exits, tinkering just a bit more in the motor.

“Mmm, I love you, kiddo.” Con gives Mindy a bear hug as he squats in front of the porch, wrapping his arms around Haley next.

“Are you gonna come back later this summer?” Keith asks hopefully.

Con straights up and ruffles Keith’s hair. “We’ll see about that.”

Paula smiles and steps forward to give Con a hug of her own. “You take care of yourself, Conrad, and do come sooner next time.”

“Alright, I will.” Con gives his aunt a squeeze before turning to shake his uncle’s hand.

Paula shifts to give Jamie a hug. “It was so nice to meet you Jamie. I hope next time Con comes back he brings you again.” She smiles broadly before turning back around to grab a sack of food. “Now Con, you make sure you stop for lunch and give his poor girl a break from driving. And call me when you get back.”

Con chuckles, humoring his aunt. “Alright, I will.”

After more farewells and a few tears goodbye, the two vehicles pull out of the driveway. Two hours later, it’s still before noon, but Con pulls off the highway to stop for lunch anyway, with just an hour left to go. The little park is a welcomed resting spot, and Con and Jamie find an empty picnic table to sit down and enjoy the chicken that Paula had sent along.

Eating slowly, Con is a little quiet, contemplating the day. “I thought I’d head to TJY once we were back in town,” he comments. He hadn’t been back since the day he’d confronted Carson, and it felt strange to think about going back now, but he knew he had to. “Are you going to come along, or head to your place?”

Laura groans and gets down on her hands and knees in front of the copy machine, pulling out the tray and squinting inside, trying to find the paperjam.

“Good luck finding it.”

Laura turns her head to throw Carson a smirk. “Thanks. Was this your doing?”

Carson grins. “Nope. But it’s been giving me trouble all day. I can’t figure out where the paper is, and Scott’s been too busy to come and look.”

“You’re so much help.” Laura rolls her eyes and turns back to the machine, feeling gently inside with her fingers to see if she can find any stray pieces of paper.

Carson chuckles and lowers himself to his hands and knees to join her, opening up a different door on the side and scrolling one of the rollers, hearing the paper somewhere.


Carson’s head flies up, hitting the open door. He winces and turns to see Reese in the doorway. Now what? “Yeah?”

“I’ve been looking for you for half an hour.” Reese looks at him with annoyance. “Where have you been?!”

“Well I…”

“Never mind. Just get back to your desk and finish up those lists I needed. I told you I needed them by an hour ago!”

Carson grits his teeth and shrugs to Laura. “I think the papers up in here somewhere.” He gets to his feet with a sigh and heads to the doorway, seeing Reese had already disappeared.

Ending to a Night

*Nate puts the file he was looking at down and leans back in his chair kicking his feet up on his desk. A smile crosses his lips as he listens to Laura.*

"Everything is gonna be ok Laura. You have so my friend that care you know all you have to do is call and we would be there in a heart beat not to mention Katie is there with you too. Remember she was choosen to be a body guard for Jason and I dont think Reese would but just anyone on that task they dident know what they were doing. I know she is alittle out of it right now but I have no doubt in my mind she wouldent come running if you called."

*Nate cant help but get a visual in him mind of Laura's face expresstions as she talked he can come to know them so well he dident have to be looking at her to know what ones she was using.*

"Dont let you push me away...I got it. When you start pushing I'll just start pushing back as long as you promise not to sick con on me....."

*Nate lets the laughter show in his voice to let Laura know he was joking.*

"...by the way are you scruntching up your noise right now? You know you look adorable when you do that."

*Though Laura cant see him Nate sticks out his toung in a playful mannor. Than figuring he had ebarssed Laura enough he switches the subject to tomarrow.*

"You, me lunch tomarrow and I wont take no for an answer Laura Gibbs. And this time I AM paying."

*Jamie finds the girls and help them catch more fireflys. As Mindy yarwns Jamie looks down at her watch it was staring to get pritty late. Jamie laughs with the girls alittle more telling them storys as she sits leaning aganst an old log Mindy curled in her lap fading fast. Finally leting all the fireflys go once again and gathering all there things Jamie stands gently holding a sleeping Mindy in her arms they head over to the pond to find the boys.*

*Misty cant help but laugh at Cason's comment as they head for the door.*

"Chinese sounds good if you can keep your own head out of trouble for two seconds."

*Misty laughs again giving a sly smile as Carson's arm is slung around her. She gives him a playful elbow as they head for the elavator.*

Don't let me

Laura can't help the smile that creases her lips, despite the tears in her eyes. "Only mine," she answers ruefully. "Look, Nate...I...I'm sorry...you were right...I'm not okay. And...I'm just sorry that I lied and said I was. I guess I just...I don't know..." She sighs. "I just don't know, but I really am a bit jumpy right now and I just needed...." She bites her lip, contemplating her words and wondering at their truth. "I just needed to hear somebody's voice to know that I was okay."

She takes in a ragged breath as the tears threaten to gain strength. "And...I've been thinking about...well, about a lot of things, and..." She scrunches her nose, hating the way she sounded as she stammered around. "Nate, don't let me get away with pushing you away," she finally blurts out. "I like you...a lot...but you're gonna have to get pushier with me if you wanna keep me around, and I'm just telling you that because I know me, and I won't let you stick around if it's just me, because I'm scared to death and I'll just mess everything up. If you don't want to set me down and give me a good talking to every once in a while so I get my head on straight though, I understand and that's fine, and we just won't go there, but I thought I'd let you know and let you choose, and...."

Laura stops short, catching her breath as her face grows red. "I...yeah, so...yeah."

Carson snatches the keys from Misty. "Good. Last time I drove your car, I was saving your butt, so let's not have a repeat, okay?"

He grins and sidles past her, dragging her along as his arm makes its way around her shoulders. "How about chinese? Mm...that sounds good tonight."

Con watches Jamie walk away to find the girls, and sighs deeply. he still couldn't believe or understand how quickly things had turned around...how he'd suddenly begun to see Jamie in this light...but he wouldn't want to give it up. It was too nice of a feeling.

Getting to his feet, he ambles to the trail to head for the boys. "Hey, you guys catch anything yet or what?"

Jason rolls over on his bunk, his ribs sore from the fall he'd taken earlier. He knew it had been Tucker, but had said nothing to anyone. But if today was any indication on what the future looked like, it wasn't exactly something he was looking forward to. He'd also discovered that he was not being treated by the prison like the others either, forced to remain without contact from anyone for at least a month without so much as any rights of his own. Jason knew someone was getting paid off, but how could anything be proven? He was stuck in a corrupt system, and no one could do anything about it.

Lifting his eyes, he can just make out a single star in the sky outside the tiny barred window. He wondered how everyone was...he wondered how Katie was. He could only hope that she was not feeling his pain, though he knew it wasn't likely. She was suffering right along with him, and he knew it. If only he could block out his emotions...but he had yet to figure out how to do that with her. It was a blessing and a curse.

Rolling over again, he tries to get some sleep. Tomorrow would be another long day.


*Nate reaches for the phone on the desk he was siting at in his office at home. He had just finishes reading to Maggie and she was fast asleep now. Nate decieded he would look through some files Reese had given him. Puting the phone to his ear and hearing Laura's voice an instince smiles forms on his face.*

"Hey Laura. I dident exspect to hear from ya tonight. Sure I have time to talk. Is everything ok? Do I have to kick anyones butt?"

*Katie stirs in her room and looks up at the craks in the tiles above her head. She new it was late at night but she couldent sleep. Her mind was on Jason again. How she wished she could pick up her phone and hear his soothing voice. Katie lets out a sigh and gets out of bed. Heading into the kitchen Katie grabs a glass of water. She still hadent eaten anything since yesterday morning but still the thought of food made her tummy flip flop. Downing the rest of her water Katie heads back to her room and flips on her laptop to just surf the net for a while.*

*Misty thinks for a moment leaning her back aganst the cubicle wall. Holding up her hand it look like she is counting.*

"Well I do like an adventure, and I am not one to turn them down specialy if you are involved. So I guess I shouldent let my reputation down and do it now."

*Misty turns to look over her shoulder.*

"Its a da....er...adventure than...lets get going."

*Misty hangles her keys in front of Carson's face.*

"I'll even let you drive.*

*Jamie smiles and softly gives Con a kiss back. After the kiss is finished Jamie leans into Con and places her head on his shoulder for a long moment as she watching the fireflys dart here and there. Her life seemed perfect right now besides the small set backs here and there. God had truly blessed her. Even if her past was a rough on it was what shaped her to do what she was today. Life is full of challanges and bumps but now she was on the right path and she had Con.*

"I love you to Con more than anything."

*Jamie sits up and stands.*

"Well I better go check on the girl and see how they are doing."

*Jamie walks tword where the girls were turning once to smile and toss a wave at Con.*


Laura sets her purse down on the kitchen table, then goes down the hall, checking on Katie, and finding her asleep. She goes back to the living room and gives Wyatt a grateful nod. "Thanks. I feel better now."

Wyatt cocks his head, giving her a look that said she was welcome, but he wasn't a hundred percent pleased. "Laura, having me follow you home isn't going to solve the problem."

"There is no problem."

"Yes...there is." Wyatt looks at her sternly. "You're scared to death."

"I am not." Laura sets her jaw stubbornly. "I just thought that being cautious for a couple days was the wisest thing."

Wyatt sighs, finding arguing useless. "Well look, there's a lot of us around here willing to help you, so if you need more than this, please don't play stubborn. I know one guy in particular who's just waiting on the edge of his seat for you to ask, but for some reason you don't."

Irritation flashes in Laura's eyes. "Nate and I are just friends."

Wyatt can't help his slight smirk. "Yeah, okay. Well that friend of yours probably feels pretty low right about now, seeing as you chose me over him tonight."

"So we left at the same time," Laura defends. "He probably didn't even notice."

"Bull crap." Wyatt's eyes narrow. "He's not stupid, Laura. Half the time you flirt with him, and half the time you push him away like he's an enemy."

Laura's mouth drops open at Wyatt's boldness. "What have you been doing? Spying on me or what? And what gives you the right to..."

"I don't have to spy to see it," Wyatt interrupts. "I just want to know how far you're willing to push... Do you want him to walk away? Do you want him to leave you alone?"

Laura crosses her arms, her eyes drifting from Wyatt's. "I don't know."

"Well you better figure it out. 'Cause you're pushing him away, and no guy will wait around forever. He cares about you, and I don't understand why you won't let him. I know you care about him too."

Laura's eyes shoot back up, the heat rising to her cheeks. "I don't know how you would even come to that conclusion."

Wyatt shakes his head, his tone softening. "It's in your eyes, Laura. But so is fear. Stop letting it get in the way. He's not going to hurt you."

Tears make their way to the surface, despite Laura's desperate attempt to keep them buried. "What if something happens? What if it doesn't work? Or...or feelings change? Or....what if...well anything?"

Wyatt steps forward to take Laura by the shoulders, forcing her to look him in the eye. "Then God will be there to catch you, and so will your friends. Don't live in fear...it's no way of living at all." He pauses, the compassion for his friend showing through. She might be older than Wyatt, but right now, she was proving that deep down, she still had a little girl inside of her. "You can't walk around every day thinking about the 'what ifs'. Live, Laura. Let yourself live. If you truly don't want to have anything more than a friendship with Nate, then that is fine. But if there's anything inside of you that wants him around...that enjoys his attention...that feels protected when he's near...don't let that slip away. He's a good Christian man. It's not like you're contemplating a foolish decision about something that's wrong." As she looks down again, he lifts her chin back up with a finger. "There's only one way you can find out if this is the right path and that's to give it a try. And if you find out that it won't work...then you've simply found your answer, and you can be at peace with that. It's a win-win situation."

Laura bites her lip as a tear escapes to trickle down her face. "And since when did you gain all this wisdom, love genius?"

Wyatt chuckles and straightens, withdrawing from her. "Maybe I've been there." He gives her a wink. "Now...as far as this current situation goes, if you need anything, or if anybody bothers you in the least...you give somebody a call. I don't care who it is, but call."

"Alright." Laura nods in surrender. She watches as Wyatt makes his way back to the door. "Hey, Wyatt?"



...Laura sits on her bed in her pajamas, one hand stroking Henry, the other holding her phone. A strange sensation tingles in her tummy as she thinks about the conversation she'd had with Wyatt. Was he right? Maybe he was. Had she been that resistant? Yes. Did Nate really feel badly? Probably.

The wind rustles the bushes outside her window, causing a branch to scrape against the screen. The noise makes Laura jump, adrenaline surging through her veins. It was just the wind...that was all.

Swallowing hard, Laura looks at the phone in her hand. All she wanted was someone to tell her that it was okay...that no one was going to bother her tonight...that she was safe here. Con was so far away...Wyatt had already done all he could...

Laura's thumb starts pressing the numbers, her hand shaking just a little bit. Putting the phone to her ear, she waits for an answer. "Nate...it's me..." Tears spring into her eyes. "Can you just talk for a minute?"

Carson grins up at Misty. "Now if there's one thing I've never been called, it's a workaholic." He reaches over to shut off the computer.

"Come to think of it, a ride home would be nice. But only if you let me take you out to supper first." He points a finger at her. "And it's an adventure, not a date."

Con looks out across the dark water that's lit by the moon. He listens to Jamie talk, not opposed to what she's saying...more than likely agreeing with her point about dreams not necessarily coming true, according to God's plan. But he was just a little confused as to why she was talking about this here and now. It seemed a little out of place.

As she continues though, Con starts to get a funny feeling that she was trying to make some direct point that he wasn't quite getting. Though he words about being with him made him feel good, no doubt.

When Jamie finally makes the statement about a family, Con turns his head quickly, his eyes shooting in her direction. So that was it. It was dark, but he could see the look in her eye. And he knew. She'd overheard his conversation with Dan. She knew that he could not have kids of his own.

Con can feel the heat creeping into his face. He hadn't exactly planned on telling Jamie about it like this...here...now. They both were looking forward to the future, but nothing had been spoken of it yet...they were still getting to know each other. But...despite his embarrassment, a part of him is relieved.

Remaining silent for a long while, Con just looks into Jamie's eyes. She knew...and she was okay with it. She'd had dreams of a new family...but she was willing to take this in stride because she loved him. He could ask no more than that. He himself had gotten used to the idea of not having kids, but knowing that Jamie was okay with that too...that it changed nothing between them...it brought a new sense of peace.

Con swallows hard, knowing that he need not explain further now. Jamie didn't know the whys of it all - she didn't know about the accident when he'd been on the force...but that was something he could talk about later. For now, they both knew enough, and that was sufficient.

He reaches over to brush her cheek with his hand, unable to help that his eyes can't leave hers. "I love you, Jamie," he whispers. Ignoring the fact that they were there to watch the kids, he leans over to kiss her on the lips, allowing a tender moment.

Eric and the other boys tramp through the weeds around the trees, making their way back to Con after catching the first bullhead of the night. With Eric in the lead, he emerges first into the small clearing, but skids to a halt as he sees Con and Jamie. Thinking quickly, he spins around, stopping Keith with an arm. "Let's try to catch another one before we show Con, shall we?"

"But I want him to see how big it is," Jake complains, and steps forward.

Eric reaches around to put a hand over Jake's eyes, bringing him back around. "Well if we catch a couple more, then you can prove yours is the biggest."

Clueless as to what Eric was really doing, the three boys are quick to change their minds, and their direction. Eric throws one last glance over his shoulder and grins at the sight, then turns to join his cousins and brother.


*As Nate looks up from his desk he see Laura and Wyatt leaving togther. He tells himself they could just be leaving out of cawincadince but something inside him tell him its just not true. Leting out a sigh Nate stands and goes to Laura's desk laying a singly Dasiy on her desk he had picked up. He wanted to give it to her to make her feel better but not seeing her leave without saying good bye Nate dident want her to feel strange. Grabing a sticky note Nate jots a note. "Maggie said Hi and thx for the Pizza. The flower is from her. I'll always be here for you Laura."Nate places the paper with with the flower and sighs to himself. Exiting TJY for the night.*

*A Misty leaves the infermary she spots Carson at his desk. The Day had gone by fairly fast after her lunch with him. Going over to the wall Misty leans on it smiling down at him.*

"Since when did you become a work a holic?"

*Misty cant help but let out a giggle.*

"Need a ride home?"

*As everyone heads down to the pond Jamie keeps an arm around Con as she keeps an eye on the little ones.*

"You girls please done run near the shore ok. If a fire fly goes out that way just let it go ok."

*Jamie takes in a breath of the fresh air. For alittle while Jamie breaks away from Con and helps the younger one catch some fire flys.*

"Mindy carfel how you shake that Jar. You dont want to hurt the little guy or he wont be able to fly home to his family and than they would be really sad."

*Jamie smiles down at the young girl and ruffles her hair. Finally Jamie makes her way back to Con siting next to him. Keeping her flashlight on to point it in the direction of the kids laughter. For a long moment Jamie is silent enjoying the night. Finally Jamies mind goes back to the conversation she over hurd on the porch. Jamie thinks of the best aprotch for this conversation. It was an intamit part of Con's life and Jamie dident want to pry finally she speaks softly.*

"Its a nice night out for sure Con. I'm glad I came here to see ya. If funny how you go through life thinking you want something to turn out a certin way but than someone comes along and things just wont turn out how you thought. What you would once think would bother you dosent anymore. Sometimes things just down work out how we want them. But we remember its all part of God's plane for us and anything can happen if we believe and put our trust in him. If he wants something to happen in out lift it will even if the odds are stacked aganst us. And if he thinks its not whats best than it wont happen."

*Jamie stops for a moment moving her flash light along all the kids making sure everyone was still in sight.*

"I have many dreams I want to come true in my life Con that I have collected over the years. But I have come to relize that as long as your connected in my life and standing by my side I dont mind if all those dreams dont happen. We can over come anything."

*Jamie stops again wondering if she should take on, but something makes the words come out of her mouth before she even relizes it.*

"A family isent built on if they are blood or not, a family is build on love and as long as that love is there so is a family."

*Jamie's face turns a bit red and is glad for the darkness. She dident mean to say everything she did it just came out. Once again Jamie flashes her light around and counts all the heads to make sure there are 8*


Laura bites her lip as her emotions threaten to slip, but she keeps a handle on it. Tough Laura just wouldn’t die.

“Thanks, Nate, but really, I’m fine.” She knows the lie all too well, and it slides from her mouth all too easily.

She finishes off her fries and nods. “Yeah, let’s get on over to Jamie’s. Poor Ed is probably starving.”

The afternoon flies by without major events. Carson finds himself working late, finding no point in going back to his apartment early just to sit and watch tv. He was bored enough the way it was, at least while at TJY he could keep his mind halfway occupied.

Laura sighs and finally shuts down her computer. The nervousness persisted, despite her efforts to thwart it all day.

Rising from her desk, she spots Nate. She didn’t want him worrying any more than he already was… She’d tried to convince him she was fine, and if she said anything more, it would just emphasize her lie. Besides, if he worried any more, he might feel obligated to do more, and Laura just didn’t want that right now. But…she was scared.

Choosing a different option, Laura heads in the other direction, finding Wyatt still there.

Minutes later, Laura is aiming for the exit, Wyatt close behind, also leaving for the night.

Lydia smiles at Jamie, pausing her reading. “Oh, its just a book I’m reading for literature in school. Mom said I didn’t need to do any work while I was here, but I figured if I can finish it now, then I can be done with it and won’t have to worry about it later.” She laughs. “Any time I can get school work done early, I try to. Leaves Eric jealous, but he survives.”

…Before the family knows it, night is falling. A light supper is eaten, and chaos ensues as the children get ready for their night adventure.

The boys scurry around for their fishing rods and equipment, Con tries to keep them rounded up and ensure they have everything. Bug spray fills the air, two lanterns are found in the basement, and flashlights are handed out.

The girls find some old jars in the kitchen to catch their fireflies, and they join in the bug spray adventure, none wanting to face the mosquitoes down by the pond.

Finally, the group is on their way – Con and Jamie with eight kids in tow, though Eric and Lydia help direct the younger ones. The walk takes about half an hour down a winding wooded path until they reach the pond. Crickets chirp, frogs croak, and fireflies illuminate the shore.

Con fires up the lanterns and the boys scatter in all directions. “Don’t wander too far,” he calls with caution. “I don’t want to have to pull anybody out of the water!”


*Nate looks at Laura sterny not having to ask who Bryce was.*

"Lieing to yourself dosent help anything Laura. And I can understand why you would be a bit jumpy. I dont blame you at all."

*Nate takes a sip of his soda.*

"You dont need to worry when you out with my though Laura. If it brings you comfort at all you my friend and I wouldent let anyone hurt you."

*Nate thinks for a moment as he finishs of the last bit of his frys. He really ment what he said to Laura. He's protect her no matter the cost without thinking twice.*

"Well...if you like we can head over to Jamies now."

*Nate offers a smile to Laura.*

*Jamie cant help but giggle as Con and Seth disapear inside. Jamie stands and walks over to the steps siting down next to Lydia smiling.*

"What are ya reading there kiddo?"

Ohhhh yes

Laura finally finds Nate’s eyes, but then lowers her gaze to her half-eaten cheeseburger. She thinks for a moment, then looks up, pasting a smile on her face. “Sorry,” she apologizes lightly. “I heard Bryce is back and town, and I guess it made me a little jumpy.” She shrugs casually, holding her smile. “Nothing big. Everything’s fine.”

At Jamie’s suggestion, all the girls murmur excitement. Dan grins and nods. “If you and Con can handle this bunch, you’re on. Sadie can stay here, but I think this gang can stay up late one night…what do you think?” he turns to his wife.

Paula smiles. “I think it’s a fine idea.”

After lunch, the afternoon proceeds a bit slower. Work with the animals must be done, and Mindy finally gets the ride on the pony with Con’s help. All the kids wind up spread around the property doing their own things or helping with chores, all getting excited about that evening…

...Sadie giggles at her older cousin’s antics as Seth plays with her on the front porch. Con sits on the swing with his arm around Jamie, taking a break and keeping an eye on things while Dan finishes his chores in the barn and Paula is inside doing housework.

Suddenly Seth sits up. “Aw man!” He scrunches up his nose and looks to Lydia, who is reading a book on the step. “I think Sadie needs a diaper change.”

Lydia laughs and shakes her head. “You’re the one playing with her. Have fun.”

“Not me!” Seth exclaims. “No way!”

Sadie giggles again as if knowing what’s going on.

Con can’t help his grin and he rolls his eyes, standing up. He walks over to Sadie and scoops her up in one arm, gesturing to Seth. “Come on, bud, it’s never too late to learn.”

“Ohhh no.”

“Ohhh yes.” Con threatens him with a look, though amusement twinkles in his eyes. “I was your age when my baby sister came along and I had no choice. Now it’s your turn. In the house, now.”

Seth grudgingly heads inside, passing his grandmother on the way, who looks up in surprise. “Problems?”

Con shakes his head, grinning. “Nope. Just reminding Seth what he put his own parents through.”

Fire Flys

*As the tention continues at BK Nate grows worryed. Noticing Laura keeps looking around as if someone is going to walk in at any moment. Nate's words grow soft as not to scair her.*

"Laura, please tell me whats wrong? You keep looking around like you exspect to see someone, and you seem differnt from earlyer. Talk to I'm you friend I'll listen."

*Nate keeps his eyes on Laura. He truly was worry and wanted to help. But he couldent if he dident know what was wrong.*

*Jamie gently takes Sadie and smiles down at the small child at Paula leaves the room. Jamie takes her free hands and brings a finger up to Sadie's hand so she can grasp it. Jamie giggles as the little baby smiles up at her. Looking behind her she sees a rocking chair and sits down rocking back and forth with Sadie humming softly as she rocks. Digging around in Sadie's bad she finds rattles, and plays with Sadie till lunch is ready when she turns Sadie back over to Paula.

....Though the lunch table is a bit busy with chatter and noise Jamie dosent mind at all. Trying to help out the best she can with the kids that are next to her. As the mention of the fishing trip comes up Jamie perks a bit.*

"Hey now how come all the boys get to have the fun?"

*Jamie looks around the table at the girls and smiles.*

" Maybe if your grandma says its ok we can go with the boys and catch fireflys while they fish?"

*Jamie looks to Paula hoping she hasent over steped her bounds at all by making the sujestion.

...Lunch finally coming to an end Jamie watches as Con exits the house but opts to stay inside and help clean up and clean the kids up. As Jamie pass the door to put some stuff in the sink and do up a load of dishes Jamie over hears Con and Dan's conversation. Alittle shocked about finding out Con's secret she feel a bit of comapation. Did Con really believe that this would change there relationship, and he would disapoint her. Jamie decieds now isent the best time to talk to him about it but would keep it in the back of her mind for later. Finishing up with the dishs Jamie goes back to the table to grab more.*


Laura keeps her hands in her lap while in the car, letting her eyes stay focused on the outside scenery. “Um…how about just something quick today, like BK or something? I got a lot of work piled up and I don’t want to be gone too awful long.”

The trip to BK is short, and it’s not long before Nate and Laura have a table and are eating. Laura is fairly quiet, her eyes constantly shifting around the fast food restaurant.

Carson’s eyes narrow at Misty’s remark in his ear, the corner of his mouth twitching. “Well, you wouldn’t want me to get grumpy, now would you?”

He searches her eyes as she draws back, falling into their life, their spark. She made him feel alive.

The suggestion of lunch brings a grin to his lips. “I don’t know…” He plays up mock hesitance. “If I spend any more time with you, they might have to take me away to a mad house, ‘cause you certainly know how to drive a man crazy. But…”

He draws his face closer to hers. “Since you’re asking…”

Another kiss gets placed on her lips. “I think I can make an exception.”

Before allowing himself to get carried away, he stands up, sliding Misty off his lap. “Meet you by the exit in five minutes…unless this stupid paperjam takes me longer.”

Con watches Jamie leave the room, and can’t help the slight unwanted feeling the creeps up on him. It wasn’t really sad…certainly not upset…it was just…there. Jamie loved children and it was apparent to him that she missed her own. What if she knew she’d never have a second chance?

Paula smiles broadly and offers Sadie to Jamie. “You most certainly can. That would be the biggest help of all.”

Sadie’s tears begin to dry, and she looks up at Jamie’s face with wonderment.

Paula nods with satisfaction. “If you need me, give a holler. Just make yourself at home. All of Sadie’s things are either in that bag there, or on the dresser.” Leaving Jamie at it, Paula returns to the kitchen to finish up preparing lunch.

…The chatter at the lunch table is almost overwhelming. Mindy tugs at Con’s sleeve, now used to the fact that if she wanted his attention, she couldn’t just talk to him because he might not hear her.

Con looks down with question. “Yes?”

Mindy points to her glass of milk that is too far away to reach. “I can’t reach it.”

Con chuckles and easily reaches it for her. “There you go.”

“Are we going fishing again?” Seth asks with enthusiasm.

“Sure,” Con nods, taking a bite of his egg salad sandwich. “Maybe you can convince your grandma to stay up late and we can have an after-dark excursion to see how many bullhead we can pull out of the pond.”

All the boys look up with excitement, glancing towards their grandparents.

Paula shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “You boys. Well, if your grandfather thinks its alright, it’s fine by me.”


Con glances to his side at Jamie. “Family tradition.”

Before they know it, lunch is coming to a close, and the kids bustle around, helping clear off the table as asked to do. With all the movement and giddy children, the air is a bit warm, and Con opts to step outside for a moment to regroup after the incredibly active morning.

He excuses himself, knowing he’s leaving Jamie in very capable hands. Slipping outside, he eases down on the top step of the porch, the light breeze refreshing him.

Dan sees Con leave, and mingles with the family for a few more minutes before following the route outside. He takes a deep breath of the country air and leans on the porch railing, glancing down at his nephew. “Everything all right?” Both men’s backs remain to the screen door, neither paying attention to ears that might be passing by.

“Yeah.” Con nods with the most surety he’d had in weeks. “I think so.”

Dan smiles a little, hearing the laughter of the kids inside the house. “Those kids adore you, Con. When are you gonna have a family of your own?”

Con isn’t surprised by the personal question, and gives a short dry laugh. “You know the cards are stacked against me on that one.”

Dan shrugs. “I know about what happened. But there are options.”

“What? Defy nature?” Con shakes his head. “Naw…I don’t think a family is in my future. When I come here…this is when I experience family. I can play cousin or uncle to these kids for just a while, and satisfy that portion of my life.”

Dan furrows his brow. “Just because you can’t have your own kids doesn’t mean you can’t have a family.”

“But would it be the same?” Con purses his lips in thought. “I don’t know.”

“I guess that’s up to you and whoever you decide to settle down with.”

Con lifts an eyebrow, wondering if Dan was implying just who he would settle down with.

Dan glances at him and gives a little shrug.

Con rolls his eyes and looks back out into the yard. “She doesn’t even know about it.”

“Why not?”

“If you must know, I guess I just hadn’t gotten around to that kind of intimate detail.”

“Do you think it will change anything?”

“I don’t know. She and I haven’t gotten to the point of talking about the future. …But if she had a happy family picture in mind, this might change something. I just don’t want to disappoint her.”

Dan doesn’t prod any more and after a few minutes of silence, he finally straightens up and turns back towards the house. “God knows your future, Con. Don’t forget that.”

Con doesn’t turn, but hears his uncle go back inside the house. He leans to the side, resting his head on the porch rail. What did his future hold? Coming here had been good for him…he felt more settled…more relaxed…ready to face life again. He’d had a reconnection with God that he’d needed, and felt more spiritually full than he had in a long time. But the future…that was something that remained unclear.